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MARCH 2025

Russian Defense Ministry: Israel Was Behind Last Night Strike On Syria’s T4 Airbase

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Russian Defense Ministry: Israel Was Behind Last Night Strike On Syria's T4 Airbase

Israeli F-15 warplane. Source: AP/TASS

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said that the Israeli Air Force had been behind a missile attack on Syria’s T4 Airbase, which took place overnight on April 9.

According to the Russian military, two Israeli F-15 warplanes launched 8 missiles at the Tiyas airbase:

  • 5 missiles were shot down by the SADF;
  • 3 missiles reached the western part of the airbase.

The MoD added that Russian military advisers had suffered no casualties in the incident.

Russian military advisers are actively operating across Syria. According to local sources, some units of Russian forces use the T4 Airbase for their operations against ISIS in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert.

MORE ABOUT THE MISSILE STRIKE ON THE T4 AIRBASE HERE: Syrian Air Defense Forces Repel Missile Attack On T4 Airbase. Casualties Reported (Map, Video)

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MD Ranix

russia must retaliate

You can call me Al

Let them finish laughing first.


ATTACK the JEWS air base from where those airplane came from, that was an act of WAR agains a sovereign country.


5 missiles shot down from 8 – minimal damage – hardly worth responding to.


Even if Russians suffered casualties , they would say none because they will never go against Israel .

Russia and Israel are friends …

So Syria has to defend themselves .

Well 5 out of 8 missiles is not bad.

Only thing, Israeli planes dared not enter Syrian air space

John Whitehot

“Israeli planes dared not enter Syrian air space”

As usual.


I think the Israelis were just testing to see how good Pantsir is. Now they know it takes five missiles to “swarm” it.


Israhell depends on Russia for it’s Survival, they know that without their support… they soon be washed into the Sea..which pose an interesting question…what will happen when Russia drops Israhell..?the West hasn’t got the Army to protect them… their army is just build big enough to Loot the small and weak ones…they are Nothing but a bunch of Criminals…


Probably super sonic missiles from the sounds of it. Fired at comparatively close range with only a few minutes of flight time.

Art Best

Putin is a crypto-Jew traitor to Mother Russia and the rest of the Christian world.

The chief rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, is Putin’s mentor and great friend. Putin’s link to the jewish mafia of Chabad is well documented.

Even though Jews (Bolsheviks) have been killing and oppressing Russians by the millions for a hundred years, Russians are still in love with Jews. The so-called Russian oligarchs are Jews, as are Medvedev and Putin.







To put it in the mildest of terms, Putin is not a good man nor a great strategist who has Russia’s best interests at the top of his priorities.

Here’s a partial list of things explaining why Putin is part of the problem and not part of the solution:

1. Putin never stopped selling Russian oil for American dollars thus aiding and abetting Russia’s sworn enemy, the American MIC. 2. Putin never nationalized the City of London owned-and-controlled Russian central bank and never took control of the ruble away from anglozionist bankers. 3. Putin never stopped BACKING thereby subsidizing the petrodollar with Russian oil. 4. Putin enabled NATO to kill Gaddafi. 5. Putin sells Russian gas and oil for Euros (which are just a different name for the dollar) to the European Union who commit acts of war by passing sanctions against Russia along with the Americans. 6. Putin never demanded the Americans leave Syria. 7. Putin never declared Syria’s airspace closed to America. 8. Putin never helped the Russians in Eastern Ukraine establish secure borders and independence from the NATO-imposed criminal regime in Kiev. 9. Putin sold highest-level-military-technology S-400s to NATO via Turkey thereby directly impairing Russian national security. 10. Putin sold S-400s to Saudi Arabia who are wahhabi muslim terrorists bent on the extermination of Putin’s allies the Alawite/Christian Syrians and Shiite Persians. 11. Putin collaborates with the Turks who are proud to have ambushed and shot down Russian jets and killed Russian pilots. Turkish President Erdogan wowed to shoot down Russians again. 12. Putin opened Syrian airspace to the Turks so that they could bomb and exterminate the Kurds of Afrin in Northern Syria, just like the Turks did to the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians. 13. Putin ALWAYS allowed the Americans and the Jews to bomb and kill Syrians and Russian military personnel with impunity. 14. Putin never punished the Jewish terrorists who exploded Russian passenger jets killing hundreds of Russians. 15. Putin agreed to pass sanctions against North Korea thereby agreeing to starve the North Korean population. 16. Putin refused to deliver the self-defense-related S-300s to his supposed ally Iran. 17. Putin has not provided up-to-date SAMs including S-400s to his Syrian allies. 18. Putin is still “investigating” the recent crash of the Russian plane that killed dozens of Russian pilots which were among its passengers. 19. The zionist oligarchs are still in power in Putin’s Russia. 20. Russians are still not better off than they were under the Soviet Union.

