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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Foiled Plot To Conduct Sucide Bombings Targeting Evacuation Buses In Eastern Ghouta

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Russian Forces Foiled Plot To Conduct Sucide Bombings Targeting Evacuation Buses In Eastern Ghouta

By SANA, Click to see the full-size image

On March 29, Russia’s Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu revealed that Russian forces in the Damascus subrub of Eastern Ghouta had foiled a plot to attack buses evacuating militants and their families from the region to the Syrian governorate of Idlib.

According to the Russian TV network RT, Shoygu said that Russian soldiers had confiscated and dismantled 48 suicide belts, which had been with militants trying to get aboard the buses.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia didn’t release detailed information about the attack plot. However, Syrian pro-government activists believe that fighters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which are a part of the evacuation deal, may have been behind the plot in an attempt to sabotage the evacuation agreement.

Earlier, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that clashes had erupted among militants around the evacuation buses in Eastern Ghouta. This incident could be linked to the attack plot.

HTS and Faylaq al-Rahman reached an agreement with the Damascus government to evacuate their fighters from their remaining positions in Eastern Ghouta to Idlib governorate on March 23. The agreement is only hours away from being fulfilled, according to Syrian pro-government sources, who also confirm that most militants have already left East Ghouta.

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Jim Prendergast

That was a quick, cheap plot by HTS. What next?


Putin ordered that the rebels be allowed to leave with their arms- GOOGLE IT. The rebels were NEVER going to blow up their own buses- obviously. So clearly belts of grenades, commonly worn by rebels, became “suicide belts”, with Putin’s propagandists hoping you are so thick, you don’t get the trick.

1) why did Putin order Assad to allow the wahhabi terrorists to be pardoned and transported to safety? 2) why did Putin order Assad to allow the ‘rebels’ to be bused to safety WITH their ‘light’ arms? 3) why did Trump today say that the USA is leaving Syria soon (giving the IMPRESSION Putin hasn’t sold out to America in Syria) while on the ground Americans are digging in with masses of new bases?

Snedly Arkus

You are plenty naive in your thinking. Over the years the head choppers in East Ghouta have been shelling and gassing Damascus killing over 10,000 people. They liked to target schools and kill kids. You do what it takes to get them out of there and save the lives of those the headchoppers were using as human shields as well as securing Damascus. The so called rebels are being pushed back and killed off and killing each other. The only way to save their cause is a huge intervention by the US. Blowing up some or all the buses would give the US the excuse it needs. They have done this kind of thing before in Syria and the dead on this occasion is justified for the greater good and the dead would be revered as martyrs. Last year when Syrians were allowed to evacuate rebel territory and go to the government held areas they were attacked by a suicide bomber and over 100 were killed most of which were women and children as they got off their bus for food. Lots of pictures that most likely did not make the news in the west as US backed rebels did the dirty deed. The car with the bomber had to pass through multiple rebel check points to reach these people which means it was a planned event. Currently the US is trying to topple the government of Venezuela claiming rights abuses and the killing of demonstrators by the military. Plenty of witnesses claim many of those killed and blamed on the military were actually killed by their fellow demonstrators. Which of course gets the US to continue their illegal tactics that strengthen the oppositions hand and weakens the government while the people suffer.

Peter Jennings

A good reply and one that cannot be argued over. Starlight isn’t very starbright.


If more proof were needed, these Terrorist gangs are totally insane and this is more proof that US coalition regular soldiers must have been directing them. Inmates of a lunatic asylum are very dangerous but their organisational skills are usually wanting.


They Recruite these Headchoppers among Prisoners, Psychopathic Maniacs, Mass Murderers, Thieves, Traitors, Liars, Fools, Numbnuts, Clowns, Rapists, Childmolesters, Mental Patients, Losers, Junkies, Whores and every Sick Fuck that wanted some adventure… Exactly the type of People to represent their Masters of Evil…..what else to expect?


I agree. The Saudis gave the worst prisoners in their jails of military age a choice. Rot of be beheaded here or join ISIS. Thousands joined ISIS.



Saudis are stupids USA puppets.

Icarus Tanović

Not just there,mate, from every fuccking dirty corner of the World.

Richard M

Don’t hold back. tell us how you really feel! :D


Pretty good…..didn’t meet their standards…


They are joking, you are very well as you are. In a platoon of special forces, Richard, as he’s brave and audacious, would go in the front of the march, and you, as you are prudent, would go in the rear.


I’d be honoured…..the rear sounds fine to me…:)


The possible attack would come by the rear or the flanks, as Suheil has very well done in Ghouta

Acko Manah

I always say merijn is too shy

Icarus Tanović

For someone who doesnt live in a Muslim country, youre ver, very, very well informed. Congs on this!


You can find Psychopaths all over the world….wonder where the Elite will send the next collection of idiots….I bet from now on they will be crushed wherever they send them…….more & more will join the fight against Psychopaths…..So Elite….what are your plans?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There are more Muslim countries than you think as those in the west become more predominantly Muslim.


