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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Back On Zmeiny Island, Reinforce Their Positions (Photos, Video)

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Russian Forces Back On Zmeiny Island, Reinforce Their Positions (Photos, Video)

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After the failed attack of Ukrainian forces on Zmeiny Island (also known as Snake Island) in the Black Sea, the Russian military was reportedly forced to leave military positions on the island. Most recently, the satellite imagery revealed the presence of Russian forces on the island, which was confirmed by the Ukrainian and Russian military officials.

Satellite imagery taken in the Black Sea area showed a huge letter “Z” on Zmeiny Island. Landing boats and a floating crane of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are also seen in the area.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has recently confirmed that Russia is “trying to increase its military presence on Zmeiny Island, strengthening the air defense system.”

Russian Forces Back On Zmeiny Island, Reinforce Their Positions (Photos, Video)

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Russian Forces Back On Zmeiny Island, Reinforce Their Positions (Photos, Video)

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The representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Vadim Skibitsky, has previously revealed that Tor-M2 air defense system had been transfered to the island as well as Russian Pantsir missile system to provide air defence in the area.

“Amphibious boats and other ships are actively used to deliver ammunition, military equipment (primarily radar stations and reconnaissance equipment),” he added.

Earlier, another Russian Tor missile system was damaged as a result of the Ukrainian attack on the island. It was reportedly taken out from the island.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces do not stop reconnaissance missions in the Black sea area. The Russian Ministry of Defence is reporting the interceptions of Ukrainian UAVs, including Bayraktar TB2s, over the island on a daily basis. The last Ukrainian UAV was shot down last night.


Having established control over the military positions, the Russian military shared the footage of the destroyed Ukrainian forces remained on the island. On the eve of May 9, the Ukrainian military command attempted to counter attack the island and carried out an unsuccessful assault operation. As a result, Ukrainian forces suffered heavy losses. A fierce battle ensued on the island. During a decisive counterattack, all Ukrainian servicemen were reportedly pushed to the edge of the island and destroyed.

Apart from heavy material losses, the AFU operation resulted in “senseless death of more than 50 Ukrainian militants and soldiers of the elite units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” according to the Russian Ministry of Defence. So far, at least 27 corpses of the Ukrainian serviceman remain on the island. The AFU reportedly ignore the calls of the Russian military to take the corpses of Ukrainian soldiers from the island to burry them in Ukraine.


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The war is already a strategic loss for Russia as Finland decided to join NATO.

Doesn’t matter whether Russia takes the whole Eastern Ukraine or Kiev signed for neutrality, the game is already lost.

Any NATO missiles from Finland will reach Moscow in 3 minutes leaving the Kremlin little time before they are toast.

John Tosh

You are confused….

Its all about the black sea.. No NATO ships, No British base.


FINLAND is propaganda … no once cares what they want. If they get annoying Russia can overrun them.


No one cares what Finland wants yet Putin called their president begging them to cancel the application for NATO? LOL

Russia showed how incompetent and weak they are in Ukraine, no wonder Finland who borders invading country doesn’t give a fuck about what Putin begs him

basement in us embassy in poland

the finland thing shows how desperate yanquis has become.

10 Dead Generals

How so?


“Putin called their president begging them to cancel the application for NATO”

Did that actually happen bud? or are you onto your 3rd copium and a little tipsy?

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

Begging? Lol keep reaching you mad little desperate dog. It was Loyd Austin that called Shoigu begging for a ceasefire so he could get his weapons door dashed to Ukraine and “play” in Russia’s sandbox. Russia is merely toying with the US like a puppet on a string. The US is doing what the Russians predicted and it’s playing right into their hands.


I don’t think Putin ever begged anyone ever about anything. But Zelensky the Jew has. Many times.


NATO is a paper tiger – My granny might join it & then it might be dangerous :)

Annus5228...wake up, smell the coffee

All Putin said was that with great regret, he’d have to paint Helsinki on one of his nukes if push came to shove, that’s all.

