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MARCH 2025

Russian Foreign Ministry Slams “Thuggish Attacks” Against Soviet Army Monuments In Poland

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Russian Foreign Ministry Slams "Thuggish Attacks" Against Soviet Army Monuments In Poland

AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski

The Russian Foreign Ministry’s comment “on the desecration of a cemetery of Soviet soldiers and war prisoners in Gdansk” (source):

The Foreign Ministry is outraged by yet another hideous act that was committed against the Soviet memorial sites in Poland. Vandals left broken or damaged 23 stars on mass graves at a cemetery in Gdansk that holds the remains of some 3,000 Soviet servicemen, civilians and prisoners of war. Efforts are underway to eliminate the damage, and Russian diplomats are working with the Polish authorities.

We must point out that it was the heroic exploits of Red Army personnel that at the cost of many lives paved the way to the liberation of that city in the spring of 1945.

The Gdansk incident is yet another link in a series of thuggish attacks against our monuments at Polish cemeteries that we have been witnessing in recent years. We believe incidents of this kind result from Warsaw’s destructive policy to cleanse the country from any reminders of its liberation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War and rewrite the history of what followed, while claiming to promote “decommunisation”.

The Foreign Ministry insists that this outrageous incident be investigated in all urgency, and the perpetrators held to account. We call on Poland to honour its international commitments and remind it of its moral duty towards the fallen heroes and victims of the war.

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>>We must point out that it was the heroic exploits of Red Army personnel that at the cost of many lives paved the way to the liberation of that city in the spring of 1945.

We believe incidents of this kind result from Warsaw’s destructive policy to cleanse the country from any reminders of its liberation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War and rewrite the history of what followed, while claiming to promote “decommunisation”.<<

The Poles probably see it very differently, as exchanging the Nazi's for Stalin's brutal rule wasn't that much of an improvement. Plus the fact that the Soviets participated in the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939. I don't think there is a single person in Poland, or anywhere else for that matter who is not Russian, who thinks that the Red Army liberated Poland in any possible way.

That being said, you don't desecrate the graves of the dead. There are after all many German WWII cemetaries in former occupied countries that see no desecration. Any arguments over the present should not waged over the graves of the dead and Poland's government should do its utmost to find prosecute those who did it.

Karol Maksymowicz

Yes. Red Army liberated Poland. I’m from Poland


Are you typical in that regard? Are you the rule or the exception? Because there’s always an exception to anything. There’s even Jewish neo-nazis.

Tudor Miron

He’s not typical. Karol simply knows more than you do. Unfortunately, many Poles are brainwashed and do not know what really happened. Compearing Hitlers occupation with Soviet is beyond rediculous. It seems that all you know about Stalin is based on zio propaganda (they can’t forgive Stalin for busting Khazarian Kaganat v2.0 that they tryed to create in Russia)


It is said that in the Russian history books, the photos of Ivan raping underage girls are blurred.

Tudor Miron

Raping underage girls is your fantasies. In Red Army such crimes if commited by its servicmen were punished by execution onthe spot.


“The little daughter’s on the mattress, Dead. How many have been on it A platoon, a company perhaps? A girl’s been turned into a woman, A woman turned into a corpse. It’s all come down to simple phrases: Do not forget! Do not forgive! Blood for blood! A tooth for a tooth!”

– by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who served as a captain in the Soviet Red Army during the Second World War.

Tudor Miron

Now you tell me that Solxhenitsin is your facts provider? Get lost ukro :)


I would take as fact that almost every country neighboring Russia are eager to join NATO

Tudor Miron

Again, what you call facts is nothing your fantasies. Most of their corrupt are eager to “warm their hands” in doing so but it’s not that simple with their population.


Of course, unlike their governments, their population actually remember how the Red Army liberated them, how fair and gentle they were, paying for everything they took and offering flowers to women. But unlike Russia, the other countries don’t have freedom, they are enslaved by the Anglosaxons and forced into NATO and EU.


