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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Repel Another Drone Attack On Their Khmeimim Airbase In Syria – Reports

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Russian Forces Repel Another Drone Attack On Their Khmeimim Airbase In Syria - Reports

Illustrative image: Russian Defense Ministry

Russian forces have reportedly repelled a drone attack by militants on their Khmeimim airbase in Syria.

According to local pro-government sources, last night militants attempted to use an unnknown number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to drop munitions at Russian aircraft deployed in the area. However, these UAVs were shot down by Russian Pantsir-S1 systems.

Militant attacks on the Khmeimim airbase are aimed at drowning the Russian attention from the ongoing battle for Eastern Ghouta where the country’s military advisers play an important role in evacuating civilians and assisting government forces.

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andy l

These militant rats & their cheap crappy toys

Nigel Maund

The CIA – US Deep State will be behind this somewhere! You can count on it!

Art Best

Putin was going to save the world by backing the Russian rouble with gold and nationalizing the Russian central bank and throwing out the money changers.

And what happened as the years passed and we only got older?


Putin is still selling Russian oil for petrodollars as American bombs, planes and rockets shoot and kill Syrian allies and Russian soldiers and Russian generals.

Putin is selling S-400s to NATO(!) via NATO member Turkey which jeopardizes Russian national security.

Putin is selling S-400s to Wahhabi Saudi muslim terrorists who rape, torture and murder Christians and other muslims who disagree with them.

Putin is allowing the Americans and the Israelis to conquer much of Syria and Iraq and to kill Russian soldiers and generals with impunity.

NATO fighter jets attack and kill hundreds of Syrians and Russians at will. Russians never protect even their own servicemen and Syrian allies and they never retaliate against the airbases American and Jewish planes take off from to conduct their bombing raids.

Russians allowed Jews (Bolsheviks) to kill them by the millions.

It’s not over.



This is one side of the story. Putin is in power from 2000. Just look progress. You can’t change situation at once. At this moment its not that good but it’s much better than in 2000. Lets see how is gonna be in 18 years.

Art Best

The crypto-zionist oligarchs are still in power, Putin takes his marching orders from the chief rabbi of Russia (and Netanyahu), Putin allows Americans to bomb and kill dozens of Russians, Putin enables the Jews to down Russian planes killing dozens of Russian pilots, Putin permits anglozionist bankers from the City Of London to own and control the Russian central bank, the ruble and the Russian economy.

Russians are not better off today than they were under the Soviet regime.

After 18 years have passed…

And you have the gall to call this progress.


Not Jews, zionists – how many more times?

Art Best

No, all Jews are zionists. What makes a Jew, a Jew, is his religion, and that means the Talmud which rabbis themselves admit supersedes the Torah and is the final authority.

The Talmud sanctions sex with 3-year old girls; the boiling of Jesus Christ in semen and excrement; the killing with impunity of goyim (non-Jews), among other niceties: http://antimatrix.org/Convert/Books/Talmud/dilling/dcontents.html

The Turkish government that committed the genocide of the first Christian nation of the world, were almost all Jews! Talat Pasha the Jew was the HEAD of the Freemasons of the entire Middle East as well.


Oh dear, yet another person who can’t see the difference between talk and walk. Zionism is a secular, fascist antisemite ideology; you can be a ziofascist of a Jew but not both at the same time. The Big Lie of the zionist occupation is that there’s something Jewish about it.

Art Best

Do you know of any Jews who are categorically against Israel? I mean, not just half-heartedly or disingenuously feign to criticize Israel, but plainly reject Israel’s legitimacy?

(And don’t give me those few orthodox types who claim that Jews ought to enter Israel only when led there by God’s messiah. What the hell are they doing there NOW, then?)


The problem is not just the zionistas. The problem is the Jews.

Read your Talmud (Raping 3-year-old girls, boiling Jesus Christ in semen, enslaving and killing non-Jews with impunity, etc.)



All Jews are antizionist, it’s in the nature of Judaism; please don’t be taken in by zionist propaganda and US opportunism.