Hardly begging, just fair warning. Begging is what Austin did over a cease fire.


Russia didn’t beg. Finland likely called to advise Russia that they’re joining NATO but won’t allow US to put offensive weapons pointed at Russia. That’s what likely transpired.


Begging!? For the good of Finland and the Finns! Finland and the USSR signed a peace agreement after WW2 in which Finland is obliged to be neutral. Russia is the legal successor of the USSR. If Finland gives up its neutrality, it will violate the peace agreement with Russia and the Finno-Russian war, which the Finns started as Germany’s allies in WW2, will automatically continue. By joining NATO, Finland automatically declares war on Russia, and therefore NATO members have no right to interfere in that conflict. Of course, all this is only formally legal, but it gives legitimacy to Russia to enter Finland.


The west are pretty lost to be honest, they just can’t cope with not understanding Russian plans or not having a stream of information to update the news industry. So basically they have to make things up. Of course layered on top of this news business is their Goebelesh propaganda machine. The combination of the two make western media coverage pure fairytales!

Stephan Williams

Goebbels believed the best propaganda was the TRUTH.

What the West is experiencing is jewish propaganda – that’s where you LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING!

Look it up for yourself

mike l hutchings

agree, the black Sea is more important, and Russia is not showing all of her cards. and the nuclear option is still very much on the table

10 Dead Generals

Most countries from the Black Sea are already in NATO. All Russia won is Being dependent of China. But Putin gave greenlight to Huawei to build all the 5G infrastructure to China. He sold out Russia years ago.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

China is building the best 5G networks globally.

As 6 generation development starts/continues, the US and others like Canadia will be left in the dust.


The war’s not over yet kid. Lets see how it pans out. The West had a tonne of shit to say in 2015 when the Russians went into to Syria. They ain’t talking about that anymore now are they?


Black Sea is already surrounded by NATO countries, lol. The only reason there are no NATO ships there already is the Montreux Treaty which they all respect.


Are you sure coward Russia dare to touch a Nato-Finland?

When Nato-Turkey shot down Russia fighter jets openly in Syria border and killed its pilots, Turkey’s police assassinated its ambassador in open stage, Putin ate humble pie.


As if Finland wasn’t going to cry for help to the imperialists at the first sight of confrontation with Russia even earlier. Come on. No big deal at all.


Keep dreaming. Russia has the dead hand, an automatic system that launches nukes at pre-programmed targets in case some conditions are met. I suppose this system has been programmed to give direct orders to Poseidon underwater drones too.

Also this war is being fought on multiple battlefields. The first one is financial. Ukraine is the second biggest producer of wheat. No wheat, no bread. Prices in the west will skyrocket to the moon in the fall.

Also the dollar is being targeted and more and more countries are starting to deal in local currencies. This ends the american war machine. The americans will not be able to pay for their bases around the world and to maintain their gigantic navy fleets.

Finland is only exposing itself to war. They have a joke military. They are a comparatively small country. They would be nuked into the stone age.

A russian MP lately said that Russia needs only 30 minutes to destroy all of Europe using nukes. It isn’t a joke, it is a fact.


Well pure speculation. And poorly thought out speculation at that. 1) the western world doesn’t use Russian or Ukrainian varieties of wheat. Their main customers are Africa, Asia and Middle East as the wheat is mostly suitable for flat breads.

2) I’m not certain the value of the American dollar is based on who is willing to use it for purchasing commodities. They have one of the most productive works forces in the world, an are views as a sage haven to place your wealth, especially in times of turmoil and uncertainty. 3) if Russia nukes Europe with the prevailing west winds, they kill them selves as well. With the poor performance of the Russian air defence systems revealed they would be incapable of stopping many of the 6000+ Nato nuclear warheads. If nuclear war breaks out, the northern hemisphere in its entirety is wiped out within 6 months. Probably most of the Southern Hemisphere within 18 months. Nuclear war is suicide.

