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MARCH 2025

Russian Foreign Minister Warns U.S. From Attempts To Create ‘Quasi-State’ In Syria

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Russian Foreign Minister Warns U.S. From Attempts To Create 'Quasi-State' In Syria

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann

Russian Foreign Minitster Sergei Lavrov warned the United States of attempts to create a “a certain quasi-state on a large part of the Syrian territory”. The minister also said that Russia has the US “a suspicion…. that the United States wants to stay there [in Syria] for a long time, if not forever.”

“The Americans, in my opinion … are trying to act by dangerous unilateral steps. And by the way, these steps look more and more like part of a line for creating a certain quasi-state on a large part of the Syrian territory — on the eastern bank of the Euphrates and up to the Iraqi border,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov further warned that US actions “undermine the territorial integrity of Syria” and expressed hope that the UN will prevent “external players” from undermining the Security Council’s road map for a peace process in the war-torn country.

He also emphasized to the ongoing international efforts to hold peace talks between the Damascus government and the opposition and once again recalled that Russia supports participation of Kurdish representatives in the process.

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I’m curious who in the US government is orchestrating these events and just how much control over this the White House really has?


Trump’s generals I’d say? The Pentagon seems to have more say in foreign policy these days then the secretary of state.

Of course Lavrov is not really in a position to say much about this subject, because A: in order to confront the Americans one must have at least enough strength to give them pause. And B: Russia has kinda done the same in the Ukraine with those ‘People’s Republics’. On the plus side this completely makes any Western complaints about socalled Russian behavior in the Ukraine irrelevant, because pot, kettle, black.

So I reckon Lavrov needs to come up with something clever, or at least have it backed up with enough force to give pause to the Americans. And you know what, in the long term I have faith that he and Putin will.

Mahmoud HAm

If the US stay it will pay a high price like what happened in Iraq before. Waite and see.


” Russia has kinda done the same in the Ukraine with those ‘People’s Republics’ ”

The glaring difference of course is that Ukraine is immediately on the Russian borders and the USA is 3500 miles away.

What would be the US reaction be if Russia were to pay for a coup in Mexico and use Mexican gangs to intimidate the people of Mexico ?

That is effectively what the US has done in Ukraine and it was planned for 10 years according to Victoria Nuland, the State Dept mouthpiece at the time of the coup.

John Whitehot

“What would be the US reaction be if Russia were to pay for a coup in Mexico and use Mexican gangs to intimidate the people of Mexico ?”

Take Cuba for example. And it wasn’t even a coup, or gangs.


Yes. It was total hysteria. I was young then but still remember it . :)


Only after the usa tried to get rid of fidel, he turned to the USSR, don’t change the truth here!!

John Whitehot

The example of Cuba has been chosen because it gives proportion to things.

The Cuban revolution (and the toppling of the US stooge Fulgencio Batista) wasn’t started by the USSR, it was started and finished by the Cuban people with their own strength. Which is very different from the involvement of the US in Ukraine since BEFORE the events of Maidan.

In addition Fidel accepted a larger USSR protection after the Bay of the pigs invasion, and a number of attempts on his life by the CIA.

In any case, the example wasn’t made to “change the truth” or undermine the struggle of the Cuban people to become free from being basically a funhouse for US tourists.


OK, nice to see your adjustments to the story


This is true story. El Che leaved Cuba because of Castros deal wit USSR.


This is why i said NICE to see your adjustments


Fidel , booted out the American mob who ran Cuba , the mob had good connections because they had run security for the ports during the 2ond WW. Castro had incredible luck , and some good KGB help , but the CIA tried to assassinate him 7 or 8 hundred times !

Mahmoud HAm

The White House has an idiot in office so the (Zionist) Generals run the show

John Whitehot

it doesn’t matter who’s in office in the White House. In fact, they wanted to put there a woman that in addition to be an idiot, is a mental patient subject to nervous and physical breakdowns and probably an alcholic.


Zionist Jews Alder. They own the USA.


