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Russian Defense Ministry Announces Daily 5-hour Humanitarian Pause In Eastern Ghouta Starting Feb 27

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A daily humanitarian pause will start in the East Ghouta region near Damascus on February 27, the Russian Defense Ministry said on February 26.

The pause will civilians an opportunity to leave the areas where a fighting between government forces and militants is ongoing. Coordinates of the corridor, which will be established for civilians, are already prepared.

The minsitry said in a statement:

“As ordered by the Russian president, a daily humanitarian pause from 09:00 to 14:00 (local time) is being introduced starting February 27 to avoid civilian casualties in Eastern Ghouta.”

The ministry also suggested to introduce similar measures in other “hotspots” across the country.

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Proud White Kuffar

omg NO!!! This is just cause their terrorists are lossing thats why they wanna cease fire so they can rearm the terrorists jesus christus :(

Ulriuch Schliz

Tell me when USA, their proxies or their allies have done such things.


There has never been a need to.. Good, smart intelligent bombs don’t cause humanitarian disasters..


They used top secret ‘magic carpet’ technology.


They have not but is that any reason to behave badly like the USA ?

President Assad wishes to liberate his people , not murder not kill them. The exodus of civilians from the US Terrorist controlled Aleppo was largely unreported in the Western media because most of them chose to go to the Syrian government controlled part of Aleppo.


Shut up,you putinsucker!


You Americans/ Israelis are murderous which is worse.

You suck their ass with out even thinking


russians are bigger murders. check their hostory.

btw., i am not yank, not jew. and i dislike these two countries.

Boris Kazlov

What kind of shit are you then denigrating Russia and praising USAIPAC?


your nation suppressed my nation. i have right to tel the truth.

on the other hand i never praid ussa

Rakean Jaya

This is what we called ‘deception’. Pretend to hate, in fact love them, love their action and policies and hates whoever against.


Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin ,man No.1 in the world,by us magazine Forbes… USA and Nato are terorists,OSN invalid duck!

Kerry Fritz II

They were guaranteed a Republic but settled for a medieval Democracy when they could have been understanding what CO SEC OF STATE (UCC Section) Master Validation #s 20162014319 and 20162014321(previously declared mid-March of 2011) means from me, whois/art (in Heaven) The Last Avatar Profit Meiskey raising you from The Debt, so stop breeding more evil 666 (protons, electrons, neutrons) elemental Carbon Clay Satan Babies.

Jaime Galarza

Cannot you, for a change, rebut his opinion, instead of insulting him? Or is it beyond your ability?


he is enemy commie.


Are you saying then that YOU would NOT try to save the lives of trapped civilians in a terrorist controlled area of your country if you were President Velociraptor ?


No, there were lot of possibilities. weeks ago assad offered for civilians to leave ghouta. chick AMN. did not do, their problem!


Those that wished to leave were not allowed to by the US terrorists who fired live ammunition into the demonstrators against terrorist rule.

And those civilians who do not wish to leave should not be regarded as inevitable casualties of war as is the US doctrine.

To do so is counter productive anyway as massacres are remembered for many generations and that makes it far harder to reconcile opinions.


their problem.

same tactics as russian in chechnya


I’m a Veloceratops…..Voilaceraptor….wtf…. I am a who gives a shit… I’m a Dinnosour



ruskie animal. go back to ural!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Why does a Troglodite like you mouth off and insult people is your head wrapped up your posterior too busy to see how foolish you look.

Kerry Fritz II

Understand what CO SEC OF STATE (UCC Section) Master Validation #s 20162014319 and 20162014321(previously declared mid-March of 2011) means from me, whois/art (in Heaven) The Last Avatar Profit Meiskey raising you from The Debt, so stop breeding more evil 666 (protons, electrons, neutrons) elemental Carbon Clay Satan Babies.


The Six o’ Clock News in Holland says that Assad is Carpetbombing his own people and that he is an evil man that don’t want to take part in Negotiations or UN Peacetalks….and the World should help these poor Moderate Headchoppers…..