3) Finland, Helsinki is 300km upwind from St Petersburg. Bombing Helsinki with a Nuclear weapon would rain nuclear fall out down in the people of St Petersburg in 4-12 hrs.

duke of lilywhite

I guess you never heard of the petrodollar, bro. Since the Nixon era, the US dollar has become a fiat currency since it was taken off the gold standard. However, around the same time, oil producers started to trade exclusively in US dollars, thus propping up the currency and giving it relevancy in World Markets. But a few smart Economists said that if OPEC and other oil-producing nations were to end their use of American money exclusively in the oil trade, it would be highly detrimental to the American dollar. So much so that the dollar would be as worthless as Confederate money. Therefore it’s in America’s interest that the petrodollar doesn’t end. Especially when you consider that the United States national debt exceeds its entire gross national product. If the United States were any other country, it would be bankrupt. And yet the USA seems to carry on as if it’s not really happening. It’s as if the US is whistling through the graveyard of Fallen Empires. Hoping that it won’t end up on the dung heap of History.

10 Dead Generals

I wouldn’t mind if I die tonight if I know no Russian is left alive.

Stephan Williams

That’s because you’re mentally ill. Seek help.

Mr. Mxlpxlfxldxl

Shouldn’t you be on his side?


They only expressed their desire to join, they are not in. Turkey and several other states vowed to oppose to this. It was just a side show anyway. NATO is useless as it was shown during the SMO. They are not at capacity to defend anyone and will dissolve the moment they will be facing a real enemy. So far they only cost a lot of taxpayer money and serve no real benefit.


Agree with the drift of your comment, but according to a story on Readovka this morning the Finnish puppet government has made the decision to join. Curious how it will play out. They are not very smart here.


Not very smart… To me, this is a major takeaway as the Ukraine regime change story has reached this point. Time and again the US’ regime change projects have blown up in Europe’s face (refugees, deteriorating relations with Russia, China) and yet they are now going all-in on regime change in Russia via a Ukraine proxy. This, AT THE VERY LEAST will result in the destruction of Ukraine and many, many more millions of refugees, some of whom are bad actors, to vex Europe’s social and economic fabric,- but, could also see all-out war between Russia and Europe resulting in destroyed cities and vital infrastructure. Of course, this could go nuclear. In the end, short of nuclear war, we Americans will sit here across the pond from Europe and, was usual, wring our hands a bit at their ill fortune while we more slowly drown in our own shit…


If this goes nuclear there will be noting left of US. Russia has warned them many years ago that they know exactly who is behind all this what is going on and in an full out war with Russia the one who started that would be also destroyed, no matter what. That was a necessary warning to show the US not to attack Russia by proxy or by some sort of a wet dream of a preemptive strike. US was spreading that stuff for several years that they are not opposed to a preemptive strike. That was just intimidation but they got their answer and eventually they did shut up.

Now they wanted to drag Russia into Ukraine and convince the world to join them to destroy Russia but beside the obvious suspects no one followed them. So they are stuck now with Ukraine and try to get a much as possible to profit from it. But it is not going well. They pump a lot of money every month in there, but most of it is taken back to the corrupt politicians or disappears inside the Zelensky-cirlce. Sanctions aren’t working and the bills grow. Sooner of later they will have to abandon Ukraine as a failed state as it is. Judging by recent history they have no problem to ditch them when their time is up.


I agree, and when the US does fly away from the Ukraine, and also the EU with a bit of luck, the US will never see a dollar of the Lend-Lease boondoggle in Ukraine. LOL.


This is why THE MOTHER OF ALL REFUGEE CRISES is a certainty for Europe.


It’s not up to them. All the current members of NATO have to give their consent, otherwise they can’t join. This is just an application for membership, noting else. Turkey has a score to settle, so they will oppose until they will be bribed with something that is of great value to them. Now they are again in an position of power. I can’t obviously speak for Hungary, but they will oppose too. Maybe to get something in return, maybe just not to escalate any further. This whole thing is just for show. NATO can’t do much now. This is all about to get back at Russia for not loosing like NATO wished for. NATO and EU need any kind of a “victory” even if it is a symbolic one. In many countries people start to go on the streets to cheer for Russia and the end of escalation by NATO. NATO should have been resolved a long time ago. That way Europe wouldn’t be in this mess.


