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MARCH 2025

Russian Lancet Drones Destroy Ukrainian Howitzers In Zaporozhye, Donetsk (Videos)

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Russian Lancet Drones Destroy Ukrainian Howitzers In Zaporozhye, Donetsk (Videos)

ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS

On January 19, 24 and 25, Russian sources released footage documenting recent strikes with Lancet Loitering munitions on howitzers of Kiev forces in the special military operation zone.

The strikes targeted a Soviet-made 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled 152 mm howitzer in an unspecified part of Zaporozhye, a Soviet-made Msta self-propelled 152 mm howitzers near the settlement of Ivanivka in Donetsk and an American-made M777 towed 155 mm howitzer in the settlement of Serebryanka in the same region.

The ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of Russia’s defense giant Kalashnikov Concern, produces two versions of the loitering munition, the Izdeliye-52 with an endurance of 40 minutes and a three-kilogram warhead and the larger Izdeliye-51 that has an endurance of an hour and is armed with a warhead weighting five kilograms.

Both versions are equipped with an electro-optical system that allows them to detect, track and lock on static and moving targets.

The Russian military expanded the use of Lancet loitering munitions against high-value equipment of Kiev forces in the last few months. As a result, dozens of Ukrainian self-propelled and towed howitzers were destroyed or damaged.

Ukraine have been struggling to counter the Lancet and other types of Russian loitering munitions, despite receiving many electronic warfare and air defense systems from its Western allies.



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Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Who cares Russia is still losing the War and that’s all that matters!


So why didn’t Ukraine take Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya is the rest of Kherson to the Crimean border? How difficult is the Ukrainian army to do all this to defeat Russia?

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

They don’t need to take Donetsk, how would would want to occupy Donetsk when they have virtually destroyed the entire city with Artillery Fire, let the Pathetic Russians have it! It’s going to bleed the Russians dry to rebuild Donetsk and every other City the Ukraine has shelled like in the LPR, oh wait a minute the broke Russians will never rebuild the cities, it will remain forever desolate!


Que mierda hablas si ya están terminando edificios de vivienda. Ucrania esta quebrada, es un pais fallido. Mira como estallaron los actos de corrupción en el gobierno y sus elites que hasta occidente, que lo sabia, esta escandalizada.

Si faccia meno seghe mentali


Do not confuse proud Donetzk with pitiful Detroit.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

There is nothing proud about the people of Donetsk, when reporters like Patrick Lancaster Interview them, they all are too scared to speak on camera, in fear of the Ukrainians seeing the interview and killing them. If the Russians are ever forced to retreat and it’s like this in many cities according to the interviews, that I have watched by people that are actually on the ground!

Also Donetsk residents appear to be totally ashamed that they ever believed in Russia! Those that do speak out say we never believed the War would have lasted so long, and because of it are now getting shelled even worse, all of them regret siding with Russia, Putin has let down the citizens of Donetsk!

Captain Hohol

That’s why Russia will not retreat, it would be a massacre of civilians in that area.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

So TRUE!!!!! The Russians win maybe a battle every once and a while, but the Ukrainians are thinking Strategically and winning the War, and Putin knows it, that’s why his face in every interview is Sad & Downcast and his voice is so Low! Russia has Lost, Ukraine will be the Afghanistan of the Russian Military!

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

They don’t need to take Donetsk, who in the world would want to occupy Donetsk, when they have virtually destroyed the entire city with Artillery Fire, let the Pathetic Russians have it! It’s going to bleed the Russians dry to rebuild Donetsk and every other City the Ukraine has shelled like in the LPR, oh wait a minute the broke Russians will never rebuild the cities, it will remain forever desolate!

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!
Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

who cares? Hmm, let me see… YOU CARE, as you are here 24/7 commenting and following. If you wouldn’t care about such GREAT NEWS, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. And no, Russia is NOT losing the war. In fact her territory became much bigger since the beginning of the SMO… and counting.


True. Perhaps his drug dealer started giving him more powerful stuff, and he is now living in a fairy tale land where reality and his opinion are polar opposites. To put is simply, he is wrong due to their inability to process real world information due to either a drug induced episode of hallucinations or due to a defect where they are not able to understand things before their very eyes. Also a factual reminder that several more settlements in Zaporozhye where liberated by the Russians today.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Okay braindead Pro-Putin guy and Russia is going to also declare Victory and Win the War tomorrow, get out of here, Russia Is Looking Like A Fool, and any objectives they capture,it’s only after the Ukrainians made them bleed for it for Months, Ukraine is winning the Battle of Attrition!


