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Russian Forpost Drone Crashes In Greater Idlib, Near Turkey’s Border (Video)

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Russian Forpost Drone Crashes In Greater Idlib, Near Turkey’s Border (Video)

The Russian Forpost unmanned aerial vehicle at an air base in Syria (Photo: geo-politica.info)

On March 10, a Russian drone crashed in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib where a number of terrorist groups are present.

According to Syrian opposition sources, the drone crashed near the town of Tal Adeh in northern Idlib, a few kilometers away from Turkey’s border. The drone crashed as a result of an engine failure.

Thanks to a video showing the crash site near Tal Adeh, the drone was identified by experts as a Forpost. The drone is a licensed copy of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Searcher. Dozens of Fropost drones, which were manufactured in Russia, are currently in service with the Russian military. The drone has an endurance of 18 hours.

This was the third confirmed loss of a Russian drone in Syria this year. On February 6, an Oraln-10 drone crashed in the northern Raqqa countryside. On February 7, a second Orlan-10 crashed in the al-Zawiya Mount in the southern part of Greater Idlib.

Russia deployed dozens of drones in Syria during the last few years. These drones carry out reconnaissance and combat operations.

It should be noted that last month the Russian military shared never-seen-before footage of drone strikes on terrorists in Syria.


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Servet-i Funun Literature

Speaking of Drones,India plans to buy 30 MQ-9 Reaper drones for $3 billion from US company General Atomics’.Unbelievable.. https://www.businessinsider.in/defense/news/india-plans-to-buy-30-mq-9-reaper-drones-for-3-billion-from-us-company-general-atomics/articleshow/81430469.cms?utm_source=social_Twitter&utm_medium=social_sharing&utm_campaign=Click_through_social_share


Reaper drones need lot of accompanying, and ongoing, infrastructure to operate – India has limited military budget resources and this will suck up a lot from that small pot. India has two regional security fronts – Pakistan and China – Reaper drones are hunter/killer attack UAV’s, for offensive actions, they are loaded with ordnance to range and strike. These are aggressive aviation assets, not defensive for interception or intelligence gathering, so be interesting to see against whom and how India plans to actually use these UAV’s.

Supreme Blyat

Maybe they will buy the SH ones used in Afghanistan, this time for Kashmir.

The Objective

Great to know that all the drones fell in opposition territory. They’re now in Ankara for Turkey’s engineers to break down. they aren’t likely to learn anything worthwhile. These Russian drones is a joke. falling out of the skies without any enemy fire. Or may Turkey’s EW capacity is much more advanced for the Russians to deal with.

Jim Allen

No, Russia simply stepped in, and recovered the large number of broken drones. (3) You is a joke, an unfunny joke, despite your daily foray’s deep into embarrassing yourself territory by your willful ignorance, pretense of knowledge, and cognitive dissonance. Or, may Russia’s military technology, and capabilities being advanced several decade’s beyond Turkey’s limited ability to cope with the large number of Russian weapons systems that have no analog. Or, Russia may be moved to apply the same few sanctions against Turkey it did in response to Turkey’s remarkably stupid choice to shoot down the Su-24, then the rescue helicopter killing the pilot, and some of the chopper crew, claiming the Su entered Turkish airspace. (a lie) Erdogan didn’t look so smug 6 weeks after Putin applied the sanctions, at the Kremlin, wearing out the carpet with his knees begging Putin to relent. You musta’ forgot about this part, didn’tja’ ? Because Putin, unlike his “Western partners,” is not a vindictive bitch, did relent lifting the sanctions, that had damn near strangled Turkey so quickly. Turkey’s loose cannon conduct has not endeared it to US/NATO despite Erdogan being a rabid Freemason, EU want’s nothing to do with Turkey, US refuses to back Turkey despite it’s actions to serve the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal. The Bear seems rather out of patience with Erdogan’s inane antic’s. Can you see a bitch slap upside Sultan’s fat stupid head coming ?

The Objective

You’re obviously the ignoramus embarrassing yourself by making a purely emotional argument. Your mighty Russia is lagging behind in drone technology. Majority of Russian experts hold this view. Just do your own research of the best military drones in the world and see where Russia’s drones rank compared to Turkey’s. That means if Turkey can continue in the current trajectory, it will beat Russia in other fields of military tech as well. You haven’t said anything to demonstrate your understand of military technology. I’m not a military tech expert. I’m a political freak.