I’m gonna be surprised if Finland doesn’t wake upon Monday morning having been taken over by Russia already, if not, someone in the Russian strategic planning is asleep.

THe Guardian

Why? Finland is strategically not important. Any war there can’t spread anywhere. It is pocket on the end of the world. Russia achieve just nothing to conquer it. This is why is stupid Finish move to put themself in Russian nuke target list with joining to NATO.


It’s not about Finland’s strategic position, applying for NATO is breaking a peace treaty. At the end of ww2 Finland who had been on the Axis side was only allowed to continue to exist by signing a peace treaty. The treaty forbade them from joining any alliance, it was re ratified after the fall of the UUSR.

They are breaking the treaty and are basically restarting the war Russia are within their rights to attack and destroy them.

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

You’re extremely stupid and another example of someone who cannot think past the first layer. Black and white, one dimensional mentality. Its this or that, win or lose, if x then y. You base everything on what you see or hear initially without critical inquiry or thinking further than what is spoon fed to you. That’s why it’s so easy for the mainstream media to manipulate you. The news is like fast food to you.


What’s important is that Russia is saving Donbas and friends from the lunatic Nazis installed by the US


Lithuania (NATO member since 2004) is much closer to Moscow than Finland (minimum distance between Finland and Moscow is 800Km, minimum distance between Lithuania and Moscow is 580km, minimum distance between Ukraine and Moscow is 450Km). NATO (and Russia) will have 1280km of border to watch, Finland will have to forget cheap Russian gas and oil, joint exploitation of shared natural resources and expect to face hybrid warfare and destabilization from Russia. The Finnish political class has shown opportunism to pass this membership without referendum or discussion using fear (much like the Bush administration) knowing that the Finns are historically attached to their neutrality, they will pay the consequences afterwards, Russia will always remain their neighbors, joining NATO has not calmed the hysteria of the Baltic countries which still feel threatened, the Finns will live the same way and will no longer be able to claim friendly and calm relations with their powerful neighbor.

Finland's hole in the foot gang

Not only that but they’re now bound to cut off all economic relations with Russia like their Baltic neighbors and half of Finland’s economy and more is based on Russia trade and business. Finland has some nice looking gals. Maybe they think they can make the losses up servicing NATO troops., like the Baltic states have done.

Last edited 2 years ago by Finland's hole in the foot gang
Bernard Davis

Not only that, but they have a binding 1947 treaty with the then USSR pledging NEVER to join any hostile military alliance, plus a whole lot of other clauses. Finland’s relationship of mutual friendship with USSR/Russia has been highly profitable to them over many years. This move is not only blatant treachery on the Finns’ part, but it is also going to cost them dearly if it goes through. Dumber than dumb.


@Annus5228 Moronic rubbish all of it. Finland would join NATO anyway and Estonia is as close as Finland.


The energy reserves both known and unknow in the areas Russia controls makes it all worth it, even if they stop now. The Eastern areas they are fighting in are the mountainous region of the Ukraine; once pacified the rest of the Ukraine is relatively flat and will be harder for the Ukraine to defend. I do agree that Russia needs to shift gears and get a real push going soon. Finland as a NATO member is symbolic but not really a military threat to Russia do to the remoteness of the border regions. However, it’s starting to get awful cold in Finland without Russian energy.


any NATO missile launched from Finland would make Finland barren country. I think you should be aware of the fact that if Russia is put into a position to-be-or-not-to-be, nukes would be launched for sure at Washington, New York, London, Frankfurt, and hopefully, Vatican. Finns are more smart than that. Pity their. puppet government isn’t. So beautiful country – but in such a case you propose – no more. However, no Western or EU vassal country goverment coul ever be accused of heavy reasoning. Long term thinking has never been their way.

