The Russian military has captured a Czech-supplied T-72M1 battle tank from Kiev forces on an unspecified frontline in the Donbass region.
On June 9, photos of the captured T-72M1 battle tank surfaced online. One of the photos revealed that the Soviet-era tank was rebuilt and maintained in Bulgaria by a private company, Apolo Engineering Ltd. The tank was reportedly in a good condition. It will likely be handed over to the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic or the Luhansk People’s Republic.
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The T-7M1 is one of the T-72s older export versions. The battle tank is armed with a powerful 125 mm gun. However, its fire control system and armor are outdated.
Ukraine received hundreds of T-72M1 battle tanks from its allies, more than 240 from Poland alone. Yet, these tanks had no real impact on the battlefield. In fact, many of them have been already destroyed on the frontlines or in missile strikes.
The Czech Republic has supplied Kiev forces with $150 million in military aid supplies since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. More weapons and ammunition will reportedly be supplied in the coming weeks.
Czech Defense Minister Jana Cernochova told public broadcaster CT on May 29 that Prague intends to soon send Kiev armaments worth $26 million to $30 million.
Cernochova did not provide details on the type or extent of the military aid for security reasons. However, the Czech media reported that T-72 battle tanks, BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, Dana howitzers, and potentially Soviet-made combat helicopters would be among the supplies provided.
Weapons supplies to Ukraine have been hindering peace talks between Kiev and Moscow, de-facto worsening the humanitarian situation in the country.
All of Ukraine has to be taken or future generations of Russian soldiers would have to come back and do it. But why when they’re already at it?
I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st25 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he Hav or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/
finish them or The NAZI will ever be a boil that needs to be lanced
A very beautiful example of the crass incompetence of the clowns in the West. They didn’t even have the foresight to remove a simple little metal plate with the incriminating writing. Reminds me of another similar, laughable episode of ISIS militants showing up in Toyota pickup trucks with “Joe’s Plumbing” written on the side, and the Pentagon twisting themselves into pretzels trying to explain that away…
I am curious why the Czechs would have instructions in English in their old junk ?
Just guessing that the model was exported to numerous countries with English being used as the common language. Otherwise, I can’t think of a reason.
casus belli! These cowards fondle by the Yankees and Israelis have surrendered their statehood manhood womanhood sovereignty for pittance @aka AID. Spineless hatefulness are a loser’s destiny. 7Billion people are waiting for the fall of this obnoxious Violent WOKE Empire yet the East Europeans trust hope in to it. It will fail and the rest of Humanity will not forgive you for your connivance with Evil
Something I just read here, about Europe not being able to produce tanks because they don’t have titanium which they before used to buy from….. Russia, rotfl
Tanks are made of steel.
Not entirely. Certain vital components are made of titanium and other metals.
Steel is an alloy, that may also contain Ti and other metals, duh!
Not only Europe, but also America bought titanium from Russia and China.
They believed that they had everything covered and that Russia would be crawling begging. They fail to contemplate that the Russian people have History. We in the West wrote history with a habit of boasting and creative hope. We’re unrealistic and impractical drunken with warehouse-power
You’re damn right.
Ukrainian troops stand no choice against Russian soldiers, who capture NATO arms as if taking candy from a baby.
Sure, US/NATO can keep supplying the Ukraine with weaponry. But doing so will only get more Ukrainian soldiers killed.
It’s time for the Ukraine to surrender. It’s in the best interests of the Ukrainian people that US/NATO no longer uses and abuses them. The West misled the Ukraine and by turning it into a malicious military proxy state. But look what’s happened: Ukrainian soldiers are getting slaughtered like livestock on the battlefields of Donbass.
Zelensky: think of your peoples’ best interests. Surrender immediately and break ties with US/NATO.
Zelensky is a filthy Jew so he is happy to see white goyim killing each other!
Zelensky is a filthy human who is bein paid millions to convince stupid Ukrainians to die for the benefit of US warmongers who want to bleed Russia and Putin.
Jews are not human!
