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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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The Russian-led forces are aimed at surrounding the Ukrainian grouping deployed in the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk region in the Luhansk People’s Republic. Despite the recent successes on several front-lines in the region, the Russian and LPR military are stuck in the town of Bilohorivka located to the west of Severodonetsk.

The joint forces continue unsuccessful attempts to cross the river of Seversky Donets and gain a foothold on the left bank. According to Ukrainian military sources, 5 attempts of Russian forces to cross the river were thwarted.

The Russian-led forces attempted to establish at least three pontoon crossings from 7 to 11 May, which were destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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As a result of the shelling, the Russian-led units suffered heavy losses. According to the drone footage from the spot, 73 units of Russian equipment were destroyed, including:

  • 38 infantry fighting vehicles;
  • 4 armored personnel carriers;
  • 6 T-72 tanks;
  • 3 trucks ;
  • 4 MT-LB (fully amphibious auxiliary armored tracked vehicles);
  • 2 boats;
  • 5 machines for the construction of pontoon crossings;
  • 1 armoured recovery vehicles;
  • 9 other armoured fighting vehicles.
Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Russian-Led Forces Suffer Heavy Losses Attempting To Cross River In Bilohorivka, LPR (Photos)

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Meanwhile, LPR forces with support of Russian units including the Special Force reportedly launched an assault on the city of Severodonetsk. The Allied forces are advancing from three directions from the north. Clashes broke out on the outskirts.

During the retreat of the AFU, the bridge between Rubezhny and Severodonetsk was blown up. At the same time, the roads leading to Lisichansk are almost under the Russian fire control. Fierce battles are going on in Belogorovka and Shepilovo. LPR forces are storming Privolye. The offensive from Popasnaya continues in the direction of Kamyshevakha. There are battles for control over the villages of Orekhovo and Toshkovo.


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John Doe

There is no evidence this is Russian equipment. I’m not opposed to the possibility, but stating this as fact is disingenuous.


Position of the buildings and HV power poles (direction of wires) do not match the google map. Not sure where these pictures have been taken from. There was an attempts for AFU to cross the river near Izuim (from west through the forest), but I could not find it on googlemaps as well. I have no clue where these pictures have been taken from.

Who knows it might be again the AFU snake island crap


Last edited 2 years ago by good4u
Red Admiral


Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

ask Clyde, Yuri Pumpy academy, and the rest of the maxi morons, they sure will have an explanatin for this 😂

Where are they though? 🤔🤡


Mental gymnastics of vatniks

Your bitch tears taste like heaven

Vyshyvanka, and what kind of gymnastics do you have – onanism?


Your bitch tears taste like heaven

Maxi moron, do you believe in ukropropaganda again?


Cock Pol

Well, this is an explanation of a neutral source. I myself don’t know what to think about it. But I think you are crying victory too soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKX1MKW5wjE


I think I found the area on google maps, search for Baza Vidpochynku “Svitanok”. You will see the power line towers on the west side matching. Also some buildings on east side of river.


I was looking exactly at this spot. On the footage from drone there was no “corner” on the powerlines on north side and the buildings in last photo of this article do not match buildings on the google map.

The https://twitter.com/DefenceU Ukrop defense has only 4 pictures. Maybe this post is collection of different events.

It’s quite possible that Russian blew up the hardware when retreating because the pontoon was blown up and just swam over the river

Holms Jen

Reality, Russian army lost a battalion of armor in a day due to incompetence. Nothing more, nothing less.


It is interesting that they flood men and weapons again and again to same spot to be blown up. They did it in winter war and they have done it on kherson airfield, snake island etc…


the aerial pictures published by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry show that about half of the destroyed vehicles are BMP-1 with the original small one man turret and the stubby 73 mm gun. Russia is said to no longer have these. All its active service BMP-1 are said to have been upgraded and now have different turrets with 30 mm machine cannons with longer rifles.

Russia is a burned paper tiger


NATO is a cowardly paper tiger

What are you mumbling there? Are you a cow?


José Oliveira

“According to Ukrainian military sources”

Have you ever seen such carnage without a single crater on the ground?

I guess the image editors forgot that detail…

And burned vehicles under trees with green leafs?

About the “5 attempts”, wouldn’t the 1st one be enough to fail, identify enemy positions, and use artillery and aviation to clear the path so that the 2nd attempt was successful and not done under heavy fire?

