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MARCH 2025

Russian Defense Ministry Releases More Details On Its Anti-COVID-19 Operation In Italy’s Bergamo

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On March 26, the Russian Defense Ministry published an official statement providing additional details on its anti-COVID-19 operation in Italy’s Bergamo.

“In the city of Bergamo, representatives of the Ministries of Defenсe of Russia and Italy, the Department of civil defense and the Agency for public health protection held consultations on the needs of local authorities in the fight against coronavirus infection.

The consultations identified priority tasks that local authorities rely on Russian military specialists who have arrived in Bergamo to solve.

First of all, Russian medical and nursing teams will be allocated for the treatment of patients in 65 local geriatric houses. They are now adapted by local authorities to isolate and help elderly people who have contracted a coronavirus infection.

Each of the 8 medical and nursing teams will be assigned to 7-9 nearby geriatric houses.

In addition, representatives of local authorities expressed a special demand for large-scale sanitary treatment and disinfection of all health facilities and urban infrastructure, especially transport.

During the meeting, the Russian side confirmed that all the forces and means that arrived in Bergamo will be used for emergency assistance to the city and Italian citizens.

Teams of Russian military specialists will begin practical tasks tomorrow, March 27,” the statement on its website reads.

The Russian military started its deployment in Italy on March 22. Since then, it has sent at least 15 IL-76 military transport aircraft with specialists (medics and viral agent defense experts) and medical equipment to the country. The estimated number of deployed equipment is about 50 pieces, while the number of the Russian personnel involved in the operation is over 500.


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Lone Ranger

Russia is love, Russia is life. Thank you Russia.

Liberal guy

Bye zio Yankees


Bye bye as you take your final dive into the dustbin of history to keep your thankfully dead Glorious Soviet and Czarist Empires company, Igor.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha there is no empire of Russia or China or Iran its outdated empire building all just is left is mutual interest. And talking of empire then only ur masters want empire hahahahaha


Puke, puke…

cechas vodobenikov

the truth is painful…LOL

cechas vodobenikov

Stendhal reserved his harshest critique for amerika….”Americans r not at all happy–they feel themselves lacking in something. it is as if all the sensitiveness has dried up in them…the crystallization of love is impossible in the United States. I admire their kind of happiness but I do not envy it: IT IS THE HAPPINESS OF A DIFFERENT AND INFERIOR SPECIES from the Canadian periodical adbusters–2017: “in Russia people regard love as a divine madness that descends from the heavens (Dante, Heine, Lermontov, Lacan Freud, Octavio Paz, Stndhal)…as the sociologist Julia Lerner writes, “for Russians love is a value, a moralist (Plato, Solviyov, Ilyan Bauman Simmel, Levinas, etc–but no anglos)…russians measure each other according to the upheavals love brings (Americans measure by status and money)…but in amerika people choose their attachments the way they choose a TOASTER. they sk does he fulfill my needs, do I feel comfortable asserting my rights in the relationship? does she check all the right boxes? if the Russian model is too reckless, the amerikan model involves too much calculation and gamesmanship. the dating market becomes a true market” apparently there r cultural differences!

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage.

AM Hants

Or get one of their local media rags to publish a nasty article, mocking Russia’s help.

Hope the people of Italy, do the same as the people of Liverpool did with The Sun. It has been banned in Liverpool, since the 80s, when The Sun insulted the people of Liverpool.


Yep, Russia’s presence should not be mocked. It is a very serious attempt to record their handiwork and figure out how best to deal with it when it comes home to roost big time later next month.


Invitation to a russian EU based sex club – http://trim4.me/tL8

AM Hants

Getting Russia muddled with Ukraine?

cechas vodobenikov

a recent study finds of the 8 websites most visited in the USA, 2 r porn sites; the most visited porn site in Russia is #36

AM Hants

GM free diet and traditional education, encouraging critical thinking, no doubt allows the Russians to focus on more interesting forms of entertainment?

cechas vodobenikov

3.25 million Amerikas on unemployment and US hospitals treating patients in tents—a culturally backward people–a 3rd world nation that cannot take care of its own peasants…whereas Russia is assisting Italy, Serbia, Iran the US response to c19 in other nations is to bomb them…an uncivilized people that lose all their wars–“Americans have always been genocidal, enjoying killing from afar”. Philip Slater “the US is the most warlike nation in the history of mankind. there is no functioning democracy in amerika ..it is real an oligarchy where bribery determines the nominations of all president, governors, senators and congressmemebers”. Jimmy Carter yet these idiots actually vote–in a nation where election laws only exist in dictatorships like Azerbijian (Seth Ackerman? the putrefied empire near collapse

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