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Russian Government Resigns Following Putin’s Annual State-Of-The-Nation Address

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Russian Government Resigns Following Putin's Annual State-Of-The-Nation Address

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – JANUARY 15, 2020: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (L) and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ahead of a meeting with the Russian government members, their collective resignation announced. Dmitry Astakhov/POOL/TASS

The Russian government resigned on January 15 following Vladimir Putin’s 2020 annual state-of-the-nation address to Russian lawmakers in Moscow. During the adress, the president proposed changes to the Constitution that should provide more power to the Parliament and strengthen Russia’s national sovereignty.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev made the announcement on state television sitting next to Putin.

“These changes, when they are adopted, and in all likelihood this would be done following discussions, as was said, will make significant changes not only to a number of articles of the Constitution, but also to the balance of power as a whole,” Medvedev said.

“In this context, it’s obvious that we, as the government of the Russian Federation, should provide the president of our country with the opportunity to make all the decisions necessary for this. And in these circumstances, I believe that it’s correct that, in accordance with Article 117 of the Constitution, the Russian government in its current composition should resign.”

Putin accepted the resignation of the government. Nonetheless, the prime minister and the cabinet to remain as the acting government until a new one is formed. After the formation of the new government, Medvedev is expected to take up the position of deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council. This position is yet to be created.

Medvedev had occupied his current post of the Prime Minister since 2012. He also was the President of Russia – in the period from 2008 to 2012. The resignation of the Medvedev government is a signal of the upcoming tectonic shift in the Russian internal policy and a reaction to the current social and economic situation in the country.

President Putin suggested Mikhail Mishustin, the head of Federal Tax Service, as a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Mishustin was heading Russia’s Tax Service since 2010. His serivce is best known for boosting tax collections, mainly from the Russian population, small and medium business. Under these conditions, he can be seen as an effective manager by Putin. The Russian population no more sees the country’s leadership as the power that defends its interests. The decision to appoint one of the representatives of the previous administration raises questions and could lead to negative reactions.

Russian Government Resigns Following Putin's Annual State-Of-The-Nation Address

Mikhail Mishustin

Russian authorities already started preparations for the vote on the proposed amendments to the Russian Constitution. They can be summed up to the following:

  • To guarantee the primacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the territory of Russia over international law and international treaties. Previously, the Russian state followed the principle of the primacy of international law over its national laws.
  • To ban prime ministers, governors and other key officials to have foreign citizenship or residence permit at the constitutional level.
  • To introduce tougher requirements for those running for president: a candidate for the office must have permanently resided in Russia for at least 25 years (currently 10) and must have had no dual citizenship (the Constitution in its current form doesn’t prohibit this).
  • To introduce in the Constitution the corresponding status and role of the State Council (an advisory body to the Russian head of state).
  • To increase the responsibility of the Parliament for the formation and activities of the government. For example, the Parliament will be given the right to appoint the Prime Minister, his deputies and ministers (who are currently appointed by the President with the consent of the lower house). The candidature of the Prime Minister will be proposed by the President, while the rest of the government will be proposed by the appointed Prime Minister.
  • The President should appoint of heads of law enforcement agencies, after consultation with the Federation Council.
  • To strengthen the role of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. At the request of the president, it should verify the constitutionality of bills and other documents.
  • To allow the Federation Council (the upper house of the Parliament), on the recommendation of the President of Russia, to remove from office judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts in response to their misconduct defaming honor and dignity.

Aditionally, Putin noted that there is an opinion that the word “in a row” in limiting two presidential terms can be removed. However, he noted that this is not fundamental. It’s unclear if this point will be included in the expected vote.

Taking into account the recent developments, and the current social and economic situation in the country, it is expected that the ruling United Russia party will lose a notable part of its seats. At the same time, a possible bloc of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and other ‘left-wing’ opposition parties will have a chance to get at least a powerful minority in the Parliament. Therefore, the new Parliament will differ significantly from the configuration that we observed in the period from 2000 to 2020. This, altogether with the announced changes to the Constitution, will directly influence the composition of the government and the policy that it will provide.


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Wtf happened lol

Pavel Pavlovich

Putin and the patriotic forces have formally declared their big counter-offensive in general terms against the occupation of the holy fatherland.


Are you liberal or Bolshevik or fascist?

Lazy Gamer

That’s a super powerful president. lol I hope that Russia’s next president has the will, wisdom and wit to wield the power Putin just vested to the office of president.

Jimi Thompson 2

This sounds like an open door for the Leftist and Neocon NWO globalists to crash through and subvert Russia, just as they have been successful in doing to the United States, all NATO states, and many other countries throughout Asia and Central America.

Perhaps I am missing something here, but, considering how hard Putin has had to fight to keep Russia at least somewhat sovereign – especially considering what the U.S. and NATO have done to his countrymen, and his nation, over the last 30 years, this all sounds more than a little peculiar… in an uncomfortable sort of way.


WHY? “this sounds like an open door for the Leftist and Neocon NWO globalists”

Jimi Thompson 2

If you knew how these enemies of freedom and culture operate, you would not be asking “WHY”?

There is a global network of extra-governmental operators and agencies that control almost all of the governments in the world, with very few exceptions.

Russia has already dipped its toe into the pool… this would be a full wade-in, which, will most likely end up in the complete destruction and ruin of Russia as an independent nation, and the loss of Russian culture… literally wholesale.

The UK is already on the verge of being an unquestionable and undeniable example of this… the United States is not much further behind (20 years tops).


Just big words, conspiracy spiced empty lecturing and nothing concrete at all! You shouldn’t bother to answer me! I don’t need “answers” like that. Keep them for yourself please!

Jimi Thompson 2

“Big words”… LOL!!!

Go get ’em champ!!


You don’t even have full intellectual capacity to be full retard ! You are just another mediocre U.S. retard.

Pavel Pavlovich

Somewhat souvereign – key words. But increasingly eroding. We have no choice. This is a risk but a necessary one. The enemy has been gaining on us hard these last months. You have a great sense for this kind of thing, I think, your words are not without foundation. This process – and it will be a really brutal internal fight, although not necessarily a long one – with either a catastrophic outcome (like civil war) OR (and this depends upon the people, literally) a revival of Russian traditional civilization and remedy of the mistake of 1918. Automatically, this would usher in a multipolar world era. With the US reduced to one of the super-regional powers – and not even the strongest one.

