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Russian Drones Burned NATO Weapons At Large Ukrainian Arsenal In Khmelnitsky Region

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Russian Drones Burned NATO Weapons At Large Ukrainian Arsenal In Khmelnitsky Region

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On the night of October 25, Russian forces launched new wave of combined strikes on the Ukrainian military in the central regions of the country. Targets were struck in the Khmelnytsky, Mykolaiv, Cherkasy, Poltava, Rivne and Kiev regions. In particular, Ukrainian airfields in Mirgorod, Starokonstantinov and the ammunition depot in Slavuta came under fire.

By the evening, the locals shared footage of the strikes, revealing the scale of the damage that the Ukrainian authorities attempted to hide.

The Russian military launched a devastating strike on the large 47th ammunition arsenal of the AFU (of the military unit A1358) located to the south-east of the city of Slavuta. According to official data, both small arms and heavy ammunition are stored on the territory of the facility.

The strategic arsenal includes at least six fortified underground storage facilities, which are currently used for temporary storage of weapons supplied by NATO. The military facility is protected by several early detection and anti-drone systems, but Ukrainian air defence forces failed to repel Russian attack.

According to local reports, at least one Russian drone hit the territory. After the strike, a large fire accompanied by long secondary detonation broke out in the area. The volume of the explosion indicates that several tons of ammunition exploded.

By the evening, the local reports revealed that the strike hit the cargo of Western weapons that were unloaded on the territory of the arsenal at the veery moment of the attack. The military equipment was delivered along the Lviv – Ternopil — Khmelnitsky railway line.

HIMARS missiles and depleted uranium shells were among the destroyed ammunition. In May 14, the DU shells supplied from the UK were already destroyed by Russian missile strike in the city of Khmelnitsky in the same region. LINK






Another target hit by Russian UAV in the Khmelnitsky region was the military airfield in Starokonstantinov. The facility was reportedly struck by at least one UAV. As a result of the attack, the hangar with the Su-24M fighter was damaged.

Ukrainian authorities of the Khmelnitsky region claimed that “about 300 residential buildings, 28 municipal and state institutions were destroyed, as well as damage to the building of the Khmelnitsky NPP.” However, they did not clarify that the damage was mostly caused by unprofessional wark of Ukrainian Air Defense Forces and likely the secondary detonation at the military facilities. The damage claimed by the Ukrainian authorities does not correspond to the scale of Russian attack and the mass of their warhead. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian military is installing air defense systems in the cities which are launching missiles over the heads of the residents.


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Mauro Cambuquira

hangar danificado, me parece um pouco simplório para um ataque a um ponto tão importante. não entendo, como em uma guerra ainda podem deixar um aeródromo existir. se quer ganhar essa coisa, era a primeira coisa a ser feita, elimine toda a possibilidade de levantar vôo.


speak english you dried up, useless euro-weenie.


before making dumb comments, you should read the post with a translator if you don’t understand it, queenie weenie.


here, i’ll even help the queenie weenie dolt”

‘damaged hangar, seems to me a bit simplistic for an attack on such an important point. i don’t understand how in a war they can still let an airfield exist. if you want to win this thing, it was the first thing to be done, eliminate all possibility of taking flight.’

Forgive the Anglo Simpletons

forgive the anglos, they only speak 1 language, poor little bastids


soviet aircraft can operate from damaged runways with low maintenance. additionally aircraft are constantly being moved around every few hours. makes missiles strikes difficult. it is a standard strategy when facing a numerically and strategic superior opponent. that said, these strikes with drone are more efficient as the ukrainians have very little warning and usually don’t manage to scramble before the attack.


why does he need to make himself understood by you, an anglo saxon bigot.

Florian Geyer

for the ukies it’s party time every night, lol.

James Hodgkiss

gearing up for fireworks night. hits like that have to set them back a way, would be interesting to know how much went up in smoke.


let them choke on their own depleted uranium. goes to show they dont care about their own country and land or maybe just too stupid to live

Boycott USA the world's bully

it’s ok, shovels are stored at separate locations.


america has long since been a ho of israel. no offense to ho in our wold of course as that ho is like mary.

america and her children are but whore to israel and no lie but no where in our world will ever change this fact johnboy americana as america is but whore of that cancer of our world..

israerl is now and has always been that cancer of our world.

israel=cancer of our world…

senile sawyer

when amerika buys nato the incompetence becomes farcical—we now recruit taliban to teach our lgbt soldiers the difference between taco and burger


good job russian aerospace forces! now please find more juicy ukrop targets to blow up with geraniums. the secondary explosions were plentiful

Boycott USA the world's bully

“the secondary explosions” – is that other ammo going off?

jens holm

i am expert at geopolitics trained at omaha institute for dishwashers and toilet scrubbers

Lo Hung Testicle

now youre making a little sense holm boy

stinky diapers

what yo recommend diaper rash?


dobrá práca, treba v tom pokračovať, netreba nechať aby si tie banderovské fašistické zvery mohli vydýchnuť. svetu mier!!! ešte treba pomôcť sýrii zbaviť sa okupantov z usa, aby nemohli už viac kradnúť ropu!!!


this destruction of natostan filth is the death wound of the evil eussr which every free thinking euro peon celebrates. thank you yet again mother russia for curing the disease of the anglozionazi empire of gore.


“damage to the building of the khmelnitsky npp.”

the deranged, perverted and drugged kiev regime would not store munitions near a npp facility, would they?

Boycott USA the world's bully

the pederei army better store their shovels separately.

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