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MARCH 2025

UPDATED: Russian Forces Launched Offensive To Create Avdeevka Cauldron (Videos 18+, Map Update)

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UPDATED: Russian Forces Launched Offensive To Create Avdeevka Cauldron (Videos 18+, Map Update)

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After  Kiev’s counter offensive failed, Russian forces regained military initiative and launched attacks in almost all directions. One of them is the industrial town of Avdeevka, which turned into a fortified stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) during the years-long war in the Donbass.

On the morning of October 10, Russian artillery and aviation launched massive strikes on the AFU positions in Avdeevka and the region. Ukrainian strongholds in Avdeevka, Ocheretino, Umanskoe, Netailovo and other settlements came under fire. Russian warcraft launched strikes on the shelters and firing points of the AFU on the territory of the Yuzhnodonbasskaya No. 3 mine with the use of aerial bombs and X-38ML missiles.

The local Avdeevka coke plant, which is used as a military base by the Ukrainian military, again came under fire. The facility is pounded by the Russian Aerospace Forces almost on a daily basis. LINK, LINK This time the facility was targeted by KAB-1500LG adjustable bombs.





Ukrainian servicemen filmed destructions in Avdeevka:



After the heavy fire on Ukrainian military positions, Russian troops launched assaults in various directions likely seeking to take Avdeevka into the cauldron.

North-west of Avdeevka, Russian forces advanced across the railway line and reached the outskirts of the town of Berdychi. Control of the settlement will allow the Russian military to cut one of the main supply road of the AFU in Avdeevka.

In their turn, Ukrainian military sources claimed that the AFU had suffered heavy losses in the area of Ocheretino, where the railway station was destroyed by Russian strikes.

UPDATED: Russian Forces Launched Offensive To Create Avdeevka Cauldron (Videos 18+, Map Update)

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To the south, Russian forces are pushing the AFU out of their positions near Opytnoe. Several weeks ago Ukrainian groups failed to enter the village and were repelled. As a result, Russian forces have already advanced in fields nearby and they continue their assault. Fighting also resumed in the area of Vodyanoe.

Ukrainian servicemen are fleeing from their positions:





The stronghold of the AFU in Avdiivka is considered to be one of the most powerful fortifications in the Donbass. The massive strikes and fire destruction of concrete fortifications is necessary before any ground operations in the area. The Russian military is also forced to surround the town on the outskirts of Donetsk in order to avoid heavy losses in direct attacks.

Destruction of the AFU in Avdeevka is necessary to secure civilians in the Donetsk city agglomeration, since Ukrainian Nazis have been constantly shelling people in Donetsk and villages nearby, killing people on a daily basis during all years of war.


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i hope that this time will finally be the right one and will end the chapter of this fortress at the gates of donetsk

Crimea is 100% Liberated

with all these modern rockets, artillery, tanks, aircraft and recon, this sore of a town along with marinka should have been captured in first days of russian intervention just like schastia was in lugansk another well known stronghold town


in the beginning there was still hope and will to fight. now the troops are demoralized and more willing to surrender. remember the germans had to storm sebastopol twice at enormous cost of lives. russians will not play that game.

Soros iza losa.

you may be into mass killings,but in the end truth will be the better judge of judgment,regardless.


how many inches did they advanced today?

Joseph Day

what round of mobilisation is ukraine on now?


10th, i think..they are mobilizing alzheimers patients now and giving them colonels rank.


how much cannon fodder can the west still deliver? there are daily reports on western msm about thousands of ukrainian people who flee the country amid the forced mobilisation and certain death. klitchko has honestly confirmed on german tv , he will never go to the front to fight , he will only organize the new cannon fodder. ergo : the days of the kiever junta are numbered. without further western support there would be negotiations and peace within a week.


yes the chabad lubavitch jews and putin together with netanjahu are played an evil game. first they organized direct treason. netanjahu lowered all security and let the hamas fighter in on full purpose (not false flag but lihop). then hyping the number of dead israelis by the factor 10 (knowing very well that hamas would not correct it down in order not to lower the own fame)

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

result is a new m-east war which can be handled & balanced by hezbollah, iran, syria & falestine resistance movements. but russia by this also cheated on iran, as iran will now be in the focus of usa and israel even more. but the direct results of the current situation is a cure and relaxing for russia. because usa & eu now forced to send weapons to israel instead of ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

and gas and oil prices skyrocketing – giving putin much higher income from crude and gas selling. and netanjahu has now free hand to bomb and massacre the shit out of pali-civilians without having any restrictions. a wet dream coming true for this hook-nosed bastard !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

please all of you check this out:


Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Soros iza losa.

waste of time,time wasting p00fta!

Soros iza losa.

lied again gimp,you lose ,loser bum got no hope here on in,good! =z=

Soros iza losa.

fullovit,obviously your a coksuker paid by soros,iq ye shoesize,fekn liar

Soros iza losa.

bugger off ye dumb soros punk,your logic only pertains to covid profits for your woke earnings,either way you cannot mix muslims with westy homosexuals in russia nor the middle east (period)


24 inches..thats 3 inches farther than the ukrainians advanced in zapharozia from july to october.


how much money have you sent elensky? rhetorical question, he needs more so drop your pants, you need to get your ass to work.


exactly, russia hyping 4 inches advance, bought with horrific losses in material and personal, see here: http://rlu.ru/3antr

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Soros iza losa.

loser your a loser and a bum with no hope in your future to help anything,pfft!

Soros iza losa.

regardless,12 fold more than your kweer brigades,gimp.

Gin E Midbitta

lol anime weeb loser


daca ajunge totul moloz nici mustele nu mai au unde sa se ascunda. de la bucurești pare un nou mariopol


risky move nato supplies and equipment are ging to be arriving. russian aerospace forces lose the benefits of strtegic depth. putin might think the israel/palestine flare up has drawn away attention and resources. pushing ukraine back to the dniper might be good but i expect a real nato offensive sooner or later.


arriving where? ukraine or israhell? there is not enough


nato attack = lmfao = doomsday of nato


podľa toho čo vidieť na tej mape tak ruské vojská sa pripravujú na obkľúčenie daného mesta. banderovským fašistickým sviniam začala zvoniť hrana!!! dúfam, že ich teraz už nevymenia ako to urobili minule.

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