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MARCH 2025

Russian-supplied ‘Smerch’ Heavy Multiple Launch Rocket Systems Support Government Advance Near Palmyra (Photos)

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Two Russian-supplied ‘Smerch’ (Translation: Whirlwind) heavy multiple rocket launchers have been spotted in Syria. According to local sources, the heavy multiple rocket launchers support the ongoing government advance against ISIS terrorists in the countryside of Palmyra.

Some sources speculate that the systems are operated by Russian servicemen. However, most likely the crews are Syrian and are assisted by Russian military advisers.

The Smerch heavy multiple rocket launcher has a firing range up to 90 km (depending on the warehead) and is desiged to destroy personnel and armored vehicles as well as artillery pieces, command posts and ammunition depots.

Russian-supplied 'Smerch' Heavy Multiple Launch Rocket Systems Support Government Advance Near Palmyra (Photos)

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Russian-supplied 'Smerch' Heavy Multiple Launch Rocket Systems Support Government Advance Near Palmyra (Photos)

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Julius Meinel

These are some of the most potent weapons used in the Syrian war( along with the TOS thermobaric missile launcher); having a half dozen of these systems corroborated with the use of real time data transmission from drones or spotters obviates the use of attack helicopters and bombers which is both dangerous and more costly in terms of human losses should they be shot down. They should have employed drones in combination with reactive artillery long ago on a large scale; the war could have been over by now had the Syrian had the means to make massive use of these systems. And their losses would have been minimal. The jihadist would have had nothing in their arsenal to counter at a distance of 25km to 90km;


Russia has been very mindful of only escalating the weaponry used in this conflict in response to the US actions. The SAA competence in using and protecting such weapons has also taken time to achieve in all of the military disciplines. The last thing the SAA needs is for such weapons systems to be captured by the US proxy terrorists.

The US has attacked weak nations for so many decades now that their military forgot Newtons Law that ‘ Every action has a reaction ‘.

Joe Doe

I agree, many of the SAA units have the tendency to leave the military hardware and run. Therefore, Russia has to think which unit should the the advanced military hardware


a major advantage of the Smerch, 90 km is well beyond front lines the

Smerch has been seen almost 2 years at the front lines doing its job https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-OPCt5wuMg

John Whitehot

I remember this vid, although i’m not entirely sure it’s a Smerch counterbattery mission.


It is the flamethrower!


This is a tos-1 strike, looks different



Its an MLRS delivering cluster munitions, might be a BM-27 Uragan as I think the Smerch has a 20km minimum range, doesnt look like those rockets are firing from 20 klicks out

John Whitehot

I’m curious on how would you say from which distance those rockets are fired. You don’t even see em coming, there’s only submunitions going off.


Indeed this has been a well measured roll out. Invaluable experience for both Russia and Syria.



Turkey shoots down a jet, Russia brings in S-400. US brings in HIMARS, the Russians brings in Smerch.


Russia always has the better answer :)))


Thegr8rambino “…Russia always has the better answer :)))…”

Which is Putin’s 2017 Kosher cherry on top: The Syrian Military is stretched fighting the same battles over and over whilst trying to regain the same areas.

Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, etc etc.

Chris Saunders

It’s usually like this buddy in a long protracted counter insurgency war. Look at the Spanish Civil War, Korean War, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan etc


Chris Saunders “…It’s usually like this buddy in a long protracted counter insurgency war….”

Like this, a country that put its trust in Putin – Russia in 2010:

Syria: Russia did not protect Syria in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Jan to Oct 2015.

As a result: Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.


Every single Syria related South Front article and see same comments from you. Russia is not responsible for Syria, nor the calculated NATO/GCC war on Syria. Your demeanor is always of an entitled and ungrateful child – you perceive Putin to have failed to comply to your demands, based entirely on your perceived reality, without any recourse to other larger realities.


Bob Your ideas and opinions are the height of gross stupidity.

The reality is there are steady 2010 TV newsreels of Syrians cheering Lavrov in Damascus, with lots of buntings, flowers, men, women and kids flag waving celebrating their new Russian promise to “Protect Syria”.

The so called Russian “Protection” turned out to be minimal in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 Jan to September, and from Jan 2017 to present which caused Syria to be over run by the Israeli controlled US led “Terror Axis”, Terrorists.

