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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Set Conditions For Advance On Slovyansk And Kramatorks

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Russian Forces Set Conditions For Advance On Slovyansk And Kramatorks

Russian forces in the area of Izum

As of April 6, the Russian Armed Forces and units of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics continue their military operation in Ukraine. While Russian and DPR units are finalizing the operation to take control of Mariupol city, important tactical developments are taking place in the areas of Izum and Severdonetsk-Lysichansk in the northern part of the Donbass sector of operations.

After establishing the full control of the key area of Izum and its surroundings in the southern part of Kharkiv region, Russian-led forces are currently working to open the road for an advance towards the cities of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk.

Russian units already reached the town of Dovgenke and blocked the town of Studenok from the northern and northwestern directions. At the same time, the tightened the siege on the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration and blocked the town of Kreminna from the north, east and southeast. Fighting also continued in the area of Popasnaya to the south from Lysichansk.

Russian-led forces during the operation in Ukraine:

Russian Forces Set Conditions For Advance On Slovyansk And Kramatorks

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Russian Forces Set Conditions For Advance On Slovyansk And Kramatorks

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Russian Forces Set Conditions For Advance On Slovyansk And Kramatorks

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Russian Forces Set Conditions For Advance On Slovyansk And Kramatorks

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Russian Forces Set Conditions For Advance On Slovyansk And Kramatorks

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Tactical developments on the ground indicate that the advance on the cities of Slavyansk and Kramatorks will likely become the breakpoint of the Russian-led operation in the region of Donbass. Kyiv’s forces are actively working to deploy reinforcements and additional equipment to these areas and turn them into strongholds to stop the Russian advance. Therefore, if this group of Kyiv’s forces is neutralized, the military capabilities of the Kyiv government in this region will be significantly reduced.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian forces carried out a strike with air- and ground-based missiles destroyed on 5 fuel storage bases near Radekhov, Kazatin, Prosyanaya, Nikolaev and Novomoskovsk. The statement said that these facilities had been used to supply fuel to Ukrainian military formations in Kharkov, Nikolaev and Donbass areas.

Captured Ukrainian military equipment:

The Russian military also provided additional details on recent strike on other military targets in Ukraine:

“During the night, operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 24 military assets of Ukraine. Among them: 1 Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system, 5 logistics depots, as well as 11 strong points and areas of Ukrainian military equipment concentration.

Russian Air Defence means shot down 4 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air near Berdyansk, Gornyak, Uvanskoe and Chernobaevka.”

The Russian side says that since the start of the operation Russian forces have destroyed 125 Ukrainian aircraft and 93 helicopters, 407 unmanned aerial vehicles, 227 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,978 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 215 multiple launch rocket systems, 854 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,882 units of special military vehicles.


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Mariupol was 100% liberated

How the fuck haven t we won yet?

Bobby Twoshoes

Because Ukraine is never going to win.


twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1511672385753255940 more russian barbecue. HUGE


Yes yes, Decentraland for life.

G2 man

I have been posting verified information rather than mindless trolling. The real situation as confirmed by reputable sources is that Ukraine is on its knees and has lost 100% helicopters 91 destroyed. Russians despite some initial optimistic planning and faulty execution have done quite well and in a commanding position and need to press home the attacks on Don Bas and then Odessa. Despite $15 billion in NATO support and conduit of terrorists, the Ukrainians will lose if Russia keeps its cool and digs in and hammers away with airpower and artillery. Hopefully, there are competent Russian generals who are now planning a more staggered and long term campaign and utilization of special forces and use more ambushes with infantry. The Russians are getting their act together. Large part of Ukrainian Nazis in Don Bas is being eliminated and there is another large pocket of UAF being trapped in central Ukraine. Russia needs to do some serious carpet bombing and deal with Kiev last.

UAV mostly Turkish supplied Bayraktar 396 or 100% destroyed

Aircraft 125 of 132 or 95% destroyed (mostly Migs and Sukhois)

Tanks 1969 of 2171 of 91% destroyed

Air defence systems (exuding 3,000 western supplied Manpads) 226 of 402 or 56% destroyed all S-300 non-operational

APC and armored vehicles 1873 of 3309 or 57% destroyed

Artillery 852 of 1960 or 43% destroyed.

Russian loses at the most have been between 7-10% of the original operation Z force of 160,000 combat troops supported by 40,000 logistics and auxiliary. Ukrainian supplied propaganda figures are totally inflated and unreliable.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

I agree and hope Russia will allowed competent Russian generals run the show. Up to this point Russia military was run by incompetent generals and many Russian solders pay huge price.

Russia military need stop soft approach. The soft approach cause more sufferings in military but huge in civilians.

