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MARCH 2025

Russian Defense Ministry: Operation To Block And Destroy Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists At Uqayribat Ongoing Northwest Of Palmyra

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Russian Defense Ministry: Operation To Block And Destroy Large Group Of ISIS Terrorists At Uqayribat Ongoing Northwest Of Palmyra

A screenshot from the video

Syrian government forces are going to block and to destroy a large group of ISIS terrorists Uqayribat in the eastern Hama countryside, Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operational Directorate Col. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy announced on Monday.

Rudskoy said that the operation is now succseefully ongoing northwest of the government-held city of Palmyra.

According to experts, the goal of the operation is to shorten the frontline in central Syria and to free additional manpower that may be involved in the widely expected advance along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway.

Uqayribat is an important ISIS stronghold and ISIS has a wide network of defense points in the area. If it’s retaken by government forces, this will mark a collapse of the terrorist group in the area north of the Homs-Palmyra highway.

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They shouldn’t have announced this till after the operation was complete. Now Israel or the US might try and come to the rescue of ISIS. Remember Deir Ezor.

Sen Uasrit

Too late, Assad, has the momentum on his side.Any acts by the West would appear as aiding the terrorists.


Could be disinformation to keep ISIS off balance. We were told the Tigers would move south from Resafa towards Sukhnah, instead they moved east towards the Euphrates. Maybe the real blow will fall somewhere else instead where ISIS is now not looking?


Yes was thinking exactly the same thing

Jens Holm

3 more sheep. Baaah. Inflation in the word “thinking”. Something wrong with the harddisk too. 3 brigades.


Jens Holm

16 sheep. You could check if Tigers arnt 3 groups. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_Forces

Its hard reading here so many obvios has total memory lacks probatly being more local then me from Denmark.


Its Called Feeding Disinfo or maby it IS the next step, its information warfare, do you think the people who controle the moderate isis and us army do not watch this?! There is a very good articel here on SF about the russian war tactics, i suggest you read it its very informative. Sorry i dont remember the title but i can tell you it was writen in the last 2-3 month.

Gabriel Hollows

Can you post a link?

Jens Holm

SAA almost never move faster, then You can check it by foot. Large noisy tranportations are same thing inside the SAA territory.


how tho? i think its too late for that

Jens Holm

15 sheep for that.

All in world with common knowledge of elementaries in warfare has adviced Syrians to to this for Years.

You must be very propagandized and censured writing like that

Kids in Africa

Claims to be Caliph of Islam Umayyad bro?


Need to Draw the Map a little bit more red then it is now, the maps of syrian in the video are far more RED.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Russians never input current operations and only do that if they are completed and the areas are under full control, this shows the current operations are not done yet.


I noticed the map shows T2 taken. So maybe some things added and left out on purpose. No need to give an actual map that might help ISUS understand what is going right now. Perhaps some of their com centers where hit as well? Even the maps of S Raqqa province show different things. News black out and news delay is a good strategy. GODSPEED SAA

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

ISUS and HTS have been losing com centers which should help with attacks and keep their coms in disarray.


Are around Al-Tanf seems a lot smaller also


I didn’t notice before but it seems that the Al tanf pocket is shrinking. XD.


Yes interesting those Russian maps ay :D


Sounds like a very large operation, and the fact that it is announced by the Russian military and obviously supported by it even more then usual operations gives me confidence that it will be a great success. They would not have announced it like this if they were not 100% sure of their superiority and ability in this new battle! BEST OF LUCK!

Jens Holm

Lets hope so.

chris chuba

It looks like a second Cauldron http://www.moonofalabama.org/images5/ealeppojun302017.jpg to secure Hama. I posted the first cauldron they used to eliminate ISIS from the Aleppo province.

I hope that South front archives a good map of this operation if it comes to pass to shut up that lying Pompeo, ‘the Russians / Assad are fighting ISIS minimally’. It would be great to show a time lapse of these operations.


And a cauldron in the desert is the ideal place to use devastating munitions.


FOAB please!


Probably presented a copy of the USA file inserted into a folder stamped Russia. He said Russia in Syria for four yrswhicj is more them than Russia.


Slava Rossii! Polish people are thankfull for freeing from german occupation between 1939-1945 The V4 group of countries and Russia together should help colonel Haftar to liberate Libya now. The biggest mistake ever was to let French and Italians attack Libya and kill the greatest African leader Gaddafi.

Jonathan Cohen

Gaddafi deserved it for banning abortion.


OHHH GAWWWWD wheres the humanity??

Jonathan Cohen

humanity is a virus, killing the planet!


Are you a sick in the head, brain washed, mind controlled, Jew pedophile rape cult member?

Wahid Algiers

Cohen, the fucken jew is exactly that. Mainly a pedophile for that he defends abortion rights to get fresh babies.


Yes unfortunately they are well known for it







What a foul racist comment, moron.


These images are historical record of events in Europe – you just dont like getting exposed as the criminals you are!

Jens Holm

It was science for that time.


Its called a blood libel, ie jews sacrificing Goyim children and taking their life foerce for themselves


It’s also called satanism, and there are a lot of reports, including from legal activity, that they’re deeply involved in it today.

Jens Holm

Its propaganda bringing it today and You also should compare, what christians did at that time at non belivers and socalled withches male or female accused by neighbors or just having strange vortes.

Most prisoners was treated bad and many were tortured as well.

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

And You were one of them?

Jonathan Cohen

One of what?


Good old Rokossovsky!