As a result Putin – Russia allowed Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan in Syria: Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

Now Putin – Russia plan is to prevent the Iran, Iraq, Syria oil and gas pipeline and continue to allow Israeli controlled, US led Terrorists to roam around Syria.

And Putin’s 2017 Kosher cherry on top: The Syrian Military is stretched fighting the same battles over and over whilst trying to regain major cities, examples:

Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, Aleppo v1, Aleppo v2, etc etc.

Reports shows IS are still embedded and fighting in Damascus area / region (July 2017) Hama area / region (June 2017) Homs area / region (June 2017) Aleppo area / region (June 2017) Palmyra area / region (June 2017)

Over 50% of Syria remains to be retaken by the Syrian Government: Deraa Al Tanf Deir Ez Zor Raqqa Idlib etc

The US has established a 55 km No Go Zone around Al Tanf. The US has established a No Go Zone around Raqqa There will be more US No Go Zones that will be established in Syria.

Israel freely attacks Syrian military in Quneitra, Damascus, Palmyra, etc. Syria Shayrat airbase attacked by US Missiles Syrian Air Force jet is shot down near Raqqa Syrian military Al Tanf convoys x 3 are wiped out. Etc Etc

Chris Saunders

It’s just a lot more complex to send your military to fight overseas in this modern age. Russia clearly doesn’t have the force projection capabilities that the US has and no other country has them either. There is also the problem of the Russian population, many of whom still bear the emotional and physical scars of the defeat in Afghanistan, which, btw, was the final straw on the camel’s back for the Soviet Union. Financial / economic costs also come into play. The fear of being drawn into an open-ended conflict is a major factor. The US tends to jump into wars relatively easily, but then finds extrication a problem. So you really cannot say that Russia should have done this, or Iran should have done that. It’s really not that simplistic and there is much more to it. .

Justin Ryan

JESUS, just say it dude! Say u hate Russia and Syria! Go ahead, get it off ur chest, ill feel better! By the way, Russia did not need to protect Syria until the Kiev coup happened! It was clear they were planning to block Russian pipes and run new pipes through Syria! Russia came into aid Syria when they needed it most! And guess what??? they are winning!

Do u know who else comes into wars late? The USA! WW1 and WW2! Late, very late! In fact so late they lost fuck all compared to the nations at war yet they took all the winning and profited their asses off!

Maybe Russia was doing what the USA do! Maybe they let the country get fucked up a bit! Then come in when they are needed, get all they want (permanent bases, rebuilding contracts etc etc)

Come in late and u are rewarded just like the USA were rewarded with an empire after ww2 because before then it was the British empire!

How do u like them apples u little bitch??


Justin Ryan “…Say u hate Russia and Syria!…”

Have great love for Syria and respect for Mr Assad who unfortunately fell into the Russian trap to protect Syria starting in 2010.

As a result, Syria has 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

Justin Ryan

So because Russia didnt come in fast enough to aid Syria that is ur reason for disliking Russia! What about Iran in that case? Do u dislike the USA for their little efforts against ISIS in Syria and for their weapons ending up in al-nusra hands? Do u dislike Israel for offering these forces (ISIS, FSA and al-nusra) Medical and hospital assistance? Keep in mind, ISIS didnt really kick off until 2014! Sure they begun maybe 18 months before that but it was not until then that Russia decided to enter!


Justin Ryan “…What about Iran in that case?…”

Iran also came in late to help Syria militarily which was a strategic blunder. Iran also needs to step up and send more troops to Syria.

However Iran has been financing Syria economically and in hard US$ cash for Russian arms supplied to Syria.

“…Do u dislike the USA for their little efforts…”

The “Terror Axis” is controlled by Israel and led by the US with “No costs spared Terrorist financing” from countries like Saudi, Qatar, UK, France, NATO, Turkey, , etc,

These countries are unlawful facilitators of Terrorism in Syria and other countries by financing, arming and training terrorists as well as oil and weapons trafficking and trading with terrorists.

“…Keep in mind, ISIS didnt really kick off until 2014! …”

You are living in your own fantasy world as have very large volume of factual data starting in 2010 prior and onward plus US / UK / newsreels from 2011 showing the support and rise of the “Terror Axis” Terrorism in a big way.

Justin Ryan

I know it started back in 2010 but back then NOBODY was doing shit about it! In fact Gaddafi of Lybia didnt die until 2011 (murdered by al-quieda) And in Lybia, ISIS didnt take off until 2012!

