The ash Shayrat military airfield © REUTERS/ DigitalGlobe/Courtesy U.S. Department of Defense/Handout
Only 23 out of 59 Tomahawk missiles launched by the US Navy reached their target and hit the ash Shayrat military airfield near the Syrian city of Homs, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. The locations of the remaining 36 missiles’ impact is now unknown.
According to the statement, the US missiles destroyed a training facility, a material storage depot, a canteen, six MiG-23 aircraft in repair hangars and a radar station. Meanwhile, the airbase’s runway, taxiways and aircraft on the parking apron remained undamaged. (Photos and videos from the area)
Chief of the Directorate of Media service and Information of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Maj Gen Igor Konashenkov described the combat efficiency of the strike as “quite poor” and added that the US actions were “a gross violation” of the memorandum of understanding on flight safety in Syria between Russia and the United States. Moscow suspended the fligh memorandum with the United States earlier today.
Meanwhile, the Syrian Defense Ministry said in a statement that 6 people were killed and a notable material damage delivered to the airbase as a result of the US missile strike.
Alleged parts of a Tomahawk missile were found near Tartus in the province of Latakia:
Stupid US operation !
Stupidly ineffective operation
ineffective, because they want to be not too much effective
I’ve got a similar impresion
They want to waste their money? LOL
this was only warning. less loses than in deir ez zor months ago.
Warning to what extent? To put it on display that yanks can’t produce an accurate cruise missile? Or to hang another war crime on themselves? Or alienating themselves even farther by this blatant disregard of international law?
ey, ey, bashar, you will go in hague.
Lol. Not before Yankistan in its entirety goes to Hague
do you think?
Do i think that war criminals of yankistan should be tried in Hague? Totally. Do I think that it’s going to happen – not until the liberation of Europe from the “soft” invasion of yanks.
It’s only tax payers money so they don’t care. Good for the weapons manufacturers.
Agreed, this was sort of an attack, it looked staged…
Don’t underestimate American idiocy! Their arms are a far cry from what they are painted like in the media!
Still, the US government just killed six Syrian citizens without just cause and equally destroyed six Syrian state air assets without just cause – all on other side of the world to US.
there is no doubt, this attack was a clear aggression. but i wrtote about something else.
Don’t forget that to destroy those six MiG-23s and kill six Syrians, the US had to spend about $80 millions — not exactly the most cost-effective operation, not to mention that the runways are intact, and so the air base is fully operational.
Yet, NPR talks about it as if it was unprecedented truth – that “Syrian AF deployed the chemical weapons”. Effing liars. In any case, the fact alone that US acted prior to investigation and without a shred of proof stains yanks with yet another crime. What remains to be determined is whether the crime was only the aggression against a sovereign state by the means of 59 tomahawks, or the crime is much bigger, and yanks actually are behind the chem weapons as well.
Russian Defense Ministry said they were going to upgrade the Syrian’s air defense systems. The reported low number of actual Tomahawk cruise missile hits makes the US look weak and ineffective.
This has a chance to play out in Syria’s favor, especially if they get some newer jets. A key will be calling the US’s bluff on what evidence they have on the Syrian’s use of chemicals.
Crazy times
i wonder what happened to the rest of them. the snakes of america will probably just make up some fake evidence or something
Good question. Russia has pointed out for some years the poor performance of the US Tomahawks. Not sure if past performance (Iraq war) was only 50%. Not much Shock and Ah. What we don’t know is did the Russians help some of the missiles to disappear.
Russia too smart to tell us :-)
its was jammed. Others reach the ground on purpose to make US looks weak and for other political points.
“makes the US look weak and ineffective” it does only that and nothing else.
I have the proof that Syria did not have or use chemical weapons like the USA and Trump says! Trump said “we fired on the very air base from where the Syrian airplanes launched from that were caring chemical weapons” -Trump. Well the USA destroyed the munitions at the base, and no chemicals were released into the air! Their were no chemical weapons to even load on any warplanes. This Is Proof! Syria and Assad are innocent! Impeach Trump! He is now an equal war criminal for Zionist-Supremacist as Obama and Clinton and Bush and Benjamin are! http://www.dailystormer.com/
Siran is pretty volatile and would be eliminated in an explosion with heat.