The biggest impediment to our safe and peaceful transition into becoming a spiritually mature ET race and civilization ourselves, with considerably extended lifespans and a much higher quality of life on a war, poverty and pollution free planet. Is the Jew world order and their anti American Jew pedophile rape cult servant Israel firsters in the US government supporting Israel and Jew pedophile rape cultists and their perpetual war Jew cabal exploitation, and working against Russia and China. These people need to be removed and replaced with America firsters against Israel and their Talmud slave state Jew world order, and working with Russia and China on creating a better future for the United States and humanity.

The Syria coalition is important because it’s transitioning Israel from being a nuclear superior to a nuclear inferior power in the middle east that can be obliterated in 15 minutes providing the opportunity if it becomes necessary as part of UN and other resolution implementation for Egyptian, Syrian and other armored columns to roll into Tel Aviv to accept the Jew’s unconditional surrender and the return of all that they’ve stolen. The Jew pedophile rape cult should be outlawed, the cult assets confiscated, and the cult leaders and practitioners guilty of rape, cannibalism, prostitution, sexual assault, pedophilia and other crimes against humanity imprisoned and identified as sex offenders on their release.


whatre you, an attn whore or somethin. Aint nobody talkin about the jew but you…. jew


MeThinks The Khazar nation’s propensity for creating wars, conflicts and chaos prevents the world from living in Peace, Love and Harmony


Many here write about Syria’s and the region’s Jew problem. As they should, because it’s one of the primary causes of all of the war and trouble in the region.

In case you missed it, here’s some information about the Jew baby rapers:

It would be helpful if the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Human Rights Council could open investigations of the US, Israel, France, Canada and the UK for mass Jew pedophile cult rape, where over 95% of these crimes against humanity are occurring.

“rape is punishable as a crime against humanity”


“The guidelines will help UNHCR and other aid agencies to identify and support male victims of sexual violence”

UNHCR issues guidelines on protection of male rape victims

“Local rabbi accused of infecting babies with herpes” ‘Infants Contract Herpes From Oral Suction During Jewish Circumcision” “Jewish Ritual Of Circumcision Is Spreading Disease And Killing Babies.” “Rabbis Will Defy Law on Circumcision Ritual”


Jonathan Cohen

Israel and Russia are getting along fairly well and hopefully all nations with abortion rights will get along even better in the future, especially Ukraine and Russia, Turkey and Rojava, Albania and Serbia.


Abortion and pedophile rape are two separate issues. The Jews led by Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin with his 3 Jew wives, and many other Jew pedophile rape cultists, spent decades torturing, starving and mass murdering 10s of millions in the former Soviet Union, probably more Russians than anybody else. And attempted to destroy Christianity in the process. Since then over 90% of Jews have been expelled from all 15 former Soviet republics, they’re very unwelcome in many places. And are becoming increasingly unwelcome in the US, Palestine, France, Canada and the UK where over 95% of the planet’s Jews currently live as people watch the horror story known as Israel.

All that we hear about in the lying Jew media is about their purported 6 million genocide. How much of that is true and how much is Jew lies remains to be seen. While the lying Jew media bends over backwards to cover up one of the greatest genocides in human history that they committed and that wouldn’t have happened without their filthy money and involvement. The Russians are arming the Egyptians, Syrians and Iraqis to the teeth with modern weapons capable of defeating Israel. And are building a state of the art military base throughout Syria that can be used against the Jew baby rapers if necessary.

The only thing standing between Israel and UNSC Chapter 7 enforcement resolutions implementing the 100 UN and other resolutions that Israel is in perpetual violation of is a wavering US veto that has already recently been withheld to extinguish much of the Balfour Declaration and San Remo Resolution. If Trump survives the Jew world order impeachment drive and any related assassination attempts. After all of the trouble that the Jews and their collaborators have given him and his America First program. Don’t be surprised that if in addition to getting bood by AIPAC, not moving the embassy, stopping the settlement expansion, getting Hamas to agree to UN membership for Palestine, and restarting the peace process. That he approves additional measures to get our planet’s Jew problem corrected.


WTH https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2322cbd49ca5e7b7e2d2dddb8a38acf3015cc26d7a71d7b661d691dc0da151e.jpg


When you can’t carry on a rational conversation you degenerate to wallowing in stupidity.


A recent pix of RchardD :DDDD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/526096b41459bf57b9042d647df136a82c56339efb4bc4aa03669c2073db231b.jpg


I dont agree with this as Richard is making valid points, I think there is still confusion as to who is really in charge and what is their ultimate goal with destroying us and who (((they))) really are.




Anyone who thinks and speaks evil can expect to find nothing good – only disaster


All that evil needs to prevail is for good men see it and do/say nothing against it




I deal in truth that you obviously have a problem with, why is it that you evade whether you’re a Jew pedophile rape cult member, are you hiding what you don’t want others to see?


The blood sucking baby raping Jew pedophile cult is an expert at that.


PZIVJ has been all over my Jew crime and evil expose from the beginning. He’s probably a lying Jew two faced hasbara troll.


When you change your avatar to the above you could change your name to I’m Stupid to give the readers a heads up that they’re dealing with an idiot.


If you understand that anyone with 20% Neanderthol DNA isnt technically human then the inhumain behavior you speak of above is practical evidence of that non humanity of a (((Certain))) group of alledged (((people)))


This is also a very good book to read https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/665669e82c1f21d2da940824a44a8f80898aef5ee372675c653fbfd6d46931ba.gif


I’m not going to read entire books to see if you’re point is correct. Do you have a link or cut and paste from anything credible supporting your Jews are sub human animals contention? It sounds unsupportable to me.


Its came as an offhand comment from a scientist at the Max Planck institute that accidently got rteleased to the media and quickly covered up, some saw this and followed it up – its quite a trail, look how the jew media is suddenly portraying Neandthols as friendly and likable creatures that were persecuted by humans, quite a change from a few years ago.


