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MARCH 2025

Russian Foreign Ministry: U.S. Preparing Media Campaign To Accuse Russia Of Assisting ISIS In Afghanistan

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The US is preparing a disinformation campaign to accuse Russia of assisting ISIS in Afghanistan, including the redeployment of terrorists from Syria and Iraq, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on January 16.

The statement stressed that the goal of this effort is to draw the audience’s attention from the 17-years long US military campaign in Afghanistan. The Russian side eben described the US decision to partially withdraw troops from the war-torn contry as the admission of defeat.

The foreign ministry also recalled its repeated statements over the US direct or at least indirect contacts with ISIS in Afghanistan. Thus, the Russian side desribed the aforementioned campaign as an attempt to blame Moscow for Washington’s own actions.

According to the statement, US forces recently captured the Taliban jail in the province of Badghis, where the Afghan group was holding the captured ISIS members. The statement said that this may have been an attempt to prevent the leak of data about the real sponsors of ISIS in Afghanistan.

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” According to the statement, US forces recently captured the Taliban jail in the province of Badghis, where the Afghan group was holding the captured ISIS members.”

Yes, this Hollywood B movie script is par for the course in America. US heroes rescue ISIS ( heroes) from Taliban jail :)

I would think that Russia has rather a lot of real evidence to support the fact that US has been moving selected ISIS around the globe to selected trouble spots and that the ISIS the US actually do kill are just patsies.


One of the key and historical tactics of global Zionism is to accuse their victims and enemies of the very crime that they themselves are committing. This is why the Palestinians are constantly labeled “terrorists” while they are being ethnically cleansed from their indigenous historical lands.


In psychology this behavior is called projection – when an individual/group accuses and blame-shifts their own traits, actions or intentions onto others. It is often subconscious behavior, and a deflection of their most negative internal aspects, and whilst anyone can do it, it is nonetheless strongly associated as an enduring lifelong behavioral pattern for malignant narcissists and sociopaths, who are incapable of processing shame and accountability and seek to transfer their toxicity onto others.


You hit the nail on the head. Haaretz certainly wasted no time with the Syria pullout : https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/syria/.premium.MAGAZINE-iran-russia-and-isis-how-assad-won-in-syria-1.6462751

Tommy Jensen

Haaretz allow critical comments and most label the headline a lie.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Medies are different and diffeent filters are made.

But Al Masdar not far away allows same for me.

Jens Holm

Funny version Harats dont talk for most of the jews at all. It like Sana, saba , sputnik a.s.o. mainly a propaganda maker.

Much like Your mainsource is Harets because You own is censured and misguiding much worse.


I don’t speak hebrew let alone write any and you obviously don’t write comprehensible english so this is going to be difficult.

The haaretz article is a propaganda piece. Noone is saying its the voice of jews. What is being said is that haaretz is used as a propaganda medium. In the cited case it is used to blame Asad for creating Isis and to criminalize Syria for securing it’s territories when in fact the crime is genocide terrorism, and “continously war” for eretz israel. If haaretz were not a genocidists’ propaganda outlet they would have never run the article. They made their choice. They live and possibly die (depending on sentencing) accordingly. And that’s just haaretz. Genocide terrorism and “continously war” for eretz israel is an abberation and a crime against humanity.

Jens Holm

If Global zionist really are that powerfull, why dont You ask to be a colony of them.

They are doing relative well.


Being a colony is no benefit, it only opens you up to be exploited and used for their benefit, not yours.

Jens Holm

That depends a lot. One is how low and unorganized You are. And a kins the funny one USA actially was a briitsh colony as well as India.


It has nothing to do with how organized you are, every single Zio colony is being screwed and exploited, from the most organized to the least one.

Kilgore Trout

What a friggin’ joke!! seeing as the ameri3kans helliied them in from SYRIA. Time to suit up and clear the vermin AND I MEAN amer3kans and isis from SYRIA in BODY BAGS!!! NO FLY ZONE IN PLACE AND START AT ONE END TO THE OTHER!!! IT”S GO TIME!! Bolton & Pompeo…chump change!!

Jens Holm

Saudis took Your arms, legs and a part of Your brain and You use Your nose ??


Who has sent ISIS in military helicopters to Afghanistan? Washington

Jens Holm

It started with USSR invading Afghanistan supporting the Communist there – Didnt it.


USSR didnt invade Afghanistan, they were invited in by the LEGITIMATE Afghan government to help after washington began arming and training the mujahadeen to topple the government there, just like they are doing in Syria today. The US is a one trick pony and repeats the same thing over and over and over again, they are starting again now in Venezuela. Its time for the world to rid itself of this abomination.

Jens Holm

Yes, the few communist there was the only possible solution in the already ongoing civile war.

But that doesnt say You should invade killing almost everything by jets, artillery and gunships. It did.

Afghanistan almost always has been many big tribes recognizing some king or something for practical matters inside like safety and roads by local Emirs – or gainst people from the outise such as britts, rssians and before that fx “Persians”. …………………………..

USA is not starting anything in Venezuela which isnt/wasnt there already.

You have the supercorrupt non innovative feudal capitalist against the 0 productive ones even naming themselves as socialists for shating the little, which is there. They know nothing about production.

Even communists and socialists in more normal parts such a USSR and Yugoslavia know, You have to make a cake, so there is something to share.


USSR are not war mongers. This is Zionists of America and GB that butchering children around the world. These morons want war with every single country in the world. They have created Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Bokoharam etc. This is their 5th generation war against entire world.


No it didn’t .The israhelli propagandists have however pushed that story just like you are here. You are a low life troll “Holm” who can’t speak any truth because there is no truth in you.

Tommy Jensen

Russia painted their helicopters black, wrote APACHE on them, and collected ISIS commanders to transport them to an unknown terrorist training place!

Russia and KBG runs the poppy fields in Afghanistan, smuggle heroine through diplomatic post to Russia´s Embassies around the world and earn $billions right under US Military´s nose.

America and Nato wants peace, but some countries here on this planet makes it very very difficult for the free and civilised world.

AM Hants

Hamilton 68, Statecraft, Integrity Initiative, with their cluster of imbecile journalists, are no doubt upto speed. Then you have some UK ‘false flag to blame Russia due. May is in trouble with BREXIT, and always looks for a Russian story, to change the headlines.

Jens Holm

Yerrh we know. USSR and KGB is never to blame, You can be a dog in a sputning dying fast even believing that. Beep beeep – vuf vuf.

Of course our sanctions are for nothing. We gratefull should send them some rubels now and then too ???

AM Hants

Soviet Union is not the Russian Federation. Remember the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire in 1917 and 15 indendent member states emerged, when it fell in 1991. Only you never hear Russia playing the ‘professional victim’, or going on a world tour with their begging bowl.

Jens Holm

I can use the same kind of glasses and turn it 180 degrees. This article also can be produced by Russians to make USA and others in Afghanistan and the rest of the world look bad.


Hmmmm …. can you name the zionist troll?


Jens Holm maybe? :) At least disqus lets you block em out. And delete replies to them as well.

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