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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Shot Down Polish-Made Loitering Munitions Near Ukrainian Nuclear Plant (Photos)

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Russian Forces Shot Down Polish-Made Loitering Munitions Near Ukrainian Nuclear Plant (Photos)

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On April 27, Russian forces shot down two Polish-made Warmate loitering munition, which were launched by Kiev forces, over the city of Enerhodar in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

The two loitering munitions were reportedly on their way to attack Enerhodar City Administration building and the nearby Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant when they were detected and shot down by the Russian National Guard. Kiev forces might have planned to blame the Russian military for the attack.

The Warmate, which was developed by WB Electronics, has a range of 40 kilometers and an endurance of up to 50 minutes. The two munitions used in the failed attack on Enerhodar were armed with an RDX-packed high-explosive warheads.

The loitering munition relies on a GPS-aided inertial navigation system. For target detection and terminal guidance, the munition is equipped with a fixed electro-optical seeker.

Russian Forces Shot Down Polish-Made Loitering Munitions Near Ukrainian Nuclear Plant (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

Russian Forces Shot Down Polish-Made Loitering Munitions Near Ukrainian Nuclear Plant (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine purchased an unknown number of Warmate loitering munitions from Poland a few years ago. After the start of the Russian special military operation, Polish plans to supply Kiev with more loitering munitions of this type were reported.

The loitering munition was spotted with Kiev forces very recently. However, there is still no evidence of any successful attack with the system.

Loitering munitions like the Warmate pose a real threat to Russian forces operating in Ukraine. However, as evident by the failed attack on Enerhodar, it is possible to detect small loitering munitions and shot them down.

The US is currently working to supply Kiev with more loitering munitions. Washington wants to arm Kiev forces with hundreds of Switchblade 300 and 600 loitering munitions as well as with more than a hundred of a previously-unknown loitering system dubbed the Phoenix Ghost.


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hans raus

Nice NATO toy, russian tanks and supply trucks will enjoy them even more xD


New gamechanger. Is it #9 or #14? No sure where we are now with all these gamechangers

hans raus

Nah, not gamechanger but still good addon to bigger toys ;)

new york

thrill is gone. fat lady already sung. turn off the lights. ukraine is gone. it is what it is.

Last edited 2 years ago by new york
hans raus

since 24.02 ? copium is strong these days

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
new york

uncanny ability to see an event in a unique way of looking at it. if you still have what is left of your wretched brain, you don’t come over here to spew out one poof after another. ukraine is in dire situation and needs you desperately. not sure what you are doing here with your keyboard is of any help to ukraine. just fuking join in the uki nazi brigade and do something about it for god’s sake.

hans raus dead

Your brain tumor is strong these days. Not much brain, just tumor.

new york

the lesson from this ukraine disappearance is that a country should never be cannon fodder, proxy, puppet, colony, etc. for other countries’ behalf and benefits. there have been numerous historical precedents and more recently with south vietnam, afghanistan, ect. next up is south korea after ukraine gone.

Russia is a paper tiger

What s happening in moscow these days? So many fires and explosions… 🤔

new york

what is going on here in new york? everyone is shooting at each other. almost 10000 people here got killed and wounded with guns so far. another apartment building got blown up with fire.

Russia is a paper tiger

You sound like a 5 year old… What kinda of Logic did you use to make that connection?

The Objective

You sound like a moron. Literally everything you spew from your dumb mouth is illogical, irrelevant, insignificant crap….. and then you moron dare to complain about ‘logic’? You don’t even know what logic means. Moron.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective

None of your fekn business duddo,youll be next!

Last edited 2 years ago by TRUSS IS A TRUTH ASSASIN WHORE
Russia is a paper tiger

answer, is just my mom, sucking Russian cocks everywhere

Hunter Biden your Pimp

What you need bigger toys for you homo ass?? Dammit bitch you are such an insatiable whore! Always on your knees and always hungry for more Yankee dicks…

Last edited 2 years ago by Hunter Biden your Pimp

You PLAY war, not the same as fighting a war. Enjoy your fantasy world, say Hi to the Ghost of Kiev for us.

