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Russian Karabakh And Other Consequences Of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

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Results of the Nagorno-Karabakh war continue shaping the balance of power of the South Caucasus. The ceasefire regime established as a result of the Russian diplomatic intervention and the deployment of the Russian peacekeeping force in the region nears the end of its first week.

As the outcome of the war, Azerbaijan achieved an important victory over Armenian forces and seized the symbolic Armenian stronghold of Shusha. Baku and Yerevan also reached an agreement that is set to allow Azerbaijan to return districts lost during the first Karabakh war excluding the Lachin corridor as well as finally establish a transport link between Azerbaijan’s mainland and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, a landlocked Azerbaijani exclave bordering Armenia, Turkey and Iran. The latest development is in fact even more important for Azerbaijani national interests than any propaganda achievements in the war with the Armenians. This will not only allow to finally establish a ground link between the main territory Azerbaijan and the country’s autonomous region, but also strengthen economic and cultural cooperation with Turkey, a traditional Azerbaijani ally. Ankara, together with Israeli weapon suppliers, played an important role in the Azerbaijani victory through providing its forces with weapons, ammunition, intelligence and military advisers and specialists that helped to plan and turn into reality the Karabakh advance.

For years, Turkey has been employing the “two states, one nation” concept in its relations with Azerbaijan as a part of the wider claim to be the formal, military and spiritual leader of the so-called Turkic world and the Muslims in the Greater Middle East and Central Asia in general. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who sees himself as the Sultan of the New Neo-Ottoman Empire, does not hide Turkish plans to annex territories of northern Syria and northern Iraq, where Ankara already has a permanent military presence. Azerbaijan is seen by Erdogan and his circle as a logical and important part of this Greater Turkey project with a particular autonomy. Therefore, the Turkish military presence in Azerbaijan and the further expansion of the economic, political and cultural links between the countries is a logical step in this plan. During the past years, Ankara has repeatedly announced the plans to build a new railway road to Nakhchivan. Now, the preparations for the implementation of this project will likely reach their finishing straight.

At the same time, there are some factors often ignored by pro-Turkish analysts boasting about the great Neo-Ottoman victory in Karabakh. First of all, the control over the so desired by Turkey ground link with Azerbaijan will be in the hands of the Russians under the Moscow-brokered deal between Baku and Yerevan. The control over the transport link between Nakhchivan and the Azerbaijani mainland will be exercised by the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). At the same time, the Russian peacekeeping force will also control the corridor between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, and a large part of the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, including the largest regional city Stepanakert.

Russian forces supported by combat helicopters, electronic warfare systems, BTR-80A armoured personnel carriers and various armoured vehicles of other types already established 25 observation points (18 permanent and 7 temporary) in the region. One of the posts is in fact located at the gates of Shusha. Additionally to the 1960-strong contingent in Karabakh, the Russian military also created a gathering center, in other words a temporary military base, in the Armenian city of Goris, near the border. Battle tanks and multiple rocket launching systems spotted in the area indicate that the operation there involves additional means and forces. Moscow is also creating a special humanitarian center for Karabakh. The center will be controlled by Russia and overseen by the FSB thus cutting off the possibility of looting of humanitarian aid for the region.

Taking into account the deep crisis of the current pro-Western Armenian government, led by Nikol Pashinyan who is still hiding in some basement in Yerevan, the control over Nagorno-Karabakh territories, which should not been returned to Azerbaijan as the part of the November 10 deal, has been in fact transferred to Russia.

Now, Russia has officially established a military presence on the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan for the next 5 years. This term also can be prolonged under the existing deal. This unprecedented development for the modern South Caucasus caused little happiness in Ankara causing the Turkish attempt to promote the idea of the deployment of some ‘Turkish peacekeepers’ to the combat zone. However, all what it achieved was the draft plan for the creation of a joint Russian-Turkish ceasefire monitoring center on the territory of Azerbaijan. According to the Russian foreign minister, the center will be located in the part of the territory that is not close to Karabakh and no field missions are planned. The posture of Azerbaijan, which did not support the Turkish field deployment in Karabakh, in this unfortunate situation for Ankara became an unpleasant surprise for Turkish commentators.