If he ever was Jewish he converted to Christianity and baptized his children…
Zelensky it’s a Kolomoisky commediant, and both have already sent their parents to the zionist entity called “Israel”. They are not ukrainians, not even galicians.
The Zionists are happy to take someone even with a Jewish grandparent, even though they are not Jewish by the Torah with the “law of return”, it waters down the population of religious Jews ( many of whom don’t like the state). However I THINK Zelinsky’s father was born Jewish, if you can trust the local Chabbad Rabbi…
If you can think back to the 1700’s Galicia, if they tried to settle in a Jewish Village like the ones my Great Grandfather came from, they would have been publicly whipped until they repented, or driven out and not accepted as Jews if they did not repent.
It’s been a huge strategic mistake by the west to try to prolong this special military operation. It’s effects on the west economically and politically are significant in terms of energy costs, poverty and loss of globalism. However, it has also forced Russia into all in total warfare, where previously it was operating with kid gloves. The effect is that Russia has now overcome its ‘fear’ and now is in don’t care whatever it takes total war mode – and its working – Russia is grinding through the Ukrainian Nazi piss without any restraint at all. The NATO training of hide behind civilians is counting for nothing now. If the west does not come to some arrangement reminiscent of don’t get directly involved in small skirmishes as proxy wars, then it is on a downward spiral to it’s citizens decaying standard of living. Worse once Russia has saddled the horses militarily, it will take a lot of time for them to stop!
Perhaps it’s better the West acted like this so Putin would not settle for some half-assed “solution”, leaving the situation to return down the road. If the West had been clever, they might have saved Odessa for themselves. No way is Russia leaving that to “Ukraine” after this.
Correct 101%
Actually French people deserve some poverty, they have elected Macron twice. Good luck to people who elected another candidate: hopefully they will think well to overcome difficulties. France needs to.clean some stuffs with loss of money.
Did you think the election of Macron was real??? Dig into how the intelligence community selects leaders via manipulation of election results.
Nope, not the french people elected Macron but the french intelligence services elected him on the orders of the higher Cezar from deep state Washington. Same everywhere where JUSA hegemony is present. In Romania, STS (Special Transmissions Services) an intelligence subdivision rig elections for 30 years by now, sometimes blatantly damn visible.
Nice tank.
Czech Defense Minister Jana Cernochova = another NATO cheerlady.
the Euro-cucks love their women couch warriors.
The women are there ones with the biggest balls in the EU.
She is a former mayor of Prague 3 district. She sleeps with a former general, of police. Obviously it is sufficcient qualification to become military expert and she-minister of war. She do not behave as a loyal Czech citizen, she operates like the obedient bitch of Elensky and pedo Joe.
What a kingdom of rust is this tank. No wonder that Ukris doesn’t achieve anything with such trash that is sent by NATO “allies”
Better than leppar tanks,anytime,anyplace anywhere,you are underestimating russian firepower,dud! Its a new tank,no rust,just a good solid tank enough to destroy any nato with uprated missiles,fkn drr
Men, you need new glasses. This tank is as new as 100 year old ship.
The West uses the circumstances to get rid of their old outdated military stuff that instead of being scrapped can be sold to the Ukies. With that garbage the poor Ukies are sent to their imminent deaths. With such “friends” you dont need enemies.
And USA gets to replenish the weapons of all the countries who’s stock has been given to Ukraine boosting the American economy win win for Biden
Nah, the Afghanistan Govt has plenty of USA weapons they can sell. All modern and much still in their wrappers so to speak. Biden could not organize a root in a brother.
Biden is a loser (period) USA defense military complex now been exposed today as ineffective!
Those tanks can nbe modded too easy to derstoy any prewsent modern usa tank (period) The fact ukraine did not destroy it before hand proves they are not interested in usa overjunk gear!
Pretty much the same junk that NATO has been supplying for a while. No reactive armor, no countermeasures. I’m not sure if the Ukrainians abandoned it or are just leaving a lemon for the next owners, lol! At the same time, the fact that they are having to walk away from their heavy weaponry does not bode well for them.