Except the story- only really pushed on TASS in english (widely considered the ‘tabloid’ Kremlim outlet)- makes no sense whatsoever, and is classic ‘atrocity propaganda’ (google the term) from our side.

1) These buses are carrying TERRORISTS, not people the terrorists were terrorising, as with previous bus attacks. So we are supposed to believe terrorists were going to blow up their OWN people? Given that by doing so, even in the West only terrorists could possibly be blamed. How on Earth would such an event benefit the terrorist cause?

2) We are supposed to believe it is not standard operating procedure to SEARCH the people entering the buses first. Yeah, we know Putin has ordered that Assad allow the terrorists to leave WITH their light arms- but this hardly means explosives. And IF the terrorists wanted to kill people on the bus, well Putin has already allowed them guns and bullets, so they could obviously just shoot fellow passengers.

3) Look at the story again. In reality there is no proper source for the claim- a tactic one sees frequently used in the West’s media. You THINK a source is quoted, but a little research proves it is all a lie from a dodgy journalist.

And this is why the zionist appeaser, Putin, is losing. When he has his people try their hand at west style media propaganda lies, it is so badly conceived it is just laughable. And such fake news also undermines any real reporting of wahhabi atrocities in East Ghouta.

PS it is the most pathetic form of atrocity propaganda to lie and state your enemy is so stupidly depraved, it is busy killing its OWN women and children. What kind of cretin would believe such a nonsense. Propaganda should be left to people with a brain.

Since Putin demands that Assad allow the ‘rebels’ to leave with all the arms they can carry (google if you don’t believe me), the ‘suicide belt’ story almost certainly originated with the fact that some rebels would have attempted to take belts of grenades (NOT suicide belts) onto the buses. And actually Putin was OK with this, but some soldiers at the scene may have (correctly) figured that Putin was an idiot, and the belts of grenades should be confiscated.

Later a half-witted kremlim propagandist decides to morph “belts of grenades” into “suicide belts”, hoping the hopeless reader did not know Putin himself ordered the rebels to be allowed to travel with their arms.


The point is not a terrorist kill another terrorist by gun, Of course, what they want is a big explosion to be able to blame Syria army for this attack, and justify an USA-NATO air attack. That is the point. West media can very easy convince western people of a Syrian attack to defenseless poor people, children, and women.


Seem to remember reading light arms, NO ammunition. Could be wrong. Seems ridiculous to let them keep ammo or grenades.

Peter Jennings

The idiot murderers were allowed to take their small arms and two magazines worth of bullets. Everything else was confiscated including grenades.


Why not execute those with suicide belts trying to get on busses on the spot?


Because we aren’t the Washington barbarians, we’re civilised.


Nothing barbarian about neutralizing suicide bombers that are willing to die.


Where did you learn your ethics?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The old US adage of “kill them all! and let G-d sort them out!”


Where did the suicide bombers learn their ethics? What is good for the goose is good for the gander.


Dickhead, who are you trolling for?


I am not trolling for anybody, if you have a logical challenge spew it out, if not refrain from name calling. If a VBEIED is coming at me I will blow it before it gets in my proximity, what is the difference between a human suicide bomber or a mechanical one? Are you some secret HTS supporter? What is the basis of your logic of being “ more civilized”?


A palpable hit, I fancy.


Right, can’t get beyond one liners, can you?


Morality is simple.


Morality is simple if its precepts are accepted worldwide, it is not simple if others have a distorted sense of morality. When you kill somebody, there has to be a genuine and righteous reason to do so…..in case of war or self defense.


No-one should be killed; the structures of violence that the boss class control are inherently illegitimate. once they have been dismantled peace and freedom for all will have been achieved.


No one should be killed,…….. you do not take into account the evil nature within humanity, it is the evil humans that kill, whether they are high up, or low down. God in due time will eradicate evil by getting rid of all evildoers, and throw them in the lake of fire. Present course of humanity does not show much promise for peace and freedom.


Yes I do, as well as the humanity in humanity. You might try examining why you want to use the methods of the Washington barbarians against your group of preferred victims.


It has nothing to do with Washington barbarians, i have nothing to do with them, it is evil to kill yourself by blowing yourself up and killing a number of unsuspecting victims around you. God sees it as evil, and evil doers are going to end up in the lake of fire …..not with 70 virgins in paradise. You defend yourself by eliminating the evil. Getting rid of evil is not an evil act, the same way God getting rid of evildoers does not make Him evil.


You write like you’re in touch with your inner nazi, it’s quite disappointing; if you behave like a barbarian you are one, whatever your reason. The purpose of the defence of Syria is to end the war, not impose an equivalent tyranny on the defeated.


No one said one had to impose tyranny on those defeated in Syria. I recommend you stay within the parameters of the discussion instead of your personal insinuations.


You offered nothing to insinuate and everything to see.


