The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Thursday that the US militay deployed High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) from Jordan to Syria.
“The US has redeployed two High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems from Jordan to a US special operations forces base near the Syrian town of al-Tanf [at the Syrian border with Iraq]. Deployment of any foreign weaponry to Syria, especially multiple artillery rocket systems, has to be coordinated with the sovereign state’s government”, the ministry said in a statement.
The ministry added that these sytems cannot provide a support to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces storming the ISIS stronghold of Raqqah. Instead, they pose a direct threat to government forces.
“The US-led anti-Daesh coalition has several times already attacked Syrian government forces fighting Daesh [ISIS] near the Jordanian border. It is possible to assume that similar strikes could be continued in the future, involving HIMARS from now on. So what objectives is the US pursuing in Syria and whom are the US servicemen fighting there?”
The question is: What the Russian leadership will do about it. Just talk or some good action, such as provide High tech weapons to SAA, so they can defend themselves
Exactly my friend, what the Russian will do about that?
Putin just announced that Russia will be furthering the supply and strengthening of the Syrian Armed forces. This coupled with the newly made corridor that was established above Al-Tanf (many troops and supplies coming in daily) the Syrian-Russian-Iranian alliance doesn’t have to attack the US directly just keep the status quo of destroying the US backed proxy forces.
If push comes to shove then the US has a big enemy to face this time. Iran has made it’s own contingency plan consisting of thousands of pro-Iran fighters in both Syria and Iraq ready to target US basis and troops and supplies if needed.
This HIMARS system deployment is really just insurance and force multiplication for an already illegal presence in Syria (but when does US follow international law). This won’t end well. But hey the US always doubles down.
BlueInGreen The first casualty of Khazar inspired Neoconservative wars is International Law.
Hallelujah ! Joy if its true about the new equipment coming into Syria.
Russia gives nothing free and makes Iran pay in hard US$s for all the equipment.
Iran should also buy Thermobaric Missile Launchers for Syria for the After 8 Dinner Show.
Khazar? Not another antisemitic tosser? The US is ruled by realpolitik, not superstitious mumbo jumbo.
Attrition47 “…Khazar?…” Added that specially to lure you in, you are so predictable, LoL:)))
PS. Kosher food is very good unlike the Burger, Donut, Fried Chicken, Pizza, Full Sugar Soda, etc., Enjoy !!
Kosher food can just as much be a burger, donut, fried chicken, pizza, full sugar soda etc. Maybe look up the word kosher first before you spread BS.
Rüdiger Preiss “…Kosher…” The part you missed out is Khazars like you are not Kosher, LoL:)))
I couldn’t care less about Kosher. Just another screwed up religion. Religion is for people who are too lazy to think for themselves so they believe in some BS and can’t even agree on what to believe in
Rüdiger Preiss At least you have accepted you are a Khazar.
Russia gives nothing free? Iran is paying for all the equipment? More… Give us evidence or just stop spreading lies.
Russia should provide SAA, VERBA MANPOD
has no sense. american fly higher. after such step yanks would give stingers for jihadists, whic are dangerous for syrian planes and choppers.
Something that intercepts rockets, can S 400 do it considering the deployed units at Al Tanf in particular??
s400 can, but was built for greater endargements. the questionis, will interfere rssians, or not? because until now they never did anything.
1 more thing. the xport weapons of russia are dumber versions. not so effective as in homeland. therefore i do not think, that sold s300 s400 would be dangerous for yanks.
” until now they never did anything.” Russia did absolutey nothing other than competely reversing the tide of this war :)
“the xport weapons of russia are dumber versions.” They may be “dumber” than domestic S300 and S400 but as practice shows ancient expoert version C-125 is good enough to down a couple of Saudi F-15 not mentioning US operated stealth F-117 in Jugoslavia.
cretino, i wrote about russian action against american military steps. evereybody understood, only you not, tumor.
Heh. You should look for the conclusion of the american generals when they tested Slovak S-300 from the 80’s. They couldn’t jamm it even with the ground based jammers.
Americans are evil but not stupid enough to deliver stinger that later could fall into the hands of Al Quaeda and be used against themselves or their allies in the area. Not to mention the Russian and Iranian reaction capable of providing the Syrians with more deadly anti-air weapons and escalating a conflict that would not leave any real benefit to the Americans with little support from world opinion, illegally in a foreign country and without solid justification since they do not have any ISIS front as a pretext to be there my friend.
americans gave in afghanistan stingers to jihadists
“Not to mention the Russian and Iranian reaction capable of providing the Syrians with more deadly anti-air weapons”
i doubt. syria is paying for each russian weapon. sy has no money for good weapons. therefore get t-62 and similar shits.
Then we lose nothing in waiting and see that be the time which will give us reason or not my friend. Only time.
very well put and wrote
Why would the russians react to a non event.
They will do exactly as they did for last 2+ years in Syria. Keep helping Syrian people cleaning their country from that NWO invented (trained and funded) wahabbi terrorists and managing to avoid WWIII in the process of doing so.
Agreed, stopping WW3 is the Mist important thing, glad you see it m’y way
Russia behaves wisely and patiently. The facts on the ground show that since Russia began active assistance to the Syrian army, the balance of power has changed. The Syrian army overcomes the rebels ISIS everywhere. Russia is a global power with global interests. Russia is in good relationship with everyone and still the Russian side wins. This is a great wisdom.
Nothing needs to be done about it.
This is knee-jerk reaction, the Syrian and Iraqi forces met at the border and the US sponsored ‘moderate’ rebels are cut off there.
Flatten that US special operations forces base near the Syrian town of al-Tanf, Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes, an Eye for an Eye, Amen
That is a dumb thing to do. If you ignore the cost of lost man power that would be involved in the operation, it is obvious an attack like that would have immediate blowback. A lose-lose operation, you will lose man killing the americans, and you will lose more men and equipment when they strike you back. Better plan, ignore them. proceed with actual objectives that will result in positive yields for the SAA, like taking t2, Deir ezzor, and securing the west bank of the euphrates.
US Americans understand only Rugby technics, hard to even harder, but OK surround the US base and accept no more in and outgoing traffic neither by road or by air !
I would infiltrate a speznatz (one man only) with a laser pointer and let him play with this tool pointing at the HIMARS. The US will go crazy because they think that the russian cruise missiles are underway.
very nice. and blow the soldier.
Its a dumb plan, we agree, but do you ever find a pony, or are you a manure sort of troll?
the US are military but also political stuck in there pocket, there being there has become pointless now there cut off from ISIS. Breaking out off the pocket means engaging SAA with no excuses the are engaging ISIS. it probably becomes a waiting game
The US are not stuck in the pocket – they can leave via Jordan, just the same way the HIMARS came into Syria.
i meant stuck as in the cant advance the just sit there beaning pointless
Al Tanf will be the route for the US led “Terror Axis” to breakout from Jordan and head straight for Damascus.
It will happen simultaneously from N, Idlib, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W etc from all the bulges containing terrorists who will breakout towards Damascus.
This type of breakout can overwhelm the Syrian Military because Russia refuses to protect the Syrian Military with air defence.
Ain’t gonna happen, i would mean direct conflict with Iran and Russia, also for this to work there must be US boots on the ground on the frontline FSA can’t do this alone. US boots on the ground on the frontline facing SAA means a lot of US death troops there’s no political support for this back home in the US.
kraaiiii US does not use its boots in Syria (except their Special Forces).
The US led “Terror Axis” countries, US, UK, France, EU, NATO, Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, Arabs, etc use their Air Force which Russia refuses to confront with its Air Defence system.
