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MARCH 2025

Azerbaijan Confirms It ‘Accidentally’ Shot Down Russian Mi-24 Helicopter In Armenian Border Area. What’s Going On?

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Azerbaijan Confirms It 'Accidentally' Shot Down Russian Mi-24 Helicopter In Armenian Border Area. What's Going On?

A screenshot from the video

UPDATE: The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the incident saying that the Russian Mi-24 helicopter crashed in Armenia near the settlement of Yeraskh as a result of the MANPAD strike.

“On November 9, at about 17.30 Moscow time, while escorting a convoy of the 102nd Russian military base through the territory of the Republic of Armenia in the air space near the Armenian settlement of Yeraskh near the border of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Republic of Azerbaijan), the Russian Mi-24 helicopter was subjected to fire from the ground from a MANPAD. As a result of the missile hit, the helicopter lost control and fell in a mountainous area on the territory of Armenia,” the statement said.

The incident occurred on November 9 at about 17:30 Moscow time. The helicopter was escorting a convoy of the 102nd Russian military base through the territory of Armenia. The helicopter was shot down in airspace outside the combat zone.

Two crew members were killed and another one was injured.

Azerbaijan officially apologized to Russia for ‘accidentally’ shooting down a Russian military helicopter in an an emergency statement.

“The Azerbaijani side apologizes to the Russian side in connection with this tragic incident, which is an accident by nature and was not directed against the Russian side,” the ministry said in a statement. “The Azerbaijani side expresses its sincere condolences to the families of the deceased crew members and wishes the injured people a speedy recovery. The Azerbaijani side declares its readiness to pay appropriate compensation.”

Baku claimed thatthe development happened due to the following factors:

“- the helicopter flight took place in a close proximity to the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border, while active military clashes continue in the zone of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

– the flight took place in the dark, at low altitude, outside the air defense radar detection zone.

– Russian Air Force helicopters have not previously been seen in the specified area.

In the context of these factors and in the light of the tense situation in the region and increased combat readiness in connection with possible provocations of the Armenian side, the duty combat crew decided to open fire.”

It should be noted that the incident with the Russian helicopter took place on the same day, when the Armenian side officially admitted the fall of Shusha, the key Armenian stronghold in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. The fall of Shusha, according to some Russian exports, indicates the collapse of the Armenian defense in the area and thus, Armenian forces could lost the capital of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic – Stepanakert – within the next 5 days.

In these conditions, the growth of Russian-Azerbaijani tensions due to some ‘military accident’ near the combat zone area goes fully in the interests of the Armenian side. In own turn, Azerbaijan is not interested in any escalation with Russia. It is hard to imagine that an Azerbaijani officer would make a decision to attack Russian forces in any kind near the combat zone (Russian troops are deployed just on the border between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia) because this will lead to notable negative consequences for Baku. This explains an unprecedentedly rapid reaction of Azerbaijan to the situation. Azerbaijan immediately admitted responsibility, offered apologies and a compensation. Also, the posture of Azerbaijan clearly demonstrates that it sees Armenia as a participant of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that uses its own territory for military actions against Azerbaijan.

On the other hand, the location of the village of Eraskh is far from the actual combat zone. Therefore, there is a small possibility that this was a Turkish-instigated provocation/demonstration of force that should somehow warn and deter Russia from intervening into the Karabakh war on the side of Armenia. This may be compared with the Turkish posture in Syria, when its warplane shot down a Russian Su-24 warplane in Syria in the first months of the Russian military operation there in 2015. Nonetheless, it should be noted that this Turkish demonstration led to little results and the Russian operation there turned the tide of the war into the favor of the allied government of Bashar al-Assad.


On November 9, a Russian helicopter crashed in the border area of Armenia, according to reports in Armenian media.

Armenian reports claim that  the helicopter was allegedly shot down by fire from the direction of Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is landlocked exclave of the Republic of Azerbaijan, separated from the rest of the country by the territory of Armenia.