Russia military need hit UA military hard and quick and the pain and suffering on civilians will be short

G2 man

Russian GRU (military intelligence and SVR like the KGB during the 1980’s Afghan war completely failed to develop and accurate picture of Ukraine which has been used as the west as a staging post against Russia and armed to the tune of $20 billion plus since the Munich conference of 2007.

Shoigu proved to be a sycophant and has no combat experience. Some Russian generals, especially airborne forces fought very well without much airsupport or logistics and suffered heavy losses, including senior officers. The airborne assault in Kiev airports was a bold plan but the ground troops failed to link up or even adequate aircover provided.

Russian armor was not supported by dedicated infantry cover or dispersed off the main roads.

However, the Russians historically are very good at quickly adapting and are doing very well now and have literally destroyed the UAF. The Russians need to consolidate now and hammer away at all of Ukraine with airpower and destroy the infrastructure. The Ukrainians despite all the TV screen bravado are on their knees.

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely agree. You point all the big blunders Russia done till now with the cost of aprox. 50% of theirs casualties. Let’s recapitulate: 1. Russian GRU (military intelligence and SVR like the KGB during the 1980’s Afghan war completely failed to develop and accurate picture of Ukraine). They gone for a KIEV coup, it was obvious, they didn’t want to attack the city at all. Only to protect a newly government from Lvov banderiputas assholes. For that Kiev was not completely suround off course. They fail to saw how frightened ans brainwashed is the majority of the ukrainean peoples. Majority means 50%+. 2. They failed to predict the no mass surrender of the army, for exactly the same reasons as above. 3. They failed to acquire a strong and efficient policy vs. nazi criminals which was obvious that will use torture of ethnic russians and POW’s. Partly because they failed to point on what degree the brainwashing of the new generation was done and partly because political and financial reasons (I would shut down the Nord Stream 1 without any regret temporary) 4. The huge columns strategy were not enough smart calculated. 5. The soft approach of war for not suffering the civilians was probably the biggest mistake from all. The ‘collateral damage’ is now payed with ‘soldiers damage’. Anyway, the West don’t give a shit about what Russia is doing, right or wrong: they have the globalist agenda to suvdue and stole all Russia resources.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
G2 man

Any war has setbacks, no matter how well planned. Russian military intelligence made a few errors as is obvious. However, the Russians adapt very quickly as WW2 showed. I personally believe, their overall leadership structure is still very much on Soviet lines and needs to be decentralized as I have pointed out before. Their hesitancy not to use overwhelming force was also a drawback. The US attacked Iraq with 50 puppet nations and totally destroyed it. Russia did not even shell Kiev. It should have been flattened and still can be. It is now time to use total force as the west is now totally castrated and besides sending Soviet era weapons to the Ukrainian Nazis, they can not do much. No NATO military is prepared for a major against Russia and China. The west only attacks totally defenceless states like Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. They never attacked Iran as the outcome would have been a total disaster as the Iranians have prepared multiple layered defences. Russia now needs to slowly destroy Ukraine as even a failed state and obliterate the infrastructure.


some analysts are saying the initial losses in the feint attacks on Kiev were necessary to make the feint look credible, trapping in Kiev 100k troops, and not allowing reserves in West Ukraine to move to the South East the real initial target.

Pamfil Military Academy

This is right. because Russian another not mentioned blunder: a way to small army in comparison of such a huge country to defend. And even more blunder to go into an offensive on a 8 year prepared enemy with 1/3 of the defender numbers. From my part, I would have proceed same but using the anvil and hammer tactic, pin down the ukrop army in north and hammer it with full force of 500.000+ from south and south-east. failing to do this will prolong the war by at least 3 months.


Now that the Russians abandoned pressuring the Capital, what stops the ukros from redirecting troops to DonBas? The highways to the East are open, in theory the ukros can reinforce their positions in Eastern Ukraine and the DonBas.


Good question


What stops them? The same thing that stops the Ukrainian army in Donbas from retreating to second defensive line and escaping encirclement – the Russian Air Force! The Ukrainians are in a very unenviable position, half of their army is in the north of Ukraine, where there are no more Russian soldiers, because all of them moved to the southern front through Belarus and Russia without any fear. Now the Ukrainians have to transfer their army to the southern front to prevent a catastrophe, only they have a big problem, Russian planes combined with very little time available. For the first time since the beginning of the operation, the Ukrainians were forced to transport troops by rail, and information about the destroyed transports has already begun to appear. The Russians forced the Ukrainians to withdraw half of their army from the fortified positions in three million big Kiev and to send that army on a 600 km long journey to some desolation where they will set up a defensive position in the middle of a field – with Russian planes above them it is a disaster in the announcement!

Lesco Brandon

While Ukraine may still have 100k troops near Kiev, what they don’t have is the armor, trucks, fuel etc, that will allow them to reinforce the east. Well, that is what Russia is claiming.