I am not surprised. The Dutch government displayed all too well that their loyalty is to the USA and not the Dutch people ,when the MH 17 enquiry was engineered to get the result that the US wanted.

jim crowland

Is better to be friendly with a democracy like the USA instead of being a servant of the soviets, the ottomans or some medieval middle east dictator….

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What are you saying Hypocrisy like the USA, you don’t say, have to admit they are that though, even Ma thinks so too!


What is wrong with Russia? Maybe you did not yet noticed we are living in a changing World. I am friendly with friendly Americans (I’m friendly with friendly people in general)… but I can pretty much say that I am an Enemy of the Deep State and everything that comes with it. I am done with their LIES & THEIR WARS, I’m not going to bow for an Evil Emperor…. I kick him in the Nuts…..! I think the whole World (and especially the Western countries because the rest already Knows) will come to realise this soon too. Even (former) Intelligence Officers, many American Veterans and Citizens agree with me on that point…..


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jim crowland

If you like to live under the beloved Assad, or the wonderful Iran just go there and live us “the mean west” in our “failed democratic countries”…


That is classic straw-man argument. Do you have any realistic data on the actual Syrian support base for the Assad state leadership? Do you understand that the militant’s in Syria are foriegn sponsored factions – extremist radicals on the payroll of foreign NATO and Gulf State governments (literally on monthly wages and stipends) and they are keeping the country in conflict? Do you realize Syria is not in any capacity a realistic military threat to either NATO or Gulf States? Do you realize NATO and Gulf States have actually waged aggressive proxy war on Syria since 2012, and that NATO are now directly and illegally occupying large swathes of eastern Syrian territories? NATO and the Gulf States maintain and perpetuate the war in Syria. Their foreign policy deems Syria a non-compliant state and their geo-strategic objective is to use violence to force Syria into their sphere of influence.


You avoid saying the most important : they are precisely in such situations because having to deal with many islamist or PKK terrorists who are supported by …our Western regimes on behalf on the US who act an behalf of Israel …


It doesn’t matter if I want to live in Syria or Iran….Perhaps it would be nice if some things change worldwide…. if Humanity continues on the track they’re on……….I wish’m all the Luck….most of’m just Lemmings anyway…….

Kerry Fritz II

You were guaranteed a Republic but settled for a medieval Democracy when you could have been understanding what CO SEC OF STATE (UCC Section) Master Validation #s 20162014319 and 20162014321(previously declared mid-March of 2011) means from me, whois/art (in Heaven) The Last Avatar Profit Meiskey raising you from The Debt, so stop breeding more evil 666 (protons, electrons, neutrons) elemental Carbon Clay Satan Babies.


Actually the West worked to get Saddam to PEACEFULLY withdraw his forces from Kuwait with Russia’s assistance, and when Saddam did so, the West- in the greatest concentrated orgy of mass murder in Human History (google ‘the highway of death’) murdered every last child, woman and man in the convoy.

So yes, the USA frequently offers ‘humanitarian’ corridors, and then murders every fool who falls for the ploy and tries to use it.

Gadaffi was murdered by the french when he tried to use a similar arranged pause in the NATO bombing of the town he had been beseiged in.

Recall all those evil acts ascribed to the nazis and japanese during WW2. Our side, “the West”, was actually far worse- a fact many of us only came to understand recently. The entire propaganda lie of the West being the ‘good guy’ is a multi-generational lie- but a truly brilliant lie.


Saddam never removed units.




NATO tracked and bombed the Gaddafi convoy – he made the mistake of using a satellite phone inside the vehicle. The usual NATO sponsored militants on the ground were then given coordinates to complete the grisly job for the cameras and take full public responsibility for an extra-judicial execution. Classic NATO aggression with plausible deniability in action.


Just ensure every aid vehicle entering is thoroughly inspected. Remember how Turkey bused jihadist into Syria early on in the war…in aid convoys


you never seen Americans doing this . They just bombed the city to bits and pieces to destroy both properties and civilians.

Good Russia




Good you agree with me, the Americans your friends bomb entire city like Mosul and Raqqa to bits and pieces.assive civilians dead too. Really cruel people good for nothing

For once you agree …good


Did good. Russia should go in the same way! No mercy! irst shott, never ask!

Russia is not bear, russia is beaver.