The video below allegedly shows the crash site near the town of Eraskh:


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There is too much lies from the media,putting words in others mouths that were not spoken,why should anyone believe in deep state narratives assigned to applease the homosexual nwo/trustee$?


Azerbaijan already claimed responsibility, said sorry and offered to pay compensation. Once Baku orders more Russian weapons, it’ll be as if nothing ever happened.


Sure Putin will be compensated. And all the rest silenced.

Rhodium 10

Oh yeah Russia should launch a pair of kalibr cruise missile vs soldiers who fired the Manpads..and later compensate AZ….


Could happen.

Mr T

wow such a ignorant armenian. In a comic book some guy asks other armenians why armenians in Moscow dont fight in Karabag, the guy is tossed from the window by the angry armenians.

Rhodium 10

I am not Armenian!…I dont like neither Israeli dogs nor Turkish ( both are US allies and NATO member)

Icarus Tanović

Don’t talk to that punk.


Russia is too weak to attack Turkey and take on NATO. There will be more appeasement.


Putin is seeking treatment in the US for his Parkinsons so a few million dollars more will help. Feel sorry for all the Russian soldiers and pilots that have been killed by Turkey and NATO in Syria and Libya.


I don’t think Putin is ill, it’s a story by New York Times which said Kim Jong Un is dead, just few months ago. But he seeks friendship with Germany and Turkey, against USA so he won’t do things that might upset them.


Frankly, Russia is used to being humiliated by Turkey and has lost various aircraft, so a helicopter being shot down is nothing new.


Here’s a bottle of vodka to fuck off

catalin zt

I am Romanian! We fought this muslim goat lovers of the mohamad the PAEDO for a looong time with namely the ottoman SCUM “empire” ! They will always remember Vlad the Impaler, Stefan the Great and Michael the Brave! We used to impale them on spears,cut their dirty empty muslim “heads”,poison the waters they drink,piss on their dead stinky muslim rotten “corpses” and set them on fire plus maaaanyyyyy other TREATS! :) We could go there in NK and DO this World SCUM again with no issues! The PROBLEM is that my beautiful GREAT Nation is now under the rule of the DIRTY, GENOCIDAL anglo-saxonkhazarian capitalist-fascistempire!!!! The SCUM western capitalist-fascist SHIT corrupted our people mind and hearts,our will to fight for the RIGHT cause,distorted our perception of To Be and replaced with the capitalist To Have and artificially placed on the top of the Nation docile sheeple as “leaders” who does nothing but serve the poisonous Empire who PARASITE My GREAT NATION and the rest of the World! My ancestors are the Great DaciansThracians the ones who RULED the whole Balkans up to Poland today ,Ukraine ,plus Hungary today plus down to Turkey today….The Great City of Troy (western Turkey today)was our lands too .When Greeks invaded it 2800 years ago my ANCESTORS flew to what is called Rome today and found it! Romullus and Remus sucking milk from the mother wolf(our Dacian God) were My People! (My grandfather was Romulus too). Then the Roman Empire grow Great and had fraticide wars with Dacia (my home in flesh and spirit) and we invaded(with the Romans) Anglo Terra (uk today) mixed with the barbarian wikinngs and gave them the latin language they do speak today….in few words Our Great History, Ancient and Sacred sound so… Wonder why we are called “Romania” today???? This comes from “romanus” which mean “citizen of Rome” in latin. By the way we the Romanians still we carry in our language at least 30% of what’s so called”latina vulgaris” which is the mother of modern Latin which was created artificially in order to make difference between the rich and working class Romans .


Nobody takes you serious. Keep ranting.


Allah revealed, “It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.”


Listen, if you have a zeal against the religion of God, then come to the Middle East and join the fight. Then I can respect that. Until then, shut the fuck up! By the way, the crusaders were defeated every time they ventured into our territory. We took your crown jewel Constantinople and it’s still in our hands today. If you have a problem with that, then come fight. You are just words. May Allah disfigure your face O enemy of Allah! Islam will rise!


No worries, Putin only wants business and partnership with Erdogan and the global Ziocorporate terrorists, this is nothing a new pipeline from Russia to Turkey won’t fix.