The “Terrorist Conveyor Belt” are the boots, tens of thousands of Islamists, Wahabbis, Salafis, Jihadis, who want to meet their God “Allah” through war.
Saudi, Qatar and other countries have spent upwards of US$30 Billion in financing the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt” in Syria.
As one terrorist drops off “Martyrs” another two terrorists are ready to take his / her place.
kraaiiii “…i would mean direct conflict with Iran and Russia,…”
Its better for Russia to supply the S300 and S400 to the Syrian military to take care of air defence over Syrian sovereign territory.
You must have great faith in the weak FSA trash. How is their op Desert Volcano doing?, just BS talk and nothing else.
PZIVJ Apart from kidding yourself, you are so excited about the feeble FSA.
The part you do not understand is the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt”, tens of thousands of Islamists, Wahabbis, Salafis, Jihadis, who want to meet their God “Allah” through war.
They are located in bulges all around Syria, N, Idlib, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W etc all the bulges
Saudi, Qatar and other countries have spent upwards of US$30 Billion in financing the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt” in Syria.
As one terrorist drops off “Martyrs” another two terrorists are ready to take his / her place.
You aren’t fantasising this in a Berlin bunker are you?
Attrition47 “…You aren’t fantasising this in a Berlin bunker are you?…”
You have been watching too much Yesterday / History channel, LoL:)))
Please stop telling us your wet sexual fantasies. “Happen from N, Idlib, NE, E, SE, S”…. Why does it hurt you so much that Russia is clearly winning this proxy war against your country (as part of NATO)?
Tudor Miron “…Why does it hurt you so much that Russia is clearly winning this proxy war…”
Get a life or an education so you can understand the below.
Russia makes a lot of noise like a gorilla thumping its chest and backs off against US – Nato.
Russia is not winning any war, they let Syria fall into the abyss and only intervened in October 2015 to December 2016.
Since start of January 2017, Russian help is minimal, the people fighting are Syrian military (includes allies without Russia).
This is the situation for Syria as this war continues there will be more deaths, injuries, destruction and economic loss to Syria.
Syria 500,000 plus killed, 1.9 Million injured, 6 Million displaced refugees,
Syrian life expectancy has dropped from 70.5 years in 2010 to an estimated 55.4 years in 2015.
Syria Infrastructure destroyed.
This war has already cost Syria approx US$650 Billion in lost economic growth and could cost Syria nearly US$1.3 Trillion in lost economic growth by 2020.
I thought you looked those up for me, but it seems you whore yourself and post the same comment to everyone.
Elisabeth Jenders
Well written.
The US are holding Al Tanf as the through route for the US led “Terror Axis” to breakout from Jordan and launch an attack on Damascus, a stab in the heart.
Will they be using flying dragons?
Alex Black You should know. You’re the comic book expert, LoL:)))
they cant move through syria without showing up in SDF land.
And go where?
The US should just called a day and charge forward towards these filthy Iranian backed SAA
Charge where?
The Little Big Horn, Khe Sanh, Beirut….
omg…. I swear.. Sometimes people just think the US military is an unbeatable force and there are no repercussions that can effect them.
I’m honestly thankful that cooler heads are in charge of the US military and not arm chair generals.
Attrition47 Which Battleplan DVD have you been watching, LoL:)))
So you want to see your fellow Americans get slaughtered in a foreign land for nothing?? Syria has nothing for Americans sweet fuck all. Iran hasent done shit to you guys since the eighties.
Get off the porcelain tower your the problem not iran not Syria not Russia not china. Period
He is a jihadist, not an american.
Heheh this Guy is an insult to jihadists, they usurped the term jihad for There own takfiri motives.
I hope the all go to hell
He is certainly of the cowardly stock, but after years of war, that is all they got left.
Hahahaha Good one man
I hope not. ISIS are the enemy not the Syrian army. The United States should work with Russia to stabilize the situation in Syria. Syria’s disintegration is not good for anyone in the region.
That may be the point of the policy from POV of some of those NOT in region.
Or do not understand the region.
or understand it but root for the bad guys
The HIMARS can deploy several small range of one long range missiles, 2 units do not represent significant firepower, I see it as a mere token move to counter the embarrassment of being outflanked by Syrian and Russian forces. Syria has Scud missiles, they are not as accurate, a swarm of 20-30 can inflict enough damage. They also have large numbers of Fateh 110 tactical ballistic missiles of Iranian design that can rain some serious damage.
Jesus Without proper Air Defence backup from the cowardly Russians, its not wise for the Syrian Military to make any moves against Al Tanf.
cowardly Russians, are u on drugs? or just being an idiot
it is true
no it is not….that is all I can say….I have been deployed here for over a year….only got one quick visit back home….we are doing our best…and dealing with the bs that comes along…frends are no longer friends.
what you say, is irrelevant.
remember the great meeting in ankara. putin and abama met themselves. oobama told: it can be much, much worse. and putin removed 2/3 of planes, reduced russan ativities, stoppd aleppo offensive. THIS IS THE FACT!
taken waaay out of context.
Good luck Andrew and sincere thanks from us that are awake in the UK.
Remember, most of us on these sites are ‘armchair gossips’ or media disinformation agents. It is easy to report on the small picture, when ignorant of the larger picture.
On behalf of all Americans I’m sorry to hear about the recent string of terrorist attacks. None of this immigrant crisis and surge in terrorism would have happened if the US hadn’t of gotten involved in the Middle East on behalf of the Neocons, Zionist (Jews), Gulf Arabs and the litany of corporations and banks running the US…
Words cannot express how sorry and ashamed I am…
don’t be, it’s not you it’s the government, and you should be lucky because I am up here in Trudeau’s fantasy land. I voted him in power, but I was still brainwashed back then
It is the duty of the citizens of a nation to keep track of what their government does. We Americans become hostile and docile and easily coerced into believe false narratives and phantoms of enemies that never existed.
We are paying the price for our blissful ignorance and so is the entire world…
The US gov is no longer in touch with its constituency, and they have ALL been sold out to the Zionist (Jews), Saudi Arabs, and the litany of banks and corporations that only want to make a profit, also the military industrial complex…
dead people make much more money than live ones.
Hehehe I kinda agréé with you, but Harper wasent better, I’m pretty pissed were still dealing with Saudi Arabia though, i know its jobs and all but , jeez have we ni moral conscience
I am from the UK, love my nation, but, so disgusted in those we elect and our media. I feel exactly the same, with regards your last line. Our nations are in the same situation.
Solomon is a terrorist supporter, dont let him bother you.
Alex Black You are writing rubbish. Solly is on side against the terrorists.
You are the chief rubish expert aren’t ya?
Alex Black “…You are the chief rubish expert aren’t ya?…”
Writing about yourself !
Nazi showing up for a jihadist like Solomon, almost defies reason, almost.
Alex Black You need to take a nap after your heavy vodka dinner, LoL:)))
You need to spend more time worrying about your needs.
Alex Black Practice what you preach.
You recycle the same comments, like a bot.
Don’t feed the troll.
Alex Black With your vivid fantasy and imagination, you get over excited…
“Friends are no longer friends” What do you mean ?
andrew Wake up from your heavy vodka breakfast. Russia allowed 2 Syrian Military convoys approaching Al Tanf to be destroyed.
big show for CNN….there won’t be a next time….patients is a virtue
andrew “…patients is a virtue…”
Patience is not a virtue for Syria in this war.
As this war continues there will be more deaths, injuries, destruction and economic loss to Syria.
Current situation: Syria 500,000 plus killed, 1.9 Million injured, 6 Million displaced refugees,
Syrian life expectancy has dropped from 70.5 years in 2010 to an estimated 55.4 years in 2015.
