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MARCH 2025

Russian Foreign Ministry Preliminary Confirms Death Of 5 Russian Citizens In U.S. Airstrikes In Syria

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Russian Foreign Ministry Preliminary Confirms Death Of 5 Russian Citizens In U.S. Airstrikes In Syria

Maria Zakharova. Photo: TASS

On February 14, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova de-facto confirmed the death of 5 Russian citizens as a result of the February 7 U.S. airstrikes on government forces in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor.

“According to preliminary data, as a result of the armed conflict, the reasons for which are now being clarified, five people, presumably Russian citizens, could have been killed. There are also injured people, but all this requires verification — in particular, first of all, their citizenship — whether they are all citizens of Russia or other countries. I would like to stress once again that we are not talking about Russian servicemen,” the diplomat said during a press briefing.

Zakharova clarfified that the killed persons were not Russian military servicemen and described repots about “mass” casualties among the Russians as fake news.

“There is a large number of citizens from all regions of the world, including Russia and CIS countries, in the conflict zones. The purposes for their stay in war zones are different, including participation in hostilities,” Zakharova added.

Since February 7 various rumors over the incident in the Euphrates Valley have been circulating online. According to some of them, “hundreds” of Russian private military contractors died in the U.S. strikes. MORE HERE

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Joe Doe

Another cheap barking from Kremlin. It’s getting really boring. The bottom line is that Assad is left with 2 blunders Putin left for him, divided Syria and with little resources such as Oil, gas and good soil to produce food. The majority of those resources are control by Americans and Turks.


You have a strange way of crying. You’ll cry a little more, I think, from one month from now, with Putin reelection. Meanwhile, you serve has an excellent example of what is the psychologic war in the media.


There’s no longer psychological effects if we simply looking at their pattern. – Accusing humanitarian rights violation/ WMD possession – Militarily intervene – Violent overthrow and Rapid (undemocratic) Regime change. – Chaos and Instability ensuing which they washed their hands off.

Otherwise they’ll do so very quietly like in Yemen, Somali, and South Africa simply because there’s no real benefit of them for in example USA population.

Funny enough they always have people who’s smart enough to see that their constant subversive action serve no benefit for their country as a whole except a select of people who living off it’s blood trails. Bravery ? Loyalty ? Semper fi ? They’re just underpaid spitted on mercenaries. Which is why they feels much better joining a real mercenary which paid with real on profit wage and drive.


Well, the 500 years of the West diktat are finishing and the fight rages. it´s an interesting moment of the History. The fight in Syria is crucial and Russians and Chinese will not let the US pass. Do you remember, some years ago, an Western fleet facing a russian fleet? With Chinese ships also coming?

David Pryce

The war isna over Russia plays a long game, look at Syrian now and 2 years ago

Tudor Miron

Boring? Is that why you keep dancing on the bones of the dead? Joey, brave keyboard warrior for anglo-zionist empire :) Your ship is sinking and we lough at your futile efforts.

Brad Isherwood

Assad has lost Euphrates east oil/nat gas fields. What he has Offshore is of greater future value and energy contracts. Kurds driving stolen Iraqi or Syrian oil to Turkey for ISUS/Empire …reveals them to be the criminal mules they were prior as they grew and moved Opium for Empire.

Syria is partitioned ….was actually before Putin stepped in 2015. It’s as if the Old Sykes Picot crowd were hurled into conflict prior to 2011. Yes. ..911 was kick off for Faux global terrorism racket. Empire went to Afghanistan First**….to get the Opium back from Taliban. Shows what matters more to them. Libya is also about Energy and the same Old Colonial crowd.

Big losers in Syria conflict are Old Colonial France and Britian, They serve Planet Rothschild… and watch US lead the Game board.


needs many days to react.


RIP to these brave men who fought for a Syria free from the terrorism supported by the Empire and against the Empire’s evil conquests.

The positive side is that Russia may donate and equip Syria with more anti – aircraft defense systems against the murderous aggressions of the Empire against Syria, and may support if the country defends itself against this monstruous invader.


Russia don’t defend their own citizens fighting under order of Moscow, so how they gonna defend their allied forces. Its a pity shame.

Tudor Miron

Russia doesn’t defend their citizens fighting under order of Moscow??? What kind of BS is that? First of all – I don’t think that those 5 guys were fighting under orders of Moscow – any proof? When jihadi rats (with US spec ops imbedded within) tryed to capture Russian mil police post in Idlib – you saw yourself what happened to them. You simply don’t understand. Look at Roman Filipov example – he could stay alive if captured by Al Queda, most probably he would used as high value bargaining chip to harm his country interests. But he gave his life in order to deny rats of that possibility. You guys are raised in individualism as a main thing of your ideology. Many of us still (despite all efforts to weaken us in last 30-25 years) still hold Motherland before his own interests – that’s why Russia is still here and rising from ashes as it did many times in history.


