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MARCH 2025

Russian Diplomat: Moscow Will Maintain Active Cooperation With Ankara On Idlib Settlement

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Russian Diplomat: Moscow Will Maintain Active Cooperation With Ankara On Idlib Settlement

Syria, Idlib. FILE IMAGE: SANA/Handout via REUTERS

Moscow will continue its close cooperation with Ankara to resolve the Idlib crisis, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister for counterterrorism, Oleg Syromolotov, said in an interview with Sputnik on April 15.

“The situation in Idlib is regulated by the Russian-Turkish memorandum from September 17, 2018 … We will maintain active cooperation with Ankara within this memorandum on the Idlib settlement,” the diplomat said.

Syromolotov stressed that the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement should led to the elimination of all terrorists in Idlib.

“With this in mind, the Syrian Armed Forces will refrain from conducting a large-scale military anti-terrorist operation in the area,” the diplomat added.

According to the Russian diplomat, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the former branch of al-Qaeda and its Syria, and its allies are strengthening their influence and increasing their attacks on civilian areas around Idlib.

At least eleven people were killed a day earlier, when terrorists launched a barrage of rockets from their positions in Idlib’s outskirt at the city of Aleppo. The attack was among the bloodiest since the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement, last September.

Syromolotov said that Russia’s patiency towards the situation in Idlib will eventually worn out. A threat that indicates that a military solution is still on the table.


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“Syromolotov stressed that the implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreement should led to the elimination of all terrorists in Idlib.” Lol.. So the terrorist will just disappear into thin air.. Okay, great plan.

The deal said that all armed opposition who dont accept as respect the deal will be military crusehd. So if they would follow the deal, there would have been a military offensive of the SAA since months.

Only other way to make this happen is to declare HTS+co into “moderate opposition” like Erdogan always wanted and demanded.

Like: There are no Jihadists, only figthers for Islam. There can be no extremism in Islam, because they only follow the Sharia. Thats what he even said in public on a press conference with Merkel..

I dont know for how long this charade will go on, but damn. Its becoming hysterical.

Astrid Watanabe

“I don’t know how long this charade will go on……” It looks more and more ridiculous. A betrayal. It makes no sense at all. Syria thrown to the pigs.

Jens Holm

Our pigs never will eat something like this. Most of them has ancisters from the muslim areas of today. They still has the keyes.

Try goats, sheep and hens. Those seemes to assimilate well with Yours.


Russia is playing nice with everyone, even if that means betraying Syria. Unfortunately, everything is more complicated than what it seems. Russia saved Syria and Assad from total destruction, but will not help liberate all of Syria because they are benefiting from this charade…unfortunately nothing is black or white…and there are no super heroes…


You russians looked like good guys in the increasingly insane international contrext. But you allied with Turkey, allow Israel to bomb whatever they want, whenever they want (including your men). Same actors who started this ISIS shit. WTF are you doing in Syria afterall? What do you hope to achieve?


Hey Uwe, lets go to a private war, do you like New Guinea?

Astrid Watanabe

We will see. But It won’t be for Syria’s benefit. No good guys here. Insane. It’s a bad day all around.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Putin doesn’t want the Syrian war to end, he wants it to last forever, and with his mate Erdogan’s help, Putin’s going to make this war last exactly as long as he wants it too. Contrary to what most of us would expect, the war in Syria doesn’t actually cost the Russian economy one extra red cent, all the expenses associated with the war are just a part of Russia’s normal military research and training budget expenditure, and as the economic experts point out, it’s actually cost neautral for Russia. And as the military experts also point out, Russia now gets to use the Syrian battleground as a real time real life testing facility, testing out all their new high tech weaponary and equipment, also training their personnel under real combat situations, giving them and their commanders valuable combat experiance. So we have a war that doesn’t cost Russia a cent, delivers optimal research and testing results, and also enhances training results for it’s personnel, is there really any down side to the Syrian war from Russia’s perspective, the only negative I can see is on the diplomatic front. But when the war in Syria finally ends, either a Saudi or a Iranian gas pipeline will be built to deliver gas to the EU gas market, and the Russian economy will take a massive hit to the hip pocket, they’ll then lose precious marketshare and economic revenue, as well as political influence on the EU block. So why would Putin ever want to end the war in Syria, when there’s way more incentive for him to keep it going, and only a massive negative aspect for both the Russian economy, and it’s Russia’s political influence on the EU when the war does finally end. Poor Assad may never get his country back in one peice.