Joao M...

Go sit on your big toy…


The gamechangers are all in reserve to be used as tools at the right moment, Putin dixit yesterday. More or less two years ago he said that the Russians will not fight on the motherland. I think that it’s time for the imbeciles to try to think.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
Hunter Biden your Pimp

Nice NATO toys are dildos for you and your mother to enjoy while sucking Yankee dicks in some cheap polish brothel you dirty little cocksucker.

Ze Z

If it is a toy you can definitely use it. Don’t forget the lube before using it, and be careful with a possible explosion.


I bought better drones from a chinese firm on Alibaba


Speaking of Chinese drones dunno why Russia didn’t import bunch of Chinese military drones. If there is one military branch Russia lacks behind that’s drones, in both quality and quantity. Chinese drones are between 1mil and 4 mil, definitely cheaper than risking planes. Ukros have manpads, they can shoot them down, but they cannot detect them easily.

Igor Chomchev

There is an interesting article and video from Alex Merkouris from The Duran that he got info that Ukraine is complaining that Western drones and specially switchblades are junk, cannot cope with the electronic jamming capabilities of the Russian forces, none of the drones, they got an updated version after the complaint but still no good, also that javelins are way too heavy to maneuver and carry and are not reliable so they aren’t using them that much relying on old weapons instead, and some are complaining that apparently the armour of Russian tanks can take three and also four hits of javelins so what’s the use of them. No wonder when Russian captures towns there is a pack of unused of javelins sitting there.

hans raus

those “new” toys don´t work because the most powerfull ukranian units are already gone, there are no personnel who can train or operate these systems even in a mediocre manner. As always, my german friend, you are delusional.


poland smelly assholes always open and waiting for NATO/USA/ZOG cocks

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we closed the cauldron yet?

Vlad the imposter

Fire control. Nothing gets in or out while they batter them with arty. Ukrainians are rationing bullets. Foreign volunteers are give 10 bullets and told to go hunting … it’s suicide. Whoever survives the cauldron will be a useless bag of nerves.

NATO is laughing at you


hans raus

ah ah ah ah ah ahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah oh oh oh


Yup. T Don’t worry, they’re just trying.to communicate with the only letters of the alphabet they haven’t banned yet. H & A Hahahahahaha


What are you saying? Did you ban the alphabet and now the only letters you have left is H and A? Hahahahahahaha

Your Mouth Yankee toilet

Close your shithole mouth, permanently: it reeks of Bidens piss and Zelenskys shit.



hans raus

hahahahahaha putin skip leg day on gym :D Putin’s legs very weak just like his brain.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Where have you been for the past month? Living under a rock? Mariupol was compromised like over a month ago. Ukraine begging for a way out. Oh, you must be one of the rats holed up in the basement of avostal. Yah…. nobody cares about you. Enjoy rotting away, you stand no chance.

Remember Bucha!

NATO/USA are OPENLY supplying russia’s enemy…THIS is how weak russia is!

USA will ROLL OVER Vladolf Pitler’s B-rate ‘army’…heheheh…

new york

how those supplies get to ukraine? mr kalibr is gonna light up the sky over ukraine or europe if needed.

Last edited 2 years ago by new york
NATO is laughing at you




hans raus

Russian invasion on ukraine was staged…………..source? trust me bro aka russian propaganda channel

Quit Drugs

Learn to read and quit drugs you stupid idiot.

hans raus dead

USA only rolls over your B-rate mama…. go slurp your dinner from her asshole and from Joe Bidens diapers for your desert… hehehe…


All those weapons are ending up in Russia and DPR. Thanks for the free stuff. When you’re under such a delusion about winning, that you’re actually supplying your enemy with your own equipment…..


