FILE – In this file photo taken Dec. 16, 2015 and provided by the Russian Defense Ministry Press Service, Russian S-400 long-range air defense missile systems are deployed at Hemeimeem air base in Syria. (Vadim Savitsky/Russian Defense Ministry Press Service via AP, File)
Russian forces deployed in Syria, including S-400 and Pantsir-S1 air defense systems and Sukhoi Su-30SM multirole fighters, have been put on a combat alert, according to reports appearing from local sources in the country’s provinces of Tartus and Latakia where Russian military facilities are located.
Meanwhile, the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS claimed citing US officials that the US military is going to provide President Donald Trump with “a set of options for carrying out strikes against the Syrian government”.
“Both the Joint Chiefs of Staff and CENTCOM, the US forces in the Middle East, were compiling target lists and attack options to be presented to Trump and his national security team within hours, the officials said,” i24NEWS wrote.
In turn, Trump forgot that no confirmation of condicting the attack by government forces had been provided and claimed that “Animal Assad” will pay a “big price”. He also blamed “President Putin, Russia and Iran” for the incident.
Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry denounced the chemical attack reprots as “hoax” and warned that military actions against Syria could lead to the “gravest consequences.”
The conflict Syria is on the brink of another large-scale escaltion.
Military intervention under false and fabricated pretexts in #Syria??, where the Russian servicemen stay at the request of the legitimate government, is absolutely unacceptable and may trigger the gravest consequences – @MFA_Russia??
.https://t.co/LQsBIFmUPx ?@DeptofDefense pic.twitter.com/YovbmlOQaS— Russia in USA ?? (@RusEmbUSA) 8 April 2018
All this goes through the naivety of the Syrian Government and its ally Russia
Could you, please, elaborate a little bit more on “the naivety of the Syrian Government and its ally Russia”?
Yes my friend, naivety to believe enough in the word of a terrorist being defeated to stop fighting him, giving him time enough to carry out such a barbarity that unfairly will bring harsh consequences to Syria. What would not happen if the SAA would continued with its military campaign until Douma fell at once at the whatever cost without giving those long 10 days of rest that only used for what we all know to this day. Do you understand me, my friend? That is why my comment about the super ingenuity of Syria and Russia by confident and good people.
We have some information about what is happening in Syria and we know and agree that it is horrible and it must end BUT !, I have some Syrian friends and they have told me that one can easily become a “rebel” just for being at the wrong time and at the wrong place. They are forced to be rebels. So, may be we should refrain from generalizations. The government of Syria and the people supporting this government plus the allies sure know better than us what is best. I am also sure that they want this war over, just like me and you, and they are doing their best.
The Russians are proceeding with maximum diplomacy, trying their utmost not to provoke the mad nuclear armed gorilla, & his chums. The Syrians are proceeding with maximum humanity, trying to preserve as many civilian & combatant lives as possible. I fear the gorilla & its ZIONAZI/BANKSTER masters are determined on WWIII. We shall soon see. John Doran.
do your own research
What you call naivety I call wisdom. USA is broken,( Why would Trump ask the French and the British to step in although we know that they were there, part of the coalition? Why he needs reinforcement? Why would he ask MBS to pay?) While they are hitting the bottom the Russians and Syrians are taking the time to save lives and clean out the rats. Sooner or later the americans will get out of Syria. They will be made to leave. The alternative is an all-out war. Which option do you prefer?
I hope you are right my friend. Because the truth, I still believe that the false chemical attack of yesterday, could have been avoided if the SAA and Russia would not stopped their attack on Douma ten days ago, for believing in a peaceful and negotiable solution from the terrorists in Douma, an attempt that not only failed, but also gave a a pretext that they did not have before, to the Americans, to openly and unjustly attack the Syrian government and achieve by force what they could not achieve otherwise with their terrorist puppets.
But it is a false flag event!
”A false flag event” but with pretty real and true big possible consequences for the Syrian army and also for its so passive and good people Russia ally, my good friend.
So, you believe the msm propaganda. Woops.
Only time will confirm or not the possible future events, but in the meantime I believe that you and me, we do not have to be genius to deduce the obvious, taking into consideration events of the past that was triggered by facts similar to those of right now, my dear friend. Let’s be reasonable and logical please.
