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MARCH 2025

Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington Works “To Cover Up And Preserve” Terrorists Near Damascus

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Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington Works "To Cover Up And Preserve" Terrorists Near Damascus


Recent statements made by US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley on a possible strike against Syria “raise indignation and extreme concern,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said on March 13.

In fact, Washington is doing its utmost to cover up and preserve terrorist groupings, which are active near Damascus and in other provinces of Syria,” the ministry said. “At the same time, the real situation in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, which terrorists use to systematically shell the residential areas of the Syrian capital, is distorted.”

The statement emphasized that attempts by the US and its allies to misinterpret the UN Resolution on Eastern Ghouta, which excludes terrorist groupings from the ceasefire, are unacceptable.

The ministry is also concered over “the incoming information on militants’ preparations to imitate the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government troops against civilians as the basis to justify US unilateral strikes against Damascus and government facilities in Syria.

“Such criminal actions may also create a threat to the lives of Russian military advisers, including representatives of the Centre for the Reconciliation of the Warring Sides, who are staying at establishments in Damascus and at facilities of the Syrian Defense Ministry,” the foreign ministry said. “In this case, required retaliatory measures will be taken.

The ministry further added that US statements in favor of the political process in the war-torn country are a blatant hypocrisy because US forces illegally occupy a significant part of Syria.

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Claire Langoulant

If USA and UK and their procurer Israel want WW3, just say it so !

Promitheas Apollonious

They been saying that for like the last ten years. But I think the Russians, just now maybe, are beginning to listen and take them seriously.


Are you saying that the Russians did not take them seriously for the last decade? Or they missed a subtle whisper by chance? Or they just didn’t want to give them the pleasure of starting the war which will destroy the planet but hey, who cares.It will put money in somebody’s offshore bank account and reduce the population of the world. Perfect, isn’t it?

John Whitehot

what you gonna do with money once the world is destroyed?


Thank you for understanding. I was sarcastic.


The Zionists love to count it :)

Promitheas Apollonious

No the first ten years they believed they will come to an understanding then it took them another about ten years to realize west does not hear words or ever keep its word. When you speak of russians you dont speak of the 10-15 persons in russia who understood exactly what west represent s and what they are. I am talking of the people who all together make russia.


Almost, but you’re not quite the cynic yet…lol






Promitheas Apollonious

yes we know

Michał Hunicz

They said that earlier.


Well fuck. Now we got a full house of crazy psychopathic warmongers. What now ?


I suppose Trump can always add John Bolton to be the icing on the cake! Question is how long the US is going to wait before striking Assad


prepare for more terror from terrorist number ONE

John Whitehot

not that breaking by now.




Eventually even the Russians must accept the futility of trying to deal honestly with the US – the empire only really understands force

John Whitehot

The work that is being done today will be looked upon by future generations, which will recognize who was protecting terrorism and the enslavement of man over man, and who was fighting for freedom and justice.

Russia, Syria, Iran and all their allies are doing only right at keeping with their ethics.

Only blind or terrorized yanks, or malignant zionists aren’t able to see this.


Preposterous statement, there are more opinions in this world fortunately. There are NO ethic governments, ALL of them are corrupted and choose the side of some evil dictator, fake democracies or just money


Not all are corrupted. DO you think you american terrorist masters will escape with that excuse ?? XD.

Nuke USA.


nuke up your ass


Don’t talk to me terrorist. Go kill someone defendless.


Yeah, combined NK-China-Russian Nuke enema for USA


“Durka durka, mohammed jihad!” Cloudman will make you disappear because he is a magician.


What’s going on in Washington? I think Washington is shaking.

AM Hants

I have just posted a link, in the comment above, with regards a seriously worrying article from Veteran’s Today. Sadly, it would not surprise me if true. However, I also have every confidence in Russia being able to prevent it from happening.

March 16th – Peace Talks, Russia, Iran and Turkey. March 18th – Russian Presidential Elections

March 19th, if we are still all here, that will be a bonus, but, expect a lot of hysteria between now and the 19th. Also, if they are going to try anything stupid, it will be before the 16th, no doubt.


Zionist Israel have assassinated JFK and have sunk many US presidents and Trump also wait what Zionist Israel will do with him.