Jimi Thompson 2

I will pray right now for this – “OR (and this depends upon the people, literally) a revival of Russian traditional civilization and remedy of the mistake of 1918.”…

… for if the other scenario were to prevail, there will be little hope for free men, especially white men, anywhere in the world.

Pavel Pavlovich

For a time. The monopolar world is actually quite unstable and will crumble in any case, but if the prevail now, they were wipe out my civilization, the Russian civilization. And I dont think the Chinese will fare much better after their game with the Yuan.

Jimi Thompson 2

You have all of Crimea with you now, and there are others that are not so close, but who are also.

I am not so much worried about the Chinese as they will manage their affairs and are far more insulated than Russia.

I fear for Russia because the door is now wide open… let’s hope your fellow countrymen can either stave off or kiII the the enemy as it comes… we failed to, and are now suffering the consequences.

Pavel Pavlovich

What does Crimea have to do with it?

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Perhaps to highlight that things aren’t so nihilistic; that this is one example of popular support for Russia and its civilization?

All the Sleepers

Do not worry. All former Soviet Republics will vote 90%+ once souvereignity is restored.

Jimi Thompson 2

Buffer, resources, countrymen, blood, family, history…

… we’re obviously nowhere close to being on the same page.

No worries… best of luck to you sir!

All the Sleepers

What page would that be, pray? I have no personal issues. But the thing is that a reunification of the fatherland will be relatively swift in most cases once my nation regains full souvereignity so Crimea was a rehearsal for that I believe.


Only solution is semi-direct democracy: if the electorate could directly vote in an election of their representatives, then they would always be Damocles-ed! But he is doing his best within the border conditions set by the powers that be.

Pavel Pavlovich

No… only solution is a choice FOR souvereign Russia, to undo 1991/93 referenda PLUS the horrible nonsense of 1918 which introduced separatism.


How about undoing completely 1917 as well…one day?

Pavel Pavlovich

1917 is not the key moment, the revolution of 1918 is. At least, the separatism that was introduced there.


Are you communist or anything on the left?


You UP VOTED yourself?! Ha ha ha ha ! What clown!

Harry Smith

Pardon my ignorance, but what revolution was at 1918?


Left-wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks..

He might be a Bolshevik like Kasparov

Harry Smith

That was a riot, not the revolution.


I am just trying to decipher his NONSENSE

Pavel Pavlovich

Is that a joke? I mean, yes, it is not like the French one but… I mean, this is a joke, right? Pls tell me this is a joke on your par.t

Pavel Pavlovich

Octobre Revolution of the Bolsheviks. I am sorry but I am shocked that you should not know it.


Octobre Revolution was in 1918?????!!! Are you Russian at all? From what planet you are?

Harry Smith

October Revolution was in 1917. А ты точно живёшь в России?


Stinking Bolshevik !

Jimi Thompson 2

I fear that if the electorate decides to allow “The Press” (read the CIA / UK / Atlantic Council / Open Societies / NGOs) to open shop – in an uncontrollable manner – as what one might observe in the U.S. or most of Western Europe – then Russia will be lost forever, just as the aforementioned are.

Many of “us” in the U.S. & Western Europe are hoping in earnest that Russia can manage to remain out of the full grasp of those who wish to destroy her, as “we” are going to need a 3rd party nation state to help us save our respective nations, before long.


Pavel Pavlovich

They already have sway over my nation, and they are full bent upon destroying the rest of it. Since Putin has been too effective in rallying the world against Washington. So this is a very necessary risk. For whatever it is worth, I have full confidence in my kind. The spirits of our ancestors will make themselves known. It is in our genetic codex, if you will.

By the by: the US will suffer most from a souvereign Russia but Europe will benefit in the long run, a centre of power amongst several.

Jimi Thompson 2

I will always hope for you and all non-Communist Russians… and the great nation of Russia as a whole… few have endured more.

If the Great Bear and The Eagle could ever come together, the world would would be a much different, and far better, place.

You have millions of Americans and true Europeans standing with you, regardless what you might hear from our respective media outlets (no different / same owners), or see some inbred white trash shiitskid say on social media.

Harry Smith

I think it’s highly disputable that Pavel Pavlovich is Russian.

Jimi Thompson 2

Welp… I’m not smart enough to ask him detailed “Russian related” questions, so, that’s what I get for being dumb!

If he is, great, if he isn’t, well, my sentiments stand either way!

Thanks for looking out though… just in case!

Harry Smith

Come on Jimi you are not dumb. I am just very focused on the ones who try to pretend other than they are. It’s because I witnessed a very strange situation in the eve of the Ukrainian Maidan. In the comments started to appear some pro Russian guys which were writing in Russian with major mistakes and some pro Ukrainian guys which didn’t knew Ukrainian good enough. Those persons were starting the fight in comments to attract and radicalize people from the both sides.

Jimi Thompson 2

Atlantic Council psyop… using ShadowNet + CrowdForce + WikiStrat Psy-Group / Jones International Group – IIA toolkit.

These guys are coming hard… $350 Billion already funded by the State Department, NED (CIA), SIS (MI6) International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, USAID, Australian Government, etc., etc.

They are going to turn the digital / web-based marketplace into MSM – basically CNN / FAUX News / MSNBC / New York Times / etc., etc. – but, it’s going to be much worse because they are going to be deploying live operators that can take psychological facing data from billions of accounts and direct whatever fake news or otherwise psyop they want… at individual targets.

It’s running out of the Open Information Partnership and from under the Zinc Network umbrella.

People are going to be so confused about literally everything… unless of course one is paying very close attention to what is going on in the world around them… which sadly, very, very few people do.

So, at least we’ve got that going for us!!


AM Hants

The Open Information Partnership, isn’t that Bill Browder’s Integrity Initiative and Statecraft’s new name/department?

Jimi Thompson 2

They are only helping him… it is so much bigger than what I tried to say.

The cats that “manage” Statecraft are subordinate, and in respective instances, equal, to a much larger steering committee.

Search some / all of the names I listed… perhaps start with ShadowNet… you’ll be busy for a month!


AM Hants

Thanks Jimi. Must admit, Common Purpose and that crowd, are like trying to flick a mosquito off your skin, and with the same toxic nature, if left to it’s own devices. Give them an inch and they take the nation. Going through a mega learning curve, going back to the Tavistock Institute, of the early 20th century and Fabian Society, going back to the 19th century. So more than happy to check out other crowds that all tie in.