Willing, to be stupid it’s the hell, and I don’t desire the hell to you, so, don’t be… and lets think.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s called reality, I realized there’s no other real reason to keep this war going other than the reason I proposed. Even at the start of the war Putin refused to put Russian boots on the ground, and then when Isis invaded he left them inhindered until it was too late to stop them, which allowed the US to get a foot in the door. He’s also let the US and Israelis bomb the Syrians whenever they wanted to and still does, and worse still he barters off bits and peices of Syrian territory to Erdogan to gain his favour. The war ends when it suits Putin to end the war, and it doesn’t suit Putin at all right now.

Astrid Watanabe

What a mess. What can you say. This too will pass.


You are right. Reality hurts…it still hurts…

Astrid Watanabe

Putin was no friend. Now we know.


It’s a little more complicated than that. He is not a very good friend of Syria (still he saved her from total destruction) and he’s a Zionist (out of the closet).


Yeah, he might never get his country back. Putin is a Zionist (although not so obvious like Trump). He has let Israel bomb Syria hundreds of times and who was one of the guest of honor at the May celebrations in Moscow??

Please read this article and corresponding links. https://www.globalresearch.ca/putinyahus-rusrael-the-putin-netanyahu-relationship-a-deep-personal-bond/5674200

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I did read the article and several links and agree with some things the article asserts, but not all. I don’t think he’s a Zionist but he is pragmatic. The Global research articles left out the most important factor behind the changing political dynamics in not only Syria, but the changing political dynamic taking place all over the Arab world. Since June last year the Arab League have been reasserting their combined political power in an attempt to reign in the US’s and Israel’s political hold over certain Arab countries, and since they have, both Israel and the US have changed their mantra from “Assad has to go”, to “Assad can stay”, and then Trump also then sacked the FSA and kicked them out of Al Tanf, and Assad was allowed to take back all of southern Syria unmolested by either US or Israeli forces. The media haven’t tried to explained why their was such a big shift in policy back then but I will, it was all the Arab League’s doing. The Arab league are the major driving force changing the current political dynamic in Syria and the region now, and Putin’s taking full advantage of it, he gets from the Arabs and gets from the Israelis exactly what he wants, and promises to deliver exactly what they want, [but can’t do it just yet]. The two overriding demands Putin has to comply to are this, 1, the Israelis ‘not only’ want the Iranians out of Syria, they also want Russia to give them security guarantees concerning the negation of Iranian strike capabilities, that Russia will have to demand from Iran, and also ensure through compliance monitoring, something the US hasn’t been able to do for the Israelis no matter how hard they tried. Putin will have to pull a rabbit out of the hat to pull this one off, but I won’t be surprised if he does, he has the Arab League as his magical assistants now, and and they have a full box of magic tricks to help him pull off a miracle. 2, the Arab league have just one main demand for Putin, remove Erdogan’s forces from both Syria and Iraq, and when that’s done, everyone can get back to the business of making money again, and as a bonus Putin will get the golden key to the 7 kingdoms. The Arab league are never mentioned by either the MSM or alternate media as having much to do with current events in Syria, it’s either the Israelis or the American pulling the strings if you believe their propaganda, but in reality it’s the the Arabs that have been pulling most of the strings behind the scenes over the last 18 months, and they still have a lot more strings to pull when they want to. As much as I don’t think Putin’s a Zionist, I do think he’d sell his own mother for the right price, I’d probably say the same thing for Trump too.


