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MARCH 2025

Russian Forces Surround Ukrainian Stronghold In Avdeevka, DPR (Map Update On January 8, 2024)

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Russian Forces Surround Ukrainian Stronghold In Avdeevka, DPR (Map Update On January 8, 2024)

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  • Russian forces reportedly advanced along Michurin street east of the Coke and Chemical Plant;
  • Russian forces advanced to the east of street Pervomaiskaya;
  • Russian forces are storming Pervomaiskoe.

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“russian forces surround ukrainian stronghold in avdeevka,”

say wat n dun now?


avdeeka isn’t surrounded completely. the title is misleading. that said, the ukrainians are having an extremely difficult time repelling the russians. the losses are 1:1 along most the lines here. this should be abnormal given the attacker is expected to have larger losses. the main reason is thw sheer scale of russian artillery and drone fire. the ukrianians are also having supply issues as the roads in are all shelled and hit by drones.


the most interesting thing is that the supply lines have been compromised for nearly a month. this means the stores of ammo and supplies here in avdeevka must be truly immense. after this is all done, it would be interesting to know how large the ammo stores here where seeing how much of it is located underground.


yes, and moreover today russia lost 9 armoured vehicles (incl. 5 tanks) in kherson, krynki area. moreover high ru commander of ru tank forces got killed. the killing of the commander is confirmed by the russian side. see: http://alturl.com/mzm4b

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

in the liman direction ukraine lost 3 tanks, 4 personelle carriers, and several light vehicles alone confirmed by geolocation of drone footage. in the border area, the loss of at least 3 mlrs systems is also confirmed geolocsted and footage with 3 more being possible without geolocation. overall the ukrianians are losing more than the russians. even western commentators are admitting this now. so where is your source?


i only base my assumptions and statements when there is geolocated facts, videos and photos to prove. western media has until now been unable to provide evidence that ukriane is winning and refused to say losing as it goes against their narrative. what will happen when ukriane is defeated? will they deny it like bakhmut and if so for how long?


western media have evidence – arma 3 and milsim are their evidence.


the evidence that russia is losing is photos & geolocations of the amount of destroyed ru vehicles. moreover that after nearly 2 years of war, the allegly 2nd strongest army in the world did not manage to go to kyiv & was beaten back, and is not even able to take avdiivka, nor reach the city and that after 3 months of constant ru meatwave onslaughts.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

first 1,5 months (oct to mid nov) ru started mass tank & armoured vehicle attacks, but all of them were kaboomed by the ukr artillery and fpv drones. 411 ru armoured vehicles incl. tanks destroyed near avdiivka. afterwards ru was afraid and just sent infantry in meatwaves, which got destroyed by ukr cluster ammo and fpv drones.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

using these meatwave attacks, suffering enormous unnecessary high losses, ru managed to gain some marginal advance in the north of avdiivka near stepove & in the east at the outer outskirts of avdiika industrial sector. that’s the situation. and losses are 1 to 12 in favour of ukraine for the whole avdiivka operation so far.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

most of the ru meatwave participants end like this (see: http://alturl.com/yunpq ) just days after being deployed in this hotspot of the front. with a ration of 1 to 12 kia in favour of ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

link you provided only shows the destruction of carriers. infantry didn’t get destroyed. no evidence to show the landed infantry were eliminated. if there was rhe ukrianians would have published it. lastly today the russians sunk a dozen boats. along the river. the krynki bridge head is a huge loss of ukrianian forces and resources. western military sources have even said it is a pr stunt that was too costly and should have been abandoned. for now the russians use it to bleed ukraine.


the opposite is true. the ukr bridgehead in krynki still there. and ukr on east river side only uses infantry. destroying large chunks of ru armoured vehicles that are trying to get rid of that bridgehead. ukr used atgms, and fpv drones mainly. and since ru is eager to erase the ukr bridgehead they are throwing waves of vehicles into that battle – suffering high losses for nothing.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Peter Jennings

moreover, ukraine is done, and so is its junta. the kiev junta is losing on all fronts. collapse is next and the rat runs begin for the junta leaders and their money.


this communist bullshit talk we hear since 24.02.2022. and since then, apart from taking bakhmut (and even that only with help of wagner forces – and the gangleader prigozhin who afterwards went into open revolt & openly announced that ru government& military command is a bunch of criminal idiots & massmurderers) ruzzia achieved nothing.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

1 to 1? say better 5 or 6 to 1…. there is no ukro army one year ago, only zombies who sometimes kill each other….


the losses in front of avdiivka are 1 to 12 often even 1 to 13 in favour of ukraine there. but of course ruski propaganda website sf will never admit this fact.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

show us irrefutable evidence and you might just have a point. the only time ukraine had a 13 to 1 ratio was when they bombed and shot the residents of the lpr and dpr before the russia heroes came to help them


that 13 to 1 ration is because pootin gives shit about ru soldiers lifes, and throws them into constant meatwave attacks north of avdiivka – the killing fields there are full of ru corpses. it’s really awefull to view the pictures. has also to do with the results cluster ammo produces when used against enemy infantry that attacks in meatwaves.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

давайте ребята 🇷🇺

Last edited 1 year ago by Alyosha242

let us dedicate this victory to the defenders of the 2nd siege of sevastopol who fought to the last man. only the injured in the hospital became pow.

Peter Jennings

not long now. the ukrainian people need just hold on a little longer to their sanity, as the russian’s are coming to liberate you all. a happy new year is approaching.

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