The Russian MoD confirmed its chopper was downed too.


Knowing Russia they won´t get into this war, the same way they cowardly stopped the Syrian army from taking Idlib because of Turkey with their truces and shit.

Black Waters

We don’t know the full situation yet.


Meanwhile in Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APnTWRXbEz4


Which they never plan to use, they only want to dissuade the Ziocorporate terrorist globalists and NATO Turks to be Russia’s business partners.


Putin is not eternal. And the power structures in Russia are growing impatient by the day. Do you remember when Putin was a hard line atlanticist? Yet, after the Ukraine charade and the sanctions, the asiatists won and he shifted to an asiatist policy.

He is alive and ruling ( after 20 years ) because he is very sharp at sensing the mood of the russian elites.


No i don’t remember when he was a Atlanticist and you don’t,because he never was.


naughty naughty turkey

Mr T

so armenians started killing Russians, the hand that feeds these pigs.


azerbaijan admitted doing it moron

Svincius Savickas

Russia has legit right to kill some pigs now.

Black Waters

Yeah, but we don’t know what happened yet…


more bombs for Idlib pig ..sure.

Mr T

armenians… Muslim Turks dont eat pigs…


I am pretty sure Russia doesn’t want to directly square off with Turkey as Russia knows Turkey is standing behind Azerbaijan. Use your mind and understand geopolitics. Gosh, so many stuipid idiotic emotional fools who don’t understand what war is about. Sounds like poor unemployed uneducated crusaders to me hahaha

Potato Man

Ohhh no no no, Shusha is lost and Azer moving forward….Armenia is dying for help. This is false flag by them or just right out BS….wait for more info people. “BREAKING: Footage of Azerbaijani flag over Shusha. Nagorno-Karabakh admitted the loss of the city” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOwoSnStBM8


The same thing I am thinking. The Hind was escorting a russian convoy departing from the russian base in Armenia. And suddenly BOOM. With a manpad nonetheless.

There is zero reason and no practical possibility for Azerbaijan to be the one shooting it down. I can Pashinyan’s and his bestie Soros greasy fingerprints all over it.

Svincius Savickas

Once the pigs begin to conduct genocide the Armenians, then the pigs will be obliterated

Ryan Glantz

Make no mistake, Russia is already in this war on the side of Armenia, covertly ;)

Harry Smith

Not yet. You still have anti Russian government. BTW Pashinyan asked Biden for help. Looks like we will see very soon some news that Yerevan is liberated by Azeris army. Sometimes stupids must be punished otherwise they won’t get smarter.


Probably Pashinyan asked help with N-K, where Putin said from the beginning he’s neutral. Or friends of Russia can’t talk to anybody?


Pashinyan is an enemy of Russia. He was the one behind the color revolution in 2018. Why should Russia help such a lowlife?


Maybe they should prevent anti-Russian sentiment to be implemented, in neighbour countries, in the first place? That’s what secret services are paid for. If the didn’t switch sides already.

Raptar Driver

This is not about him, let the Armenians deal with him. The Russians should simply protect their own interests which is What now? To allow the Turkic peoples to over run another Orthodox people?

Harry Smith

Friends of Russia don’t train Russian opposition activists to overthrow the Russian government.


Then Russia should make good friends :)

Harry Smith

The only true Russian friends are Russian army and Russian navy. (Russian Czar Alexander III rephrased)


Some times not even them. (communist revolution)

Harry Smith

Azeris recognized they downed the helicopter. There some nuances that will be investigated by Russian MoD


Do not wait to be told who shot down the helicopter … the Russians know. Certainly not the Armenians.Russian FSB detained Turkish terrorists in Russia

Russian FSB detained Turkish terrorists in Russia pic.twitter.com/TZtUCUElWG— High Empiricist (@HighEmpiricist) November 8, 2020

Black Waters

What was that about?

Potato Man

hmmmm….no that is a tweet from a moron buddy…why would you not look it up? How do you know they are from Turkey? Because some moron tweet it? really.