Life is not some dark fairytale Florian. It isn’t that simple. You forget that those american “taliban” that follow the bible wants the prophecy fulfilled. Apart from that its money talk, the weapon industry makes a lot of money like this (and its the only real industry left in the usa)


No shit Sergei, are you just now starting to suspect what the US announced openly last week already? The US have been undermining Syria’s territorial integrity for a decade already, or since their Tel Aviv branch took the Golan, depending on how you look at it.

Frank Tringale

@ ma -maybe a powerful neighbor in your neighborhood will come in and undermine your house and family

Joe Doe

This is Putin and Lavrov blunders in Syria. Now Assad will be left with divided Syria, as Putin and Lavrov have no clue how to deal with Americans and Israelis. Time for Assad to look for new partners and protectors. Russia is not only failng Syria, but also Russians



John Whitehot

nice :D




Putin is uzurper. In democracy the politicians accept the law. Like in USA. In dictatorship the law is changed x-times for reason, that the dictator could be reelected again and again. Like in Russia.


I’m an American and you just showed me that not all fools that believe the US fairy tale live in the US. How depressing.


Please you send message to people of juesej,Slavs,never will to fight with USA and Nato.Nato is teroristic organization,extension hand of USA !


Vladimir Vladimirovic Putin, man No.1 in the world ! By us magazine Forbes ! So you dont speak uzurper.He is patriot opposite burglars from USA!


Far not. If he would, the development in Syria and Ukraine take better direction. And yes, he is uzurper. Trumo accepts fact, that he can be elected twice. Will not change the election law for him. Russia is a land with almost zero freedom.


During Jelcin was Russian on the knee,humble.USA was in Russian country as home.Power of Russian was removed.What happend?The NATO start coming to border RF.Somebody must this cut off.RF must do choice:democracy by USA,or proud,independent nation.RF must be under strong leader,no under pseudo democracy.Historical timeline of juesej:killing of indians,and during existence USA about 200 war and conflicts all around the world.Thanks for this style of democracy.


Of course, Putin is the best from times of Stalin. But this is the tragedy, that there is no one better. And next tragedy, there is no altenative.

This is the centuries long mistake of russians: they think, there is needed strong leader. In modern world the flexibility is much more important. Flexible citizens you have only in freedom. Not in oligarchia. Therefore is the big stagnation of Russia. Compare with China. Where was China and where is now. Normal people can rise, found factories, firms. In russia only the favourites of godfathers.


Russians are special nationality,opposite collection of bastards from all around the world!These bastards are clever and creative.Who do USA bad,are congress and jews!


Russians were always losers. The defined themselves as not europeans. And if other nations accept this, the russians feel themselves exulcerated. This was already in the early beginning of Moscow khanat. The russian popes told, Moscow is the 3rd Rome and better to be slave of tatars then cooperate with europeans. beacuse of rome. So, from that time began the decline of russians. In the beginning of 1900´s they pulled ships by hand, because the muzhik, the russian villain was gratis. and his life costs nothing. Russia always fall off in innovations. And always solved with wars to take western technique, later technology. But today is no more able this way. So, russians are really not europeans in menthality., but not something glorious, bit just opposite, the dark byzantian spirit.


Trumo is only dolly a invalid duck!All decisions do deep state,sionists,psycho as Mc Cain, Graham.Are these persons representative democracy?You answer to self!


Putyko is only puppet. Of oligarchs. Mainly Sobchaks.


Do you thing russian paris hilton xenia?hih..


Her father. :)


Putin call all oligarchs and remember to them-you dont forget how you reach your property !It means-o.k guys,you will development RF!Should people RF will live better!Somebody understand this note,somebody no,similar Berezovsky and another.


This is the tale story. In reality: who pays tribute to putins clan, can do big business. chodorovskiy and berezobsky though, they can ignore this. But boy, there is nothing about help for RF. Putuns friends buy western luxury houses, aprtments, ffootball clubs. They bring the money out of Russia. The give to Russia nothing. Also not taxes. So it is. Putin is much worse than Ivan the Terrible or peter the Great. They cut the wings of boyars. Putin does not do this.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

WTF what is a democracy, show where one is since the US is a republic like most.