Art Best

What makes a Jew, a Jew, is the Talmud.

The Talmud is the supreme Jewish authority.

The Talmud instructs all Jews TO LIE to non-Jews. –Baba Kamma 113a

Again, from the Talmud:

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything with a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Are you not a Jew, dear sir?

Why should I believe anything you say for you have already lied to me.


You are Zionist from terrorist state of Israel. You cannot change the mind of some one by propaganda.

Art Best

Jewish troll.


Jew is better than Zionists because Zionist have no faith but Jew has faith. That is why Zionists are butchers of small kids and do all wrong things from which God have prohibited us.

Art Best

Read the Talmud.

It explains how you can rape 3-year old girls, boil Jesus in semen and kill human beings with impunity if they’re not Jewish.



Jews are against Zionists and demand to Israel and to the whole world that the state of Israel is illegal and should be dismantled. According to the Holly book of Tora Jews are not allowed to have their own state until Messiah come back to the world. Jews are prohibited to goto Palestine. Those that occupy the land of Palestine are not Jews. They are 70% nonreligious moved from Europe under conspiracy theory to control whole Middle East as they have sent ISIS.

Art Best


But it’s a fact that ALL Jews, zionist or otherwise:

Rape three-year old girls and make an institution out of this perversity in their religion via their holiest book the Talmud: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Judaism/talmud_child_sex.htm


“A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her, she becomes his.”

–Sanhedrin 69a-69b

“When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye…I.e, tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years. Cf. Nid. 45a”

–Kethuboth 11b


Jews also HATE non-Jews as filthy animals whom they can rape and kill with impunity, according to the Talmud:



Jews also enjoy the thought of torturing to death Jesus Christ by boiling Him in excrement and semen after stoning and crucifying Him:



What do you have to say about that, non-Zionist Jew?


What you are talking about that is not allowed in any religion. Read the ten commandments and then argue.

Art Best

The Talmud is the supreme holy book of the Jewish religion. The Talmud comments on the Torah and is more authoritative than the Torah. Ask any rabbi: according to the Jews, even God himself consults the Talmud when He’s not sure about something.

Excerpts from the Talmud:

“A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her, she becomes his.”

–Sanhedrin 69a-69b

“When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye…I.e, tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years. Cf. Nid. 45a”

–Kethuboth 11b

Here’s what Jews say about Jesus Christ in the Talmud: http://fgcp.org/content/what-talmud-says-about-death-jesus-christ


I don’t know what kind of evil books you are reading, that will burst your brain don’t read that. In all religious books same is written that God is one, don’t kill, don’t covet, don’t rape and don’t do adultery etc etc.


Before any argument please read the ten commandments. What are you saying that is not allowed in any religion.

andy l

If this is the case how do you explain Russian actions in Syria aiding Assad to thwart the zionist plans for regime change & chaos. Putin doesnt seem to be following zio orders does he although you are correct on the central bank

Art Best

Putin is carving up Syria in collaboration with the Turks, the Americans and the Jews, and you call that a good thing?

They could have done it without killing half a million human beings, too, the sadistic perverts.


So long will not live the godfather. Russians always had problem to find good leaders.


Are you serious? Why you always post things opposites?

Western leaders from UK to US cannot even smell Putin’s,or President Xi of China .

Really no standards and proven failed in about every endeavour


Putin is agent. And this fact is reflected on all his steps. He was not able to elevate russian industry, eliminate corruption. And he will not do anymore.

But i did not think on Putin in my comment. Problem is, who will come? Look, who was (longer) in Kremlin after Stalin? Monkey khrushchev, corrupt and drunken Brezhnev, traitor Gorbachev, drunken and traitor Yeltsin. Also medvedev is grey guy, but just now there is no similar caliber in horizont.

John Whitehot

he had to reverse the sad situation that his treasonous predecessor, who was forced to Russia by US meddling, in a plan to destroy the state and sell it to zionists for two cents.

know what, when i read your kind whining about “how bad” Putin is doing, I rejoice imagining you jealous, butthurt, crying jewnazi scum beating their feet on the ground because they failed to enslave Russia and consequentially, the rest of the world.