Alice Barnes

Google paying the people 99 dollars every hour to complete few jobs staying at home … Do job Some only few hours and live happy greater time with your own loved ones .. any individual can apply online jobs community!!on Friday I got a brand new Fiat Multipla after just earnin $14200 this month .it seems my favourite-work however you wo’nt forgive yourself if you don’t go to this.!ce721a:⇆⇆⇆ http://GoogleMobiHighestPaidOnlineJobs/getpay/98$/everyhour… ♥♥v♥g♥♥e♥o♥x♥♥g♥s♥y♥l♥♥♥q♥♥♥n♥♥♥x♥♥♥u♥♥♥g♥x♥♥j♥♥q♥♥k♥♥♥v♥♥m♥♥♥n♥♥w♥♥w♥♥♥a♥♥v:::::!px14s:elzpo


If all guest shit, will be blamed CIA! Probably why new director was put in place of Pompeo! She has been in the CIA for a very long time! Pompeo only a year! She will go down with the ship and all will be blamed on the Obama administration! Thats my call on it! Lets see what happens! Keep in mind that Def Sec Mattis doesn’t want this either! Lets see!


No this is due to washington hypocrisy and the awareness in the world community. Now many countries have left the Washington hypocrisy and have joined Russia and China.


Yep, the future is the East. The US is a sinking ship – some Western Eropean nations know this already.

John Whitehot

Apparently, the woman they put there is famous for being one of the most fervent advocates of torture by the CiA, she ran one or two “black sites”, or CIA prisons, where untold horrors have happened.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Gina Haspel is the operator of Thailand Black Site prison and also wanted in the EU for charges under the ECCHR in Germany, charges had been already filed over Thailand alone.


yeah I heard, and Pompeo was put as the director of the CIA (as a white hat) to uncover the CIA’s dirty laundry! Now he works directly for trump as the Sec of State who’s role it is to ADVISE the president in foreign matters! Trump has all the dirty secrets and an ally in the NSA (Adm rogers). a General as the chief of staff Pompeo an old school buddy, Mattis who agrees them weapons weren’t used by Assad in EG! Everything is coming together! CIA gonna be torn down! And that women will be one of the reasons for it!

John Whitehot

by the way, Mattis is still there, wonder how much he’s gonna last.


Quite a few Brits are also more concerned with trashy TV programmes than the real possibility of being burned alive due to the depravity of all too many members of the US Coalition of Terror, John

AM Hants

I have just posted a link, with regards an article on Veteran’s Today. Horrifying if true, but, you might be interested. Posted the link in a previous comment, above.


I will look. Thanks.


Such bombs are the same as ‘conspiracy theorists ‘ say were used on 9/11 :)

I had my hair cut yesterday I should have saved the money :)


911 uses controlled demolitions which mean enough explosives on each segments of it’s pillars. I think it’s just a normal explosives and the notion of it’s a nuclear devices probably an actor psyop to discredit the result of genuine research and analysis of credible personality.


The 9/11 was a control demolation and was also a conspiracy against Muslims particularly Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Iraq Afghanistan etc and their corruption money and gold. This was the idea of Zionist Israel.

AM Hants

Haha, and I hope you are pleased with the haircut.

Have woken up this morning, and thought about the article. At the end of the day, they have only said what many of us know or have worked out. Their is not enough on the Mueller case, to threaten Trump as all roads led back to Hilary and her Ukraine friends, with a lot of help from the UK.

Also, no doubt it is a response, with regards President Putin and his State of the Nation Speech, where he has informed the world that all NATO and that includes the US, weapons and systems are obsolete. The article was just a reminder of which obsolete weapons, which will meet the Russian delegation, that will be sent to meet them, can do.


Indeed. The UK establishment is doubling down on lies and deception that must even be obvious to a Guardian or Times reader now.

All the UK has in its armoury are accusations and more accusations that defy logic . Unless we are on the verge of foolishly declaring war with Russia to back up the crazies in the US and Israel.

AM Hants

Funny how they cannot be open to the fact that they have declared war, with no declaration of war. Guess, we are not meant to notice that.


If we notice they’ll have to be responsible.


Few British citizens will have AM and that is the problem.

AM Hants

Tell me about it. Doubt, if they have even noticed what is happening.



AM Hants

Haha, precisely

AM Hants

If this article, over on Veteran’s Today is true, doubt we will have any future generations.

Would Trump be that stupid, although I can see Russia’s new weapons will return to sender. No matter what Trump and Netanyahu believe.