Chill down, it has always been the policy of Russia and Syria to offer an olive branch first, hence the amnesty offered by Syria, and withdrawal. The false flag is not their fault, don’t pin the blame on them.
Who am I to blame or give reason to one or to one other, my friend?. I think that the facts, are the only judge, talking about the fruits resulting from good or bad strategic decisions made by Syria and its Russian ally and nobody else, I’m afraid. Because both you and I, we only can share our humble opinions, right or wrong ones, but all of them according to our free way of thinking, and nothing else, my dear friend.
You mean the facts as you see them. You’re entitled to your opinion and your conclusions. It’s just that most here don’t see it your way. I don’t.
This is my friend, and you are totally in your right to disagree with me as I can also be it with you. Because even true twins think differently. But self-respect begins where your own begins for those who think differently than you, my dear friend.
Who am I to blame one or one other my dear friend? I believe that as always, the facts are and will continue to be the only judge capable of blaming Syria and its Russian ally for any good or bad results and consequences coming from their good or bad strategic decisions and nobody else, I am afraid. Because both you and I, we can only share our humble opinions, some wise or not, but each of them coming from our own different way from thinking So, relax my friend.
there we go another childish brain, if there only the terror cells there that wouldn’t be the problem, they will just drop bombs until all is ash, but you forgot that there is civilians there, civilians trapped, and in prison and in street cages.
Please have a little more open mind for more understanding dear friend. Civilians losses in case of a savage and cowardly attack of the Americans on Syrian soil under the pretext of the false chemical attack will be much greater than the civilians in Douma who died yesterday in that same false chemical attack. In a war there will always be civilian casualties and more dealing with terrorists of that type, reason why they have to stop being so naive Syria and its ally Russia, instead of solving the problem by destroying once and for all terrorists there, for the own good of all civilians living in Douma.. Time to grow up and thinking as an adult guy, my dear friend.
You did not manage to convince me. Luckily, your relatives are far away from Syria and it is “highly likely” that they won’t be civilian casualties. In that case it should be okay. Basically, this is what you are saying.
I just answered you below my friend.
There are that problem with us as a Slavs, we have some issues with that, but not only that, majority of the world is mesmerized with USA and “their values” so Western supremacist could easily blackmail us all. With all rich western vassals around Syria logistics are some of the problem. Other thing is, those terrorists have too much people as hostages. And even with all negotiations and military actions western fake “moral leaders” can’t wait on Syrian mistake.
USA trying hard to start WWIII
Oh god here we go, can someone just put these warmongering jews back in Auchwitz
Perhaps buzzing a few US ships is needed right now?
Erasing the state of israhell?
buzzz pute a clic at tv israeli!!
They are obviously butthurt about loosing Douma ?
Russia should warn the U.S that any attack on Syrian/Russian or Iranian troops will trigger an immediate and a massive volley of cruise missiles at strategic Israeli military installations, besides the U.S missile carriers in the region.
It did maybe 5 times by now.
that would be the thing to do most likely. it would cause the most effective damage.
Russia: ‘It is necessary to warn once again that any military intervention under far-fetched and fabricated pretexts in Syria, where the Russian servicemen are deployed at the request of the legitimate government, is absolutely unacceptable and might lead to very severe consequences.’
It would be good for America to learn that Russia is not to be played with that way. Otherwise they will always play. Russia has already warned them.
Think it’s been done
Well once for all maybe this so called world forces such as the US bitches and the Israhellis and others should be cleansed from a real super power such as Russia. Try to attack Syria and you are fucked then you stupid idiots, don’t you see what the Russians are saying to you in Syria, that everywhere, where there is Syrian soldiers there are also stationed Russian Advisers, striking on them is striking the Russia itself. This Trump old frozen brain is really the lowest scum on earth. I understand all on this earth but that Trump guy is so low piece of shit in which I can never Understand.
I came to the conclusion, regretfully, that Trump does not have a heart but a piggy box and as for brain…. well… it’s missing.
That’s exactly why they are allowing him to stay in power(nominally). He’s a stupid dumb, brainless Goy… just what they need to accomplish their nefarious agenda . .
same as Obomber, same end results.
now now ariel.
he’s just a puppet like the rest of them (Obomber Bush Bubba, etc.)
