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MARCH 2025

Russian EW Systems To Suppress Communications, Radars And Satellite Navigation Of Combat Aviation Attacking Targets In Syria

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Russian EW Systems To Suppress Communications, Radars And Satellite Navigation Of Combat Aviation Attacking Targets In Syria


Russia is going to take additional measures to “cool down ‘hotheads’ and prevent misjudged actions posing a risk to our service [Russian] members”.

A few minutes ago Russian defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced that a S-300 air defense system will be supplied to Syria within two weeks.

Furthermore, the Russian military will employ the following measures:

  • Russian EW systems will supress communications, radars and satellite navigation of combat aviation involved in any attacks;
  • Syrian Air Defense HQs will be equipped with better automated process-control systems, “which are only supplied to the Russian Armed Forces.” This will lead to a better integration of Syrian and Russian military assets operating in Syria and Syrian Air Defense Forces will have better targeting information.

The situation is developing.

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Gregory Casey

Taken with the most up-to-date Missiles being fired from S-300 system together with Syrian & Russian Systems being completely integrated and this announcement, a bee won’t get through Syrian Air-Defences let alone any Israeli or other States’ Military Jets

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

God Bless Russia

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Amen, Amen Amen.


As expected. It’s called shooting oneself in its own foot.


…or being given enough rope to hang oneself.

stary ujo

Please Russians keep this systems switch ON !! No as system Pancir S-22,what was switch off and destroy by Israeli rocket .

You can call me Al

That Pansir S-22 was switched off because it was waiting for missile supplies – I mean that is just madness to me.

One of the commentators on here came up with the strategy of doubling up Pantsir units which I for one thought was a good strategy.


Nice I hope that this time they will deliver the S-300 to Syria, for the sake of the 15 dead soldiers do it Russia don’t you dare giving false flags and now when the Zionists will add pressure on that decision you stay firm on your stance and that’s it show for once your teeth and strength to them.

Gregory Casey

This makes clear to me that the Decision to provide all this equipment including, specifically, the ‘blocking’ technology was taken by the Russian Military ……. regardless of anything Putin might have thought. This is the Russian Military-Defense Segment stamping its foot to Politicians, regardless whether Putin is their Boss or nor. There will be no more Mr Nice Guy here!!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Putin is the Supreme Commander in Chief. He takes his military’s advice, like any good leader would. He decided to go into Syria remember. cant say he decided to go into syria, but doesnt want to do anything

Tudor Miron

Now this is an example new script that zio-trolls received :) “Putin is weak but Russian general stuff took matters in their own hands” Putin IS the head of general stuff.

Gregory Casey

While I know Putin is Commander-in-Chief, political considerations led to his blocking transfer of technology to Syria in 2013 and on occasion since then. The loss of Russian Life is, however, another matter entirely and the fact is that this time, Israelis simply went too far and even the Zionist cabal inside of Russia’s hierarchy could NOT stop the Military Staff’s insistence that the transfer of the most up-to-date technology must happen. To even suggest I am a “Zio-troll” is bullshit.

Tudor Miron

What I’m saying is that it is Putin who decided to withhold delivery in 2003 (Level of soveregnity of Russia was very low at that time) and it is Putin that makes a desision to deliver now. Our current general stuff is a disciplined structure who acts strictly according to chain of command. I don’t know if you’re zio troll or not. I will simply say that those who repeat “Putin must go” mantra are either enemies of Russia or simply do not understand what is going on.


I think the reality of russophobic trends in the west and the development of heavy arms buildups in their European borders is what ultimately put the Russian military on the higher ground over their politicians counterpart in national interest. The threat were real and there’s just little sense to make the globalists in Russia to use for their case when they’re rabidly anti Russian in the west.


Totally true, Tudor. This war is a filthy, insidious affair in which the Russians would only shoot themselves in the foot and conduct themselves permanently in the desert sand, provided they had a confrontation policy. Thanks to Putin’s intelligence and foresight, and his allies, they can force the hostile international coalition to cross several red lines and, as a result, the Russians can proceed increasingly to take further measures to improve the power relations in the Middle East that the balance shifts from the west to the East.