Keeping Trump and Netanyahu Out of Jail: Israel Plans Sneak Attack on Syria with Trump, Russia Betrayed Trump is threatening nuclear war unless Mueller backs down from filing charges against the president. This is more than “distraction,” this is the real “art of the deal,” the real Trump, a New York mobster armed with nuclear weapons… https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/03/13/keeping-trump-and-netanyahu-out-of-jail-israel-plans-sneak-attack-on-syria-with-trump-russia-betrayed/

Politolog Externista

liberals today are afraid of their own shadow. Some concerns are ok, but liberals are totally running in fear. They see fascists everywhere. Trump may be dumb, but liberals fearmongering has catched up to them. They cant recognize that satanic spiritcooker in Hitlery is a worse proposition. US is crapping themselves, so they dont stop aggression, they are only afraid on the other sides reaction to their aggression. Soros satanistic zionist scum brainwashed murricans with fear. Fear leads to either aggression or something actually useful. The Soros/Liberal satanistic media mafia created fear and then use it to channel hate on their popponents. False accusations etc. Liberals were misled into believing that Trump is a nazi and what not. Meaning that he is the most evil alternative., The thing is the devil, nazis are the same, it was a different time, but evil blood rage, blood lust that many liberals have is the very same that Hitler displayed with various mass murders. Abortion is also a murder because a being given soul is killed. Devil loves that cause it offends God. God gives the soul and people in their rebellion kill what He created. Evil is very real and Hitlery was going to spirit cooking satanic rituals where she would accept satan as her master, let him enter her body. It was on wikileaks that she and podesta wwent to such meeting with a witch of some yugoslav surname. Misled people like L.Gaga glorify that misguided person. They in search of power sold their souls to devil … so he uses them to do his will, because they are his slaves. Liberals are and will be deeply antichristian. They will twist words, but their agenda is anti-freedom.

I understand that the hysteria is pretty high, in my country there is a Maidan in the making as well due to a useless journalist being killed by someone … feels like a false flag with soros host of organizers, traitors, media getting together, trying to overthrow govt because they didnt like how elections went. Its not the end yet, but children of disobedience try hard to bring as much chaos and death as possible. Evil people love death. Satanism and its various forms are always death cults. Abortion as an example is also worshipping the devil. But nothing ever goes really unpunished. Godlessness leads to wars.

AM Hants

Good luck and take care. My nation, is being completely hysterical, over the old Soviet Spy, with false flag written all over it. Same crowd, that fed us hate and divide, who cannot handle the fact that many no longer believe them. Knowing that hopefully there days are numbered.


Time for a US patriotic uprising against ZIo controlled deep state. Enough guns with the people to accomplish this – Why is it taking so long?

AM Hants

I guess the masses do not want to wake up. It is the same over in the UK. Absolutely insane and seriously dangerous, having so many idiots pretending to lead us. Good luck.


It’s possible but i think there’ll need more conditions for this to happen since a nuclear dispatch order following a lengthy and complicated chain of command. At the very least there’s need to be something else other than Trump impeachment.

However that only counts if the weapons they’ll use classified as a nuclear weapons. There’s this called tactical nuclear which i don’t really know what it’s classified as in it’s deployment in US. There’s also the possibility of the critical chain of commands for them to be exposed to mossad influence.

AM Hants

Now that I am not so tired and a bit more rational, remember Hawaii and the nuke that was meant to hit the Island, that got taken out. They said it was just the person in charge of controls that made a mistake and there was no nuclear threat. However, as you state, you go through a chain of command. Then you had the 60 tomahawks, that Trump sent to Syria, which were either a very impotent batch or something took them out, on route. Dangerous times, owing to the idiots we have leading us, but, thankfully there are some, that do not follow orders or have systems in place to cancel out the wishes of others. Hopefully all goes well.


Massive X class solar storm to hit earth. I hope it isn’t used as a smokescreens to hit NK.

AM Hants

Must admit, I am curious as to what they are trying to arrange. Owing to the timing and not just North Korea.


Negociating just isn’t going to fix this, not on its own.


The Russians know fully well there is no point to making a deal with the US, what they are really doing is to buy time for the SAA to squash the Jihadis before the US can come to their aid. Just like with East Aleppo, once East Ghouta has fallen the MSM will find something else to get worked up over and the US will be deprived of a humanitarian casus belli to go to war over. It’s a complicated dance in the court of world opinion, and so far the Russians are coming out ahead, as Assad is still in power and expanding his area of control, and all the US has to show for is the Kurdish region. Which is now in a state of war with Turkey.


I fear so, only Home in a Body Bag III is going to change US behaviour. Years ago during the Reagan regime, when newspapers had reportage in them, a US government stooge was recorded saying that the US was doing what it wanted and only a greater power would suffice to stop it. Looks like the Syrian people (with a little help from their friends) are it.