Exactly, Tom. All presidents must do what they’re told.
too late now :-(
Trump is not in charge. The phalanx of generals around him is.
Trump is most definitely in charge, and he is completely morally responsible for whatever happens. That he may have delegated some or even all decision making authority to someone else is irrelevant.
Emperor Smith has spoken! :D
President of US is directly accountable for any and all actions of the US military.
What can you do when he has the logic of a kindergarten child? Anyone believing such CW stories fake news are in the same class.
Sadly this proves that the entire western countries where most MSM among them are down to this levels of kindergarten bs/
Trump is fighting a war for control of government with the Deep State. Same thing happened to Obama re: Syria when the Deep State ignored agreements Kerry/Obama made with Russians. Trump is very smart, but is hyper reactive emotionally. He is also a New Yorker that will “punch you in face” to start a negotiation. Pay attention to what actually happens on the ground, not all the verbal smoke and mirror play going on. If something material had happened as an attack on Syria, the Russians would have unloaded holy hell on the instigator.
It is written, but in practice……
Nothing is further from the truth. Presidents do what they are told. Trump wanted to talk to Russia, China and other countries but his supervisors WANT WAR!
Have you been sleeping!! Congress, the Pentagon and the Israeli lobby are provoking this war and Trump or any president must do what they’re told. Wake up!
Trump is the president. He has the power to not only refuse to go along with the Satanists, but to start rounding them up. Failing that, Trump could even resign rather than do such evil. Trump does the evil he does because he’s a demon-possessed Satanist himself. Wake up!
trump is moron.
And Jews lobby.
You need to stop thinking Russia is a super power, it was once, but not anymore. Your Navy rusts along side the dock while combat ships sink at anchor in your harbors. FYI, your navy has a problem with fires on ships too… Who knows all the other “errors” your weapons and planes will experience under hard sustained combat. You should also stop worrying about European NATO because they are just a bunch of little girls and a low threat. The USA however is “IN FACT” a super power stand alone, not some Russia-Chinese wet dream army. If Russia, China, or Russia-China-Iran start a war with the US, there will be no more rules that normally constrain the US military. You will see whole land divisions and ocean fleets wiped out like so many Wagner Groups, and it will be a very sad time for everyone…
Yeah, go on… walk your trash talk and watch some supersonic Chinese anti-ship missiles turn the U.S. navy into fish food, while your stone-age tomahawks and harpoon missiles will be joke of the century.
Not often you find such an idiot but here he is.
Do not under estimate ‘little girls.’ Also, It seems the US military has never followed rules unless they suit their agenda. But you are correct in suggesting they represent a global evil.
Really, then how come their new weapons make all that Nato has, including the US, obsolete?
Has anybody watched this. I doubt. It’s excellent analysis of the East Gouta operation and US NATO involvement with the Salaffi and Wahabi terrorists. Thank you for posting it.
Thank you, I copied the link, from somebody else, so cannot take credit. Watched, with my mouth wide open and found it a gem of information. Wanting to share what he had to say. So needs viewing.
Israel opinion.
Russia is still a superpower, just one with a different set of capabilities. The USA is so clearly number one in it’s Palpatine like ability to move massive amounts of force into countries with limited size and means of defense. Russia is geared more toward making people pay for a conflict with her and her forces are designed toward defense and imposing costs. Russia’s surface to air systems are second to none, plentiful and attack with frightening velocity. Russia has large volumes of armour in reserve and most ominous, Russia has been busy since 2006 deploying hundreds of new ICBM’s which have greater take off speeds and are capable of avoiding missile defenses. That’s scary because the greater firepower of which you so glibly brag about on the part of the USA leads to the inevitable conclusion that Russia has to perform a massive first strike to stave off state elimination. It’s almost as if both sides in a conflict will be channeled toward strategic first strike before the other does. So, crow on…
not if we get all our aircraft carriers blown up. then its down the fire pole boys.
CNN told you?
You will see it soon…..
Moron alert
True, Nazi America has the weaponry to slaughter millions of people and would not hesitate to do so.
