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Russian EW Systems ‘Disabling’ U.S. EC-130 Electronic Warfare Aircraft In Syria

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Russian EW Systems ‘Disabling’ U.S. EC-130 Electronic Warfare Aircraft In Syria

An EC-130H Compass Call flies a training mission over Lake Mead, Ariz. (U.S. Air Force photo)

The US military is complaining that Russia allegedly jams US electronic warfare weapons (EW) deployed in and near Syria.

According to the head of Special Operations Command, Gen. Raymond Thomas, the Russians are “disabling” even U.S. EC-130 Compass Call electronic warfare aircraft flying near Syria.

“Right now in Syria we are operating in the most aggressive EW environment on the planet from our adversaries. They are testing us everyday, knocking our communications down, disabling our EC-130s, etcetera,” Breaking Defense quoted remarks by Gen. Thomas .

The EC-130H Compass Call is an electronic warfare aircraft emplyoed by the US military. The weapon is designed to disrupt enemy command and control communications and to limit adversary coordination essential for enemy force management. The Compass Call system employs offensive counter-information and electronic attack capabilities.

Breaking Defense also quoted Laurie Moe Buckhout, a retired Army colonel who specializes in EW on the issue:

“The Russians have redone and reengineered their entire EW fleet in the last 20 years,” Buckhout said. “The Russians put in millions on upgrades after Georgia. They’ve ended up with killer capabilities, jamming in a multitude of frequencies for hundreds of kilometers.”

When the Russian military first claimed that the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) had intercepted 71 launched by the US-led bloc on April 14 [according to the Pentagon, 105 missiles were launched and all of them hit their targets], some experts immediately suggested that Russia may have employed its EW systems to assist the SADF in this task.

On April 25, the Russian military provided more details over its version of the events and updated the provided numbers. According to the updated info, only 22 US-led bloc missiles hit their targets in Syria on April 14, 66 missiles were intercepted and a part of the missiles failed to reach its targets. Two unexploded missiles were reportedly delivered to Moscow from Syria. The Russians also showed the wrecakge of the intercepted missiles and an unexploded warhead of the Tomahawk. MORE HERE

This info contributes to the suggestion that Russia employed some of its EW systems to assist the SADF in countering the April 14 missile strike.

It’s important to note that despite the details provided by the Russian military, the Pentagon argues that all the 105 missiles hit their targets.

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jerry hamilton

Love it. I howled laughing. Those naughty Russians. Stopping America from murdering people.


Yes Jerry, its just not fair that Russia does not do the decent thing and kneel to the most exceptional nation in the world :)

Ariel Cohen

Exceptionalism is a serious disease that needs to be completely eliminated from the international body politic . .


In an ideal world that is a laudable aim but in reality there have always been nations and leaders who consider themselves exceptional.

It is usually a disaster of some kind that resets the balance for a while until another ‘exceptional’ cabal/nation becomes dominant, regionally or globally .

Then the cycle of human greed and avarice starts again.


Disabling your enemy’s ability to make war without firing a shot. I believe Russia has not fully shown its hand in regards to its full range of EW capabilities.

jerry hamilton

It doesn’t get much better than that.


That is why this whole 5th generation weapons system becomes rather fragile without even employing the S400 or S500. US’s reliance on extreme levels of technology is the Achilles heel in their ability to fight a real war.

John Whitehot

“US’s reliance on extreme levels of technology ”

pentagon bs.

military technology “levels” around the industrialized world is roughly the same. US designed one is made to be costly. these are the slogan that milind complex and pentagon used since 1950 to rob increasingly larger amounts of money from taxpayers.


“US designed one is made to be costly. these are the slogan that milind complex and pentagon used since 1950 to rob increasingly larger amounts of money from taxpayers.”

Exactly, I believe you hit the nail on the head. My Grandfather worked for McDonnell Douglas and latter Boeing and he told stories about how they would completely screw the taxpayers with cost overruns and so on. Evidently he made enemies because he was always the resourceful one who attempted to create cost effective solutions but was always shut down in favor of the most expensive.