Because the story is a LIE. Putin ordered Assad to allow the rebels to be bused to safety WITH their ‘light’ arms (google it, it’s true). For many rebels, their belts of grenades ARE their light arms. SAA soldiers on site may have well thought this demand by Putin to be the most stupid ever, and have confiscated personel explosives from the rebels.

The rebels were NEVER goint to blow up themselves, and their women and children- use your brain for god’s sake.


Wrong, these terrorirsts are not normal people. Yes, they are capable to blow up their children and women father and mother.

Peter Jennings

They also bury their children in rubble and film themselves pretending to rescue them. It’s just as well that the white helmets PR are run by incompetents otherwise we may never had known about these clowns.


How do you know the rebels were not going to blow themselves up, they are mere pawns representing a sinister agenda that wanted the preservation of E Ghouta indifferent to civilian casualties. Belt of grenades are light weapons? According to what sources?

Peter Jennings

When word gets around that belt wearers are being shot, they will probably just explode themselves as soon as they get anywhere near Syria/Russia forces. If their target were the buses, exploding themselves early would have given the game away. Better to disarm, gather them together in one of their tunnels out of the way somewhere and let their devices complete the the job they built them for.

However, there has been some cases where people have been forced to wear the belts. They are then sent to checkpoints, etc, and watched by a snipers all the way.


Why to execute them… Just take their suicide belts, dismantle them and give them back and let them abroad the buses to the Idlib where they can kill themselves and their friends.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRQ2GzxGMBQ How the Arabian prince spend their money

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCUEajBAkj0&t=168s To see how Saudi prince get the girl

To be honest if I had so much money as much these Saudi princes have and I was a Saudi king or prince then definitely I would never sell my raw oil rather I would produce thousands of products of this oil that is fabrics, plastics, domastic products, packages, fertilizers, cosmatics and so on and then I would sell in international markets but not in US dollars but in my own currency that is Riyal. I would set the conversion rate of my country currency Riyal myself.

I would produce and sell 5th generation fighter jets, commercial jets, tanks and other defence hardware to other friendly countries. I would produce bullet trans, nuclear power plants, ICBM, manned space rockets etc jointly with China, Russia, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan etc.

So what these princes are doing some are hunting birds and women and some looking for nice personal aeroplanes and cars. So that is their priorities because of lack of proper education. LOL. ————————————————————————————————————————————

Pave Way IV

You’re ignoring the other whores the Saudi royalty showers with money for favors: US Congressmen, politicians and businessmen. The US thinks they’re the cleverest negotiators on earth because they con the Saudis out of hundreds of millions of dollars. The Saudis laugh at these idiots because 1) it was America’s money (or at least USD) to begin with, and 2) hundreds of millions is chump-change to them and the Saudi state.

Mohammed Bin Salman, Crown Prince of the Wahhabis, looked absolutely embarrassed when Trump was slobbering praise and groveling in front of him bragging about the Saudi arms purchases. That pretty much sums up how far the US has sunk. And to think this will all turn around to bite us in the ass someday when those arms are used against US troops. Either that, or they’ll be used when the Saudis turn on Israel and attack them. Oops! Who could have possibly seen that coming?


This is a bit off base. Nothing wrong with spending money on entertainment, women, or enjoying a high standard of living. It’s the other shit they spend money on, such as the promotion and expansion of wahabbism worldwide, or the intervention into the internal affairs of other countries (Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Indonesia, etc) that’s the problem.

I have no sympathy for Saudi theocratic institutions or the exportation of violence, but besides that it isn’t anyone’s business what one chooses to spend their wealth on. It is always the people without money who proclaim that “if they have this amount of money, they would do __X__”.

You wouldn’t be able to do shit, you don’t know the first thing about basic economic principles comparative economic advantage or barriers to entry. Why would anyone want to buy plastics, fertilizers or cosmetics from Saudi Arabia? It would take literally hundreds of billions of dollars to build up the competency, economic base and infrastructure to produce these things, it would flood the market with excess product without the reciprocal demand present.

Moreover, the diversification of he Saudi economy away from simply producing and refining is already beginning to happen. Posting some stupid unrelated video of a Saudi Prince having a good time and criticizing what they choose to spend some small fraction of their wealth on is just pure stupidity. “Oh noes! he’s showing some pretty girl with bills! the horror!”. Get over yourself, there’s much more important, deep rooted issues in Saudi society. This kind of garbage is trivial.


So…what ? everybody knows that they are stupids.

Icarus Tanović

What? Just let mongoloids kill each others.


Diffused 48 suicide vests and the evacuations proceeded without one going off? If the Russians found that many why didn’t they cancel the move for security’s sake because of an obviously larger plot? And statistically if there were 48 people caught in actual attempts at least one should have slipped through, and what did they do with all the bombers? And all the second source said was that there was some clashes, so I think the number has been inflated for PR purposes and the Russians caught and fought with a few Rebels who were trying to sabotage the evacuation.

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