Israhell thus unintentionally places itself for ‘fait accompli’, which they will repent everytime again and again. There will certainly still be limited Russian victims, but these provocations for another world war have so far only led to a loss of face for the Anglo-Zionists, taking into account less influence and military control.

Bravo Russia, RIP our heroes. Their death will not be sacrificed unnecessarily.


You are very naive.. This is like saying a hierarchy is perfect.. Putin most likely has been resisting pressure from generals to act more forcefully in Syria against Israel.The death of 15 servicemen at the hands of the Zionist changed that equation. We forget that Russia is a large country extending from Asia to Europe..I would bet my bottom dollar that the majority of the Israeli ass kissing idiots are from the Europe part of Russia.. Its no wonder that Shoigu has always taken a harder stance against this mockery..

Tudor Miron

You can call me naive or whatever :) Thing is that this decision is made after very intense study in which all relevant parties participated – MOD, Ministry of external affairs (Lavrov) etc., etc. You can’t even comprehend how many factors (including geographically far from Syria) were considered. You guys are simply funny :) You think that global politics is such a simple thing. Military knows one aspect. Diplomats another, economists another etc., etc. – to make a right decision all aspects has to be weighted and considered together. And yes, Putin has the final say regarding such important decisions.


Back in 2013 Israel and the US had control of southern Syria, today the American and Israeli terror army in southern Syria has been defeated.

Back then, Israel could have easily escalated the violence, today Syria controls southern Syria, and Russian troops guard Golan. If Israel attacks today, they can’t hide behind ISIS, and they will face Russian troops.


I’m sure Putin saw the writing on the wall without the general staff telling him. The decision was his, in the end. He did not get this far without having any sense. There are many ways that he could have retaliated, maybe some the military suggested, maybe Putins ideas, even Lavrov. But this decision seems to be a progression of a policy they wanted to pursue…very methodical. This is to be taken as Israels fault and it just upped the ante of any future attack. This action made more waves than we’re seeing.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Sadly Israel just announced: LIBERMAN: “ISRAEL TO DESTROY S-300 SYSTEMS IF SYRIA EMPLOYS THEM” Israel is going to wipe out a single S-300 system to hard it is going to embarrass Russia’s allies. A single S-300? Must be an inside joke about Russian generals. 3 the is minimum that will help secure the western half of Syria. S-400 is really what Syria needs 2 of.

SOURCE: https://southfront.org/liberman-israel-to-destroy-s-300-systems-if-syria-employs-them/

Gregory Casey

I agree with you on provision of S-400 but deployment of 3 – 4 S-300 together with the most advanced Missiles and the deployment of blocking technology is as close to S-400 as it gets without actually deploying S-400. China is the ONLY Country to which Russia has supplied S-400 Systems to date with Turkey waiting in the wings for delivery in 2019 …….. provided they now behave themselves in Northern Syria. Even the Saudis are salivating at the thought of getting their hands on S-400 …….. and THAT is a Decision Russia had better carefully consider having regard to the build-up of Saudi-US-Israeli aggression against Iran.

You can call me Al

Didnt they supply the Iranians with the S-300 +, which was supposedly a nat’s cock off the S-400.


S300 PMU is a notch lower in capability than the S300 V4, however it is still quite potent and a significant upgrade over existing Syrian weapons. S200 and S300 within an integrated air defense along with blanket EW warfare system can be a big headache for for the IAF. Israeli capabilities mirror the US’s, US planes were jammed easily in Syria, it should be the same against Israel..

You can call me Al

How do yo know what version is being supplied, I must have missed that. Also I have read that it will be a Russian version NOT export.



If my memory serves me correctly, in April when Russian MOD recommended the S300 after the FUKUS attack, it was the S300 Favorit or counterpart taken from Russian stockpiles.

You can call me Al

Sounds good, nice memory.

You can call me Al

Firstly it states “a S-300 air defence system will be supplied to Syria within two weeks.”; therefore as of yet, we do not know how many units are included’ however I doubt it is one.

Now regards the warning from the hooked noses, I have posted this many times, but maybe it is now more pertinent than ever.


VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The IDF will dig an even bigger hole for itself, Where does this arrogant pompousity come from?

You can call me Al

Yanks, arrogance and a low IQ I assume.


Cheeky bastards, aren’t they?

You can call me Al

Yep, That is far to polite.