Have the Polish have degraded themselves to a point where they erase their own history ?


I guess Ukraine should have Nazi monuments too, by your logic. Oops ancient sample of Soviet hypocrisy discovered.


Ooop … ukrodibilicus discovered, ukros have now nazi monuments, like bandera.

The polish are just economic protitutes, if one side pays them 5 cents more than the other they will sing songs in their honor and vice versa, now that US is offering them a better deal they talk shit about eu http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5501621/Polish-president-compares-EU-occupation.html

And if you compare sovjets to nazis than you are really stupid, nazis are more comparable to the west.


Indeed, USA never fought the Nazis, they just came in to steal the total liberation of Europe by Ivan the Rapist.


Indeed, they stole the victory after having hitler pitched against the sovjet union. Wonder what they would say if the sovjets would inflict the same amount of damage to europeans as they did to them, cause you know, you are all trying to distance yourself from those crimes by blaming everything on hitler but it was a combined europe that attacked the sovjets under the banner of nazis and the americans were supporting them too.


At first Soviets and Nazis were good friends. Bad karma I guess.


No, they were neutral, why should sovjets go to war with germany for some economical prostitutes. Nothing to do with karma, they start it every time and we end it :). Germans made a wrong call, unprovoked. Remember that polaks have attacked Czechoslovakia together with hitler and have been threatening to so the same to Sovjets, they got outsmarted. Ukros have outsmarted themselves :D.


Kazakhstan greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls.



I thought that proto-ukros were, guess i was wrong.


yeah, it was the zerg-ukros


Good to know, the maidownies should be proud.

Assad Did Nothing Wrong™

Why should I care about communist memorials?

Tudor Miron

Those are not communist memorials. Those are memorials of Russian soldiers that gave their life to save the world from Hitlerism. Our Grandfathers. If you one of those that believe that US/UK defeated fascist Germany than you’ll not be able to understand what I’m talking about.


I have studied operation Barbarossa in wargames and reading. Some may not realize that Russia was on it’s own in the early years of invasion.

Tudor Miron

80% of German WWII losses happened on eastern front – enough said.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Those Russians killed more millions of people before the war started then the indigenous Suebian tribal peoples killed during the whole war. When the Russians put 45,000,000 indigenous tribal peoples in mass prison camps called Gulags and laugh, you know they are pure-evil. For that action of the Russians came the natural reaction of Christians fighting back against Atheist-Russians who were genociding humans by the tens of millions. We will never forget our Christian brothers genocided in the Russian created Holodomor!! https://holodomorinfo.com/


R U on drugs again ? I see you are still up voting yourself. Some things never change. :DDD

Tudor Miron

You should not stop taking your medicine. Such a mess in your head. Yes, there were atrocities committed by communists. But 1st. those atrocities were led by jews mostly and well financed by Christian Germany and later USA. 2nd, That was Russians that suffered from communists the most. Should I tell you about atrocities committed by Christians in the history of human kind? Again – yes, those monuments were created in Soviet times but that doesn’t change anything. Those are monuments in memory of Soviet soldiers (numerous nationalities of Soviet Union but majority Russian) who gave their life fighting Hitler.


It is a historical fact that when the Germans left Auschwitz, they left the Jewish prisoners in custody of the Poles and they killed a large number, blaming the red army for the crime that came to free them.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I love Christian-Russia! I hate Atheist-Soviets-crap who like the cowards they were murdered the great General George Patton with poison in a hospital bed. No Soviet is any friend of mine ever. In the historical book the newly unearthed diaries of OSS officer Douglas Bazata (OSS) the forerunner of the CIA, General “Wild Bill” Donovan ordered a highly decorated marksman called Douglas Bazata to silence Patton by ramming him then shooting him. When that did not work the OSS allowed Soviet NKVD, the forerunner of the KGB, to poisoned the general as he laid defenseless laying in a hospital bed. Every-time I hear the word Soviet already know he or she is a pathological liar.


Icarus Tanović


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