Or is this image, if real, more like what it looks like when you have no air superiority, inferior arrillery, and are trying to escape heavy shelling?

But didn’t the Ukrainian sources said Russia had a problem while advancing?

And isn’t Russian advancing slower in order to minimize casualties?

Ukraine is always the first to post videos of victories filmed in real time, but with such a “victory” and so many attempts, it’s only capable of showing still images of the aftermath?

Looking at the images again, where are the bodies?

Weaker vehicles are almost full, but tanks are so destroyed that the turret is missing?

So many inconsistencies.

Holms Jen

Oh stop with the copium please. There are no incosistenices, this was work of Ukrainian HIMARS using anti armor rockets, of course there are no craters. There are no bodies too since all those that survived got the fuck out of vehicles and ran away. Tanks are the only one getting turret blown away, because external hits ignite the whole ammo in the tank, which is directly under the turret, and the turret goes off killing whole crew. Russian tanks are notorious for this, due to their auto-loading system below the turret.


Please do continue with JFK assassination mystery and Jimmy Hoffa´s disappearance. Pulitzer awaits you. Or Nebula.

José Oliveira

Am I to be convinced that a well prepared army that advances everyday in Donbass and hits targets all over Ukraine, got hit like that 5 times in a row, without a single successful attempt to destroy the Ukrainians with the ATGMs on the other side of the river? The same Ukrainian army that, near Kiev, wasn’t even capable of hitting a 60 Km column of standard transportation trucks that were stopped in the middle of the road?

I’m just making the questions. I thank for those who really try to answer. This is either fake, or a huge fail of Russian army, or a Ukrainian defeat turned into inverse-flag propaganda (like the chopper images in Snake Island), or the greatest achievement ever since the 300 Spartans in the Thermopylae…

Curiously, these images appear after the huge fail of Snake Island operation, and after the total fall of Popasnaya and Rubehznoe, and those 1000 troops besieged near a dam, and the beginning of the end of Severodonetsk, and the end of the end of Azovstal after UN+RedCross took the last human shields out of that hole, and the Ukrainian women protests against the mobilization of more cannon fodder, and the desperation of cutting gas from Europe, and Biden talking about stealing the grain (because those 33 billions won’t pay for themselves…), and the recent criticism against Macron’s diplomacy.

The way I see it, this could all be over before it started: Minsk peace agreements, Donetsk and Lugansk with more autonomy, neutrality, and denazification. Instead, Zelenksy chose the meat grinder for his people, to become such a corrupt dictator that makes Yanukovych almost look decent, to completely lose Donbass, Zaporoje, Kherson, and who knows what else…

All this just so Zelensky could avoid losing his own neck at the hands of Banderist pigs, in the name of a black and red hyper-selective memory that smells NeoNazi all over the place, just to thank for Victoria’s no longer secret 5 billions, etc.

Ukraine could have been a country, a democracy, a place that decently remembers the past. Yanukovych could have negotiated better terms with the EU. Ukrainians could have elected someone else. USA’s plan to destabilize Russia by financing NeoNazis and ultimately destroying the country could have been avoided. The people that burned in Odessa could have been alive. The Donbass war could have never happened. Crimea could still be Ukrainian territory.

Instead, Kiev+rest of Galicia chose all this stupidity. And if these images are true, they claim “victory”… Einstein was right, human stupidity really is the only infinite thing alongside the Universe.


I like your post, but about that “Ukrainians could have elected someone else”… dont fool yourself. In this era only money matter, democracy is only an instrument in the hand of the powerfull. With money you can pay politician, and others. the ucrainian voters are not to be blamed that much… And also: USA is the real winner in the ucrainian crisis contest: USA managed to distance EU from RUSSIA. A close relationship between the two would have been a serious treath to USA dominance. But the paid morons who govern EU have made a big favour to USA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Daniele
Jean Paul France

Stop fucking whining, it could have been this, it could have been that. I am pro-Russian but I hate cowards and whiners like you.

Jack bauer

At this point Russia should destroy Ukraine and erase it from the map. There can be no reconciliation with these people anymore. Give a bit back to Poland and a bit back to Hungary and drive the people who want to remain Ukrainian there. Let the rest rot in the nato countries that have been arming and promoting this war. The vast majority should be annexed and incorporated into Russia and never returned, as Ukraine is a fake modern country anyhow. There should be a depopulated border zone filled with mines to prevent anyone from nato from infiltrating back over the border. Russia should hurry up and take the gloves off. There is no reason to prolong this brother war on behalf of globohomo khazarians.