That is an extra-special kind of stupid announcement on the part of the Israelis. ‘Cos it’s also an announcement of the Israeli intention to kill (more) Russian servicemen.


So you missed Mr P saying “everyone will notice.”…?


It’s their fighters conducting intercept on unannounced jets. This one at the advice of ministry of defence.


It’s also their late notifications and lying notifications. The Russians moved the plane south back to base because the Israelis told them they’d be striking in northern Syria.

Then the Israelis struck where the Russians directed their plane to. However inadvertent – that turned treacherous.


President Putin is part of the decision. My take is he was doing things by the numbers, that’s all. Standard stuff. All those saying anything other than that don’t know the game at all. I wish you well Gregory.

Mo Richard

Ohhhh yesss… It’s not a surprise though. We all saw this coming after that incident. This is the least Russia could do. I guess Israel will have to up their game if the want to continue their violations of foreign states airspace (Lebanese and Syrian) for that matter. So we will finally assess how these S300+ systems fair against the likes of F35s. #Game#on.


Seems the Putin/Lavrov (Russian Nationalists) have won out over Medvedev and the Zionist Internationalist brigade at last. We are now moving rapidly towards a very serious regional war. Unless the Jew-tail of the Yanki Yelp is cut off at the Arse.


Hmmm. It is public secret that Mr. Putin has weak spot for Mr. Abramovich and it is public information, that Mr. Abramovich is the richest citizen of Israel and (possibly) good friend of Netanyahu. Don’t take me wrong, but the situation is, that Netanyahu asked Trump to bomb Syria and to withdraw deal with Iran and Trump did both of it and that Netanyahu asked Putin not to deploy S300 5 years ago and Putin agreed. I’m afraid that Netanyahu is the man ruling US and Russian policy on Rothschild’s order. And he is making personal changes. Look at Bolton, Halley, Medvedev, Macron, May or Merkel. Look at that bunch of chimps. Macron served as a clerk for Rothschild. Merkel is ex-polish Jew. Medvedev is Jew as well. Bolton and Halley are both psychos and should be treated. May is a lesbian Russophobic monster and should be treated as well. Sad.

Gregory Casey

While agreeing with everything you say here, Putin has found himself in position where his Military has stamped its foot and said : “No More” !! End of ……….

AM Hants

Really? Who is the Commanding Officer of the Russian Forces?


Yes, Russia is not the US and Putin is not Trump.

AM Hants

Thank God. Sorry, who is the Commander in Chief?

You can call me Al

I am getting lost with many comments following the above assumption; I honestly cannot understand how they infer that. Any idea ?.

AM Hants

This article might explain. The new branch of the Soros funded, media disinformation agents, trying to cause disharmony between Forces, Relatives, plus, Russian public. They have tried virtually everything, to kickstart the ‘regime change’ initiative.


UKRAINE’S PLAN OF CARRYING OUT CYBER ATTACKS AGAINST RUSSIA AND THE LDPR WAS LEAKED ONTO THE INTERNET… http://www.stalkerzone.org/ukraines-plan-of-carrying-out-cyber-attacks-against-russia-and-the-ldpr-was-leaked-onto-the-internet/

You can spot them a mile off, owing to using the same soundbites. It gets so boring.

You can call me Al

???, that is The Ukraine not Russia. No comprendo.

AM Hants

Ignore Ukraine, same message. They wish to cause problems between President, people, military, etc, etc. Go back to the days of Yeltsin, with the ‘Maidan’ finale.

You can call me Al

OH right (phew, too complicated for me).

PS Have you have looked at Brietbart ?……. WTF ?, check the comments section out.

AM Hants

Can handle their comments on a Saturday, but, rest of the week, it is like the kiddies have taken control of the kinder garten. Will take some happy pills, before I venture. Cheers.

You can call me Al

Yanker kiddies; quite bizarre. Saturday only ?, are you gay ?.

AM Hants

Let me guess, you on the wine? Saturday, the trolls have a day off, then you get decent comments. Gay, does not bother me, but, do like ‘meat plus 2 veg’. So ‘no’.

You can call me Al

YEP. It is xmas isn’t it; or have I messed up again ?

DO WHAT ?; I am no fag sister.