Still democracy. In russia is parody of democracy. Historical timeline: tsarism, communism, oligarchia. Thanks, primitive society.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Let’s see between Tsarism and Communism was Democracy lasted 6 mos before the Communist killed everybody connected to it , go figure they were Bolshevik Jews. So by the explanation you offer Jews are primitive in their ideology, sounds about right.


Bolsheviks were from all nations living in Russia. Stalin was not a jew. He killed lots of jews, but also members of all other nations.

The main point is, why accept russian people such undemocratic governments? There is a big leak in your logic: if russians were refused communism, some thousands jews had no chance. Rzussians like dictatorship, they are not prepared for freedom. And therefore they will fall. In 21st century the countries, where is suppressed the initiativity and the people wait for “bumazhca” (paper wit stamp) to begin to do something (like in nazi Germany everything went through Hitler), thos countires have no chance to development.


Development under former colonial coutries as colony?You thing freedom destroy another countries as Libya,Syria,Irak,who dont want make bussines with USA?The USA need prevetive nuclear impact,should people of usa know,what is war! Sorry to common people of usa !My friend here dont go about factories build up,here go about survival under hegemony USA !


What are you talking about, boy?! Too much mushroom???

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just one of 17 not a Jew then further more Jews came to power yep right , Stalin Killed more non Jews just fact Jews killed millions in the Gulags. Russians have turned to another form of government Oligarchy is US style that we see there now. US will fall because they are not prepared to be civilized human beings, nor are the vassal states like Israel. Sounds like many countries right now you seem to have a very narrow view in life.


Look, i lived with this history, and simply is absolutely irreal the viewpoint, that the jews killed the non-jews. Btw., lot of jews sent in Gulag another jews. In thet time were red, whites, both sides killed the civilians. As massively as the germans. For example check, how many russians, ukraininas were killed by polish Wrangler.


My words, too.


ohlala you wait after 18 mars!! ouiouin ! occidentale


How is the wether in Langley?

John Whitehot

this kind isn’t even allowed to put their feet in langley.


those who put their feet in Langley must discover another way of winning their lifes, for their own sake.


@ Ma_Laoshi : To be fair while the US has been in Iraq since 2003 , they have only been in Syria (as US forces) , since June of 2016 . Correct me If I error , from memory only . Really only since ISIS was defeated by SAA at Al Bukumal , and the announcement of a “Syrian Border Force” has their intent been clear , the creation of “Kurdistan” in Syria . As you know it didn’t go as planned in Iraq . I perceive Sergei , Putin et al have resolved along with Turkey and Iraq that this American creation is not to be .


“For a decade already” referred to the Roebuck memo, disclosed by Wikileaks, which was entitled “plans to destabilize Syria” or something very close to it, and dated 2006 or 2007 if memory serves. We’ll have to see how it’ll all play out, but I don’t think there was ever any ambiguity about Washington’s intentions since the bodies started piling up.


Couldn’t agree more .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Plan: “Bringing Muscle to Bear in Syria” was in 2006 and is available in the CIA’s freedom of Information library in the electronic reading room. They had announced in 2009 everything was go to certain UK/EU NATO politicians about Syria “Al Qaeda Spring” funded by the NATO,GCC and Israel to coincide Libya and Egypt and Syria dubbed operation “Arab Spring”. These operations are part of operation “New Century” in 99′


Talk, talk, talk: The U$ will do what the U$ wants to do, and Russia will talk, talk, talk.

John Whitehot

Assad being in office speaks volumes on who’s talking the talk and who’s walking the walk.

j. jaxson

our country is turning into a shithole hockshop.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Mr Lavrov…USA only understand other lenguage…look at Erdogan…he deployed SAM missile & Koral electronic warfare to avoid US airstrike vs Tukish backed forces like USA did vs SAA….and Spanish proverb says ” when you see your neighbor´s bear shaving…put yours to soak!”…It means that Erdogan knows the USA intentions in Siria!…it is a new Israel with US bases inside and 70% of oil/gas reserve looted…so deploy S-400 in Deir Ezzor& Damascus to avoid the inevitable…it is more US airstrike vs SAA there!


