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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Downed 13 Militant Drones Attempting To Attack Their Bases In Syria

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Russian forces repelled an attack by 13 militant unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on its facilities in Syria during the night on Saturday, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

10 UAVs attacked the Khmeimim air base and 3 UAVs attacked the Tartus maritime logistics base. The Russian military took control over 6 UAVs and a Pantsir-S1 short-range air-defense system shot down 7 others.

According to the statement, all of the UAVs were detected “at a considerable distance from the Russian military objects.” The attack resulted in no casualties among Russian military personnel and the two bases “continue to operate as normal.”

It was the first time when terrorists applied a massed drone aircraft attack launched at a range of more than 50 km using modern GPS guidance system

Technical examination of the drones showed that such attacks could have been made by terrorists at a distance of about 100 kilometers.

Engineering decisions applied by terrorists while attacks on the Russian objects in Syria could be received from one of countries with high-technological capabilities of satellite navigation and remote dropping control of professionally assembled improvised explosive devices in assigned coordinates. All drones of terrorists are fitted with pressure transducers and altitude control servo-actuators.

Terrorists’ aircraft-type drones carried explosive devices with foreign detonating fuses.

The Russian specialists are determining supply channels, through which terrorists had received the technologies and devices, as well as examining type and origin of explosive compounds used in the IEDs.

The fact of usage of strike aircraft-type drones by terrorists is the evidence that militants have received technologies to carry out terrorist attacks using such UAVs in any country,” the statement reads..

Russian Forces Downed 13 Militant Drones Attempting To Attack Their Bases In Syria

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Russian Forces Downed 13 Militant Drones Attempting To Attack Their Bases In Syria

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Russian Forces Downed 13 Militant Drones Attempting To Attack Their Bases In Syria

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Unmarked, daesh or USAF marked drones?


Maybe the last gift from Obama. I mean obomba.

Doyle Philipson

Unmarked, likely designed by western Intel houses. the degree and complexity of fabriacation says CIA.


or Israel


No difference: Israel-CIA-ISIS same sh*t, like one huge corporation and it’s many branches. Their business is -world conquest and global terror (and of course making profit for their owners)


NO- the design is intended for local manufacture- it is the DESIGN that was created at the cost of many millions of dollars. The parts can be sourced and fabricated by anyone, once they have the blueprints.

ALL the effort is in the aerodynamics (something you CANNOT know of the top of your head) and the software that uses standard electronics. Though the high explosive ordinance is something that cannot be made by the terrorists- but no-one every questions how so-called terroroists obtained military grade explosives.

Computer controlled milling, wood cutting, and 3D model printing is now something the most primitive village can do if they have the money to buy the very affordable equipment from China. What a primitve band of ‘rebels’ cannot do is invent the plans for such a drone device of the top of their heads.

PS it gets WORSE. If the dropped ordinance becomes laser guided (a VERY cheap mod so long as the gravity bomb is accurate to tens of metres) a terrorist near the target with a discrete laser pointer can guide the bombs into pinpoint accuracy. A couple of miles away with a powerful laser pointer would get the job done it the jets on the ground are visible from that position.

These home made drones are very limited in the weight of bombs they can carry, so the targets must be ‘soft’ and the bombs highly accurate. Outdoor ammo dumps, jets, and crowds are ideal targets.


Fuse and other sensitive device were determined to be foreign made but unmarked. Results of the terrorists channel to obtain these will determine whether it can also do the same in another place such as capital cities. I assume it’s not if it’s directed by foreign state actors. Then again only until it do happen.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They were finding these UAV parts in the desert caves last year so, they were in pieces so there was no set up for the manufacture , but everything in boxes and parts were pointing to Israel sending them at the time.

Colin Oskapy

More NATO Euros down the drain, this time on Jihadist drones.


By the way, world number one experts in drones are just south the border.

Just in case you need to get to the source.


Israhell mossad specialists

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Have to beg that goes to Brazil and then China for the top experts, but all countries in the world will have the technology within 10 years. These ones would have been outsourced to students working in this field to make a cheap and readily available drone , this would have been a competition to cover the true intentions and this would make the technology ready to the public at large. See no dirty fingers and hands involved.


Actually it was Iran who pioneered drones, they started using them back in the 1980’s.

AM Hants

When Iran exposes her toys, can imagine we are in for a lot of surprises and they do not even need nuclear warheads. Magrav technology, didn’t that originate from Iran and look how it works with the Russian Forces?

Jens Holm

Small model planes are an old thing. Today everybody can build small and limited versions. Even I can.

I did not know Iranian was pioneers in this. According to internet the first ones were made in 1924.


