On January 23, Russian military sources reported that Russian troops crossed Ukrainian border in the Kharkiv region and took control of the village of Pletnevka in the Volchansk district. The village is located one kilometer from the Russian border south of the Russian town of Shebekino.
The Russian Ministry of Defense is yet to officially confirm the control of Pletenevka. However, the commander of the company of the LPR, which took part in the battle, confirmed Russian control of it. According to him, Russian forces also occupied a commanding height in the area, which allowed them to establish fire control of the AFU units deployed in Volchansk. It was in Volchansk that Ukrainian units concentrated, which tried to cross the border and attack Shebekino. Ukrainian forces there also launched daily artillery and drone strikes on civilians in the Russian border areas.
The attack in Pletnevka may mark the beginning of another Russian offensive aimed to move the AFU away from the border and secure the territory of the Belgorod region. Moreover, Russian military reporters from the LPR confirmed an escalation of Russian artillery shelling along the entire border ‘like never before’. In their turn, Ukrainian forces responded with some strikes but this is obviously not enough to provide the necessary counter fire.
one kilometer in 404.
in 404, it doesn’t take me 1 year and 11 months, but only 10 minutes to cover one kilometer.
404 is still trying to reach donetsk lugansk and crimea since 2014
still not bad as ukraine had years to prepare defenses positions after ignoring minsk agreement as merkel said- “it was just opportunity to buy time. “
…but a very nice kilometer 🚀=ua🤡 😆😆😆
404? last time i saw 404 was on the web “404 not found”.
while crimea and donbas is back to mother russia, one day also charkiv and odessa, but whats the result of the ukro summer-autumn-winter offensive? 10 meters forward and 30 meters back with tens thousands of dead and wounded ukros? hahahaha you brunzdummes hasbara/nato troll/ukro moronic hurenkind.
ukronazi failed to understand that each regime terrorist attack brings a reasoned counter response from russia.
ok, 16th century rebooted it will be for ukronazistan…
ukrainian organized resistance is soon to fall like dominoes. nato already knows it and are preparing for it.
they need to take kharkiv its a russian city and right on the border.
kharkov* the proper russian spelling kharkiv the redneck ukrainian dialect spelling
un nou front, o noua durere de cap pt unii
amerikan offensive=surrender to taliban….”it may be dangerous to be our enemy–it is fatal to be our friend”. henry kissinger
my stock in zelensky coffin factory pay enough dividend to buy used condom from lgbt
isw confirma si teritoriul nu e mic deloc. asteptam ceva asemanator si la odesa? sau delta dunării? poate cand stocurile de rachete sunt refacute… ce neplacut ar fi pt unii sa aiba semnalul gps bruiat in romania… intre timp armata romana si guvernul cauta prosti sa. lupte si sa apere pensiile corupților… daa, armata se tine dupa fraieri… cauta rezerviști
pe cine vreti presedinte, pe maciuca iubitor de agricultura ukrainei, sau poate pe mociolacu in lacu prefăcut si mincinos, sau poate pe mircea – mihaela dragostea mea? sau poate pe ke o iesi? ce e clar e ca un nou front in delta dunării i ar distruge…. tot vrea grindina sa. mareasca canalul barstoe…
cine ofera informații despre tuburile pa riot un bulion de verzi livrabili in turcia! ca se pare ca ăștia f tineri si fara experienta la. matematica si fizica nu prea nimeresc cu exactitate locul loviturii …. nu mai trimiteti vaci zburătoare aiurea daca nu sunt in aria de protectie…
lgbt europe and amerika sodomized by taliban now humiliated by russia
russian forces managed to loot 3 toilet seats.