For that matter I’m with Russia….. Crazy, Melancholic, Intelligent & Good Folks…..better than these Western Diamondbacks that made Deception, Lying & Betrayal their finest Virtue……


I respect what you’re trying to say, but not all the facts are with you. A couple weeks ago Moscow came out, explicitly and officially, that the US had helped ISIS to assassinate a freaking Russian general. And what was the message heard in Washington and Langley? “Please don’t do this too often or we’ll get really upset.” Subsequently, champagne glasses were filled, since they knew they hadn’t nearly reached the limit of what they could get away with against the Russkies. What we’re seeing now is the predictable result.

Still the best argument against RussiaGate is that the Kremlin in fact doesn’t understand the Empire, doesn’t understand what it represents, and has little idea (or too many conflicting ones) on how to deal with it.

Tudor Miron

My Friend, all I want to say at this point – let’s wait and see what happens within a year or so. You might be surprised.


We were waiting for 2 years and we see, russia betrayed Syria. We see, russia is weak. We see, putin is sperm.


We all were sperm once upon a time….. some swim fast, some swim a bit slower…….as long as you get there first…


There are two sides to this. I don’t belittle the Russia-led coalition’s successes against the jihadists. But just because you smashed up the Empire’s proxies doesn’t mean you beat the Empire already: the poker player will just raise the stakes. And I stress again you have the understand what you’re up against: the Dark Throne already killed hundreds of SAA soldiers, do you think they’ll hesitate to slaughter thousands? The SAA doesn’t have enough men to waste them on valiant gestures, there has to be a plan to deal with the US now the latter are increasingly willing to get directly involved.


The Kremlin does a pretty good job for years and one thing for sure more intelligent than Washington….. supplying people with good intel for years….. and thus creating more awareness…. I don’t think anyone is waiting for WWIII right?…. the West is diggin’ it’s own grave atm…….but them is too stupid to realise it…..the Kremlin let’s them…. why bother…? Halbe Zijlstra…. me Brother… good luck in finding a New Job….Macaroni I hope you & your White Helmets don’t spill any chlorine on the floor while filling them bottles…that stuff is pretty hazardous…. that’s them Roeskies….. ain’t it funny?


Well, they pursued the war successfully, surely hundreds of US proxies and some smaller unknown number of ‘advisors’ were lost when east half of Idlb pocket was taken last month.


Clear them pockets… ISIS destroyed…. US leaves right? I thought that was the treaty….. but as we know, them U.S. Cavalry….. broke many


The SAA positions attacked in air (USAF) and later on ground by ‘ISIS’ (US proxy) on east bank are still there, getting reinforcements for further actions, their pace of preparation is decided by themselves, not by others. In essence, the attacks failed. There is no point in point-by-point revenge. It is a matter of continuing your decided course of actions indomitably. Do not let the enemy decide the terms of battle. Hopefully in the Spring, the oil fields will be back in their proper hands, no need to rush the matter, as they seem hard to defend.

Floyd Hazzard

They sent out this rabid apologist and he’s just on the loose attacking everything true. Go take your meds.


Rob if you type something….. sometimes it is wise to read what you typed……


I dont see any difference between Syrian war and Vietnam war. In Vietnam war one million people killed by US soldiers but US also lost some 60,000 soldiers in which US got huge humiliation. This Syrian war is not reducing but it increasing each month. The Syrian, Russian and other nations will later understand that they all need to fight with full force to punish US and Zionists and end this war like Vietnam war. This war started from Palestine then spread to surrounding countries in Middle East and now further spreading. It should be stopped.


I respect you Rob…….:)




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Manuel Flores Escobar

Five Russian citizens killed by US airstrike…is enough to destroy Al Tanf base with cruise missile or Iskander….USA attacked Shayrat base as a result of fake chemical attack.. because public opinion would say that US forces fear Russia….now Russia have to show strength or prepare for provocations in Europe!

Tudor Miron

Revenge is a dish that is best served cold. Calculated and presise. Not to look good but to achieve maximum results. If you’re looking for jerky moves, than look alswhere. At this point we don’t know who were those guys and what they were doing there. So far it looks like they were working on their own. In this way they did more harm than good for Russia. Westerners (most) do not understand the difference in mentality – “Don’t asl whatcountry can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” On the other hand – there are many Russian citizens within terrorist ranks. Should we revenge ourselfs for killing them? If they were working for Motherland – they will be revenged (without much hype but where it hurts the most).