And Turkey are going no where near Manbij because they’re scared of America.

Manuel Flores Escobar

But he deploy SAM system to avoid airstrike vs Turkish backed forces…meanwhile in Deir Ezzor no SAM are deployed!


do not dream


Not only S-400 , but a Russian air force base to back it up .


Once the desert pocket south of the highway to DE is cleared, there won’t be much west of the river away from border areas left to clear. The pocket outside Damascus will be all that remains in the interior. Some of the border areas may be problematic due to being supplied by regime change supporters. But with some work the regime change forces can be pushed back over the borders into the countries that they came from.

My guess is that the Turks will work the northern SDF areas, and the Russians will provide air cover east of the river to support government ground forces expanding the government foot print on the east side of the river that they established when they reclaimed DE and Al Bukamal. And the Jews and their collaborators will waste more American money on a failing secession attempt, just like they did on the failed regime change attempt west of the river.

j. jaxson

amen bro!


and the Russians will provide air cover east of the river to support government ground forces expanding the government foot print on the east side of the river

what do you smoke?



Ariel Cohen

Whatever he smokes it’s none of your business you demented halfwit. With a name like yours, you’re probably sitting in a boiler room like the one in the pic below regurgitating your Zionazi propaganda in accordance with your handler’s directives. You and many others like you are brought in off the streets and welfare soup kitchens in Haifa and Tel Aviv, paid a modest salary and told what to write . . and you’re asking him what he smokes?



ANd what does an imbecile with name Arel Cohen? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


You called ‘Ariel Cohen’ an imbecile and then you went and spelt his name wrong – as ‘Arel’. Karma can be kinda funny.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes streeter trash!!

Hide Behind

And as the man stood beating the hell out of his masters wife and killing its pups. The little bitty Russian mutt was yapping and yapping at him When the man threatened the mutt, it ran. Always until safe distance and once more began yapping. The big man just ignored the yapping mutt and went back doing what it liked best, “Beating the hell out of anyone it wanted to.” When the man got tired the mutt ran whimpering back to its wrecked companions looking for a pat on head..


Wat hide behind!! How his the wether in Langley, mongol’

John Whitehot

yeah sure.

let’s see how it’s gonna work out.


You are so stupid.


You only have suspicious ? XD. Russia can’t help Syria because Russia is with USA and pretend to help Syria but is working with USA to divide Syria is two parts like west/east Germany, North-South Korea.




Never believe in fairytales. It’s not because you want to beleive that something is, that it really is.


The government foot print grows every day while the regime change foot print shrinks. It’s called winning the war.


Syria is on their own. Iran and Syria must attack SDF. We will see if Russia backs or not.


Don’t be a drama queen.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Putin is not help Syrian army he is chasing Turkey stream and Trump good book.

Steve Bell

“The U.S. isn’t in the game in Syria”- Michael Oren

Floyd Hazzard

Makes us wonder where the Russians had their heads all along, doesn’t it?


Up their asses HAHAHA


Not really Flloyd. Are you a senior military man in the Pentagon ? With strategic genius such as yours the US would not have been in Afghanistan for over 16 years. All that was needed would have been the murder of every Afghan and hey presto, the Americans have won the war.

The consequences for doing that are far to extensive to muse over here BUT all would require a massive military presence to secure the borders of the destroyed lands.


You have company here. https://prisonphotography.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/mary-ellen-mark-cast-of-one-flew-over-the-cuckoos-nest-posing-for-their-photograph-on-location-at-the-oregon-state-hospital-salem-oregon-mary-ellen-mark-1974.jpg

Langaniso Mhlobo

God given answers is Russia must forcefully expels USA from Syria.Lavrov must stop barking like trump dog.Lavrov knows and the whole world knows that useless USA agent UN Security Council won’t do anything.Maybe if it was Iran or North Korea or small bullying countries like Syria,Libya and Iraq.Then that rubbish racist whites only right UN Security Council could have act to supress and oppress the poor and weak.