That’s the one thing. Another is that in the US everything is private enterprise so it all takes a lot longer and may well be less efficient, too. They have to make a decision in the military and the department, then have a meeting to make the decision. Then they talk to the companies who will have to work out the costs, capacities etc. The process to work with private enterprise takes longer than a government department kind of giving orders to get it done.


“Another is that in the US everything is private enterprise so it all takes a lot longer and may well be less efficient…

The US definitely has a corporate problem (MIC, corporate welfare etc.) but the Government is the one that allows it all to happen. After all, they are buddies with these mega corporations and get a cut of that MIC blood money aswell. The Government>Corporate>Banking revolving door, the “Corporatocracy”.

If it was in their (government) hands these weapon systems would cost WAY more be completely ineffective (if they aren’t already). Much of the issues and faults with US equipment and weapons have, and still are, actually caused by their incompetence, possibly the greatest example being the AR-15 disaster.


It certainly did not. I know about some of their EMP capabilities and had some experience with the former system used in the 90s. If they only maintained their 90s level capability there are more nasty surprises for the public to be revealed.


Who are you talking about? Russia is developing modern day EMP conventional warheads as we speak.


I know. I was just expressing, that what is available to the uninformed reader through the MSM does not give a decent view on Russias abilities. None of the people I spoke with had any idea what Krasukha- 4 is all about. Or Khibini. You do not read this stuff anywhere outside intelligence papers and web pages. Therefore, for a lot of people they will be surprised by news coming out now, what Russia is capable in this sector, and that US has nothing to counter it.



Tudor Miron

Pesky russkies. How dare they.


Hey Russians!!! Stop Jamming our Equipment! This ain’t Funny…..Thanks to you we are now operating in Syria in the most Aggressive EW environment on this Planet…that is Your Fault…so please stop Disabling our equipment and let US be Ruler and Rightfully Owner of OUR World again…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes the Russians are using “Learnbot” technology against the US a very long time with their EW Jamming capabilities.

“Learn bot’ the fake news the US uses and blame the Russians for everything.”




Just think of the trillions my country will waste trying to catch up. It won’t happen though because of the corruption and greed in government and private enterprise. Look at the F-35. Watching the US destroying itself from the inside out. Russia just needs to be patient. 1.5 Trillion dollar defence budget and No affordable health care for its citizens. It won’t be long now before we implode. Then all of our Peacekeepers will be coming home. To do to its citizens what it does to the rest of the world. Land of the free,Home of the brave. Sure.

jerry hamilton

I so feel for the American people. You are sadly screwed.


Pretty much.


Why? We brought it on ourselves. Most of us any way. I remember when the towers fell thinking about all the horror and war that we would create around the world as a result. Two weeks after on my honeymoon in Italy the condolences of all the people knowing inside that what was coming would make them hate us. All anyone needs to do is spend a few hours reading Bin Ladens writings to understand the reasons the towers fell. And on it goes. We all sat and watched as long as wasn’t us.

Stephan Williams

Bin Laden had nothing to do with 911. He even said so at the time. Are you suggesting that he did have something to do with it? Just asking.

911 was a Mossad operation in cooperation with the shabbas goy and Israeli-firsters strategically placed throughout the US establishment.

jerry hamilton

Mixed feelings on that one. More like a joint operation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQjTYmDKPaI

Joe Dirt

CIA 9-11 Whistle-blower on a russki propaganda? the lies the lies the lies from russki


For the record. I don’t know anything about anything. You could be perfectly correct. I believe my government is capable of anything. The US has a history of false flag attacks. See Viet Nam/ Gulf of Tonkin. My tinfoil hat is so thick I could probably start an aluminum factory.


It started all with the Oklahoma city bombing. A car bomb of a bigger size was used by Brevik in Oslo, but the damage was almost nothing in comparison to Oklahoma, with the bomb in Oslo even closer to the building. Was it a car bomb in Oklahoma or explosives in the building, as indicated by the army general who assessed the incident?


Oklahoma was a fertlizer bomb in a rental truck parked next to the building. Who knows. Anything is possible. Don’t get me started on WTC and thermite.