Syria Infrastructure destroyed.
This war has already lost Syria approx US$650 Billion in economic growth and could cost Syria nearly US$1.3 Trillion in lost economic growth by 2020.
I thought you looked up the statistics just for me, but you are just copying and pasting.
Russia must act in accordance to her interests not of others. Even though they are friends. Patience is a virtue.
The number of helicopters destroyed or damaged during the operation shocked the proponents of U.S. Army aviation and prompted a reevaluation of basic airmobile doctrine. The 101st Airborne Division alone, for example, had 84 of its aircraft destroyed and another 430 damaged. Combined U.S./ARVN helicopter losses totaled 168 destroyed and 618 damaged.[9] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Lam_Son_719
The Masonic game couldn’t give a RIP about losses by either side in war. US 8th Airforce losses over Europe in WW 2 were horrific. ..right up there with Kreigsmarine U Boat losses which was around 75% serving . Russian support of Syria and Egypt vs Israel. …chuckle. … At least Hezbollah surprised Israel in 2006. Putin will not help Hezbollah vs Israel and Jewish Oligarchs which his daughter is married into.
Brad Isherwood What you write makes sense.
The people at the top of the tree gain whoever wins or loses.
Saudi and Arabs finance the “Terror Axis”, cost of Syrian war for them is already upwards of US$30 Billion plus.
Iran finances the Syrian side and have to pay hard US$ cash for Russian hardware, “Monkey” version often defective or not fit for purpose.
All the transactions are in US$s and stay in US$s.
The all seeing eye always wins.
The All seeing eye always wins.
Brad Isherwood Tragedy continues, never stops, costs mount, lives are lost. US$s are generated. The people shout lets to things more slowly. More US$s are generated.
Yeah and it’s the Russians fault that your arse stinks
Rüdiger Preiss
The 2 Syrian convoys had many men who were killed or injured.
If Russia used its air defence systems, many Syrian and allied lives would have been saved.
But we would be in world war 3 and everyone would be dead :( you win some you lose some
Were they attacked by ISIS? NO. Per their agreement, Russia is there to attack and kill ISIS. Is that plain enough for you? What you are suggesting would stir the pot and most probably expand the war. Engaging the US directly is a non starter…just as the US engaging the Russians would be. The actions you call for is something the US would do only to start a wider war. Why doesn’t the US attack Russia if direct conflict is a good idea. Everyone would like to see the US get what it’s got coming. Hopefully Hezbollah will show up with a few Verba/Isla party favors.
The Russian air defence systems are at the coast, these aren’t some wunderwaffe, look at the map.
NATOcracy Stop drinking Jerusalem No 6 Kosher wine it clouds your judgement, LoL:)))
Russian S400 covers Al Tanf and even Tel Aviv / UK RAF Akrotiri base in Cyprus.
The Russians can lock on any aircraft approaching Al Tanf, they refuse do do so and allow the Syrian Military approaching Al Tanf to be destroyed.
Heh, it isn’t No.6, it’s No.1 ; )
Jokes aside, both Al Tanf and Tel Aviv are at the edge of a S-400 radius. They can see all traffic there and even much further but they wouldn’t launch a missile at a fighter jet at that range even if they wanted to shot it down. That would be a complete waste, that range of 400 km is for an AWACS.
NATOcracy Remember Kosher wine is grown on stolen Palestinian land which is why the land of Israel will never see any peace for eternity like ancient Israel, always scheming of wars until its destruction.
Nothing prevents Russia installing one S400 battery in Damascus area, its control can remain at the Russian airbase.
Why would they do that? They’re protecting their bases there and that’s why their A2/AD systems are based in Khmeimim and Tartus.
Why are you so obsessed with Israel? No one would be happier than Israel to have some conglomerate of weak caliphates instead of strong Syria at its borders. Especially with the S-300 that the Russians might leave under Syrian control. I don’t see any logic in your claims, I’m clearly pro-Syrian.
Now I am not surprised anymore… you are reading the Daily Mail and post on Southfront hahahahahahahahaha
Rüdiger Preiss
You are a born loser which is why Syria is being destroyed.
All media has to be checked for facts and the real facts prevail, irrespective of media.
Southfront does not give the S400 facts to prevent readers knowing the Russians are cowards and do not help the Syrian military.
Keep reading the Daily Mail looking for facts LMAO :D :D :D! You’ll find better quality journalism in the Nottinghill Carneval Chronicles. I’ve lived in Syria for 5 years mate, whilst the closest you probably got to that country was a cheap last minute holiday to an Antalya Beach Resort in February. I can imagine you with your Bermuda shorts, SPF 50 sun lotion building a sandcastle drinking a Turkish fake coke because they wouldn’t let snotty little kids like you touch Efes hahaha
Rüdiger Preiss “…I’ve lived in Syria for 5 years mate…”
You spent 5 years fighting for IS in Syria.
Thanks! I needed that.
Russia allowed US to show its hand.
Jesus “…Russia allowed US to show its hand…”
The 2 Syrian convoys had many men who were killed or injured.
If Russia used its air defence systems, many Syrian and allied lives would have been saved.
Based on what I read the casualties were less than 10 with some destroyed/damaged tanks and support vehicles. Iranians were flying drones to test US drone responses, apparently trying to develop some countermeasures to blind US ability to monitor movements in the area.
Jesus Where is credible backup for your statistics?
It was an article that SF published a few days after the attack.
Jesus The info needs to be from a impartial organization.
Why dont you back up your claim about how many people died? List a credible source that proves total destruction of some column.
Alex Black No one knows the exact casualties, that’s way even mighty Jesus can’t.
Since something is unknowable, maybe it is best not to make claims one can not substantiate even partially?
Can you do critical thinking? Consider the facts, two attacks on two small convoys, and an Iranian drone being shot down by the US Air Force. US uses drones to monitor movements in the area, Iranians were eager to open up a supply corridor between Iraq and Syria, and they became fixated with Al Tanf. Iran was interested to interdict US drone surveillance in the area, and sought ways to monitor drone activity that directed air attacks. Russians came with a better idea to outflank Al Tanf and establish the common border with Iraq.
Jesus “…Can you do critical thinking?…”
Yes continue fighting your war year in and year out.
Would that be you? Where do you get your numbers? What is your credible source? Even the Syrian gov agrees with SF.
Do you accuse everyone of being drunk on vodka? I think you are exaggerating a lot.
Alex Black “…Do you accuse everyone of being drunk on vodka?…”
Its too sober up the guys to get them thinking again ! LoL:)))
I don’t understand why you keep harping on this. Tell me you do not know the agreement between Syria and Russia, please. It has been stated many times. Do you hear Syria bitching? Would anything Russia does please you?
Haha, the irony – when “More” claims the Russians don’t attack ISIS: https://southfront.org/russian-airstrike-may-killed-isis-leader-baghdadi-syria-russian-military/
They do not have to make any moves against Al Tanf, in desert mobility is of prime importance, fixed defenses can be outflanked. Al Tanf is neutralized and a sitting duck.
Jesus The US led “Terror Axis” mean business.
Al Tanf is no go zone, any move land or air will bring retaliation, US air strikes, missile strikes, etc.
Only the Russians can protect the Syrian Military near Al Tanf but refuse to do so.
I think one should a more realistic approach to the matter at hand. I as an American know that the US is on the wrong side here (people have different perspectives but this is my view of the conflict).
But there is only so much the Russians can do physically without breaking the already strained bank at home (Russia is big country and has a lot of other areas it has to focus on when it comes to it’s defense and how it wants to tackle threats. For the Russians the threat from the large amounts of rebel groups has been dealt with for the most part, ISIS is losing left and right and the SAA is moving at a decent pace in getting it’s land back from rebels and ISIS.