Russian Security Service stops terrorist act in Moscow FSB says man from Central Asia who planned mass killing in Moscow ‘neutralized’ during attempted arrest. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) said on Monday it had stopped a terrorist attack planned in Moscow.

In a statement on its official website, the FSB said a man from Central Asia was going to commit a mass murder in the Russian capital and then would go to Syria to join “a terrorist organization prohibited in Russia”.

“During the attempted arrest, the man opened fire with an automatic weapon on the representatives of law enforcement bodies and he was neutralized in return fire,” the FSB added.

Last year, the FSB prevented 57 terrorist crimes and eliminated 78 terrorist cells.

Central Asia – https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/russian-security-service-stops-terrorist-act-in-moscow/1923938 Tass: https://tass.com/emergencies/1099175

If you find a report that said…they were from Turkey link it to me thx.


The links you sent have dates ..13 Dec 2019, 14:22 & 27.07.2020 the one I sent is VIDEO and has a date of November 8, 2020. !! It has nothing to do with what you sent with mine … did the murder of the Russian ambassador in Istanbul also happen by mistake ??? Did the Turks accidentally drop the Russian plane in 2015 ???

Black Waters

Why are you trying to incite conflict? Greek cherokee warrior, you should fight them if you dislike them so much, actually that would be pretty good, because it will show to the public the mess that NAziTO terrorist organization is, you’re inside that group, you are in total freedom to attack Turkey, c’mon, do it, we will wait.


What nonsense are you saying… The crash was caused by a loss of control after a missile hit the aircraft, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. At the time of the attack, the helicopter was accompanying a convoy of the 102nd military base of Russia, which is located in Armenia, as it was moving across Yeraskh, near the border with the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan … it was fired from the ground by portable air defense system (MANPADS)

Black Waters

Nonsense? Yeah, keep playing that game you POS. Also where did you read that?


I am not saying that … but the Russian Ministry of Defense

Black Waters




Black Waters

The MoD didn’t speak about it yet, lying POS.

Edit: Yeah, there’s a vague explanation of the MoD, my bad

Black Waters

I find it, but it didn’t specify about missiles or such things it only says that it was showdown


Yes, the helicopter was shot down by pigeons. !! xa xa xa

Black Waters

I mean, it doesn’t really matter, probably manpads or something.


” it only says that it was showdown”

HOW and in what way can a helicopter be shot down ?? Think.

Potato Man

1. True I look up on google and that all I find, didn’t checked the date because I believed someone report on it. 2. I can upload a video anytime and from anywhere…it can be from past mate. 3. If true why there isn’t any news about it? Nothing. 4. The person who tweeted that is most likely from Armenia…that video is not from him. Look his other tweets bud pro-Armenian.

Assassination of Andrei Karlov – I don’t know the full story. Did you also forgot about the white helmet guy that also died in Turkey? or Jamal Khashoggi.

Did the Turks accidentally drop the Russian plane in 2015- Turkey bough ISIS oil and Russia hit it so Turkey hit Russia warplane.


If these links you sent included the video I sent … then you would be right. But the VIDEO I sent was NOT anywhere on the dates with the facts you say. Do you understand that I referred to another event and you to another ??

Potato Man

Yes, but the video didn’t had any date on it…he tweet it now, that doesn’t mean the video is new…but tell me how come no-one yet report it? Again who is that pro-Armenian kid? where did he find that video? Do you understand me? Can you send me a real report buddy which cover that event…a fuking tweet is good as shit man. I don’t believe in a fuking tweet from a guy who is pro-Armenian man…I can’t trust that shit.


It’s your right to believe or not … you have your opinion, and I have mine.

Potato Man

I’m not saying I don’t believe you buddy, all I’m saying is why no one report about it beside that person. I don’t trust tweets from people…that I don’t know about. But if you find a report which claim what that person tweet was right let me know. Thx.




Potato Man

I’m not talking the shot down of Russian Mi-24 buddy I know that, I want a report about “Russian FSB detained Turkish terrorists in Russia”. To conform that tweet you share with us.