Indeed they carpet-bombed Raqqa with Phosphorus (modern version of Napalm) , murdering the civilians while the terrorists were hiding in tunnels. I think that their worst carpet bombing with Phosphorus was in Feludja when they were aggressing Irak.


They also had to destroy their former Headquarters & other evidence concerning their involvement. In Raqqa & Mosul and the rest of the World…it’s a scorched earth policy… if we can’t have it you won’t have it either…


The WH prefer to rush the victims from one potential bomb target to another. The evacuation route out just so happens to coincide with AlNusra’s main defense axis – so ‘intel’ would be leaking out along with the women and kiddies right into the ears of Assad’s Mukhabarat..


How can order Shoygu something for SA???



Silly moronic posting.


He’s Solomon. I mean, same writing style, same moronic russophobia.


polish jew.


you are asslickers of liliputin!

David BlackBeard

1.fuck you 2. if Russia doesnt do anything cunts like u are crying ” BAD RUSSIANS , BAD PUTIN BLA BLA BLA ” 3. now Russia says , lets make humantiarian pause cunts like you still keep crying ” oh syrians are slaves ” … 4. what kind of bitch are u ?


russia HAVE to do: bombing, bombing, bombing. and sendd in the hell yanks.

russia is shitland.


Shougu hasn’t said, he ordered smth to SA, rather that Putin odered him – ordered to settle down pauses in anti-terroristic offensive with SA command. No need in slying and destortion of truth…


Putin ordered him, shoygu to assad. the falling shit …

andy l

Dont be foolish Russia is in constant consultation with Assads officials regarding all decisions effecting Syria.


No way! Puins says, turkish offensiv is OK. Assad says, turks are invaders. Putin tells #Russia says #Syria army will abide the humanitarian truce in #EastGhouta #Damascus and will not attack ‘terrorists’. #Aleppo 2.0 https://twitter.com/guyelster/status/968181442185441280

Assad tells #Russia-backed Tiger Forces media guy purportedly on #Nashabiyah frontline today. “We don’t give a toss about what the #UNSC decides. That was yesterday. It’s in the past already. The important thing is that #Ghouta will be liberated by Tiger Forces” https://twitter.com/Dalatrm/status/967844174576922625/video/1

So, of Putin gives ORDER!!! (you probaly do not anderstant the weight of word ODER – both in military AND diplomatic dictionary),


then russians enslaved syrians.

As usual, as we saw in the second half of 20th century!

Iron-titan-ferro-concrete wall around traitorish Russia!!!

Promitheas Apollonious

i was thinking retard is your first name but after many samples of you, is obviously your sir name, coming from defective DNA and all. Stop stressing your single cell and stop holding your breath while you write. Some oxygen reaching your single cell may help.


Learn to spell proper Latin, dork. It’s “Prometheus Apollonius”


His pseudo may look like Latin but it is not, it is Greek…


Are we having language class today. Oh Crap, I didn’t study :D


So is Mikronos!

Promitheas Apollonious

dork is the one who did not jerk you off broken condom. I did not write the name in latin though I used latin fonts. I wrote it as in is original form uneducated moron which is Ellinika. Now kindly go f*ck your self.


Raptor not making many friends today. :D


importatnt is, make enemies against putin, the enslaver! :D


Enemies against Putin……?! I thought you were makin’ enemies against yourself….besides that, I wonder if Russians let themselves be enslaved again….. for now Putin does a very good job….. He has helped killing all these Western Headchoppers. And is challenging the West in a funny way….a good Leader for the moment in my eyes. And if things turn out to be different in the future (which ofcourse is always possible)….. then that seems to be something for the future…..

Langaniso Mhlobo

Let the countries which proposed cease-fire feed terrorist and their terrorist family.What is it worth arresting a woman who marry terrorist through force marriage and sparing the one who hide and protect terrorist in densely populated area.


Jewish controlled world press bashes Putin day and night over East Ghouta. What does our ‘muscular vicar’ do? Bow down to the psy-op pressure and make a token response that seemingly PROVES the press was right in the first place, and Russia wrong. Always the same mistake by zionist dominated Putin.