Nothing but hand-me-downs from their fine NATO allies. The Prague military has been mulling over what to do with all those useless metal targets. Now they’ve cleaned out the garbage, which probably required constant maintenance. Ukraine elite could care less. As long as cash “aid” keeps flowing, they get to direct it to foreign banks. Keep the game going. The suffering of the common ukrainian? No relevant to Kiev.
” the fact that they are having to walk away from their heavy weaponry does not bode well for them.”
The Nazis will be killed in combat unless they flee. They have no choice except to ditch their machines of war.
The Ukraine MUST and WILL be destroyed!
Russians will just install a few new gen projectiles sat navigation and away you got,next town thanks too easy!
When this war is over LDPR will have a bigger pile of weapons than the EU combined.
Better serviced and upgraded ones for that matter too,heaps of spares,heaps more moden ammo!
Is the any public information about the azovstal foreign captives? Before the capitulation there were rumors about foreign high ranking military officers (american, french etc.) were in the bunkers and supposedly there were a lot of special equipments and much more. Since the victory there is no interesting news about the secrets of azovstal.
Didn’t they try to Escape on the helicopters that got shot down
Do you think all of them was there? I don’t think so. The news used to say 2-300 foreign soldiers, probably most of them were highly trained/ranked.
And Hitler himself was captured, as said in russian tv
Hitler was always the captive of hitler,in the end hitler did the headshot on hitler,FIXED!
Appears in good condition. Send it back to Russia as a museum piece.with all documentation how it was acquired and the crew who captured it.
Prague… Czech it out!
hunt down and liquidate the owners and financiers that aid Nazis with arms and financial support to kill Russians. They should learn that there’s no distance in active involvement in Terrorism geographically and materially especially xenophobic inspired genocide.
Russia is happy to have another parts tank…
ukrop incompetence like amerikant
Good score,top like new condition,absolutely no rust,easily upgraded to higher power munitions, yet stiff effective enough to wipe out an entire battalion of savvy soros teorrists in a jiffy,thankyou!
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Russia’s SMO will go down in history as the beginning of the end of the U.S. Empire and the dawn of a new era where the Bear and the Dragon take center stage. Russia will come out of this conflict in Ukraine razor sharp with battle hardened soldiers having tested many of its weapons and missiles including its advanced hypersonic missiles which hit their intended targets every time. Russia also now knows exactly who its friends and foes are. One of the most important alliances which have emerged is India which is now leaning more towards Russia and much less so towards the U.S.
That thank had only 19 km run… pratically rebuilt as new one.
Looks like a rust bucket, taken out of storage, and not well cared for in storage, likely broke down.
I am from czech republic amd i am sorry for this. Our voted “leaders” are good doggies of west. Our free media are cenzored and officials is ukrop propaganda only. So many of our people are confused becouse of it. Not all czechs are idiots. Lot of people does not agree with this all. But we are affraid. If u spoke your oppinion loud, u can lost your job, they do not want repair your car in service… This is crazy, but this is reality. I have russian and Donyeck flag at home, Z signs. But i can not talk to anyone. Sad times. So… Just u need to know, not all czechians are little bit*es as our Fiala, Cernochova and others. Putin! Russia! Donbas!!!
Very few people have real freedom to express themselves, and very few have a true representative government…we are in the end of days, stay safe.
I am from Czech too and not everyone in Czech is against Russia. Just west and EU sheeps. This tank is a good catch and i wish you to destroy more our junks. And every others west “indestructible” weapons, vehicles, tanks…
Can you disclosure as to where are you right now so you could be charged for collaboration, or you’ll not be such a hero once police comes to your doors, huh, Oldo, to rašická, kolaborantská kurvo?
European faschist states give their old weapons away in order to buy new. How generous are they really?
looking at the condition of that tank, they are playing games.
I prefer czech megaswingers
I prefer Staropraman Dark, Budvar, and Czech handguns ( esp Pre-Omega Cz-75’s). Never had much use for hookers.
Czechia is a rich country; it can afford to be generous…
Is that rust in the bore? That tank looks ratty….