I was too young to remember the Cambridge Spy Ring, but, listened to the gossip, whilst growing up. How many of them continued, and were still in place then the Soviet Union fell and moved over to Soviet Europe? David Bell, isn’t he besides being in control of the Media Standards Committee, also in control of the Cambridge University Press, as well as the founder of Common Purpose, UK’s version of Common Core and where does he fit into what you mentioned?

Have a lot of homework to do. Cheers, haha.

Jimi Thompson 2


After you’ve had a few bottles of wine, and have dug through all of that other info, add CyberReason to your “list of things to do”… ugh… it never stops!

AM Hants

Just checked out Shadow Net, over at http://www.sdw-net.me/networks/ and could not get over how many media outlets, including BBC and Al Jazeera are part of network. Even though knowing and understanding that only 6 corporations control the international media. Looks seriously creepy, when you actually see them all listed.

Jimi Thompson 2

No, no… ShadowNet was / is a tool that was developed by the Psychological Warfare Operations division of the U.S. ARMY… it has nothing to do with media outlets, other than them being part of the dissemination funnel.

Colonel James Jones (now running Jones International Group, as well as the Atlantic Council, and many other black ops psyop projects), who was Obama’s National Security Adviser as well as Supreme Commander of NATO, was in charge of the ShadowNet software development team – I know one of the team leaders, not that that matters.

Anyway, this “military grade” software, along with other apps that make up the “complete” toolkit, were designed to manipulate internet and social media platforms in the Middle East theater.

Jones then stole the software that was built on U.S. taxpayers’ dime, as well as other tools like CrowdForce, IronFist, etc., put them all under one umbrella and in combination with the WikiStrat Psy Group (Israel), commercialized the “toolkit” and now offers it to clients that range from nation states. to to politicians seeking office, etc.

Read the short article below (link)… it will give you a very basic overview of the genesis of this nightmare… if you are still interested in knowing more about the bigger picture, let me know and I will send you everything I have.

That’s why I initially suggested that you would be busy for a month… I assumed you would look up the information I included in that initial post… if you look up the names, you will find yourself deep into many recent conspiracies, and some that are currently unfolding or in green mode.

The first company Jones set up was called Dynology… General Michael Hayden (Obama’s NSA Director) was one of Jones’ initial partners, was part of Dynolgy, CrowdForce, WikiStrat, etc., before they put everything under the Jones Group International umbrella.

Put these links back together… https : //americaoutloud . com/mueller-indictments-tied-to-shadownet-former-obama-national-security-advisor-and-obamas-cia-director-not-trump/


Since Jimi is downvoting my comments and not posting, he blocked by many. I figure I would pass on some his own words.

speaking of a tin foil cultist. —as for jimi quotes let’s roll some—- –previous Jimi quotes on what happened leading up to QS’s airstrike death- — The same is happening in Iraq… the Iraqi Security Forces are kiIIing the CIA’s / State Department’s terrorists and happen to take out a contractor that was fighting with the “rebels”… so, we go in and kiII 32 of the Iraqi’s… and they are pissed.

–So, a bombing – most likely carried out by Al Nusra / ISIS mercs / terrorists – that kiIIed 2 Iraqi Policemen, 2 Iraqi Officers, and one freelance contractor from the U.S., resulted in… — The “U.S. contractor” that was kiIIed was with the terrorists, just like in Syria, so, there is more here than what the CIA’s media outlets are pushing… as always. — —

—Jimi Thompson 2 blamed the CIA for the crash “Jimi Thompson 2 EmilyEnso an hour ago 100% The video with that looked like a missile hit the plane had been edited… I saw anotherone (exact same footage) that did not have the added effect of a “missile strike” and it appeared that the was a combustion, then the subsequent loss in altitude, and ultimately the crash. The question is – regardless what the true facts are – why was someone standing “there” in the middle of the night, filming nothing but a dark sky, that just coincidentally happened to be the flight path of a commercial airliner that coincidentally blew up / got “shot down?”?If I had to bet on it, I would put my money on the CIA having one of their terrorist assets take it down… I would hedge my bet on it being a freak accident.” —

And last for now but not least JimiT2 thinks a Blackberry Cell phone is what got Quds’ QS killed, like anyone would carry &trust a phone that the NSA has the root certificates for now for over a decade.

All the Sleepers

Impossible. The only reason why the monopolar world exist is bcs Soviet Union fell. Consequently and bcs Russia alone can guarantee the destruxtion of US, a souvereign Russia automatically means the fall of MONOPOALR world.

Jimi Thompson 2

Nothing I said would suggest a monopolar world, vs a multipolar world, would be the outcome.


US would benefit if it just developed its 20m sq km (yes, Canada, stop pretending)!


‘To ban prime ministers, governors and other key officials to have foreign citizenship or residence permit at the constitutional level.’

This is a welcome change and will prevent the conflicts of interest that accompany such people who seek political power in Russia.


It’ll be a bit problematic for those oligarchs who have dual israeli citizenship….


Maybe that’s it’s purpose.


Ohhhhhh Yessssssss :)




Putin has provided Russia with relative stability and prosperity and is consolidating himself as the father figure in modern Russia. Putin would ideally want to resurrect a confederation with ex-Soviet states in the future. Russian influence in most of the old USSR states is very strong now and Russia is back on the global stage as a superpower. Russia’s influence in the Arab world is also at its peak and far greater then during Soviet era with military bases in Syria, growing influence in Syria, a friendly Iran, and even discussing selling S-400 to Iraq, good relations with Algeria, Egypt and most Muslim states. After a failed romance with the US and Zionists even India is back into the Russian fold and buying billions in weapons. China and Russian strategic partnership is a role model for mutli-polar global stability. All of these accomplishments took place on Putin’s watch and future is looking good.


You are right, “Putin has provided Russia with relative stability and prosperity”.The key word is RELATIVE. And this low-level stability is going to disappear.

Russia has no chance to form confederation with former soviet republics. Moreover, these countries see on such kremlins efforts as enemy movements. and try to keep larger distance from russia. remember kazakhstan. they kicked out azbuka and will use latin alphabet.


