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MARCH 2025

Russian Foreign Ministry Slams US Ambassador To UN For Sending Threatening Letters

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The Russian Foreign Ministry has slammed UN Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, for sending threatening letters ahead of the adoption of the UN resolution on Jerusalem.

On December 21, 128 countries passed the resolution that calls the US to drop its decision to recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  Ahead of the vote, Haley threatened UN members that she will be “taking names” of countries that vote to reject the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The threats were sent via official emails.

The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that the US had been pressuring UN member states and thereatening them to cut off the provided aid and support to the states voting “Yes”.

It’s interesting to note how the UN members reacted to the US threates. 128 countries voted in favour of the resolution. Only 9 countries voted against. The US and Israel were two of these countres. Other votes were likely just bought.

Some “US allies”, which are more or less indepdnent from the US – like Canada, abstented. The US proxies, like Ukraine and Moldova, just ignored the vote.

Russian Foreign Ministry Slams US Ambassador To UN For Sending Threatening Letters

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I always knew that Orban was a pussy. I’m surprised that India voted “Yes”.


Blackmailing is now the US foreign policy.


It always has been like that. Just the Trump administration exposes that very clearly to those who weren’t aware of. That’s why I was with Trump.

Boris Kazlov

India has a big Muslim population, better not anger them.


I also always knew that Duterte was a pussy.


This is a massive rebuke, plain and simple. If it turns out that the US did send those notifications, that immediate showed consequences and portends of more bad news for US policy to come. The US stay as King is very much over. We would do better learning to live in the new realities of global geopolitics. My take on this. I wish well to all.

paul ( original )

The USA can certainly inflict damage on its enemies. However, it can inflict even greater damage on its friends. I am not in line with the majority of comments I have read as I see the behaviour of the ‘western allies’ as just rather flamboyant virtue signalling. I think by degrees the USA is learning that it does not need its western allies who are increasingly being see as parasites.

History ebbs and flows. May be Jersusalem is lost for the moment but take solace since in about 50 years time London can become the capital of the Caliphate.


Of course London can become the capital of the Caliphate. israel is working hard in order to weaken his own allies to take over them.

North Korea will not become muslim or black nor China nor Cuba.

People think that israel love them. XD. They even don’t like their closed allies. They just use them. USA is the country israel spy the most.


If a ‘friend’ would threaten me to not do something I would take that as an argument for doing just that.

paul ( original )

Not an untipical reaction. However, if your friend is also your protector, employer and main creditor then may be you wont be on the the better side of the interaction.

Boris Kazlov

Just look at the huge size and importance of countries siding with Yankistan: Palau, Marshall Islands, Togo, they are non-entities.



Russian stupidity has no boundaries. all the while Putin – Russia calls the US, “Our Partner”.

Tony B.

You are absolutely clueless concerning real diplomacy.

John Mason

Care to explain ‘real diplomacy’? A lot of arse licking going on is what it looks like.

Tony B.

That’s exactly the cluelessness I refer to.

John Mason

Cluelessness appears to be your forte. How about answering the question what is ‘real diplomacy’. If unable to do so then at least admit it.

Tony B.

With your previous statements, why waste my time? If you have not been able to understand Putin’s simple but honest tactics in diplomacy by now, there is no way to convince you, or those like you, who think of blundering headfirst into emotional traps (as western “diplomats” do these days) as diplomacy. Grow up.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.


Tudor Miron It is the Diplomacy of a slave people and a slave nation as Khazarim controlled countries kick Putin and Lavrov up the rear, Putin – Lavrov keep calling them “Our Partners” and lick Khazarim boots.


Tony B. You promote Putin – Russia’s Diplomacy as a slave people and a slave nation.


John Mason It is the Diplomacy of a slave as Khazarim controlled countries kick Putin and Lavrov up the rear, Putin – Lavrov should keep calling them “Our Partners” and lick Khazarim boots.


Tony B. “…You are absolutely clueless concerning real diplomacy….”

Whilst the Khazarim controlled countries kick Putin and Lavrov up the rear, in your version of “Real Diplomacy”, Putin – Lavrov should keep calling them “Our Partners” and lick Khazarim boots.


Funny, why has Southfront failed to report that lapdog Putin has just signed off on a new round of sanctions agaisnt N Korea? The same Americans we are told are ‘mean’ to Russia only have to whistle, and Putin comes running, pen in hand, to sign sanctions on any target the Deep State wishes to hurt.

I’m sick of people on our side bending over backwards to act as apologists for Putin, when he chooses to join the West in punishing Iran and N Korea for ‘sins’ Putin praises as ‘virtues’ in the jews of Israel.