PS Apologies but I have 2 x Germans and a Dutch thing – all 15 year old pubescent twats staying here for a school exchange. That is why I am up so late ….. they sound like loud chimps, geese or flamencos.



AM Hants

Enjoy the school exchange, ha-ha, never comes with the manual on raising kids. Remember taking my sons, plus, two of their friends abroad. Nightmare, yet, funniest holiday we ever had. Two 16 year olds and 2, 13 year olds. My husband had packed his bags, heading back to the airport, within 24 hours, but, managed to persuade him to change his mind. However, had to chase him down the streets. to get him to come back. Hubby could be hard work, at times. The boys, their friends, plus, me, still laugh at the comedy value, from those 2 weeks.

You can call me Al

Listen to it all. I hear the, even in bed…………


Ivan Freely

History has shown that the military have turned on their civilian government many times before. I’m not saying that is the case for Russia, but you got to admit that it would be foolish of Putin to let this slide.

AM Hants

Why would the military go against a decent leader? Most remember the Yeltsin days.

Ivan Freely

What I’m saying is not to discount the military outright. They do have influence on a leader’s decision. If Shoygu wants something to happen badly enough, he can pressure Putin to make it happen.

AM Hants

Shoygu, plus, the President have a professional relationship, where they would discuss the options.

AM Hants

I hear what you are saying. However, there is respect between the President and his Defence Secretary, a lot tighter, then you would find in other nations, including those in the ‘so-called’ civilised nations, that funnily follow the ideology of ‘Caligula’s reign’.

Brad Isherwood

Syria’s partitioned already allong lines similar to Rand Partition map. Probably not much big drama occurs….since it’s game over…..already. US has East Euphrates. …staging zone towards Iran. They can place air defence and missile shield in . Israel will push for that.

Now….if a Real grassroots Insurgency by Palestinians in Jordan could occur, That would counter years of Zio gambit. Jordan has loads of weapons for the taking. Israel and US getting attacked for real….not Fake ISUS.

It’s pretty much Israel’s worst nightmare Hezbollah is rumored to have been given a BUK M2E mobile from Syrian Military. Hezbollah can build track or truck frames for this, …with Iran supply missiles as Iran has their own copy of BUK M2E system in its entirety. Hezbollah is already building Iranian missiles from scratch. ..they can do this.

Israel’s days of flying over the Lebanon will come to a burning end.


The appalling but expected betrayal by the Zionist regime in Israel will I hope open the eyes of any Russians who consider Zionists to be a benefit to Russia.

The best place to isolate the Zionist International Brigade within Russia would be a re-furbished Gulag.


You’ll not be able to isolate Jewish (or may be i should say Rothschild’s) 5th column so easily. For example, US commanding chain not so long ago was as follows: Rothschild -> Netanyahu -> Kushner -> Ivanka Trump -> Donald Trump. US commanding chain few years ago was: Rothschild -> Netanyahu -> Clinton foundation (or Obama) . In Europe it is even simplier: Rothschild -> Soros -> EU, Merkel, Macron, Tusk, Juncker.

And what they did, if they didn’t have any leverage on Bush family ? Do you remember 11th September falseflag and narcotic business in Afghanistan and Powell’s anthrax pantomime in UN (Colin Powell was honored with the World Jewish Congress’ annual Theodor Herzl Award , coincidence ? :D ). They are everywhere. They control banks. They control agencies. They control mainstream and media. They control politics. They spread their disinformation and influence further an further. Do you really want Isolate them ? Good luck.


Once the ball gets rolling the removal of these people will gather pace I suspect. It cannot all happen immediately of course.

‘Immediacy ‘ is the greatest weakness of the Zionists today.

Allan Greedspoon

What about South Ossetia or Dagestan where they can be sex toys for the local militias?


Why bother to refurbish?

Terence Silvestre Jr.

The best way to avoid war was, is, and always will be, preparing and arming oneself to the teeth to go to war, my friend.


translation to normal language:

Combat Aviation Attacking Targets In Syria = Israel jets.

Tommy Jensen

A lot of smoke to cover up for Israel´s next 200 attacks inside Syria.

Tudor Miron

Are you going to participate, Tommy?