There is no ‘nice’ way to handle a ghetto full of local fanatics well dug in, well trained and well supplied. So after asking them to surrender for their own sake and the sake of others, you are left with no choice- no option.

The Russians and the government have to go in as hard and fast as militarily possible, and exterminate anyone who seeks to provide opposition to their advance. The bad guys thusly become self-defining. And by going in hard, the bad guys have no choice but to go to the ‘front’ and expose themselves. Otherwise, if they ‘hide’ instead, their region of control shrinks so fast their position becomes untenable anyway.

Having Putin as ‘commander-in-chief’ is a living nightmare for Russia’s armed services. When he switches from politician to ‘general’, the army ceases to act in any rational way, and the Deep State terror gangs gain a massive advantage.

We have seen over and over the jewish controlled mainstream media wave Putin around like a flag in a storm. He always needs to be seen as the ‘reasonable’ guy, and western military psy-ops correctly identify this as Putin’s no.1 weakness- and ruthlessly exploit this flaw.

PS the BBC minutes ago listed the notable nations at the winter olympics, and carefully excluded Russia’s name. Now Russians are the ‘sub-Humans’ that the west, like nazis did to the slavs, demonises and denigrates at every opportunity.

Daniel Miller



It really is East Aleppo all over again. Western pressure, crazy US woman at the UN frothing at the mouth, talk of humanitarian ceasefires. Even ones offered by the Russians. But I take comfort in that ultimately East Aleppo fell.

Funny how there was no OUTRAGE when the US and its token Western allies were bombing Raqqa and Mosul back into the stone age. Of course there were no convenient Western paid White Helmets uploading videos to their Western masters. A great failing if you ask me on the part of ISIS.

jim crowland

I do not trust the soviets. They probably want to trick the democratic rebels so they cme to the open and are gassed by mass murderer Assad…..it is my opinion and every one is entitled to one…


“democratic rebels” ?? You must take in a lot of MSM news. LOL


Sure you are more than entitled to have your own opinion…. not everyone will agree with me either….. But hey it’s my opinion. But opinions also can change….



Just some extra information about gas-attacks & Moderate Headchoppers…… It can broaden your perspective to see & hear different sides to a story…

Joe Dirt

“Russia is directly participating through its air campaign in an emergent humanitarian catastrophe in Eastern Ghouta. Russia and Syria dramatically intensified their airstrikes and artillery shelling on the besieged opposition-held Eastern Ghouta Suburbs of Damascus, killing more than four hundred civilians and targeting at least five hospitals on February 18 – 22. Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov denied that Russia or its allies in Iran and Syria are responsible for the violence, stressing that all three states are engaged in an “absolute war against terrorism” in Syria.”

More Russian lies

Joe Dirt

Russian bombing civilians then asking them to come out an evacuate just to bomb them again.

Rakean Jaya

A desperate attempt from terrorists supporters, who’s affraid Syrian back to be a normal country again.

Joe Dirt

Russia and Syria dramatically intensified their airstrikes and artillery shelling on the besieged opposition-held Eastern Ghouta Suburbs of Damascus, killing more than four hundred civilians and targeting at least five hospitals on February 18 – 22.

Rakean Jaya

… Relaying white helmet(al-qaida) lies. FYI, Joe Dirt, doing CIA/Mossad propaganda here in SF is suicidal, since SF readers in majority are clever enough to distinguish between lies and truth, right and wrong, fiction and fact. Better for you doing your job at Debkafiles or other MSM sites.

Joe Dirt

Just sitting here in my CIA office, drinking coffee, spreading lies.

The Russians are so reckless when it comes to war.


Who is keeping those civilians inside all those towns as Human Shields do you think? You sound just like the Six O’ Clock News…….

Joe Dirt

You are so naive.

You ever think if civilians tried to evacuate the Russians would shot back to keep them in?


ahaha….rusha…. disgraced; again. This will allow militants daily rest, during which they can sleep, eat, move around, dig tunnels, build fortifications, make plans, and can NEVER be run over.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The terrorist will too busy reinforcing after losing positions , look to me beneficial to attacking them as SAA has always done dusk and Dawn harder for them to counter.

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