Murder of the Russian ambassador happened in Ankara! Check your facts, this lowers your credibility.


Does the name of the city matter or the fact that a RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR WAS KILLED/Murder IN TURKEY ???


For me it does. Facts start to be distorted little by little, and by the time no truth lefts in them. This may not seem relevant, but for me this is relevant for every subject.

I have just corrected the information, that’s all. Peace.


IS IT A FACT THAT THE RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR WAS KILLED IN TURKEY BY A TURKISH ??? YES IT IS A FACT … Now you can pretend that absolutely nothing happened and that you are to blame for the wrong name of the city.


You didn’t understand my point or insisting not to understand… well… your choice

“Pretend absolutely nothing happened.” How can you even say that??? Read my first comment! Again!

Lone Ranger

Azeris shouldnt play with fire, if Russia steps in they will steamroll the whole place in a week. RIP to the two Heros.

Potato Man

Then ask yourself why would they do such a thing? Azer want to take N-K…the end, why would people in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic do such a thing? They haven’t done anything so far…why now? Don’t you think it is great for Armenia if Russia jump in to save them now? It is too good for Armenia…they just made a statement that they have lost Shusha.

Lone Ranger

It could be a triggerhappy troll with a lucky shot. But you are right it could be a false flag as well.


Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense confirmed that MANPADS was launched by Azerbaijani unit, helicopter believed to be Armenian. Azerbaijani side deeply regrets to Russian side the loss, ready to pay all compensations.

Random Dude

the case will close before it opens. just like 2016 jet down


The Azeri with manpad’s head will be offered on a gold plate.

Potato Man

RT: Baku confirms it shot down Russian war helicopter BY ACCIDENT and apologizes, says ready to compensate

The ministry explained that the horrific mistake occurred due to the fact that the helicopter flew in close proximity to the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, where active military clashes between the two countries continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. The flight was being conducted in the dark, at low altitude and outside the radar detection zone of air defense systems, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. In addition, Russian helicopters had not previously been seen in the area where the incident occurred, the report said.


dont trigger mongolo-turdo bots

Mr T

while male gay… africans take over your country and race… hahaha


africans are not smart enoough to take over thair country so how they can archive something here ? doesnt make any sense ;) but keep repeating cheap north korean/turkish propaganda that based on inferiority complex . You country didnt archive anything , no technology , low standard of life , cheap dictatorship and most of turaken people want to emigrate to EU . keep dreaming , it doesnt cost much

Mr T

why they dont do… ? Russians young boys are not prepared for war, this is not the same like bombing women and babies like in Idlib from old junk planes.

Lone Ranger

You have mixed up Russia with the U.S. Trollstoy… Better luck next time…

Genghis Gobi

You righteous! Evil half naked Putin regime bomb three billion babies like me in Idlibistan! I invitation you to go to Idlibistan and see four yourself!

Black Waters

Be careful about it, the president of Armenia it’s a NAziTO muppet, relying in this human trash it’s insane, the MoD should know what happen, but trusting traitors it’s a bad idea.


this is the fire that Russia is playing with for a while by standing very close from clashes.

Random Dude

Russia will ban tomatoes from Azerbaijan now:))))

Me&Myself None

Then ask for a few bucks in compensation and that’s it.


Everyone knows you can kill Russian servicemen with impunity. That’s why the Azeris weren’t bothered much with being careful not to shoot it down.

Black Waters

You should be careful the way you talk NAziTO muppet.


Russia is the laughingstock of the world for good reason. Not only Turkey and Israel can use Russian aircraft and helicopter as target practice, but even their junior partners like Azerbaijan apparently.

Black Waters

CIA troll, i had blast for the last 2 years seeing how the U.S started burning from the inside, what goes around comes around.

We should all buy popcorns to se babylonia burning, cheers.


Well he’s right, you know? Americans get killed by the enemy in the occupied territories, Russians can be killed by mistake.


Truth hurts unfortunately


so Russians now fly with Armenian convoys?? near azer borders? hmmm something fishy there.. could it be that Russians are searching for an excuse to enter the conflict?