Starting a hot war with the US/Israeli/Saudi is not a smart decision at this point in time. Playing the waiting game and fighting and beating the US forces is a good alternative to a hot war since the US will lose capital and face when it backs forces that are losing.
We have to wait and pray that a hot war doesn’t happen because the US unlike Russia, will escalate the conflict till it gets out of hand.
Refreshing to hear that still exist some people in the US who still have the ability to reason. Hopefully you are not few but rather quiet. Any way refreshing!
BlueInGreen Read everything you write.
Eventually it all boils down to two insecurities, Israel and Russia.
Israel insecurity is arms flow from Iran vis Syria to Hezbollah which is used against Israel.
Syria has to be put into chaos like Iraq, Libya so it can not threaten Israel.
Russia’s insecurity is oil and gas pipelines from Qatar – Saudi – Jordan – Syria – Turkey.
The continuing Syrian conflict takes care of Russia’s insecurity and earns money from Iran financing arms for Syria.
Yep, that sounds about right. I would add that the Gulf Arabs had a bigger hand in this Syrian conflict due to Saudi Arabias want of a pipe line going through Syria into Turkey feeding oil/gas directly into Europe.
BlueInGreen Both Israel and Russia win in the Syrian conflict.
Saudi Arab money is emptied financing one side, Iranian money financing Syria goes to Russia plus no pipeline.
But Iran has stated that it no longer wants to have pipelines going West and will instead focus on the East and Asian markets. All the while Iran has now a land corridor to Lebanon and a Syrian and Iraqi friendly government to secure to supply routes.
But yes. Israel has definitely gained an better-hand in the strategic balance of the Middle East but at a cost. Hezbollah is no longer just the Lebanese Hezbollah (as Iranian trained funded and founded Hezbollah groups are popping up all over the middle east, meaning they will fighting a lot more than just the Lebanese Hezbollah) and this time they are much better trained and equipped and determined.
BlueInGreen “…and will instead focus on the East and Asian markets…”
Not making hay while the sun shines sums up both Iran and Russia.
The consequences of fighting slow motion wars are the Neoconservatives will modify their blocking moves.
The only reason Iran is spared from destruction is to prevent disruption in global oil and gas markets which will be developed to starve Iran of revenue streams.
The oil and gas market going east for Iran is saturated as China does not need the gas and or lacks a domestic gas distribution network to reach its customers.
Just an example, the Central Asia-China pipeline network is indefinitely suspended, it would have carried 30 Billion CM of Turkmen gas to Chinese markets.
The US is currently preparing new sanctions on both Iran and Russia.
Iran will be curtailed from developing any new pipeline going anywhere.
Many more sectors of the Russian economy will be targeted and the EU will be forced into adopting these sanctions, which Germany and France are already willing to implement.
The Syrian Military and organizations like Hezbollah, etc will be affected as Iran will slowly be starved of cash.
Russia is not breaking the bank by being in Syria, US can try to push for a hot war, it will be out strategized and they will end up pounding sand in the desert.
It’s been outflanked; either you’re an ingenious prankster or a pub bore, can’t tell which yet.
Attrition47 Its best if you continue straight to Tel Aviv without any diversions.
There is a straight through road from Jordan to Al Tanf to Damascus.
They are howling in the wind, they do not have military assets in the area to make their threats real. US can sit in Al Tanf, US linkage with ISIS has been cut off in the Deir Ezzor province. It is a matter of time as PMU and SAA and allies have Al Tanf in a stranglehold from three directions. SAA Russia and allies continue their advance eastwards with ample options to outflank any US attempts eastwards. The US can stay in al Tanf and pound sand.
The bottom line is, US is trying to create a lot of commotion on a cheap budget and very limited military assets.
Jesus You are living in fantasy.
Al Tanf is fully open for the Terrorist Conveyor Belt” traffic to and from Jordan.
The Al Tanf route will be used to breakout from Jordan and launch an attack on Damascus, a stab in the heart.
Keep on dreaming, FSA is a joke, special forces do not amount to much, US is not putting their boots on Syrian ground, aside from a few hundred special forces.
You continue living in fantasy.
There are no credible reports that IS has collapsed in Syria, they carried out a tactical withdrawal from Aleppo to Idlib and are still loose all around Syria.
In Syria, there are many 100,000s’ plus IS terrorists located between Idlib through to the Iraq border and Mosul and south towards Deraa.
The part you do not understand is the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt”, tens of thousands of Islamists, Wahabbis, Salafis, Jihadis, who want to meet their God “Allah” through war.
Saudi, Qatar and other countries have spent upwards of US$30 Billion in financing the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt” in Syria.
As one terrorist drops off “Martyrs” another two terrorists are ready to take his / her place.
On a global scale with the blessing of the “Terror Axis” countries, US, UK, France, EU, NATO, Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, Arabs, etc who arm, train and finance terrorism there are MILLIONS of Islamic terrorists waiting to go to Syria.
Saudi Arabia alone has spent upwards of US$80 Billion funding mosques and schools around the world which are the breeding ground for the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt”, as one terrorist drops off “Martyrs” another two terrorists are ready to take his / her place.
You live in the realm of MSM delusion. Turkey closed its borders to jihadis, ISIS is withdrawing everywhere suffering heavy losses, the only available avenue for jihadis is through Jordan, US has been spending large sums to constitue a fighting force in South Syria, the byproduct being FSA joke. Those that reconciled and relocated in Idlib are fighting among themselves, the major groups having suffered irreconcilable attrition during the battle of Aleppo.
So what if Qatar and Saudi Arabia and US are wasting money on futile causes? Russia and Iran are getting very good value for the money invested in Syria and they are winning the war.
The terrorist conveyor belt is bringing terrorists in NATO countries and the US as well as the the ME kingdoms. You nurture and play with a snake , that snake will bite you.
Jesus “…Turkey closed its borders to jihadis, …”
And you trust Turks to do that.
Re examine your mind to find out why there are so many IS in northern Syria especially Idlib.
“…Russia and Iran are getting very good value for the money invested in Syria…”
As this war continues there will be more deaths, injuries, destruction and economic loss to Syria.
This war has already cost Syria approx US$650 Billion in lost economic growth and could cost Syria nearly US$1.3 Trillion in lost economic growth by 2020.
They don’t need Al Tanf at all, the Syrian and Iraqi forces met at the border.
NATOcracy “…They don’t need Al Tanf at all,…”
You are living in fantasy as well.
Which part do you still not understand: There is a straight through road from Jordan via Al Tanf to Damascus.
HaHaHa For all ten of those ‘moderate’ rebels : ) Have you missed that other five turned back to Jordan but were killed just a couple days ago? Well, they can’t just leave after all the money and ‘training’ they got )
Yiddish is your language which is why you fail to understand English as follows:
You are living in fantasy as well.
Which part do you still not understand: There is a straight through road from Jordan via Al Tanf to Damascus.
Jesus Which part do you still not understand: There is a straight through road from Jordan via Al Tanf to Damascus.
What don’t you seem to understand yourself? FSA is a joke and US special forces are marginal at best. So what if there is a straight road from Jordan to Damascus? If US wants Syria so badly they should bring American troops and invade Syria, instead of hiding behind pathetic FSA jokers.
Jesus “…So what if there is a straight road from Jordan to Damascus? …”
This road is an “Asset” US will keep control over it for future use.
I am not going to argue with you, US has no legitimate presence in Syria, their force in Al Tanf is insignificant and their airfields in Jordan are succeptible to deadly tactical ballistic missile attacks.
