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Nightmare Over Ukraine: Russian FAB-3000 Entered Battle

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Nightmare Over Ukraine: Russian FAB-3000 Entered Battle

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Nightmare Over Ukraine: Russian FAB-3000 Entered Battle
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Nightmare Over Ukraine: Russian FAB-3000 Entered Battle

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On June 20, the first combat use of a three-ton gliding aerial bomb equipped with a course correction module by the Russian Aerospace Forces was confirmed.

The control footage captured by a Russian drone shows the heavy aerial bomb hitting a three-story building in the village of Liptsy, turned by the Armed Forces of Ukraine into an important stronghold in the Kharkiv region. The affected building was used by the Ukrainian military as a temporary deployment point.

The footage showed that the Russian bomb missed the target. The deviation of the FAB-3000 was no more than a dozen meters, which is more than a satisfactory result for a munition of this type. The range of direct damage from the FAB-3000 is 230 meters, and the fragments retain their destructive power at a range of more than 1200 meters.

As a result of the strike, the wall of the house in which the Ukrainian military were hiding completely collapsed from the opposite side of the explosion, which definitely led to heavy losses of the Ukrainian military.

Russian military experts note that judging by the depth of the crater, the bomb was set to “instant explosion”, so all the energy was spent on high-explosive impact, and not on digging a hole in the ground.

The supermassive FAB-3000 are deployed via Su-34 tactical fighter-bomber aircraft.

Russian heavy aerial bombs of various capacities, equipped with universal planning and correction modules, have become a nightmare for the Ukrainian military. Their massive use has had a significant impact on the course of hostilities. Previously, Ukrainian positions have already been pounded by the FAB-250, FAB-500, FAB-1500 bombs.

Moscow has given a clear signal that it is not going to stop. In March, the former Minister of Defense inspected a military enterprise in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Then the general director of the plant reported that the factory had increased the production of FAB-500 bombs several times over, and FAB-1500 — by an additional 50%. There has also been mass production of FAB-3000 since February of this year.

Russian aerial bombs have become a “miracle weapon” that Ukrainian troops cannot resist. The massive use of FAB-3000 bombs on the battlefield has become bad news for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In its turn, Kiev recently announced the launch of tests of correctable bombs of its own production. However, the success of this initiative is questionable. Ukraine is able to create course correctable heavy bombs, but it is unlikely to be able to launch them into mass production since the industry in Ukraine has been destroyed.


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Holger Bundgaard

…i like that very much! – please more of this…


i have to admit that this could be the game changer

Henrik Persson

please send such a thing directly to the little dictator to kiev, that he deserved 👹

Degeneration Of Russia

this crap cattle is hardly in kiev anymore, he is once again on a begging tour, just like millions of his embarrassing compatriots

Jürgen Grabowski

they beg around all day in german cities, but that’s not enough, they also shit in forests and on roads and thus stink the whole country full

South Front Is Pure Joke

which can be attributed to the fact that 10 million ukrozzz do not even know indoor toilets. a lot of people don’t even know toilet paper. instead, they brush their asshole with grass. millions of ukrozz do not know tap water. these are the refugees from the so-called zelensky paradise. 😧😧😧

Ramses II

hahahaha, let the jokes come, more of them


yes, as if ukrainians were more backward than ruzzia, a large country incapable to retrieve its own miniral riches and build sufficient road system. fab-3000 launching migs will soon face swarms of f-16s and long ranch aa systems. and likely also ukr will get some kind of western style us-bomb remake ala fab to throw on ru heads.

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999
AM Hants

how you contradict yourself. remember, when the us pilots refused to fly the f-16s owing to problems with the oxygen? they used the same system on the f-35, resulting in one of the 100 primary problems, they needed to sort out, after it was commissioned. remind me, but, where will the f-16s be flying from?


rammes=southfront village idiot joke


listen to what 1009th motorized rifle regiment’s 5th company russian soldier from the front, reports from the current battle at vovchansk. here: https://t.me/rfuenglish/253

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999
Jürgen Grabowski

…first of all, i listen to what ukrainian soldiers tell about their front-line operations! half blind, half deaf, drug-eating all day long, these psychopaths complain that they have been abandoned by their friends:

Last edited 3 months ago by Jürgen Grabowski
Jürgen Grabowski


Jürgen Grabowski

unfortunately i can’t get the link copied in here! but google helps here:

y-kollektiv/vom leben und toeten an der ukraine front

Last edited 3 months ago by Jürgen Grabowski
Jürgen Grabowski

it will only get really funny when these half-dead freaks, if they survive, are on the road again later in the rest of ukraine! no one can figure out how one would ever want to integrate these physically and mentally ill people back into society.