Putin the crypto-zionist?

Not good.



You’ve run this garbage before, and when I disproved the lies that you’re peddling, you couldn’t counter it with credible verifiable evidence. You’re wasting people’s time with your rubbish while Russia is winning the war.

Art Best

You’re calling FACTS garbage?

It’s a fact that Putin LIED when he said Russians would intercept enemy planes and rockets attacking Syria. It’s a fact that Putin LIED when he promised the launching platforms of said weapons would be destroyed as well.

Putin is a crypto-Jewish Zionist traitor to Mother Russia and the rest of the Christian world.


“The MoD added that Russian military advisers had suffered no casualties in the incident.”

Art Best

You want us to believe spokespersons of the Putin administration who LIE and say that no Russian soldiers died because they were not supposedly officially registered as such five seconds prior to their murder at the hands o the Americans?

That’s the same as the Israelis saying the Palestinians they killed were terrorists because Israelis killed them.

You are full of it.


With a lying head case troll like you who I’ve exposed multiple times for peddling disinfo makes unsubstantiated claims like the ones that you’re making. That you’re unwilling and unable to support with credible verifiable evidence because it doesn’t exist. Your opinion on the matter is worthless.

Prove this or be exposed again as a wack job fruit cake:

“no Russian soldiers died because they were not supposedly officially registered as such five seconds prior to their murder at the hands o the Americans”

Art Best

I don’t have to prove that the Putin administration lied, deflected and tried to cover up how many Russians were killed by the Americans because it’s COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Anna Varfolomeeva doesn’t sound like an American name to me: https://thedefensepost.com/2018/02/10/russians-killed-coalition-strikes-deir-ezzor-syria/


That’s not credible verifiable evidence. The article is full of contradictions and it’s obviously a site run by scammers, just like the disinfo that you’re peddling. It’s clearly a lying Jew world order propaganda mouth piece. From the same source:

– How to Respond to Syria’s Gas Attack In Ways that Work –


Show me credible verifiable evidence that Russian soldiers, not PMCs, died as you claim.

You can call me Al


John Whitehot

starlight go the fuck away


you shitty white mucropenis, you have no right play the god here!!!!


Yep Putin is so much of a zionist he comes to Assads aid in 2015 which is contrary to the interests of Israel. He has thwarted the wests regime change plans because he is a zionist lol

Art Best

Putin is only protecting his Syrian bases and Zionist interests on Syrian soil. Putin LIED a couple of weeks ago when he promised to protect the Syrians from attacks. Putin LIED when he promised to retaliate by taking out the platforms whence missiles were fired towards Syria.


More BS he said clearly if the US attacked Damascus where Russian personnel are operating there would be a response. This was not the US it was just 2 IAF planes operating from lebanon

You can call me Al

PS Also, it was on any missions where Russians were involved and he / they then sent Russians into most of the squads in battle.


Don’t confuse this troll with real facts…it makes his brain whirl. I lied, he doesn’t have a brain.

US-Navy Revert Shia

lol at this list of BS HASBARA-BOY go fuck yourself

Art Best

Putin LIED a couple of weeks ago when he promised to protect the Syrians from attacks. Putin LIED when he promised to retaliate as well.


P-name L caps and repeat. That’s your message, and it’s false. It’s a troll kid.

Art Best

Ad hominem = troll


Please provide us credible verifiable numbers of how many 10s of thousands of Jew world order terrorists that the Russians have killed in Syria. And before and after Russian intervention in Syria comparison maps. And then explain to us what your idiocy has to do with reality.