20% or more Kazakh population is of Russian origin and the same is true of every ex-Soviet state, including Ukraine, so your information is not accurate. There are Russian military bases even in Tajikistan on the Afghan border and Armenia, Belarus remain very close to Russia. Georgia is one of the most corrupt and very unstable and weak with Abkhazia and South Ossetia in firm Russian allied control.


so, only minority. btw., most of russians already moved to russia. this is fact.


I am not a census taker, so would not know.

All the Sleepers

You would. Just look at how the people of Crimea voted. And Abkhazians and Ossetians of the South and Transnistrians and Donbass people (yes, question was different but the point is this: it WILL happen, reunification is nearer than you think).

All the Sleepers

Do not worry, Georgians are sensible people and they have demonstrated it or do you not remember when thousands of citizens protested in front of that TV channels building after their anchor (or whatever you call it) insulted Russian people?

All former Soviet Republics will vote for reunification once the question is prepared in the right manner.

Robert Ferrin

I think your right for they will be better off in the Russian Federation then under the EU and NATO.!!!

All the Sleepers

No question. Georgian culture has been united with ours for a long time. 30 years of NATO/US occupation will not change much.


Excellent post. Please post more (with links).


I agree with you.

The UK Daily Telegraph though published a front page article today titled :- RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT RESIGNS AS PUTIN PLOTS TO RETAIN POWER.

The article stretches the word ‘disingenuous ‘ to it’s limits with its typical Russia Bashing agenda.

Funnily enough though , the article omits to comment on the decree to disallow Russian citizens who also have citizenship(s) of other nations, to hold ANY government positions.

Perhaps this is because most voters in the UK would agree with that, as I most certainly do.

hope springs eternal.

Good chance half of Britain might want to join Russia after Brexit!


That would make perfect sense to me, as conservative Russian civic values are in accord with the ‘silenced’ majority with in the UK, in my experience.

The latest nonsense in the daily Telegraph today is the trial of a middle aged man who is accused of sexual ‘fiddling’ with an 8 year old girl. The accused man is using the defence that he Self Identifies as an 8 year old. .


I love the photo of Putin fingering those empty chairs

What message does it convey???

Wink,wink, here’s a clue its a word beginning with the letter ‘D’ and ending with the letter ‘R’

Its got a couple of T,s also for those struggling


One powerful highest ranked globalist liberal stooge is down and on his way OUT! This is very good news I have been waiting for very long time !!

Pavel Pavlovich

Who, pray?


Medvedev, who else?!?

Pavel Pavlovich

False. Medvedev remained loyal to Putin, for whatever reasons. He performed well enough. Your assessment is horribly wrong, but I do not blame you. Russian internal politics is only understood if you go back at least 100 years.


He is liberal. Why would he be really ”loyal”? And what about Libya?

Pavel Pavlovich

He did step down to give Putin the oportunity to come back after the presidence, with a longer term. They wanted to use Medvedev to be a weak president with 6 instead of 4 years, but the duped them. He is loyal, of that there can be no doubt, unto Putin. Your words reek of stupidity.


He did step down because that was part of the arrangement that was beneficial for both! Ha ha ha ! You words reek also and I will discover weather you are liberal or something WORSE!

Harry Smith

Here in Russia does not exist the exact borderline between liberals, commies and others. But the surprise is that we don’t have conservatives. In fact conservatives exist but are not represented by any party.


No borders between liberals and reds,seriously?!? I am conservative. Any party close to the Orthodox church would be credible for me. If there is such thing in Russia

Harry Smith

Yep. Liberals supported communist party at the last Moscow council elections. The Moscow commies leader is in full contact with liberals payed by USA. Navalniy met Rashkin next days after Navalniy returned from USA where he had meetings with persons close to the State Dept.

I am Russian Orthodox Christian living in Russia and there is NO party close to Russian Orthodox Church. First of all because church hierarchs are against this. And here is NO conservative party. BTW I am conservative too.

AM Hants

During the last Presidential Campaign, what struck me was why the representative of the Communist Party had so much money, over in Switzerland. $millions wasn’t it? Together with the campaign following the same path as any Soros sponsored/funded party. So has the NED got full control of the Communist Party over in Russia?

Harry Smith

You won’t believe me, but here in Russia there are many people who believe that guy Grudinin had to be better than Putin. As for communist party of Russian Federation it has another unofficial nickname: commercial party of Russian Federation (the abbreviation is the same). It’s just kinda surreal.

AM Hants

How many who believe in Grudinin who were never around in the 90s, but can now vote? How many still believe the Russia as part of the Soviet Union, could never be beaten and were the best times of their lives?

Nothing as weird as people. How many remember what times were like in the 90s and before President Putin first came to power?

All the Sleepers

KPRF and KPSS are two ideologically diametrically opposed things. They fooled people into believing that KPRF is somehow patriotic when it was a faction that splintered off to create an alternative anti-patriotic version of the KPSS. That they should put forward Grudinin, an oligarch, is just too unrefined. They just do not bother any longer to keep up the ruse.

AM Hants


Harry Smith

You are right. Here are a lot of people which are nostalgic about Soviet times. And Commies just sell them a dream. Most of those who vote for commies are voting for the life like it was before perestroika not for certain people or ideas.

AM Hants

Just wish Russia all the best. It appears, and speaking as a foreigner, you have come so far in the past 2 decades and so hope the idiots, who have no interest in the people or nation, do not take you back to the 90s.

Pavel Pavlovich

The 1st referendum (and there will likely be more than 1, e.g. 3 as in 1991-1993) is likely to take place in spring, at most by the end of spring.


Well, Marxism (with all its Frankist and Sabbatean overtones) never disappeared – it just became Cultural Marxism. It’s doing pretty well in the west. Worked real well in Africa too… I’d suggest that Russia is one of the few anti-Cultural-Marxist countries in the world right now, which is a tad bit ironic

Harry Smith

Hahaha. Vitex I know you read Breavik book.


What’s your take on Cultural Marxism? Would be interesting to hear from a Russian

Harry Smith

Well it was very interesting point of view. I never look at the situation from this side and the book improved my ability to analyze the situation. But I don’t share guy’s believes and he is wrong in his analysis of Russia.


I haven’t read Breivik and I doubt if he’s even a real person. If he is, he’s a patsy.

My idea of cultural marxism comes from wider observation


When I think Cultural Marxist I think of Pussy Riot

AM Hants

So true though, there again the Russian Federation and Russian Empire were never part of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks, just opened up the rest of Europe, after the fall of the Soviet Union, to embrace the same old ideology.


