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MARCH 2025

Russian Economy Zooms Ahead, Outpaces US And EU Growth

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Russian Economy Zooms Ahead, Outpaces US And EU Growth

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

When the special military operation (SMO) was launched to end the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, the political West insisted that Russia was finished (precisely what it tried to ensure back in the 1990s). Its economy was supposed to be ruined, with the Kremlin even expected to default after much of its forex reserves were frozen (i.e. stolen) by Western banks.

After all this failed, the US-led belligerent power pole tried to impose the laughable price cap on Russian oil, one that even the most prominent Western nations tried to circumvent, including Japan and even the pathologically Russophobic United Kingdom. As for the United States, it continued buying Russian commodities while criticizing everyone else who did. Still, through its Neo-Nazi puppets in Kiev, NATO launched a virtual total war on Moscow in an attempt to disrupt its economy and cause as much damage as possible.

And yet, it all failed once again. The Kremlin secured economic stability despite being forced to conduct the SMO against the entire political West. Not only that, Russia overtook Germany as the world’s fifth and Europe’s largest economy, a humiliating defeat for its EU/NATO rivals who expected quite the contrary. Berlin’s economic performance was worse than in decades, while London was at its lowest in well over 300 years (since 1709, to be specific).

And yet, to “add insult to injury”, even Western data showed that the initial estimates of Moscow’s economic performance were wrong and that it was actually even better in both 2023 and 2024. Updated IMF’s forecast of 2.6% GDP growth doubled its previous assessment. According to the Financial Times, this increase of 1.5% was the largest for any economy featured in an update to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, released on January 30 this year.

Top-ranking Russian officials, including the current Defense Minister Andrei Belousov (previously tasked with economic development), expected the growth to be stable enough for the Eurasian giant to overtake Japan by 2030. However, what was supposed to happen in no less than six years, actually happened in less than six months. According to this year’s data, President Putin’s forecast of increased economic growth (over 3.5-4%) not only turned out to be true, but even conservative, although the mainstream propaganda machine attempted to portray it as “too overoptimistic”. However, the only thing that was actually too overoptimistic was the political West’s expectation that the sanctions would work. Namely, according to earlier World Bank data updates for this year, Russia indeed managed to overtake Japan as the fourth largest economy in the world (in terms of GDP PPP).

It should be noted that GDP PPP (purchasing power parity) is a very reliable metric and far more suitable to measure true economic might than the overblown nominal GDP figures that serve only to feed the oversized ego of the US-led political West. Less than 10 months after overtaking Germany, Russia also zoomed past Japan, leaving Western observers dumbfounded as to how a country they were told would “collapse under the weight of sanctions” and outright theft of its forex reserves managed to accomplish such a feat. What’s more, some sources estimated that the Eurasian giant was among the fastest-growing major economies in the world. In addition, even Moscow’s updated projection of overtaking Tokyo (explicitly set for March 2025 by President Putin) turned out to be “too cautious”, as this unprecedented feat was accomplished nearly a year earlier.

However, the latest estimates of Russian economic performance suggest that things are only getting better for the Kremlin. Namely, in an interview with CBS News, Richard Connolly, a junior research fellow at the Royal Institute of Shared Services in London and an expert on the Russian economy, said that “the number of small and medium-sized enterprises registered in Russia has reached an unprecedented level”. In the aftermath of the exodus of major Western companies who were forced to leave or suspend their activities due to sanctions imposed by their own countries, they left a massive market gap that was filled by domestic businesses. Thus, Russian companies replaced major Western brands, so instead of Starbucks, there’s now Stars Coffee, instead of Zara, there’s MAAG, instead of Coca-Cola, the Russians drink Dobry Cola, etc. Other segments of the economy went through a similar shift.

What’s more, these domestic brands not only replaced their foreign predecessors, but also quickly outpaced them. For instance, back in April, Dobry Cola reported that its 2022 profits were quadrupled in 2023. Connolly says that “sanctions have proven ineffective, essentially resulting in sanctions evasion becoming a sector in and of itself”. It can even be argued that the restrictions imposed by the political West jumpstarted parts of the Russian economy that were small and largely dormant (if not even non-existent prior to the SMO).

What’s more, the Russians are still getting virtually all the goods and services they had before, including through imports via third countries (Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey, etc). And while some prices are higher, local brands that took over the Western market share are actually more affordable while offering similar or even better quality.

As a result, Russia is experiencing what Connolly called the “fastest economic growth in the last decade”. In other words, much unlike the atrocious Bidenomics, what the bne IntelliNews called Putinomics turned out to be far more effective, particularly considering the fact that Russia is waging a defensive war against the entire US-led political West. According to their report, the Kremlin’s policies are “spurring growth in a new Putinomics”. Apart from the resurgence of investment in defense, “Putin has also launched the National Projects 2.1 program to invest into the civilian economy as well and improve the quality of life for the average Russian, as he made clear in his recent guns and butter speech”. The report further posited that, as a result of Putinomics, “Russia’s poorest regions have been the biggest winners and as bne IntelliNews recently reported, the country’s despair index has fallen to its lowest level ever this year”.