I honestly dont know who would win. But I believe the US navy would be completely destroyed in under 12hrs (except for the subs) in a fullscale war. What chance have ships got against modern weaponry launched in large scale. A few thermobaric warheads could wipe out a fleet in close proximity. Dont even need to go nuclear. All these muppets that think someone can win a proper war are dilussional who ever is losing will take everyone down in flames with them. Do people really think a war could be won without nuclear exchange happening.
Russia and SAA and allies should fight back hard now and destroy the terrorists in Douma and use whatever possible to dislodge them.
Trump’s very confusing. One hand he invites Putin for talks at the White House, then screams ‘Animal Assad’ to pander to the neocons and Deep State running US and Israel.
The Israeli lobby, Democrats and Republicans are provoking this war and forcing Trump’s hand. Trump said from the start that he wanted to get along with Russia but the Pentagon and Congress WANT WAR no matter what! I didn’t vote for Trump but let’s put the blame where it belongs. All presidents are just errand boys for the US military agenda.
All the Anglo/Zionist Russophobia is targeted at the Anglo/Zion population for war with Russia.
Got to be careful, declining, decedent and decrepit powers like the USA can be prone to irrational and inadvisable outbursts of aggressive violence.
Neocons use Trump to attack Syria even if Russian forces will respond to US military!…if US fail in this attack or Russia shot down B2 planes or hit warships…then Neocons globalist will expel Trump like they did with Jimi Carter when US forces failed in a rescue operation of US hostage in Iran!
Antisemite haSSbara prvocateur.
AIPAC is anti-goyim.
Aipac is a US front same as ISIS.
Just venting righteous indignation , I concur.
It doesn’t do to give the zionist antisemites and their ilk a sitting target so that they can smear us falsely.
“A few hours earlier, a group of Israeli top officials and public figures officially called on Trump to conduct missile strikes against Syrian government forces in response to the alleged chemical attack in Douma.”
Why do the goyim think that Israel genuinely cares about Syrian citizens when the Israelis committed genocide against them in the Golan?
LET NURMAGOMEDOV DISCUSS WITH TRUMP !!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/567f0a08563f5b1cfd96a5bb892bacc71d6921d159a52e76a6c68a65e2b33cd4.jpg
It is time for Russia to perform a “crazy Ivan”. (this is a term from the cold war, when a Russian submarine would do a 180 degree turn on a US sub following behind it).
Russia, right now, needs to mobilize forces everywhere, especially the Baltic, turn up the war talk and rhetoric full blast to cause a war “debate” within the US. If they don’t do this, the neocons will be able to implement their gradual escalation in Syria, leading to the partition of Syria.
This needs to be done now to avoid the miscalculation path that the neocon-Zionists are leading the US into.
Russia should announce a “training mission” to deploy a Division of Russian troops directly into the Damascus airport. After they are on the ground, then announce … “oh, and by the way, this Division has tactical nuclear weapons in it’s possession”.
This will put an end to the neocon-Zionists fantasy of thinking that they can gradually escalate tensions and make Russia blink first. But, if Russia mobilizes now, It will be the US Congress that will demand a full debate over the War Powers Act, and what the hell the US is doing in Syria.
If America can have a debate, It will be the US that blinks first. The US anti-war movement will mobilize against this march to war.The stock market will crash. Trump will ultimately listen to his base, whom he assured during his campaign, that he was against these endless Middle East wars that, as Trump claims, has cost the US $ 7 trillion dollars.
Does the US public really want a nuclear confrontation over Syria? The US, being a supposed Democracy, might want to debate that first.
Believe me, the Joint Chiefs and most US Generals are sick and tired of these endless wars to make Israel safe at the expense of 9,000 (and still counting) dead American soldiers. And, at the same time, not a single Israeli casualty! …
All Russian Air Force Fighter Jets scrambled from Russian airbases in Syria are patrolling air space along the entire Syrian coast line. Planes are heavily armed. Russian subhunters active in the Med. S-400’s ready to take down any US/NATO plane/missile. We are close to a global war !
Time to sink a carrier or two…and take out some shitty aircraft….