You dirty commie politruk. You paid agitator of kremlins lies!


Well, some dirty commie politruks took away the Afrin kurds from the mommy’s cleany velociraptors. They are tiranosaurus rex and eat velociraptors by lunch. By the way, in Amerika you are killing yourselves too much, and at an young age.


Communism……. Stalin, Beria, Trotsky check their roots Mister Velociraptor… before you are backing any Anglozionazi-Government….. Communism & the Gulags Financed, Orchestrated & Directed by some Banksters from New York City U.S.A

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russian PMC are working for Russian armed forces…they practice recognizing and sign out targets for RUAF…USAF attacked them to protect oil fields looted!.thats all!


Russia really should just gear up it’s effort in Syria and not to be confined with USA/EU leftist hypocritical game of humanitarian of etc etc etc. It’s on Russia’s rights to be in Syria and it’s Russia’s interest to protect Iran and Syrian government so they should just truthfully let their people know the full costs of their efforts in blood and treasure. They should acknowledge the full price of the martyrs paid ultimately as well acknowledge the nature of losses in war. I remembered how Syrian Bashar Al Assad calmly announced it’s losses in Palmyra as ISIS overrun their position and that’s very admirable despite the treacherous way they lost. Russia shouldn’t play the US/EU game of losses aversions.

You can call me Al

What is said on air is a lot different to what they talk about once the camera stops. Just await the payback.

Valiant Bidh

I don’t understand why you are defending the Russian, should be you Russian. i find “Trolls on Twitter make false claims of being assaulted at screenings of ‘Black Panther” There they were accused of racism. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/550c4e0d9ec003f3241d53e37f3519ce6f659324354ff171ed73dc1b0b345547.png


Interesting, USA killing Russian. Will there be any Russia military answer ? or, just the usual UN complain in security council ?, which means nothing.

David Pryce

Who is winning the war again




Usa already won. They got the oil and half syria. Turkey got a chunk as well and soon Afrin. The rest of the country is sverely weakened and crippled economicly.

David Pryce

U think Syria are not going to cross the river, US occupation is illegal, look how they defending the kurds in Afrin. US cant keep playing the ISIS card when they’re gone US ain’t involved in the peace talks Why? No one cares about them. The kurdi and Damascus are already talking. What happens when you’re ignored, they leave They won’t risk there planes falling out of the sky. They can’t defeat the Russian air defence.. I want an apology when I’m correct, 2k US troops lol proves my point They used terrorist there dying and the kurdish are getting SAA air defence u notice that? TAF have been limited and they talk to ?? russia not US, Coup??

David Pryce

The kurdish US regime forces and ISIS reside on the Eastern Bank of the Eupharties That be a Third of the land mass in Syria. When the conclusion of the warring parties a Peace Settlement put together by Iran Russia and Turkey it leaves Turkey with no option but to leave. The US is not invited due to there obvious obstruction of Peace, payment of terrorist forces guidance and arming them. You seem to think that robbing a small Countries Resources is an Act of great courage. Your behaviour in Syria is disgusting, you support a group namely AlQaeda who killed over 3k of your citizens on 9/11 Again it proves the US will do business with scum. Your a nation of Neo cons, thieves and bullies Your cowards and allies Israel have a lot in common. Bless your blinded Nationalism that fuck u over as much as the small armies you fight but can’t beat. What War did u win since 9/11?


I’m not American dude… I’m just being realistic, USA destroyed Syria and cut it to pieces, the economy is 10 times weaker (litteraly) and corruption is even more stronger… syria will need decades to return to it’s prewar state… so imagine how much time will it take for real economic and political progress to occur. USA managed to destroy Syria with so little american casualties and that’s a fact, Russians can’t compete or beat usa in proxy wars department.


Look at all the military experts. Fact is all we know is that they were not Russian military, they could be professional contractors working for Assad but more than likely they were just Russian recruits, low skilled ex military who are there for a pay check or volunteers. And like the 2 who for captured by Isis and executed, neither Russia or Syria are going to move mountains to avenge them. Also apart from the Isis hunters testimony we actually don’t really know what happened, even pro gov sources don’t dismiss the claim that they might have attacked sdf positions. All the people trying to turn this into a nationalistic dick measuring contest forgot about how little the US military cared about the American volunteers fighting for the Kurds when they run into trouble. Honestly I hope they were professional contractors because they won’t ask the Russian government for permission to deploy anti aircraft assets .


“We actually don’t really know what happened” , I’ve read they were contractors , not military but workers doing oil field equipment repair .


Instead of coming out IMMEDIATELY & disclosing the number of victims of the attack, and thus eliminating any further speculation & hysteria, their leadership first denied it, then tried relying on a language technicality to bury it, and then ended up admitting to it anyway. They allowed for the provocations and allegations to build and grow out of all proportion.