Most of Putin’s inner circle are jewish, and Putin has a lifetime of jew worship. These jews are brothers to the jews in Israel, France, Germany, the USA and UK. Putin consults his inner circle, and their ‘advice’ represents the current jewish game- where the jews fantasise that they run the Deep State, but in reality are just its servants.

So Putin actually does what the Deep State needs him to do. And Putin cannot raise himself above this situation for, as he proudly boasts, he exists to serve zionism- having been programmed his whole life to think that zionism and enlightened Russian socialism are one and the same.

Putin isn’t going to change. Any pressure on Putin to see the light is sabotaged by the jews who infiltrate everything on our side. Putin hasn’t blundered into this disasterous position by accident. He has been led there, as if a blind man by trusted ‘friends’.

Did you know the OFFICIAL jewish story behind the six dancing Israeli jews at the 9/11 false-flag site in NY was that Israel KNEW terrorists were planning 9/11, but rather than inform ‘friend’ America, they sent their agents (the dancing jews) to record the event live. And this is the OFFICIAL explanation of why 6 jews were arrested celebrating in public the fall of the towers.


Israel “knew” “terrorists” were planning 911? WTF, are you stupid?? Mossad-CIA DID 911 themselves.

John Whitehot

“and Putin has a lifetime of jew worship”

No, you have a lifetime of jew worship and bending to them.


u are 100% right!


And Force in the end means Nuclear War.

I prefer the Russian actions at present. They have realigned Mutually Assured Destruction which means that the US is unlikley to attack them (for now). And thereby avert the Nuclear war which the US thought it could win.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

My dear Russia, be brave. Reason and justice are on your side. Do not fear to threaten your ennemies with energy and fearlessly, swearing to defend not only your citizens, but also all your proteges and allies, so making yourselft respected by not only your enemies, but also by your friends and allies. Long live to Russia and Syria with all the others syrian loyal friends and allies in the region.



This is 100% true.


How about shooting every terrorist, shove their bodies into barrels of cheap brandy and shipping them all to Washington – that’ll preserve them just fine…

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Ayatollahs MUST GO!



and you get your news from the BBC? – you’re an idiot. Thanks to Ayatollahs, Syria is still in Syrian hands. Soon, thanks to the Ayatollahs, ALL of Palestine will be in Palestinian hands and the 5th fleet at the bottom of the Persian Gulf.

John Whitehot

why you still haven’t brought up the Skrpal case? I’m in for some hilarity.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



to take iranian ayatollahs in custody! :DDD

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Solomon is that u?

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

No u into custody


Nuke USA. Fed up of bullies. Kick out USA of UN. Make sanctions against USA and stop trading with USA. Let them die with their dictatorship.

Politolog Externista

no need to overreact. Calm down. Dont expect anything. These are huge theatrics because USA lost the war. If it helps you, stop listening to media for a few days. Its all about fearmongering but mostly they will do nothing, the evil empire. They are crumbling, let them. Dont let yourself be taken by hysteria. USA will destroy itself directly imo.


Trump made Pompeo secretary of state, former CIA boss. This Pompeo was Al Baghdadi boss and hates Iran.

People trusted Trump when he said that USA will not “remove regimes”. XD. Such stupid and naive people. Do you believe Americans ?? XD.

The one who believe USA is such a stupid moron.


The UK marketing society Bell Pottinger was making “false” jihadists propagenda to “fool the jihadists” during 2006 and 2011. Of course, these stupid sunnis were fooled by both saudis clerics and west propagenda. They wanted to create terrorist sunnis to “fight for islam”. But, these stupid sunnis were only very good cannon fodder and very useful to let USA grab Syrian lands.

In 2017, this society get bankrupted. How nice it is !!! Founded in 1998 and ended in 2017 just the time to invade Iraq and create ISIS.

So, Amaq agency is also ruled by the west. Amaq agency is written in 1 million languages.

Poor people.


To deal with the zionist regime in USA is like trying to make a deal with the Devil himself.


Give me your soul and I will give you 100 dollars. XD.


Russia sure has many enemies…


Beyond NATO and Israel, who are they?


And the People who live in the NATO countries don’t back the US. . .


Most people in the US outside of Jew occupied DC and NYC don’t either.


And all of them are insane.


Really? I think you will find that only the US and UK are really enemies of Russia. The rest will say whatever the US tells them to say, because they are terrified of the USA. When the US is defeated, countries will line up to urinate on Americas corpse.