The whole future humanity – free of zionism – laughs of you.

Art Best

This hasbara troll is praising Putin who is a zionist puppet and he claims that he’s an anti Zionist?

Typical Jewish deviousness.

John Whitehot

sitz !

stay put bot.

didn’t your master tell you it’s dangerous to reply? you risk deactivation.

Art Best

No boss, you didn’t tell me that before? Only now.

Please don’t deactivate me. I just put in new batteries.

Art Best

How sad that 140 million Russian cannot produce even a few patriots and put them in their leadership.

Russians still in love with the Jews even after the Jews (Bolsheviks) killed millions of Russians.


Art Best is slowly exposing himself that he is Zionist European migrant in Israel.


I think he has done it very quickly Rob :)

Art Best

I’m making anti-Jewish but NOT antisemite statements and you’re calling me a Jew?



Putin is selling S-400s to NATO(!) via NATO member Turkey which jeopardizes Russian national security.

RUssians sell export version, which is alwys dumb version. On the other hand, S-400 in Turkey is able to gather sensitive NATO data.

All other your ideas are right.

Art Best

The situation is very bad. Real Russian patriots must take over and arrest Putin for being accessory to the murder of hundreds of Russians, including dozens of pilots which is a huge loss for Russia. It’s hard to find pilot candidates and very expensive to train them. Putin is a zionist traitor.


You are Zionist from terrorist state of Israel. You cannot change the mind of some one by propaganda. Fo

Art Best

Jewish troll.

Tudor Miron

Wow! Real Russian patriots? Who might that be?

Art Best

Seems like you Jews exterminated the Russian patriots just like you exterminated the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

(Jewish troll alert.)

Mo Richard

Thanks for enlightening him. You saved me much effort. I just want to add that RUSSIA has later versions of ADS :S500. Why hesitate to collect some pétrodollars?

Art Best

Selling real and valuable Russian oil for ILLEGAL (according to Article 1, Section 10 of the American Constitution) and worthless petrodollars which the American enemy can print out of thin air, only amounts to aiding and abetting the zionist Jewish American enemy.

Therefore Putin is a traitor to Mother Russia.

The Russian government is SUBSIDIZING the American government which wants to destroy it!

Even the Soviet government was stupid and treasonous enough to sell Russian oil for American dollars.

Even after the Jews (i.e., the Bolsheviks) murdered millions of Russians.

Something really perverted about the Russian soul.


You are not so smart as much world is. Some people pray with care due to past experience and some pray with risk/no care.

Art Best

Yes, I’m not “smart” enough to understand what you’re talking about here.

Concrete Mike

Yeah I’m glad Putin is boss, he understands these petty attacks are nothing but mosquito bites in Syria. He was selling in petro dollar for a longtime you know why? Because oil was like 100$ a barrel you dumb cunt, of course he will sell in dollars if he is taking Europe to the cleaners.

Turkey is Turkey…take what you can. They didn’t sell shit to the Saudis yet, besides they are toast anyways. What will s400 do against sandal wearing Yemenites? Fuck all.

You fake nationalists are really starting to bug me, do you realize that these insignificant attacks, with the exception of Thurdah mountain, don’t change a damn thing and is only a cheap trick to escalate to start ww3 which the west is trying to start because we are drowning in debt.

And then you have the audacity to say Putin is weak, when in reality it takes immense strength to not say…”ahh fuck it send kalibrs to that airbase in Qatar “.

I say it’s you that is weak, you are advocating for more war more violence. You are pushing an agenda that is favourable to the enemy of humanity.

When you do things right, it seems like you haven’t done anything at all

Art Best

Jewish troll,

$100 or $1000 a barrel, doesn’t matter. The dollar is illegal and worthless. By accepting it as payment, you are allowing the Jews and the Americans to print money out of thin air and FINANCE tanks, planes and armies to fight Russia FOR FREE! They print dollars for free.