The most important and alarming sentence in this report is: “The fact of usage of strike aircraft-type drones by terrorists is the evidence that militants have received technologies to carry out terrorist attacks using such UAVs in any country,”

Richard M

The writer’s English is nearly incomprehensible, but I suppose he means “coming to a theater near you soon”!


Which part of my comment, consisting of only 10 words, is “incomprehensible”?

Richard M

I was referring to the article’s writer. The person you quoted. I have no problem with your comments. :D


Locate and bomb the places where they are constructing these drones.


Israel isn’t so far away.


You missed the point ENTIRELY. They are built LOCAL- so jewish involvement cannot be directly proven. The DESIGN is recognised to be ‘foreign’, NOT the build. A perfect blueprint using parts that can be sourced online has been developed at the cost of TENS of millions of dollars, and then given to the MI6/CIA controlled terror groups.

But this blueprint will spread across the globe (by INTENT). Such attacks will become standard terror methods in the years to come.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What you forget these parts come from Israel and are manufactured there along with the plans.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

This can only be Turkey. These attacks will continue until the US/EU/NATO gang are made to pay a terrible price, but with “plausible deniability”. I would say that this gang is about to lose land access to its occupation forces in Afghanistan via Pakistan.


If Russia think that the war is over because Russia-Syria-Hezbolah-Iran have “almost” eliminated ISIS…They are totally WRONG ! Israel-USA-NATO will continue give support to terrorists as far as they can and they are allowed by Russia.


Britain, the USA and Israel were always going to move the war in Syria to a standard ever lasting war of terror. Car bombs, assasinations, sabotage, and these drone attacks- all organised by SLEEPER CELLS.

Putin won’t allow the British and Americans to be thrown out of Syria, so unlike Iran, there is a perfect pipeline for the CIA and MI6 to keep up the terror attacks.


Wars are about money, and are fought with money. Russia is bleeding America financially, the tactic is a winner, one day the US will collapse under the cost of its many wars.

AM Hants

Good point. Also, just before Christmas, Congress had to authorise another $81 billion of debt, which runs out in mid-January, in order to pay the state workers and the Government bills. Expect many hissy fits and tantrums, over the next week.

Tudor Miron

Russia knows the war is not over. Russia knows that Sirya is just one battlefield and Russia is one of ultimate targets of zio satanic snakeheads. They will never feel save before they manage to conquer and fully control Russia but history shows – they tryed many times and even if they get a temporary win (remember Napoleon inside Moscow?) its turning out into disaster for them (just ask Hitler)


They created the Mujahideen, and then replaced them with al Qaeda, and then upgraded to ISIS. The US will just continue to create terrorist armies until the day it dies, it’s the American way.

AM Hants

I wonder when the CIA backed terrorists will realise that they are nothing more than cannon fodder, as the cash and their lives run out?

AM Hants

Personally, I think Russia is fully aware. However, by withdrawing, look at how it has backfired on the uninvited who wished to sta? US and Israel are not going to lose the Great Israel Project without a fight and Russia is not going to lose her warm water port and investments in Syria, to the US and Israel. Patience as Russia plays 3D chess and US/NATO and Israel carry on playing tiddly winks, in full view of the international audience. How many nations are now standing up to the bullying antics of Washington DC?

Jens Holm

As long as you argue with so many mistakes, You will not even be able to make plasticbuckets in Syria.

Jens Holm

You seemes to forget, its more because we still dont like Assads.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Now Israel is sending air groups against Russians just as I have predicted. They have used very advanced state technology and equipped Israels allies to launch full scale aerial attacks against Russian air bases. And I further predict that Israel will be doing the same again in the future on an even more advanced scale to attack Moscow itself. Israel is going to attack Moscow, it is destiny. Because Russia allows Jew’s to get away with the Holodomor and lets Israel get away with murder in general.



Absolutely TRUE. Putin has said, again and again in public speeches, that jews are the real master race- and thusly above the laws of Man. Most people here are terminally naive about Putin. They ignore the fact that his inner circle are all zionists (as with Trump), and they guide Putin to always support the West at the UN- except on those very rare occasions when it would be literally impossible to do so.

Of course, in the past groups of jews infiltrated various societies offering the self same terror tactics (often financial) as methods of ‘advantage’ to local leaders- and then suffered righteous backlashes when the terror tactics they designed and implemented caused unstoppable social discontent.

Why does Oliver Twist have a jew as a baddie? Cos jews at the time exploited the fact that British courts were very reluctant to punish young children, so networks of criminal jews recruited children as thieves, and laundered the stolen wealth all the way up into the banking system. Many of the founding fathers of the USA warned against growing jewish influence in the fledgling USA, for they had witnessed that the cult known as judaism united jews at all societal levels, allowing them to work together to circumvent any system of laws.