Jesus You do not have to argue, you need to search your heart as well as your mind and then start facing reality.
The US is controlled by the Neoconservatives who consider Israel to be their homeland.
The first two casualties of a Neoconservative inspired war are the truth as well as International Law.
Putin considers Netanyahu and Israel to be best friends of Russia and does the minimum in Syria to prevent a Saudi Qatar oil and gas pipeline.
Iran has to pay for the Russian assistance in Syria.
I know the facts, Putin looks after Russian interests, he is not kissing up to Netanyahu, Biblical reality declares that Israel will be invaded from the north, and Israel will be alone by trying to defend itself. One has to wonder where does US and the neocons fit in the biblical scenario of Ezekiel 38-39.
I totally agree with you my friend.
Terence Silvestre Jr. Thank you.
Dont grow his ego, he(“it”) is a loon.
Alex Black “…Dont grow his ego, he(“it”) is a loon…”
You looked in the mirror and wrote about yourself, again !
Thanks God you are not in command of the Russian Army. We probably would already be in a fully escalated WW3 thanks to your braveness, Mr More …
Rüdiger Preiss “…We probably would already be in a fully escalated WW3…”
If the Neoconservatives could prevail, they would already have launched a war and destroyed Russia or its military.
There would be no WW3 because the Neoconservatives and the US would be the losers in a nuclear escalation even if accidental, apart from the deaths it would cause the global financial markets to collapse.
The Neoconservatives would be wiped out financially and it would take them 20 or 30 years at least to recover.
Rüdiger, after reading “More’s” answer below… I wander how old is this boy?
cowardly Russians? :) Who is this brave little man talking here? Won a war lately? Why don’t you share some of your latest heroics? Overhelmed that dangerous burger or was it a can of beer that you defeated?
Tudor Miron Have you thought of becoming a comedian? Oh, wait a minute you already tried but failed, LoL:)))
The part you missed out is Russia is not willing to face off the US in Al Tanf. In war talk, it means cowardly.
Have you thought about coming up with original jokes, same comments recycled over and over again, like a bot ;)
He challenges people to show proof of their statements, but he doesn’t have to. When he can’t prove someone wrong, he does what those who know nothing do, resort to name calling and other BS. He keeps harping about Russia directly attacking US forces, as if no one knows the outcome of such stupidity. They will no more attack US forces than US forces will attack Russians. Russia should be commended for confronting the terrorist gambit successfully without expanding the war. This is a tactic that confounds the west. If Russia had not interfered, there would be NO Syria today. Apparently this counts for nothing with these guys.
zman Leave off from your slow careful war.
This is the result:
As this war continues there will be more deaths, injuries, destruction and economic loss to Syria.
Syria 500,000 plus killed, 1.9 Million injured, 6 Million displaced refugees,
Syrian life expectancy has dropped from 70.5 years in 2010 to an estimated 55.4 years in 2015.
Syria Infrastructure destroyed.
This war has already cost Syria approx US$650 Billion in lost economic growth and could cost Syria nearly US$1.3 Trillion in lost economic growth by 2020.
Alex Black That joke was a first, now scram kid, LoL:)))
Alex Black “…same comments recycled over and over again, like a bot ;)…”
Hey ! That’s you !! LoL:)))
No, you are the troll!
Alex Black Your No confirmed it for my side and for your side, you are the troll, LoL:)))
Tudor Miron Wining wars requires to keep the casualties to a minimum.
Without any Russian Air Defence for the Syrian military means it should keep away from Al Tanf.
cowardly Russians ? there actions have more to do with wisdom, checkmate the US ones again without conflict or WW3
kraaiiii Have you thought of becoming a comedian, LoL:)))
Despite your fantasies of ww3, this will not happen
Alex Black “…Despite your fantasies of ww3, this will not happen…”
What part do you not understand:
There would be no WW3 because the Neoconservatives and the US would be the losers in a nuclear escalation even if accidental, apart from the deaths it would cause the global financial markets to collapse.
The Neoconservatives would be wiped out financially and it would take them 20 or 30 years at least to recover.
The Fateh-110 and newer Fateh-313 family of tactical field ballistic missiles are indeed quite deadly. Question is when the missiles start flying will the Syrian alliance commit?
Right now it is a deterrence game, If Syria is attacked directly the Russians will help. US does not have much firepower in the area so the idea of them attacking is rather remote, this is mere window dressing.
When Israel was making those unauthorized flights over Syria, the Russians and Syrians delivered an ultimatum to them, primarily that Haifa would be scuded. That is why Israel uses standoff weapons whenever it wants to make a statement. They have found out their standoff weapons become jammed by Russian EW and are not reliable.
I am sure a similar warning can be conveyed to US, to pack up and leave Syria.
Jesus Russia will never help Syria against the US or Nato countries.
The US also has thousands of Tomahawk missiles ready to fly into Syria.
this boy i very naiv.
Solomon Krupacek True words, they only read and write on the internet whilst drinking coffee.
On the ground, Syrian Military is fighting a real war, live or die.
Without Russian air defence it can be death.
It’s hard to keep lying when confronted by hard facts. I feel your pain buddy. Or better ask Syrians what they think – did Russia help them against US, NATO? Your problem is that no matter what nonsense is posted the facts on the ground are there to observe – Assad is winning this war against US/NATO irregular military forces (ISIS, Al Queda, FSA, SDF etc., etc) unlike what was happening a couple of years ago, before Russia started…should I say helping?
assad is losing syria
You must be looking at a different map than everyone else.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, he’s a complete idiot. More has about as much sense.
i am looking at the same map,. divisionof syria is inevitable, that means, assad is losing syria.
based on your predictive record, Syria will probably absorb Saudi Arabia.
russia betrayed syria. like cuba ina 62, member states of WP, 90-ties, vietnam in 90-ties. you are completely untrustable.
You should write the demented jihadist history book, nobody is gonna read it, since you won’t be a winner, but losers need literacy too
Tudor Miron “…did Russia help them against US, NATO? …”
Yes Russia helped Syria at the last moment, Oct 2015 to December 2016. Since Jan 2017 the help has been reduced.
You need to understand: 2010 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2011 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2012 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2013 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2014 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2015 – January to September – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2017 – Minimal Russian help for Syria
Tudor Miron
Syria is fighting the same battles over and over against the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt”.
The more time it takes there will be more death, injuries, destruction and economic losses in Syria.
If Russia gave FULL military support to Syria then the victory process could be faster.
I agree with you in full. The thing that I fear is the overall American military strategy when approached with hostility and repercussive moves from the adversary. US almost always escalates the scenario and doubles down.
Brinkmanship is losing its power.
They might do that, but, last century, the only battle they won was against a tiny Island called Grenada. You would have thought they would have learnt how to fight, considering they have only had 17 years peace in total since 4 July 1776.
Exactly, hence the Russian strategy.
Russian cowards stating the obvious.
Meanwhile the Putin / Lavrov duo bend over for “Our Partners”.
Do you want the war in Syria to end or merely be the beginning of something worse?
His concerns are just but I agree that one thing must tackled and dealt with first before starting another.
Attrition47 “…Do you want the war in Syria to end…”
Your weakness includes everything is Personal including 1947.
Welcome to the real world, the only thing to end the conflict in Syria is the defeat of the “Terror Axis” and the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt”.
Both are controlled by the Neoconservatives, your people, from the the Khazar nation.
Thought so, you’re a haSSbara troll.
Attrition47 You get so excited over nothing. Get a life !!!
Russia and NATO will fight… That’s down the road some…as the Masonic game is not ready for that game turn. War vs Iran and or North Korea is higher probability. The US is making profits from A Stan Opium to Raytheon supply new cruise missiles.