Art Best

The reality is that Jews are not dying in Syria.

Goyim Russians, Syrians, Jihadi Muslims, psychopathic head chopping Muslims, Kurds, Christians, even some goyim Americans ARE dying in Syria for the pleasure of Israel.


The reality is that the Syrian government coalition is winning the war and is on Israel’s border with a nuclear armed military force that wasn’t there before that the evil Jew baby rapers are no match for. That’s the reality.

Art Best

Are you denying that the Russian forces in Syria are COOPERATING with Israel and NEVER confronting Israel or America?


The reality is that there’s a no fly zone west of the river. And that Israel aircraft and missiles are routinely being shot at and shot down using Russian tracking and targeting.

Peter Jennings

The Russian admin know very well that having to deal with US plans for the region will mean at some point having to deal with isreal plans too. President Putin is the ex secret service leader of a major power and more than a match for Netty and his spoiled mates.


BS he said clearly if the US attacked Damascus where Russian personnel are operating there would be a response. This is just a usual Israeli strike which has been going on for years in some out of the way airbase

Robert Duran

“This is just a usual Israeli strike which has been going on for years in some out of the way airbase” And that makes it what ok? Every missile that is fired into Syria just makes Russia’s job harder in one way or another

Art Best


Now you’ll have the army of Judeo-American trolls come after you.

Foolish of you (sarcasm).


“Now you’ll have the army of Judeo-American trolls come after you.” lol you are certainly amongst them


And there was a response the airdefences took out 5 of the 8 missiles according to reports. Is that not good enough

Art Best

So if the Americans or the Jews kill Russians or Syrians on a regular basis, it’s OK.

It’s only when they bomb and kill on a sporadic basis that it becomes unacceptable.

Got it.


You’ve definitely got it. Please try to get a cure and don’t pass it around. Unfortunately for you, it’s called stupidity and guess what? You can’t fix stupid. Looks like you’re doomed.

Art Best

Take a number and move on, goy.

No spam for you today as your ad hominems are ineffectual, lacking body and content.


Okay, so what? Putin lied. Good! Let him lie even more. At least the jews are trapped and eliminated. This is their pre- death agony. Enjoy!


ah alone paranoic antisemic rubbish pro ukro!!

Art Best

Russia under Putin never responded when hundreds of Russian soldiers were killed by the Americans in only one attack.

Russia under Putin never responded when Russian generals were killed by the Americans and their allies.

Russia under Putin NEVER responded when Russian jets were shot down and their RUSSIAN pilots were murdered in cold blood after having parachuted.


This is BS there werent hundreds of Russian soldiers killed – there were some private contractors & tribal forces


14 is not 100. They will pay for it. How many jews and jewish mercenaries have been eliminated?

Art Best


Putin is still alive.

As are Trump, Hillary, Bush, and Obama.

Netanyahu is more American than any of the above.


no 500 but 6 only propagange atlantist!!


Ahhh, more of your ‘facts’. The rest of the world calls these facts ‘lies’…or Zionist propaganda….or wishful thinking…MSM propaganda. One thing they are not, is actual facts.

Art Best

I’m making logical and verifiable statements that can be rebutted with counter arguments.

You on the other hand are making mere assertions without an argument or any facts to back them up.

Pray tell, idiot,

What makes you authoritative? Why do we even have to bother replying to you?


Napušiš se kurca Putinu! P.S. find translation in english-serbian dictionary, or simple Google-translate.


Jewish troll……

Art Best

Tell us why somebody who is criticizing Jews is a Jewish troll.



Cee Jay

Israel and Saudi Arabia benefit most from the US getting involved.

US-Navy Revert Shia

What is the genius behind hitting T-4-?… Have some balls hit the lions den…

Kell McBanned

Might be time to give something other than updated S200s a run https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4f6601f17a6622ce5e10ee84dfb1696ae16c8aa141a6e9a340e0d2116e6dd3e.jpg


“The Israeli aircraft did not enter Syrian airspace and launched the strikes while flying over Lebanon.”