Pamfil Military Academy

Agree again. I have no doubt Russia will prevail and get what it want. But I fear they will be AGAIN attract into a US political trap. I mean US will finally accept the Donbass independence but only formally. They will provide even more support on remaining ukrop nazi idiots to hurt Russia more. If Putin will accept only Donbass and not THE ENTIRE EAST Dniepr bank russian will suffer more and longer than taking only Donbass. because either way they will have to deal with the continuous US/NATO satanic bad blood into Lvov banderiputas morons. So, either only Donbass or entire left bank they will have same threat at least 2 generatios (partisans, saboteurs, terrorists, etc) but it is worth to. Not to mention that in the contrary there will be Bucha propaganda and killings multiplied by 1000 in any former russian areas and not only, means they will totally lost the suport of ucrainean russian ethnics.


You seem to be hell bent on total destruction, that is a war tactic of the west. Like you have described above, did it bring anything good…no.

The entire world still hates the U.S. for doing it that way. So how on fucking earth is that a good tactic? And beneficial for Russia.

I wonder how many pro Russian players on here get seduced by your words. And I hope more people see past your lies and see your real agenda.

Because if Russia did exactly that, the western medias plot against Russia would become a reality.

You sir, aren’t fooling anyone but idiots.

This is a special operation, not a war. If it was a war all of Ukraine would loose electricity/tele coms/water/food the lot.

Ukrainians still go to work lol

Dude…you hide your agenda behind lovely words of “how well Russia is doing”

It really feels like you are trying to bring the western propaganda narrative to live by encouraging scorched earth warfare.

Lesco Brandon

Again good summary. We are aligned in our thinking!

I think the problem is we are trying to compare this Russian campaign to wars the US has waged in the last 30 years. I think if a peer nation was supplying Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan with training and equipment, US losses would have been a lot higher.


I agree with most of your points; you added quite a few new points.

Point 5. I strongly disagree with. It’s a very shortsighted approach. They need to stick firmly with their discipline of absolute minimal civilian casualty. Also, blowing up infrastructure is questionable and generally should go to the bottom of the list of targets, if it makes the list at all.

So ~50% of the civilian population seems brainwashed. Perhaps 30-40% radically so. The rest have been intimidated into silence by the Ukranian Gestapo (aka SBU, which have murdered huge numbers of their civilians, on just suspicion of being pro-Russian), as well as the nationalists, and the dumb masses.

This still means that 60%-70% have the ability to eventually piece things together and understand that it’s all along been their own regime that has been pulling these increasingly more and more evil psychopathic psyops, including massacring more of their own and staging it as Russian atrocities. Imagine what happens to this approximately 2/3 ratio of thinking people if rules of engagement and operations were to adopt your point 5. That percentage would plummet to about 15%, maybe less.

Lesco Brandon

Yeah a very good summary. Some very stupid tactics. But you’re right, Russia does historically recover well from setbacks. Let’s hope they do so again.


Excellent and concise analysis.


Russia will win when Tel Aviv requires it. The producers have cast Vladimir in the losers role and it is springtime for Zelensky and the Ukrainian hand of corruption. Putin obviously didn’t dance well in heals.

Pamfil Military Academy

Agree, Russia already made at least 2 big blunders which were totally avoidable.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Zelensky the Jewfaggot crying at UN today, the Nazi hoholassholes are getting reamed. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Cyric Vigillius

The Northern Axis had some problems, but I find it hard it criticize southern command. You should be more specific in what you think the failures were and what should have been done differently.

Tommy Jensen

If Russia only had been listening to my advices before the invasion, Ukraine would have been freed completely today and a lot of lives could have been saved.


Winning may be when Z’s body is pulled from his bunker and Biden is able to remember to burn it.

G2 man

You kids need to understand how wars are fought. It is not a Hollywood movie. Russians will prevail if they don’t lose their nerve. This is a battle for the survival of Russia and China to some extent. Making idiotic trolling comments will not change an iota on the ground. Ukraine is finished. Russia has total control of the Don Bas industrial base, including Azovstal, the largest in Europe (and has not been too damaged), and also controls all the gas fields. Russia will integrate Don Bas and rebuild with Dob Bas gas money like Chechnya was.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