Russia should announce a “training mission” to deploy a Division of Russian troops directly into the Damascus airport. After they are on the ground, then announce … “oh, and by the way, this Division has tactical nuclear weapons in it’s possession”.

This will put an end to the neocon-Zionists fantasy of thinking that they can make Russia blink first. It will be the US Congress that will demand a full debate over the war powers Act, and what the hell the US is doing over there. It will be the US that blinks first. The US anti-war movement will mobilize against this march to war. Trump will ultimately listen to his base, whom he assured during the campaign, that he was against these endless Middle East wars.

Does the US public really want a nuclear confrontation over Syria?

Believe me, the Joint Chiefs and most US Generals are sick and tired of these endless wars to make Israel safe at the expense of 9,000 (and still counting) dead American soldiers.


US general are sick of nothing. Basically, they love killing people and above all killing defendless people.

Someone has to nuke USA.


Remember it was Admiral Mullin that refused President Bush’s order to move a 3rd Aircraft Carrier Group into position to attack Iran back in 2007. Bush then backed off of his war plan.This is one of the people I refer to.


Same warmonger as the others. Expect nothing from USA. Just nuke the area called USA. No other alternative.


Actually by nature soldiers and military officers supposed to be the most vocal anti war supporters as they’ll be the first to feel the heat.


People like Mullin also know the true extent of a battle with Iran – in NO US simulated attack on Iran did the US ever win-Only an idiot like Bush could ignore the facts.- he sees only oil.


” Does the US public really want a nuclear confrontation over Syria? ”

I doubt if the majority of the US Public have any concept of what a nuclear war would mean to them as Bruce Willis will come to the rescue of America and ‘ Commie Russia ‘ will be defeated.

That’s always the ending of a Hollywood movie anyway :)


Exactly, it’s natural selection, they are too stupid to survive.


The Joint Chiefs are brain dead morons. Russia doesn’t have to put on a big display of pomp and grandeur like America, and other despotic regimes. Russia throws a stone, and America responds with a trillion dollar computer controlled rock. What America and Americans can’t see, is how Russia is gently leading America to its demise.

Ariel Cohen

The psychopathic chief arsonist / pyromaniac is now trying to warn the firemen to stop burning the building down or they will get shot . .


If Germany wasn’t destroyed, Germans will have nuke USA. Remember that nukes have been invented by Germans. The rest of people is basically useless in the world.


Given the US’s recent actions and changes at the top, it is War.

The US will over reach and I suspect that any Air Craft carrier forces near the Middle east will be destroyed along with a number of US military facilities in the Middle East.

The US’s long logistics trail from the US to the Middle East is Vulnerable and Russia is not so.

The last question is whether Israel will join in? Or sit on the sidelines holding it’s breath ready to cling on to the winner.


israel will join for what ??? XD.


Yeah, Pompeo is an old style American, he wants to kill everybody.


They won’t become terrorists just because you say so. Desparation is obvious with Russia.

On what criteria is someone terrorist get the hell out of here with that sloppy statement.


Ha Ha – so they defend their territory be holding the civilians hostage, murdering them if they resist & not allowing them to leave! What kind of rebels are these – they certainly are not fighting for the people


People can leave and have been leaving with issues. The only problem is pro-govt rallies. They should exit the area these who support the illegal invaders of the Ghoutans private property.



‘People can leave and have been leaving without issues.”

So if the people can leave, why are you wailing about the Russian/Syrian bombing?


Absolute lie – the militants have prevented civilians using the corridors & also shelling them when they do. Do you think if they can freely leave they would choose to remail in a war zone? they are being used as human shields

Tudor Miron

Snakehead. Do you even understand how idiotic your posts are?


Idiotic posts? I don’t share your point of view. Your fighting a small village enclave as if this was some sort of doomsday war or maybe a war against aliens where human survival depends on.

You went full retarded and I honestly don’t even see the plus side in destroying these locals properties, buildings and way of life. There is nothing upside to it

Tudor Miron

Life of locals was destroyed when terrorists (I remember that you call Al Nusra/Al Queda =good guys despite killing thousands of your compatriots according to official US version) trained, armed and funded by your country (together with UK/Israel/France) started a war against Syrian state. Tell me, how do you like democracy that your masters sowed in Libya? Now when those head choppers are being eliminated you cry wolf, but no one is buying this nonsense. Local’s properties will be rebuild with help of Syrian legitimate government – just look at thriving Aleppo and compare it to Mosul and Raqqa – that’s where American’s care about properties and life of civilians is strikingly evident. You should stop spreading blatant lies, because when you do you can’t hide your forked tongue and everyone can see who you really are.