If the jews of Israel can have sickening programs of mass murder, well then Iran and N Korea can most certainly have their own programs of extreme self-defense. Want to ban decent weapons in the hands of Iran and N Korea- well you have to ban those weapons in Israel and Saudi Arabia as well. But Putin chooses sickening HYPOCRISY!

John Mason

Surely starting to look that way……


Russia doesn’t learn from its mistakes. They did the same thing several times with Iranian 1995 and 2007. One was for the stalling of the construction of the first nuclear plant and the second for the cancellation of the S-300 purchase under Medvedev. At some point someone in the Iranian parliament said : “No country wronged Iran more than Russia”.

When Rafsanjan (First Iranian president after the Islamic revolution) died, people were chanting Death to Russia (january 2017).

Tudor Miron

I would like to know what actual Iranians think (Garga?) Where are you from wegetarian?

Solomon Krupacek

garga = all iranians???


That’s nothing compared to what turkey did..! Swallow for the goodness.. Forget the bitterness

Tudor Miron

Your posts smell of hasbara or chabad or similar… waste of space.

Solomon Krupacek

carefully, tudor!


Tudor Miron

Which part of this joke I should lough about?

Solomon Krupacek

you dont have beard. you are takfiri, enemy of islam.

Boris Kazlov

Laugh at yourself, Putin fan boy.

Tudor Miron

Boria, where are you from?

Boris Kazlov

My ancestors were from RF, the east, I have oriental traits. The important thing is that I am disgusted about certain attitudes from RF, bowing to empire. The Saker crew justifies this as buying time, I don’t, the more you appease a rabid dog, the more bold it becomes, Imperialism is a paper tiger, let’s show what we are made of. The latest economic strangulation of North Korea is beyond the pale, making civilians suffer to impose hegemonic rule on the planet, RF voted for.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Putin buy face to be in Trumps good books or Obama.Selling old weapons to his allies Iran and Syris and sells best advanced weapons to his allies enemies Turkey,Saudi and India.

Idont trust Putin his so short like a African which docter with bones and herbs.

Boris Kazlov

Fully agree, N. Korea should NOT be sanctioned for defending itself, who are Trump or Putin to to decie who can have nukes? Remember that USSR nuke program was started by Stalin as a deterrent when he learned of plans by USA-UK to obliterate USSR in nuclear holocaust, Putin should follow the footsteps of the great commander.

Pave Way IV

Haley echoed the threat by tweeting: “At the UN we’re always asked to do more & give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American ppl, abt where to locate OUR embassy, we don’t expect those we’ve helped to target us. On Thurs there’ll be a vote criticizing our choice. The US will be taking names.”

Funny that Israeli-firster Haley keeps insisting that the will of the people of the US had anything to do with this. Here’s a recent poll of the little people, and Washington’s Blog take. Some interesting points:

Overall, the will of two-thirds of the US little people seems to be OPPOSED to moving the embassy. Only Republicans agree by a slight margin (49% agree vs. 45% opposed). Haley and her Israeli-firster Republican pals should really go outside and slum it up with the little people to gauge their views. Far easier and more useful than determining their views later on – while swinging upside-down from lamp post (just ask Mussolini).


Americans can give Florida to the jews to create israel.

John Mason

No not Florida, something closer to their current environment. Death Valley?


Americans love jews. They need to give them the best. Why not giving the New-York, Boston, Chicago area ?


Americans are also allowed to create a state for the Indians instead of USA. Red skin as president.

AM Hants

Do you remember what she said, just before the late Vitalie Churkin collapsed on the streets of New York and then later died. The week after the bio-assassination of Little Kim”s brother? She was talking of taking names then. She is such a legend in her ego and such an embaressment on the world stage.


Canadians and Australians were not represented properly in the UN vote. I am sure the citizens of both country see this as a coward’s way out for their respective governments.


I’m not a fan of miss neocon Nikki Haley’s arrogant high handed attitude or her sending threatening letters. I would like to know what Trump’s position on this is?

As far as I’m concerned America can put its embassy where ever it wants world be damned though other countries are entitled to their opinions. Don’t like it? Okay got it but we are still moving it thank you.

I hear Palestinians talking about declaring East Jerusalem their capital. Okay cool. It’s land they control and as far as I’m concerned they can put their capital wherever they want everyone else be damned as well.

paul ( original )

Question. If Obama was still president or Hilary for that matter, how do you think the vote would have gone? Would there even have been a vote?

Langaniso Mhlobo

Don’t even talk to this jezebel.This is men’s world.There is nothing like hestory just history. God never instruct women but only uses them from Mary.Jezebel was destroyed. Lot wife were turn in a salt pillar.God only deal with men.Eva cheated on Adam with devil.Cain was devil son.If Nicky start talking just stand up and walk out.

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