I too was thinking that taking time and using the strikes which do not endanger the Russian soldiers will be effective in taking out the Ukrainian weapons, manpower, mercenaries and in demoralising Ukraine. The refugees in Poland and else where and the continual sending of arms and of mercenaries and special forces will mean that this war against Russia, in Ukraine will cost Russia’s enemies a LOT. Taking out the mercenaries who are highly skilled, highly trained and of no morality will really harm the Western military. Syria should be wrapped up, the Turks and yanks removed and the Syrians can come over to help the Russians and be trained. Satellites need to watch over Ukraine and the borders. Volunteers could be trained to follow the LARGE imports to their sources. Surveillance drones plus armed drones and suicide drones will be of great benefit to Russia. Even kids can work on these and do so safely. Keep the Russian deaths to the minimum. Many people love warfare games and they may be glad to volunteer their time and even resources to using surveillance drones. The eyes of Sauron, well the EYES of Russia will be well utilised. Ukraine has become the war of half of the world against Russia. Keep the enemies of Russia at this war and keep on eliminating them. Let them think they are winning and that Russia is retreating and then come back and bash and bash them. Then act like war exhaustion is on you and let them regroup and bash and bash and bash and bash them back. Act desperate for a ceasefire and let them return and wipe them out.


The Ukraine was and remains the war of the United States against the people of Eurasia. The US goal is to maintain control of Europe by eliminating Russia as a potential rival and to produce enough chaos to delay Belt/Road from China while another failed plan to cope with China is implemented.

Cyric Vigillius

I agree and no surrenders this time around. No debaltsve.

Abraham Lincoln

Yes, Russia is winning and will win. What is the hurry? Why waste lives or Russian soldiers and Russian Ukrainian civilians by being in a hurry when it is not necessary? The more sanctions the better as they harm the Zio empire and help Russia in the medium to long term. The more Zio satanic hate against Russia all the better to unite the Russian population as all Russians will see their only choices are victory over satanic Jews or to be exterminated by satanic Jews. Also, as Napoleon said when your enemy is making a mistake don’t interrupt them.

Finally better for Russia to give Poland lots of time to attack Russia in Ukraine. Russian can use it as the excuse to destroy all NATO military infrastructure in Eastern Europe and break up NATO and the EU. Many in NATO and the EU hare already said they will withdraw from NATO and the EU if they attack Russia. (another trap laid by Russia same as letting the Zio USSA seize Russian foreign cash reserves as it is resulting in the destruction of the Zio dollar as the world reserve currency which will cost the Zio empire tens of trillions and make Russia and the rest of the world tens of trillions.)


Poland have no capacity to attack Russia, we don’t even have capacity to counter attack. Our military was dismantled by obvious traitors and thieves.

Abraham Lincoln

Yes you are right but the pol.sh leadership is so dumb when it comes to Russia they can F__k up a cup of coffee.


10 % is still 16,000 Troops in LESS THAN A MONTHS operations

TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE for a modern military


How many dead and injured Ukrops right now?

Lesco Brandon

You are quoting numbers posted on Gonzalo Lira’s Telegram channel.

While I don’t doubt Ukrainian equipment and personnel have taken a severe beating, Russia has also taken heavy losses. However in this case Ukraine is being resupplied from the west while Russia isn’t.

I agree with the carpet bombing part. Russia should have taken a page out of US playbook a long time ago.

General Curtis Lemay

Ukronazisis are bad soldiers. Thats how.

G2 man

Considering NATO has been arming and training the Ukrainians for over 15 years now and provided billions if weapons and live intelligence, the Ukrainians have proved quite inept and have failed to even mount a battalion sized combined arms counter attack. The only biggest Russian mistake so far was not to use overwhelming force and operation Z should have had over 500,00 troops and launched a month earlier, the Olympics and Chinese angle not withstanding. Before moving in ground troops Russia should have taken out the Ukrainian government and all infrastructure. Inadequate infantry support also proved costly, especially in urban areas. This is a very good lesson for the Iranians and Hezbollah who have invested heavily in ATGM and urban combat specialization.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
Burning Russian soldier

40000 Russian casualties telling the world otherwise. But I guess you should continue living your fantasy in your cum ridden sex dungeon inside the Kremlin. You getting paid in gallons of cum these days? I hear the ruble is worth less than shit on the street anyway.


and yet the Russians are still winning.

Burning Russian soldier

I mean, if you define winning as losing 60% of your gains as well as 40k troops. Then yeah, they are doing a great job at winning. Almost as good of a job at winning as they are doing on fertilizing Ukraine with their corpses.


What kind of drugs are you on. Russia controls most of land east of Dniepr. As for 40k troops lost do you have citations for that. Seems unlikely to me when Russians only started out with at most 200k troops.

Word up.. hopium and copium isn’t a good look. The Russians are going to win. The éspirt de corps of the Ukes is admirable. But the Russians are going to win.