Legitimate self defense is legal and no cause to start wars. Putin doesn’t have to lob missiles into Qatar either (though he could in all legality). All Putin has to do is to shoot down the American planes attacking Russian personnel INSIDE Syrian airspace.

Which Putin doesn’t do, not because he’s weak but because he takes his orders from you Jews.

Jewish troll.

John Whitehot


calling others what you are IS what JEWISH TROLLS do.

Art Best

I’m making anti-Jewish (NOT antisemite) statements and you’re calling me a Jew?


John Whitehot

you are making anti-Russian, anti-Putin statements and in itself it’s enough for me to know you’re a zionist.

“whine whine, you can’t accept other people’s opinions”.

not when they are the cheapest propaganda tools of the zioclique.

Art Best

Please don’t hurt me boss. Erase my posts instead.

Concrete Mike

Lemme do the jew test here…nah i still a forskin on my weiner sorry not a jew.

Also your putting cart ahead of horse but you fake nationalists do that anyways.

And its well documented of kalibr strikes om “operations rooms” full of westerners. Putin does retaliate he just doeant advertise it, thats your weak ass game not ours.

Keep calling me a troll, when your too stulid to umderstand the game being played here. I get it, I dont want my family to live in a nuclear hellhole. You seem to want that, poor lonely miaerable fool.

Art Best

Look up the meaning of ‘ad hominem,’ Jewish troll.

Concrete Mike

Look up go fuckyourself identity politcs cheap shot shit disturber puddle of smegma


Cry me a river.

Art Best

Jewish troll.


I beg your pardon? What? You are talking about yourself, of course. Don’t worry. It is so obvious. We can see that, no need of confession.

Tudor Miron

Nothing new here – old zio trick of accusing others of their own zio crimes. This particular one (art best) is especially dumb.

Art Best

I’m making anti-Jewish (NOT antisemite) statements based on facts and you’re calling me a Jew?


Tudor Miron

Where did I call you a jew? You are what you are – a zio troll aiming to undermine support that Russian president has earned for what he has done and keeps on doing. Pushing zio agenda doesn’t necessary mean that you’re Jew – there are many non Jews that work for anglo-zio world order. Some do it because they are simply dumb and ignorant but majority is doing it out of greed resulting from very low awareness level. Which kind are you?

Art Best


As they say in America — all Jews are Americans and all Americans are Jews.


Is there ONE Jew who is sincerely against Israel?


Not even those orthodox types who feign being against Israel. If so, what the hell are they doing living and residing in ISRAEL?

Art Best

I’m making anti-Jewish (NOT antisemite) statements and you’re calling me a Jew?



You are Zionist from terrorist state of Israel. You cannot change the mind of some one by propaganda. Fo.

Art Best

Jewish troll.

andy l

Russia & China have currency swap agreements in place so they are already trading outside the dollar. They also signed a $400 billion dollar gas supply agreement also outside the dollar. Dont forget the Chinese are launching the petro yaun backed by gold to compete with the dollar – steps are in place they just take time to implement.

Art Best

Lies and deceptions only which we’ve been hearing for DECADES.


1.Both China and Russia are International Monetary Fund (IMF) member countries which PROHIBITS usage of gold as money in any shape or form: https://zurichtimes.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/why-does-the-imf-prohibit-gold-backed-currency-for/

2. There is no gold-backed ruble and there will never be. The Russians can’t even issue their own money, the ruble, without permission from the Americans, for God’s sake! http://anonhq.com/checkmate-central-bank-russia/

3. There is no gold- or oil-backed yuan and there will never be such a thing. The Chinese are LYING. The yuan is just another name for the dollar.  The yuan is backed by the dollar as the yuan has the dollar’s back.  The Chinese are part of the problem and not part of the solution. The Shanghai Gold Exchange Market is a FRAUD and a LIE: https://www.sprottmoney.com/blog/the-new-shanghai-gold-exchange-does-anything-change-jeff-neilson-sprott-money-news.html



Who told you so?