The attack makes it almost impossible for the US to prove Syria used chemical weapons as they destroyed a bunch of stuff. Unless they have video of the Syrians loading the rockets onto the airplane ( which may be destroyed), not sure what they would have for proof.
They need no proof. They know he is innocent and they know exactly who did it for they did it according to CIA master plan. Trump is simply a monster. He does exactly the opposite to what he says. US will never change. To change US it means to destroy it. However it seems like the most of common people in the world keep on falling into a trap of believing that a new president of US will somehow bring about a change. It’s like chasing a mirage in the desert land.
Trump is still way better than Obama or Hillary, if this attack were under Hillary you can bet there would be no warning and they will make sure to kill as much russians as possible.
Trump is doing everything against his will, if there is someone who was really humiliated by this attack is himself… No wonder, he has a gun pointed to his head!
i dont think so. words are cheap. you cam learn this in case of trump. killary is in opposition. she can tell lto f, but as president do much less.
Hillary is a maniac, she behaves like Dr. Strangelove, she was the one who started all this mess to begin with, I have no doubt she would go on all out war as soon as she were in office.
Hillary said over the cyber attacks when she was running that she would “nuke Russia” over it. Hillary is completely off of the wall. Trump is a little off of it. Trumps son in law (((Jared Kushner))) is who has been manipulating Trump. Jared Kushner is Jewish, and he is close friends with Benjamin Netanyahu
I don’t hold cowardly attitude in high esteem. Do you? By this kind of reasoning you could justified about any crime committed under the Sun by cowardly people. Free people do not act out of coercion only slaves do.
I’m not justifying Trumps actions, just explaing them.
He betrayed his campaign promises and should resign… but now for the stablishment he is a hero…
You people are so misinformed! Do you actually believe your own propaganda? This was a warning to Assad,YOU MUST LEAVE NOW! Otherwise he will be assassinated.That is why he is hiding in his bunker while his men get killed.A rel brave Leader! He pooped his pants when those missiles hit! We do not wish to hurt our Russian Comrades.It is their responsibility to remove Assad and provide a government. Dissinformation is dangerous!
The russian answer is bringing antoher warship to syrian coast and increase the support to Assad… you’re the one believing your own propaganda if you think russians won’t go to WW3 for Syria… This is the red line, you better stop pushing.
Russia has interests in Syria. She cannot afford to lose it to the U.S. Or she will lose natural gas business to Qatar…..via Qatari pipeline. All the gulf countries have invested to dethrone Assad. But they have failed with the jihadists. Their last hope is for the U.S. to have a direct confrontation with Assad but Putin is protecting him. Who knows how this will turn out.
400,000 or more people dead because Assad refused to put in a gas pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Europe. It would end the Russian gas now used in Europe. That is why America and Europe funded terrorist to overthrow Syria. Google it. They have been trying to bankrupt Russia since Putin threw out the Rothschild Banks. That is the only reason, energy prices are low.
About as much of a warning as a chihuahua biting a pet hamster under the table when nobody was watching. The responsibility of every yank is to get the puck out of what’s not their business and focus on their own country, which, in fact, is in a pretty sad shape. Assad must do nothing. His responsibility is only to his own subjects and prior to yanks intervention almost 6 years ago that started the civil war, he’s been doing just fine. And still does.
Then join your brother in al-Scam so we can chase you in the desert and hunt you like a mangy jackel.
Mate you don’t know what spirit you are of. You need God in your life. For you human beings created by God are nothing more than shooting targets. That’s how much you value your own life. Are you worthy of it? Let God decide.
Looks as though Trump has already decided, on behalf of God. If today wasn’t Sunday, I’d tell you what you can do with your religion.