Is it? Do you really know that much Russia? How far are Russian liberal globalists and Russian Bolsheviks and Russian communists from”Cultural Marxism”?

I doubt very much that they are far if they are far at all


OK tell me exactly by name which party has “supported communist” please and I will believe you! NO WONDER this Bolshevik is defending his “comrade” liberal Medvedev!

I am an Orthodox Christian and I do not like reds and what they did to Mother Russia and Orthodox church! That is EXACTLY the problem that there is “NO party close to Russian Orthodox Church.”! That is why I am convinced that Putin is NOT CONSERVATIVE but moderate centrist declaring himself Orthodox since that is main religion of the ethnic group he belongs to.

Harry Smith

It’s not a party, but the leader of Russian liberals: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2019/09/09/navalny-s-smart-vote-for-the-win

As for the Orthodox Church you have to know that it is not like Catholic or Protestant. The main task of the Orthodox Church is to prepare believers souls for the judgement day and not to improve life conditions for the people.

Just in case you’re interested in more info https://alexey-osipov.ru/translations/


What are you talking Harry?! I am born Orthodox Christian and my whole family is nothing but Orthodox Christians including may grand,grand parents. Why would you explain to me anything on Orthodoxy? Of course that I do not talk about party created by Orthodox church but only about party CLOSE to Orthodox Church, patriotism and tradition created by politicians. That party close to the Orthodox Church (or conservatives)…It is totally not normal (unfortunately) that party like that doesn’t exist in Russia. That only shows us that majority of Russians are still brain washed into the communism and non-democratic practice and wide spread negative attitude towards religion… It is perfectly normal for any European country to have conservatives. So why not Russia?

Harry Smith

Why not Russia? Brother I’ve just started to write the answer, but understood that I am not sure that I do really understand why. Too many reasons but there is no one which can be declared as correct.


The reason why that doesn’t exist in Russia is because: With assassination of the Royal Family and civil war against the “Whites” they have unrooted everything of that part of the population and Russian tradition from Russia proper… Russia must revisit her own past and remedy her own wounds .To make peace with that past and crimes committed.To continue normal development as country.

You do understand that conservatives exist in every normal European country. It is what is called “conservative right”. Or Demo-Christians in strictly Catholic countries (even in Germany that has Protestant/Catholic legacy). Something completely natural as part of political life of every normal country. There must be always something on the right form the center and on the left of the ultra nationalists.

Harry Smith

It’s not so easy as you said. First of all, any political party needs money to function. All those myths about members donations are for people with IQ<100. And who will give enough money for a party, which gonna make Russia even more stronger and will prohibit all that “equity” stuff? And which also will be the death for most of leftist’s initiatives. Can you name the organization or person who can finance such kind of movement? BTW in the USA most of Catholics vote democrats, which are more leftist than Venezuelan Maduro.

Pavel Pavlovich

They are all fake and work for Washington, only United Russia is influenced by Putin, and even they are only a force of stability, or rather status quo. And since Medvedev is loyal unto Putin, the government has resigned – this was intentional.

Harry Smith

Man what do you think about last initiative proposed by Pushkina?

Jimi Thompson 2

I would have “labeled” Putin as a Conservative, as I would consider the United Russia constituency to be as well.

Is that just my ignorance in regards to his / their ideological makeup or is it simply referred to as something other than Conservative there?


Putin is not conservative. Conservatives are tolerant to restitution of monarchy and he is not ! Conservatives prefer Russian Ortodoxy and going back to Russian roots and he does not ! He is for multi-ethnic Russia multifaceted culture. For me Putin was always moderate centrist Russian patriot and best equivalent is Charles de Gaulle!

Jimi Thompson 2

You;re dumb…


I agree, clearly off the rails, should be put in a padded cell.


What else can come from you than projection on others of your inner dumb self. You pathetic, opinionated, mediocre, non personality excuse of human.


putin is russia first and make russia great again – and note that he singularly stopped the disunited states of A’s attempt to lay their greedy hands on russias assets, like oil,nickel, gold, bauxite and so on – so no wonder why the morons in washington dc is pissed off with putin and russia.

Jimi Thompson 2

You must have not seen any of my other comments on this particular thread…


Filthy Bolshevik SCUM !

Orthodox RUSSIAN Empire will rise again !


That is total nonsense! Medvedev was trying to impose himself as president and counting on the Western support (they were always for Medvedev and against Putin ) When he saw that people still prefer Putin he has made arrangement to become prime minister and wait for his turn to become president again once Putin is gone. But Putin has changed constitution and ruined Medvedev’s plans !

AM Hants

There is a lot of trust, between the two of them, since back when they were both at St Petersburg University.

How many Presidents hand over power and the Presidency to their Prime Ministers, who in return hand the reins back? How many world leaders actually have that level of trust?

Harry Smith

It’s not a trust. Putin is kinda capo del tutti capi. The compromise of the different ruling elites.


Sorry why it has to be a “trust”? Why not mutual interest? Do you really know all that for fact? I doubt that very much. I never saw single story about Putin& Medvedev’s “friendship” or “trust” from university days. Did you and was that in western MSM by any chance? Also every body knows that Medvedev is pro-European very close to liberals and that has nothing to do with Putin’s political orientation. How do you explain that West was systematically supporting Medvedev and attacking Putin? Also how do you explain his playing into American hands in destruction of Libiya?!


they worked hand in glove for a number of years in the mayors office in st petes. and they were a team and they will always be a team even if circumstances makes a change necessary. and already at that period, putin was all for russia and actively worked for russian interests against foreign interests which at that time were 13 on the dozen and they never got the right against russian ditto.


NOT true. You do not know that and you are making it all up! Politically they belong to completely different power structures in Russia! Putin belongs to “Silioviki” lobby as ex-KGB.


you are entirely clueless and know nothing of anything. is clueless a fancy word that should be explained!


Temper,temper “gate keeper” (:D) No “clueless”is not but “gate keeper”most definitely is fancy word ! Such snobbish way to sound mysterious, important and what not. Without making any sense at all ! That is already plenty!

AM Hants

Besides reading the Putin biographies, not rocket science to tell. They work well together.

Going back to President Putin, working as assistant to the Rector (International law) of St Petersburg University and Prime Minister Medvedev also a member of the international law dept (both graduates like most of their team in international law and diplomatic relations). Back in the early 90s and worked closely together ever since.