Hahahahaha, try it. We just saw 200 Russian peasants get destroyed in American strikes. We won’t hesitate to kill all of the Russians in Syria

Ariel Cohen

Yep … just like you killed 2000+ in Lebanon, 1,200+ in Gaza and hundreds more in the West Bank. Or perhaps you prefer the Talmudic method of having someone else do your dirty work for you as you did with Sabra and Shatila, or with 9/11? Your day is coming Shlomo . .

Brad Isherwood



Steve Bell

Saw? Any photos/videos/body count verification? The tribe loves a good photo-op, so where is it?

Langaniso Mhlobo

I dont care Putin and Lavrov wants to be in good books of West and present themself as mouth piece .Wither there is nuclear war between USA and Russia the world will never end.Only God can end it.Iraq was USA/NATO uses nuclear weapons.Libya war USA and Big dog France used nuclear weapons.


The Kurds will realise sooner or later their future is in Damascus and not in backstabber Washington . Tides will turn then


Hahahahaha Syria, HAHAHAHAHA. Nobody can defeat America. We own all of you

Pál Póli

Idiot. You don’t own your home, your car, not even your food. You buy everything on credit, and the banks own you… and you miserable country too

Ariel Cohen

This kike isn’t American. He’s Israeli . .


Stupid racist.

Ariel Cohen

Oops, another Zionazi goat fucker got offended..


Hey, sheepfucker, do not grudge the goat. :))))

Steve Bell

(yawn)… another post by velo showing that: (1) It has no command of English and (2) It has a single digit IQ.


i owe your crackhoe mother

Brad Isherwood

Your doom is certain… Trump will import 10,000s of 40 IQ Kurd Zombies. …to replace the 10,000s of 40 IQ ..Somali Zombies who aren’t working out.

Americans will demand Robots work at McDonald’s and Burger King, as the Kurds are hopeless at Drive thru window, and now Americans will starve : )


You comment is emblematic of American stupidity. You ignorance is a cancer to the American soul.


What are you going to do about it? We just saw 200 of your peasant Russians get wiped out by an American barrage.

Samantha Green



Looks like some nut case got a new account.

Ariel Cohen

Is it possible for someone to abort themselves? If so, please lead the way . .

AM Hants

Strange how ISIS or whatever they are called today, never attacks Israel or Saudi, whilst being more than happy to use the weapons that Israel, Saudi and friends in the coalition groups, send their way.

Warehouses With Israeli-Produced Weapons Discovered in Deir ez-Zor… https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/02/13/warehouses-with-israeli-produced-weapons-discovered-in-deir-ez-zor/

What date are they planning the next White Helmet Chemical Weapon False Flag?


Oh , did you read the intel drop , twenty canisters of sarin delivered to a town in Idlib , planned “chemical attack” coming right up . Followed by Israel using it as a reason to hit command and control in Damascus again . https://www.veteranstoday.com/cloony's/goons/planning/sarin/attack/on/Syria/another/false/flag/

AM Hants

Yes, and trying to share it, for all to see. There have been a few articles, but, like the Veteran’s Today article the best. Thanks for sharing and I seriously hope many see it and realise who will be behind it all. Such thoughtless regard for life, just for greed.

AM Hants

Just read the article and immediately thought of the American Vet, that came home from Vietnam, with Agent Orange disabilities. His tears and kind words, with regards the death of Major Roman Fillipov and how Russia and the US, treat their returning Forces. One with respect and one with contempt.


Thank you, Steve! American veteran cries in an interview about fallen Russian pilot [Video]… http://www.fort-russ.com/2018/02/thank-you-steve-american-veteran-cries.html


US may never leave Syria: Lavrov


Thanks to YOU and PUTIN!!!


Russia is becoming an international joke. They should leave Syria and let Iran and Syria handle this shit. Putin has time and time again has shown his utter fear of the American partners. I hope he understands after Syria and Iran falls Russia is next


RUssia is megajoke, but Syria is nothing, Iran, too.