Russia is a burned paper tiger


NATO is a cowardly paper tiger

What are you mumbling there? Are you a cow?



yeah man, Southfront turned and now sell you western (ukrainian propaganda news and fakes…face it :D


There is video of this incident and also additional photos which show the crater marks

It’s just not posted here in this small news article from South front on the event.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kyum
Holms Jen


Mariupol was 100% liberated

Is this winning?

Ukrainian Nazi

No, it’s the Russians who have inflicted losses on us again.

Russia is a burned paper tiger


NATO is a cowardly paper tiger

What are you mumbling there? Are you a cow?



AFU has crossed the river a week ago. This one is further east.

jon jerry

You Russian puppets here remind me of those Nazi supporters who where chanting military victories in 1945, when everything was about to collapse. “No, no those are not our losses, they are the one losing”

Ideologic indoctrination is indeed a bad thing for the mind :)


Thank you God4u for that link on by a Ukrainian propaganda news outlet. Thumbs up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron

I think so. Those pictures are old and very stupid to me. The Russian army has decimated Ukraine’s special operation on Snake island with US and UK assistance. And all of the sudden Russian armies are losing what, a stupid joke


Ukraine has show videos of Russian military getting wiped out in Snake Island. Russia has shown 0 on her side, but as usual claims huge-huge losses by Ukrainian side, which according to Russian MoD data, by now Ukraine should not even have an army :)

Russian propaganda is pathetic at best, If you want to learn the losses of Ukraine , just divide by 10 whatever you hear by Russian MoD, and I’m being generous by dividing just by ten :)


I saw several outlets debuking this story.


There has to be something wrong with attempting to cross the river 5 times at the same place and expecting better results.

don' t worry

I feel sad, looking at these pictures. I wish it were not russian tanks and bmps. But it’s not always going in the direction that only one side takes a heavy hit.

Tom Bombastadillo

If it is in the least bit true the Western MSM will trumpet it loudly. So we’ll see. It would be nice if Southfront told us how it happened.

Nato is laughing at you

hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa omg denial is unreal

I can tell you how it happened if you ask really nicely 😘

THE WHOLE WORLD is laughing at NATO


Again, Ukrainians are passing off their losses as Russian. Listening to your lies again? No need, you’ve heard enough already!

jon jerry

Kiev, Khrakiev, Moskova – 2 months of humiliations for Russia, the world is laughing at your corrupted military guys.

But hey, I heard that the big unsinkable Moskova cruiser is still alive, the Russians fake its sinking to use it as a secrets weapon against Nato airplane carriers, muaaaaaa :)

Russia is a burned paper tiger


NATO is a cowardly paper tiger

What are you mumbling there? Are you a cow?



looks like a screw up above officer grade. ukies do get the odd tactical victory in here and there, I’m hearing this is legit with 50 dead and 30 injured. Its war, this kind of thing happens so you learn and move on. this in no way effects the direction of the War in this part of Ukraine is moving but for those crying to have all bridges knocked out you will have to deal with this in return. Artillery can reach across rivers and with US intelligence on the satellite game occasional losses will have to be borne.


Russia are the hope of all of us who do not want the satanic great reset during this WWIII. Iran has to come in and China too because Russia is fighting against one third of our world, their resources, manpower, officers, technology and witchery too. The presence of Jesus in the tabernacle in the form of the bread, how could a tabernacle of GOLD, be stolen and emptied and left, in America outside a burger joint, if not done for satanic sacrifice and rituals? Russia is fighting against NATO and the Nazis of Ukraine against the forces of hell. Time to pray and ask for St Michael the Archangel, all of the saints and Holy Angels, the Holy Mother, St Joseph and the Holy Trinity to come to our aid. It is also time to stop the sacrifice of unborn babies, the atrocities against young children, the drinking of their blood, all sexual perversions and amend our lives because we want to fight against evil and DECEPTION itself.

azov bunch of emo rejects

It hurts, but these were part of group O, you can see the markings on a few vehicles not destroyed, No. 30, 32, 33…


Seems O markings are for Belarus units

azov bunch of emo rejects

From what I have gathered, Group O doesn’t operate in the frontline. They operate in captured areas, hunting small pockets of resistances, search & destroy(or capture) enemy stashes and clear minefields.