Figments of your imagination

Art Best

Could this be…another Jewish troll? (Hint: I provided plenty of links, info and arguments.)

andy l

You are right about the IMF and gold and certainly China is not backing its currency with gold. Its introducing an oil based futures contract which will be convertible into gold. This is a contract not a currency designed to compete with the petro dollar. Its due to start this month 26th.

Art Best

All lies and deception.

The Chinese said essentially the same sort of things about the inception of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, that it would be a physical-gold-only HONEST market. Yet, the SGE is just another fraudulent PAPER market only designed to backstop and legitimize the fraudulent non-price-discovery at the COMEX:


The Russians have been lying about the gold backed ruble for YEARS:


The Chinese are COLLUDING with Wall Street to crash the prices of all commodities.

Believe the Chinese’ and the Russians at your peril.



Good reason to stay Sharp & Vigilant…..It were the ZioNazis & their Mason-Brotherhood that Slaughtered & Massacred the Most People in Modern Times….probably we don’t even know who is really running “the Show” for it’s a Worldwide Criminal Organisation….aiming for Global Control….

Art Best



President Putin is a genius president in the whole world. He supports all victims in the world that have been victimized by US and NATO brutal regimes.

In the leadership of Putin Russia reached to the level of leadership of this whole world and left US and NATO countries back in the dark ages where they deserve.

Nigel Maund

Great comment Rob and absolutely true! The Western leaders are criminals and hypocrites hiding behind the biggest lie of the me all; i.e., that they are honest and democratic when they are neither. They are the puppets of the Anglo – American Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabal of hyper-criminals hell bent on their quest for global hegemony and dictatorship.


I had an amusing yet frustrating conversation with two rather liberal minded friends last night. They said that President Putin was threatening NATO with all his talk of the latest Russian nuclear systems.

I said that the US military and any interested person has been aware of these systems being developed ever since the USA ripped up the IBM treaty in 2004. As you can imagine , that statement got an ‘open mouthed look’ as they , like many , believe what the corporate media says.

I then stated that President Putin’s public disclosure’s re the Russian nuclear response to a NATO attack on Russia and her allies would cause the Total destruction of the USA and any NATO vassals who chose to get involved. I then said that President Putin’s speech was to inform and warn people like my two friends to accept that they need to take some responsibility for what is being done illegally in our name by the fantasist buffoons that control the UK and EU and that the result of a nuclear war would see the UK almost totally erased. Animals, humans et al.


On 12/11/2017 at Khmeimim airbase in Syria, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced “mission accomplished” and ordered a partial Russian pull-out from that country…several days ago (03/06/2018) a Russian An-26 plane crashed while approaching Khmeimim airbase killing all 39 personnel onboard in circumstances that are currently under investigation…now the news that the “mighty” Russian forces have reportedly repelled again another drone attack by militants at such airbase!!!…THESE FACTS PROVE THAT THE RUSSIANS CANNOT EVEN MAINTAIN AN EFFECTIVE CONTROL OUTSIDE THAT MILITARY BASE KNOWING THAT THEY CAN BE AMBUSHED AT ANY GIVEN TIME (DESPITE HAVING AN STATE-OF-THE-ART ARSENAL)…Sothfront’s russophiles & Putin cheerleaders are indeed laughing stock every time they praise their superhero.

John Whitehot


this is the most stupid thing that you could ever say. For what you know, drones could be launched from outside Syria. Or more likely from inside a jihadist held area like Idlib.

The fact that the drone have been shot down is what contradicts your desperate propaganda hubris.

the only laughstock in this place is your side, who does not realize how ridiculous it appears as it tries to find any kinds of shit to criticize Putin, Russia, Syria, Iran, or whoever opposes your beloved nwo masters.

you bunch of hopeless serfs..


I really cannot be arsed to read your drivel Wanklord.


Wanklord = idiot or CIA fake person? http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks John Doran.


Note – screaming in Caps Lock doesn’t actually make your point any better – it just makes it largely unreadable and you a scream queen.

Art Best

How true.

The Jews (Bolsheviks) killed millions of Russians yet the Russians adore Jews.