Speaking of Poland, reports are already out that some Polish households have already been left without gas since yesterday when Russia shut off the gas. Lesson learned for the US and NATO, you never sanction another nation without having leverage on them. Russia has NATO and the US govt by the cojones. In all honesty sanctions are the gayest, weakest globo-homo reaction which never work, rather they strengthen the will and national unity of corresponding nations. When Russia was sanctioned in 2015, Russia became way more self-sufficient.


don’t worry, Polaks are full of natural gas 😀


hahaa I’ve met a few Polish folk and in all honesty from my personal experience they are nice people, The ones I’ve met were mild-mannered, intelligent and educated. I think the main problem with Poland is not the people rather like most of the western nations its their governments who are leading them in the wrong direction. It’s the same here in the US. Most people here in the states are completely unaware of what is truly going on and as far as the conflict in Ukraine goes, the majority of Americans do not have animosity towards Russia nor are they pro-war. Its important to make this clarification.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

Nasz rząd to marionetki USA, Polacy są Słowianami inteligentki wiemy co robi NATO, ale wybory są w Polsce fałszowane jesteśmy terroryzowani i okupywani przez NATO i USA


Nie mamy wystarczajacej ilości gazu ziemnego, a na naszych zasobach naturalnych stacjonują wojska Amerykańskie, jesteśmy pod okupoacją USA, nie mamy swojego rządu to kukły USA!!

hans raus

Poland dont need russian gas anylonger, baltic pipe from norway will be open at end of september this year. So truth is that in next 5 months poles will be 100% independent of russian gas. Also Germany will be independent from russian oil at end of this year. I guees putin is not 5D chess player. Russian gas leverage getting weaker and weaker every year ;)


also italy will be independent of russian gas


Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Hans you forgot to mention that the ghost of Kiev along with the 13 dead sailors from snake island and the Ukrainian supermodel with the airsoft gun have been secretly building a 600 kilometer pipeline that will directly flow gas from Uranus to Poland. Poland and every other European cucked nation will be paying Russia in rubles for gas, oil and soon to be aluminum, wheat and coal because they have no choice. Also Ukraine is suffering such heavy losses in Donbass it looks like they will capitulate in a few weeks. Expect all the mainstream media outlets of the west to begin to switch focus on Ukraine just like they did when the US pulled out of Afghanistan with their tails between their legs.

hans raus

Relax dude, i just give you facts and just you overreacting due to lack of arguments ^^ Almost every industry sector in russia is based on western EU or USA technology. Just take a look at first example- russia airlines….they almost doesnt exist anylonger and its just beggining my friend . When it comes to battlefield then kiev region proved to us that so called 2nd world army is one big joke. No need to exaggerete here and create alternate reality based on your….feelings ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Polaków nie stać za gaz z NORWEGII!!! My Polacy chcemy tani gaz z Rosji, zarabiały 400 Euro na miesiac gaz z Norwegii zostawi nas bez butów!!


Jestem Polakiem i jestem całkowiecie za Rosją za Słowianami!! Przeciwko terrorystycznemu NATO. NATO go home!!! Nigdy nie zapomnimy ukraińcom Wołynia i bandy UPA Bandery!!!! Polacy są Słowianami nasz rząd to marionetki NATO i USA !!

Hunter Biden your Pimp

hans rat stop screaming in that brothel while being sodomized by NATO fags you dumb gay hooker.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hunter Biden your Pimp

Seems to me that the Polacks want to prove to their Otan (French for Nato) masters that they are brave warriors/lapdogs. But the last day or so they have already managed to have their gas supply cut off, leaving their people freezing half to death, and now this. Has there ever been a more hopeless people in Europe? I still can’t believe they tried to stop the German army in 1939 with their cavalry!

new york

no one gives rat’s ass about poland. poles will always be poles. they have victim mentality. it is uncanny to see their ability to make the wrong choices throughout its sorry history.


Nie mieszaj rządu POlskojęzycznego z Polakami!!! Nie jesteśmy za ukrainą jesteśmy za Rosją i Słowianami!!! Nasz rząd jest made in USA!!!


Translation : “Do not confuse the Polish-speaking government with the Poles!!! We are not for Ukraine, we are for Russia and the Slavs!!! Our government is made in the USA!!!‎”

OK, now I understand. Just like all European countries Poland is ruled by the power behind USA. Hmmn, I wonder who that could be? Well, Krysztof, you have my sympathy, and I wish you and your people well.