Furthermore, Baku demonstrated an unexpected softness by shifting the schedule of the Armenian withdrawal from the contested region. Under the initial deal, the Kalbajar district was set to be transferred to Azerbaijan by November 15, a top aide to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that the deadline was extended till November 25. These steps show the readiness of the Azerbaijani side for the constructive actions in the framework of the existing Yerevan-Moscow-Baku format. Summing up, it seems that Mr. Aliyev is not going to pay back by turning Azerbaijan into the province of Erdogan’s Neo-Ottoman Empire. In this case, the closer cooperation with Russia, which is also an important economic and security partner of Azerbaijan, is an apparent solution.

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No word about Turkey army deployed in the new occupied/liberated areas? Why the silence?

Mr T

will be there dont worry.


I know but I wonder why is the article called Russian Karabach, maybe the new Russian base in Sudan will be called Russian Sudan and also Russian Latakia.



Mr T

Putler Russia is so weak, cant defeat a weak Turkey :)


Have you been smoking hash?


No, he took the red pill.

Jihadi Colin

Come on, smoked bacon doesn’t cause hallucinations. I know.

cechas vodobenikov

a LGBT amerikan I surmise


Because Russia did not involve the Turks in the cease fire accord. Again I refer you to Lavrov’s details about who can be in the proximity of Armenia and NK borders. Russia has troops on the ground to go, Turks are not.


Erdogan said he will send troops in the conquered area so the ‘Russian Karabach’ will be surounded by the ‘Turkish Karabach’. Is that simple.


Or Turk Qarabağ? I think the Nagorno part is Russian term, seems simlar to the Czech Hora (Gora). As in, on the heights.


Most likely, gor is a slavic tall.

Jihadi Colin

Nagornii Karabakh = Mountainous Black Garden.

cechas vodobenikov

gora–same in Russian…black–chornni/cerna/chernaya–depending case


Jak cernozem v Czechach!

Julian Clegg

Kara means black in Turkish and other Turkic languages – or did you know that already?

cechas vodobenikov

no murikan ukropi cowards and no turk troops,,,Lavrov is explicit


Russians won’t be in Shusha so there will be Turks


More Erdo bs.

Jihadi Colin

There is absolutely nothing stopping the Ottoman Empire from coercing Aliyev into keeping as many Ottoman troops in Azerbaijan, including the recently captured and to be returned territory, as Erdogan wants. Aliyev must know by now that he’s an Ottoman proxy and he has to stay within limits.


If Aliev is coerced by Erdogan into a position he does not want he can ask for Russian help to offset the Turks. The Turks would be in a poor strategic position since the Russians control the routes of movement in the area.

PS there was a top Azeri general that did not want the Turkish presence in….he was dismissed.

Rhodium 10

Many Azeri General know that Yeltsin supported Armenia in the 90s war because Turkey as a NATO member had the mandate to enter there and take control of the Caspian..and Turkey abandoned them to avoid a war vs Russia! and lost NK…also many of them have been trained in Russia and their parents like Aliyev father( awarded by Soviet Union and Russia) fought in WW2..Azeris expel German troops and saved Soviet Union ( Obviusly included Russia) to be defeated by Nazis in Edelweiss and Blue operation which the main purpose was to take Baku and the oilfields..then the main Soviet Union supplier!

Ryan Glantz

You guys remember the Russo-Turkish wars?


At this point I think Aliev sees Russia as a more trusted and neutral partner, unlike Turks who are driven by ottoman megalomania.


I think Aliev wants his sovereignty without the Turks telling him what to do. He can play both sides of the coin.

Rhodium 10

Aliyev knows that its better not to be an enemy of Russia and being an Erdogan puppet will cause problems to AZ with EU( France among others)… Otomans dreams is only possible because Turkey is a NATO member and countries members sell weapons and components to Turkey… but if west put sanctions ( military and economic) Turkish armed forces will face a huge problem!…Aliyev also dont forget the large Azeri comunity living in Russia ( Daguestan, Ashtracan, Moscow, Kazan..etc.) beside the Russian Etnic Turquic Oligarchy and presidents of Caspian-Central Asian countries close to Putin beside the strategic ties Russia- Iran( which told after the deal that they were ready to support Russia in what they need)…therefore the ties with Turkey cousin is good in short term and useful to retaken NK…but bad in long term if Erdogan continue agresive politics and France and others EU states,Egypt,Emirates,Saudi Arabia stand up againts him.

Jihadi Colin

They’re, whatever they say, never going to force the Ottomans out of NATO. The Ottomans, as I said many times, are the second largest and most competent, indeed the only competent, military in NATO. The Ottoman Empire is also the single most strategically located country in NATO sitting across the chokepoint of the Black Sea and overlooking West Asia from Lebanon to Iran. Amerikastani Empire nuclear weapons are still in Incirlik, and Erdo playing bad cop to Macron et al’s good cop is just a sham.