Tommy Jensen

To tell you the truth, I am a bit saddened by all these tens of thousands of too young Syrian men being exploited, tortured, raped and killed in their defence of their families, homes and country as I have sons myself. I dont respect considerations of “leverage”, “influence” and “balancing power” as an excuse.

Tudor Miron

Considering that you have sons, I would suggest that you consider moving from US before it is too late. Hint – Russia will have nothing to do about it.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

All this were the fruits of the US/EU/NATO instigated “Arab spring”. Was it worth it, Tommy?


You Americans never learn anything from history do ya?

You screwed up in Vietnam. You created a mess in Iraq, Libya, Balkans. When will you Americans ever learn?

leon mc pilibin

The arrogance of the satanic zionists has come back to haunt them,,,they will pay dearly for their criminal behaviour from now on,,BRAVO RUSSIA:

AM Hants

They are not used to nations having the strength, or the power, to respond to their cowardness.


It sounds more simple that it is, but will see. I highly doubt that Israel will cease bombing Syria.


Hopefully they will cease bombing Syria once Syria shoots down their aircrafts and captures one of their pilots.


That’s unlikely since Israeli planes fire cruise missiles from outside the Syrian airspace. But would be nice…

paul ( original )

This reads as totally good news. Whatever the final situation may turn out to be this is a good step in the right direction. Remember that the air defences supplied to Syria so far have made some good showing against missiles. This can only improve and hopefully extend to engaging the aircraft themselves.

aleksandar jakovljevic

All is in the money,when israel destroy that s 300, asad will by new one,it is money forr russia


Really did you really think their can hope to be paid from the Syrian side at this state of things ? They’re not the USA that steals gold bullions from the banks.

aleksandar jakovljevic

I am not sure.i just look all side off war,and syria may not have money but have som else,and rusia dont giv anyting for free.i hope that u are right and all tehniks is for free.


Look here i don’t think they’re free it’s just not definitely because they need the money that Syria did not have right now. If money is what they want they don’t have to supply them now they only need to supply them when they have their money.




Where they’re located at ? Who is sitting on it right now ? My point stands. If money that they needed they don’t have to supply them now just supply them when the money is available.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Let the exceptional cowards try. No IL-20 will be big enough for the IDF to hide behind.

Tommy Jensen

After 201 Israeli attacks on Syria, the sheeple now believe Israel will not make another 200 attacks, because Syria got Russian “new corrections” on their communication systems……………………………LOL.

The sheeple believed again, this time it will be better, because the sheeple were hoping.


Shame that it took the death of 15 servicemen to get to the point where we should have been at the start of the Russian intervention. ALL OF THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE WITHIN THE FIRST THREE MONTHS, HATS OF TO THE SAA&ALLIES WHO ARE ON THE FRONT LINE FIGHTING INTERNATIONAL TERRORISIM


Perhaps, but because the US controls the global Jewish media, they would have created the impression of Russian aggression. The Jewish media would have created a story where Russia was invading Syria, and America had to help the poor Syrians.

At another level, the US war costs are much higher than Russia’s costs, so the longer it goes on, the more money the US burns. Sooner or later people will become aware that it is impossible for the US to pay its debt, and the US empire will disappear as quickly as the Austro-Hungarian empire.

John Mason

About time, enough warning now the action.

Brad Isherwood

Syria’s already partitioned along lines similar to Rand Partition map John. It’s kinda game over…..already Israhell will push US to place air defence and missile shield in Stolen East Euphrates. Stepping stone to war with Iran. If**…a real grassroots Insurgency could break out in Jordan, That would be Israel’s worst nightmare. Suddenly…Israel is pinned to the mat by Hezbollah, Palestinians. Israel hits either….All* Islam comes down on them : )

Saudi won’t be able to control the Pissed off Sunni who snap out of their sleep

Iran’s grinning Mullahs with thier $$USD stashed offshore banks need to be pulled down by Iranians who are sick of the deceitful game they play. If US ,Israel and Saudi intend to attack Iran, These Mullah tards have to go! Iran needs a great leader …akin to Ho Chi Minh. Iran becomes A peoples army you don’t want to mess with.

Egypt already senses this,…does not want to be part of Saudi war on Iran.


They had such a leader with Ahmadinejad.


He is a war veteran, and was gassed by the gas the US gave to Saddam. Is it any wonder he hates America?