Some Bolsheviks were former Jews but most weren’t you ingor-fucking-ramus. stop spouting nazi propaganda.


The mission was to prevent the USA building a gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe, and prevent Russia from selling gas to Europe.

Russia prevailed in its mission, and defeated the American terror armies. So yes it was and still is mission accomplished. Now but yourself a beer, on credit of course.


You really do not know what you are talking about.


Tell me is US or Israel perform any better or rather failed in about everything so far. To have an attack on their base using UAV , you conclude Russia has no control. What utter rubbish. Russia is not perfect but reality they outperformed US in about everything.



I’m in the midst of a similar argument on FB with my brother. who is convinced Putin poisoned the US election and Trump has to be put on trial. I was going to post a long dissertation on why the whole story was garbage, then switched to asking him if he knew that doing so would stop a nuclear war, would he meddle in an election? He agreed that doing so would be morally acceptable. I think he’s stumped and hasn’t responded since X]


Breaking the locks of Propaganda that enslave peoples minds is a very difficult thing to do before Reality overwhelms and frees people such as that.

The longer they wait before Thought Freedom Day only serves to enrage the afflicted even more and when that day arrives history has shown it to be a very bloody day for those who sought to deceive :)

Patricia Murrow

Goℴgle is paying the people $97 hourly to do job with a laptop .. Do work only for few hours and live happy greater time together with your circle of relatives … Any person can join it!this Tuesday I purchased a gorgeous Lotus Elan just after making $11582 this past five weeks .it looks high-quality process but you will not forgive yourself if you don’t get this.!ux031c:∭∭∭ http://GoogleWinWorkFromHome/get/cash/97$/perhour… ♥♥j♥♥♥c♥d♥♥q♥♥m♥♥v♥♥♥l♥g♥i♥♥a♥x♥♥♥u♥♥z♥r♥♥j♥♥y♥♥♥x♥s♥♥♥g♥c♥♥g♥♥♥x♥♥♥c♥♥♥d♥♥♥q:::!he882x:zvbz


Poisoned US election! Lol. Get him to read this:

“‘If you ask an intelligence officer, did the Russians break the rules or do something bizarre, the answer is no, not at all,’ said Steven L. Hall, who retired in 2015 after 30 years at the C.I.A., where he was the chief of Russian operations. The United States ‘absolutely’ has carried out such election influence operations historically, he said, ‘and I hope we keep doing it.’

“Loch K. Johnson, the dean of American intelligence scholars, who began his career in the 1970s investigating the C.I.A. as a staff member of the Senate’s Church Committee, says Russia’s 2016 operation was simply the cyber-age version of standard United States practice for decades, whenever American officials were worried about a foreign vote.

“‘We’ve been doing this kind of thing since the C.I.A. was created in 1947,’ said Mr. Johnson, now at the University of Georgia. ‘We’ve used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners — you name it. We’ve planted false information in foreign newspapers. We’ve used what the British call ‘King George’s cavalry’: suitcases of cash.’”


” for what is being done illegally in our name by the fantasist buffoons that control the UK and EU and that the result of a nuclear war would see the UK almost totally erased. Animals, humans et al.” Florian, what ever POV you use, what ever argument you develop, the fact is that it ALWAYS returns to AGENDA 21 and its advancement. The controllers of this agenda are not “fantasist buffoons” but a darkness, an evil, so monstrous, so devoid of anything humane, that few ,if any can comprehend to what extents they will go to see this plan thro’. But a CLUE can be garnered from the drooling lips of none other than super zionist and jewish whore MADELEINE ALBRIGHT. Asked if she thought the deaths of 500,000 iraqi children was worth the cost of deposing Saddam Husseins regime ? Her answer was “YES I DO “! The world has no chance when Psychopaths such as her are in charge.


Spot on. The plan to depopulate the world by about 95%. To kill over 7 billion people. http://www.ukcolumn.org Scroll down homepage to boxes containing UN Agenda 21 & £Bradbury £Pound. Both worth reading. UN Agenda 21 = United Nations (Club of Dictators) plan for this 21st century. John Doran.


