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Russian Forces Expand Their Patrols In Northern Aleppo

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Russian Forces Expand Their Patrols In Northern Aleppo

FILE IMAGE: Russian Military Police service members are in Syria

The Russian Military Police expanded its patrols in the area located south of the Turkish-occupied Afrin on October 6, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The London-based monitoring group reported that the patrols moved between the city of Tell Rifaat and the district of Shirawa in southern Afrin.

“There is still not information on why the Russians have intensified their patrols there,” the SOHR’s report reads.

The area, in which the Russian patrols took place, is controlled by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Several units of the Russian Military Police were deployed in the area a few years ago.

The Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) and several other Kurdish guerrilla groups launch attacks on Turkish forces from the YPG-SAA area on a regular basis.

While the reason behind these patrols are yet ot be revealed, Russian forces may be attempting to de-escalate tensions in the region. Few days ago, the ALF attacked Turkish military posts in a nearby area with guided missiles.

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Icarus Tanović

Now we are talking.


I really do not know what to think about Russia in Idlib area.


See RT. US is giving Turks green light

klove and light


Zionist plan allllll along………

who is more difficult to fight???

some kurdish Punks with no airforce, no army no Nothing (see afrin the greaattttt kurdish battle-sarcasm off) or TURKEY, a NATO member, with an army with airforce with tanks etc….

Putin is a Zionist pig!!!


Go away.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad was thinking the same thing just a few weeks ago, then he finally realized the terrible truth. And now he’s done the one thing no one ever expected him to do, accepted a new amended UN resolution in preference to the old Russian, Iranian, and Turkish version of it. I would have thought this new development would be what !!ALL!! the readers of SF were posting/talking about, but not a peep from anyone. Assad’s turned to the enemy for help, that should’ve been a WTF moment.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“While the reason behind these patrols are yet to be revealed, Russian forces may be attempting to de-escalate tensions in the region”.

LOL, Good luck with that, trying to keep the ALF and the Turks apart will be no easy job, all they want to do is kill each other, I wouldn’t be getting between the two of them.


I guess Russia is looking to clear the entire area (Idlib and or syria) of intruding forces and that is something that doesn’t happen by itself and while the various forces struggle in their endeavours you bet that russia is the force to be reckoned with and it ain’t struggling in its endeavours – so the occupying forces need to get their priorities right and if they don’t russia will set them right for them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If Russia’s intentions were “to clear the entire area (Idlib and or syria) of intruding forces”, why the hell did Putin enforce a ceasefire on the SAA and stop them kicking the Turks and their mates out, the SAA was literally only weeks away from a total victory in Idlib before that damned ceasefire. And why the hell did Assad just accept this new UN deal just 2 weeks after last ceasefire, Assad’s always considered the UN his mortal enemies, but he just accepted a deal from them the first time they made it, and that’s after 4 years of knocking back the Russian/Iranian/Turkish version of the old deal, and he says the reason he accepted the new deal over the old one was, the old one gave the Turks too much political say in Syria’s future, but the new UN deal doesn’t. If you changed your statement to “Russia is looking to clear the entire area (Idlib and or syria) of intruding forces”- except for Turkish and Iranian forces. I would’ve agreed, but I have to strongly disagree with your original comment, and in fact think the exact opposite is the truth, and I’ve come to that conclusion because that’s what Assad himself says. SANA news has all Assad’s and his ministers statements concerning the reasons for accepting the new amended UN resolution in preference to the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish version of it, and also read what he’s said every time the Turks/Iranians/Russians have issued their latest 3 Astana agreements, trying to force Assad to comply to the old resolution the Russian/Iranian/Turkish wanted him to comply to. People call me a troll for saying this but it’s actually the truth now, THE UN IS DOING MORE TO HELP ASSAD RETAIN SYRIA’S TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY THAN THE RUSSIANS OR IRANIANS ARE DOING NOW. The US controlled area is a different matter entirely, but Idlib and Aleppo should’ve already been back in Assad’s hands by now, and the only thing that’s been stopping that from happening, is all the Astana agreement issued since June last year, trying to force Assad into accepting the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish version of resolution 2254. Sorry to disagree with you, but since Assad seems to disagree with you too, I’m afraid I’ll have to as well, after all he’s the real expert on what is or isn’t good for Syria, and he has all the facts.


