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Russian Forces Intercepted Militants’ UAVs Over Their Khmeimim Air Base In Syria (Videos)

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UPDATE: The Russian Defense Ministry released a statement confirming the incident and saying that “all air targets” were destroyed.

Early on July 1, Russsian forces repelled another attack by militants’ UAVs on their Khmeimim Air Base in the Syrian province of Latakia.

It is unknwon how many UAVs were involved in the attack. However, at least 1 UAV was intercepted according to videos appeared online.

Such UAV attacks are often launched from the militant-held areas in northern Latakia and southern Idlib.

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Wise Gandalf

Did you wrote with white letters?


Did you remember to open your eyes before reading ?


Once southern Syria has been cleared of pests, they can concentrate on clearing out the cockroaches up north.


It would be much better to reconcile with Kurds. Turks might easily switch alliances and go with US-NATO so it is wiser to keep acceptable relations with Kurds Because common enemy might be after all only Turkey and their Jihad stooges. So Kurds hating Turks might help lot in that fight

Promitheas Apollonious

Kurds can not be trusted they been lap tops of the zionists, for centuries now, hard to break the habit of the whores, who change their price according to the size.

Turkey is controlled by Russia in many ways and is russia`s job, who bring them in, to make turkey go back behind her borders and not Syrians. And if turks are a bit more intelligent, than I give them credit, then is best for their survival, not to cross Russia.


The problem with your logic is that you have answer only if Turks respect agreement. My point is still what if they do not? What if Turks betray Astana agreements with Russia and Iran? Once they agree with US and are back in good relations with the NATO their is so little that Russia really can do against them. So I do not agree with you that “Turkey is controlled by Russia”. Well they can advise Russian tourist not to go to Turkey and block Turkey exports. NOTHING ELSE (even that is not sure). because Turkey Stream gas pipeline is going over Turkish territory. So you by far overestimate Russian “control” In that case it would be good that Assad has some options with (despicable ) Kurds who are true Turkish enemy. SAA and Kurds would be able to kick out Turks (US-NATO military bases) and that would bring some unity to Syria also.

Promitheas Apollonious

from the answer you giving me are many factors as to what Russia can do to turkey now is under full attack by the western economy, in order to do what UK/Usrael dictate to them, and become their lap dog meaning the end of ertogan, or stick with what she agree to do and be part of eurasia. That is the choice ertogan, that controls turkey, has as choices.

And I am not focusing in turkey but the players who turkey happen to be one of them in the area and she accepted a role to play, on behalf of russia. It is a lot in your answer you not taking into consideration and you kind of see things one way.


” It is a lot in your answer you not taking into consideration” Just like you in yours comments trying to prove that Turkey doesn’t have choice. If Erdogan finds agreement with US they will guarantee his safety. Should he trust them…. that’s another story. But our argument is not which choice is better for Turkey but “WHAT IF” Turkey decides not to follow agreement with Russia. If I didn’t write all aspects of the problem it is more because I don’t want to write a book, than that is because I am not aware of them. There is always negative and positive side in all choices. And Turkey is on crossroads between West and East in their choice. But the question is still unanswered – What if Turkey doesn’t go along with Russia? I do not agree with you that Russia can easily take care of that problem Any serious statesmen and country must have all answers on all situations. I hope Russia has good one if Turkey decides something negative for Russia.


I wasn’t referring to the Kurds, I was referring to the Americans, who cause trouble within populations. The Kurd Arab thing is just like the Serb Croat etc thing the US did in Yugoslavia. The Americans are very good at promoting animosity between different groups.


OK.. Kurd – Arab is ethnic problem while Serb – Croat is religious problem (like Huguenot and Catholics wars in France or Protestant and Catholics Dutch wars in 17 century ) Not only Americans are very good at promoting animosity, but that would go too much of topic.


destroy idliebistan!! point!

Promitheas Apollonious

one task, at the time.

Wise Gandalf

Today will be a battle of civilisations: Russia – Spain

Tudor Miron

Its just a football game, Solomon.

Wise Gandalf

For you never. After your 1st goal your player made salute and began to sing soyuz nerushimij…

Tudor Miron

I know that you do love our national anthem. Yes, it’s powerful and makes one proud of its Motherland.


Indeed , and the better civilization won.

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