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MARCH 2025

Russian Hypersonic Weapon Files Leaked To Foreign Intelligence, Investigation Launched – Russian Media

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Russian Hypersonic Weapon Files Leaked To Foreign Intelligence, Investigation Launched - Russian Media

A screenshot from the Russsian Defense Ministry video

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has reportedly launched an all-out search for a mole who leaked top secret files on the cutting-edge hypersonic weapon systems to Western intelligence, the Russian newspaper Kommersant reported on July 20 citing intelligence sources.

Earlier on July 20, FSB operatives searched the quarters the Central Research Institute of Machine Building (TSNIIMASH) and the United Rocket and Space Corporation (URSC). TSNIIMASH and the URSC are a part of Russian Space Agency Roscosmos, which was involved in the development of hypersonic weapons.

According to the report, dozens of employees in the Russian missile industry came under intense scrutiny. The July 20 developments are reportedly ongoing in the framework of a recent investigation into the leaking of secret files to foreign intelligence services.

According to Kommersant’s source familiar with the FSB investigation, “it was established that the leak came from TSNIIMASH employees who were in touch with [the head of the URSC’s research facility Dmitry] Paison.” The source described the inquiry as “unprecedented.”

“Many heads will roll, it won’t be limited to people being dismissed,” the source said.

The FSB conducted a search in Paison’s office.

Separately, a Roscosmos spokesman confirmed that FSB searches took place. He added that the  head of the corporation directed the agency’s security division to offer “maximum support to the investigation.”

Some sources speculate that this incident could be a media provocation similar to those used by the USSR in 1980s.

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Stavros Hadjiyiannis

major fuck-up if true.

leon mc pilibin

Number one suspects have to be Russian jews working on behalf of Israhell.They are traitors ,par excellence.

Promitheas Apollonious

more than likely.


Are you saying Jews should be sent to “internment camps?”

Tom Choads

Has there ever been a justification for Jews not being sent to internment camps?


Yeah, because the holocaust was the biggest warcrime in all history. You should not make such statements so lightly, not everyone on the internet is a troll.

Tom Choads

lol u mad bro?


No, I simply have an insatiable urge to neuter you.


Actually the Nazis were pretty much minor league compared to many others. Mao Ze Dong executed 27 Million Chinese civilians, 7 million of his Nationalist opposition, and 2 Million of his own troops. Joseph Stalin executed 8 million Russians, 5 Million in lands he conquered (including 3-4 million Jews) and 2 Million just in the Russian armed forces. Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela was the son of the Xhosa tribe, he never forgot that was his first job. During his term as President of South Africa 6 Million non-Xhosa tribe members (over 4 million Zulus) and 560,000 White South Africans just disappeared. The Holocaust was a huge, horrific crime, but it is far from the largest or the most recent.

J. Walker

The part about Nelson Mandela and the 6 mil. non-Xhosa nonsense is just that: nonsense made popular by extremist Afrikaaners. That violent crime is prevalent in South Africa is no myth. Everyone gets affected. What is so disgusting is for one racial group to portray themselves as the sole victims and go around the planet selling such lies.

Jack is back

flagged for prejudice, moron.


I’m saying all zio filth needs to be eradicated forever…. dig one big fucking hole and burn them in it.


It is easy to praise nazi war crimes when you have internet anonymity. But would you say that with my Beretta in your face?


This leaker could also be some greedy Russian.


Except almost no Jews are employed by the Russian Scientific Institution or Arms Industries. Your sophomoric instant retort makes you a favorite to win the gold medal in the next Olympics in the “jumping to stupid conclusions” events.

leon mc pilibin

OK EINSTEIN,let everone know ,how you know, that no zionist jews are working at this arms factory.Russian society is crawling with traitorous jews,,just waiting to cause trouble.

Jack is back

I like all people. I dont discriminate

Jack is back

Israel is awesome!

Wolfgang Wolf

could be a fake-story to have a reason to weed-out all the fifth-column assholes…


Hope so.


You shouldn’t be that harsh towards South Front;)

Gary Sellars


Empire's Frontiers

Rebels might reconcile if their revolution fails.

Traitors’ only redemption is to feed next season’s crops.