I do agree pretty much with what you have written. I welcome your insights. Can you provide me with any links? 1.) I do agree that the Arabs are at least in principle (excluding a few countries perhaps) much more united than before and are seeking to especially contain Turkey, although I do wonder how they are working (together) to contain “Israel” (excluding what is happening in Syria). 2.) I do hope Turkey can leave their occupied territories in Syria (i.e., that Russia can convince Turkey to leave), but why would they? If the US and the French continue to have their bases in the same country? 3.) I do agree that Putin could ultimately be defined as being “pragmatic” but the things that he’s commented about “Israel” (and how’s he’s behaved towards this “state”) also “technically” define him as “Zionist”. So the question is: How do you define a person that is Zionist? https://orientalreview.org/2018/05/10/president-putin-on-israel-quotes-from-the-kremlin-website/

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hi JJ, you don’t need links to any articles, just bookmark a few Arab news sites and check headlines regularly, that should get you up to speed. SF also published a few articles a while ago ago concerning Arab league [AL] machinations, SF reported on the fact that just about all of the AL nations had already defied US demands and re established diplomatic relations with Syria, even despite the serious threat of US sanctions for doing so. I’m afraid Israel doesn’t seem to be very high on the AL’s agenda atm, and I’m not sure if that’s because Erdogan’s taking up so much of their time and resources that they can’t afford to, or maybe it’s because they don’t see an urgent need to, or worse still quite possibly a deals been done concerning Syria, that implicitly denies the AL to complain too loudly about certain other regional matters, Palestine for example. Erdogan the Turk is complaining the loudest about Palestine’s fate not the AL or it’s member countries, or at least not as loudly as Erdogan is, that makes me think Palestine may have been doomed way back in June last year, with the AL’s consent, just a suspicion mind you, there’s no evidence yet but it makes me wonder why the AL isn’t up in arms about it. Technically a Zionist is someone who believes that Israel [which hasn’t existed for nearly 2,000 years], now has a right to exist in modern day Palestine [which has been in constant existence for nearly 2,000 years], whether or not the traditional owners like the idea or not, and we know they don’t. Some of the Palestinians who the Zionists originally kicked out of their homes, had actually not just lived in the same areas or localities, but had actually lived in the same family homes that had been passed down for 900 years, [homes last a long time when made of stone and maintained]. Palestine may not have had huge numbers in the way of population, and they did take Hitler’s side during the war, and had lots of recent refugees from all over the region, but that didn’t give the filthy rich displaced Jews living all around the world the right to kick them out and just take over Palestine, just because their ancestors lived there nearly 2,000 years ago [my ancestors the Romans kicked them out back then, I sometimes wonder if they shouldn’t have gone on to the next step instead of just expelling them, only kidding, not all Jews are bad or greedy]. Or I could just say it’s someone who lives in fantasyland on the verge of being psychotic, totally devoid any sort of conscience or morality, that’s another simpler way to define a Zionist. Jews and Christians make up the biggest number of Zionists, but there’s lots of other people from all sorts of denominations that support their cause, but usually for monetary reasons not religious ones, I think Putin falls into that category. But one thing I have to add is this, not all people of the Jewish faith are Zionists, as a matter of fact the true Jews that follow the old Written Laws from the Aramaic script, believe they can’t be saved by the Messiah while they are free, they believe the Jewish people have to be living under subjugation to be able to receive their Messiah at all, so they can never be Zionists, I find that quite funny.