Tony B.

The fertilizer bomb did little damage. There were multiple bombs planted throughout the building, some of which did not explode and recuse was stopped to remove them. The children near the front of the building who were killed were blown OUT OF THE BUILDING TOWARD THE TRUCK BOMB, not further inward. It was another GOVERNMENT job.


For the ones interested in, here a link to teh report prepared by General Partin. http://independence.net/okc/congressbombreport.htm

jerry hamilton

I think that is actually a bit harsh. You were pushed by a media that tried to rail road everyone. We all were. There was a very hard push by the media to make us believe what they said was true. It was later when people started researching that that the truth emerged.


Don’t worry.I won’t be putting anyone in prison for not believing in my understanding of the world. Just frustrated in the endless cycle of violence perpetrated on innocent people around the world.

jerry hamilton

I spent two weeks in Silver Springs NV a few years back. The real Wild West. Loved it. Went to Sand Mountain. I accompanied my friend to the food line twice. To me, walking round a Walmart store was mind blowing. We don’t see rifles in the UK. Even more mind blowing to learn how much they suffered financially. She was a Vet technician in CA but was dropped for a minimum wage newbee. Never worked again but she did a karaoke show which kept her head above water. Exactly the same here in Britain. It is sickening to see while any amount of money is found to kill people in the ME.


US – the richest and most advanced country in the World. But this has no advantage to its citizens because the only duty US is fulfilling is to keep the World in a constant war situation. Waging wars and killing or dislocating innocent civillians is what they do best and is for the Zionists and their NWO distopia….

…while nearly 60 million of its citizens are living on foodstamps. In US, 3-4 million children are born homeless every year.

There is no ration in capitalism, especially such a wildly implemented one.


@sakaramanga; I remember back in the Reagan era, parents complained following his plan to cutback on gov’t partial funding for food served in school cafeterias around the nation. A parental backlash followed on grounds that this cutback meant removing healthier food choices, such as vegetables, and pushing cheaper, less healthy products like, you know, hotdogs, potato chips and such. His reply was that the budget cutbacks weren’t taking away vegetables from the mouths of school children because ‘ketchup’ was a vegetable. But one might ask, ‘why stop there’? Providing say, two servings of lawn grass per day would result in even greater savings.


Eating grass would satisfy the Green Lobby as well :) Not the sort you smoke of course.

Oscar Silva Martinez

Hahahaaha, good one!!!


good point. isn’t that a shame… I hate to see people working only for the wealth of a few families. in the whole world!

Shylo Duffy

Thank you Peter I so needed a giggle at 9am I remember when he claimed ketchup was a veggie and they actually went with that..


bcoz.. it’s all due for israhell.. that is why most of the Americans are living in shit conditions.. not to mentioned the homeless. Really hope those patriotic citizens of America Explodes..!


I couldnt agree more :

The ultimate objective of the “Global War on Terrorism” is to subdue the citizens, totally depoliticize social life in America, prevent people from thinking and conceptualizing, from analyzing facts and challenging the legitimacy of the inquisitorial social order which rules America.


Shylo Duffy

You hit the nail on the head.


The US blowing trillions of dollars on corporate welfare aka “defense industry” has little to do with food stamps, and homelessness. A large portion of US citizens have learned to become dependent on the government cheque for a ‘living’, because to them, work is for suckers. They would rather sit on their cell phone all day and shoot dope. The character of Americans has been progressively degenerating for the last fifty years. In some areas, like California, homelessness is largely fuelled by lack of affordable housing (mostly due to high state and local taxes) and profligate social programs that attract drifters and migrants like birds to a feeder.


Thanks this is informative. I’d like to add that such way of life is an unpleasant by-product of the system that we live in; a system that makes ordinary people unhappy most of their lives.


Other than the “patient” part, I agree


“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” Napoleon And the American president Woodrow Wilson. “Never… murder a man who is committing suicide” I thought the Wilson one was very ironic. Patient does’t mean to not defend yourself and your interests.


” Patient does’t mean to not defend yourself and your interests.”