– 2 Israeli warplanes carried out strikes on Syrian airbase – Russian MoD –


Kell McBanned

If they fire anything into Syrian airspace shoot them down, if its ok for Israel to violate leb airspace a few S300/400s should be fine also


now THAT sounds more like Israehelli cowards. Too scared to lose more fake Jew flyboys.

You can call me Al

Unfortunately I don’t do Kosher, but I get the point……


Денис Черкасов

And where is russian help? Russians have said earlier that they will shoot down missiles and carriers


disregarding the situation on T4 , it must be disconcerting for western airpower mafia to see their precious and super expensive missiles can be stopped by mere syrian air defense with older equipment..


not older Equipment… Its Pantsir overall… Nobody use a s400 Missile to shoot down Air-To-Ground Missiles. And S200 (only older air defense within in SAA) dont hit Missiles, but can be a threat to enemy aircrafts.


it is older version of Pantsyr , unlike the more modern russian Pantsyr.. while it is older , it is sufficiently effective to destroy enemy PGM..

this is a new paradigm of warfare , where enemy guided munitions are now subject to massive point defense attrition.. There’s no more unopposed HARM / LGB / GPS guided munitions hitting unprotected assests without competition.. Now to really hit and destroy assets they have to spend more expensive PGMs to even reach better hit percentage..


Israeli migrants state is a bigger threat than ISIS and Al-Qaeda in the Middle East. Now Netanyahu can invade Russia and their allies. The butcher Netanyahu has proved to the world that F35 are really stealthy even the S400 air defence missile system cannot detect F35 which will boost the F35 sale while it will reduce the S400 sale. This is trully a bigger slap of Netanyahu.


Yeah. As it was Lockheed Martin F-117A Nighthawk, 1999. I live for day when some Serbian boy will hit that new merican toy too, so I can die after that with smile on my face. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/16480c617b60e46948d41bc1904705d40db525f352e47142f10f132aad598aed.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e1a955f9a37b501978512fb2793fce70b349c2f84af6aa2ad43e83517359275e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/812b8b5119e872cda742514f708600f4f3cc73b4c2c991ef300b468f2b742fd1.jpg

jim crowland

keep dreaming!

You can call me Al

Keep crying little one. McDonald’s open yet ?


Keep dreaming what, how old are you, this happen in 1999 you idiot, the man who were at the defense stations, do you know what the men describe what happen, they said quote: “We didn’t see anything but probably when they Turn ON the stealth mode then we see him on the radar as christmas tree.” If you don’t believe that this was not true Check Google, poor Jim.


1999 is a long time ago which makes it all the more remarkable since back then, there was nothing supposedly that could detect this overpriced flying brick.it was no lucky strike, surely a taste of some Russian air defense tech bringing Yankee piece of shit down.


It was Russian system from 1960. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ed8707ddaf25dcc1deb3f461136f35fccec2367be94d28158d6811d242878f7b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4df4a4eddca92eea67ca64e225211ad159cb56ad39f81b0c80908f8058032efa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2f3347591287dd5526e5098b49fbc90bf04d08a58b539ca53c5ee17aa5ad745.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6265ddf2b9b5f368340140011d2f4ccd6131dc5aaf47badbe8f62e9fe7e1a168.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a900ba6e686dea1a5c571a7d72a5c3e80ac331fc3ddef856b2cf21c7ffdd7618.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/77498a32ffcafdcee9119c06b1689b792d8a5c6ddb5a33be49b10a832aae50e6.jpg


http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-f-35-14-trillion-dollar-national-disaster-19985 http://theconversation.com/what-went-wrong-with-the-f-35-lockheed-martins-joint-strike-fighter-60905 https://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/over-200-defects-new-age-fighter-cant-shoot-straight/news-story/cbd9b51c3b8a4b60e7aa54dedda555bc


Ristic pretpostavke moje su da si iz Srbije jel tako. Ovi Americki ovci, necu ni da priznaju da je jet soboren tada. Idiota. Imao sam 15 godina kad je Nato pakta napado Srbije, svaki dan su pagali svaki bombe u Makedoniju, da ne citiram ali jas sam iz Makedonije glavni grad.Bilo je katastrofa zbog cemu, da oni im dalu siptare drzava, Prokleti amerikancima.