Ryan Glantz

So what exactly is going on again? This whole situation is a huge mess. Russia has swooped in to save the refugees of the NK region while Azberjan wants to loot and rape and pillage, so that’s good. Now we’re seeing a protracted conflict akin to Idlib, is this correct?

Jens Holm

There is no huge miss. The Azarbaidianis has taken back, what they could not by 25 yaears of negosiatins.

…And You of course can go more back in time wondering why those borders now recognized by UN was made in the first place.

I wonder why those small countries and autonomes after finally gets rid of the Russians too. then AGAIN start killing each other. Are they able to be sober countries or not.

Ryan Glantz

I think we both know this has more to do with who wants to use what’s buried in the ground in that region than your ethnic discrepancies.

Jens Holm

I agree, mining is important, but the investors from older days are britts and EU today and not Turks and Russians.

Reorganizing Armenia is by EU and USA as well. .

Ryan Glantz

mining lol

Jens Holm

You can star with this:


Ryan Glantz

What about the contractors that don’t show up on the public roster?

Jens Holm

Its as I tell You. There are minerals.

Sure many in those areas probatlty only know mobil phones are for carbombs as well.

Jens Holm

excavation is a start. Even oil from Baku started as for lamps replacing the whales:) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/895002d6275dd46b0951f0d6b6cb4c2c945a199ca1af178fc865f100cc19aca0.jpg

Ryan Glantz

if only they’d have been so kind as to disclose what else started there.

Jens Holm

I have been reading about it. You can find something.

I have most of my informations by brittish writings form Brittish souces. Thats better then the local ones. They have been there sin Baku oil started and even has had Azarbaisian for a while) with the Iraq-Iran as connection.

Ryan Glantz

You don’t want to talk about the pre-Noah lore, eh?

Jens Holm

I actually has a Darwinist scientific book. Its named “Geologi from before the world was made”

Pre Noah is horrifying for the Muslims all was more drúnk alll the time and more then Russians and Danes are.

Ryan Glantz

Ever hear of “The Chronicle of Akakor” ?

Jens Holm

no. i look up now. what about it…

Ryan Glantz

please ask a real question. You realize Darwin was a satanist right?

Jens Holm

Yes, You told me:(

I looked up and do kind of know the von Daniken

Ryan Glantz

The Akakor Chronicle is a set of stories written by the tribe of the Ugha Mongulala that used to live in the Amazon jungle in Brazil and that text contains more than 15 thousand years of history, from the arrival of their Gods to the 70’s in our time They were originally written in the language of their Ancient Masters (Gods) on tree barks. The stories were transmitted orally by the prince of the Ugha Mongulala tribe, Tatunca Nara, to the German journalist Karl Brugger who was working in Brazil, who recorded the whole story on tape and then wrote and published the book in 1976 .

The chronicle tells the millenary history of South America from the perspective of the Ugha Mongulala, the oldest civilization in the region, revealing many mysteries that history and archeology have not been able to explain for sure to this day, such as the construction of Tiahuanaco and Macchu Picchu. Even the location of the city of Akakor of the Ugha Mongulala has not been found due to the immensity of the Amazon rainforest. In chronological form, the first chronicle is the arrival of the Ancient Gods or Masters in 13,000 BC from outer space, who selected the aboriginal tribes in the area of ​​the Great River (Amazonas) to transmit culture and end their savagery , teaching them to cultivate the land, to respect the laws of nature and the laws that they themselves bequeathed to preserve the common good. They built large cities of stone both on the surface and underground, with temples for the worship of the Sun, pyramids for spiritual purposes and long tunnels that cross underground from the current areas of Peru and Bolivia to Brazil and Venezuela. After 3 thousand years after its arrival, the Gods returned to their world, The history of the Ugha Mongulala manages to move by the amount of adversities that had to go through to survive for more than 15 thousand years, both natural disasters, wars against other tribes and against the “White Barbarians”, the conquerors coming from Europe in the century XV and they almost achieved its extinction. If to date it has remained totally unknown, it is due to the special characteristics of the story and the complete isolation of the peoples whose history it refers to. The latest discoveries originated by the systematic invasion of the Amazon corroborate the story of Chief Tatunca Nara about his people, thus giving credit to something that can no longer be ignored. The Akakor Chronicle is divided into four parts and covers a period of over ten thousand years of the life of the people of Mongulala: – The Book of Jaguar deals with the colonization of the Earth by the gods and the period until the second world catastrophe. – The Book of the Eagle covers the period between 6000 and 11,000 (according to its own calendar) and describes the arrival of the Goths. – The Book of the Ant, tells the fight against the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers after their landing in Peru and Brazil.