I would agree with that but its also important not to let emotions dictate ones actions.

The US and UK are particularly prone to selfish emotions due in part to trashy Hollywood propaganda for about 90 years and the worship of ‘oneself ‘.

Trump is a good example of this.


Take a look at the role at the CIA plays in US news and media. Feel like i’m in high school reading about Provda and the Soviet Union. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud!


Its the same in the UK and the government propaganda is so amateur as well.

Sadly ,so many people accept it, although few of them actually believe it I suspect.

The issue these days is that the US/UK have been forced to use terrorists as proxy soldiers due to the dire mental and physical state of their general populations. Even the few dead from Afghanistan caused great angst. God only knows how they would cope with many thousands of dead and maimed every day in a real war.

Coupled with that is the realisation that only the mega rich gain in any war.


Just reading an article by Pat Lang at Sic Semper Tyrannis about NeoCON Jack Keane. In it it states that 61% of the american public approved of the last missile strike. That’s beyond stupid. Not much hope for my country.


Surveys are easy manipulation tools, it’s all depends of the questions formulations to get the wanted answers…


Has to do with the approaches taken by google, facebook etc. to rank news, and show only stuff to you you seem to be interested in. Having FB around all day, and being the main media providing news to a majority of people in the world, it is an easy task to feed the masses with the view you want them to have. You all should experienced already, how hard it is sometimes to find unbiased reports of incidents. If you don’t spend the effort to find it, you have to live with the “official” story. :-(


So true . When you’re working three part time jobs to get by who has the time to even care what goes on in the rest of the world. Probably by design.

Ivan Freely

Be careful about using polls. As Mark Twain once said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”


71% Of Military Age Americans Too Sick To Join, Study Says https://www.naturalblaze.com/2018/03/71-percent-military-age-americans-too-sick-join.html


The long established Europeans ignore reality at their peril though as the influx of migrants intended to fracture their ancient European societies brings chaos and violence.


It was organized and done on that purpose by the US/Zionist/Nato ! This said, But I have to say, without the MSM lies, it wouldn’t have an impact on a 500 Millions Population !

After the Kosovo War, the tiny Switzerland took 150’000 Muslim kosovars, it didn’t have any impact on the 8 Millions Population with 22%Foreigners, today all of them became good Citizen.

I harbored for free 50 Families during 10 Years in Geneva old buildings, all of them became friends. Geneva has 61% foreigner residents from 195 Countries, few are very rich, many are poor.

Never noticed any problems since “ever”, everybody live in harmony and respect, it’s a laic society and Religions looks inexistent ! Nobody is abandoned on the sidewalks !

Social Services were voted in 1535 ! Mandatory Free excellent Schools for All were voted in 1536 !


Schooling is the key and there appears to be a two, or even three tier academic system in many western countries now.

Illiteracy is increasing at an alarming rate.

The best wage slaves only know what the need to know for work.


Yes, just think of the $100 million the US just wasted in Syria. Think also what that money would have done to pay teachers and improve education in the US. And the VA program. And ……


The 100 million went to the carlyl group, and hence politicians like the Bushs, Clintons, Obama, Chenney etc. are all getting their benefit out of it. Any stockholder and/or partner there benefits. Its mostly the rich and powerfull, not the workers and parents of soldiers…


Land of the fee, home of the slave…

It’s unfortunate, but true. That’s exactly what it’s become.


Russian electronic weapon is called Khibiny.

Remember USS Donald Cook incident in Black Sea in 2014?

…As the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device (Khibiniy) disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. …

more at : http://www.voltairenet.org/article185860.html


I laughed then and I still laugh about it today :)

jerry hamilton

It was as funny as that British sub they played with. American superiority in reality may have ended a decade or more ago.

Wouldn’t it be good to see America start spending money on their infrastructure and it’s people. Now the world is a different place.


It ended around the times where the Russian upgraded their Su27 into one that can do multirole mission. The Soviet missiles technology never surpassed by the American. Their only superiority from back then is their electronic system including the EW and the Aegis multiple targeting system.