So I don’t entirely trust this report.

Holms Jen

Group O is operating on the frontlines, wtf? They are marked O for special forces, they also use tanks, APCs and artillery, parts of the group O were praised when Popasnaya felt into Russian control for their frontline job, and they often joing frontline engagement to help Z and V groups for various tasks, like in this case: https://t.me/DonbassDevushka/5318

Russia is a burned paper tiger


NATO is a cowardly paper tiger

What are you lowing there? Are you a cow?


Tom Bombastadillo

If you zoom in all the way you can see a white O on #30 and #33.

azov bunch of emo rejects

Those who have crossed the river are all parked on each side of the road so if this is legit, there is a very good chance those guys might have ran away from the blasts into the woods.

Holms Jen

He can’t because he is in denial. He only sees Ukrainian pixels and T64BVs.


If they wrote this as Ukrainian equipment, you would believe it immediately without question.

Holms Jen

Tbh, the same goes for the other side. How many times Oryx passed captured then destroyed Russian equipment as new Russian losses, or just an image of BMP doors that is out of context and location. Plus the obviously photoshop images in Oryx as well. And on twitter accounts, it is in human nature to believe in their bias.


Agreed, I looked at every single wreck as large as I can on my 50″ and still couldn’t see one single Identifier, like the Z or V. Also, it looks old and with 70+ targets, you’d think you’d see at least one painted identifier. Like you I’m not saying these aren’t, but I want more than the Ukranazis MoD before I’ll believe it.

Nato is laughing at you

Yesterday Russian MOD reported that they had destroyed 73 armoured vehicles hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa

same bs with snake island, ukrainian also lost 4 boats 3 helis and 30 planes all destroyed with bayraktars and Ukra MOD realising footage of it

only idiots buy that


THE WHOLE WORLD is laughing at NATO

So you’re an idiot and bought into ukropropaganda.


Holms Jen

Because it is an O sign, oh my…. You have multiple vehicles with that sign being visible, BMP 30 and 33 being the most obvious ones.


Look even closer, these are not all destroyed wrecks. As is the case with war, it is always at least half lie. Regardless, forging a river with a pontoon bridge near a front line makes it vulnerable. If it didn’t then rivers wouldn’t be the natural defensive barrier they are. There is danger in forging the river then there is danger for establishing the sizable enough bridgehead. UAF has artillery and rockets and drones and they will be getting eye in the sky intel from US. They are capable of doing damage when in a vulnerable operation. This is likely to happen again. The result of this (probably at best half what is being said) is unlikely to make a difference in the big strategic picture.


It’s not Russian, the vehicles have no signs. BTW, tanks can drive through water if it’s not too deep even if they submerge. They just have to cover openings and also use an air-duct. This has been done decades ago like that. For the last few days I have seen some footage of Russian strikes at river pontoons. Clearly Ukies tied to flank some Russian position by trying to cross rivers. Best is to wait and see. This info is being spread by Ukraine military anyway. They have been caught lying about anything.

Muhammad your Prophet

Look closer. Beneath all that scrap metal you cam see the words that say Made in Russia.


Now that is clearly a lie. You so full of it. Dream on like you did with ghost of Kiev and Snake Island. Ukies lie constantly about their colossal losses. Nothing new here.

Holms Jen

Vehicles have clear O signs, at least the one that didn’t caught the fire, it is on the images, and I would post zoomed out version here in comments but can’t since SF banned that option. How blind and in denial you are. And no, Ukrainian military was caught lying about some things, not about anything. Or is Moskva still sailing Right? And Russian troops are still pounding Kyiv from the ground right?


Of course you can’t show anything in here … how pathetic. There are no signs, this was clearly just another failure of Ukies. They loose around 500 men per day. No wonder they try so sell anything as their victory even when it is their own defeat. You Ukie fanboys apparently still believe in ghost of Kiev. What a joke. You are so pathetic, you jump on every topic and deny it by branding it as a Ukrainian victory even when then show you piles of Ukie corpses.

Nato is laughing at you


THE WHOLE WORLD is laughing at NATO



Just as I thought. No facts, only meaningless copy & paste. You loose again.