The rebels started back in 2010 sure but ISIS did not start until at least 2012 and were at their peak in 2014! Russia Entered in August 2015!

What do u think of America entering into ww1 and ww2 so late?


Justin Ryan “..What do u think of America entering into ww1 and ww2 so late?…”

Before my time.

Regarding Syria, as soon as territory was being lost, Iran should have been W A R – Willing Able and Ready to step in.

The Neoconservatives who are predominantly Khazar will eventually destroy the Russian Federation so it can be looted and plundered.

Chris Saunders

I really do wish that you would be willing, able and ready to just step out of this forum and leave us all alone, you frickin’ time waster Ukrainian..


Chris Saunders You have to learn to accept facts unless you are able to counter them, which you are not able to.

Both Russia and Iran left it too late to give proper military assistance when it was necessary to do so which is why Syria was overrun by Terrorists.

Chris Saunders

You can’t just send “troops” to fight and bleed and die in a foreign land buddy. It’s not that simple. The iranians who would be fighting would have families and lives of their own in their own country. This is the main reason why Iran formed and trained Shia Militias and volunteers from the caucasus, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq to fight the Tafkiris instead. These are mostly younger men who have a burning ideology and passion to motivate them to fight in Syria against an ideological enemy..


Chris Saunders With all the excuses you come up with its no surprise:

Syria is going according to Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan, Putin – Russia has allowed war, conflict and chaos in Syria with the following results as at September 2015.

Syria 500,000 plus killed, 1.9 Million injured, 6 Million displaced refugees,

Syrian life expectancy has dropped from 70.5 years in 2010 to an estimated 55.4 years in 2015.

Syrian Infrastructure destroyed, Syrian economy trashed.

Syrian oil production dropped from 400,000 B/D to 8,000 B/D, there is hope this will rise, the latest figure is not known.

Syria was a very large exporter of Phosphates in 2010, currently zero exports.

This war has already cost Syria approx US$650 Billion in lost economic growth and could cost Syria nearly US$1.3 Trillion in lost economic growth by 2020.

Chris Saunders

So exactly what are you trying to suggest Russia should have done bud? If you can spare a minute from your own personal battle of the couch to the refrigerator, please enlighten us.


Chris Saunders “…So exactly what are you trying to suggest Russia should have done bud?…”

First of all your opinions are those of an Ass braying at a failed seaside resort., LoL:)))

Putin is a slave of Israel and is more dishonest and malicious than his Khazar masters that he serves by implementing the Oded Yinon Plan in Syria.

Because of the Iran – Iraq – Syria to Oil and Gas pipeline to Turkey and EU, both Syria and Iran are Geopolitical threats to Putin and these two countries will be fully crushed and destroyed by 2025.

Keren Walters

For some reason you have a deep hatred for Russia. Are you Ukrainian? Ranting on with infantile comments ruins this comments forum for other readers who have mature and informative comments to make. How do you find the time to spend on so many ridiculous comments? You must be a lazy welfare parasite. . .


Keren Walters

You are writing nonsense.

The only reason Putin – Russia is in Syria is to prevent the Saudi oil and gas pipeline which requires Mr Assad to be kept in power.

Its better for Mr Assad to resign, go into exile so Syria can be spared continues loss of life, death, injury, infrastructure destruction and trashed economy.

Keren Walters

OK, so now the real More is starting to show his ugly face .. because what you are espousing is exactly the Zionist agenda for Syria. It will leave Syria a broken, divided multi-warlord state similar to Libya. This is exactly what Israel wants, because then the lifeline to Southern Lebanon would be broken, enhancing Israeli hegemony over the region. Go back to Israel, settler!


Keren Walters “…starting to show his ugly face…” >>> You looked in the mirror and wrote what you saw, LoL:)))

Thanks to Putin, Syria is now a broken state.

The Syrian military do not have full control or any control over the following area:

1. Al Tanf 2. Deraa 3. Idlib 4. Raqqa 5. Deir Ez Zor 6. Aleppo region 7. Homs region 8. Palmyra area 9. Hama region 10. Damascus area 11. Golan

Chris Saunders

Russian trap to protect Syria? What on earth are you rambling on about peanut?


Chris Saunders Open your eyes and read before engaging your brain to keyboard.

In 2010 Russia promised to protect Syria.

Have recorded lots of steady 2010 TV newsreels of Syrians cheering jolly Uncle Lavrov in Damascus, with lots of buntings, flowers and kids flag waving celebrating their new Russian promise to “Protect”.