There is no help more for Syria.


I think Putin has a much better idea of what is going on than you ever will. He’s not sitting at a keyboard viewing things simplistically without having a clue as to what the situation really is, like you are. He has lives that depend on what he does. All out war benefits all the wrong people. He dealt with Erdo much better than the US has been able to…and never had to fire a shot. That should be a clue as to who is in the drivers seat. The Russians never back down on a statement and they make them as part of a legal argument and to be on record. They are always 10 steps ahead.


Mr. Lavrov, I respect you highly. But I hate to tell you, the US is not taking your warnings seriously. There have been so many “warnings” about the illegal activities of the US in Syria, that the US now just shrugs them off. Your warnings will have to have a real threat, such as, “any attack on the Syrian Arab Army in Syria by illegal forces will be subject to Russian counterattack”. I believe a Russian General stated as much in 2017.

Steve Bell

Hopefully, what this Russian General said will become official Russian govt. policy, as there’s no point in trying to behave in a civilised way with the U.S. war-addicts. They need to be made aware of the painful results of their addiction.

Jone Liu

Islam and USA gov the two biggest cancers in the world right now.

Langaniso Mhlobo

This useless Lavrov he knows every think but pretend knowing nothing.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Putin and Lavrov destroys Russian pride and determination. Make Russian soldier’s look weak in face of American terrorism.


Yup, intresting days indeed.

And meanwhile over at the open free range asylum, formerly known as the Imperial banana republic uSSa, they whine about Russian trolls, buhu, and of course, the problems for the establishment to sell their utter bollocks to the masses, witch of course is their version of everything, incl Syria. What makes it so hilarious, is that despite crystal clear international laws, laws that dates back to the stone age, their reality, like the coup in Ukraine, even when everybody knows that, even when after several international orgs, whom monitored the referendum, even when the same questions have been brought up during pre-referndum days up to the present shows the same result, like the Catalans, they whine about an Russian coup/invasion of Crimea that never happened, and the resluts speaks for them self, its called moFo democracy, Wankees, remember that one, huh American idiots.

Even when their presence is contradicting, ignoring, and despite the clear boundary’s of war fare and respect of onternational rules, and sactions, (killing 500 000 Iraqi children and they just laughed ad claimed it was worth it), invasions for whatever reason they can muster, it never the less illegal and everybody knows this, crimes against humanity in scaled nobody have done before, and I dont give an rats ass for their so called Reasons, but instead we beat the shit out of each others with drivel dating decades back, like the ww2, but nobody debates the genocides going on as we speak. Again, Libya etc, to Syria/Yemen, where the Kurds is cleaning the land of anyone whom isnt a Kurd, and then claim its theirs, its so obvious is downright jaw dropping and nobody talks about that either, like the rape and plunder of Palestine, the Kurds are equally rotten as the Joojos in ISISrael. And you wounder why the western prestitutes and whorespondents writes exclusively about the Kurds and their “problems” alone, huh, how dumb is it possible to be.

Yeah, where are the ugh…… leftards, the protectors of humanity, since we are just Nazis or something like that, right Lavrov. Now you are an embarrassment. Everybody knows about whom is doing what, nothing new.

Balls, Lavrov, is the problem and the Wankees knows this, the only way to stop them is to kick them in the nuts, or face, punch hard and without mercy, they have shown non, so why bother, just wipe them out. That, Lavrov, would be the end of this stupid theater, like the primitive freaks in Tel-aviv, the new acid house of the century, tripping and sees Iranians all over the place, that, is an deceases, and they should be treated that way, as insane people. But of curse you can back, back all the way to Russia, but the war will come, sooner or later, nothing so far have changed anything, other than solidifying the Full spectrum Dominance doctrine, of chopping Arab lands into smithereens. And the Arabs looks more preoccupy with plundering each others than anything else, like the utterly bonkers Saudi-Barbarians and the sick scums in UAE/etc.

Yeah, trust, funny word isnt it. The road to hell is always pawed with good intentions, never forget that.



hey guys waited after 18 mars your will look!

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