Russia is a burned paper tiger


NATO is a cowardly paper tiger

What are you lowing there? Are you a cow?


Azov is not an Ukraine sea

Some are destroyed and some are intact…I bet that destroyed is in fact Ukraine vehicles that was protecting the river..

Nato is laughing at you


THE WHOLE WORLD is laughing at NATO


Porc halal

… and the whole univers as well


There is evidence of the Putinyahoo whore brigades denials and butthurts 🙈🙉


Even if it is, where are videos from drones? They observed/filmed the attack, they filmed afterwards. Why photos only?

They can be easily manipulated, I could digitally add half of these vehicles, CIA can do it perfectly in 5 seconds.

azov bunch of emo rejects

You make a good point, they have to have footage if this is authentic.

Nato is laughing at you

do you really want to see it?

Holms Jen

Oh my dyde, like the video is on UAWepons tracker, just go there the first thing you will see is the video.

Nato is laughing at you

If you ask really nicely i can provide that 😉


Denial is not only located in eygpt

Holms Jen

There is very strong evidence, in terms of Russian “O” marks very visible especially on BMP 30 and 33, plus all T72 tanks are T72Bs. Also, all pro-Russian channels have accepted this loss, so you can stop being deluded, and accept that Russian army is losing.

Dr. Watson

On the BMP 30 and 33, these are the same round holes as on the rest of the Armored Vehicles. Ukrainians have been seizing damaged or abandoned Russian tanks for a long time. Give me links to these pro-Russian TV channels.


I agree. I am wary of everyone of Ukrainian claims because they are lying so much. I would not be surprised to find out that it instead are blown up Ukranian forces as this has happened often enough.

Nato is laughing at you

Yesterday Russian MOD reported that they had destroyed 73 armoured vehicles hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa

same bs with snake island, ukrainian also lost 4 boats 3 helis and 30 planes all destroyed with bayraktars and Ukra MOD realising footage of it

only idiots buy that


Muhammad your Prophet

Cry baby

Nato is laughing at you


Mariupol was 100% liberated

Is this winning?


Considering the brutish are spinning it like crazy, it is indeed fake news. There are drone footages but no photo near the destroyed equipment!?!

Russians always show plenty of photos, very detailed and with clear identification marks.

Vlad the imposter

Likely LPR militia. Russians are mainly providing fire support while the militias are the ones in contact with the enemy. From the postings on Telegram it looks like Russian special forces are active as well but it’s mostly the DPR, LPR, Chechen and Tuvan militias on the pointy end.


Winston Churchill (1944): ”I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the German army.”

Russian soldiers will return to the front and win victory for us all even if they suffer 10 more defeats like this one. They will learn and step forward bravely while AFU and the White West can only stand up to civilians.


Yes, the ‘Z’ markings are not apparent on any of the vehicles that I can see.

It’s all very suspicious, in my opinion.

It would not be the first time that the Ukies have faked reality.


It seems to me those the pictures are old or perhaps fake. I know or even more, people know. West is fabricating fake news and narratives about the Ukraine war. It seems to me that the west doesn’t want to lose this conflict of interest no matter what


Closer examination of the vehicles have shown that the majority of the vehicles were Ukrainian troop carriers. Sorry, just more fake news out of Ukraine.

Anne-Marie Suckling

Isn’t it according to Ukraine? Does not make sense, but, keeps the DM happy, who also shared it.


Annalyisis of the battle field proves you right. Almost all those vehicles in the yellow boxes were intact.

Force Recon

Just so much BS coming out on this fight. Putin is taking his time and is gathering evidence on the cabals activities in ukraine. When the time is right putin will release the evidence and it will not be pretty for American democrat politicians! Some if it is already coming out.


reply to john doe


Hmm, concur – can’t see the “Z” anywhere on equipment – most trees standing with greenery- no hundreds dead bodies on the ground – no impact “holes” anywhere – T72 w. the deep ford kit needs no pontoon to cross little river – AFU says 5times? – guess after the 1st failure – copters+ RAir Force + Smersh might eliminate AFU artillery positions – Russian & D/L Militias make mistakes and go “a village a week” – but this looks like another AFU staging ( well, Bucha was not enough), again not considering the details?


Where are the bodies? Normally there would be hundreds of bodies in a situation like this. Without bodies it could just be staged for Western media.


I did – not here – why?