blablabla and at the end of the day, syria will be free of intruders and exactly why or what russia did or did not do for whatever reason will never be clear but since the end result is what counts you should maybe wait and see what the outcome is.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It may not be clear to you, but it’s clear to Assad, and it’s clear to me too, Putin’s been helping Erdogan and hindering the SAA, he’s also been trying to give Erdogan and his cronies a huge say in Syria’s political future too. Assad’s been pissing on the Russian resolution for 4 years now but accepts the new better UN deal immediately, and also tells you the reasons he accepted it and the reasons he didn’t accept the old Russian one, and all you say is blablabla, LOL, even when someone like Assad tells you the truth you refuse to accept it. I’ve been saying it since June last year on SF comments, and I got called a liar and a troll for my observations, and I can nearly understand that, but now that Assad’s actually saying it too, people are also refusing to believe him as well, you wouldn’t recognize the truth if it fell on you buddy, propaganda is all you seem capable of understanding.


blablabla however much you write it still doesn’t capture the essence of what is happening in syria, it still doesn’t get to the inner layer of developments and you’re still stuck in the details rather than the long term intentions of the parties involved. you gotta work hard to get the picture, but as I said before – ever tried, ever failed – try again. fail again and fail better – and you’re on the way to an enlightenment which might just end the myopia you obviously suffer from!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia and Iran’s long term intention towards Syria are the only things that concern me.

“I guess Russia is looking to clear the entire area (Idlib and or syria) of intruding forces and that is something that doesn’t happen by itself”.

But Putin’s ceasefire just stopped the SAA from doing what you say the Russians want to do – “clear the entire area (Idlib and or syria) of intruding forces” -, you do realize the SAA can’t do that with a ceasefire in place, they can only come to a political resolution.

Have you ever read resolution 2254, it lays out the long term intentions of Russia, Iran and Turkey, they’ve already enlightened me and everyone else who bothered to read what they said, and they’ve also been saying it at every Astana meeting since June last year too [that’s if you bother to read them], so we all know what the long term intentions of those 3 parties are concerning Syria, but we never get to hear what Assad’s long term intentions are, because they won’t even let him have a representative at those Astana meetings, you know the ones where the Russian’s, Iranians and the Turks get to decide Syria’s future with no input from Assad. I think it’s you that needs to be enlightened to what Russia, Iran, and Turkey’s long term intentions for Syria are, just google search resolution 2254 2015, that explains their long term intentions better than I can, and when you finish that you can search for the last 3 Astana agreements, see what they also have to say about Russia, Iran, and Turkey’s long term intentions for Syria and Assad. Resolution 2254 is the most enlightening article that exists about Syria, and if you haven’t read the old unamended version, you can’t possibly understand anything about Russia, Iran, and Turkey’s long term intentions for Syria. But Assad read it very carefully, and he understood what Russia, Iran, and Turkey’s long term intentions for Syria were, and he didn’t like them one little bit, and that’s why he switched to a new better deal from the UN. This is what the Syrian government says about the reason they switched,


Do you understand what the Syrian government is saying here, they’re saying they’ve done everything they can to comply to resolution 2254 and the Asatana agreements, but the Turks don’t, they just do whatever they feel like doing, and the Russian and Iranians don’t do a thing about it, so he’s jumped ship and hopped on a better boat now.

“The Syrian government has engaged in the political initiatives aimed at solving the situation in Idlib, giving them more than enough time to be implemented. We have welcomed the memorandum creating the de-escalation zones and the Sochi Agreement on Idlib, hoping that such steps would complement efforts to eliminate Al-Nusra Front and ISIL remnants and other terrorist groups operating in Idlib, with the lowest possible loss of civilian lives. We have also announced more than once the suspension of military operations. Meanwhile, in the interim, the Turkish Regime has failed to fulfill its commitments under these agreements. Instead, it has provided terrorists with all forms of support, including weapons that are more sophisticated. Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front has taken control of 90% of Idlib, and the Turkish observation points established inside Syria have been used to support these terrorists and block the advances of the Syrian army in its war against them”.

I’m myopic am I, at least I’m well read and in good company, because Assad must be myopic as well, he didn’t think the Russian and Iranians were going to help him get rid of the Turks and their murderous henchmen, that’s why he’s refuse their deal and accepted the new better UN deal, or do you have another enlightened reason as to why he would have done that.


What new UN deal are you talking about?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s a link in this article to the actual document itself if you want to read it, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_2254

But Assad has refused to abide by this resolution for 4 years despite the fact the Iranians and Russians are both his allies, but about 3 weeks ago the UN sent an envoy to see Assad and asked him if he would like to make a new deal with them, and he accepted. Now the UN are in the process of amending [changing some details] the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution too better suit Assad. https://dppa.un.org/en/security-council-briefing-situation-syria-special-envoy-geir-o-pedersen

Here’s one article from SANA concerning the changes but there’s are a lot more to read. https://sana.sy/en/?p=174485

This part of the article is especially revealing, it refers to the old resolution and the Astana process being used to accommodate Turkish interests, despite the fact the Syrians were keeping their side of the bargain.