President Medvedev, who got Clinton to give Russia 20% Uranium One and refused to ratify STARTII, till Obama removed FSMDS clause.

President Putin, who had both Bush and Clinton trying to court him. Remember, Bush on President Putin ‘you look into his eyes and see his soul’. Clinto, ‘when Putin gives his word, he never goes back on it. Unlike most leaders’.


So you are believer in official biographies. Good luck with that. I can give you counterargument on those, but this game is becoming empty and losing purpose. Just believe in that “friendship” if you will. Maybe Bush has seen “Putin’s soul”, the same way as you have seen their “friendship” through official biography… We all know how that ended up with Bush.

AM Hants

You are boring me. You have your views and opinions, which our yours and your entitlement. Same with me.

Just not a fan of media disinformation scripts.

Deny Discredit Derail Discourse Disagree



AM Hants

Never denied it. With regards independent thinking, do not use it on a public, social media forum, owing to believing that people should make up their own, independent and informed minds, with regards how they view things.

What is correct and what is not, when dealing with controlled media disinformation, from all sides? So what is wrong, when pointing out other view points and allowing the individual to using and embracing their own critical thought, behaviour patterns, as they go and find out more?

Must admit, I have learnt a lot from people with different view points to myself, whether I agree or disagree, it has been informative, just to look at something from a different angle and form another layer of opinion. Never forgetting, all forms of writing and media interpretation are purely subjective. You can have two people writing an academic paper on the same subject, but, with completely opposite points of view. Both writing the truth, from their own perspective, yet, completely contradicting each other, as somewhere in the middle, you find what they both agree on.


“do not use it on a public, social media forum,” So please do enlighten me since you keep explaining everything to me like there is many things in this world that you can understand better. What are this forums for if not for exchange of personal opinions above all?!? Since we all know how to read and where to find news. Why would I come here to hear the same news but skewed incomplete or totally distorted? I do not need that and that is what I get the most of the time. Majority people even go to read news to GET OPINION since they don’t have one at all. And they would never have point of view about any subject before they see what is mainstream or even popular, predominant. That is called total travesty and false identity, a false personality! And I have been targeted here by many of those robots since I put in question everything all the time. And I don’t even do that often enough as much as I would like to. I always only need peoples opinions about everything and not “information’s” There is huge inflation of “information’s”that we are being bombarded with and in my opinion they are becoming totally worthless! Since now the best propaganda is to hide the truth by producing billion variants of would be “truth” . A billion trees that hide the forest. And truth is essential, to learn more about life that surrounds me, about human nature and about myself that way. That is the only possible purpose of this exchange. And I cannot see any other.

AM Hants

Darling, believe what you wish to believe, however, when have I ever stated that my understanding of things is far superior to anybody elses’? Never.

Like I said you bore me, and have no love of the 5D Media Disinformation Script, or engaging with others that follow it. Although, sometimes I do, if it allows me to post links to others or I just fancy having a bit of fun.

Discredit Deny Discourse Disagree Derail


Whatever. Your opinion does not concern me and is of no importance to me in any possible human dimension. You are sound too much in music of silence “Darling”.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Yeah. First his disrespectful and irrational tone towards others here is totally unnecessary and doesn’t help the discussion whatsoever. I’m worried he may be on drugs. I believe stimulants (with the worse being crystal meth, yet Adderall isn’t too much different in effects or chemistry, at least for someone I follow on Youtube who is fighting his addiction and depression, is honest about it and is actively trying to help himself overcome his disease. The drug ruined my uncle, who began using while living California after retiring from the USAF after 19 years. Was truly sad.) are one of the worst offenders for bringing out the darkness, the devil in someone. Quite possible he could be having withdrawals. This is his way of coping by lobbing insults and showcasing his “high” IQ. Pissing me off and I’m about to block him myself.

AM Hants

“First his disrespectful and irrational tone towards others here is totally unnecessary and doesn’t help the discussion whatsoever.” – precisely, you lose your argument when showing disrespect to others with a different view point from your own..


Do you know that Putin as ex-KGB comes from “Siloiviki” which is combination of secret service members, military and military industrial complex and Medvedev belongs to completly different center of power in Russia?

AM Hants

Your point? There relationship goes back to the early 90s, when they were at St Peters berg University. President Putin assistant to the rector and studying for his PhD and Prime Minister Medvedev, was another member specialising in international law. Remember, prior to working in Soviet Intelligence, President Putin graduated in international law. Like many of his team in the Kremlin.


And what is your point in this pile of empty facts? Like all those “facts” are proof of their “friendship” or anything similar?! We all went to school with other people or even worked that doesn’t mean that we are “friends” or that we agree about many things?! You keep insisting about that”friendship” and I have NEVER seen single word on that subject and I did follow Russia quite lot.

So maybe you are just making it all up

Pavel Pavlovich

I think VVP is a man to inspire friendship and loyalty. Otherwise, with all the pressure upon Medvedev from Washington, why did he hand back power to VVP? You have a ton load of trolls and braindead monkeys in the world, but they are especially brave on the WWW.

AM Hants

That is my logic. The trust they both have, when exchanging positions. No other leaders would ever contemplate something similar.

Must admit I find the level of anger interesting if anybody mentions the positive aspects of the relationship between the two international lawyers, leading the Kremlin.

Watch the MSM try to cause problems with the story, starting with soundbites and media disinformation agents.

AM Hants

Nicely said and good point.

Jimi Thompson 2

Do you have a point dummy?


My point is “never develop conversation with idiots” ! Then I have forgot about that cardinal principle in life and I have talked to you! What huge irreparable mistake that was!


putin was I seem to remember mayor in st petes and medvedev was his gate keeper turning away the people putin did not wish to see.


Gate keeper of what?! Try to make sense instead of hiding behind fancy words with no meaning.


a gate keeper is someone who watches the gate and turns away the unwanted ones, like medvedev would have turned away an ignorant idiot like yourself since medvedev would see from a mile away that you were of no interest to putin. thus the gate keeper.


You are into video games maybe kid? Just look at Medvedev’s face! He looks LIKE YOU ASSHOLES from the West. Like soft COWARD! That FEMINIZED Western looking WIMP to protect KGB Putin ? Are you insane?! Ha ha ha ha !!! You are effing IDIOT !!! You are making it all up you frustrated Western nobodies!