Yep, I Remember that day, Serbs hopping Happily ontop of that downed invisible NightHawk. Maybe the Serbs should be out helping the Syrians then?


Dont get carried away having a few stealth aircraft doesnt mean you can invade Russia – Hitler tried that with 150 divisions – 500,000 men & look what happened.

j. jaxson

invade russia? come on man.israel is good at getting others to fight for them. i am not impressed.


Disappointed in the US not getting involved. You gotta give credit to Israel for striking the inhumane Assad


He he he. The time is coming when israhell will be debited, not credited!


Are You US-troll idiot or just idiot?!


Aww… I’ve missed you! Where have you been? Specially after the untimely death of Krupacek, these boards became too lonely.

I’m glad you decided to join with your usual upside down stories. Good chap!


Aww you must be so saddened that East Ghouta & Douma are about to fall

Steve Bell

If the IDF was “striking Assad”, it missed. And 3/8 is not a good score.

Brad Isherwood

Pantsir Point defence and BUK M2E. That 3 missed is interesting. … Does SAA have area Jamming?

Kick chairs Israhell. …you Failed! : )

Russian Radar can detect IAF jets taking off. There’s no way Syria gets surprise strike now,…unless Russia is not passing down telemetry to SAA airdefence. I’d like to think Putin is not this owned by Russian Jewish Oligarchs that he withholds detection/warning telemetry from SAA airdefence. Ya…Maybe Putin will not shoot down IAF. …..yet he can warn Syria. In this game. ..even a few minutes is big deal.


Pity Israel couldnt strike their own inhumane soldiers massacreing unarmed , starving Palestinians on Gaza border, INSIDE their own territory. Just what Israel is good for.Killing the unarmed, and attacking the unmanned bases to show how brave these pussies really are.

US-Navy Revert Shia

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/404ca308ae3772a33eb0b260632feda777201411cbac45f2a2d3df1a1022b2bb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/879cdd8009ac74fe48b11c5e9c05709e80704bc296ebe6a91b7099f5823e47cb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/404ca308ae3772a33eb0b260632feda777201411cbac45f2a2d3df1a1022b2bb.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/518743512fba33d7cc7b38d14b1dad57117f302859266d926f6b1655fc861c56.jpg Every time the GreatSayrian Army has a Major victory The Talmudic Scumbag IDF shoot Blanks The Strike by ISISraHELL was done again to Gas-Up ISIS


Dammit!! Come on do something now Russia you Son of a gun!!

Manuel Flores Escobar

Accord local sources in Homs…no casualties and damage…all 8 AGM 142 popeye missile were shot down by Russian Pantsir S2 missile system( there are Russian advisors)…it seems that USA and France launched their zionist dog to a limited attack vs Syria with the excuse of Chemical weapons in Douma to appease their terrorist allies!


why do you lie?

You can call me Al

why are you a total tool ?

Manuel Flores Escobar

why israel dont show image and photos of the airstrike?


hahaha, damascus shows. and moscow. ruskies told, 3 missiles hit he airport. but the wisestest manuelfloresescobar knows, that all of them were shot down. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Manuel Flores Escobar

Iran move fast and told that 3 servicem men die and write their names….its a fake as they were warning of incoming attacks…but they told that fake because Iran and Syria want modern weapons from Russia!…Syria have old S-200 while Iran dont have modern fighter jets!…now Putin appear as leader that dont want or cannot protect their allies!


Ja ja ja…Same bullshit as the last attack. Somehow they destroy all the missiles but no debris are found later. Nada, niente… Meanwhile the targets are destroyed and vermins killed. But bots keep talking bullshits about 150% rate of succes :D .

Steve Bell

The only “target’ hit by the IDF missiles was sand, as photos on this website show. If you have any proof otherwise, please post it… or else likken meiner arschloch, moron.


Lolz…. So much stupidity. Of course that the damage will not be showed :D . A standard SAA airbase is quite big and some pictures in a area not affected can be given to the bots. Unless an area picture is provided, everyone is entitled to believe whatever version they want. At least the wahabbi shit army show the remains of those g o a t fuc#ers missiles. The moujiks and syrians never provided images of those “destroyed” missiles.