AM Hants

do believe that is why the dictator is so willing to send them to the meat grinder. he does not want any ukraine dna left in the nation. who is looking at resettling in ukraine, now they have outstayed their welcome in the me?


yep, the whole cause of the conflict was their plan to re-start khazaria, which if it succeeded would have us nuke ad us military base3s over it like a rash. but putin and russia saw through their plan and stopped it in its track by the successful military intervention, hence the demented hatred towards russia and putin from nudleman and the wester minion vassals.

As Seen on TV

you should put doggie poop bags in little dispensers on poles and label them ukie bags.

Ramses II

send them as help to north korea citizens?

South Front Is Pure Joke

after south korea sent balloons with propaganda reading to north korea, north korea regularly sends balloons with shit across the border to south korea in response.

a brilliant idea of yours to pick up this extremely effective method here


я американец, который считает путина великим лидером, нам нужно, чтобы путин сформировал команду и приехал сюда для выполнения столь необходимой работы.

gilberto posada

podria no…………..podra hacerlo-

Franz Köhler

it is best to send such a device directly to germany, the company rheinmetall would be very happy about a small demonstration 😉

jens holm

why we amerikuntized moron inferior to russians?

gestapo mctrucktaco

becuz u eat anglo-american ass everyday?

As Seen on TV

i say a petition to the un should be submitted, to erase the anglo from anglo-american. the anglos are even more of an embarrassment to humanity than the americans and should be quarantined behind barbed wire fences.

Last edited 4 months ago by As Seen on TV
jens holm

me rammes pay to lick amerikan hillbilly peniz

Ramses II

because zombie nazi orchs get tired of having his pole in your stinker


we inferior amerikunt senile nazi need swallow more mulatto cumdrop; ugly rammed2 cannot afford homo hooker….cuz mr shelstein deny ramses pension after 46 years janitor scrubbing toilet


won’t be long now fab3000 pays a visit to keiv’s den of satanic nazi’s, keiv’s nightmare keeps getting worse by the day

Ramses II

fab5 hahahahahahahahahaha


for some reason, hostilities are being held back. after all, the russian goal was to protect the dpl and lpr areas. a change of power in ukraine would require either a much more active approach, or more space for the ukrainians to seize power back.


what could be better than 3000 kg guided bomb? only 5000 kg bomb or even 9000 kg bomb. both are in the arsenal, though seems like 9-ton bomb can’t be equipped with the winged correction module for some reasons. but 5-ton bomb is in modernization process.

mother of all foabs

good news, 5k on it’s way.


yes just wait till the us delivers its maob (9,850 kg megaman) to ukr, can be launched even from old b-29 or more modern b-52 bombers. and the us has lots of this highly capable planes in stock. are russians really demanding to re-awake these air-fleets and make them visit them ?

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999

s-400. and s-37 it would be fun to see a b-29 against these.


this 3 ton iron glide bomb carries only 1.2 tons of explosives, they should make a 3 ton thermobaric version with at least 2 tons of explosives out of 3 tons of weight

Last edited 3 months ago by Player_Unknown
mother of all foabs

perhaps they can “course correct” fab to ziolenskys egyptian villa?


and nitwityahus in israhell???


america creates digital images of non-existent hypersonic weaponry, russia actually deploys them with devastating effect…

“hypersonic madhouse in afterburner”


Ramses II

russias ghey rump trolls nazis have named their weapons after fab5 out of urge for lbtq.


says the idiot named after an inferior brand of condoms.

Ramses II

thank you!


we know you’re shilling for shekles, while all along promoting a jewish brand of condoms…no surprise. prevent christian babies, troll for christian killing jews…thats 8200 play book…

Last edited 3 months ago by Kibosh

desperate russian marriage with kim troll.


or tough comrades bonding/arming each other?

Ramses II

in the backseat?

mother of all foabs

“in the backseat?”

in ur toolshed where ur mum earns a dollar per trick, trailer trash clown.

Ramses II

don’t get angry at me because you don’t know who your father is

Last edited 3 months ago by Ramses II

putin only did that to troll you cia babies, make y’all trigger…

captain hohol

a nice little pseudo mini nuke, let them hit their targets in ukraine and break the resolve of the uaf.