– The Water Snake Book describes the arrival of 2,000 German soldiers to Akakor and their integration with the ugha mongulala people; he also predicts a third great catastrophe. Karl Brugger nació en Munich y estudió Historia Contemporánea en su ciudad natal y en París. Fue corresponsal independiente de radio y televisión hasta 1974, y desde entonces trabaja como corresponsal de la televisión alemana en Rio de Janeiro. Tras completar sus estudios en historia contemporánea y en sociología, partió para América del Sur como periodista. Allí tuvo noticias de Akakor. Desde 1974, Brugger era asimismo corresponsal de varias emisoras de radio y de televisión de la República Federal de Alemania.

In 1972 he met in Manaus Tatunca Nara, the son of a native leader. Manaus is located at the confluence of the Solimoes River and the Negro River, that is, in the first half of the Amazon. Tatunca Nara is the chief of the Ugha Mongulala, Dhaka and Haisha tribes. Brugger, conscientious and skeptical researcher, heard the really incredible story that the native told him. After having verified it point by point, in 1976 he decided to publish the chronicle he had recorded on tape with the title “Die Chronik von Akakor” (The Akakor Chronicle).

Jens Holm

Thanks, I might need something to read in the wintertime. I already has a list.

Facts are constructions like this might be true or semilar. A lot of coputries – and even big ones – has existed on earth and we have stufied them from we have.

Writings are important, but we now knpow that advanced people can be advanced with no writings.

I fx learned in my aerly schoold days, that danes was few and almost all lived in small huts.

But tech now says we were a very high poplated are with many houses being up 2 400 m2 and we even in the stoneage could cross around in Pur country in real.

Allbuildings was made of wood and even today they are vidible by versions of radar and lidar. So You might go to Amazonas or anywhere else to see people lived there in more related structures, then we think today.

Its the same with DNA, which becomes more and more reliable and with more detailes.

So I do recognize the Rio Negro storry teller might have mpre troth in tellings, then we today think might be true.

Its very good its taped, so it can be center or and addiction.to Our knowledge of the past.

I will go to bed. I havnt slept all night here. But If You write more, I will get it by mail.

Ryan Glantz

I presume that line on the border bridging the two areas was a goat herder mountain trail?


Jens Holm

Yes, the the wife of the goat heard is in the front. There are mines. He had two:)

Ryan Glantz

how off color.

Jens Holm

camouflage and stealth

The same map is in a 6 MB resolotion, but when I send, they often only eat 5 MB, so I had to send the small version, because the 6 MB returned.

cechas vodobenikov

SF has many CIA employees posting here; they call themselves T, bacon, etc A railway between turkey and azerbijian will only improve trade—a positive development

Jens Holm

Dont forget to name, they are zioinist Jews too:) and Oligarc Putin is financing them and the rest as a hobby:) .

He even sell us Afghanistan opium, when we now and then try to get out of hand.

cechas vodobenikov

your racist fascist inferiority complex again displayed from the amerikan colony—u have greater income/wealth disparities than Russia, slightly less than USA, amongst the greatest on earth, excepting a few African, 2 s amerikan nations…never heard of the gini coefficient Jenny? USA controls Afghan opium trade not Russia…apparently you are racist against Jews also

Jens Holm


Ryan Glantz

I’m just glad the Russians are monitoring the railway… hopefully they got some nice setup like this


Harry Smith

The video is inaccessible.

Ryan Glantz

Your government must not like you seeing soft disclosure.

Konrad Ingvarssen

How much does the fact that most Azeris are Shia matter to Turkey and Erdogan? How do they see that difference? It does not seem to matter as much to the Turks as it does to Arabs.

The next question on the table is “What happens in 5 years?” The current deal will be over and I don’t see a reason for the Azeris not to simply say “Okay, we are taking it all back now”. Russia may have a way to discourage that aspiration, but I don’t know what that would be. Five years is a long time though. Things could change.

Jihadi Colin

It means nothing at all. The Ottomans didn’t care who the subjects of their millets were, Jew or Christian or Muslim, or what they got up to, as long as they paid their taxes and tributes. Erdogan’s neo Ottoman Empire is no different.