Rhodium 10

A Koral EWS was destroyed in Al Wattiya ( Tripoli) as consecuence of airstrikes using SU 24 and MIG 29 armed with KH-31 Kripton missile….also a Hawk system and surveillance radar were destroyed.


Base level observation, small-medium, drones are no staggering military secret – much of this technology can be bought off the shelf from advanced industrial countries. This particular model is indeed a licensed copy of Israeli origin and well known in region – note that by using these Israeli copies over Syria, Russia is not risking exposing its own developing and/or sensitive technology to NATO. This is very astute Russian policy. Likewise, operating these small-medium scale drones in the field it is factored in to incorporate percentage of losses – without it being a major issue. In contrast, however, the US losing an intact, large scale, heavy strike Reaper drone over Iran really was a big deal.

The Objective

How do we know all the drones lost were Israeli made? Russia is still trying to perfect its drones. The Russians are probably testing the suitability of these drones to know how likely theirs is to survive. That would mean some of the Israeli tech went into Russia’s drones.

Russia seems to be exercising some caution over its military gear. The S-300 is still not used in Syria despite Assad’s forces fielding it. My suspicion is that Russia knows the Israelis will penetrate that system and damage its international image just like Turkish drones did to the Pantsir. Russia sold S-400 to Turkey which is unlikely to use in anytime soon in the absence of a major conflict. I strongly feel that Russia is ripping off buyers with their S-400. The system is most likely not as effective as it was advertised to be. The Russians can’t claim that they didn’t use S-400 in Syria because they did not want Israeli pilots training against it. The Americans and Israelis can always train their pilots against the S-400 since Russia is selling the System to America’s allies as well. In fact, Russia can deploy the “export version” if it feared that its own version might be compromised in Assad’s hands. Let the export version demonstrate in Syria what Russia’s S-400 can do, so that buyers can be more confident. They can’t claim that they don’t want to expose it to NATO. Then why the hell did they sell it to Turkey, Greece, Algeria, and India, who can all let the U.S examine the system? On the other hand, if they claim that they don’t want Assad shooting down Israeli jest, then it must be noted that Assad is still shooting missiles at Israeli planes. At one point, it shot down an Israeli jet. I think Turkey should not put any much hope on the S-400 because it’s very very likely to underperform just like the Pantsir did. I don’t think any country would be looking to buy the Pantsir after what happened in Libya, Syria, and N-K.

Lone Ranger

Never go full retard…

Supreme Blyat

This was a fake accident made up by the smarty Russians

The Objective

So, what is it supposed to achieve? Because I haven’t seen or heard of any Russian drone that impressed the world.

Supreme Blyat

Just a joke

cechas vodobenikov

ob-jerkoff admits toorks unable to learn…now toorks try to go to space using ottoman catapult..I recall Russia was in space 1959 LOL

The Objective

Russia may be in space since the 1575. It doesn’t matter as long as Muslim countries are rapidly closing the tech gap. Empires rise and fall, and Russia or the U.S won’t be any exception no matter how hard they try to cling to their status. Russia would learn drone technology from Turkey, not the other way round.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes no Empire lasts forever, the Ottomans 600 years, the Romans including Byzantium 1,700 years, and the Persians 2,500 years, and Egypt nearly 3,000 years, all turned to dust now.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s a licensed copy of an Israeli drone for a start, not a Russian designed drone. The Russians fly their drones over Turkish occupied territory all the time, but the Turks never fly their drones over SAA held territory, I wonder why not. Last year during the Aleppo campaign Syrian helicopters had to return to their base because of possible E-war attacks, but the Russians weren’t affected at all, they remained in the air with no adverse affects on their performance or abilities. So Turkey’s E-war capabilities either weren’t used against Russian aircraft or were totally ineffective if they were.