I also recall a statement made by her when she said ‘Its not fair that Russia has all those resources ‘.

You are aware I an sure that she was born a Jew and her parents changed faith when they migrated to the USA from Eastern Europe.

Jews have often changed faith to blend in with and feed off their ‘hosts’ :)

Nigel Maund

Completely correct FG, Putine was trying to b


” The bulk of the US electorate are just plain ignorant and DUMB! ”

And proud of it :)

Art Best

Putin is a zionist traitor who is accessory to the murder of Russians at the hand of Jews and Americans.




Tudor Miron

Is this why your zio masters dream about removing Putin? God! you guys are funny in your hope that people are unable to see overall large picture (what Russia was in 90’s while west was actively applauding and what Russia is now.) and will fall into your hasbara lies :)

Art Best

Jewish troll.

Poor attempt at psyop.


In a discussion it is not very nice calling everyone a Jewish Troll……

Art Best

Not when all they have to offer are ad hominem attacks without a single cogent argument.


For now Putin and the Russians have done a Great Job….I thank’m for that…my focus is still on the AngloZioNazis which have proven to be the real Cockroaches…whatever is going to happen in the future will be in the future…by deception thou shalt do war…..

Art Best

The anglozionists control Russia as well. Putin is their puppet. Putin is not fighting the Americans or the Israelis as YOU know as well, like everybody else. You can learn all about it here in this priceless terse article: http://geopolitics-behind-the-mask.36089.n8.nabble.com/Sacred-Cow-Slaughterhouse-of-the-totally-non-kosher-kind-Look-out-below-td169.html


Russians have suffered enough in the past…. I don’t think they will let that happen again….they are intelligent people and will notice when something is going really wrong. I myself have no Leaders that are my “Saviour”…. I’m a Free Man…..the one that is going to save “me”….will most probably be “me”….

Art Best


John Whitehot

since the things you say have all been refuted thousands of times, people goes “ad-hominem” because they know you are just a miserable troll paid for by zionists and as such deserve no respect. taking up thousands of identities won’t change that you’re still the same individual.

Art Best

I’m making anti-Jewish (not antisemite) statements based on facts and you call me a zionist?

How incongruent is that, Jewish troll?


LOL. Fail.

Jaime Galarza

Cannot you, for a change, rebut Tudor’s ideas?

Art Best

Teach me how to rebut ad hominem attacks devoid of content.


It looks like you guys erased several of my posts which only contained information, not profanities.


In Russia Jews are treated like everybody else, you are angry because in America Jews are royalty who rule the little people like yourself. Don’t blame others because you are a subservient person who sold his freedom for a few shekels and Adam Sandler comedies?

Art Best

Roman Abramovich. Viktor Vekselberg. Oleg Deripaska. Simeon Mogilevich. Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Medvedev. Putin.

Can you name a “Russian” oligarch who isn’t Jewish?




Alexey Miller? The oligarchs you name were put into power by the United Jewish States of America, after the Soviet collapse. Of course a Jewish country like the USA would appoint Jewish carpetbaggers to pillage Russia, it’s an American tradition, started by Abraham Lincoln, when he sent Jewish carpetbaggers to pillage the south. If you want to see the Jew you hate so much, look in the mirror.

Art Best

Oh supreme patriot,

You are saying that American Jews put Jewish Putin and Jewish Medvedev put in power.

Why didn’t you install Russian oligarchs in power?

Could it be because there aren’t any Russian oligarchs?

That Russia is ruled by Jews?

Keep deflecting, idiot.

Joe Doe

Blind american sheep try spread fake information and hate

The Latin Mass

Putin’s FSB committed 9/11 type false flags against the Russian people then blamed it on the Chechens. Putin is terrorist and zionist, like the West. Putin’s job is to handle the free people of the world.

Art Best

More or less, yes.

Tommy Jensen

You are right. Putin never gave us notthing. We never got the $million we wanted in Russia and its Putins fault.