I read that article, The first comment and many of the subsequent ones to me at least means this, unlike our stupid American friends, we Russians have seen that keeping you all divided isn’t in the best interests of anyone but the US alone, we believe that the Israelis and the Arab world can find ways to improve not just security for all parties concerned, but economic conditions as well, and we’ll be there to help, and also share equally in any newly gained prosperity. That Putin comment was as much a pro Zionist comment as ‘that Jewish girl is gorgeous’ definitely not a Zionist comment from my perspective. The second comment also isn’t pro Zionist at all, but the last parts not very believable either, Putin not a totalitarian, LOL, but Isolationist he isn’t in any way shape or form either, the exact opposite in fact. Obama tried to isolate Russia from the rest of the world when he was in power and did a good job of it, Putin’s been trying his hardest to get back into the world community ever since, he’ll make friends with anyone. I personally can’t give this journalist much credit at all for his assertions, only a few of the comments he quoted could be construed as having a pro Zionist agenda at all, most of them are just pragmatic comments that assert the reality of the situation. Putin always seem to say the same thing, the Israelis are here whether we like it or not, so let’s all just learn to live together and prosper anyway, the alternative is to just keep doing what you have been, and look where that’s got you all, listening to the US instead of us hasn’t been working out well for anyone but the US, why don’t you try my way for a change. But he always makes sure that Russia would benefit from any improvements in the regions dynamics, that’s always the common theme. His comments about Russia, the Balkans, Turkey and Israel all belonging to a greater EU was the only worrying comment for me, but that too is most likely just pragmatism at the highest level, as well as a good dose of self interest too, I think Putin would sell his own soul to the devil to have Russia accepted as a member of the European community, that’s something every Russian leader has wanted since the middle ages. I think the main agenda for Putin is to replace the US as the middle east power broker, and make lots of money and gain influence doing so, not to help make Israel more powerful or influential, it wouldn’t have made such a strong ties with Iran otherwise, if anything I can see Putin weakening Israel’s influence around the region, not enhancing it. Cheers.


Hi Willing, I like your logic. I will follow the Arab new sites. You’re probably right, Putin is doing everything he can to become the middle east power broker (maybe the world power broker?). Perhaps he is more of a pragmatic than a Zionist. Although “technically” he is still a (borderline) Zionist. But I do agree that he is not the “evil Zionist” that has “become an enemy” of Syria. But yes, his pragmatism has interfered with Syria’s sovereign right of liberating all of the country and inviting foreign militias from friendly countries. His pragmatism “humiliates” Syria! I do think that all the big and fat countries cannot be trusted 100% because they will not be doing the most noble thing (especially if you are from a smaller country with not a very big population)but the most CONVENIENT thing for themselves. “Israel” is different: they have lots of influence around the (Western) world and are culturally linked to Russia. So basically you think he is “favoring” the Zionist State because this will ultimately benefit Russia (both economically and politically)? This does make total sense. But that he is trying to weaken “Israel’s” influence? Are you referring to the fact that Russia’s ties with the Zionist state would be acting as barrier to halt any reckless war that “Israel” might start (excluding the Occupied Territories)? Lol I do think he would do (is doing) anything to help Russia officially form part of Europe! Cheers man.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hi JJ, you’re right his pragmatism does humiliates Syria for sure, but that’s not all it does unfortunately. I often wonder if Assad now regrets allying himself to Putin at all, maybe sometimes he wishes he hadn’t, maybe sometimes he regrets not letting the Saudis build their gas pipeline through Syria into Europe, Syria would be rolling in money by now if he had, ROLLING IN HEAPS OF TRANSIT HUB MONEY, and there wouldn’t have been a civil uprising or Isis invasion either. Assad even said he didn’t want to join the Saudi venture because of the substantial harm it would cause to the Russian economy, his very good ally as he pointed out. As I said, I wonder if he regrets that now, Russia’s economy is still going gangbusters but Syria’s economy and the whole country have just about been destroyed to save the Russians. If I was Assad I’d be regretting knocking back the Saudi offer, especially since Putin’s proven to be the worst ally anyone could ever have.