AM Hants

Before then, back when both of them were at the University, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. They have been close for decades and work well together.


I think I have over estimated you lot. An eye opener.

AM Hants

I always question those who cannot help but use some form of personal insults in their posts. It does not advance the argument. At the end of the day we are all strangers, commenting on a social media site. None of us less or more important than the other.

Shame, as I enjoyed many of your posts, especially those lacking an insulting tone.

Whether you have over estimated me or not, whether my being English does or does not meet your approval (previous comment), does not concern me, as there is no reason why it should. At the end of the day we are nought more than strangers on a social forum. Nought more or less.


OK if it”does not concern” you than you should have been much shorter.

I am character what I am, and I make no excuse to anybody or try to please to anybody. Including you since you are “stranger”anyways. I say my opinion to everybody if I have one. That’s all.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Likewise. Dude must have woke up with a wild hair up his ass or someone pissed in his muesli. Pleasure to see you on, however, AM Hants. How is your new year/decade coming along thus far? “Interesting times” we’re finding ourselves in these days, to say the least, yeah? Enjoying Chinese food leftovers, Cashew chicken w/ white rice, mmmm!

AM Hants

Hi, Lonesome Cowboy, nice to see your name pop up and hope all is well with you. Haven’t had Cashew chicken for years, and used to love it. Although like you, I was enjoying the Chinese food leftovers, but, went for the Lemon chicken variety haha. Happy belated New Year.


forget it, medvedev knows fully well that putin is the guy and he would never do anything to anger putin – he will retire with a nice fall back position while putin sets up the new structure for the future. medvedev ought to try to get a bead on navalny’s head and do something about him, in order to make himself useful.


Obedience is NOT loyalty ! Do not teach me a basics about human nature.


bearew was always only a puppet




This is your most sensible comment you have made ever! I knew that I should believe in you ! And now you have shown to everybody that FINALLY you can say something that makes sense more than anything you have said before!

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Passive aggressive much? What’s going on with you? Do you need help?


Everybody needs help. Some more other less. And often for completely different reasons. It is human condition. I just get fed up from time to time. And I am starting to understand how this forum functions and its limits. Including mine and other people limits. Perhaps I should move on from this place or just stop.


you, russian commies never understood, that bearev (medvedev) oranybody else should not be loyyal to the leader of countr, but to Russia.

you copied the tsarism during soviet era and todaystill dream about one perfect leader. which is irreal wish.


I am not Russian you CUNT!

You understand jack shit on Russia you NATO monkey!


cunt is your mouth :)))

i knew ussr, i know russia. i bet with you, i know more russian sondgs and poets than you. i read russian writers in russian language, little boy!

btw, try to argue and not attack!





i hope one day i can you invite in pub.


I doubt that very much. Estern Europe yours and mine are completely different countries.


but i am a tourist :)


You are on your beloved West. You got what you want , so just shut up than.


Bolshevik “Pavel Pavlovic” and “Kananda” US-NATO troll are on the same side… What surprise! Like their leader Kasparov Bolsheviks are Western barking dogs against Russia and Putin

Today Kasparov is CROAT citizen and Mikheil Saakashvili Ukrainian ! Go figure! Both have in common to be US puppets!


Haha, you liar! :))


Liar about what retard? No I am not from the West ….we are not so much liars as you are. Kasparov is Croat Mikhail Suckmywilly is Ukrainian See your Western crappy Wikipedia or use Google


sure, you are from japan.


East Europe proud Slavic Orthodox !


all right

i am east european atheist


Sorry than.. would be EU-NATO cunt !


and you are …


this ZP comes across as an obnoxious troll and I guess he’s been around under one or two avatars before. anyway, he’s a burden and should best be ignored,

S Melanson

Yes, but he did something useful, although he may not be pleased with my characterization of his contribution.

ZP posts successfully motivated you, AM Hants, Pavel and a few others to engage in a very informative discussion based clearly on knowledge and understanding coming from taking time to research the topic of discussion. I also commend the restraint shown to ZP and time taken to educate him as he shows he is in need of enlightenment.

Again thank you.


FUCK OFF Western WIMP you and your Medvedev liberal fag wimp.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

zman, perhaps? Whoever he is, he’s quite the angry person! lol

Jimi Thompson 2

I just realized he’s one of those downvoting gays,so, perhaps we should all return the favor… I can’t not!

S Melanson

I want to thank Verner, AM Hants, Pavel and others who have provided us at SF with an excellent discussion of a hotly contested topic of debate – Medvedev’s relationship with Putin and their roles in the Russian state apparatus historically and up to the present. Russian politics are no less complex than US politics, just far less visible. But attentive critical minds can see plenty of clues.

I thank ZP for ‘encouraging’ thoughtful debate and spurring some vigorous discussion by those that have studied the topic and have something worthwhile to say. I learned a fair amount and will add my own two cents.

I recommend reading up on Medvedev’s response to the provocations of Georgia that led the Russo-Georgia war in August of 2008. Medvedev responded decisively and effectively in protecting Russian interests to the surprise of many western leaders – and to me for that matter. Although Medvedev is often judged harshly for not using Russian veto to block Libyan intervention which Putin was critical of, and rightly so, Medvedev is more complex as has been shown in the discussion in this thread.

P.S. I just noticed the downvote to my reply to Verner. I will wear it proudly as a badge of honour…


Medvevev reacted so quickly that Putin, at that time prime minister, had to run back from Peking’s Olympiad and put an order to the mess.


They don’t since they suck dick to liberal globalist Medvedev

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Respectfully, if Medvedev is seemingly the opposite of Putin, why does Pres. Putin keep him around in any powerful position at all?


Medvedev is a light weight and poses no threat, but he is not leadership material and considered very close to the oligarchs. Putin is establishing a powerful national state security council with expanded powers to ensure that nationalist and loyal people stay in power in the future. It is a very ambitious and tall order considering the seepage of oligarch corruption, but the future will tell. Putin also wants to focus on improving the quality of life for the average Russian.