Truly, the american capabilities were always overstated when compared to Russian capabilities. In my time in the SIGINT, Russian systems were always downplayed due to unreliable components (no proof, just assumptions), unreliable operators, not state of the art circuitry (different concept deemed to be inferior), crude and oldfashioned look and feel. In reality, less training needed, more user friendly, more fault tolerant, better accuracy, higher then stated reach etc. The picture about russian technology was payed like a mantra and believed to be true, where it wasn’t. Now everybody can see what was always hidden.

John Marks

It’s called believing one’s own propaganda. The Americans seem to be following Hitler in this folly.


Remember when a Soviet Pilot flew his Foxbat (MIG 25) to Japan and defected? It was supposed to be the most advanced fighter/interceptor on the planet. The computer systems on board were built with old fashioned valves it was all over the air-waves, the Japanese were falling around the place laughing, “the Russians were made out to be backward”.The Yanks sent over “experts” who verified that the Russians were indeed working with “old tech”. Some years later a US A/F pilot was in Israhell and given a tour of MIG 21s and 23s that Israhellis had shot in the Yom Kipur War. He realised that the computer systems were similar to the Phantom. So when he went back home he brought it to the attention of his CO, but that is where it died. Until, another soviet defector spilled the beans. These A/C were designed to fly and fight in the event of a nuclear war. They would still have computer systems and be able to down enemy A/C over the horizon……. The Russians are always thinking outside the box.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Funny how they actually used that to build the F22 based on it, even the Russians didn’t care about it.

HighLord Gaz

The MiG-25 set was designed to shoot down high-flying supersonic bombers and the radar set was based on valves because they can handle far more POWER than semiconductors of the day. High power output meant they could “burn-thru” the bombers ECM…

The plane itself was a straight-line fast interceptor and it excelled at its intended role. Its successor the MiG-31 is much superior, and its modernised versions are rightly feared in this respect.


It would indeed. They will need to build civilian infrastructure if they start a nuclear war :)


If theirs anyone left to build it. Their’s always the wealthy refugees from the bunkers. I’m sure they’ll be picking up shovels!


It would be a reality check for them certainly. A ruined country with roving bands of brigands just waiting for the US elite to emerge from their bunkers.

Money will be useless and if there is any justice ,the US self styled elite will be killed or left to die.


Soylent Green. Probably better tasting than those left outside. Not irradiated. Prime Cut!


Don’t count on it. Automation and slavery are the dreams of our masters.

Concrete Mike

I know right, much better to build bridges than bombs, oh their negligence will catch up sooner or later…it always does.


this will make you laugh even more Mighty US Navy… https://youtu.be/185MuaC20-E

jerry hamilton

Brilliant. Here is the transcript. https://pepemapache.livejournal.com/37966.html


Wow.. that’s even more brilliant..! It’s the last part of the transcription .. hehehe.. tx a lot..


That was a few years ago I think. It was funny then and even more pertinent now :)

Patrick Jann

it happened in 1997 and was released in the year 2004


It is a century old joke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighthouse_and_naval_vessel_urban_legend

jerry hamilton

The captains name can not be googled. There is a similar story using Canada instead of Spain.

G Dean VanGaya

It’s an old Canadian joke. I was told this joke sailing in Canada as a boy, long before all this stuff erupted. Everyone needs a little Canadian self-effacing prudence at this point.


No laughing matter if you are a Yanki Zionist Pig who believes they should own the world and everybody on it.


People who feel ‘entitled’ are rather irritating I agree. In all walks of life.

They can be very dangerous though when they are denied and then have a bout of hysteria :)


Khibiny is a short ranged device. The Russians have a helicopter mounted system for long range jamming (I forget the name).

jerry hamilton

Krasukha ?


That sounds right, thx.

Tudor Miron

There are many. Khibini is an individual jet EWC pod that is constantly upgraded. Main role – aircraft self protection. Krasukha is a much more potent (range etc.) system. There are some more in open sources.