Operation Z was not intended as an occupation, and the Russians saw full well in Afghanistan what happens when the government is decapitated by force in a region in which CIA is actively radicalizing a destabilizing insurgenty military force. The Ukraine would be as ungovernable as Afghanistan was after 1979, with the militants having been conditioned by CIA for eighty years, rather than five, and with supply insurgency supply lines from Poland that would be vastly harder to manage than those coming from Pakistan in the eighties. The game was made to produce a capitulation, and it did not work. The evidence of the last twenty years indicated a high degree of reason in the Ukrainian population, which is why the US had to get rid of both Yanukovich governments. The issue turned on the degree to which the US is willing to see a death toll in the Ukraine approaching 100 000. Clearly the US is a-ok with a destabilizing phenomenon like that occuring in the region, and so now the war is on.

G2 man

Ukraine trapped military left without any fuel as 5 x fuel depots at Radekhov, Kazatin, Prosyanaya, Nikolaev & Novomoskovsk have been destroyed by air & ground launched missiles by Russian forces.

From these facilities, fuel was supplied to UAF troops in the districts of #Kharkov, #Nikolaev & #Donbas. Russians are using low level SU-34 and KA-52 to destroy trapped Ukrainian units and that is the reason Zelensky was grovelling at the UN. Ukraine is facing total collapse and even a surrender statement was put out by Kiev TV, but quickly withdrawn after orders from NATO masters in Poland.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1511672385753255940 more russian barbecue. Z sausages. HUGE

Burning Russian soldier

Mein Fuhrer is that you? This reads like some Hitlerian Fuhrer bunker sex fantasy. You got dicked and are now in the first stage of grief.

Pamfil Military Academy

Oh, yes, they will. But not on everyone’s wish. Slowly, calculated, firmly. In the end nazi ukrop trash will receive an Ukraine 1/3 smaller than initial, no AZOV holidays, no Donbass resources, nothing. They will wank cock for sure. Stay still and watch motha fucker racist cock sucker.


Judging from the last video where ukronazis were running like cockroaches and one of them even fall face down, looks like Russia has won big time in Mariupol. The chechen cats are playing with nazimouse and having a lof of fun. So why spoil their fun?


real life педик. not a 1 minute video match.


Because your momma, wife and daughter haven’t finished forking all the Russian soldiers as yet


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Last edited 2 years ago by Jennifer

Have you gotten rid of every cockroach in your house? I didn’t think so.

Abraham Lincoln

Russia is winning and will win. What is the hurry? Why waste lives or Russian soldiers and Russian Ukrainian civilians by being in a hurry when it is not necessary? The more sanctions the better as they harm the Zio empire and help Russia in the medium to long term. The more Zio satanic hate against Russia all the better to unite the Russian population as all Russians will see their only choices are victory over satanic Jews or to be exterminated by satanic Jews. Also, as Napoleon said when your enemy is making a mistake don’t interrupt them.

Finally better for Russia to give Poland lots of time to attack Russia in Ukraine. Russian can use it as the excuse to destroy all NATO military infrastructure in Eastern Europe and break up NATO and the EU. Many in NATO and the EU hare already said they will withdraw from NATO and the EU if they attack Russia. (another trap laid by Russia same as letting the Zio USSA seize Russian foreign cash reserves as it is resulting in the destruction of the Zio dollar as the world reserve currency which will cost the Zio empire tens of trillions and make Russia and the rest of the world tens of trillions.)


Russians don’t kill civilians. Russians don’t fire on Nazis surrounded by human shields.


Patience. The USA bombed Iraq for 44 days before even taking even an inch of ground in the Gulf war.

Russia’s been at this for 40 days and already taken a chunk of Ukraine the size of the UK including 3 or 4 sizeable cities and that was just preparing the battlefield for an offensive.


Mariupol is liberated eccept an steel usine just outside mariupol, full of nazis also international nazi’s diffeicult to move havey from the shit in ter pants !

josef gruber

we have won already

G2 man

Won what RUINS?


What we learned in Syria is that when Russians ”go quiet”, results are about to be seen. Western media was rubbing their hands at the thought of Russia’s failure in Syria. Then boom.

General Curtis Lemay

Its called the domino effect. The first one is hard to tip over, but once there is Momentum the war is pretty much decided. Same as in Syria.

Arzt Injektion

That’s why the false flag in Bucha to try and change the narrative. Funny that it happened on the day when we saw the largest mass surrender in the war so far.



G2 man

Even the Turks want to negotiate with Assad now. This conflict will take some time, but Russia will prevail.


The momentum in this war is the Donbass. As soon as the urk army in the Donbass is destroyed, Zelensky will run for his life to Washington.

And I have a suspicion too. While everyone talk about how incompetent the russian general staff has been at the start, I think they had a precise strategy in mind:

1. stop Kiev and other central/western areas from interfering with the formation of the cauldron in the Donbass 2. destroy as much as possible of ukr military machine ( weapons and infrastructure in particular ) 3. they needed to launch a kamikaze column to deeply penetrate into Ukraine. Sadly these soldiers were doomed to die. 4. they retreated from Kiev and adjacent reasons to reinforce the Donbass front, but also to let the nazis run wild on the ukr civilians, in order to completely destroy their image in the country

The last point is very important for a future settlement. The russians will be forced to rule directly or indirectly over Ukraine. And ruling over a country whose population is against you, is a very stupid thing.