Bravo zemo, svaka ti je k’o Njegoševa!
By “we” I assume you mean someone other than “you” (just in case the mangy jackel turns on you)?
You’re kind of dim, aren’t you? There are several reports that covered this argument already; you’re not thinking.
Incisive analysis from the Nazi’s. What I love about Nazi’s is they are so thick they believe that Jews are responsible for every evil in the world – but this forces them to go through these convoluted explanations of how imperialism is secretly run by Jews. They get confused buy their own theories and then just say the Jews are clever at hiding themselves. And all of this because they just wanna feel great hating Jews and are too scared of the real truth about why bad shit happens in the world. Its simple you Nazi idiot: people do bad shit for money. And Anglo-Saxons have created an evil machine of imperialism to do the bad shit to make them the money.
Moron/there is no profit in war,except the bomb makers! When Rich People make wars,por people die! We do not belong in Syria as it is Russia’s pipeline.We will go back to Iraq and let our comrade ‘clean up their bloody mess’ The US is not your trash service. Also,beware of our maniac Trump,He is a loose cannon!
Were you invited into Syria? Were you asked for help? Is the world responsible for putting a raving lunatic in your White House? Get out of Syria!!!!!!!!
We are fighting ISS,you Jihadi moron!You can thank Putin for meddling in our election.I am not pleased with this Nationalist Agenda.Perhaps we should designate a ‘Reservation’ for the Mahdi and contain your brothers?
You can do whatever you like in that circus of yours.
On the subject of meddling in your election, you might want to keep up on the latest news concerning hacking. In the last 24 hrs. a group called Shadow Brokers (Americans) has published passwords to the various hacking/malware tools lost by the NSA. Their data dump includes details of hacking attacks on EU states, Russia, China, Japan and South East Asia. We also know from the latest Wikileaks release that your very own CIA has the tools to hack most servers on this planet and blame others for it. So, please! Stop this nonsense about your election being interfered with or hacked by Russia. More than likely you were hacked by your own intelligence (oxymoron) agencies.
You were invited by Iraq to fight ISIL in Iraq. Nobody asked you to come and help in Syria, where the Syrian Arab Army and various allies are fighting ISIL. To repeat…you were not invited.
Unfortunately, it is US army habit to come uninvited anywhere in the world…
Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Compare what the book entails to the world’s current situation. Henry Ford compared the book versus what was going on in the world in his time (WWI and Bolshevik Revolution), and recognized they were parallel
I guess if its the only book (pamphlet) you’ve ever read then the Protocols explains everything… The rest of us read proper books and know actual facts..
Yet,you are OK with Assad? After he destroyed the Country and displaced millions of refuges all over the EU? Also that Russia will not accept any Syrians from their puppet dictator?
Assad destroyed Syria? Wrong
If he is their so called leader, what is happening or what he is allowing to happen is on him. He owns it.
So when a super-power overruns a small country either directly or by way of proxies, the leader of the small country is responsible for the death and carnage that follows?
Unless I’m mistaken, I thought it was the Coalition’s proxies that destroyed most of Syria. The refugees in Europe, many of which are not from Syria and are not refugees, are there as a result of the West’s meddling in the sovereign affairs of others (think Iraq, Yemen, Libya etc.). If you were really interested in a country not accepting refugees can I suggest you look at the UK. You do remember the Brits preventing them from crossing the channel, right (Calais Jungle)?
Russia has/had no problem accepting ‘true refugees”, the type that wouldn’t be on government assistance for the duration of their stay. They would not accept “economic migrants” from other parts of the World, such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Morocco, Pakistan, etc. Russia, in the meantime has had to cope with over one million Ukrainian refugees fleeing from a civil war.
Finally, the USA, being the major contributor of refugees and displaced persons intends to restrict access, mostly based on religious and ethnic origin. That’s probably your homeland. If it is, you, and all your bubba friends are in no position to criticize anyone.