Nato is bad news for you and all the Slavic people. You Slavs really need to stick together then Nato would be destroyed very, very quickly.


W 1939 mieliśmy samoloty i dwa potężne zbrojne wagony wojenne, mieliśmy wysoką technikę ale nas Anglia i Francja wyrolowały jak zwykle NATO jest Kłamcą!!!, a polacy są najlepszymi żołnierzami!! Tylko nasz rząd jest CIA USA przeciwko Polakom!!! Sława Rosji Polsce i SŁowianom!!


Translation : “1939 we had planes and two powerful armed war wagons, we had high technology but England and France rolled us as usual NATO is a liar!!!, and the Poles are the best soldiers!! Only our government is the CIA USA against the Poles!!! Fame of Russia to Poland and the SLovians!!‎”

Yes, I think I know what you mean. The English and French ruined everything for you during the war, even though you had the best soldiers. And then, of course, the USA with CIA took control over Poland and they are still controlling your country.

I’m sorry to hear this, but it is more or less exactly the same for all European countries. There is now a chance to break free from the slave masters. Russia is now fighting a war that has the potential to free all these enslaved countries, which will occur once the evil beast of Nato has been destroyed.


Well to be fair lots of armies at the start of WW2 had cavalry, Germany had 4 divisions worth Russia 13 divisions worth. By all accounts cavalry performed fairly well especially against infantry. Refusing Russian gas then buying Russian gas off of 3rd parties at a higher price does seem a bit pointless though.


These nuclear power facilities are gonna end up targets in this war. When that happens, everything will change. The clown doesn’t care. He’s a billionaire oligarch with plenty of options. 5 million have fled Ukraine. Most will not be coming back. Just another week in the meat grinder.


Detectar ingreso en territorio ucraniano y hacerlos polvo como hacen con todo lo que esta entrando


Jestem Polakiem i wstyd mi za nasz rząd, Polacy są za Rosją!



Such a shame a Brit died as a mercenary … it should have been a hundred Brits, or anyone stupid enough to go up against Russia for Ukraine. I would not normally be happy about a Brit dying in battle but when they go up against someone who is not the enemy and is also way more powerful, you have to grant them the Darwin Award for their efforts.


Lol whut?


Sława Rosji!!

Polacy i Rosjanie to Słowianie!!!

Jesteśmy wszyscy Braćmi słowiańskiego Ducha.

Nie zapomnimy Ukraińcom Wołynia!!! Azow Aidar Naziści UPA i Bandery!!!


Przeczytajcie jak naprawdę jest w Polsce!!



In a clearly politically charged turn of events, residents of Poland have been blocked from gaining access to the Global Research news site. I am currently a resident of Poland and have been affected in this way.

Over the last few months the Polish political elite has whipped-up a highly abrasive anti Russian anti Putin propaganda drive. This has resulted in a US/NATO orchestrated news media whitewash, having the goal of making it appear as though all ‘atrocities’ being perpetrated in Ukraine are at the hands of ‘barbaric’ Russian soldiers. There is no mention of AZOV neo-Nazi led internecine strife while President Zelensky is portrayed as a swashbuckling hero.

Poland is following the US war plan and has been secretly training AZOV neo-Nazi fighters on its own soil for over a decade. Weapons with origins in the UK and USA are currently being funnelled through the country and over the border into Ukraine for immediate use by the AZOV Brigade and related militant groups.

Historically, Poland’s relationship with Ukraine has, at best, been uneasy. A violent attack on thousands of Poles resident in Ukraine during World War Two, left an indelible scar on Polish/Ukraine relations which time has not completely healed.

However, no mention is made of this bloodbath by the starkly pro Ukrainian Polish media – whose output echoes that of the global communications dictatorship – now under the control of just six corporations.

Poland fell into the hands of US hegemonic ambitions during the Solidarity trade union’s 1989 uprisings, when economist Jeffrey Sachs infiltrated “Solidarity” discussions on the forming of a workers’ led cooperative to lead the nation out of Communism.

Sachs persuaded the union’s leaders to take a loan from the IMF in order to clear its debts, and the loan’s repayment terms subsequently bankrupted the country leading to a quasi-dependency on US support.