Brad Isherwood

Russia has crushing Frontier Area denial Jamming. .. To smaller Area denial Jamming such as Helicopter or mobile units. Russia has not turned on their Primacy region Jamming system in Syria(In battle)** If they did….US Cruise missiles would be falling into the sea, Slamming into mountains of Lebanon. …crash in the open desert east of Damascus.

IAF have been attacking Iran /IRGC bases in Syria as these do field Radars,area denial Jamming, ..along with Airdefence radar link with Syria. …especially with point defence… And Iranian Drone programs. Syria may have some lower tier Russian Area denial Jamming. I think it’s Iran which is running its ECM warfare in Syria. Iran can Jam US Satellite ,Aircraft, Drones. ..even hijack Drones : )

The last US attack revealed the US Cruise missiles arriving in Syrian airspace and near to target locations. Jamming and point defence netted the 70% ratio. Russia’s Big Regional Jamming was not** on….or very low % US Cruise missiles on their very long tracks would have got near Syrian cities or the interior Airbases. I’m hoping Putin will signal Iran to bring in their Airdefence. …Iranian built BUK M2E, S 300,….Maybe even their SeaCobra attack Helicopters with Iranian built TOW.


thanks will investigate.




Do I detect “whimpering” from American Military command?

I don’t know if my “Heart” can take all this good news :-) – A Gift from the Russian People – Syria to Receive S300 “Stealth Killer” Missiles Free : https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/04/24/a-gift-from-the-russian-people-syria-to-receive-s300-stealth-killer-missiles-free/ and Jewish Guilt is the unbearable fear that the Goyim might know ( and are preparing): https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/04/24/jewish-guilt-is-the-discourse-of-the-goyim/ BUT keep aware that The QUEEN, “House of Windsor”, still owns America: http://www.resurrecttherepublic.com/agents-and-all-the-queens-corporations-that-rule-the-world-aim4truth/ and http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/the-crown-agents-exposed/224337

So let’s not forget the “Queenie”


Something approaching near panic is more likely. Every article I’ve looked at from the US MSM fails to show images of the cruise missiles captured by Moscow from the 4/14 attack. They simply quote some Pentagon official instead, who says “there is no viable evidence of any missile failures”, or something along those lines.


Sure, because decades old cruise missiles did so much better against Russian jamming then a dedicated electronic warfare aircraft. You can’t have it both ways, Pentagon. Either the Russians know their jamming or they don’t. Make up your mind.


Yes I agree BUT accompanied by “Whimpering” :-)

Feudalism Victory

Theres rumors that all electronic devices are fundamentally flawed and cant be protected unless seriously hardened.

Back to ww2 tech and hypersonic missles? Could be weird.


You can’t go back to WWII tech ’cause it never went out of use. Assault rifles, heavy machine guns, dumb bombs, rockets, artillery and bunch of other things are WWII tech. Even jet planes, ballistic missiles and guided weapons were used in WWII.


Yes, this is something that USA must worry about. For sure, USA will spend billions of USD to get what they want.

jerry hamilton

Yes they will but Russia will always be their superior.


If other countries can stop the dollar as the global currency then they might have to shut down the printing presses and the number keys on the computer.


“The EC-130H Compass Call is an electronic warfare aircraft emplyoed by the US military. The weapon is designed to disrupt enemy command and control communications and to limit adversary coordination essential for enemy force management. ”

right! unfortunately that was yesterday. lmao


Quit Jamming our aircraft illegally flying over Syria lol!

Nevins Harding

The US has over 800 bases around the world to support. Their research on EW has been hampered because they spend their money killing people.


Don’t forget, ever since the end of the Cold War, the Americans and their European vassals have been fighting 3rd world militaries and insurgencies only. During all that time most of the money, training and focus was on that. Many EU armies were slashed so much during that time they completely neglected on fighting a modern 1st world military. The Taliban does not employ EW. The Iraq insurgency did not employ EW, the Libyan army did not employ EW. The Russians, the Iranians and the Chinese had plenty of time to study how to fight the US military though.