It should be noted that even the infamous CIA admits that Russia is the fourth largest economy in the world. However, while the World Bank’s numbers put Russia’s and Japan’s economies at $5.95 and $5.87 trillion respectively, the actual discrepancy might be far bigger. Namely, the World Bank also estimates that a whopping 39% of the Russian economy is in the shadows, while the same metric for Japan stands at 10%.

In terms of GDP PPP, this would add $2.5 trillion to Russia’s $6.45 trillion PPP-adjusted economic size, which, although still far from India’s $14.6 trillion GDP, further widens the gap with Japan. Expectedly, this economic resurgence is also enabling Moscow to rebuild its Soviet-era military might, resulting in an unprecedented real defense budget of over half a trillion dollars. The political West, powerless to stop Russia’s recovery, now wants to launch a terror campaign to disrupt this.


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did you adjust russian economy “growth” with 20 percent inflation? i don’t think so. and do you calculate 60 percent tariffs that will be slapped on china after the u.s. elections ? the west is going down the drain but china and russia will follow as they are on mercy of the western markets. the economy is globalized and nothing like “russian” or “chinese” economic exist. we have one world economy with hundreds of trillions unpayable debt. and it will end with nuclear war.

Last edited 4 months ago by snowden
Boris Orlov

you seem to be a genius! noone except you thought of inflation. thank you very much, the actual growth is thus -15%. but let me guess, you are neither an economist nor a well educated person, are you?

s n o w d e n _ II

fck you idiot. russian central bank increased rates to 21 percent. russian inflation >20 percent, depending what you put in the consumer price basket. it looks as economy spiraling out of control. but western economy is not in better shape as u.s. are facing default. and once u.s markets go down the drain, so will go eu, china and the rest of the world. once china crashes, so crashes russia and the rest of brics. it is quite simple and everybody knows that. asshole.


congratulation, you idiots dont understand anything. btw, since 2014 we get to hear how the russian economy is going to tank! any minute now! surely right now! right?

go play with your chicken kiev.


right. china is dying every day too, read gordon chang and “bloomberg”.

Barry Mael

@s n o w d e n “fck you idiot” “asshole”

…at least one who really raises the level here, – ehhhh

Last edited 4 months ago by Barry Mael

when we thought we reached the bottom, somebody knocked from below. it was said about hohols.

Shlomo Shekelstein

oy vey said gay.


simply a liar, because inflation is 8%. salaries also grows, so it’s not big problem. some consumer goods prices grow faster than average inflation as in any country, but if we want to compare, need to take comparable measure, i.e. official statistics which use similar methods everywhere.


breaking the dumb meter again… derpalicious…


gdp russia +4.10% gdp india +6.70% gdp china +4.60% gdp germany -0.20% gdp france +1.30% gdp uk +0.70%

it seems that the european union is also losing in the tariff war.


of course that’s how they work. build them up to knock them down .they always do that .just like hitler’s economy took off too .etcetera etcetera


brics is winning, here in the west we have “pricks”… the opposite of brics…

Idi Amin Dada

dear drago the bullshit. i’m very glad to hear that servian economy is rock stable!

Jewish pimp

servian economy is rock bottom stable. they always as usual stab their dear russians in their backs, so no exception this time.

Last edited 4 months ago by Jewish pimp

even if they would want to stab them in the back they would have nothing to do it with so that sentence is pointless. serbia needs to keep quiet until it finds out if russia will have a connection to serbia after this war or not. for that the russians would either need to conquer ukraine until they are at the hungarian border or get some deal that they can use an economic corridor through post war ukraine to get there. and the eu needs to not manage to get rid of orban.

Jewish pimp

ot is not. servians sales arms to both isisrael and fuckraine


you can’t be that dumb, don’t disappoint me.


🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


cheap sockpuppet, how does it feel to be defeated once again by those “clowns” as you name them, little nazi?

hillarious :)

Gneaus stapo

ivan stagflation masters, the flatheads are economic clowns.


the west will keep doubling down on failed policies. you cannot fix stupid.


interest rates are getting into banana republic territory, inflation rising, money only spent on the military, us and eu financial pressure rising…..not good signs at all for the future of russ.


russian inflation is high (8.60%) but not like a banana republic. for example argentina 209%, turkey 48.58%, etc. the war effort always has a cost…

Gneaus stapo

thx ivan bimbo


and you are not lgbt pervert. all is true.


continua così e dai armi moderne all’iran altrimenti succede un disastro. saluti

Gneaus stapo

stagflation in its purest form…shithole all the way.

Conan M

and it would be growing much faster “now” if it had left the un, imf, world bank, opec and g8 after $0r0$’ cia endorsed coup in 2014!… actally… i take that back… had it gone after the u.$. after 9/11 demanding an investigation as a member of the unsc and than trying the bush administration and it’$ 3 letter agencies with mass murdering it’$ own to start war($) of choice in afghanistan and iraq!…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… the briics would probably be controlling both the un and the hague had russia shown that level of courage which of course would have also put india and the prc on notice given their involvement in hauling away what was left of the towers in order to start the assault of dual nationals to the u.$….

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
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