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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Seize More Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems In Ukraine (Photos)

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Russian Forces Seize More Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems In Ukraine (Photos)

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The Russian National Guard has captured at least eight Soviet-made 9K38 Igla MANPADs man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs) from Ukrainian forces.

The MANPADs were reportedly captured along with other weapons, including a British-made NLAW anti-tank missile, in the village of Pologi in Zaporizhzhia Oblast. On April 7, Russian sources shared several photos of the captured weapons.

The Igla’s 9M313 missile, which is guided by infrared homing, has a maximum range of five kilometers. The missile is armed with a 1.17-kilogram blast fragmentation warhead.

On March 11, a batch of Igla MANPADs, which were newly-delivered to Ukraine, was captured by the Russian military. Back then, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that it is working to determine which Eastern European state supplied Ukrainian forces with the systems.

The system is still in service with a number of Eastern European states which are now members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), including Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia.

NATO states acknowledged supplying Ukraine with thousands of Soviet-made 9K32 Strela-2 and 9K32M Strela-2M as well as US-made FIM-92 Stinger MANPADs. However, none of these states have publicly acknowledged sending Igla MANPADs to Ukrainian forces.

Russia warned against sending MANPADs to Ukraine, as this will create a long-term threat to civilian aviation in Europe and beyond. Despite this serious threat, NATO states continue to supply Ukrainian forces with these systems.


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Jean Luc

At this point USA is arming both sides lol.

mike l hutchings

that’s the idea. sell one side a weapon and the other side the solution…. it doesn’t matter how many people die. membership in NATO requires the purchase of American weapons. a couple of million people have died in the mid-east because of our wars for profit, that have nothing to do with creating stability. but has everything to do with sowing the Dragon’s teeth. it is bothersome that we’re supporting NAZI, and this will come back on Europe by creation of a NAZI state that will suck other nations into the maelstrom.


“Sell one side a weapon and the other side the solution.”

Echoes of the pandemic – a bizarre duet between an escaped Bio-weapon and a pre-ready “vaccine’.

We must hang all the people that do such things.

Muhammad your Prophet

What exactly are the Putin cockroaches are trying to determine? Every European country has already supplied Ukraine with weapons. But you don’t have to be a genius to know it was the British who supplied these ones. Not that they give a shit what the Putin cockroaches think in Moscow. https://ukrainecrisis.org/262622604-ukraine-s-digital-soldiers-use-british-star-missile-to-shoot-down-russian-attack-chopper-marks-first-kill-for-uk-manpads

Hungary Guy

Another Arma 3 or Call of Duty3 Footage? Nope, not even a CGI. Just blah- blah- blah text for the Sheeple who fell for the CONVAids PsyOp too.

hans raus

russo bot in cope mode ? run russian child molester/ rapist…run

Aunt Polly

The Russian boot is what you get, Hans – and the auntie.


Raus, Hans!!!


shame to talk in the name of the prophet, may Allah guide you back on the rightious path

Timmy Temperance

If I rewrote the Harry Potter books really badly and obviously for political expediency whilst I tried to gather an army, which would you buy? And having read any of them would you decide to base your whole life around them and preach death to people who do not like them?


It’s wonderful to see US Ukrainian proxy pedophile army getting their asses slaughtered. Next up, the US State Dept!


Let me prophesy once. Zelenski will die at age 46 (2024) or 48 years old (2026). He was not killed by the Russians, but by the neo-Nazis. Remember what I said.


Says the zio Jew in Hell Aviv as he is raped again by his father

Hungary Guy

These will be smuggled back into EU for the “Syrian refugee” sleeper cells, imported since 2014. EU is committing suicide on all fronts on US orders.


“EU is committing suicide on all fronts on US orders.” I’m supporting this, we don’t need a new 3rd Reich with its European army.

Gorgeous George

The EU will make sure there is no problem in smuggling them into EU. Anything that improves chaos is good for the agenda of the EU maggots.

hans raus

shiit,its officiall now- S-300’s from slovakia is on the way to ukraine. Its will be replaced with us made patriot, nice deal for slovakia. Russo child rapists bots will cry now. Tanks, switchblade from usa, starstreak from uk . Ukraine will use weapon that in russian shithole people have never seen. You russian rapists will run from donbas just like from kiev region :D

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Kherson retaken yet?

Kherson retaken yet?


Patience. The US regularly takes 20 years to lose a war. Give Russia a few months to win one.