Assad united the country and turned it into a secular society as democratic as possible considering the realities and the demographics. It was the yanks, dimwit, who have been busy at destroying Syria and losing patience due to being unsuccessful. It’s been yanks, who orchestrated both chem attacks and they are the only ones who benefit from this. It’s been yanks, you effing ldlot, who’s been behind pumping millions of migrants in EU and twisting EU’s arms at every attempt to resist. Just look at all the stench yankistan pours at Hungary.
> Well the USA destroyed the munitions at the base, and no chemicals were released into the air!<
That's … not actually proof, you know, right?
the us is weak, build up syrian airforce now
What is important that Russia did nothing to even attempt to thwart the attack. It just let it happen like a feckless warrior. While shooting down the tomahawks would have not been an military option because their S-400/350 numbers are rather limited in Syria ( no more than 16 -20), they could have taken a much firmer stance when it become obvious that the chemical incident has been staged as pretext for war. It was all too obvious to anyone what was suppose to follow after this stage incident. The Russians issued a stern warning back in back in October but they failed to do it now. Where the Russian so surprised by the bold and fast US attack? Trump said clearly that -unlike his predecessors- he would not notify anyone about any military actions he might take at any given time. This make this turncoat all the more unpredictable and dangerous. If the Russian do not take some serious retaliatory steps over the next week or so, the US along with Turkey and Israel will be embolden to act even more aggressive in the middle east. If Assad is removed, then Iran will be next, then the central Asian republican and then Russia itself.
It is very unlikely RU will do or can do anything.
Russia will always avoid conventional military confrontation as the west is clearly on an advantage on this area… specially on military power projection.
You don’t use a cannon to shoot at flies. All what was needed were MANPADs. Tomahawks fly at subsonic speed and MANPDs missiles flying at 2 Mach are more than a match.
The range of MANPADS is insufficient to intercept a Tomahawk missile. Of course, if it passes over your head, you have a chance to down it. The best weapon against subsonic missiles is a machine-gun installed on a supersonic fighter jet. But first, the missile must be tracked down. Maybe it is true that Americans informed Russians of their readiness to strike. If indeed, Allah deprived them of reason then one can guess what happened with the 36 lost missiles.
Hahahah.. This actually made my day :D… A machine-gun installed on a supersonic fighter jet to down cruise missiles… Like what the fck lol.. Why would u use a fighter jet to down cruise missiles when you have the option to use ridiculously fast air defence missiles like the S400 missiles…….
Of historical note – during WW2 British fighter pilots did exactly just that. They used the maximum rev range of their Spitfire and Hurricane fighter aircraft’s piston engines to close and the on board canons to shoot down the world’s first effective cruise missiles – the German sub sonic V-1 unmanned flying bomb. Once RAF had worked out a tactical approach they became quite adept at shooting V-1’s down if able to intercept them in time.
It is too expensive to use S400 against a slow obsolete Tomahawk. On the other hand, a single fight-jet can catch up and shoot down several subsonic missiles flying in one group at the same direction. My point, it is cheap. And may you stop this hahahah, let us just argue.
It is too expensive to use S400 against a slow obsolete Tomahawk. On the other hand, a single fight-jet can catch up and shoot down several subsonic missiles flying in one group at the same direction. My point – it is cheap. And may you stop this hahahah, let us just argue.
Yep. 35 of them hit their mark. Just stop the madness and deal with the truth. The ammo depot that houses the chemicals was deliberately avoided for obvious reasons. God you people in here are idiots.
But Trump did warn russians about the attack, and their answer was taking out every valuable assets out of the base, airplanes destroyed were the ones grounded.
Its not a big attack. The Russians were tipped off and they tipped of the and Syrians and they both evacuated all the important and equipment, jets and men.
russia was in cahoots with the US. this is a game play. No significant assets lost. just broken old planes
Our comrades can assist ‘former’ Com.Assad with his luggage and give him sanctuary in Moscow!The strike was just a ‘shot over the bow’ not intended to injure any Russian soldiers.But after 3 years are patience has run out. Your puppet dictator must leave ASAP…if he wants to retire a/live. I don’t care if you set up a Theocratic or Totaltarian Government as the US feels Democracy is to complex for the people.This is Russia’s responsibility,you came to late in the game.Also,why do you refuse Syrian refugees ,your Ally?