Putin should know that Trump uses Israel like stealthy drones in Russia and in their surrounding states. LOL Putin should stop access of Jews and Israel to their highly sensitive technologies. These are US$ trillions technologies which are used for the defense, stability and peace in the region.

Val Shadowhawk

Trump does the bidding of the jews.


US always offered huge bribe-sums for Soviet, or Soviet armed client-states, defectors with hardware or data in Cold War era – especially for Soviet warplanes. If witnessing new US-Neo-Con driven Cold War, would assume Pentagon up to old tricks – actively seeking out and offering massive bribes for high end Russian hardware information.


Absolutely, and I reckon these bribe monies are huge too. Massive amounts of money go missing from Pentagon accounts every year – I guess they are experts at stealing, so why not steal others ideas too? Lol!


The US announces that it will give $1 billion to Lockheed Martin to build a new supersonic missile from scratch and now the Russian Kinzal it’s been leaked to foreign intelligence.Please if someone needs those blueprints it is the Americans because they are incapable to do something on its own. Sold from Russian Jews probably to the American Neocons….


LOL Two sides of the same coin.Russia and USA. Both controlled by satanic jews.


Paranoid, much?


Since when Kommersant is a reliable source of news?


How true lol


RT took that source also https://www.rt.com/news/433803-russia-hypersonic-missiles-leak/ it may be deliberate “leak” to the press because that kind of stuff (if real) can’t be published easely


Citing its own intelligence sources, Kommersant newspaper broke the news that an employee with top secret clearance allegedly leaked the data. -RT

Yes, but …. read between the lines; too many ” reportedly” and “allegedly”.


Meh, Russia has strong enough defense against these. US needs the S400 and S500 plans too!

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET



The fifth column (zionist oligarchs) are well placed inside the Duma/Kremlin. Probably too powerful for Putin to take on. Unless they just disappeared in the dark KGB style?


re: “Unless they just disappeared in the dark, KGB style?”

A very easy and effective solution, and under the circumstances, not out of the question. If I were a Russian citizen then I’d support that sort of approach.


I thought people of your dispositions only sent Jews to “internment camps.”


So what is my disposition?




National Socialist?


God’s ways are inscrutable, but whether you have any regard for the truth of this news, that might be the question. Kommersant seems to me not the best placed to report this news. On the other hand it seems to me to be a false track or provocation from either a foreign side or the interior ministry for various reasons.

Not so much that something really happened, but on the one hand from the outside maybe one wants to get a better sight on the involved structures, organisations and persons. Or from the inside one wants to be able to nip a possible threat out of the bud.

By the way, it is not the first time that Southfront has come up with such a sensational message, somewhere it must also prove its legitimacy abroad, not to be plainly a Putin followers organization.



Bio_ Hazard


Icarus Tanović

Get out of there! Hahahahaha


CIA/MI6, isn’t that simpler? Or do you need an excuse to hate Jews?

Bio_ Hazard

it’s not like those three agency work together, oh wait


I think to say that if one NATO member has the info, they all do. I’m sure that Russia will plug any security gaps they find, if not they’ll purge a unit. But whoever did this, most likely a NATO member, got clean away.

Daniel Miller

or its just another one of the “leaks” like that massive nuclear torpedo.

Icarus Tanović

Hahaha, this was intentionally, hahaha, ?… LOOOL And screwheads bite it! What a bait! They’re dumb as shit! Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha!


I bet, even if you gave them the specs, the US MIC couldn’t use it properly. Could be a set up story for who knows what reason ( e.g. the documents have erroneous information ). I will wait and see what happens.


Sure, yeah… that’s why they discuss it on the media.

You can call me Al

Strangely enough, your are right. If Wikileaks came out with it, or the US suddenly showed off their new identical missile, I could understand all of this; but it does seem rather strange to waffle on about a leak now, on an open web site.


The US announces that it will give $1 billion to Lockheed Martin to build a new supersonic missile from scratch and now the Russian Kinzal it’s been leaked to foreign intelligence.Please if someone needs those blueprints it is the Americans because they are incapable to do something on its own. Sold from Russian Jews probably to the American Neocons.

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