There’s is truth about that’s the Russian equipment and yes the Ukrainians mostly use same equipment of the Russian . I don’t see why the Ukrainians wouldn’t use they destroy equipment as propaganda against the Russian and to boost they people and troops morals . I must saay that’s a small Lost but families are crying either ways.but in point of view of military commanders it’s a small Lost compare to the goal of what’s being for .

Lesco Brandon

True. They’ve done this in the past.

Nato is laughing at you

Yesterday Russian MOD reported that they had destroyed 73 armoured vehicles hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa

same bs with snake island, ukrainian also lost 4 boats 3 helis and 30 planes all destroyed with bayraktars and Ukra MOD realising footage of it

only idiots buy that


azov bunch of emo rejects

If you look at the vehicle No. 17, It’s doesn’t look like a t-72b3m, it doesn’t have the russian flat green paint, and it doesn’t have the ERA t-72b3m sports. It looks more like a t-64bv with the big pixels paint.

Russia is a burned paper tiger


Nato is laughing at you

hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa omg denial is unreal here

such idiots


I’m sure there will be lots of crowing from the Ukro-Nazi trolls over this one. The truth is though that while Russia has of course made some blunders and suffered some setbacks and tactical defeats, none of this fundamentally changes the overall outcome of the war. So go ahead and have your moment. Laugh and crow about this. But we’ll see who’s ultimately laughing when the UKR forces in the Donbass are inevitably completely crushed!

Tom Bombastadillo

Something smells, because I heard about this yesterday and Western MSM would be all over it like flies on sh**.


Yeah, I’ve seen in the other comments that there’s a lot of skepticism about this particular incident. I have no way of knowing one way or the other, not being there on the ground. But of course the UKR side has a long history of putting out straight up disinfo, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case here too!

Nato is laughing at you

smells like burned russian pigs



Russia is a burned paper tiger



at 3000 KIA every week at present Donbass army demolition is now just a cynical zelensky/US plan to get Russia to spend ammunition. war crimes against own troops. Hope Russia charge the junkie midget scum and try him in absentia.

Nato is laughing at you



Mariupol was 100% liberated

Is this winning?

Lesco Brandon

How do you know this is all Russian equipment? The Nazis have on numerous occasions passed off blown up Ukrainian equipment as Russian.


That’s true. Unless one’s there on the ground, it’s often difficult to know. There’s of course often a fog of war, and the UKR side routinely puts out blatant disinfo. I do appreciate that South Front, despite its more pro-Russia leaning, also reports on setbacks suffered by the Russian side – to do otherwise would be propaganda by omission. But do they sometimes get such reports wrong? I’m sure they do!


If they label this as destroyed Ukrainian equipment, you would not ask the same question.


The key difference is that (as far as I’m aware, and folks can correct me if I’m mistaken) there have thus far been no proven instances of the Russian side presenting destroyed Russian equipment as Ukrainian, whereas there have been NUMEROUS examples of the opposite happening. More broadly, I’m not aware of any proven direct lies by the Russian side….Of course the Russian MOD doesn’t highlight its own blunders and setbacks, so one could call this “propaganda by omission” or “lies of omission,” but in terms of directly stating untruths, I’m not aware of any which have been proven. So, objectively speaking, claims from the UKR side are deserving of greater skepticism.

Nato is laughing at you

Yesterday Russian MOD reported that they had destroyed 73 armoured vehicles hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa

same bs with snake island, ukrainian also lost 4 boats 3 helis and 30 planes all destroyed with bayraktars and Ukra MOD realising footage of it

And of course a minor fire on Moskva and is still being towed to Crimea

only idiots buy that


Tom Bombastadillo

And it could be some of both from battles past and present.

Russia is a burned paper tiger



They even tried to pass their own losses as Russian. Last example was Ukrainian failure retaking Snake Island. They passed the destruction of their helicopters as Russian. They are running out of time and loosing more and more ground, manpower and hardware.

Nato is laughing at you

omg hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please stop haahahahahahahahahahahaaha you are so funny, so sad is quite


You have clearly some sort of a total meltdown. I guess that is a good sign, when you can’t come up with anything remotely meaningful. Must be very embarrassing to loose every day in here like that :-) … I’m certainly very amused to see you coping so hard for any attention :-) Keep it coming, I’m still not finished with you :-)

Nato is laughing at you

Yesterday Russian MOD reported that they had destroyed 73 armoured vehicles hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaa

same bs with snake island, ukrainian also lost 4 boats 3 helis and 30 planes all destroyed with bayraktars and Ukra MOD realising footage of it

only idiots buy that


Russia is a burned paper tiger



Technika je označovana 4 krat…to znamena 73 delene 4..