Very poor performance indeed. GPS jamming by the Russians mayhaps?
Hold your breath. There is no material proof that half of the missiles fired field to reach their target. I think it is more of disaster mitigation propaganda on part of Syrians and Russian. If 29 missiles would have failed to reach they target , then they mush have impacted somewhere else. The Russian and maybe even the Syrian radars would know exactly where they impacted and they would be able to provide ample evidence about the alleged failure. What they show in the picture are remnants of other sorts of missile and projectiles, certainly not “failed” Tomahawks. Having 2-3 failures out of 60 fired sounds more credible, but 29 is just utter propaganda for the gullible to maintain the fighting spirit among the SAA. Likewise, if the Russian would have used the electronic warfare capabilities, then most -if not all of the missiles- would have been veered off the designated course. Since most of them took rather narrow path to get to the same target, they could have been – in theory alone- all be subjected to the same level of electronic interference. To this story is balloony and cheap propaganda to cover the Russian failure to act in SAA defense.
So, where are the missing 36?…
Maybe, they did not make it to land.
i’d love to know what the real targets were
Precisely. “News” straight from Putin’s wallet.
Tomahawk is immune to electronic jamming. They can aim the target with out external signal, due inertial platform and correlating image of terrain.
Maybe you could zoom in on an image and start counting holes?
well if this is true, could suggest use of Krasuha-4 jammer, also indicative a number of misguided tomahawks, exactly 36 what could again indicate a capacity of Krasuha-4, could not find any data about it, how many targets can be jammed simultaneously This report could also be a “it does not hurt at all” reaction from Russia.Well …many guessing. One thing is for sure, Trump did it, it is Putin´s turn
It’s a magic number 36 which is a secret sign of fabricated news like US Apollo astronauts walked 33 hours on the moon and many others. There is something fishy in RU report.
Tomahawks do not fly purely on GPS they are INS and GPS guided the whole point of that is that they expect the possibility of GPS jamming and use INS to guide to target. Not as accurate but it will still get you damn close.
You overrate the accuracy of INS. The accumulated error for the best inertial navigation systems is about 300 meters per one hour of flight, which probably is not bad for nuclear warhead aimed at a city. These Tomahawks were equipped with conventional explosive. Such missiles are inefficient without GPS. Note, they are always launched at night when GPS enables maximum accuracy due to thin ionosphere.
Yep Im quite well aware of INS. They sync with GPS until the time they are jammed, as such you only drift as long as you cant get gps signal so unless its jammed the whole flight you get much less drift than 300m per hour, also depends on the INS type in use but all the new ones are laser gyro’s.
Before block III (post Desert Storm), the Tomahawk (TLAM) didn’t even have GPS receivers. TLAM was developed to use INS with ground/scene mapping and terrain following (optical, altitude, etc.) sensors to provide real-time correction to the INS guidance. The digital scene guidance (DSMAC) is considered more accurate than GPS, in particular during the terminal phase. GPS provides rapid mission deployment capability. DSMAC requires pre-planning.
The pre-GPS TLAM in Desert Storm had a 50% or so accuracy rate we’re told. Since 1991 the system has gone through many improvements, adding both GPS and improved “off-grid” guidance, so one would imagine the accuracy rate would be quite a bit higher today, even without GPS guidance during flight. Given that the US has been in theatre for quite a while, and that this mission was launched days, not minutes or hours after the attack on Khan Sheikhoun, odds are these were not GPS only targeting and had quality DSMAC programming aboard.
The inertial platform is updated by terrain correlated imagen . And such sistem cant be jammed. Unless EMP may be.