Eight years of western brainwashing have raised a generation of woke idiots, convinced of how beautiful their maidan society was, how the nazis were no more than folkloristic groups and that US dominion was very good for them. Now they are experimenting on their skin what the nazis really are.

Keep in mind that the puppet governments in Kiev have done a tremendous job of stopping the nazis from doing stupid things in the central and western parts of Ukraine. The only place they were given free reign was Donbass. This is why a lof of ukrainians don’t even believe that the Donbass has been tortured for 8 years straight.


Some 17 000 foreign fighters were brought in to the Kiev Klown Kabal between 2016 and 2021. They were sent to Donbas, so no feedback from that band of degenerates ever entered the minds, such as they are, in the Ukrainian public.


Zelensky has fled to Washington 40 days ago.

Lesco Brandon

THIS is a very good point. Initially the enemy will fight hard, it will be a tough grind. This is what happened in the eastern front. It was a war of attrition and then once the Russians got the upper hand the momentum was with them all the way to Berlin.

Lesco Brandon

The way the Russians conducted operations in Syria is/was AMAZING! This is why I expected a really polished performance from Russia in Ukraine. It is has been anything but that.


Press should not expose Russian and their allies’ faces. Use smart telescopes with 50x zooms in helmets and thermal imaging telescopes. Small drones are cheaper than a live round of a tank, of a mortar gun or of a howitzer. Small drones can save the life of a soldier. Drones can also save tanks and other equipment and live rounds.


Zelensky ordered that desolve UN. LOL

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Im the Leader of the World now. Kneel before Zod.

G2 man

Zelensky also said that Ukraine will be a bigger Israel, in other words a cancer for the Slavic lands.

Zelenskyy says wants Ukraine to become a ‘big Israel’ and bigger and more secure homeland for Jews.


Fully militarized, with multiple generations of citizens indoctrinated with a persecution complex rooted in ahistorical fantasy.

General Curtis Lemay

The ukronazi military infrastructure is pretty much done They are running on fumes now. Also 499+ drones? Thats probably the whole EU stockpile. Or was…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

An airstrike a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Hunter Biden

Anyone see my laptop 💻? If so, call 555-crackerboy.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Diaper Biden looked pathetic with house boy Obama in the White House today. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


Slovyansk and kramatorsk whow. … so after weeks of war they are fighting in the same frontline like 2014 before they ordered strelko/ girkin to retreat and abandoned the people in the east outside of the donetks and lugansk republiks and krimea.

Putin could have had all this in 2014 with much less dead. It just leaves me confused why did they not follow through back then when most of the ukraine was not yet conditioned to fight the russians to the death. They allmost talk like isis nowadays.

Arzt Injektion

What you say is the truth. They could have imposed any conditions they wanted at the end of the civil war. I guess they believed in the good faith of their western partners.

G2 man

Lavrov’s bizarre use of western partners language is quite baffling. These murderous western “partners” are killing Russians and want to destroy Russia.

hans raus

You are lunatic, russian animals getting killed because they invaded ukraine. Go back home if you want to avoid being killed you brainwashed low life commie.


The end-game for Russia is economic integration with the European vassals of the US, into Belt/Road. Those countries are future partners, even if it takes another twenty-five years to eliminate the failing US dominance in these states.

Lesco Brandon

G2! I might as well be writing these messages you are posting!

I too despite it when Lavrov uses terms like “partners” and “colleagues”. They are not partners and colleagues. They are the enemy. Call them by their real names.

Racism is good in Croatia

Because Putin is not a nationalist. He is forced to be one because that is the only thing that works for a country. He is still unwilling.

Muhammad your Prophet

At this point they can’t be too optimistic that they will be able to hold Donetsk either. Ukranian forces are destroying the Russians everywhere, and the Russians already depleted all their resources trying to take Kiev and Mariupol. Donetsk is just there ready to be retaken. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=288993943413691&id=100069092624537&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
G2 man

Hope you are not related to Zelensky and a clown too. There is no way on earth that Ukraine will survive intact. The UAF is 90% destroyed.

Muhammad your Prophet

You forgot to threaten me to death just like the other Putin cockroaches around here. I suppose that’s exactly the way they did it with the civilian population they just murdered, right? I would be like one of those murdered civilians? Is that what you’re saying? That you’re eager to murder me?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
G2 man

I am serious analyst and not interested in childish nonsense. Ukraine is responsible for all this needless bloodshed. Zelensky will go down in history as a footnote mass murderer. Russian original demands were very generous and Ukraine would have survived as a demilitarized neutral non-NATO state, now it is in ruins. Are you an Hindu or a Jew? you seem obsessed with Muslims and Mohammed. This is about Ukraine BTW. Grow up and stop mindless trolling.