Vlad the imposter

Lets see if Finland gets into NATO first. Turks don’t want them … it’s likely a bargaining position however it gives the Russians time for the Ukraine war to play out and for “Russian sanctions” to bite in the EU. It’ll be interesting to see if EU countries are willing to give up jobs and winter heat just so the USA can threaten Russia through NATO and make them targets in the nuclear war that results.


Turkey will block Finland and Sweden from joining NATO.


Doubt it Turkey is only threatening to do so to obtain concessions ( they want F16’s and stuff ) enough concessions and they will be fine with it.


Swedish social Democratic Party today make decision to recommend Sweden becoming NATO member. Terrible strategic losses to Kreml.


Indeed. Now Russians will have to deal with feminized Swedish male population, their drag queens who lecture at kindergartens, obese Swedish women from their Democratic Party and agressive artist of theirs who paint by spraying paint on canvas from his anu.s. Frankly, I can only express condolences to Russians. After all of the carnage in Ukraine, here comes Swedish mayhem. Watch for Swedish anu.s snipers.


Russia doesn’t have to do anything about Sweden, Sweden is destroying itself with millions of young male immigrants rioting committing crimes and setting up no go areas for police.

Sweden is incapable of coping with the situation.


bwahahahahahahahahah does’nt matter if russia takes the entire of europe, europe won bwhahahajahjahajhajhajahjahajhajahjahajhajahjahajhajahjahajhajahjahajhajahjah


Except, it is not their decision to join NATO, they can only request. It is the current member states that decide and according to Turkey, Finland supports terrorists so they will not accept Finland into NATO.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

Finland was officially nazi for over 70 years.

ZATO is just the other incarnation.

Finland's hole in the foot gang

Their air force even had a swastika in the emblem until 2008 I think. Now they’ll have to put it back.

Annus5228...wake up, smell the coffee

LOL, you really think Finland will allow that, given that Helsinki will be SunkinHelli within 1.5 minutes?

Russia has nothing to worry about from Finland.


Ukraine is much more strategic then Finland or Sweden. Besides, F and S were always shadow NATO members already. If Finland invites US missiles and radars to Helsinki, then they’ll get destroyed. It’s a country with a population of 4 million. It’s not the first time Fins flirted with the idea of invading Russia…they did it in 1941.

Bernard Davis

Finland only becomes a strategic problem for Russia in the context of a war with Germany; that is what happened in 1941. It did not turn out well for them, to say the least. I doubt that scenario will arise again, but who knows.

peter Hunt

Russias nuclear arsenal is run by a “dead hands” system . It responds to all sorts of sensors If there are no more people on the surface , this nuke arsenal system will continue to operate


Like the =Z= bit,rub it into the woke mi6 sodomites with their decommisioned commando,dumb kunz!

Last edited 2 years ago by NEVER ARGUE WITH WOKE SOROS LOSER
Muhammad your Prophet

Ukraine and Russia can make a swap. Ukraine picks up the 27 bodies and Russia picks up the thousands of Russian bodies rotting at the Kiev morgues. The Ukranian forces are already identifying them and contacting their families in Russia since Putin the terrorist cockroach doesn’t want to do it. Because he couldn’t give a shit about those Russian families.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Omas Bioladen

cockroaches survive nuclear armageddon I heard




His lard was poisoned by Petrov and Boshirov.


It’s KAPUT as far as anybody in the know is concerned. Destined to be a backwater nothing burger made out of Ukraine’s rump.

Toxic Male

You already won the Eurovision faggot contest, why so mad?


Hey Muham, Just because you were born ugly and had no friends to play with. Except for the times the dog play with you because your mom tied a bone around your neck. Doesn’t mean you have to go full retard on this site. Trying to insult anyone with fake, made up arsine comments that make no sense at all. Go play with the other boys on Tik Tok. As that seem to be your level of maturity and leave this site to the men. WWG1WGA

Muhammad your Prophet

Russian warship, go fuck me!