Dannys book doesnt go into this but is very interesting on the reality of Human Neanderthol interactions.



Read this —– https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites/






From the article https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fb7cdd35fb8875b0378399810c36eea6b7ddaa8049eb929b29c37ba7a43e9711.png


What does that have to do with Jews vs non Jews?


Read this https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites/


I did, and I replied with the quote from American Loons about Bradley and the related comment that you didn’t reply to. Can you explain in your own words what you think that it has to do with Jews vs non Jews and why you think it’s relevant?


Hey man forget about it, if its not aparent to you with DNA, visual and behavioral cues then it never will be. Wheres the link/quote you posted I cant see it?


You’re saying that Jews are bad because they’re sub human because they’re middle eastern and that they’e not middle eastern because they’re European. You’re making contradictory statements. And if you don’t want to address what any of this has to do with Jews vs non Jews, then what is the point of even bringing it up?

This is the reply that you’re asking about that you say that you missed.

“”#1405: Michael Bradley …

he thinks there are two types of human: the noble and handsome Cro Magnon people, and the short, stocky, hairy people with receding foreheads that arose in what he calls the “Toxic Lozenge”; the latter group, the Neanderthals – although “people deriving from this Toxic Lozenge in ancient times may not be exactly human and certainly seem to be incompatible with the values and attitudes of ‘ordinary humanity’” – being the ancestors of Jews and other Semitic people, who are characterized by crude and ugly appearances and inferior value systems.”

Encyclopedia of American Loons

The Palestinians probably have more Neanderthal DNA than anyone else, does that make them evil? I don’t think so. They were building advanced city states 10,000 years ago, like Jericho, before 99.9% of the rest of the human race. And were pioneers in agriculture and the domestication of animals. They built Jerusalem 1,000 years before Judaism ever existed, and the Jew baby rappers have been trying to steal it from them ever since.

I don’t think that it’s a genetic issue, I think that it’s an ideology issue. The Jew pedophile rape cult is the problem.”


Jews are not European, ask them, they are turkic/Mongol half breeds


The Jew pedophile rape cult, and the problems that it is causing are based in the Talmud, not Ukrainian genetics. The Talmud updating ended centuries before Ukrainian Jews ever existed.


Its Turkic/Mongol genetics not Ukrainian, not European its Neanderthal!


The problem isn’t Neanderthal DNA, it’s all over the planet, and their original range in particular, which goes far beyond Khazaria. Turks and Mongols and their genetics aren’t the problem, the Jews and their ideology is the problem.


When its 20% of your DNA? Do you think this may possibly be why jews are the way they are? Predatory parasites on the rest of humanity?


Bradley’s work isn’t exactly peer reviewed university study material using the scientific method that will stand up in certified testing laboratories. It’s pseudoscience disproven by real science. He’s a fraud.


Its from the Max Planck institute, they basiclly invented DNA analysis, just because the jews didnt peer review it and aprove, clearly they would do all they could to hide this, their media response is indicative they already know and are preparing the public for the eventual exposure ie Neanderthal is a funny cool guy, so peaceful and persecuted just like them.


You haven’t provided anything from the Max Plank Institute. Where are the quotes from the studies proving your point, you haven’t provided them because they don’t exist. Bradley is a charlatan.


They were on the Max Planck website but quickly removed “I wonder why and by whom”


RichardD You have to look in your mirror, you will see the answer.


More evasion from a disinfo peddler avoiding credible science.


They have a genetic test for “jewishness” now in Israel ie Khazar dna to screen people to see if they are really jews for migration to israel, never heard of a DNA test for a religion?



I don’t care what the lying Jew scam artists say. Where’s the legitimate scientific proof from a non Jew source proving the Khazar and Neanderthal nonsense? You haven’t provided it because it doesn’t exist. I’ve provided real science from credible sources, not wild conspiracy theory from half crazed Jews and con artists.


Its as clear as day you just dont want to see it for “whatever” reasons, in this DNA plot you see Khazars are in the same band as Armenians, Turks, Georgians ie Khazars. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0411c21ccc54e50d6ee9df6ee60535a4dc8c5a6f94924c15318fa12d1131dc3a.jpg




RichardD Michael Bradley/ John Nugent both have it right, I live in a Khazar area and see it every day.


Bradley and Nugent are hucksters unqualified to prove anything about genetic studies.


RichardD I live in a Khazar area and see it every day.


Kell Thank you, excellent article, every part is factual. Have saved it to use in future debates.


Yeah Johns done a beauty of a job with that article, the reality is so in your face anyone that cant see it is willfully ignorant.


RichardD This hits the nail. https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites/


It proves nothing. That’s not a scientific study that will stand up in a genetic testing laboratory.




Jonathan Cohen Its only Putin who loves Khazars, Israel and Kosher whining and dining.

The majority of Russians as well as West Europeans see the Khazars as a threat to global peace, security and harmony.


Putin is pushing the Jew world order regime change operation out of Syria, and helping to restore Syrian territorial integrity. that’s the last thing that the Jews want.


RichardD You are wrong about Putin, he loves Israel, Netanyahu and the Khazars. Putin lover Kosher whining and dining and surrounds himself with Khazars.

Putin is implementing the Oded Yinon Plan in Syria. Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

Putin is bleeding Iran dry of hard US$s for the military equipment supplied to Syria.

Putin has agreed to partition Syria which will allow it to be overrun by the Israeli controlled US led “Terror Axis” countries:

US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan Etc.


The Syrian government coalition footprint increases every day and the regime change decreases. Unless that stops, which it doesn’t look like it’s going to. You’re mistaken. If Putin was with the Jews, he would have let the Jew world order regime change succeed.