When I first came to Poland I was struck by the ‘Coca Colarisation’ of the culture; its seeming intoxication with ‘US is Best’. Something which has noticeably waned in recent years within Polish society. However, at the political level Poland is still playing poodle to US interests. Throughout the past decade a steady build-up of US missiles and troops has been the predominant military strategy, while Polish army recruitment and State financial spending on the military has been minimal.

NATO headquarters recently shifted from Northern Germany to Krakow in Southern Poland, adding to the sense that Poland is being used as a theatre for strategic Western military operations with the barely covert intention of surrounding Russia’s Western flank with especially sharpened sticks with which to spike the bear at short range.

Given Poland’s long history of occupation by belligerent foreign neighbours, known as ‘the partitions’, it is perhaps understandable that national sentiment concerning Russia is generally uneasy. However, when one observes the situation from a bottom-up perspective, both countries share much in common: they are Slavs – and in this sense are cousins.

The great tragedy of wars whipped-up by the self-interested dark cabal, is that ‘the people’ are out of the picture, their top-down indoctrination being relentlessly pursued by the ruthless global hidden-hand and passed on ‘verbatim’ by imaginatively bankrupt national governments.

Divide and conquer plus the fear factor, are once again being used immediately any sign of unity between peoples shows itself to be gaining momentum. Whereas, left to follow their own natural inclinations the people would come together in unity with no interest in attacking each other.

As the so called ‘refugees’ (Ukraine) pour across the border into Poland, President Zelensky maintains a relentless promotion of the fear which is the hallmark of the AZOV Brigade’s Nazi tactics. It is predominantly this that is causing the mass exodus of Ukraine citizens – and not the Russian army.

Kieve, and large parts of West Ukraine have not been militarily targetted by Putin, and while the press likes to spin a storyline of mass bombardment and beatings, the actual evidence for such has never been been proved.

My personal view is that a solution will be achieved only when the ‘Slav cousins’ recognise the ultimate commonality of their cultural, trading and humanitarian needs. Only then will Eastern Europe experience its true geo-political sense of balance and peace. And that sense of balance will be based upon long standing Eastern European intrinsic values – and not on a further enforcement of US led ‘coca colarisation’ and pugilistic neocolonial hegemony.


Last edited 2 years ago by Krzysztof

Poles and so-called Ukrainians never liked each other, Bandera’s degenerates slaughtered tens of thousands of Poles in WW2 and yet the Polish government today fully support Bandera’s ideological children. Insane.



Last edited 2 years ago by Krzysztof




jens holm

7? 11?


Apparently the western war pig industry really does want WWIII. Why even they would want to be around after the destruction makes no sense. Maybe they all have estates in Paraguay.

USA Evil Empire

They’ll just relocate to Argentina or Australia. Or Antarctica. No need to change the name much – New USA: United States of Australia/Antarctica


Hadron collider making palaces underneath the Alps. NZ bunkers underneath the mountains.


He’ll get them.

Joseph similia

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.


Great Satan – USA Little Satan – Israel


The real Antichrist is ————— Elon Musk! Trust me, in 10 years this guy will own everything 😀

Dick Von D'Astard

Russia should send a drone over Zelenskyy’s office and green screen film set within Poland.


They seem to get smaller and smaller don’t they? I guess it’s shrinkflation.

David Tanner

At some point Ukrainians will realize they are being used and that receiving these weapons only mean more Ukrainian casualties. I’m honestly surprised they can still get troops to head down range knowing they will die. Even if Russia took COMPLETE control of Ukraine, their lives would improve by simply stopping this war. It’s not as if they are fighting a completely different people, as a Middle Eastern nation or and Asian country. Ukraine was a wonderful place before 2014. Worst case scenario is they would return to pre-2014 life, which was pretty darn good, even when compared to many first world nations.

Lance Ripplinger

All of these drones are junk, just as the Turkish supplied ones have proven to be. They will make no difference on the battlefield.


Giving weapons to terrorist Ukronazis and CIA paid mercenaries is a recipe for evil intent.

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