Russia’s using the one big stick it has to curb Israeli influence, the Shia Crescent, that’s Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanese Hezbollah, but Russia also has proxies in Yemen and Libya too that are involved in the grand strategy of curbing both Israeli and US influence in the region. Putin has taken on the US and Israelis on a diplomatic and military front, and the Chinese have done the same thing using trade and diplomacy. China’s invested heavily in the Shia Crescent countries, all that money they spend on oil and gas infrastructure isn’t for nothing, when the Syrian war ends there’ll be a lot of money to be made by everyone involved with the project, especially Iran. I think China’s need for resource security is a bigger factor than most of us realize, I’ve said from the start of the Syrian conflict, this is a war that Putin can’t afford to lose no matter what, but I’ve realized just recently that he doesn’t really have to win it either, but he still can’t afford to lose it, but from China’s point of view, this is a war the Syrians have to win, not only do they need to recoup all the money they’ve already invested in Syria and Iran, they absolutely need the resource security the Iranians and Syrians can give them, just as the Russian’s do, that’s the highest priority for the Chinese now. So who has more money to spend in the region, the US and Israel or China, money talks and China has lots of it. China will be the biggest influence in the local region when the Syrian war finally ends, I think Israel and the US will be increasingly less relevant when that happens, no matter what they try to do. So I’m not really worried about the Israeli factor that much to be honest JJ, I see them becoming increasingly less relevant regardless of any other contributing factors. As I’ve also said, the Arab League has also been heading down the same path as the Shia Crescent, they seem to be coordinating their efforts to confront any bad US and Israel policy affecting the region, so Israeli and US influence in the Arab world now has the Arab league, the Russians, and the Chinese, to contend with, I don’t think that will help the Zionist cause at all, LOL. Cheers JJ.


Hi Wiling, Do you mind if we exchange emails? I live in one of the most important Multipolar World countries but unfortunately here almost everything on the web is either blocked or severely limited so that’s why I take too long to reply. We could have a much more “fluid” discussion by email ;) So basically you think China will step up (in the years ahead) in Syria to finally end the dam war and reap the profits? So you think Russia is at the same time “protecting” the Zionist state and at the same time limiting its recklessness? Yeah, probably Assad should have thought “more deeply”, but then again, at that time the Multipolar World was just kind of beginning. I have been reading that it seems that Assad is resisting the Russian pressure on its sovereignty but that could cost him his Presidency. Syria is in the middle of an oil crisis! I also think the US will become less relevant with time but they still have the deadliest weaponry on Earth, do you think they will go down without a (ridiculous) fight? Do you think the yuan will replace the dollar in the future and will that be one of the last blows to the Empire’s grip on our planet?

Cheers man

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hi JJ, I’m afraid in this modern world exchanging E -mails with anyone I don’t know personally isn’t something I do at all, sorry, though I do enjoy your correspondence and will happily do so on this safe medium, perhaps at some future time we may be able to work out something else. I think China’s already stepped up, it’s put it’s money where it’s mouth is for a decade now, and just by making the huge investments they have in both Syria and Iran, they’ve sent clear and unambiguous messages to not just the US and Israel, but the whole world. At the start of the conflict China was already supplying Syria with, humanitarian aid, medical equipment and training, military equipment and training, and intelligence resources, and it wasn’t that long ago they also threatened to attack the Uighur rebels operating in Idlib on behalf of Syria, that was a clear message to Erdogan and the rest of the world. So I think China’s doing just about as much as they need to already, it’s up to Putin to pull his weight now. I’m afraid due to resolution 2254 and Putin’s seeming agreement to the proposals./demands in it, you may be right, I’m starting to think Assad’s days are numbered too, regardless of any internal domestic problems he’s already facing. Resolution 2254 talks about holding free and fair elections just 6 months after the cessation of hostilities, but I know exactly what that really means, US dollars spent on other well vetted Syrian opposition political groups instead of the rebels, the elections won’t be free and fair at all, they’ll be stacked against Assad this time and he’ll lose very unfairly. I think all things considered Assad should have deserted Putin and gone with the Israeli/US inspired Saudi gas pipeline into the EU, that would have been really bad for the rest of the politically unaligned world as well as for Russia, but it would have made Syria very wealthy and avoided this war/uprising, that Putin doesn’t seem too interested in ending. US superiority is already ending, The Chinese, Russians and Indians all have better and faster missile technology than the US does, the Russians have better radars, anti ballistic capabilities, and anti air capabilities. The poor old US has just had to buy Iron Dome systems from the Israelis to compensate for their useless anti air and anti ballistic capabilities. Iran dropped 6 ballistic missiles on Isis force just 5 km away from where US forces were stationed, 5 km away I say again accurate missiles the Iranians were confident would hit exactly where they wanted them to hit, and not accidently hit the US soldiers nearby, what a message both Israelis and the US got from that demonstration by Iran, now the US needs Israel’s Iron Dome systems to protect them from Iranian ballistic missiles, that’s if they can at all. They’re not that superior unless you take their navy into account, and both China and Russia boast all the time they have missiles that can take out those US carriers as easily as they could a tug boat. All the countries that have tried to adopt the Chinese/Russian system of an alternate to the petro dollar, direct exchanges of goods for goods and other alternatives to using US dollars, have all been targeted for destruction by the US, poor old Gaddafi found out the hard way, look at Libya now, Venezuela is going the same way too, so I’m not sure if the Yuan will eventually replace the US dollar as the dominant world currency. Personally I think the monetary system we use now is half the world’s problem in the first place, get rid of it altogether and find something better I say. BTW which country do you live in, I’m in Australia but call myself just a human on the planet, I have no particular allegiance to any country or political party, just my own conscience. Cheers JJ.