RichardD “…The Syrian government coalition footprint increases every day…”

You are desperate to cling to hope over Putin and Khazars.

Where is the footprint in these places?

US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan

Damascus area – ? Hama area – ? Homs area – ? Aleppo area – ? Palmyra area – ? Deraa – ? Al Tanf – ? Deir Ez Zor – ? Raqqa – ? Al Taqba – ? Idlib – ? etc


SAA footprint increases every day.


Kell The list is based on latest information in South front.


On the Russia map we see some interesting things, Al-Tanf are claimed by US is a lot smaller, T-2 looks to have been taken or bypassed, Kurdish areas claimed from Isis are actually far smaller overall things are looking good. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dec5c7dc058a0992d70014b76aca7a0a583cd37ce62e66a7901b8c55146505c9.png


Kell The Al Tanf exclusion zone is 50 Km or 55 Kms > this should be Zero Kms.

The reason why there is fighting all over Syria is…?


You are out of touch with reality. ISUS is being destroyed in E Syria for sure !


PZIVJ You come across as a self appointed Internet Military General with many self awarded Bravery Medals always arguing in favour of Putin – Russia’s treacherous conduct in Syria.

East Syria Reality: Putin – Russia has given away Raqqa and Al Taqba to the Israel – US “Terror Axis” for below reasons:

1. To break the:Iran – Iraq – Syria Land Bridge

2. To prevent the Iran – Iraq – Syria – Cyprus – EU Oil and Gas Pipeline

3. To disrupt the route of the proposed New Silk Road through Syria


Indeed it should be but the SAA and Russians have to deal with the reality as it currently exists ie the tacit result of US/Israeli meddleing and deal with that in such a manner as to not trigger WWIII as the Neo-Cohens dearly want along with their Christian Zionist shabbas goy. Russia is playing practical politics and doing quiet well, when it comes to dealing steel like corn meal all talk is over and everyone on the planet instantly goes into survival mode, thankfully we are not there yet.



The threat of WW3 you use is a sham, nuclear weapons will never be used.

In the event of a Nuclear conflagration even if accidental, apart from the deaths it would cause the Global Financial Markets, Money to collapse.

With the collapse of Money, the World’s economy would collapse.


There use is constantly theatened either overtly or otherwise, it is inevitable they will be one day, id certainly never say never.


Particularly dangeouse times are when large empires begin to fall apart at the seems as is happening now.


Kell To stall the Russian Federation collapse, Putin has delivered Syria next will be Iran.

Whilst the US and Khazar Empire get fatter everyday.the only Empire about to fall apart next is the Russian Federation because Putin whines and dines Kosher.

Its already been done twice, Russian Empire and the USSR both by the Khazars.


Hes thrown more spanners in the works of the Khazar empire than anyone else in history has.


Kell The Khazars will not destroy the Russian Federation in one hit, they will do it over time.

The first stage was to take control of Poland and Ukraine both have been done, the Khazar control the land corridor for the Baltic Poland through Ukraine to the Black Sea.

Russia’s land route west now has to go through Poland or Ukraine as does Russia’s oil and gas pipelines to the EU.

Guess the next stage?


Kell Whoever uses a nuke will be signing his / her own personal and country’s death warrant.


When is the last time you looked at a map of Syria, perhaps you can not read maps ??


PZIVJ The list is based on latest information in South front. Just answer on any of the areas listed.


Try watching this article’s video, it explains the Syrian gains clearly.


RichardD There’s no need to watch any video. Just answer whats the Syrian military footprint in any part of this list:

US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan

Damascus area – ? Hama area – ? Homs area – ? Aleppo area – ? Palmyra area – ? Deraa – ? Al Tanf – ? Deir Ez Zor – ? Raqqa – ? Al Taqba – ? Idlib – ? etc


I guess I will take #3 Homs province for 200$ Alex Answer: where is SAA destroying ISUS?


PZIVJ You continue to reveal in desperate fantasy and are unable to challenge facts.


You are avoiding the credible evidence that doesn’t support your disinfo. I’m not.


RichardD The only info is there is very low Syrian Military expanding footprint in those areas.


You’re misrepresenting the progress. It’s substantial by geography and even more so by demographics from the beginning of Russian, Iranian and Lebanese intervention to today. The war is largely over for most Syrians. There’s unlikely to be significant fighting in the Kurdish areas.


RichardD “…The war is largely over for most Syrians…”

That is to do with partitioning of Syria.


No, the government is in control of most of the population centers. There isn’t going to be any partitioning.


RichardD Syria has already been partitioned with Putin – Russia’s agreement:

US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan Etc.


Those are contained areas that are being cleaned out as resources permit. Partition means that the Syrian government agrees to delete those areas from Syria. That hasn’t happened and isn’t going to.


RichardD “…contained areas that are being cleaned out as resources permit….”

Your ideas are fantasy.

Syria is defenseless against Turk, Israel, US axis attack.

If the Syrian Military goes anywhere near those areas they will be wiped out.

If a Syrian AF Jet goes near that area it will be shot down.

Syrian Police are excluded from those areas.

Syrian Law is excluded from those areas.

Syrian Government is excluded from those areas.


You’re living in a fantasy land. The only reason that the Syrian coalition is avoiding those contained areas, while it’s foot print is expanding elsewhere, is to avoid collateral damage and using resources that are better used someplace else at this time.

The regime change invasion is stagnant or in retreat everywhere. They’re not advancing anywhere because they can’t. Russian missile and air strikes can and on an as needed basis do take out personnel and equipment in those contained areas. Many of which are being deconflicted as the invasion negotiates surrender.

