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MARCH 2025

Russian Kh-31PD Anti-Radiation Missile Can Defeat U.S. Patriot Systems, Manufacture Says

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Russian Kh-31PD Anti-Radiation Missile Can Defeat U.S. Patriot Systems, Manufacture Says

Russian Kh-31-missile (NATO-code: AS-17 Krypton) attached to the left wing of a Russian fighter aircraft, displayed at the MAKS Airshow 2003. Taken on 22 August 2003 by Wikimedia user (Panther).

Russia’s Kh-31PD anti-radiation missile can defeat the American MIM-104 Patriot air defense system, CEO of the manufacturer, Tactical Missiles Corporation, Boris Obnosov told TASS on January 26.

“The Kh-31PD missile flies at a high speed of over Mach 3, at over 1,000 meters per second to strike enemy air defenses. It was necessary to design it to reach a technologically new level, arrange its production and upgrade it so that it can effectively cope with its objectives. This weapon can win duel battles with the Patriot system,” the chief executive said.

Obnosov, who received the title of Hero of Russia last year, added that the advanced missile is the corporation’s and his personal pride.

The United States, Germany and the Netherlands are set to deliver three Patriot batteries to Ukraine, where Russia is currently counducting a special military operation.

The batteries will reportedly be armed with a mix of PAC-3 hit-to-kill active missiles to intercept ballistic missiles, with a range of 30-60 kilometers only, and PAC-2 blast fragmentation warhead semi-active missiles to counter aircraft threats with a range of up to 160 kilometers.

On the other side, the Kh-31PD, which entered mass production in 2012, has a maximum engagement range of up to 250 kilometers.

The missile is equipped with a passive seeker that features a unique antenna consisting of an interferometer array of seven spiral antennas mounted on a steerable platform. The seeker can detect, locate and lock on a range of radar types. The missile guidance is also aided by an inertial navigation system.

The Kh-31PD, which is armed with a 110 kg warhead, can be fitted to almost any of Russia’s tactical fighter jets, from the Mig-29 to the Su-34, Su-35 and the Mig-31.

The Russian military has been using the Kh-31PD to hunt down Ukrainian air defenses with much success, since the start of its special operation there nearly a year ago.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already vowed to “knock down” Patriot system once delivered to Ukraine. Obnosov’s remarks to TASS shed light on one of several advanced systems the Russian military could use to successfully achieve this objective.


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Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

NATO is exposed, her weapons are not a peer to Russian weapons. NATO is in panic. People in panic mode make big mistakes. But it is one thing when you make a mistake in the bar around the corner and the opponent leaves you just with a bloody nose. And it’s another thing when your opponent has superior defense systems and superior hypersonic nukes which can’t be intercept by your AD. Don’t poke the bear. He is stronger than you. Cope.


In the West the elites want the war but certainly not the people. After all the high tech war machine destroyed and all Ukrainians servicemen killed what will rest to the west ? The governments of western Europe teach their own population to hate their own countries since the end of WW2. They import millions of African migrant to destroy the white race in Europe. These Africans hate Europe they are her for free shit and to take revenge of the colonization of Africa. The mobilization capacity of the west is very low. NATO know that. The only countries where NATO can find real men to fight are the east European countries.


Actually Eastern Europeans = Slavic people= lower race in the minds of western colonial countries. Ask anybody from France, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweeden etc..what they think about Slavic people. This is a usage of Slavic people against Slavic people for the gains of American empire also known as “Full spectrum dominance”. At first is just an economical cost for the West Europe and then later on body bags will start rollin back home to Germany, France as well. Full spectrum dominance my friend.

Last edited 2 years ago by Name

Come in France and ask people. They don’t consider slavic people as inferior.

Novus Ordo Seclorum

You’re 100% correct. I’ve never been in Europe but I came to that same conclusion after working with East and West Europeans for years.

And it’s not stated openly because of the laws but I easily deduce from their behavior what they think about the other guys. The concept of ubermensch and untermensch is still well alive – see UkroNazistan!

The Crunge

Don’t forget the Jewish opinions of Slabs plus the rest of the Goyim.


La haine de l’homme blanc est le moteur idéologique de la jui…erie international.

Chris Gr

Western Europe has lower birth rates, however, African people are not bad.


This is accurate. The Western oligarchy and its brainwashed supporters are the ones foolishly charging into a war they won’t win. Many others are opposed to massive spending of tax dollars on a far-flung proxy war, while the people face debt, inflation, and high cost-of-living.

Much depends on the operator, to the average person, a stick or just a broomstick is just that, a stick. To the warrior, it has potential as a weapon, especially if you tie a rock to one end or sharpen it. Old-school non whiz-bang artillery, is very effective if employed correctly with competent gun crews who are agile, nimble, and strongly disinclined to loiter in a given area for longer than it takes to fire 2-3 shells in rapid succession and then be promptly on their way to a new and undisclosed location. But, if you expect the stick to do your thinking, for you and neglect to train the operator, then your opponent will take it from you and beat you over the head with it or shove it in your eye socket and cause you to have much ouchie-hurtfulness, and probably succumb to your injury and die. Russia trains their soldiers well for a reason, so that they will win and not-die.

It has been hilarious to watch the nato-armed hohol run around chasing Geran with small-arms as their nasams and iris-t fail to hit them and their jet pilots are so unskilled they crash one plane for every two drones they down.

But i’m a dramatic reversal of their meme, it turned out to be nato who were 20 years behind in mil-tech.


Russia is really good at blowing stuff up


This KH-31-PD rokets will make possible a comparision between patrion and S-300… Until now, in almost one year, Ukraine still have a number of functional S-300 AA missles launchers, a something strange reality. We will see !


They are good at hitting Polish farmers with their S300.

Isser Harel

A world without Russia is a world of Racism and Genocide. If the satanists of nafo attack then launch everything and keep launching until their is nothing left. Whatever is left God can sort out. When confronted with overwhelming evil it’s better to take it all out. What will be, will be.


All Russian weapon systems outclass those of the Americans. America is tainted with great negativity, accumulated since its foundation, based on the deception and extermination of the Redskins. There is no hope for the United States, who observes, realizes that they are on a diving, unstoppable trajectory. Death is near. Wishes.

Peter Nowak

Isn’t it Anti-Radar? I thought radiation is the term for radioactivity.

opet ja

They should destroy all weapons before it reach the front or becomes operational. That means destruction on the Ukr border.

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