I give you green light
It is time Syrian government declare all its airspace NO FLY ZONE for all unauthorized aircraft and Russia use its air defence systems to enforce it. Making the US criminals pay a price will get them out of Syria as the cost of their illegal presence is already too high as supply lines are extended and very vulnerable to attacks by local resistance forces.
If that had been done in the beginning, maybe the US would never have gained a foothold in Northern Syria? Anyways, No big mystery where any US attack will come from.
I see B52s going down in flames….
This must be done in the way that Syrian army operates russian S300/400 systems in order to avoid the RF vs USA direct war which would be the end of all things
If the Russians fold to US brinkmanship everything they’ve done to defeat the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers and slavers will come to nothing.
Vert true…
Suspect the Russians are well aware that a critical moment is inevitable in Syria at some point – but it appears NATO may accelerate it over last battle of Douma in East Ghouta. These militants pockets are crucial for NATO to maintain a systematic and destabilizing war against Syrian state – and NATO is absolutely desperate to maintain the pockets.
Russia is completely united behind their President, and ready for anything. But jewry needs to be taken out completely this time. Hitler let them off the hook, and the serpent has bred.
Strike Israel, London, and all the Rothschilds mansions first. That will eliminate 90% of the worlds problems.
Forget the massacre of Palestinians and Kashmiris and lets go to attack Syria on fake CW attack what a moronic terrorist leaders of this world.
nowhere close to a global war, no need for a dramatization. But yeah, it is intense.
Could be though. If an American strike kills Russian service personnel or kills them by unintended consequences after the fact than Russia will strike back. Can China sit it out and wait for NATO to push Russia into a cave? And then be left alone? Doubtful. Better to fight now, with them than to stand alone later. And Russia, if the missiles are flying, has other areas of operations where there are issues and where force deployments favor them. Also, any hint of PGS and Russia must launch everything, at once or risk losing part of her strategic forces. Which means U.S. and British submarines trying to tail Russian ballistic missile subs are liable to be attacked and sunk as blows begin to fall. It could go from zero to totally crazy dangerous in something like an hour or two.
“Better to fight now, with them than to stand alone later.”
That’s a GOLD QUOTE that i have to underline, dude! Thanks!
Putin allowed a massive NATO spearhead to invade Syria from Turkey. And most of you here will act surpised when combined NATO forces from Britain, Turkey, France and the USA launch their massive assault on the flank of Syrian and Iranian forces. You’ll all be cyring “how could that mean ole Erdogan betray us”, because you are all SUCKERS.
Zionist appeaser Putin has taken us to the very brink of WW3- now do you get why mainline zionist agent Saker told you Russia must NEVER punch the bully in the nose? Buying time for the Deep State to make its plans, execute its false flags, and corner Putin with his own Saker advocated appeasement.
Here’s a clue for the clueless the bad guys LIE, and use LIARS. And these liars will pretend to be on our side in order to sell their lies, just as The Saker has done for so long now. The Saker, based out of one of the main jewish heartlands in the USA. Florida.
Even today Putin could go to the UN, tell France, America, Turkey and Britian to get the hell out of Syria IMMEDIATELY and announce he was bringing, by treaty, Syria under the umbrella of the Russian Federation. But Deep State zionist trolls like The Saker will write endless garbage telling you why this cannot happen.
So the very forces threatening Russia and the syrian people from WITHIN their bases in Syria were invited to stay in Syria by zionist appeaser Putin- you just couldn’t make this up. This situation and stupidity is unique in Human History. As the Deep State demons rolled around in total hysterics, Putin himself invited NATO power Turkey to invade Syria.
Today the Human Race is closer to its end since any time after the invention of nukes. Both Russia and America have planned for limited conflict with each other that doesn’t automatically lead to the final escalation, but the theories behind this planning are totla unproven- and were based on an assumption of the MUTUAL RESPECT that was a factor in the Cold War. Putin, by being a zionsit appeaser, has caused Russia to lose all respect, leading to the terrible place where america may dare to go further against Russia, FORCING Russia to escalate.
Appeasement NEVER works. Calling you enemies “our partners” as Putin has dribbled a million times grooms the other side to become ever bolder. We are now at a moment of absolutes- always a precursor to terrible events.
Lady, please stop calling Putin an appeaser, his speech at the UN previous to his intervention in Syria made it clear, maybe you did not hear his State of the Union address?