Ramses II

what a zombie nazi comment

jens holm

rammed in anuz=registered naszi

Woe is UA

well, he is a hohol after all, and a captain at that.

Doctor No.

russia has the bombs and the delivery vectors, but the talkative little man from moscow prefers an eternal trench war with thousands of dead russians and the destruction of the donbass.

AM Hants

think you mean the dictator who never hangs out in kiev. how is his begging bowl doing?


ever since kennan’s 1946 cable the policy has been “containment”. the pentagon will continue to supply sufficient assets to prevent a russian blitzkrieg. the response to the glide bombs will be air defense systems to shoot down su 34s over russia before they release the bomb. “go to your room ivan and stay there until your time out is over.” containment is strategically the same as attrition but can be applied much much longer. the result, exhaustion of the enemy, is the same.

Joseph Day

bla bla, they take them out, like worthless patriots


i am an american, that thinks putin is a great leader, we need putin to form a squad and come here to do some much needed work.

AM Hants

i am english and so want his clone in westminster. if only each and every western nation could have a clone of president putin leading them, you could guarantee the planet would be at peace and happy.

jens holm

i am nazi potato—i am immoral degenerate w 141 living brain cell

jens holm

in dumbocracy in dumbmark i have choice senile lesbian nazi potato vs bisexual pedephilia potato installed by ameerikas


more bang for the rubel: the frog instructors will enjoy.


important info : in the swamp most of the frogs are against the involvment of the frogs in the war against the bears. but the gay leader of the swamp, emmanuel mafrog, only do what his masters, the rats, order to him. the rats infested the swamp long time ago and the frogs expelled. but now the rats have taken control of the eagles nest and threat the frogs with their new slave birds.


“his masters, the rats”

i’m not trying to argue, just my thoughts that his masters are the same frogs, but bigger and greener like a dollar. swamp of washington as trump said. and who lives in a swamp? that’s right — ultra-liberal lgbt frogs and bloodthirsty insects, mosquitoes like killary, john mccain or lindsey graham. reptilians, reptilians… mosquitoes!

Massa John

that rotten cabal of vermin, dirty to their bones doesn’t deserve any name-calling of insect or amphibian nature, let alone mammals. the only thing everone of them needs, is a frisky talk with an iron bat.


putin takes orders from deranged zionuts also. sad that they’ve agreed to depopulation of ukraine’s christians to serve more insane slimy parasite jews

Ramses II

couldn’t vladolf be part of it, why not?

Massa John

a double-whammy of those and you take your last dump immediatly…

jens holm

my hokosexual nazi senile itsters—please say prayer for my ex-husband rammes—police found him licking 7 yrs peniz in thailand—his ony defense senility

Ramses II

imitator telling on herself/ or himself.

jens holm

our potato industry operated by amerikunt lgbt–big game changer

Ramses II

small potatoe farm is bigger than russian economy

jens holm

this idiot clever like 4 year old pygmy

AM Hants

yet, still the dictator of ukraine sends his men to the meat grinder. is there any of the ukrainian gene pool left and is it all by design?


my question is ……………………. what took russia so long ???

perhaps they are realizing that ukrainians are not slavic brothers but feral animals


finally a 3 ton glide bomb … now a 3 ton thermobaric version with at least 2 tons of explosives instead of 1.2 ton

Ramses II

fab 5 ghey ghey weapon impress army ghey putler boy fanclub

Adam Adamczeski

ciąg dalszy budowania nowego izraela na ziemiach słowian rękoma rosjan i amerykanów. ukraińcy do kasacji tak jak i polacy – tylko parę mln ma zostać jako obsługa żydów.

jens holm

nightmare in my homosexual amerikan nursing home when potato anuz therapy used on me

jens holm

my amurkan wet dream—doktor inject me monkey covid pox but senility worse

gestapo mctaco

that’s true..


iron man: i love you 3000 russia: you will love this fab-3000

jens holm

i used as homo pooper potato farm 43 years–my recycle turd my only asset after mulatto pimp rent me to gay amerikan until diarrhea limit me to only few pervert clients—saxon theresa sawyer ramses


the fab glide bombs are a game changer as it will destroy ukranian fortresses and fortifications at low cost, low risk. unlike expansive guided missiles these bombs are easy to mass produce and cheap. these bombs drop faily well on target and can render the enitre building/fortification useless in a second. it are the ingenious weapons that change the battlefield.

Last edited 3 months ago by Worldpeace
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