I call him Porky, but I think the idiot blocked my ass :D


Someone posted he is a mountain of shit – best description


On what criteria are they terrorist? These are the people who cut the throats of children whilst the CIA filmed.


What children.. They are locals who mostly haven’t been much elsewhere


He is referring to Al Zinki group, “moderate” group supported by USA, who cut the head off of 13 year old child on film.

Tudor Miron

Full retard? If you really want to learn the meaning if this word than reread your posts. What children? 13 year old chiled who’s head was cut off by Al Zinki group that was supported by USA.


They are not locals.


Lol. At this point I see you nothing more then a bot. You went full retard

Tudor Miron

“Ghoutans are defending there rightful territory” (c) Lol. First of all, very little % of that headchopping scum are actually Ghoutans and you know it very well. 2nd. Al Nusra is officially recognized as terrorist organization even by US (they just can’t deny obvious facts even if they want to). 3d. Desperation is obvious with US/UK/Israel – their irregular armed forces are being eliminated at this very moment.


Err… and when did Washington DENY this. The very DEFINITION of ‘moderate’ ‘rebel’ as used by the UK, USA and France refered to local wahhabi terrorists in this region, and for YEARS Putin refused to allow Assad to properly clean them out.

Indeed Britain openly stated it expected the REPLACEMENT ‘government’ to be made up by rebels from east Ghouta. And Putin, as a result, demanded that Assad negotiate and recognise these rebels as a legitmate ‘opposition’ Only in the last few months has Putin changed his stance.

And why, after THREE YEARS has Putin changed his position, and allowed the legitimate government of Syria to reassert control over East Ghouta. As a DISTRACTION and SMOKESCREEN to hide the fact that Putin has decided to only return a limited part of Syria back to government control.

But Putin’s idiotic plans have turned to ashes in his mouth, as the nerve agent false-flag in the Uk have demonstrated. Far from thanking Putin for allowing the West to keep so much of Syria, the West correctly identified Putin’s craven servitude as a final fatal weakness, and cranked up the anti-russian demonisation to 11.

Has Putin the zionist learnt his lesson about the true nature of the jews he tries so hard to serve? of course not. No leading Russian gets to be a leading Russian without a lifetime of proven jew worship. So despite the fact that jew owned and jew run news outlets are scourging Putin bloody and demanding he be put down like a mad-dog, Putin turns to his jewish dominated inner circle to ask what to do next.

Many of America’s founding fathers warned about the malign influence of jews in the new USA, and they did so for one very important reason. Organised jewry is loyal but to one thing- itself. And this fact crosses international borders and class lines. A POWER CULT that crosses both borders and class distinctions is rare and ultra dangerous, for it will accumulate unthinkable amounts of power and influence as time progresses.

The penny is never going to drop for Putin. Which is why Russia’s response over the last couple of days has been “don’t you recall just how dangerous Russia is in a World War situation”. Russia simply has no lower level tools that Putin thinks of deploying. Just the ultimate threat. And this threat is a busted flush outside of a World War.

As the bear screams “I can kill you all”, the Deep State carries on stabbing the bear with their lances. The “death of a thousand cuts”. Team Saker worked to delay Russia’s response until the bear was backed into a corner. Because prior to this moment, all Putin had to do was smack the bully hard on the nose, and the public’s taste for war and war mongering in the USA would vanish overnight.

But at a certain point the America public’s bloodlust is so elevated, no sanity can re-enter the yank mind. And then great conflict is unstoppable.

False flags work because of who is in control of the narrative- as Putin well understands having used the same method (Moscow apartment block bombings) in his initial rise to power. So truth matters not in the case of MI5’s nerve agent false-flag. And Britain has even stated RT is going to be closed down (sabotaging the World Cup by the backdoor as Russia is forced to ban the West’s journalists from Russia).

Everything has gone wrong for ‘muscular vicar’ Putin. Funny thing is, common US culture always mocks the hopeless position of the ‘muscular vicar’ in its various dramas. The latest example being “The Walking Dead”. “Can’t we all just get along” and turning the other cheek in the face of demonic evil only ever serves the demon cause.


m,drugs are bad.

Steve Bell

Putin the “zionist”? Yeah sure, that’s why the zionist owned MSM chorus continues to sing its anti-Putin aria in contralto.

John Brown

Niki Haley is a shabbas goy slave for satanic zionist racist supremacist Jews and their lord Satan

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