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JULY 2024

Russian Drones And Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Oil And Ammo Depots Throughout The Country

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Russian Drones And Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Oil And Ammo Depots Throughout The Country

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On the night of November 18, Russian forces launched another wave of massive strikes on Ukrainian military and industrial facilities throughout the country. The Russian Defense Ministry reported the destruction of ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk and Zhytomyr regions.

The Russian military rarely acknowledges strikes on Ukrainian industrial facilities, which serve the need of the Ukrainian military. According to unofficial Ukrainian reports, Russian forces launched combined strikes on the facilities of the AFU in the ports of Odessa and Mykolaiv regions. Explosions thundered in the area of the airfield of Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnitsky region. More attack were reported in the Chernihiv region.

Local media reported the work of air defense in Kiev but did not reveal the target. The local officials also did not confirm any damage as a result of the Russian attack on the capital. However, according to the Russian military, they reached the ammo depot that they targeted.

Russian Drones And Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Oil And Ammo Depots Throughout The Country

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During the day, the Ukrainian military and the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine acknowledge damage to an oil depot in the Odessa region. As a result of the strike on the energy infrastructure facility, a large fire broke out in the area and an administrative building was damaged. According to local sources, oil depot facilities in the area of Altestovo were hit by Russian UAVs.


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Paul Citro

for russia the ukraine war was just a brush fire. it will have to continue to have to fight in a larger contest to preserve its existence.


that’s funny. ussa aka natostan has gone belly up. we’re just waiting for the civil war reloaded in slumville, ussa and the evil eussr to collapse with the end of natostan and its anglozionazi wars without end. it’s all over bar the euro peons begging mother russia for mercy in the coming years as bankrupt $lumville balkanizes into ethnic bits and the water wars tear it apart for the rest of the century.

only 12 points apr

so when do the jews begin reverse migration to khazaria 2.0?


nah the chosenites are going to be schlepped to montana and then their prezident, don chump will wall it off to keep everyone else out. the new jewru$alem where golem tax cattle dollah$ are trucked in daily.


the funniest about this entire conflict is that russia supplies oil/diesel to ukraine to begin with. had they simply cut them off from resources this war would have been over 2 years ago. but that would have gone against the script of course.

Last edited 7 months ago by Sunny

links pleez


egregio caporedattore, da anni analizzo il vostro sito. complimenti. l’oggettivita’ pura non esiste, ma voi, malgrado dimostriate una chiara tendenza, ” lasciate vivere” anche gli altri. blog estremamente fondamentalisti, hanno le gambe corte. anche il saker e il palästina felix, che sbraitavano invettive anche contro di voi, hanno trovato pane per i loro denti……e sono morti sdentati……. auguroni e avanti cosi.

Psionists slaves of America

looks like the hamas operation catalyzed the inevitable defeat of ukraine. it didn’t have to be this way. the us and eu have shown their true colors with their blind support of war crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing and more to unconditionally aid and abet their murderous israel masters. never has such hypocrisy been so tangible.

The Crunge

stupid ukes. surrender already!


me and eric oil up in gay brothel

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