Muhammad your Prophet

You’re a serious analyst with the brain of a cockroach. Thst’s makes you the perfect Russian propagandist. They don’t need any brains to spew moronic propaganda. They just have to believe any fantasy they want and somehow pretend that it’s real at least until it blows up in their faces when reality hits. In this case reality means the total defeat of the Russian army in Kiev.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
G2 man

Just to educate you, cockroaches even will survive a nuclear war as they are radiation proof and thrive in hot microwaves.

Muhammad your Prophet

I’m sure that makes you a very proud and resilient Putin cocktoach.

G2 man

Putin will survive and thrive and Russia will achieve its goals. That is Russia’s manifest destiny and no amount of wishful trolling will alter ground facts. Russian missiles are dismantling whatever is left of Ukraine every hour by hour now. Why do you think the Jew war criminal Zelensky is even getting angry at the UN and blaming everyone as Ukraine goes down?

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man
Muhammad your Prophet

You see my point? You’re a delusional cockroach living in a deranged fantasy world. Putin has been defeated in the most humiliating way an army can be defeated.


I appreciate your analysis G2, Mo not so much.

Muhammad your Prophet

I appreciate his deranged trolling too. It’s further proof of how demented the Putin cockroaches are.


You Ukrotards are text-book cult-members. There is only your bizarre, totalist perception and Putin-love. The false binary replaces any reasonable analysis of the situation. Very unfortunate.

Muhammad your Prophet

Putin lunatic gone haywire again babbling nonsense. Still cracks me up every time I see it.

Pamfil Military Academy

Can you go and fuck yourself, retard imbecile ? Foul cock was on your motha ass, cretin.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Never stop derping.


Try sounding intelligent Mo… just once would be good.

hans raus

Its clear that russian child rapists are in panic mode now, ukrainian army moving forward and its matter of time when southern part will be recaptured. Russia and their primitive rapists and killers have to accept western dominance, west is superior when it comes to military technology, culture and standard of living

G2 man

Absolute rubbish. Western propaganda is now reaching desperation as Ukraine is being bludgeoned to oblivion. Russian Coastal system launching Oniks missiles just destroyed the largest POL depot in central Ukraine and now the UAF has to walk all way back to Poland.

hans raus

Dude, you are in cope mode. Kherson is surrounded by ukrainian forces now. You overdosed russian propaganda that is based on desperation and now you losing contact with reality.

G2 man

Come back to me in a month.


twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1511672385753255940 more russian barbecue. HUGE



Roger McCarty

Remember Bagdad Bob from Iraq? The trolls predicting an imminent Ukrainian triumph remind me of him. Given the handicaps the Russian army has fought under, especially the NATO intelligence fed in real time to the UAF, plus prolific supplies of antitank and manpad weapons, it is remarkable that Russia has been as successful as it has, and you can be sure that ground warfare has entered a new era as a result of this battle. Russia will, in my estimation, prevail. The only question now is how many soldiers must die, how many civilians must be slaughtered and how much of Ukraine will remain intact after the Russian victory.

G2 man

Indeed, the trolls will get even more insane in a few days as all of Don Bas comes back to Russia. Considering the gigantic scope of Operation Z and all the obstacles, the Russians have fought very well by any standard against practically all of NATO singlehandedly, like they defeated the Nazis in 1945. Now the momentum is with Russian forces as they regroup. I never had any doubts about Russian capability and calm solid resilient temperament. Just give it another month or so.

hans raus

its funny to read 50 years old western commie. There is no going back to soviet union era. Problem is , russia stuck in sovier era mantality. Thats why russia is 30 years behind west and nobody want to be part of russia and everybody dream about west and to share our values. deal with it you lunatic

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Behind “the west” in what regard? The desperate imperialist wars fought by the US and various lackeys since 1999? The total collapse of the US finance sector twice in fifteen years due to total corruption and dominance of the state by bankers? Widespread and increasing poverty and social unrest as the neoliberal petro-dollar system implemented since 1972 crumbles? The values that saw the School of the Americas assaults on latin America, Operation Condor, and sixty sovereign governments overthrown by the US since 1966? The creation of the surveillance state in the US and it’s Five-eyes freakshow? Get a grip.


Russia never defeated the nazis. They are all alive, living in Kiev, and they are getting you soon!

Russia got DICKED

The cope is real


The Ukraine is literally finished as the state that existed since 1991.