Ivan Freely

IIRC, the US already placed their ADs in Syria.


You are in denial, it’s over, the FUKUS nations plus Israel have been defeated. The King is dead, long live the King.

Brad Isherwood

Truth like Israhell murder Russians = Putin finally do what’s right. Syria was partitioned before Russia stepped in. Problem is the US is squatting on stolen Syrian lands and so to is Israhell. I’m not big on Erdogan getting his Caliphate of Muslim Brotherhood in Idlib, It’s there like the rest of the bad news.

Can things be over turned? Certainly. …if Assads military is enabled to. Pictures of French military vehicles running around with US special forces That can’t be allowed either.


“French military vehicles running around with US special forces That can’t be allowed either.”

Yes it can be allowed, you seem to think war is some flag waving event, it isn’t. Troops deployed in a desert, with very long supply routes is very expensive. Wars are lost by the country that can no longer afford to field an army. French troops are there, because the US cannot afford to do it alone. The US Navy has been in port for many months, because the US cannot afford to deploy them.

Russia has already won, it’s just taking a while for the American corpse to grow cold.


What is clear is the Military – and the Russian People understand they got shot in the back. To allow that or any further actions by the IDF – is not just an insult, but to insure a bigger war. Next step is for IDF planes to come out of the sky burning if necessary — for the IDF is saying F- you Russia we will do what we want and that means killing you as well


Mo’ Missiles…Take Down the Whole IAF…Flying-Cockroaches…And Kid-Killers

Promitheas Apollonious



“Syrian Air Defense HQs will be equipped with better automated process-control systems, “which are only supplied to the Russian Armed Forces.” This will lead to a better integration of Syrian and Russian military assets operating in Syria and Syrian Air Defense Forces will have better targeting information.”

Which means … next time the Israelis claim “Syria diddit” they be saying “Russia diddit?”

Goran Grubić HardyVeles

Every measure has its counter measure – only that differs is price. That one seems to be uplifted now.


fellow commentators….s-300 is a great system and tested. yes s-400 is way better but its new and still in production. The Russian air defence has the priority of this system. they receive an s-400 and they can spare a s-300 for Syria lets say. the s-300 system will upgrade Syrias air defence significally.it will be the most modern system they have. surround it with with other shorad systems to protect it ,….thats the main issue. Israel will immediately try to destroy it.

Ivan Freely

I look forward to the downing of Israeli jets.


well they managed to shoot down 1 already and damage another one….maybe 2….with s-200 i beleive…..or some other older system…..imagine the s-300…


The S300 will be manned by Russians along with Syrians, the system will be manned proficiently and make kebabs out of Israeli F16’s. I am sure supporting Tor and Pantsir units will be deployed as well.


indeed it takes a lot of time to train for this type of system…..maybe thats why the mentioned 2 months delicery period. anyway its a huge gumble from Russias side….israel is planning its attack on the system even as we speak ,i bet….


No gamble, Russia has enough anti air assets to shoot Israeli planes down and wake them up from the dream they are having. US is having similar dreams induced by a drug called “exceptionalism”.


but the israeli aircrafts fire long range missiles even from international waters…..


The missiles fitted to the planes have much shorter range than the missiles of the S300. It’s called area denial, and it’s what has changed the status quo in global power. Russian and Chinese anti ship missiles have greater range than US aircraft or maritime missiles.

Basically it’s passive, but if you attack, you will be killed.


The no fly zone can be extended into the international waters, Popeye and Delilah have limited ranges.


Israel has been trying to destroy Syrian air defenses for many years. They gave up trying to do it with aircraft, and ordered ISIS to attack Syrian missile installations rather than strategic objectives within Syria. If Israel tries to destroy the S300’s they will have to use their ISIS storm troopers.


Desperate and petulant NATO-Israeli actions – as they have lost their regime change war on Syria – far more rational and tolerant responses consistently come from Russia. There is only one adult in this room.


I don’t think these petty retaliations for what was by all accounts an accident will help. I the IAF uses the hotline to give warning about some strike and the Russians use their EW systems, then the IAF then has an incentive not to use the hotline.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

This is just desserts for violent invaders to Syria.


if the enemy has the best military tech then so must Syria

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