Words are political gaming that rarely carries true intentions. Actions are the only words worth listening to ever… Christ words were one thing, but boy did His actions follow His words always to 100% success. His actions spoke, and that makes Him king. Politicians are just that. Putin should have bombed illegal Israeli forces long long ago, as the UN has already ruled against them.
it is what he is paid to write here , after all if you read all his past comments , his task is to be the hasbara that pretend to be anti zionist but also falsely accuse putin as pro zionist..
such typical israeli hasbara who lied for a living.. what’s new ?
Erdogan are in Syria because Putin allow it in order to expel terrorist from east ghouta to Afrin canton!…now Russia dont let to take tel rifaat!…terrorist are defeated and neocons push Trump to a military strike!…but even CNN journalist have warned about serious consecuences for US military in case of attacks vs Damascus!
Don’t please the jew troll.
That’s a pretty bleak assessment. I’m not sure if you’re completely correct but to let Turkey in? I thought that was a really bad move from the beginning. The alt “news” crews have really played the phony coup narrative, they swallowed it hook line and sinker. If it was a real coup attempt it has to be the worst attempt in recorded history. Erdogan is one of the shiftiest players ever. If Russia is for real they better wake up soon about how treacherous we(US) are.
Garbage. Without Putin, Assad would’ve ended up like Gadhafi and Syria would become another Libya. Unlike trolls like you, Vlad and Xi know when and how to strike… and if Trump wants to double up and use nukes, so be it.
please dont be so harsh against this hasbara troll ‘starlight’.. he is just doing his daily job for few shekels doing what he do best , lying and spreading propaganda on behest of the greatest lying government in the world , posting from Tel aviv during working hours..
I agree that appeasement doesn’t work, and that Putin was being too soft for too long, but you are wrong on Turkey in Northern Syria, wrong on the Saker. I also have a hunch that Russia won’t back off over East Ghouta. An imminent showdown, or hyenas will back off.
So Trump is a Zionist, Putin is a Zionist, Erdogan is a Zionist. Is there anyone that isn’t a Zionist in your Funhouse Universe?
you miss this hasbara ‘starlight’ objective , he want to potray everyone as zionist so the real zionist would be invisible ..
after all , his own govt killed innocent unarmed citizen in Gaza yet the whole world media do not condemn such brutal warcrimes …
Interestingly the RU expert on ME commenting on Chinese analysis of East Gouta op mentioned involvement of US and NATO special forces in East Gouta but failed short of mentioning Zionist entity.
“Both Russia and America have planned for limited conflict with each other that doesn’t automatically lead to the final escalation” Watch this video about 911 World Trade Center metaphor of NWO. There had been two towers North and South and after they both were destroyed out of their ashes on so called “Ground Zero” a new single tower has arisen.
If Putin just sits back it shows weakness to the psychopaths in DC!
When the Jews decided the genocide and make extinct the Philistines, they did so through manipulation. When the Jew’s decided the conquer Russia and instate a Jewish government, The Red Beast, and genocide 45,000,000 indigenous ethnic-Japetic Christians, they did so and the Russians were powerless to resist them. Then the Jew’s decided to make two World Wars against the indigenous central European tribal peoples, they did so and genocided ten’s of millions of them and leveled all of their cities. When the Jew’s decided to racially replace the indigenous inhabitants of Earths smallest micro continent (Europe) they have done so without consequence. Now that the Jew’s have decided it is time to wipe away all inhabitant of Yemen and Syria and soon Lebanon, they will be powerless to resist. And as Russia has picked the side of the Monotheist against the Zionist/Atheist, Jews will now commence revolution against in Russia, and wipe away the other half of the population, rest assured. Russia failed to heed the threat 200 years ago, and will now finish paying the price for opposing the coming Anti-Christ global polices.
The jew is powerless against the God Whom they hate, and Whom they killed. Their time will come; they will be brought forth and slaughtered before Him with Whom we have to do.
How does that make you feel?