Rubbish there is no Western superior tehnology at all ,only as example open a german heat pump ,Vaillant or Viesmann ,copeland-compressor, heat exchanger swap or alfa lavel, valves danfoss ,Controller carel ,only the garbage housing is made by germans

Last edited 2 years ago by Sascha
Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely. Those imbeciles stuck into XIX century don’t know, or better, don’t want to know that ALL West technology is for about 30 years ago or so CHINA TECHNOLOGY. China is now the NUMBER 1 of the world with such a development that in no more than 30 years they disqualify entire US growth in 200 years !!!!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

too late to rescue the frenchies stuck in Mariupol. 7 helicopters down and still trying. Zelenskey, shirt lifter, don’t sacrifice your helicopter pilots for frenchies, even if mummy lover Macron is squealing at you over Zoom.

Last edited 2 years ago by Leviathan

“93 helicopters”

Ukraine had only 55 when the war started!



“407 unmanned aerial vehicles”

Ukraine had 50 when the war started.

G2 man

Turkey and Zionists supplied over 300 drones including the Bayraktars. Now all have been destroyed but US and UK are shopping for new ones.


nazi hillbilly in arkansas only think when sodomized by LGBT therapist

8D Chess Whores will be Whores

Can’t wait for tonight’s map 🤗 oye vey!


Whats happening? Why are those people flying?

G2 man

It is a war monument of Russian sacrifices in the Great patriotic wars and the defeat of Nazis.

Russia got DICKED

And now they’re the nazis themselves. Getting dicked like nazis should.


Anyone paying attention knows that the Ukraine is rife with Nazis. There is no Nazi presence in any other European state that compares to the role of Nazis in the Ukraine.


I thought the nazis are alive and live in Kiev. No?

Burning Russian soldier

It hurts.. can I go home now?


Quite soon a massive swathe of what used to be the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project will be home for Russians.


Ukraine now has only 37 fighter planes and helicopters. Their air force is reduced to the level of a small African air force. Out of 255 Planes and helicopters at the start of the war, 218 planes & helicopters are destroyed. All its famous Bayraktar drones, 36 of them are destroyed. They can import some but that will not change the war situation for Ukraine. Surrendering and negotiating with Russia in a good faith and behaving like a good neighbor will save Ukraine. Behaving like a mad dog, as it has been behaving in the last 30 years will not work. Every human being must remember that a husband of a jack ass can’t protect from the assault of a lion.

hans raus

Ukjraine moving forward, no need to surrender. Their goal is to recapture donetsk and lugantsk. 36 drones? ukraine newer had this amount of bayraktar drones ……. you live in russian propaganda :D

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

you lost hillbilly —-stay in trailer park arkansas—nazi cretin


I thought it’s a special operation in Ukraine. No? Well, I’m going to tell Putin that you are a traitor and liar. They will hang you on the Red Square!


Interesting analogy


Finally somebody figured the problem that the Russian Strategy was/is based on the FOOLISH ideology of Pan-Slavism

The thinking that Ukrainians are their “brothers” the Kiev PARADE MARCH was based upon this.

They thought that they would just drive up to the city smash a gate or two and the people would be waving Russian flags with Folk Dancing and Vodka


stupid nazi cretin from Alabama


I’ve never been there though I did live in Georgia for a few years


proliferation of CIA activity at SF derives from Russian dominance, amerikan inferiority—pathetic evil nazi retired burger flippers


There’s no question that they are triggered by SF.

Lesco Brandon

Does anyone have an accurate count of Ukrainian force concentrations in different parts of Ukraine. My understanding is Ukraine has a 260k regular force and another 500k reserves. The regular force is split between the north (around Kiev), south (around and east of Odessa) and the east (Donbass and Lugansk regions).

What I do not know is the concentration of Ukrainian forces in these regions. I keep seeing 100k in the north. Is this all regular force or does it include reserves? I’ve read there are around 60k in the south eastern region (around Mariupol). Also I’ve read there are 100k in the Donbass/Lugansk region.

Any ideas?


Interesting sculpture in the lead photo — the birds caught my attention. “Can you hear the swallows when they’ve flown?”

Marcelo Rodriguez

Rusia debe asegurarse todo el este de Ucrania y el Sur del país con Mariupol a la cabeza dividiendo a Ucrania en dos, para luego instalar una serie de bases militares para poder controlar estos nuevos territorios anexados, para luego poder poblar todos estos territorios con personas de habla Rusa. El segundo paso sería desplegar armas nucleares e hipersonicas en estás bases, para defender estos territorios y alejar y disuadir cualquier aventura militar de EE.UU y la OTAN.

Lance Ripplinger

Let’s see how many more months this drags on. Russia needs to take out the Ukraine fortified positions on the ground that keep shelling Donetsk.

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