You’re partition of Syria stupidity is the product of a sick Jew mind that ‘s lost it’s ability to think straight from a lifetime of cult brainwashing, mind control and non stop lies. You’re delusional.


RichardD As informed before you have gone beyond Brainwashed into Zombie Zone, LoL:)))


The Syrian government footprint grows everyday as the invasion force retreats. Those are the facts. There is no partitioning, they’re just contained areas on hold until they’re cleared. The Russians can bomb those areas into the stone age anytime they want, but they don’t to avoid collateral damage. The Syrian military can go into those areas on an as needed basis, but they don’t when it’s easier to get the invaders to surrender, as they’ve done over and over.


RichardD As informed before you have gone beyond Brainwashed into Fantasy Zombie Zone, LoL:)))


You’re harassing me because you hate truth about Jew crime and evil being published on these threads and because you’re sick in the head and can’t think straight.


I’m dealing with truth, facts and credible scientific studies. You’re peddling disinfo and wild conspiracy theories.


RichardD You are dealing in nonsense, your own fantasy.



Which part of the English language did you miss:

“…partitioned with Putin – Russia’s agreement…”


RichardD And you are unable to answer on one single area.


I don’t care what the lying Jew scam artists say. Where’s the legitimate scientific proof from a non Jew source proving the Khazar and Neanderthal nonsense? You haven’t provided it because it doesn’t exist. I’ve provided real science and studies from credible sources, not wild conspiracy theory from half crazed Jews and con artists.


RichardD And you are unable to answer on one single area.

Just answer whats the Syrian military footprint in any part of this list:

US Jordan Al Tanf bulge which has a straight road to Damascus US Jordan Deraa bulge to Damascus US Turk controlled Idlib bulge to Aleppo US controlled Raqqa bulge to Palmyra Israel control of Golan

Damascus area – ? Hama area – ? Homs area – ? Aleppo area – ? Palmyra area – ? Deraa – ? Al Tanf – ? Deir Ez Zor – ? Raqqa – ? Al Taqba – ? Idlib – ? etc


You’re a liar, I’ve answered this question repeatedly, you just don’t like the answer about how the Syrian coallition is rolling up the regime change and will soon be camped out on Israel’s door step stronger than ever where the Jews don’t want it.

You’re the one who refuses to answer questions if you’re a Jew cultist.


I guess I will take #8 Deir Ezzor province for 300$ Alex Answer: where is SAA destroying ISUS?


PZIVJ You reveal in fantasy and are unable to challenge facts.


RichardD The people you write about are the Khazars who lack basic Human Genes due to their high level of lingering Neanderthal DNA admixture.

The May 6, 2010 issue of Science, Journal of the American Academy of Sciences, has finally confirmed that modern human populations have significant Neanderthal genetic admixture.

This study by the Max Planck Institute of Leipzig under the overall leadership of Dr. Svante Paabo also included some researchers from the Harvard University School of Medicine.

The Khazar propensity of aggression, war mongering, creating conflicts, mendacious, avaricious, manipulative, conniving and paranoia behavior is explained by one of their own, Michael Bradley.

“Chosen People From the Caucasus” by Michael Bradley. http://www.michaelbradley.info/

Bradley writes of his research and controversy that erupted when many media outlets which had previously hailed his writing on the topic of the Neanderthals came to realize that his work pointed toward Neanderthal origins of the Khazars.


Neanderthal’s range was Western Europe to Siberia to the Sinai. The Jew cult is based in the twisted perversion of the bible known as the Talmud. And probably Kabbalah black magic satanism.



DNA does not LIE.

Neanderthals in Europe were killed off or died out before they could merge with the white European population.

The Neanderthals survived in mountainous areas from where the Khazars originate, their DNA proves they have higher Neanderthal DNA than ordinary humans.

Read:”Chosen People From the Caucasus” by Michael Bradley. http://www.michaelbradley.info/


The genetic research that I’ve read shows that everyone in the Neanderthal range has their DNA, about 4% if my memory serves me correctly.


Toxic Lozenge – kept very quiet but very interesting information about certain chosen peoples


“#1405: Michael Bradley …

he thinks there are two types of human: the noble and handsome Cro Magnon people, and the short, stocky, hairy people with receding foreheads that arose in what he calls the “Toxic Lozenge”; the latter group, the Neanderthals – although “people deriving from this Toxic Lozenge in ancient times may not be exactly human and certainly seem to be incompatible with the values and attitudes of ‘ordinary humanity’” – being the ancestors of Jews and other Semitic people, who are characterized by crude and ugly appearances and inferior value systems.”

Encyclopedia of American Loons

The Palestinians probably have more Neanderthal DNA than anyone else, does that make them evil? I don’t think so. They were building advanced city states 10,000 years ago, like Jericho, before 99.9% of the rest of the human race. And were pioneers in agriculture and the domestication of animals. They built Jerusalem 1,000 years before Judaism ever existed, and the Jew baby rappers have been trying to steal it from them ever since.

I don’t think that it’s a genetic issue, I think that it’s an ideology issue. The Jew pedophile rape cult is the problem.


Oh yep see it now – yeah the toxic lozenge isnt in Palestine,. it goes through the caucases, ie Jews, Georgians, Armenians, Chechens

Jens Holm

More likely through Your stomach and out from Your behind. Very hard to be sober here, when people here lie certically so much.


Jens Holm You have to face reality about your people, they do love creating wars, conflicts and chaos.

Jens Holm

Loon is not credible at all. Nore like as far out, as You can – as fast as possible..


RichardD You are so desperate you dismiss scientific study of the Khazar DNA.


The Neanderthals coexisted with homo sapiens for 50,000 years in Palestine, longer than anyplace else. The Palestinians have a lot of Neanderthal DNA, it doesn’t make them bad people.