Mr T

let them try if Rusians want war they can try… what France, UK, US wants… weak Turkey, Russia


No, it was a russian convoy. The big question is “why russians were flying a chopper, in the dark, at low altitude, in a war zone”?

I had a classmate, he was the son of a mafia boss. He did grow up in the mafia environment and obviously acquired all the typical mafia thinking.

There was that girl he wanted to impress. And there was a poor guy, turned up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He asked one of his minions to provoke the poor guy and when the poor guy reacted, he beat the crap out of the poor guy, saying that the minion was his cousin ( false ) and whatnot.

I hope the russian didn’t play the same trick with one of their choppers.


The real question is was the girl impressed?


Yes. But only because she knew he was super rich.


What a bitch…

Random Dude

Aliyev will call Putin, will say sorry bud, my bad. Didn’t see you in my blind spot and cut you off. And thats it.

Me&Myself None

Putin will ask for compensation payment, and then that’s it since the lives of the military personal mean nothing to him.

Random Dude

i tend to disagree. because you don’t retaliate to an accident.

Potato Man

Baku confirms it shot down Russian war helicopter BY ACCIDENT and apologizes, says ready to compensate

Azerbaijan has officially apologized to Moscow for ‘accidentally’ shooting down a Russian military helicopter, an emergency statement from Baku said. The tragic incident led to two of the crew members being killed & 1 injured. The ministry explained that the horrific mistake occurred due to the fact that the helicopter flew in close proximity to the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, where active military clashes between the two countries continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. The flight was being conducted in the dark, at low altitude and outside the radar detection zone of air defense systems, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. In addition, Russian helicopters had not previously been seen in the area where the incident occurred, the report said.


Fog of War

” the helicopter flew in close proximity to the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, where active military clashes between the two countries continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. The flight was being conducted in the dark, at low altitude and outside the radar detection zone of air defense systems, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. In addition, Russian helicopters had not previously been seen in the area where the incident occurred, the report said. ”

Sounds like Russian leadership is stupid and incompetent or there is something else going on.

Liberal guy

Ur second opinion is more logical

Arman Melkonyan

30 pieces of silver for the Russian dogs…


Those scared of impeding WW3, relax. It has been already going on for some time. Just pick a side or shut up and move to… Canada?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Be interesting to know what type of fire control and acquisition was involved.

Rhodium 10

It doesnt matter…accord sources it was a manpads from short distance….the question is that Turks have been prudent and didnt attack French frigate when they expel Turkish ships also have been prudent and did not shot down US helicopters or planes in Kurdish areas despite they have been flying close to Turkey and protecting Kurds…they fear the retaliaton….but since Oligarchy have strong business in Turkey and AZ..nothing will happen!…Erdogan just observed how nothing happened vs Israel( attacking SAA and supporting terrorist) because the close ties of Jews Oligarchy with Putin…tied him!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russia gains absolutely zero from escalating conflict in the region…

Best to keep powder dry and accept the situation for what it is.

Russia can always wipeout Azeri-Turk military bases at anytime they cross redlines.

Rhodium 10

Russia lost more than Armenia if AZ take NK…once Armenia lose NK Pashinyan will try to close ties with EU and NATO and of course Biden will agree!


There is a chance that was the West&Pashnyan plan from the beginning. Anyway, lile in Ukraine, Russian services couldn’t prevent or even predict the moves, that means incompetence.

Fog of War

Of course, Putin will do the great ” didnt see this coming ” dance again, Chabad style.


Yeah or he really didn’t see it comming since the system is so corrupt, it just doesn’t work or everybody is bribed by CIA.

Fog of War

If only the world was butterflies and cotton candy ?

” How totally subservient was Russia to America? Well, consider this: Thanks to recently declassified presidential transcripts, we know that in 1999 Boris Yeltsin called up Bill Clinton to tell him that Vladimir Putin would be his hand-picked presidential successor months before anyone in Russia knew, and all but asked Clinton for his nod of approval.