Langaniso Mhlobo

No doubt about it.But he must become aggressive to stop USA and NATO terrorism.Violence is the only language USA/NATO terrorist and puppets understand.Putin must sink all USA weapon carriers with hypersonic missiles. Then all the puppets will start negotiating for peace and split from USA.

leon mc pilibin

Who supplied these headchoppers with drones?or maybe their operators are zionist scumbags hiding behind their ISIS proxies,as usual.Russia needs to track down the source and blow them to smithereens.


It´s not the drones, it´s the origin of sophisticated electronics equipment in combination with the software that´s relevant. GPS steered bomb release mechanism… It was already said the first time that not too much states do have the knowhow to produce these dangerous litte beasts. Only a question of time when drones will be responsible for the assassination of politicians (probably opposed to the MIC) – because the blame can be easily shifted to the practical phenomenon called “terrorists”- well or the other handy scapegoat left, the “evil” Russians.


You need several hunderds/thousand dollars (depending upon the size) to make such drone.


no worries then there are no politicians in the US at least opposed to the junta


They are made of toiletpaper, wood,Duct tape & Nokia 6310s any kid can build them…..DIY…..

John Whitehot

“Russia needs to track down the source and blow them to smithereens”

the last time they tried they got reduced into crisped meatballs by a salvo of Krasnopol guided shells

paul ( original )

I suspect that Drones pose little threat to anyone who possess anything more that just rudimentary air defence or none at all. After all these things are often just propeller driven and probably slow even by WW2 standards. Their small size is perhaps their biggest advantage. I expect that the Drone in the above article was shot down using cannon fire as it was probably not worth a missile.


The Pentagon is doing it’s very best to promote the Pansir-S1s on the world market. And they are much more effective than most first rate marketing agencies – plus they don’t charge Russians a dime…Strange business practice – I hope the Russians will find a way to thank them, eventually…


Perhaps with one or two “Khalibr” missile dropped right on Al-Tanf base ?


I can’t imagine that won’t happen soon ?????


Pantsir systems can practically hit anything that flies within its range.


There are obviously people in Ghouta that the US doesn’t want captured or killed.


Then Airlifting them out seems a good option to me….worked before with ISIS-Commanders


No US aircraft can airlift them from Ghouta without the permission of the SAA and Russia :)


Oops, then I think them Left-Behinds are in deep sh*t…..


I would imagine they are and very soon they will be eating it :)


You mean airlift like ISIS from Syria and Iraq to Libya and Afghanistan or to some elsewhere.


Well…. NATO is the HEAD-CHOPPER-SERVICE… so basically anywhere they are needed


Were they using the latest US swarming tech, like the last time?


What ever they were using………….. it didn’t work, so lets just hope it keeps going in that direction.

Tommy Jensen

The next “marginal soft Russian targets” to be planned in Washington/London academic offices will be killing Russian children in Russian kindergartens and bombing Russian public schools to obtain “more influence” and “more leverage” towards Russia.

Someone pls help us out out from the influence of these slimy toxic rat nests in Washington/London and their arse wagging arse licking hyenes in EU.


Those Pantsirs are perfect for taking down drones with their duel-cannons. Far cheaper than using something like Israel’s vaunted “Iron-dome” system.


true very true.its a very efficient system. combines missiles and cannons .

Cheryl Brandon

This is the joint work of the USA/Israhell working together against Russia; They instruct their proxies whenever necessary or they do it themselves hoping to scare the Russians away from their base and from Syria. If you 2 evil International Outlaws feel that, Russia will buckle., you do not know the strength and the resilience and the tenacity and the mental fortitude of Russians. Keep kicking the arses of the EVIL TWIN Israhell and the Universal Sadistic Aggressor! Fucking GOONS the both of them!!


These terrorists who did this can be considered already death. Russia must destroy or control all terrorists in Syria and elsewhere.


those attacks are a test for the Pantsir SHORAD system. seems it didnt do that well in the previous attack were many airplanes were hit but i consider this a fault of the operators…..they didnt expect such an attack so maybe the system was not even operational.

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