Nigel Maund

This is excellent news! This is a similar situation to the Su24M2 buzzing of the AEGIS Destroyer USS Donald Cooke in 2016, where the “Khabinyi” electronics jamming system shut down the destroyers entire AEGIS defence system. The Yanks have been outclassed in this important area and maybe 10 to 15 years behind. This augers well for Russian defence against NATO in Europe and counter balances NATO’s other advantages.

Magnus La Magne

The Americans are just playing stupid, they are trying to force Russia’s hand. Syria is just a testing ground and it’s inhabitants are expendable.


Stupid is as stupid does.

Ivan Freely

Plausible. Unfortunately, no one will know for sure until it’s too late (i.e. hot war).


Muricunts are so embarrassed due to the recent attacks on Syria as nobody is buying their BS anymore as Russia military report are more convincing.. so, all these accusations are to save face.. lol..! ps: muricunts are those maniac psychopaths, not the silenced citizens.. those silenced are zombies in slumber.. And I solute those patriotic Americans trying to wakes up those zombies..!

leon mc pilibin

The zionist Bullies are crying,,lol


Pure Lao Yzu ; To do without doing.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Since the US has no legitimate reason to be in or near Syria spying, their complaint is?

Oscar Silva Martinez

Damn, I bet many in the Pentagon are having sleepless nights thinking in those sneaky Russians hahahahaha


It would seem that the ‘network centric warfare’ aspects of the US military are being made redundant. Again, like the carriers, its useful against third world countries but extremely vulnerable to being ‘blinded’. The more you network something the greater the impact when its disrupted.


I bet they are too. A couple of weeks after Putin announced the new hypersonic missile, the US came up with the idea of restarting the American hypersonic missile program, that had failed to work.

Oscar Silva Martinez

The supreme art of war!!!


Deeply ironic. How DARE you disable our disabling EW with your disabling EW!

Joe Dirt

Time to bomb the russki


300 plus comments and only 50 or so votes. Obviously most people think you write drivel.

Joe Dirt

what do except? this forum is full of goatfuckers and russkis! :D


Sorry to break this to you, but you won’t find that perfect goat for you here. I could tell you where you would find a goat, but I’m an animal lover.


The Russians are showing a bit of their capabilities. The achilles heal of the US military is its ‘network centric warfare’ crap. No need to intercept and de-encrypt. All that is required is to disconnect the network and their assets are then blind. Very hard to counter.


The American Achilles heel is they are always at war, and always want the cameras around so they can brag. Their vanity allows other nations to study American weapons and techniques, and devise countermeasures. As an example, most American military equipment relies on GPS, if a nation was to knock out the US GPS system, their Navy couldn’t even find home port. The US Navy no longer does celestial navigation, they rely totally on GPS, same with the USAF. Another example is American regime change, they use exactly the same methodology every time, even down to the snipers. And they think they are smart.


I never believe anything the US says.


Thats why all the videos of the USS Donald cook being disabled by a single SU-24 with a an EW kit under its belly whilst it made 20 attack dives over it were deleted from”live leak”!

Remember clearly seeing them. Taken by US sailors aboard the Donald Cook and its neighbouring ship! Was amazing! humiliating!

Why has it all been deleted? They tried to make out to be a “myth”! but I saw it!Was available for 2 weeks then suddenly all traces disappear! Going to have to go on the dark net to try and find it again!


The US did the same thing with the Boston bombing, there were pics and video of US special forces at the scene before the bombing, and they all jumped into vans and fled the scene immediately after the bombing. All those pics and videos disappeared within days. The US Government seems to be terrified of the American people finding out the truth, about anything at all. That’s why I call Americans mushrooms, they are kept in the dark and fed BS.

Fayez Chergui

Bravo to Russia!


They are complaining about jamming. The Russians complain that the US launched a massive attack based on information provided by a F.UK.US. funded false flag organization called white helmets. When you attack a sovereign nation under false pretenses you should face war crime charges and blown apart equipment. I would say so far they are getting away easy. To me the main outcome is now Russia is completely justified to upgrade any and all defensive equipment. The threat to Syria has always been much bigger than ISIS. It is only now becoming very obvious where the threat comes from. U.N. time to act like grownups!

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