“The Syrian government has engaged in the political initiatives aimed at solving the situation in Idlib, giving them more than enough time to be implemented. We have welcomed the memorandum creating the de-escalation zones and the Sochi Agreement on Idlib, hoping that such steps would complement efforts to eliminate Al-Nusra Front and ISIL remnants and other terrorist groups operating in Idlib, with the lowest possible loss of civilian lives. We have also announced more than once the suspension of military operations. Meanwhile, in the interim, the Turkish Regime has failed to fulfill its commitments under these agreements. Instead, it has provided terrorists with all forms of support, including weapons that are more sophisticated. Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Nusra Front has taken control of 90% of Idlib, and the Turkish observation points established inside Syria have been used to support these terrorists and block the advances of the Syrian army in its war against them”.


Now the UN are in the process of amending [changing some details] the old Russian/Iranian/Turkish resolution too better suit Assad.

So, what’s wrong with that?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sadly for Assad neither the old or the new resolution are good at all, in fact they’re both bad for Syrian and especially Assad himself, he’s just choosing the least damaging of the two which is the new UN amended version. You should read what the whole resolution entails for Syria, the new amendments only make it about 5% better now so it’s no real improvement at all, but at least according to the new amendment to be included, the Turks won’t get any say whatsoever in the makeup of the new constitutional committee, which is the main reason I think Assad’s decided to accept the new deal.

klove and light

US Forces retreating from n.e. syria Zionist plan allllll along………

who is more difficult to fight???

some kurdish Punks with no airforce, no army no Nothing (see afrin the greaattttt kurdish battle-sarcasm off) or TURKEY, a NATO member, with an army with airforce with tanks etc….

Putin is a Zionist pig!!!

YOU ALL here at SF JUST got made…….. by them satanic Zionist jew pigs!!!!

you stupid degenerate PUTIN cock suckers!!!!!!!

Putin is a Zionist pig u morons!!!!!

klove and light


“Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey by telephone. Turkey will soon be moving forward with its long-planned operation into Northern Syria. The United States Armed Forces will not support or be involved in the operation, and United States forces, having defeated the ISIS territorial ‘Caliphate,’ will no longer be in the immediate area,” the White House statement says.

klove and light

stupid idiots…Putin cock suckers Putin is a Zionist pig , just like the other Leaders…u morons


you Dummies just got made by them satanic Zionist jew pigs…idiots!!!!

you Folks wanna trust grown up men that smile and giggle when they shake Hands and hug with them satanic jew pigs????? Putin and bib trump and bibi Putin and bin-Salman trump and bin-Salman?????

you Dummies!!!!

ps. any human with an IQ of 29 knows that -911 was a Government Operation and nuclear devices brought down wc1 and 2 and Building 7. All Russia/Putin needed to do, is blow the whistle on the truth and end of US Story as we know it with possible civil war. But as all Zionist jew controlled prick Nation Leaders he Plays ball.Because he is part of the satanic Zionist jew Agenda!!!!!


klove and light

Pleading for protection against a looming Turkish cross-border invasion and ‘occupation,’ protesters in the predominantly Kurdish Syrian border region marched towards a military base that is occupied by US-led forces. “Down with Erdogan, down with the occupation!” chanted protesters as they marched several kilometers from the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ayn in Hasakah governorate to hand over their petition seeking protection from a seemingly imminent Turkish incursion. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/22bcdb3c4d7963dae9badbc420de0bb9672511a5667ce7df0295c668997d5fea.png

klove and light

zionist satanic plan allllll along…..

i tried to tell u Monkeys here for 2 years………..

smart assess!!!!!

satanic Zionist Putin cock suckers


Go away idiot.


Implosion of the SDF incoming in 3…2…1. As soon as the pressure is put on the SDF in the north the occupied Arab parts will switch to team Assad.

klove and light

new News for the smart asses Zionist satanic idiot Lovers

“The United States will not hold them for what could be many years and great cost to the United States taxpayer,” the statement read. “Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the territorial “Caliphate” by the United States.”

just think for 1 fucking second….

so the USA will give ALL ISIS captives to the turkish army!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOOLOL

and on the other side, Putin is stopping any Advance of SAA in Idlib through his satanic Zionist Agreements with Turkey..lolololololololollolololol


stupid degenerate idiots…..exactly what satanic jews are Looking for.



and klove and light is a retarded shill from tel aviv huffing and puffing so he should be ignored – just like the other tel aviv troll zionism = evil should be ignored.


What no solomon kupek, no I mean toronto tonto or what ever that Israeli idiot names himself on the comments.

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