RichardD Beyond brainwashed is Zombie, LoL:)))


You’re the one that doesn’t want to look at high quality evidence not me.


RichardD The Khazars who promote wars, conflicts and chaos are in the majority non practicing atheists.

Thus with minimal Talmud indoctrination these people still reveal in the killing and injuring of humans.

They do it because they have high levels of late lingering Neanderthal DNA admixture.


The problem isn’t Neanderthal DNA, it’s all over the planet, and their original range in particular, which goes far beyond Khazaria. Turks and Mongols and their genetics aren’t the problem, the Jews and their ideology is the problem. Jesus Christ was calling the Jews satanic 1,000 years before Khazar Jews ever existed.

If you do Ancestry. com genetic testing of your average North American Jew you’re probably going to find out that most of them are European, not Turkish, Mongolian or Semitic. And that Bradley’s Neanderthal hypothesis has little basis in reality.

From Wikipedia:

“In 2013, however, a study of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA by a team led by Martin B. Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England reached different conclusions, corroborating the pre-2006 origin hypothesis. Testing was performed on the full 16,600 DNA units composing mitochondrial DNA (the 2006 Behar study had only tested 1,000 units) in all their subjects, and the study found that the four main female Ashkenazi founders had descent lines that were established in Europe 10,000 to 20,000 years in the past[133] while most of the remaining minor founders also have a deep European ancestry. The study states that the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Near East (i.e., they were non-Israelite), nor were they recruited in the Caucasus (i.e., they were non-Khazar), but instead they were assimilated within Europe, primarily of Italian and Old French origins. Richards summarized the findings on the female line as such: “[N]one [of the mtDNA] came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas. All of our presently available studies including my own, should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire.”[134] The 2013 study estimated that 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe, and only 8 percent from the Near East, while the origin of the remainder is undetermined.[13][133] According to the study these findings “point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities.””


RichardD You are so desperate you have to cling to Talmudic indoctrination as the cause of Khazar war mongering.

Whilst majority of the the war mongering Khazars have not studied the Talmud.


What Khazars? Did you even read the comment, the studies show that there aren’t any, they’re all Europeans.


RichardD Yes read your post in its entirety.

Any intelligent person can notice the difference between a European and Khazar what they look like, how they act, how they behave.

Khazars are not Europeans, majority of the Khazars do not read the Talmud nor follow its teachings, majority of the Khazars, estimate 80% are genetically predisposed towards War Mongering, Creating Conflicts and Chaos.


The studies were written by intelligent people who say that your Khazar nonsense is a myth.


RichardD “…Khazar nonsense is a myth…”

You are so desperate to believe Khazars are “European.

DNA does not LIE. Even the Times of Israel says the Khazar DNA is not European.

Times of Israel: http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/report-finds-ashkinazi-jews-descended-from-turks/

Report finds Ashkinazi descended from Turks

Persians converted Turks to create the rump of what would become today’s population, DNA research has revealed.

The fascinating insight, which shows that most Ashkenazi descend from Turkey, was made possible by state-of-the-art computer modelling and genetic techniques.

The project, led by Israeli-born Dr Eran Elhaik, even pinpointed Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – three Turkish villages on an ancient Silk Road route which still exist today – as part of the original Ashkenazi homeland.


Are you a hasbara troll?


RichardD Your refusal to accept DNA Evidence about the Khazars does not make me me a Hasbara.

The fact you refuse to accept scientific evidence is your problem.



“It has been revived recently by Eran Elhaik, who in 2012 conducted a study aiming to vindicate it.[9] Despite skepticism, he reformulated the concept in 2016 by developing a novel method of genetic analysis that uses the fringe linguistic theories of the Yiddish expert Paul Wexler.[10]

Genetic studies on Jews have found no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin among Ashkenazi Jews, ”

Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry


RichardD Once a Khazar, always a Khazar. DNA defines a persons makeup not language which can be learnt.


“a novel method of genetic analysis that uses the fringe linguistic theories”

In other words, like you, this clown is a fraud using pseudoscience that won’t stand up to a peer review, the scientific method, or a certified testing laboratory. Bradley is a Joke.

What is it about:

“Genetic studies (legitimate ones, not scams like you’re running) on Jews have found no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin among Ashkenazi Jews”

that you don’t understand?

You’re hasbara drivel is rubbish.


RichardD Once a Khazar, always a Khazar, DNA says it all.


There is no DNA link:

“Genetic studies on Jews have found no substantive evidence of a Khazar origin among Ashkenazi Jews”

Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry


Yes they very much have!!!



Did some brainwashed mind controlled Jew pedophile cult child with crayons scribble that? That is rubbish, this is science:

“The study states that the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Near East (i.e., they were non-Israelite), nor were they recruited in the Caucasus (i.e., they were non-Khazar), but instead they were assimilated within Europe”

“In 2013, however, a study of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA by a team led by Martin B. Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England reached different conclusions, corroborating the pre-2006 origin hypothesis. Testing was performed on the full 16,600 DNA units composing mitochondrial DNA (the 2006 Behar study had only tested 1,000 units) in all their subjects, and the study found that the four main female Ashkenazi founders had descent lines that were established in Europe 10,000 to 20,000 years in the past[133] while most of the remaining minor founders also have a deep European ancestry. The study states that the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Near East (i.e., they were non-Israelite), nor were they recruited in the Caucasus (i.e., they were non-Khazar), but instead they were assimilated within Europe, primarily of Italian and Old French origins. Richards summarized the findings on the female line as such: “[N]one [of the mtDNA] came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas. All of our presently available studies including my own, should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire.”[134] The 2013 study estimated that 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe, and only 8 percent from the Near East, while the origin of the remainder is undetermined.[13][133] According to the study these findings “point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities.””