Any link to this news? Dont seem to find it anywhere
VETERANS TODAY – Proof: Intel Drop, Trump, Bolton behind Syria chemical attacks, confirmed : https://bit.ly/2H6JpYN
good article, thanks
VT is heavily compromised by the baby rapers. I’m not saying that some of what they publish isn’t true. But I’d put it in the same category as Debka File, some truth mixed in with disinfo to get the disinfo out and to try to add credibility to lies. When I got kicked off of VT for truthing about the Jew baby rapers. Jim Dean wrote that 30% of VT staff and contributors are Jews.
i agree with you.
it’s just another of a large number of sites operating that way, in these latest years.
al-masdar is another one, they tend to put one “odd” piece every ten or so appearingly anti-zionist, pro-syrian articles.
Yes, I’ve noticed that too.
It’s clear we’re having another attack on Syria tonight. An other neocon move towards provoking Russia into WW3. Only tonight Russia taking down few dozen Tomahawks won’t be enough. US is escalating, Russia needs to respond in kind or fold and go home. Half assed response won’t cut it – it will only encourage the Evil Walrus and his Zio masters to go all the way. The minute US starts bombing Russia, Iran and his allies should start lobbing everything they have towards Israel…
“Evil Walrus”! :D
Syrian army finds terrorist chemical weapons factory in Douma:
Syrian army finds terrorist chemical weapons factory in Douma:
https://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2018/03/18/syrian-army-finds-for-plant-used-by-terrorists-to-manufacture-toxic-chemicals-in-al-shefounieh-town/ –
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KcOm6mm11M&feature=youtu.be Report by Tom Duggan of Damascus
It looks like not only could the terrorists make chemical weapons, they could make the delivery components also.
The israhelli zionist bitches will get what is coming to them if their puppet trump attacks Russian forces in Syria.As its clear as daylight that they are the main cause of all this mess in Syria and the Middle East in general,never mind the genocidal acts against the Palestinian people.They would be well advised to back off while they have the chance,or its goodbye israhell.
You nailed it. Bullseyes.
Iskander Missiles:
BUK-M3 air-defence system:
“Buk-M3 The 9K317M ‘Buk-M3’ (9K37M3) is the latest production version, based on new hardware.[88][89] It has 36 target channels and features advanced electronic components. Specifications include a maximum target speed of 3,000 m/s (11,000 km/h; 6,700 mph; Mach 8.8), an altitude range of 0.015–35 km (49–114,829 ft) and a distance range of 2.5–70 km (1.6–43.5 mi). Extensive trials began in 2015,[90] with the first deliveries planned for 2016.[91][92] (2 into 2016).[93] The probability of hitting a target with one missile is: aircraft – 0.95; tactical ballistic missile – 0.7; cruise missile – 0.8. It offers increased efficiency against electronic countermeasures and manoeuvring targets.[94] They are more compact, increasing the TELAR’s carrying capacity to six missiles.[95] The missile’s new HE-fragmentation warhead can more easily penetrate armor.[96] The complex is highly mobile and designed against air, ground and sea targets (e.g. destroyers).[97]
The missile reaches a speed of 1,550 m/s (5,600 km/h; 3,500 mph; Mach 4.6), and maneuvers by air rudders and reactive rudders.[98] The interval between shots is one second in any direction. Targeting is by commands or active homing, or in combination. Thermal radar works on any target at any time in any weather. Russian sources claim the system can destroy the MGM-140 ATACMS, though this has never been actually attempted.[99][100]
Radar, guidance and target detection operates at a range of ±60° 9S36. A target at an altitude of 7–10 m can be detected at a distance of up to 35 km, targets like the AGM-158A “JASSM” at an altitude of 20 m, and RCS over 0.1 m² at a distance of 17–18 km.[101] The radar sees targets at an altitude of 5 meters and in practical shooting, the system demonstrated its ability to destroy anti-ship missiles flying at that altitude.”
– Buk missile system –
No way, dude. I’ve never seen such BUK in real life.
According to IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly 27 October 2016:
– Buk-M3 SAM enters Russian service –
Yeah, dude. First time i see it. Thanks for the info. U r true.
Comes the BIG HOUR of ruskiefans. Russian weapons eliminate whole NATO. :)))
Here comes a small brained reptile, to give us some bullshito combat techniques lessons from the USA.
We’ll see what happens this coming week, but there could be a major bellic escalation and nobody knows how it will develop.