Manuel Flores Escobar

you have to look photos from lebanon during past israeli attacks…it showed parts of AGM 142 popeye missile near lebanon village and then you can search in Wiki AGM 142 Photos you´ll see that the debris found are indeed Israeli Popeye missile!


Never mind the bollocs, let them drool.

This isnt exactly an surpice is it, huh, and from the Beka vally, into Syria, where they knew it was the safes place to fire from, yeah we dont talk about unarmed Palestinians killed with fighter jets, you cant be braver, right. Yeah, what to do, let this pas, so the Yankikes can drool something about having done “punishing” of the Assad, and of course, to drag scutzpah up to new an unpresedented hights is the only descrition I have oof the lastest talking coming from the scums of this earth about saving sivilianse. And let this scums have their seconds in the lime light, and think this is over. After all this years, from Yugoslavia, to the present, you have always hoped to make reason with this scums of this earth, and now, when its just Russia and China left you think Trumpstein is going to do anything about creating, peace, after all this years, full spectrum dominance, is an religion, europa, nothing less, their God is Greed, and now ISISrael did what it can to provoce WW3, nice one Joojos, where Is the PooP, to explain to us that Syrians are dumb and Anti-semtic, isnt it, what else.

UNSC, consist of what, Yankikes, Frogf…. and Germs, along with the bonkers Brits, and of course, they never lie, dont they, its an freak show of of biblical proportions. And their propaganda, yeah, where will it end, the day Russia and China is destroyed, this is the ugly truth. Beside, how will they then back track, they simply cant, the corruption sits deep, rooted thru centurys of corruption and Greed.

But, I also know the Russians knew the moment they lifted their plains from the ground, next time Russia, vaporaze the entire compound, and we will have no problems with this scums again, and if the Yankikes as much as Farts in You general direction, vaporaze their entire fleet, 1 h, and they are gone, and if any next time, they have to padle the oceans. The only language Phsycos understand is punshing back, and without mercy, since no mercy is been given nor shown, then you dont have to consder anything other than wiping them out of existence.

The world have only one problem, Trump.



NO MERCY…Revenge every attack…HARD & POWERFUL…That is the language they’ll understand

You can call me Al

If the World !! dropped a huge bomb on all Isreali airbases and their poxy navy, the ME may even have peace, if not – the 3 biggest Saudi cities should be next on the list.


Perhaps that time has arrived…

Lazy Gamer

So I guess, every time there are claims for a chemical attack, Israel will be there to take advantage of it lol. Radars wouldn’t be able to determine the nationality of the aircraft. That is too much deception

Sebastian Vicente

Any attack of Israel awake the hate against the western invention, and unify the arabs and muslims. The Saudi looks like a traitor. Is not time for war, I ´m not talking about war against Israel, (is powerfull still, not so powerfull like before, the quality of soldiers are down, and lack of commanders), I talking about morale defeat, and possible ressurge of Egypt like arab leader. Israel concentrates in deffensive systems and not in offensive tools (paranoid, Europe abandon Israel, a future where they will superated?) Syria-Iraq-Iran is the vissible axis.


Forget Egypt, it is a US puppy. Future of the region and Palestine in Iran’s hands.It will take a while, but Israelis can start packing to go back home to Europe.


Don’t buy Russia air defence , it’s useless. Buy israeli made aircraft or air defence. That’s the messages behind this attack

Steve Bell

3/8 of the useless IDF trash missiles got through and landed in sand. No injuries, no damage…the photos don’t lie. Try again, and come a little closer if you dare. If you had a brain, you wouldn’t vote up yourself without signing in with a different nom de plume.


Soviet S-200 destroyed an Israeli F35 a month ago. Israel had to violate Lebanese air sovereignty to shoot their missiles without entering in Syria, this is how confident they feel lol…….


Of course was Israhell who else is so idiotic to go shot bases in Syria with Jets. Fucking Zionistic motherfuckers. I am too tired from these games from these Zionists.




Thats all the Fkin Israhellis are good for.Killing unarmed people, babies and women

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