At some point. ..you have to have a conflict where both sides are using up weapons And military assets to justify sending them. US is not ready to lose a Carrier … The US of USS Maine False Flag or Pearl Harbor. ..we’re more determined in their focus.
Today’s US is gay and double minded…. War means you get busted up too… So…they are scared about how the game goes when Nuclear Cobalt torpedoes And other weapons EMP your grid and create 100 Fukushima meltdowns in the USA As reactors go dry from no power to pump billions of gallons of cooling water.
So…the Game of kill and make profits must be run by All players shaking hands and Cognac/Cigars. The war of past decades was not threat like 100 Fukushima of today.
They are addicted to the power of sending war and watching it’s outcome. Human race is fated to F up and do an Atlantis again.
That is just a way of reminding the americans that the russians are watching. A reminder to keep it civil if you will.
Alex Black In war there is no civility, its live or die, win or lose.
This is the situation for Syria as this war continues there will be more deaths, injuries, destruction and economic loss to Syria.
Syria 500,000 plus killed, 1.9 Million injured, 6 Million displaced refugees,
Syrian life expectancy has dropped from 70.5 years in 2010 to an estimated 55.4 years in 2015.
Syria Infrastructure destroyed.
This war has already cost Syria approx US$650 Billion in lost economic growth and could cost Syria nearly US$1.3 Trillion in lost economic growth by 2020.
Well thank you for those statistics, I am not sure how it impacts my point. The Russians do not intend to escalate with the US or to kill Americans. Not only are hostilities with Americans undesirable, but they would only delay the fight against ISIS and violent jihadist elements in Syria. Fighting Americans is not in the plan. Americans don’t really want this fight either. they deployed a system to give themselves a strategic ability to strike targets with missiles in Syria. They had similar ship based capability as they demonstrated in April. While these systems remain inactive, their value remains part of the dialogue. The presence of these HIMAR systems does not change the balance of power, as the US air capabilities, gave them air to ground control over eastern Syria. So all your pointless statistics aside, I am not sure what you want to see happen.
yes, your homeland sold out syria. like did many times in the history. never trust russia.
Are you trying to meet your jihadist quota for the day before they leave you alone with the goat?
jihadistz is your whore chechen mother!
Straight to the mother, sounds like you are all out of jihad for the day, next time, save some for the goat.
Alex Black “….only delay the fight against ISIS and violent jihadist elements…”
Unable to accept the death and destruction in Syria is a sure sign of a drunk troll, you need to lay off the Halal vodka, LoL:)))
Syria is in a mess because Russia has delayed the fight for many years:
Russian delay timetable: 2010 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2011 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2012 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2013 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2014 – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2015 – January to September – Minimal Russian help for Syria 2017 – Minimal Russian help for Syria
americans were invited by russians. putin several times called them to fight together isis. americans only fillfilled his wishes
Solomon Krupacek Very true words. Putin will pay a heavy price for calling the US, “Our Partners”.
the hasitation and procrastinations were the largest mistakes of putin. he always stopped the saa at maximum momentum. -daraa, after sheikh masqud. take navara and, dael, maybe daraa city -aleppo after janury 2016 offensive (could take the whole adanan plane and already in that time encircle aleppo city, and on est jirad airbaise. -palmyra immediately tekae road 95 and clean the desert up to jordan border. – tabqa offensive
Solomon Krupacek Very good list of Putin’s failures.
Putin may have agreement with US to keep Syria destabilized with steady long war.
Result Iran has to pay hard cash to Russia for military equipment to keep war running and keep Iranian Military busy.
Eventually Iranian military will be worn out, Iran will have empty pockets, no money no US$s.
End of the day, US$s go back to the USA.
It is so cute how you and solomon take turns blowing each other.
do not apply on us your realtions with your father :)))
so you are done with the goat, that took a while.
no, i am not half asian animal like you :)
i am human. ;)
Quarter Asian?
no asian genes. those are degenerative.
Are you a turk in denial about Mongolia?
nothing asian. otherwise turks ar not miongolians.
more important is the culture influence. and you know wxactky, there are big rests in your country. for example. in times od medvedev i was wit my partners so sell something im russia, what you gdo not have. and is big probelm. i was anly as specialist amd helped for my friends. we went to mnoscow, met the responsible guy in office of a high ranking institute. we began to talk about our product and offer. he ate his breakfast, drink ree and finally told. here is my account senf here 1 million euro, iwithin two weeks you get all papers and can sell.
huh! first, we do not bribe seconf, so much money was impossible thiord, in russa, the tkirowets rotasion makes changes within hours. and could be afternoon kicked out and changed by other familiar guy. and mullion lost for eever. so, we t´told only, thank for good coffe /was really ecellent!). stood up and left. the bureau, moscow, russia. 1 month later we pit uor product on white russian amrket. no bribe, no oligarchs. quckly, clearly, all bunazhka and stamps. so belarus is much more european countra then russia, perhaps ia should suggest in brussel tak belarus insted of fool ukraina. ;) of course in that field, if ourporoduct was on belarus market, could automatically entered the russian market. and we … sent i kazachstan. piss and shit on your oligarch bearheds!!!
I am very sorry someone wronged your kebabs. Not all Russians are bad but there is crime. I hope you find a way to move past this great tragedy.
i know. there are wonderful russian. a have dozens of friends., for decades. every years is at least 1 russian family on visit in our hous. but ualso non russians. latia, kijev. 1 was from batumi. at us cried about civil war and disaster. we lost contct with them. hopely they live. i liked piatigorsk and caucasus. w got special papaer ti visit mountins. and sure with my wife will someday absolve the transsiberian journey.
I think if you can move past the wrong you suffered, you will find russian people friendly, welcoming and accepting of a range of attitudes. But the russians are proud, and if you insult them, it may be a bad vacation
Alex Black “…It is so cute how you and solomon take turns blowing each other….”
You are a loser in life as well as the internet, unable to accept posts on a readers forum.
Funny how the President of Syria, publicly praises Russia and what they have done for the people of Syria. Not forgetting Iran and Hezbullah, who are also working well with the Syrian Forces.
If you look how Russia reacts, then surely, you will also see they give ample opportunities for their opponents to show their hand.
Crimea – all done and dusted, before the EU even managed an emergency meeting. Ukraine – the gas – they had chance upon chance to pay the bill, then when they assumed Russia would carry on, wham. No more gas, until they paid in advance.
EU and US sanctions, Russia was patient, as the armchair gossips, thought they had got away with it, then bang, Russia took out the EU agricultural market. The US trade with Russia is up and the EU took the hit.
Syria, Russia is doing the same, allowing the US to think they have it in the bag and then when the US least expects it, they are exposed in the international community, for their covert behaviour.
Has any body listened to the quotes from Sun Tzu? How did Syria get to the Iraq border and again, was anybody expecting that?
I remember, Eastern Ukraine and all the doubters, believing that there was no way that the farmers and miners could ever defend themselves from NATO Forces and EU/US leaders? Yet, remember the cauldrons and the airport and who expected that?
Like an onion, where you peel back the layers, that is what Russia is doing. Showing on the world stage, just how the US works, and just how week they are.
Why did Merkel and Hollande rush to the Kremlin, where they could not be listened into?
Russia can rush in all guns blazing, but, where does that lead?
Or they can be patient, play their deck, and allow all others to show their hand, before they strike, in their usual ‘shock and awe’ manner.
Funny how the President of Syria, publicly praises Russia and what they have done for the people of Syria. Not forgetting Iran and Hezbullah, who are also working well with the Syrian Forces.
what else could say? without russians woud be not alive ;)
sun tze is overestimated. btw., 1 year agou hat to check the southern border. today is too late. and this is common fault of putons and assads politics.