Last edited 2 years ago by Saso

Why has there been no air support for Russian LPR units ? This Kiev regime remnants can easily be neutralised with the appropriate air support. Give the Russian and LPR units the required support they need.


Incompetence or they are out of planes or both


Russian army is a joke, generals are sending soldiers to death


no problem soon Gaddafis son win election so he help Russia

Holms Jen

Its tanks to Putin and Kremlin. They want to take all Ukraine using 1/3 of their active duty professionals. This is beyond ridiculous, to retake just one small part of Croatia called Kraina, Croats used the same size army that Russia is using in Ukraine, to fight and takeover that part from Serbian army. For comparison, Kraina is 1/3 of Donetsk.


You are right on this one. Plus – it wasnt Serbian army, it was only local militias (which were serbs) and with intel coop from US and Germany. On side note – it was complete ethnic cleansing – 70 years ago those local serbs were 35% of total pops of Croatia, now its around 3 or 4% (half of them killed during Hitler/ustase rule; the other half in civil war…) Real stuff to be proud of…


Belogorovka? They, or their command really needs to be more aware of live satellite imagery.

transport helis speed things up? show up with way more counter artillery, plus have drones find and laser designate nearby orcranian artillery before even showing up in large numbers


Denazification and demilitarization gone right


We need more vodkas, from Mariupol with love

Michigan Man

Isn t it strange that only after several days, when dozens of commentator here had already published information and pictures on this incident, which is an example of russian defeat and high-losses in men and material in Ukraine, slowly and lately also SF , while biting its lips nearly bloody, felt pressured to release some article about this incident too ?

What does that say about the honesty and SF’s will to portray the facts to its audience ? Obviously their policy is try to hide the truth as long as possible, and only give small portions away, if pressured and having no options left than to admit the truth. (often, like in this case, after days or even weeks of commentators already having posted information on the incidents with pictures, videos etc.).

Shouldn t it be the other way around (?) resp. that SF posts news, and then people come to the website to see and get that news ? Actually it currently seems to be the direct opposite. Commenator releasing news, photos, videos etc, and then days or even weeks later, after having brought just cheap russian propaganda articles, SF silentely and slowly admits to the real facts and then also publishes the truth.

At least they do, that’s good. But it is very obvious that SF is biased, bringing 5 time fake-news (or let’s call it: at least intentionally strongly pro-russian coloured news blown totally out of proportion) in which it sounds like Russia troops were already parading through Kiev and Brussels, when in fact they are nowhere even near central Ukraine, got heavily beaten and get beaten again and again and do not even manage to cross a small muddy east-ukrainian river in their 5th attempt. And still haven t manage to do so – but have already lost more armoured vehicles in that desperate try than the Ukraine forces have lost in their whole months-long defence of Mariupol.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

There is nothing easier that to spot a new fucking bridge over a river from a satellite It’s not like looking for a vehicle or a camouflaged position in a field. a bridge on a river stands out in sattelite photos like a sore thumb, and it won’t take long to spot it either It could even be found with a simple computer algorithm that looks for any interruption along the river With immediate intelligence and with the new howitzers Ukraine can quickly and accurately bring them down from a distance Either they have to build their bridges at a cloudy day or invent since kind of an invisible bridge that is hard to spot from above


do it like beavers. concrete, boulders, scrap, and logs. Use counter artillery on anything that attacks it and add more logs when it’s damaged.

Dick Von D'Astard

Looking more like ‘Sudden Strike’ video game pictures by the day.


This looks similar to the “Highway of Death” if it was shelling, they must have had every gun they had aimed at that spot, Almost like they knew where every vehicle was.


Considering the Ukrainians lie and over exaggerate the prowess, I’m skeptical that this is a completely accurate report. It does appear that a grouping of armor was hit at a water crossing but I see the remains of 2 ponton bridges, not 3. Also, the Ukranian artillery is not known for such precise accuracy, I suspect this has been an area of contention for both sides and the remains are from multiple battles.