Now, a week later, they come out and confirm it happened; but this point, they have lost all credibility on this subject, and no one is even listening to what they are saying anymore.

Even the fact they pretend not to know many of its contractors are in DZ at all times is a huge embarrassment & failure. They failed the moment they did not warn their citizens of the impending danger.

Tudor Miron

Try harder shlomo.


Exactly! But russians never will understand, that is better no to lie.


They denied it as its now clear that no official Russian military was involved. I guess like everyone else they then had to go and find out who actually died. Why would the Russian government know who all the contractors are. I bet the US government has no idea about the numbers and types of contractors.


This is a complete fail in communication that could have been avoided.


Empire Powers HAVE NO CHOICE. They butcher one of yours and you MUST respond in kind. Anything else begs ESCALATION as the aggressor grooms itself to assuming murder of the opponent has replaced all forms of international diplomacy.

That the Russian forces MURDERED by Trump in a nation where they were LEGALLY working for the internationally recognised government were ‘irregulars’ is totally and completely IRRELEVANT. Whta the jewish trolls here will NEVER point out is that Tony Blair- the demon responsible for the invasion of Iraq- introduced a legal framework (for the first time) in the UK where any serving member of the British Armed Forces could, with government approval, instantly become an ‘irregular’ working for a foreign power WITHOUT giving up their status as a member- their former career as a British soldier would be suspended- to continue the instant the irregular job ended.

So Empire Powers have been using closely aligned national irregular forces commonly since the Iraq Invasion. To all intents and purposes these ‘irregulars’ ARE no different from formal members of the relevant armed service.

But in Putin’s case, Putin HATES any Russian who works independently against his sworn loyaly to the zionists of Israel and the wahhabis of Saudi Arabia. Putin, very publicly, gave the USA his permission to operate in Syria, and has confirmed this stance in every phone call Putin has held with Trump. The Americans informed Putin they were planning to MURDER Russian irregulars, and Putin gave his go-ahead.

So Putin won’t respond, and Trump- newly ‘bloodied’ with the life-blood of wonderful brave Russian citizens- will become one million times more murderous. The US military have now been told that it is ‘open season’ on Russians across the planet- when they dare stray outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or away from specific military operations Putin has begged, on his knees, for Trump to accept.

Anyone with a clear knowledge of the 20th Century, and the background of the two World Wars, knows how massive a mistake Putin has made. Putin THE APPEASER is going to doom us all.

Tudor Miron

This is funny when zio trolls are telling us how we should do and act and pretend that they care about Russia. What’s your name Starlight? Where you are from? “Open season” on Russians across the planet? Let’s see how it works out for you. You gous try hard in hope that we over commit and over extend to lure us into a counter (in boxing terms) – it would not work for you.


You act cowardly. Always in histrory.


Russia isn’t obligated to do anything! I hear people whining about THEIR!!!! ISIS SUPPORTING Governments and Russia should solve that? Bwahahahahaa….. what do these people do to Change THAT?! Right absolutely NOTHING…..I remember Major Roman Filipov very well…. he was a Brave Man, not many men like that to be found in the West….. if people are so smart and think Russia should do more to Fight THEIR GOVERNMENT than these folks are absolute numbnutsss. It’s like Germans asking the Russians to kick Hitler out….. wtf…. do it yourself…..

leon mc pilibin

The trigger happy murdering zionist thieving invaders have just opened up a Hornets nest by attacking the Syrian Army.They will have a wecoming committee waiting for them ,the next time they try to murder in cold blood.

Icarus Tanović

Now Syria have entire Israel on radar. Knows when some aiplane take off and so on. Zionists wanted this, seem so.


If russians tell 5, there were at least 50 dead.

Daniel Miller

ummm what? How dose that work?


Russian constant. With this constant you must multiplie the russian number usedfor denying of something. Imortant is, that this constant is flexible. Oscillies between 10 and 1000. Like in Chernobyl. Two weeks nothing happened in Chernobyl. Aha. And after … Here also no russians, now 5. One of deads is fanous russian journalist. Sure did not know this for week. ;)

Daniel Miller

you are a idiot if you think compareing a mass nuclear meltdown witch is extreamely dangeorous for evryone and to hide it to prevent mass panic in the public is the same thing as reporting on the deaths of 5 of its citezenz. Not only is it illegal by Russian law for the minestry too hide the deaths of its citezenz in a forghen war or on its domestic side but its also viewed as uncalled for by the Russian ppl,i really dont understand these idotic assumptions.

Valiant Bidh

On the Russian site saying it’s a rumor.

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