The Objective

Where does Assad’s weapons come from? Those helicopters, who manufactured them? Does it make sense that Russia would give Assad subpar helicopters in a campaign as important as Allepo? Russia, Turkey, and America steer clear of one another’s military. so, Turkey isn’t likely to attack any Russian service men in Syria. The only exception being if the Russians harm Turkish soldiers, in which case Turkey is certain to retaliate. Russians drones are still below NATO standards. You may wish that Russian tech is immune to Turkish-made weapons. But even the S-400 has been penetrated by a new missile Turkey tested against the S-400.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes it does make sense that Russia sells Syria sub par weapons, Syria can’t afford to buy the new and better variants. Turkey conducts artillery strikes on SAA occupied territory all the time, the areas around Tall rif At are continually targeted, but Russian servicemen operate in this area and the Russians also have several bases located there, which means eventually a Turkish artillery strike will accidentally hit a Russian patrol or emplacement, and then we’ll get to see how the Russians react when the boots on the other foot. Russian drones are crap, God only knows why, they’re world leaders in so many other high tech weapons and equipment it beggars belief their drones are practically stone age in comparison. My only explanation is perhaps Russia’s investing more resources in one hit weapons like missiles. After all the drones in use today are very low speed and fly under 15,000m at best, some only 9,000m so they’re easy to take out with anti air missile systems or aircraft. So maybe the Russians see drones as a obsolete weapon platform and they don’t try to increase their performance capabilities for that reason. I see Turkeys copying Australia’s intentions to build a AI drone which is totally independent from operator control. We started about 12 months ago and are the first in the field to venture into the design and manufacture of AI controlled drones, so who do you think will be the first country to put an AI controlled drone in the air, I’m betting it’s Australia, and not just because we have a 12 months head start.

The Objective

Maybe Australia would be the first to put an AI drone in the air. There are currently many advantages Australia has over Turkey. It is not subject to any sanctions. It’s more stable and not engaged in any foreign or domestic conflicts. Its companies face no discrimination or obstacles regarding tech transfer from the West. It has a 12-months head-start. but Australia does not have Turkey’s experience in using drones, and Australian companies are up against a recent but smart Turkish drone maker, Baykar Defense. The Turks also have a bigger motivation to work hard due to the level of threat the country faces. In the end, it’s not a question of who first fields and AI drone, but whose drone is most effective.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“In the end, it’s not a question of who first fields and AI drone, but whose drone is most effective”,

That’s true. And as it turns out the new aircraft made it’s maiden flight on March 2nd, and so far everything’s working as planned. So we’ve already got it in the air which means our next job is to fully test and then mass produce, and then we’ll be able to corner the world market before anyone else does. :] And I think they’ll be pretty good drones if the US is willing to buy them.



The Objective

I couldn’t help but laugh at your comment: “our next job is to fully test and then mass produce”. And where would you test it? In Australia? LOL. The environment in Australia is permissive, so there can never be any real battlefield test with enemy countermeasures. When Turkey produces any combat drone, it’s intended for largescale battlefield scenarios. Australia has produced some drones with impressive theoretical specs. But their surviveability against modern AA systems like the Pantsir is still unknown. Turkey’s defense industry is not about market, but power. The Australian drone doesn’t look like a combat drone to me. Can you share some knowledge about its specs and purpose?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Now your making me laugh, you may not be aware of this but Australia is really good at following the Brits and US into any God forsaken wars they start, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. We have some of our elite soldiers currently facing charges of torturing and killing unarmed prisoners in Afghanistan, so we have just as many bloodthirsty warmongers here as you have in Turkey, something that makes me more ashamed of my country than anything else does. On the other hand you seem incessantly proud pf Turkey’s bloodthirsty nature, you never criticize Erdogan for any of the war crimes his proxy forces commit in Syria or Iraq, even his friends in the Iraqi KRG and the Iraqi Government have warned Erdogan to stop killing innocent civilians in his mad quest to nullify the PKK. No I can’t share any specs about the new drone because none have been released to the public, it’s a secret, but from what I have found out, and according to it’s name sake ‘the loyal wingman’ will be a high speed and possibly supersonic drone. It’s the same size as a manned aircraft so it will probably have all the same abilities as a manned aircraft, speed, altitude, performance, armaments, ect, but due to the absence of a human pilot it will be able to turn/climb/dive much harder than a manned aircraft can, so I suspect it will be used as an interceptor and not just deliver the usual performance capabilities that all the other drones in use today do. So I think it’ll be a fighter jet killer, not a slow and low altitude ground attack vehicle, which would be something no one has been able to build right up until now. At nearly 40 million a drone they’re more expensive than the Reaper drones are, so if the US is intending on buying our drones that cost even more money than their own do, I suspect the Australian drones are going to be the best drones available on the world market. Here’s a video from youtube and there are several more to watch,



Who needs an air defense?:)))

Supreme Blyat



Cheap, small recon drones like that go down all the time. Just another day in Syria.

cechas vodobenikov

drone operator observed tratz, objerkoff, blyat playing with dildos and became disgusted –tried to disrupt their orgy


let’s compare it with turkish drones which decimated the Syrian and Russian army in 6 days. Enjoy it south front ladies… https://twitter.com/IdlibEn/status/1365229378586759168?s=20

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