Ukraine had dozens of S-300s, know what happened to them?


Europe is descending into a full out war and those nato freaks in here think that is a good thing. You might get more than what you wished for. Your hate and your lies made a soulless creature out of you. One day you will realize that. You live in a prison of lies you cannot escape. You are wasting your life for someone else’s gain. How sad is that.


Patriots are only good for friendly fire, LOL. Good luck with that dumbass.


Maybe the Russians can use these to protect Belogorod.

John Tosh

Slowly…. it would become obvious the only way Russia can protect itself is a direct nuke attack on the originator of all its problems.

One nuclear explosion later and the Europeans will run for cover….. begging to be friends.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

Exactly. Most of Europe do not remember how painful war is, they see it on TV. Some pain will do


1 each on DC, the “city”, Tel Aviv, Vatican, Riyadh.


Never have understood why Russia or other army by the way don’t use hoover surveillance drones that clears and checks terrain before they enter an area, urban or terrain. Imagine 10 drones connected to a vehicle that can then pinpoint position and then send in rocket to that area. When batteries are low, they fly back to the vehicle to recharge and then other 10 fly away that are fully charged. Same method can be used to protect base and troops during night incase of ambush. Think the military is run by old farts having Zero knowledge.


This is already being employed. You forget this is a war not some training.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wizzy

Give me name of system? Have not seen it at all but only stand alone drones working in single units.


What? Russia is using numerous surveillance drones in Ukraine. What do you wanna see? These things are out in the frontlines


Obviously you have misunderstood me. A military unit that is ONLY focus on surveillance but that works autonomous where drones fly back to vehicle and recharges and then back again. This way you can cover large area of land and know EXACTLY what is going on, especially when using heat/infrared cameras. And I mean hoover drones, just like the once Taiwan send to Ukraine or even better to use my design of a single rotor and fuelcells.


Meanwhile bayraktar is creating huge problems in Ukraine for the Russia. Didn’t Russia say that bayraktar does not meet Russian standard? Yet it has destroyed A LOT.


Ain’t no more TB-2s in Ukraine, all shot down. Unless Turkey supplied new ones


They won’t give them for free. Besides this conflict just showed that drones are not a match for any air defense. They are just expensive murder weapons used to kill civilians.


You have a source other than your own imagination? There is not much left, Zelensky himself said that Russia’s forces almost completely destroyed their capacity to defend themselves. Ukraine is a failed state. They will never recover from that. Take a look at the other countries US has used for their own proxy wars. You are just as clueless and plain stupid like the others nato freaks. There is nothing to be happy here about. Without Russian energy Europe is finished anyway. They will be itching for more war.


I seen this “bayraktar’s” footage from ukro groups and sources with russian interface lmao

Timmy Temperance

People are asking me to recommend a novel to read whilst they take a break from war. I would like to recommend Canton by Khatiam, a dear friend of mine. It is available on Amazon and there is some Communism in it, I know there are quite a few Marxist-Leninists here on this site.

Timmy Temperance

You can’t read it on a Manpad, but you can read it on your tablet.


Think Nato will make a move when Russian forces are depleted of missiles and exhausted military. The longer conflict is the better for them.

Last edited 2 years ago by FreeManSon

Send them to the front and use them to attack anything that flies and doesn’t have a Z marked on it.

Cpt Pervis

some land vehicles have V or O. So far I’ve only seen images of aircraft that have Z.


NATO keeps sending weapons to the Donbas fighters and for free!!!


Hi, if there is any real Russian in here I want to transmit that from Spain, it breaks my heart to see this war every day, western media only displays hate toward Russia and thought we are against the violence, by no means the hate towards Russians is widespread. The sanctions affecting daily products for common Russians are a shame for us and I don’t recognise these among us wishing death or violence against Russians/Ukranians.

I’m really hurt this is happening, it’s pathetic I have to write this on southfront. I just wish all of this to end

Last edited 2 years ago by ThrowAwayUser
Michigan Man

Always funny when russian propaganda pretends, that russian forces managed to capture russian-made ukrainian weaponary.

As these are russian weapons and russia is producing them, there is nothing easier than faking these “discoveries”, showing own military material, and then claiming it to have just been captured from the evil Ukrainians.

Very cheap propaganda stunt.


Make no mistake. What Russia is defeating handily here is NATO (AKA the USA) AND the Five Eyes ” Israel as well as the Fourth Reich. Just like they did in WW2.

Last edited 2 years ago by Platon
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