Ukro-losses: 3 planes, 10 helicopters, including 3 with troops, ~30 UAVs, including 9 TB-2, 3 cutters and ~50 troops, not including sunk corpses of troopers and crews. So the numbers can be few times more. One more brilliant peremoga.


Damn, wrong word, not cutter, but speedboats, and 4 planes. Source is gen.Konashenkov: youtube.com/watch?v=rMTA9rOjyyo


More cannon fodder. Like at Hostomel, Kherson airfield, the bridge crossing …


One of the biggest fails of the war – very embarrassing for Elensky


Holy fuk tho, you are joking. They aren’t getting fuk on the frontline only but everywhere.


What does it mean more? Own army but the infrastructure of a foreign country? Slobodan Praljak knew what and that is why he demolished the bridge. Slobodan Praljak is worth more than Putin and Putin’s generals.


Cut the crap, pinky boy. Slobo Praljak was no more than comedian like Zelensky with his final act of self poisoning in the court. He was filmmaker, screenwriter, coming from a family with a heavy communist secret service background. “General” – sure like many other such “generals” – Cermak (former plumber and HVAC installer), Ljubo Cesic (former truck driver) and the rest – former pub owner, former tobacco smuggler (HOS “general) etc. How many victories they achieved except those on sucking Croatian state budgets?? I knew personally one true general, Petar Stipetic. He was a real soldier, not like formerly mentioned morons.


By the way, let’s not forget the traitor Mate Boban (communist secret service informant) and his Graz arrangements. I guess his origin is same as yours.


Quite frankly I think it’s a mistake. Island is too small to maintain serious defensive garrison and too close to the coast. Let Ukros have it, then just bomb them every day and destroy their transports instead of this silly game.


It’s now confirmed: both Sweden and Finland will be NATO members. More than 200 modern fighter aircraft togerher and Finns has second largest fielf artillery of European NATO. This will make NATO more powerful in Baltic Sea.


Sure. The question is – would these “200 modern aircrafts” would be able to fly in the case of actual conflict? Or at least to take off.


Surely, the fighter bombers are needed to cary B-61 nuclear bombs. However this will not help neither Sweden, nor Finland nor their puppeteers in the end.


The Kiev regime don’t care about their own military loses. The Ukrainian military are nothing more than cannon fodder to the Kiev regime and their Western backers.Not even the a Christian burial for their own troops what does that say about zelensky and his bunch of gangsters in kiev

Bernard Davis

That is true; the Ukie high command has already written off all its Donbass army. Their brilliant plan is to raise another army (paid for by Uncle Shmuel) in the west of Ukraine and launch a counter offensive in the summer or fall. I personally would not seek to be a member of that army under any circumstances, nor would I advise anyone but my worst enemy to enlist in it.


I’m thinking this island is a no-mans land. Easy to attack and impossible to secure without heavy losses. A trap.


A strategic loss. BA HAHA 😄. YOU are definitely a troll. The US and NATO haven’t had it the way for awhile now. Afghanistan, Syria where Russia was the catalyst who started turning it around on the warmonger a world elitist cabal. Russia is a steady ship to victory and US and NATO are loud mouth lying fascists.


Turkey’s $1Mil Bayraktar TB2 changed the world view on how cheap drone can change entire war during Armenia-Azerbaijan war.

They are inflicting huge cost on Russia, lot of damage and casualties. Russia has no working drones to counter as it didn’t want to seek China help on drones out of silly pride.



lol ukrotard nazis are now showing their own destroyed centaur assault boats as ‘destroyed russian raptor boats’ …. very desperate!!!!

Pamfil Military Academy

This island have a strategic importance for the ameriscum NATO terrorist organization. Why ? Because it controls ALL the Danube Delta mouth, so ALL naval traffic from Upper Danube, say Germany, to Black Sea. Also controls the Odessa shipping lanes from romanian Constanta, from where the Empire of Satan, The Great Whore JUSA, supply lines to south Banderapizdan. Very good, but be aware of fierce efforts of the yanquies to retake it.

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