Hi Wiling, Ok I understand. My intention was not to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. It is just a bit bothersome to have virtually all the interesting websites and social media blocked and it usually takes a long time to able to access anything (even with a VPN). So basically those Uigur rebels are in Idlib under the de facto protection of the Turks? Haha, the situation is that bad in the US military? And so there must be a lot of corruption going on since their military budget greatly exceeds that of all other countries combined. And the US is also drowning in national debt so it’s a matter of time before the dollar collapses. But don’t you think the US will always have somewhat of an advantage on most other countries since we basically use English as the major global language for practically everything (eg., business, diplomacy, banking system, international transportation, activism, certain degrees of entertainment)? Although the importance of other widely used languages (eg, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish) will probably increase tremendously in the future. Let me give you three hints. You’re always mentioning this country. It’s language is super difficult to learn with all its weird tones and amazing (but complex) characters. It’s currency is increasingly being used worldwide. Lol I already gave you the answer. I totally agree with your last statement! I am an earthling and I am loyal to myself. Cheers man

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hi JJ, you didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all, so don’t worry, it’s just a precaution we all have to take nowadays, hopefully you don’t find out the hard way. If it’s China you live in I can understand your frustration with the internet, the security measures your government has in place must make it terribly hard. But I also can’t blame them for being so strict, as in Russia, China also has a huge problem with outside influence [especially the US] destabilizing their own domestic institutions.

Yes the Uighur are under Erdogan’s protection, as are all the other rebel groups, FSA+NFL and a few other supposedly unaligned rebel groups, even HTS is obviously under his protection, which is surprising since Erdogan designated them to be a terrorist organization way back in April last year. But I still believe Erdogan will throw HTS under the bus eventually when it actually suites him, and I even think the Turks themselves will help the SAA oust them when the conditions are right and some sort of agreement is made.

I think the US has taken its eye off the ball when it comes to maintaining a formidable conventional fighting force. Apart from the US air Force alone, all other aspects of the US’s other military arms are being rivaled or bettered by their opponents, I don’t count the naval carriers with any importance anymore, they’re practically obsolete now with all the carrier killer missiles available. And I also suspect it’s not just corruption bleeding the military budgets coffers dry, that money that’s been missing since 9/11 has never been accounted for, and I suspect a lot more money has been following the same path the last lot did, to some super secret space war programme not even the Russians or the Chinese are aware about, YET. That might help explain why the parity of the US’s conventional military capabilities are being rivaled by so many other countries lately, that hasn’t happened since the Soviet era, and skimping on the conventional budget to pay for the newer strategic sucker punch weapons budget might be a reason why the US is falling behind on the conventional military front, even though official spending is still around about the same it has been for the last decade or so. But God only knows how much money a black hole budget could be sucking up on top of the hundreds of billions we’re already officially told about. Hopefully we don’t all find out the hard way that that’s exactly what the US has been doing, and even worse still, find out it worked, that would be bad.