The shocker in this exchange is that Clinton gives Yeltsin tacit approval to rig an election and put Vladimir Putin in power. I mean, isn’t Russia supposed to be a democracy—and wasn’t Russia’s transformation to democracy supposed to be Clinton’s greatest foreign policy achievement? How can Yeltsin simply anoint his preferred man “the next Russian president in the year 2000”? Well, given that Clinton helped Yeltsin steal the election in 1996, he very well knows how, and he doesn’t mind in the least.

The sad thing is that Yelstin groveling to Clinton and telling him who he was going to install as president, it’s not even all that shocking compared to everything going on at that time. ”




Well yeah, for 10 years Russia barely survived only thanks to IMF loans. They would have colapsed even deeper without the money. Also America is not quite a charity organization, they are THE mafia so…

Fog of War

The point is Russia has been and is still under Zio control as long as Putin is in charge.


And it will be for long as the peasants don’t have initiative to work for themselves and like to serve.

Mr T

landlocked pig nation… if you turn away Putin this time who gone safe you if Turks take the corridor between Turkey and AZ and connect the lands?

Don’t be idiot, Russia is your air you breath. Without Russia we would destroy your poor nation.

Fog of War

If Armenia got to keep NK they would still move towards the West and NATO.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Already lost, so why bother protect them? Let the Armenian PM take the heat for a conflict he has lost through his Western support.

Rhodium 10

As I said Pashinyan will be removed…Russian troops will be expelled…and Armenia will be ruled by another Pro western govern that will ask to join EU and NATO!..CTSO have died

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Kremlin-Russia is not in the business of defending double-dealing regimes.


The problem is USA doesn’t need Erdogan’s money, Russia does. Cuz they are poor.

cechas vodobenikov

u idiot ukrop amerikanski–Russia is far better off than you obese idiots with your plywood LGBT villages with your 30 trillion$debt and negative balance of trade w all nations and world leading wealth income disparities and median $34,000 annual income (prior to taxes)…perhaps u can rent a tent and eat burgers at Macdonald to survive with that…LOL Russia–vast reserves, etc…of course u idiots are so uneducated u cannot speak your own language correctly…most recent PERLS comparison: amerikstani children #48, N Irish #6, Russian children #1 your stupidity feminized insecurity is expected “only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine…amerikan males and less so females are afflicted with a basic insecurity…” Geoffrey Gorer —read his ethnography ‘The Great Russian people’, where he found Russians to be entirely free of you feminized insecurity….more LOL “amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries” Daniel Boorstin u r farcical…LOL


I don’t even need to read all your comment. Starting with idiot… and ending with …LOL, I know what’s inside, just butthurt moans ;)

Mr T

You can ask why France did not dare to attack Turkish army in Idlib at sea??

Fog of War

France is a paper tiger with a huge Muslim population. Plus NATO will not be allowed to implode.

Fog of War

Turkey is still in NATO, your answer lies there.

Rhodium 10

Also Turkey, Israel and now AZ apologizes when they have shot down Russian planes and Helicopters….but all of them knew what were doing….they know that Putin as a business manager of the Oligarchy ( many of them Etnic Turquic and Jews) will ease tensions…..but we will see How that Russian military staff reacts in coming days…


Erdogan will offer the head of the guilty Azeri on a golden plate… Traditions.

Rhodium 10

They dont mind!…Russia is the traditional enemy despite the economic ties…they have to discredit Russian military deterrence, taking NK and defeated Christians Armenians ..later will promote a Turquic spring in all muslim Central Asia countries and when that happens Russia will not have military bases in Armenia ( which will be ruled by Pro Western politics)…


Yes, that’s next. I bet Arab countries will send plenty of money for that.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Last time something similar to this happened, Russia starting massively increasing it’s presence with military assets in said warzone. Don’t see this happening though as Russia knows whichever way this conflict goes Russia isn’t going to gain anything.

Mr T

Putin is sick and does not care, he wants only a nice big house, his young girfriend and money…

cechas vodobenikov

because u live in a hut u r envious of Putin? LOL

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