Ordinary people who see the advancement of terror methods that would inevitably bring misery to greater mankind as pure evil. The jews of Israel actually seek out such terror methods and BOAST about advancing them to the point where they become unstoppable.

Look at how most jews dribble in glee about stories of how THEIR mossad puts bombs in people’s cell phones, or sends butcher squads into nations to murder or kidnap targets. The leaders of every major jewish organisation on this planet will be laughing with delight at the thought of how Israel helped Saudi Arabia’s wahhabi terror gangs launch such an attack against Russia.


Here we go – more attacks on Russian Federation via the ‘Putin is a part of a jewish-cabal oligarchy’ angle. Whenever see an oblique anti-Putin attack like this in comments, the immediate question arises, what is it the author seeks to achieve? They are easily identifiable – like ‘More’ with the red star avatar – scratch the surface and they are deeply aggrieved by the Russian intervention in Syria. Because it ruined the NATO/Gulf State/Israel plan to Balkanize Syria into three fratricidal and permanently weakened parts. That’s it – nothing more – just an oblique covert attack on behalf of the aggressive ‘coalition’ anti-Syrian war-parties.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem is Putin is too naive at times and tries to find the good in people and unfortunately it doesn’t exist in some no matter how hard you try. This is just human nature and no conspiracy about him being part of a cabal, he has good intentions at heart but he needs to be careful.

The starlight also has good intentions just overthinking the situation which even you are guilty of and insinuate your own opinion. Never discount the fact there are those in this world who try to manipulate situations for greed and there religion is money even with the pope he is very much about the money.


Putin is an ex intelligence officer turned politician – two brutal professional arenas. He can handle himself just fine – but has to negotiate dealing with a belligerent and aggressive US that vastly out spends the rest of the world in military hardware and services. The US readily displayed its post 2000 aggressive intent starting with the Iraq 2.0 exercise – driven by Neo-Con policy that is essentially contemptuous of International Law. This is is another brutal professional arena to be cannily negotiated.

Tudor Miron

Spot on.

Tudor Miron

May I ask for a link (video preferable) where “Putin has said, again and again in public speeches, that jews are the real master race- and thusly above the laws of Man.”(c). Shlomo, you should try harder :) Who do you offer us instead of Putin on the next election? Lol, you guys are funny.


Damn…I fear I have been too lax in regard to Putin…I should have been aware of such a statement, but it seems to have gotten past me. I’ll wait with you for such a link to educate me.

Tudor Miron

I’m affraid that our wait is going to last.

Tudor Miron

Israel will never attack an enemy even remotely capable to resist. They will never attack Russia in an open fight as they know that we’ll eat them together with their shit. Surely they keep doing same old jewish infiltrating, sabotaging and trying to brain wash ordinary people etc. but open fight with strong opponent – that’s not why they were breed during that famous Sinai tour.


Big mistake will be if this Israhellis are starting to attack RUSSIAN power. Remember Israhell Russia is not Iran ,Russia is not a Terror Group Russia is World Power which can make you disappear in 3 min. So don’t fuck with Russian bases via your terror proxies.


The REAL story behind this story is the HOLLYWOOD prediction of unstoppable remote drone bombs in the hands of ‘terrorists’ that can be used in any nation across the globe. IE., false flag terror by the intelligence agencies of the West to provide cause for any new wars or orwellian laws.

All open air events with crowds suddenly have become terrible targets. No security can now secure such events. 50+ Km range means the launch distance cannot ever be secured. And traveling across such distances allows the drone to gain enough height to be beyond any possible simple defense measure at the target site.

In a first world war zone there may well be state-of-the-art radar, air defences and ECM – as at this Russian base. But across even the majority of the USA, no such defense is possible.

Who first started using these weapons of pure terror- the jews of Israel. Who aided them shortly afterwards. Britain (where much of the jewish terror drone components are now manufactured). Who leaped on board with a future of drone warfare. The jewish controlled monsters who rule the USA.

Did you know Google (yes that Google you use for internet searches) bought every military robot company it could and is currently involved in a trillion dollar military project to build the first viable drone swarm robotic tank forces? The ‘terminator’ vision of robotic murder machines swarming across target nations is well under way in the UK, USA and Israel.