Jens Holm



RichardD Khazar DNA does not LIE.


What DNA, try quoting from a credible non Jew study? Not some half baked stupidity about linguistic DNA.

Jens Holm

You work hard to avoid any facts. It would be nice some in the muslim world as well as fascist took some Nobelprices, but You avoid that too.


Most of your posts border on or are incoherent.


RichardD You introduce Linguistics, this matter is about physical blood DNA. Khazars have typical Neanderthal features, short stature, short neck, barrel chest, thick lips, etc.


Dude khazars ie Ashkenazi jews are not the jews of the bible https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4da9214938966586fbca24903fc3701bdb20f4eaa62b86330db9473167ed612a.jpg


The Jews of Israel are 95% immigrants, 1 million of which are from the middle east. The eastern European ones that you’re talking about have little if any Hebrew blood, the middle eastern ones more so, and the Palestinians and their neighbors are the primary genetic descendants of the bible Jews.

Most American Jews are Europeans, not Semites.


Semite is being member of a language group, not a race.

Arabs are semites, Ethiopians (Amhara) are semites, Hebrew/Ivriet speakers are semites.


dutchnational If you look in the mirror you will see what you are.

Jens Holm

Thats not correct.

Jens Holm

They are like this https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad83e7c5d6d68b589754053e745d91b422544a00b0fce705d1d204beb354c5ca.jpg


Jens Holm Where do the Khazars fit in? They have typical Neanderthal features, short stature, short neck, barrel chest, thick lips, etc.


RichardD Neanderthals from 50,000 years ago have died out.

If any assimilated it would have to be with Sumerians, etc., maybe with Philistines,

Modern day Palestinians are not the same people as Philistines, etc.

Jens Holm

No he hasnt


Jens Holm “…No he hasnt…”

What’s your proof?


I am guessing you have 62% Neanderthal DNA ?


Why do you hate truth so much, is it because you’re a Jew pedophile rape cult member?




More lies and idiocy from a truth hater, this thread is full of up votes.


RichardD Possibly because you dismiss Scientific research of the Khazar DNA.


The Palestinians probably have more Neanderthal DNA than anyone else, does that make them evil? I don’t think so.

Jens Holm

There is no probatly about palestinian DNA too.


RichardD 10,000 years ago those people may have been Philistines, they are a different people group from modern day Palestinians.


No, because you are a antisemite.



DNA does not LIE, a Khazar is a Khazar. There is nothing anti something.

Surprisingly Christians never get into a tizz when referred to as Christians or criticized, LoL:))

The ability to speak, read and write in Hebrew does not make a person Semite, if it did then India would be full of Anglo Saxon Celts who can speak, read and write in English.

Jens Holm

You lie.


Jens Holm “…You lie…”

Not at all, there are many Khazars who are amongst my friends, neighbours, work colleagues, etc. they have particular look, some overtly others not at all, as does, e.g. an Indian, African, Slav, Aryan, etc.

Some people do good things, some do bad things.


I’m an anti Jew pedophile rape cult critic.

Jens Holm

Its overestimated in these matters.


The majority of Orthodox babies in New York City get raped at birth by Jew prostitutes. These pedophiles belong in jails and should be registered as sex offenders at release.

Rakean Jaya

running out of ammo? as usual throw misleading accusation of anti-rats after being cornered, next you will put your pants off?


Raping Semitic children at birth and infecting them with venereal disease like the Jew pedophile rape cult does is antisemitic. I’m trying to stop it by exposing their crime.

Jens Holm

You not even know what truth are in those matters.


Then disprove what I’ve written, You can’t so you don’t even try.


RichardD Some have higher Neanderthal DNA like the Khazar people, some have lower Neanderthal DNA like the Aryan people.


Did you read this before or after you read “Mein Kampf”?

Neanderthals survived the longest in parts of Spain, We do not exactly know why.


dutchnational Its obvious you are so excited at being exposed as a Khazar, LoL:)))

Even Israel acknowledges the Khazars.

Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Khazars Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/.

Jens Holm



Jens Holm Its important for people to love themselves whoever they truly are, Khazar, Aryan, etc. They can also love their faith or religion at the same time.


Yes the DNA evidence is pretty much settled, they have a DNA test for access to israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0411c21ccc54e50d6ee9df6ee60535a4dc8c5a6f94924c15318fa12d1131dc3a.jpg


I asked for credible non Jew scientific studies, not pictures from Mossad lies.


RichardD And still you love these people !


They rape their children in public, drink their blood, and post offensive in your face YouTube videos about their crimes. Do you think that maybe there’s any truth to persistent reports going back thousands of years to the present day from law enforcement pedophile investigations and numerous other sources, that depraved Jew cultists are practicing satanists engaged in horrific torture murder human sacrifices, pedophilia of the worst kind, and ritual cannibalism?

Jesus Christ called them the Synagogue of Satan and said that their father is the devil. Are you a Jew pedophile rape cult member, is that why you have such a problem with truth? Many Jews hate the truth about their crime and evil like a vampire hates sunlight.


RichardD You love and admire Khazar people.


You’re a head case.


Kell Thank you, overwhelming evidence.


So they could repopulate Britain after the ice age and become football supporters. ;o)

Jens Holm

yes, many are in Manchester United. There was in coventry as well, but germans bombarded it.


Attrition47 You come across as a person with a chip on their shoulder.

Its difficult for you to understand anything but Yiddish but still in plain English its called an inferiority complex.

Jens Holm

Far out


Jens Holm You can accept it by looking at a group of people’s features or not, its your choice.