This analysis shows why this is propaganda.





Very reckless decision, no UAVs to scout the area from possibly artillery fire ? no air support ? who came up with this idea should be dealt with.

José Oliveira

“According to Ukrainian military sources”

Have you ever seen such carnage without a single crater on the ground?

I guess the image editors forgot that detail…

And burned vehicles under trees with green leafs?

About the “5 attempts”, wouldn’t the 1st one be enough to fail, identify enemy positions, and use artillery and aviation to clear the path so that the 2nd attempt was successful and not done under heavy fire?

Or is this image, if real, more like what it looks like when you have no air superiority, inferior arrillery, and are trying to escape heavy shelling?

But didn’t the Ukrainian sources said Russia had a problem while advancing?

And isn’t Russian advancing slower in order to minimize casualties?

Ukraine is always the first to post videos of victories filmed in real time, but with such a “victory” and so many attempts, it’s only capable of showing still images of the aftermath?

Looking at the images again, where are the bodies?

Weaker vehicles are almost full, but tanks are so destroyed that the turret is missing?

So many inconsistencies.

The Saint

This is days-old news and most vehicles are Ukrainian which were destroyed in the strikes prior to the crossing.

The latest info is that Russian forces have crossed and control a bridgehead. There is still heavy fighting there since Ukraine are desperately trying to avoid the inevitable encirclement.

Ukraine are throwing huge numbers of men into the grinder for this hopeless cause, and they may have lost 2 battalions overnight.


Yes, I also saw the relevant information, the attack was carried out by the Russian army.

Last edited 2 years ago by aglio

Why in the world would you cross without flattening the opposite side with endless artillery/MLRS first? Seems UKROPS had tiny drones monitoring crossing the entire time and shelled it with tons of artillery/Grad as soon as they started crossing. That is why counter UAV needs to achieve superiority either by electronic warfare or shooting them down, before a pontoon crossing of this size. You can’t take a gamble like this against a large UKROP force with endless NATO/US recon support. Modern RU isn’t the soviet union, they don’t have tens of millions of endless troops to spare.

Last edited 2 years ago by Realistic
Yoni Reinon

This is a major blow, especially because of the stupid accumulation of material near the shore. It looks like the R have a problem to destroy the U artillery from the air. I dont think it is fake news. The R advance has been bogged down for a week. They seem to be ok holding the gained ground so far. But above all,Russia is refraining from using the cards it has to target the core of the empire. Why do they keep selling uranium to the US? Why are they still collaborating with the WHO? What about the gold backed ruble? The nationalization on enemy assets? They surely are not dupe or stupid. I reckon comprehensive negotiations are being held behind the curtain. No second phase offensive. No Novorussian ambitions. Forget about it. Russia is not making good use of the advantage they got. They are procastinating. Putin’s purge stopped half way.

Michigan Man

Because both sides – RU and US – are owned by jewist satanists. All your questions are automatically answered, if you realize this simple truth. Their aim is to make white christians (the West) fight white christians (from the East), and let them fight to total exhaustion and destruction, and make gigantic profits from that bloodbath, eradicate as much as possible christians by that scheme, and then the winner – which is only The Jews – can lend money to the defeated surviving desperate Christians, totally enslave them and start their total Jewish Surpremacy World Dictatorship NWO/JWO.

Are you too stupid to see this simple thing !??? Open your eyes man !! That’s the facts ! Everything else is jewish propaganda (western or eastern / jew-USA or jew-RU, jew stays jew .. is that too hard to grasp for you !!???).

I hope not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

It is fake news. It was posted on twatter and was debunked yesterday. It was again a total failure on the Ukrainian part.


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !




Russian Army is on the ground , no more hope for them , save your life and run russian boys

Robert Bruce

Russians really need to get serious and get this thing over with. This war was billed as an existential threat, and it seems like a nice slow stroll through the park. I expect that in the next phase at some point, but morale has to be flagging with Russian troops. Buying time for something stupid to happen that leads to nuclear war isn’t a good idea.


Another indication Russia strategy and military is weak and unprepared fight major bottle. The operation in UA will show weaknesses of Russia military


So where are videos from drones? They observed/filmed the attack, they filmed afterwards. Why photos only?

They can be easily manipulated, I could digitally add half of these vehicles. CIA can edit it perfectly in 5 seconds.

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