It is easy to sit back in our armchairs and gossip, without seeing, knowing or understanding the bigger picture. The fight is still going on, and who knows how it will turn out.
There again, who gains if they can cause problems between the people/Government of Syria and Russia?
yes, it is easy. mainly if i have education in that way. your argue was childish, not scientific ;)
Sorry, I did not realise that I need a PhD in the Sciences to comment on this site.
Funny, how you can easily sniff out a media disinformation agent and their 5D script.
Deny Discourse Disagree Derail Discredit
Plus, they always throw in a personal insult.
Personally, I am quite happy to admit to being an ‘armchair gossip’ who does not have the fortune to see the bigger picture or understand what is going on in the battlefield. If that is a childish statement, then so be it. However, how can I answer with scientific facts, when I am not in receipt of all the data, in order to reach a conclusion?
Housewife From Hampshire, I have to say that I and many others on SF enjoy reading your well thought and clearly articulated posts. You show us ability to observe the facts on the ground from open sources and “connect the dots” both on “the map” and in time (what is a “seed” and what is a consequence). Than that “bigger picture” emerges all by itself. May be not on particular battlefield but that is a “dot” in a bigger picture. We do have a couple of trolls here – that “More”blood boy (btw, he’s from UK I think, but I may be wrong here) and that funny Solomosha… I find it amusing to push their nose into their own lies here and there. But it’s not that we take this clouns seriously :)
Sorry for my English.
Do not apologise for your English. At least you can speak in more than one language. Thank you for your kind words. Wouldn’t it be nice, for things to calm down, and for us all to live in peace. Well, I can always pray for miracles and never give up on hope.
Housewife From Hampshire Its better you bake nice cup cakes for your kids and leave warfare alone.
Its better you commit suicide.
Alex Black “…Its better you commit suicide….”
Its better for you to watch soap on TV as you live in fantasy just like an everyday housewife, LoL:))))
Really? Then there would only be one person with mulitiple identities, chatting to themself on these forums.
I did not realise that those that baked cup cakes for their kiddies, were not allowed to use these sites. Wow, you learn something new every day.
Some “men” are totally terrified of women with brains.
Nice one.
Housewife From Hampshire “…Wow, you learn something new every day…”
You learnt nothing just the everyday fantasy of a housewife.
Darling, we are all the same and each and every poster has the same power, no more and no less. I have never denied who I am or where I come from. Remember, at the end of the day we are no more than armchair gossips, when we come on the site. When we leave, and carry on with our day to day activities, then no doubt a different scenario.
Housewife From Hampshire OK, Agreed plus you got an up vote !
Housewife From Hampshire You are writing too much rhetoric on many different subjects.
“…President of Syria, publicly praises Russia…”
Its too late to change a decision, Mr Assad has to continue with his mistake of trusting Putin and blind faith in Russia starting 2010 and this is the result.
Russia makes a lot of noise like a gorilla thumping its chest and backs off against US – Nato. Russia is not winning any “war”, they let Syria fall into the abyss and only intervened in October 2015 to December 2016.
Since start of January 2017, Russian help is minimal, the people fighting are Syrian military (includes allies without Russia).
This is the situation for Syria as this war continues there will be more deaths, injuries, destruction and economic loss to Syria.
Syria 500,000 plus killed, 1.9 Million injured, 6 Million displaced refugees,
Syrian life expectancy has dropped from 70.5 years in 2010 to an estimated 55.4 years in 2015.
Syria Infrastructure destroyed.
This war has already cost Syria approx US$650 Billion in lost economic growth and could cost Syria nearly US$1.3 Trillion in lost economic growth by 2020.
What was it the Flemmish Priest said, if Russia had not accepted the invite?
There would be no Syria now.
$1.3 trillion, is a lot less than the US national debt. Now what is that running at? $20 trillion plus and wasn’t the debt ceiling due to fall yesterday? I wonder what stopped that, besides more printing?
Housewife From Hampshire Russia had already accepted the invite back in 2010 and true to form Russia did not come up with the goods.
Have recorded lots of steady 2010 BBC TV newsreels of Syrians cheering jolly Uncle Lavrov in Damascus, just the stuff a Housewife would enjoy, lots of buntings, flowers and kids flag waving.
US$1.3 Trillion is a lot of C notes (US$100 bills) to put on a bonfire.
Don’t forget the Syrian deaths, injuries, displaced people, Infrastructure trashed like a squashed glace cherry on one of your freshly baked cupcakes.
“…the debt ceiling due to fall yesterday? I wonder what stopped that, besides more printing?…”
Its just a Neoconservative con job, “Drama” to scare the feeble Goys, government will be shut down salaries won’t be paid, etc.
The US can print US$s with a single click because Russia is desperate for US$s and Iran is starving for US$s, the queue of countries is endless.
Russia is so desperate for those $USD that she has been dumping her collection, together with China.
Housewife From Hampshire Your main problem is facing reality instead you cling to fantasy spread by doom and gloom merchants.
Russia increased its US$ holdings from US$370 Billion as at last September 2016 to US$400 Billion as at 21 April 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_foreign-exchange_reserves
Russia is planning to increase its US$ holdings to US$500 Billion within the next 12 months.
It has dumped a lot and also has so much faith in the $USD, which is why Russia and China are happily trading in their own currencies.
Are Russian Foreign Currency reserves purely $USD?
Russian Foreign Currency Exchange Reserves https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f5495fb8496715d816aafb2fb4fa3e1a26b99a0f334652904702fc029c2872da.png
Russia Government Bonds https://www.investing.com/rates-bonds/russia-government-bonds
You seriously site Wiki???? You are aware of the reason they cannot be used with regards academic papers? So easy to edit.
This site cannot be used to cite from, however, so I will back it up with a gold index chart.
Russia Leaving Global Banking System: Dumping US Dollar For Gold…https://truththeory.com/2017/05/07/russia-leaving-global-banking-system-dumping-us-dollar-gold/
Russia Trade Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit Balance of Trade 8001.00 12598.00 20356.00 -185.00 USD Million [+] Exports 26095.00 31328.00 50248.00 4100.00 USD Million [+] Imports 18094.00 18730.00 32481.00 2691.00 USD Million [+] Current Account 22800.00 10124.00 39286.00 -3774.00 USD Million [+] Current Account to GDP 1.80 5.10 18.00 -1.40 percent [+] External Debt 529.70 518.70 732.80 151.30 USD Billion [+] Capital Flows 7140.13 2894.31 32844.54 -47722.55 USD Million [+] Gold Reserves 1680.10 1615.22 1680.10 343.41 Tonnes [+] Crude Oil Production 10713.00 10733.00 10832.00 5707.00 BBL/D/1K [+] Remittances 5410.00 4478.00 5728.00 1359.00 USD Million [+] Terrorism Index 5.43 6.21 7.21 5.43 [+] Weapons Sales 6432.00 5554.00 8658.00 1478.00 USD Million [+] Foreign Direct Investment 21202.00 4212.00 40140.00 -3922.00 USD Million [+]
Sorry left this out. https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/gold-reserves
Housewife From Hampshire Thank you for the data on gold, I already have it, LoL:)))
Usually I post on it as below: Russian Gold Reserves Increase to 5th largest in the world. http://www.tradingeconomics.com/russia/gold-reserves
July 2016 1542.66 Tonnes of Gold July 2015 1275.05 Tonnes of Gold July 2014 1094.73 Tonnes of Gold
Housewife From Hampshire “…they give ample opportunities for their opponents to show their hand….”