It is interesting to note that planes on the ground, not matter how expensive, are uniquely vulnerable to ordinance dropped from above. For sure, out of use they can hide under shelters, but you CANNOT build runways under shelter. And planes CANNOT be armoured. The war criminal Winston Churchill (read what he wrote about jews as a young man) did everything he could to redirect German bombers away from British air fields to british cities instead, for this precise reason. Though the Germans were only bombing Britian cos Churchill had instructed the RAF to attack non-military targets in Germany until German was provoked enough to have to respond.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This attack wasn’t about being successful but creating fear why you mentioned predictive programming, you should realize this is what they wanted to do was instill fear. The real target is not a country but people and the public at large in the world, just wait and see there will be fears in America and elsewhere about drones. This is Psychological warfare on the whole of us and intended to limit our rights even more and make us slaves virtually , there is no conquering countries but the Human mind. The real wars are always fought for the human mind, we just forget that is how wars are truly intended to be in influencing us and our thoughts. John F. Kennedy said the only thing we have to fear ,is fear itself maybe a warning to the future generations about psychological warfare as being the tool of war in the future.


Actually, it was FDR that said that.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Your correct in that it was which I meant to say FDR and include what JFK said 7 DAYS before he was assassinated,”There is a plot to subvert and enslave the american people and I want to get to the bottom of this.” ,which would bring some more clarity.


Israel and USA know that they will not be attacked by Russia (it does not matter what they do) since Russia does not want a direct confrontation with USA. So, they can openly show their support to terrorists, and dare to attack indirectly or directly to Russia aerospace force….what is the problem ? Of course, Russia knows where these drones were made and were launched.

Langaniso Mhlobo

There you have it 100% true.Russia knows we’re it comes from.

Manuel Flores Escobar

If the axis USA/Israel/Saudi Arabia..send sofisticate TOW missile to terrorist…it is clearly that terrorist receive from them electronic equipment for these drones..system like GPS navigator linked to Internet and also somekind of radio transponder to know position during fly and compare with the GPS signal…they will continue fighting while their sponsor pay them!..otherwise terrorist would be picking olives in Idlib lands!

Langaniso Mhlobo

Like it on not it is USA who provides this terrorist with this technology. USA is the only country which train and armed terrorists to destroy both Syria and Russia.Like in Afghanistan in 1970. .


And we all know where the Islamic terrorists are received these terror weapons—-America’s greatest tally in the Middle East. Any quests?

Solomon Krupacek

these look like made in russia raptors :DD


Getting some intact is good news, it means they will be able to decipher the comms code. Next time Russia will be able to return them to sender, or maybe even take out the ISIS satellite?


Interesting report on the military scene.

I do not think Russians have much to worry about from this poor mans airforce given their technological capabilities.

The same does not hold true for Iran and its proxies, incl the SAA. They have much less technical capabilities and were attacks starting at somewhat smaller distances and with better encrypted electroninc guidance, attacks of these kind can very well be (at least partly) successfull.

Developments like this will be swiftly copied by forces like SDF, PKK and other none state actors fighting against better equipped armies. As any larger movement will have some whizz kids in their ranks, it will not be a long time before more and more will be used anywhere.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

WTF are you talking about that Iran and it’s proxies don’t have this technological expertise, which is unfortunately wrong many of the technicians in this area were actually SAA running the missile defense and radar controls. Well it seems you are getting more infantile in trying to make the SAA and Iran seem like barbarians when in fact it’s the US and it’s proxies whom are coming off more barbaric than anyone else.

Funny how you believe at shorter distances this would have been successful is quite frankly a joke.

The false sense of success is so blatant and believing the SDF and PYD(PKK/ TURKS) is very naive. The problem with you is you believe what those institutes for the insane and policy wonks spout as gospel. The belief there are whizz kids everywhere sounds like a psyops jargon as this just doesn’t happen requires use of Satellites and technology beyond their ability.

AM Hants

Fascinated by this story, I decided to try and find out just how much drones cost and what the cost, of whoever provided 13 drones to their moderate mates, would cost. Not forgetting the intelligence those that landed intact have provided Russia. Now that is priceless.

Cost of a US Drone https://cpc-grijalva.house.gov/uploads/Drones_Fact_Sheet_FCNL1.pdf


This is a drone swarm attack. though many countries are Researching this, Only a handful of countries in the world mastered drone swarm maneuvers: the US, Israel, China and possibly Russia.

Jens Holm

It would be nice most of you instead made the same hard focus in making peace then drones.

The “militants get them” is completly outdated. Many countries produce 1000`s of the relative small ones and you can buy them for almost nothing for almost anything.

We use them for firefighting, finding missing people and for farmers (bugs, NPK, water control).

Small ones with camera now can be bought down to 40 dollars and big ones like the ISIS bombers is much less then 1000 dollars and easy can be modifieed by amateurs for droppings.

Big modelplanes with wings has been in use for decades but now has been improved a lot.

So make some peace in stead.

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