The 4% Neanderthol DNA is unevenly distributed across the earth, read up on the “Toxic lozenge”, some countries in the Middle East have up to 20% Neanderthol DNA


They coexisted with homo sapiens for 50,000 years in Palestine, longer than anyplace else. The Palestinians have a lot of Neanderthal DNA, it doesn’t make them bad people. The problem is cult teachings from the Talmud and probably satanism. Jesus Christ called them the Synagogue of Satan more than once in the New Testament and said that their father is the devil.








Jezebel Jews, the baby raping Talmud cult is rotten. Christ tried to correct them and they spent 500 years after his death attacking Christianity in the Talmud until they stopped updating it.


so what happened to khazaria? and why did they all decide to become jews?


Long story short they were turkic/mongol half breeds occupiing the end of the silk road,. traders in many things inclueding little blond girls they kidnapped from the Ukraine area,. they were sandwiched between Muslim Empire and Christian Byzantines both of which wanted them to be Muslim/Christian so out of spite the king chose to convert his kingdom to Judaism. The Vikings (Ukrainian Russ) eventual;ly got sick of these people kidnapping and selling their young kids and invaded south destroying Khazaria,. the people fled and settled in what is now Germany, Poland and Russia.



Wow very interesting what a terrible people these were/are

Jens Holm

You should read about it Yourself. Kell write as a dentist comming rubble in all bread himself.

But the tellings about Neanderthals did make my laugh. Fine to have safebelts on my armchair.


Evidently the local antisemitic twats are out, because 90% of the posts here are blocked. It’s much more restful to exclude their squalid frothing, than slag them off for being American idiots and European throwbacks.


Sad but you are right.



Neanderthals lived in Europe and some mediterranean parts. So off course they are unevenly distributed. It is just as stupid as saying arabs are unevenly distributed over the earth.

As for the 20%, read again. Max is some 4% and Neanderthal were not stupid as their brain mass was at least as large as the brainmass of the homo sapiens.

Patrik Wolff

You know that the Talmud is older than the Bible and much older than the Koran. The Bible contains many parts of the Talmut (Old Testament) and the Koran parts of both. Therefore it is complete nonsense, what you write about the Bible / Talmud. Anyone who throws scientific research about Neanderthals should know something like that.


The Talmud isn’t the Old Testament, the Torah is. The Talmud has nothing to do with Christianity or Islam. It’s a perverted Jew pedophile rape cult manual.

Patrik Wolff

Yes, my mistake. I confused Tora and Talmud. As far as the temporal sequence is concerned, however, it is true that the Talmud is older than the Bible (at least the early interpretations of the Torah).


And it probably has satanic influence.

Jens Holm

It made You, so why not…

Jens Holm

Jews wrote the Khoran to keep the muslims down and teached in economics for them too.


agree 900%

Jens Holm

Seemes You have left Your menthal hospital too soon.


You evade the issues raised because you’re afraid to debate them.

Jens Holm

Its artificial issues as constructionisme for eveil matters of the worst kind.

I also has been through it several times before I started here. DNA and Haplo groups just confirm it and make more details.

There are no real new knowledge about origians and it doesnt matter -although very interesting – Neandertals were more all over.

It also has be proven during many years, that Khazars are not european jews at all.

Turks of today are 80% or more indoeuropeans and Kurds are it more, but different mixed into it.


There may be language classes that you can take on the internet to help you with your speech impediment. Though they may not help if your problem is a low IQ. You’re inability to express yourself in a coherent manner makes your posts unintelligible.


Ruski map for everyone to check out a bit closer https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dec5c7dc058a0992d70014b76aca7a0a583cd37ce62e66a7901b8c55146505c9.png

Colin Oskapy

Ta. I was wondering about the map which was up in that video.


SAA and Tigers are making moves not shown on this map yet against DAESH trash! GO TIGERS GO ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg


yes it was very smart of them to advance along the euphrates rather than go straight to DeZ thru the desert, otherwise they would have had to worry about protecting both left and right flanks; whereas along the river, only the right flank, and i think the SAA in the south at T2 is gonna do the same thing, advance along the iraqi/jordanian border to al-bukalmal

Wahid Algiers

And SAA, Tigers cut off the Kurds to take the western riverside of Euphrate to DE.


Yes I wish them well, im hoping the reports they were 50/40 km away days ago are correct.

Jens Holm

No,they didnt.

Wahid Algiers

The kurds are cut off and SAA will take the western riverside to reach DE City. A fact, what ever you want and wish. Kurds are already begging not to be targeted in the near future.


Quite agree, I’m wondering how long the Kurds will last, now that they are pressing every able-bodied man into service, Kurdish or not. It shouldn’t be long before groups start defecting with their guns. If the Kurds have any sense, they will do a deal with the Assad regime sooner rather than later. The Washington barbarians have rearmed them and the new toys will come in handy when the Sultan attacks them.

Jens Holm



Yes indeed, one would think that perhaps they are at the end of their teather and yes they were very foolish not to strike an accord with Assad first and foremost they will be dealing with either Syrians or Turks everday for the rest of their lives, who do they want it to be?








T-2 has been taken and forces are 26km from abu-kamal



Current blocking operations in the Hama salient https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/450e7547d922938a5feab682ffd097b0eb05ec0ec8f5fd991ebc7835de6382d4.png

Justin Ryan

This is what happens when “The Man” comes to town! https://media.giphy.com/media/81VeF5DMmngMU/giphy.gif

Justin Ryan

This is what happens when “The Man” comes to town!


Jens Holm

Most comments to the article above has nothing to do to it and is more like some utreated nightmares.

There are nice people too knowing facts from un-facts, defects whatever…They try hard treating people, but this is more like in sects in sects.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x