Yes I keep hearing about the imminent collapse of the US’s economic system, but I’m 55 y/o now and I’ve been hearing that on and off since I was a little boy, it’s nearly getting like the old religious cultist with their doomsday predictions that never come true. But in saying that I also have to add that every Empire falls eventually, whether it’s due to outside military force, domestic issues, or just plain bad luck, every Empire has its lifespan, and only history ever tells us just how long they last, so I don’t dare make any predictions. Who knows what sort of a rabbit the US could pull out of their hats, new energy technology or even huge new resource discoveries could give them back the winning edge, anything could happen. But it does look ripe for the end of an Empire, I agree with you there.

I used to wonder why Asian and Latin languages aren’t used as much as English is, and not just for the obvious reasons, English and US world dominance, organizational necessity [airports], political convenience, etcetera, it never made sense. Asian and Latin languages are much more easily spoken and you can also convey a lot more information in a lot less time than you can using the cumbersome and hard to speak English language, so I never understood why it had become so dominant, but I’ve realized why now. English is a conglomerate of many different languages, it’s evolved over the last 1500 years or more to incorporate words and terms from many different languages and language groups, as well as different cultures, and it now has a word or term for just about everything and anything humanity needs to know, something it’s really good at, even if it is hard to speak. Look at how many different languages and cultures have incorporated English words into their own vocabulary, it’s not just because they want to, it’s sometimes because they need to, they sometimes don’t have the equivalent term or word at all, so they just do what the English language did when it was evolving, borrow new words, and English usually already has a word or term they can use that everyone already recognizes. All that moving around and conquering other people and being conquered by other people was actually good for the evolution of English, which now really has become the new world language. It was probably the most suitable for the job is the main reason it’s taken over now as the dominant world language, and not just because it was spread by the most dominant power at the time, and now used by the most powerful nation in the world, though of course that doesn’t mean those factors aren’t also important, especially when it came to spreading the language so far and wide so quickly. So I think the fact the English language has so many terms and words for things that some other languages don’t have, is the main reason it’s become the world dominant language. English is now evolving at a rate too fast for me to keep up with, I’m being left behind now, things that meant one thing just a decade ago now mean something entirely different, it’s probably a good thing as far as knowledge dispersal is concerned, but evolving so quickly also presents oldies like me with some additional problems, we don’t recognize our own language at times, lol. Does the language you speak have words that’ve been borrowed from English that you don’t have an equivalent for, I’m assuming your language is either Cantonese or Mandarin, probably Mandarin since you mentioned it, that’s if it is China you live in, or maybe Hong kong, but I never mention Hong Kong so I’m assuming it is China. Cheers JJ, stay safe on the net.

Gregory Casey

Probably? Wrong descriptive of the situation: D E F I N I T E L Y !!


In other words, Russia will keep Idlib zone as a “safe havens” zone for terrorists and Turkey deployments. Of course, Turkey will cooperate with the terrorists giving them support, health care, whatever they nee.


In other words, Gustavo, you still can breathe for the moment


Yeah, Russia is cutting amazing economic deals with Turkey…and thus he doesn’t want to upset Erdogan…but Syria cannot do anything about it. Russia saved her from total annihilation..that’s what hurts the most that the smaller countries are always pawns of the bigger ones…


Great now Turkey and Russia can go and prepare the 50 year anniversary of their Idlib agreement , with a parade and a lot of promises, or how Erdogan got Putin with his wheewhee.

Xoli Xoli

Russia buys face to be in NATO good books.Siding with ISIS creator’s selling best missile defense systems to Syrian and Iranian oppressors.Allow Israel to cause incursion and daily destruction of Syrian infrastructure,take lifes of Syrian soldiers and Iranian soldiers.Syrian territory anexure continues none stop.

Xoli Xoli

Looks like Turkey has to decide what should be done in Syrian internal territory.Turkey has to decide according Russia who in Syrian territory is terrorists and who is ISIS, and Who is free Syrian soldiers.Where is Turkey’s free soldiers after fake coup.

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