Russia needs to move some Iskandar nuclear tipped missiles into Syria aimed at Israel.Once this is done there won’t be any more airstrikes of any kind against Syria on behalf of Israel by the US to protect Israel’s ISIS and Al-Qaeda (AKA: al-CIA-da) assests who are now losing. Israel can no longer conduct its own airstrikes in Syria to help ISIS and Al-Qaeda because one of its jets was shot down doing so last week. Notice the USSA did not try any airstrikes as they fear the Russian Air defenses. Also notice half of the tomahawks did not make it to the target so it appears Russia was able to test its electronic jamming systems the Krasuha-4 jammer or maybe others. I bet this really scares the racist, supremacist Zionist empire. This means in a battle in Syria the USA will lose and Israel will stay out of it because not one Jewish finger nail must be broken only Goyim must die for greater Israel.
Point some at Israel and others to Turkey and KSA.
Where are those s400s.paper tigers?
um time-stamps up there? lol come on, You all really think we would miss? missing would never be this far off for America.
I hope people understand the accuracy of all the technology we use daily.
Russia jammed them. Theres another link saying only 10 caused damage
Hardly any damage. Drone footage here. https://www.rt.com/news/383912-russia-mod-drone-syria-airbase/
this is the key question. What were the real targets? not the fake ‘appease the MSM’ nonsense, but the real goals. deepstate / black op assets? caches? the dirty leftovers of obama’s treachery?
Probably a mix of all of the above. So little damage because half veered off to their real objective before reaching the base. I’m guessing ‘moderate rebel’ gas and weapon caches, maybe a couple training camps with suspiciously high-tech surveillance equipment.
You are just licking up Russian propaganda. Out of 59, only one tomahawk went lost, according to US officials. I would not give a damn what gassing mass murderers in Damaskus or Moscow claim. They are also lying about who did the gas attack or inventing smoke screens about where Sarin came from. Meanwhile, a not-so-well-instructed Russian reporter from RIA Novosti deliveres the proof you would not like to see: Sarin gas containers outside a smoking hangar of the hit airbase. You would not claim they have been dropped by tomahawk missiles, do you? Haha! https://informnapalm.org/en/syria-containers-chemical-weapons-found-shayrat-air-base/
>believing anything out of the US >after the last 3 years They’ve less credibility than the Ceausescus at this point. It’s a shame their Elena didn’t have a chance to meet the same fate, though.
You probably have not understood the source is a Russian photographer on the site in Syria? Or is your main purpose just to spread mistrust among people (the few who are real people, though) in their western media? What’s the alternative, then, to publishing houses and channels who are fighting for subscriptions by providing worthwhile information, or else they get lost as “untrustworthy”? State media like in Russia who serve you what they are being told in briefings by a mafia government? Good luck with that. You are either dumb, one of those angry little men alienated from society, or just the usual Russian troll with a desinformation target list on his knees.
Nah, just an ex Iraq war protester who knows how they roll, and have since 1992, unchanged and unyielding because they’re never properly reprimanded. The only thing you can trust the likes of CNN/WaPo/NYT and their little CIA faux lefty circle with with is that their next increasingly desperate lie is more incompetently constructed than the last. This is why nepotism and crony hires of talentless interns is such a bad thing, they used to be at least a little professional in how they lied. The next generation of “American Journalist” will probably need google-installed devices to remind them to breathe at this rate. And in the process of those protests, I came to learn of the earlier ones with Vietnam, and the sudden manifestation of hundreds of GI bodies after a “bloodless no-casualty day.” I am so beyond ever trusting anyone’s MIC PR.
Sorry, stumbled on this fruitcake site by accident. You may continue with your America hating.
Well then if theirs a next time and I’m sure there will be ! We’ll just have to kick it up a notch and level the Shit Hole won’t we !!
Only “six MiG-23 aircraft in repair hangars”?? No wonder Syria was so quick to have operations at the airfield again.
The US claims the attack a ‘success’. The American version of success has nothing in common with the Oxford dictionaries meaning. Alternative facts require an alternative language
What happened to the other missiles anyone have a link to a clue?