I agree absolutely with you about the five years. It’s just a face saver for the Armenians to come up with some kind of deal to hand over the remainder of Nagorno Karabakh within that time.

Ryan Glantz

Reminds me of a certain empire ruled by lizard people…

cechas vodobenikov

I suspect you are correct

cechas vodobenikov

Russian troops will leave nk in 5 years, unless both Azeris/armenians request differently


*unless either Azeris/armenians request differently. concent of both is not required as per the signed document.

cechas vodobenikov

I do not predict; I would not be surprised if peace keeping is terminated in 5 years


I doubt Russia will pull out so easily.

cechas vodobenikov

false—unless both azeris/armenians consent in 5 years, Russia withdraws troops

Icarus Tanović

Thank you, Turkey, big ass thanks for this. Turnon NK into Russian zone of influence, de facto Russian big military base. Now, Erdogan eat shit.


Visitors at my doorstep taken with the night vision filter on my Galaxy S10e. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/629737b9e5d9366722b5aca8602334160a103799193f73b2c69578b6512bbbcb.jpg

Ryan Glantz

better watch out, I hear the s10’s are dangerous with the emf in high ghz.

Jens Holm

Galaxy 10s are sucide phone. After using them 1001 Holy Nights, they detonate as Russian roulette in 2 of 6.

If You look at the small letters at the battery, You can see its made by the Nobel industries. Its the same kind of explosives as in the Carl Gustavs and the US update of it from Kongsberg.

cechas vodobenikov

FINNS/SWEDES/RUSSIANS manufacture smartphones–u produce cheese LOL


South Front is trying real hard to spin this into some kind of victory for Russia, when in reality this was nothing more than damage control; Russia’s last ditch effort to salvage some measure of influence from yet another foreign policy reversal. Victory has eluded Russia in Syria thanks largely to Erdogan refusing to pull out of Idlib, Libya was looking like the next Russian client up until Erdogan intervened, now we have this new front and the loss of an old Russian ally in Armenia. The defeats are beginning to stack up, and Erdogan is behind most of them.

cechas vodobenikov

more CIA boxy thinking—Russia has made USA/turkey irrelevant in Syria—only 12% territory now occupied by ISIS/amerikan/kurdy/turkey troops in Syria. your brain reversed…Russian policy consistent…Russia has little interest in Libya–it is the , French, Greece, Egyptians,LNA that oppose illegitimate GNA turkey—this required Turkey to withdraw from the outskirts of Sirte hopefully the CIA pays for your LSD

Jens Holm


cechas vodobenikov

u like amerikans live in future; we live in present…this is why you don’t know yourself…keep striving for success…there is cheese in your old age home

Jens Holm

Crap again.

cechas vodobenikov

projecting your ignorance, insecurity–


You are wrong, almost half of Syria is still not in the hands of Assad.


Americans are withdrawing from eastern Syria.


They are “withdrawing” from Iraq and Afghanistan too. Let’s see the action first.


The American position in Iraq and Afghanistan is tenuous at best, they are treading water and are constant targets. Weakening forces or withdrawal from Iraq will result in the collapse of its defenses in Syria. The new Pentagon appointed chief made a statement of withdrawal of forces from Syria after a couple of days he was appointed.

cechas vodobenikov

agree! US withdraws troops, replaces with private militias or proxies

cechas vodobenikov

not according to repots at SF and elsewhere, unless u consider Israeli occupied golan

Harry Smith

I think it is a strategic victory of triple alliance of Iran, Russia and Turkey. The strategical goals were reached by everyone.

Ryan Glantz

Russia is playing a heroic role, they’re the true King of the North, if you haven’t figured that out.

Jens Holm

Ha ha. More like they like Turkey, Iran and Minsk less:)

Jens Holm

Yes damage control. The Minsk group says same thing.


Idlib is not much to the Russians, it will come a point in time when Russia is going to have the Turks over the barrel and they will withdraw. In Libya Russia kept a Wagner force in place of maybe a couple of thousand while Turkey brought close to 20,000 mercenaries. Russia and allies are still is in position of control of over half of Libya including Sirte and oil deposits. Russia learned it needs a more robust presence of combined arms on the ground, and ships off the Libyan cost to prevent Turkish electronic jamming along the coastline.


Seems like Azerbaijan is inviting Turkish troops as a counterbalance to the Russian presence. Apparently not many trust Russian peacemakers after 2008.

cechas vodobenikov

apparently u r stupid


I never said it is included in NK. Apparently the stupid one here is not me:)))

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