You write so much nonsense, its a wonder if you are actually an adult.
Surprise is the best element in winning a war, instead Russia operates in slow motion coward mode unable to counter strike any US or Nato asset.
A smart Military would already have calculated the force ratio for a counter strike and launched it.
You can always tell the 5 D media disinformation agents, besides running with the script.
Deny Discourse Disagreement Derail Discredit.
Plus, they can never leave out some form of personal insult.
General Hardy no doubt trains you well, with the old Goebbels manual.
Housewife From Hampshire OK, you got an A for listing all the D’s plus an up vote.
Where do you get your drugs, because you world is a vivid, imaginative place.
look, who is laughing on your naivity
is the goat sore?
The US wants this to be a loaded gun that is aimed at Iran’s/SAA/Hezbollah/PMU land corridor that was just established right above Al-Tanf. How effective it will be still remains to be seen but one things for sure. US won’t leave Syria anytime soon and this won’t end well.
I’ll put it this way. The PMU and SAA and Iran will be fighting the US forces sooner or later since the entire goal of the US in the first place was to work on the behalf of the Gulf Arabs and Israel in curtailing Iran’s influence in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq as well as getting a pipeline through Syria on the Gulf Arabs behalf. Possibly if Israeli/US intelligence units get wind of really advanced weapons comings through the newly made corridor, the HIMARS system will be instrumental in shutting that corridor down.
What should be noted is that Iran seems to be trying to create a 3 country strong contiguous Hezbollah (in reality this already set up, with the many Hezbollah type groups in Iraq and Syria plus the one in Lebanon). For the Israelis this is a great threat as it means if Israel attacks Lebanon then it will have to essentially deal with fighters coming from Syria and Iraq as well. Not to mention a every increasing supply of weapons and supplies from the direct source of Iran itself. But for these supplies to be maximized more of the border area between Syria and Iraq must be liberated and controlled and more corridors have to be opened to get more troops and supplies to cross in from Iraq.
US is again on the wrong side (idk depends on your perspective really). But we all know that… (Well whether wrong or right idk, but US is definitely on the side that is losing more than it’s winning. That being the FSA units it backs and the rebels it backs have lost nearly all their engagements when fighting the SAA. But the YPG and SDF are good at fighting ISIS in the Raqqa area. But the US will use the Kurds as an instrument of war when ISIS threat has been eliminated.) I would STRONGLY urge the Turkish government to reach an broad ranging understanding with the Iranians and Syrians and Russians that will allow for a Turkey to be added to the Joint military effort due to the high probability of the Kurds becoming the next enemy. If indeed we see a strong destabilizing effort coming from Kurdish factions seeking some sort of independence ( I want to make it clear though, I don’t hate the Kurds it just recently the evidence is beginning to suggest if not outright say that Kurds are just another instrument the Israeli/Saudi/USA alliance will use as an attack dog).
Opinions may vary on Turkey’s involvement and possible alliance with the Russians and Syrian and Iranians.
Iran’s gamble in Syria is seeming to pay off in spades. and The human loss on Iran’s side for a war going on for about 6 years is actually quite small. The Political capitol is expensive but thats war for you.
USA want to open another front in that area to stop advance to Deir Ezzor and Raqqa!…only an strong response in case of HIMARS attacks vs SAA can change the scenario!..I mean the use of Bastion P, cruise missile,Iskander,Toschka( SS-21) or Smerch!…enough to wipe off Al Tanf base, The HIMARS trucks and Jordan base…but its not probabily that Russia do it!…
It is not a technical problem, it is a political problem. The SAA can obviously destroy the base and kill americans there, but what would be the point? Americans will retaliate, and degrade SAA capability. Its better to isolate them in the desert, with a small liwa force, while advancing towards strategic objectives in the north east.
Trump administration has already started to dump highly sophisticated military equipments against the Syrian government forces and their allies in Syria with out the Syrian government consent or authorization.
Arming the SDF will speed up their destruction, and al tanf is for show.
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More show than anything of use, I can piss half of their range, and Syria isnt the size of an football field either, and to do what, when Syria is slipping of their grip, have just an desert in front of them, an vast nothing, circled by Syrian forces, and now Iraqis cutting that road, Jordan is of getting an itch, because of the turn in the last months, witch has not come as an big surprise, its an nation wide war, tings takes time, but, hehe, as the “Brilliant” wankees have experienced, it may also go much faster than what they could imagine, and now, they are starting to trip, and as all whom have encountered psychopaths, cornered and they go nuts, and always resorts to violence, because of loosing face, and potency, and now, officially castrated.
I hope the Syrians dont for an second stops, harass and give them no time to dig in, and now, when the uISISas storm troupes aka ISIS is just confined to pockets, the war is practically over. I ges, the cleaning of the pockets will accelerate along with dwindling supply’s given to the western backed and armed happy “moderate” head choppers, whom even had the courage to chop the head of an 12 year old Palestinian child, makes them proud. huh Yeah, in the west, that was just an flash, another Palestinian killed in their mindless wars. Forgotten already.
And if the wankees gets cocky, just ram the area down, they will run, and if it they then escalates further, just fire every dammed ship ramming missile at any floating uISISa made device any where near, the Mediterranean sea or the Arab/Indian ocean, because in the end, we all know they circle around to create the cause to have an excuse to go to war against Iran. And that will ignite the entire region, and Israel will also act, acordingly to their sick dreams of Eretzh Israel, from the Eufrat to the Nile and up to Litany in Lebanon.
They will try, be sure, they will go to war.
Syria is lost, Iraq is slipping, Turky, well, the turbofan Erdogan is flip-flopping and what do then the imperial banana republic have left, Afghanistan, well, forget that. The Saudis is more of an side show, where the petty tyrants is howling in their castles, and is more of an revealing image of an decaying, degenerating kingdom, and is confirming its madness, in Ramadan on top of it, and they claim they are Islam, you gotta be kidding, tear them down, Arabs and breath for free.
So Iran will be their next target, and it have already begun, and will of course escalate further.
Weird, isnt it, sickening to, when you read the comments in western MSM about using Phosphor, and I know they have never seen the effect of that shit, witch burns better is you throw water on it, water is in fact the worst thing you can use against an person burning of phosphorus bits in their body’s, and body’s are basically water, like magnesium, highly reactive material and burns with an high temp, witch is the reason for it to be used, Primitive weapons, made to burn down everything in sight. the people, the same that whined about terror, cried for the victims, solidarity concerts, hammered Assad for chemical attacks, etc, etc, but the western MSM and the people commenting, had this time, no problems with this hideous weapon, and as many claimed, war is bad, we must accept causality, since the fight is just, against an evil dictator. No remorse, no sorry, just collateral damage. Thats why nothing happens against the western war against Yemenis, they dont give an f…. about Yemeni’s, children, nope they dont care, thats the ugly truth. I dont call it racism, just plain evil. The silence is ear shattering.
Yeah, and now they whine because we tell them this, buhuu, f….
why do younot write your blog speeches on own site?
why do you post stupid pro jihadist crap
excuse me?
What is your problem with the russians, did a russian bang your mom and treat you badly?
i have no problem,. i wish you be rich, onyl stay at home and never come to our lands. i do not want your asian mongol style of oligarchic feudalocapitlism. i alwasy will visit your balett, read writers, but 3 step distances, until you will be not civilized.
Are you claiming to be a Syrian? Which terrorists do you support?
be not coméletely fool. who are you? grandson of btezhnev, that you are not be able to hear critical voices???
i like russians, but i vcan not stand sume deaturs of your politics.
Not sure if SAA still has some Tochka U’s That would be an excellent countermeasure.