I think Cocainsky uses Methamphetamine during daytime because his agitated manner and cocain during night time.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Stop Lying!

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Stop Lying!!

Mexican American 🇲🇽

I see you’re butthurt.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Russia Has Lost the War everyone, so get over it already!

Ukretard world-view: a quarter of a million Russians running around four oblasts that used to be Ukrainian territory, having killed untold tens of thousands of Ukrainians, consitutes a Russian lossa and a Ukrainian win. How are you people not all dead from eating paint, or whatever it was that caused this widespread brain damage?


And here they started out with a huge military, trained by NATO and stocked with lots of free armaments. All a waste in the hands of black marketeers and idiots.

Ask the 200.000 dead ukro terrorists if they feel like they’re winning.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Ask Putin Sad, Downcast Face if you think Russia is actually winning!


No hace falta preguntarle, el sabe que asi es, tonto el que piense lo contrario

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Ask Putin Sad, Downcast Face if you think Russia is actually winning, hah!

Kev not Kiev

Nearly half a million at this time.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

So TRUE!!!!! The Russians win maybe a battle every once and a while, but the Ukrainians are thinking Strategically and winning the War, and Putin knows it, that’s why his face in every interview is Sad & Downcast and his voice is so Low! Russia has Lost, Ukraine will be the Afghanistan of the Russian Military!


Cuando estrenan esa pelicula? Ve al medico si crees lo que escribes.

Seghe mentali

writing such braindead bullshit must result in your payment as a hasbaratroll or you are consuming crack, but most likely both. hahahahaaa

Mexican American 🇲🇽

You know what those lancet drones pack quite a punch 👊, 3 per target would be overkill, and the last video see those fuckers run. RUN NAZIS RUN! RUSSIA 🇷🇺 #1!

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Lancet Drones destroy your fake Mexican-American butthole!


I’d they were smart they would use a smaller drone to strike the truck or ammunition stocks. That way the crew will have to walk back or be annihilated all together. Can’t have artillery without guns, crews and munitions

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

I have a Lancet drone for your fake Mexican-American Butthole!


Lancet warhead has size the same as US ‘s anti tank missile TOW.


Finally Ukraine is going to receive tanks from the west 🤣 now Russia is going to prove to the whole world what junk NATO has, and when Russia is done slapping Ukraine more together with those tanks, there will be no more excuses on why they are still losing so badly. NATO just killed their reputation with that move. Now the world watches

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Only thing that Russia is going to prove is that they are the biggest cowards of the 21st Century, I mean how many Redlines do you need to cross, before the Pathetic Russians actually do anything about it!

Psionists slaves of America

I heard larger Iranian made drones have been modified to conduct airstrikes using Lancet drones deeper inside Ukraine.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Russia has Lost the War everyone,so get over it!

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Even Gaylensky the coke addled Jew homo midget does not believe you!

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

Who cares the Ukrainians are Winning the War, and that’s all that matters!


lol you total moron. even the americunts confirm that ukros have now only 150.000 fighting able troops left and even with a new round of mobilisation they will get max. 100.000 more troops, but many of them over 50 year old. but they still loose daily 500-1000 kia, mia and pow, so even a total moron like you can count down that latest till this years end the ukros will be smashed totaly.

Isser Harel

Zelensky fights for the gloryhole of deep penetration in old man european showers while picking up the soap.

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

So does Putin

US and UK have been killing and genocides 6 millionof innocent peoples in the Middle East.


That last video was cool as F*** Way to go Russia, Destroy NATO shit

Putin Is Looking Like A Fool, I Mean Really!

The video was about as cool as your face is!


Every so called “wonder weapon”, “Game changer” that are sent to Ukraine by the sodomite west are getting destroyed easily by the Russians. The only wonder weapon that the wasted west has is lies and propaganda.


The Ukronazis and USA,CIA handlers were dug in from the last 9 years but are steadily being bled dry and extracted. Many a propaganda in the mud, such as, Western might, pedophile support, covid, etc….


The last video remember Close Combat. 20 years later and now i can say that was the best strategic game ever.

Kev not Kiev

Have to give credit to the aimer/pilots, they’ve figured out the best angles to hit the hardware, attacking the munitiin loading equipment on the M777, or the ammo hold on the rear left side of the turrets on the mobile artillery units, to excellent effect.

AM Hants

How many of us are looking forward to seeing Russia take out all those tanks and toys Ukraine are expecting? Well, the ones that Ukraine have not already sold.

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