I agree with all, few light details only 1)”oligarch” is not right word since Putin has removed those tycoons from directly influencing politics in Russia. 2) Medevdev is not only “very close” but represents as liberal, that powerful globalist lobby mainly located in St. Petersburg

I don’t know weather you have been reading some article or simply you know more on Russia than some would be Russian’s here. Like Pavel Pavlovich Bolshevik (who doesn’t know that October revolution was in 1917 and not in 1918 )


It is COMPROMISE. He is not “opposite”politically since Putin is centrist. Just as spheres of different interests-different centers of power. Even communists today are in bed with liberals so it gets complicated…. Medvedev represents powerful pro-Europaen liberal lobby mainly from St Petersgurg The super rich Russian tycoons and industrial. With extremely low popular support in Russia. There is name for that lobby as well but I have forgot…. Putin ex-KGB is “Siloviki” lobby I have learned that Russia doesn’t have Demo-Christians (since you are not European you will not be able to grasp the magnitude of that fact)

Ask any true Russian impossible that they never herd about all that lobbies…They only might interpret it differently depending on political conviction.. Still TOO MUCH communism in Russia , too many people brainwashed by cult of Stalin in Russia. The democracy is still very young and fragile there.



AM Hants

Prime Minister Putin was enjoying the Bejing Olympics, when he found out that Russian Peace Keepers had been taken out, in Russian dependent territory. He did what any representative of their nation would do, if miles away from home and their was a national emergency, he rushed back home, to help handle it and support the President.

They did well, did they not? How long did it take Saakashvili to beg for a ceasefire, when Russia gave the Georgian Forces an escort home? When President Medvedev was the leader of the Russian Federation? Was it three hours?


What “coincidence” to attack while wimp president with absolute powers sits in Kremlin. When other much less important PM is away.

“They did well,”only because Putin was IMMEDIATELY back knowing incompetence of his boss Medvedev called also “Libya non fly zone” by his friends in Pentagon. And because army had redundancy plan ready (from Putin’s days) about possible conflict and intervention of border units in prevention of Georgian advancements.

Jimi Thompson 2

How ironic that you are one of those downvoting gay boys… I should have known from the start you were full blown homosexual.

I’ll trans-over to your side and return the favor… bottom feeder.


Ha ha ha ! LGBTQ fag from the emasculated West calls somebody”fag”?!! You effing Western trannies that have no clue what the real man means are trying to talk tough?! What is it sweetheart did you brake your nail maybe?! Please don’t send your LGBTQ fag army we are so scared of that biggest GAY CLUBon the planet!

AM Hants

Thank you. Life is boring if we all have the same point of view and lose the ability to learn anything. Take care.

Jimi Thompson 2

It was from that gay calling himself ZP… I’m not a downvote h0m0 like ZP, but, occasionally when I come across one of those lowbrow halfwits, I feel it’s only fair for the forum to respond in kind… as I shall!

hope springs eternal.

Thank you sir SM. I do so enjoy reading all your posts. Very thoughtful and well worded! I feel generally we are too harsh on ex- PM Medvedev. Regarding Libya he admitted being deceived by the wording “No fly zone” , thinking no one would fly. Not realising it meant freedom only for NATO to fly. He and Putin have their differences but have worked together for long. I too feel the reunification of the old Soviet states maybe nearer than we think. I lived in Vladivostok for close to 3 years in the mid 80’s. Believe me i couldn’t spot an iota of dissatisfaction anywhere on any front. In time to come perhaps the world will realise how lucky we have been to have had a statesman as huge as Psdt Putin.

S Melanson

Thank you and appreciated.

Also thanks for mentioning the deception regarding a no fly zone, I had forgotten about that admission – although I think Medvedev was too trusting given the history of broken promises among Western leaders such as NATO expansion to Russia’s borders.

Lastly, I was not aware of any movement of significance towards reunification of the former SSR’s with Russia. Can you elaborate on that and direct me to any good reading sources?

hope springs eternal.

Welcome sir. Sorry i am unable to quote any written material on the merging of states. It’s just my feeling that the disillusionment with the Western capitalist system is now being exposed more and more. The Central Asian republics are somewhat under Russia’s wing already, Latvia, Estonia are a part of the EU so not much so. Here too the public is happier with the Russian way of life, but the leaders have been bought out, as per the standard format of the West. The US as a fading power is becoming clear to all, so the swing East to China and Russia i think is inevitable.

Ivan Freely

Glad to see Russia moving towards regaining it’s full sovereignty back. I had no idea that dual citizenship was allowed in Russian government. It should NEVER be allowed in the first place.


It is in US

Dick Von Dast'Ard

A French style presidency and parliamentary system for the Russian Federation?

All the Sleepers

But French president has many more powers bcs its a presidential republic?


Appointing Mikhail Mishustin as PM who was actively involved with UFG Asset Management which looks more like a US company based in Russia.


All the Sleepers

He is only a very temporary figure, really no power.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

The “government” which has resigned, are they elected by the people?

“The State Duma is the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia, while the upper house is the Council of the Federation.”

Have both divisions of government, as described in the above quote, resigned? By gov, they mean the legislative branch?

Arthur Smith

It’s PM appointed by president + other ministers offered by PM. With changes to the constitution parliament will be the one responsible for the appointment of government and all resulting fails, which will produce a reaction in the coming 2021 election.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

What is the “Russian government” comprised of, which has resigned? What part of the government? Primarily the legislative branch? At the Federal level only? I have asked on Saker’s blog but have been ignored. If anyone can help answer my question I’d appreciate it! Thanks in advance!

Arthur Smith

It’s federal executive, parliament isn’t a part of it.

Tudor Miron

What we were waiting right after re election of Putin last year finally happened. But it seems that the moment for expulsion of anti nation government (economics block in particular and Medvedev as their leader) was not right and there was high risk of sabotage. But times changed – Putin isn’t known for jerky unprepared moves. If Putin is able (and I do hope that he does) to bring in a government that is not subordinated to US country elites than it will bring some real changes to Russia. I’m not talking about Lavrov and Shoigu. Those figures will remain in new government and rightfully so. I will say it again – Russia is finally ready to fully regain its sovereignty. Putin declared it in the open yesterday and today we see first steps to implement it.


Agree. I particularly like Putin restricting dual citizenship access to powerful positions, and bringing in the supremacy of Russian Law over International Law, and the Constitutional Court!

cechas vodobenikov

the infantile misinformed comments do not warrant any comment—of course nobody here is aware of how perverted and peculiar is the amerikan autocracy, compared to civilized nations—observed by everyone from Tocqueville, Linz, Durkheim, Simmel, etc…and some here pretend to comprehend Russian politics—amusing—-pachymu?

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