The so called Russian “Protection” turned out to be minimal in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 Jan to September.

This is the reason why Syria was over run by the Israeli controlled US led “Terror Axis”, Terrorists.

Chris Saunders

I appreciate your point buddy, but it’s not quite so simple. There are many factors at play here. Russia couldn’t just jump into the war in Syria. They needed time to see where things were going and what the opposition was doing, where the war was heading. Add to this the Russian voters and what they want and the logistical requirements and you have a not-so-simple situation requiring caution and strategic forethought. Russians move slowly because they don’t move or act on impulse.


In the past yes maybe but now, we go all the way to complete victory :)))


Thegr8rambino “…we go all the way to complete victory :)))…”

We all hope so this is our common goal to retake all of Syria.


Inshallah we will :)))

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US is not dropping anymore bombs on the SAA which makes a huge difference. Trump ordered the CIA and the military to stop funding their proxy groups FSA . The US/FSA in the south will be without support now also the FSA is no longer part of the SDF, now if the CIA doesn’t listen then heads will roll and he will say “Your Fired!” .


Terra Cotta Woolpuller The US may have pulled back from fueling the Terrorists in Syria.

The “Terror Axis” is like the multi headed serpent, the Hydra, one head stops, the others will still continue.

Saudis continue the “Terrorist Conveyor Belt” with logistics, financing, arming and training of terrorists sent into Syria.

Facts: The UK refuses to publish report on Saudi Arabia funding of Terrorism http://www.newsweek.com/uk-report-terror-saudi-arabia-public-finding-618508

U.S. support for Saudi Arabia tough to explain for top State Department official http://www.newsweek.com/state-department-official-struggle-us-support-saudi-arabia-618327

Justin Ryan

Homs v1 is before Russian intervention! Since then they started winning! U know this! Palmyra v1 (is 2016 dummy) Palmyra v2 is the mobile ISIS units using what we believe to be Intelligence info! Also lets be honest, the SAA were stretched on multiple fronts fighting ISIS, FSA, Al-nusra, who were all backed by Saudi, Turkey, USA, Israel But still they re-took it and are winning CLEARLY! Al-tanf was dependent also on there PMU and USA. To be honest, it seems to me that the Al-tanf attack was a dummy attack ignorer to cut of Forces further East which was a success!

I feel like I countered all u said! Oh yeah, I think u are a fuck head too!


Justin Ryan “…Oh yeah, I think u are a fuck head too!…”

You looked in the mirror and decided to write about yourself, LoL:)))

What you have proved is the Syrian Military is fighting the same battles over and over as it is unable to hold on to regained positions.

You also left out Putin’s Kosher Cherry on Top:

Russia allowed approx 4500 terrorists fully trained, armed and equipped to drive unhindered across the desert from Mosul region into Syria in December 2016.

The 4500 convoy of terrorists would have used approx 800 vehicles, “Pickup Trucks”, 6 terrorists per truck.

Not one single truck was targeted whatsoever.by the Russian Air Group whilst the Terrorist convoy drove across approx 250+ Km of highway with no checkpoints and captured Arak, T3, Palmyra city, etc.

Justin Ryan

So the USA allowed this convoy to travel from Mosul is what u are really saying! Right? U just have it in for Russia! I explained why they re-fought each territory but u didnt listen did u! u dont wanna learn u just wanna win! ill repeat it so u can learn!

“Homs v1 is before Russian intervention! Since then they started winning! U know this! Palmyra v1 (is 2016 dummy) Palmyra v2 is the mobile ISIS units using what we believe to be Intelligence info! Also lets be honest, the SAA were stretched on multiple fronts fighting ISIS, FSA, Al-nusra, who were all backed by Saudi, Turkey, USA, Israel But still they re-took it and are winning CLEARLY! Al-tanf was dependent also on there PMU and USA. To be honest, it seems to me that the Al-tanf attack was a dummy attack ignorer to cut of Forces further East which was a success!”


Given that most of the war since the Russian presence in Syria has been urban, these weapons were not needed, as the war front moved eastwards and is being fought in desert, their application is efficient and effective since they can do more damage than aircraft dropped bombs.


Yes, very perceptive and good analysis :))


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They are waiting for them to run and then hammer them!

John Whitehot

US proxy terrorist would not be able to use those systems because of lack of training and above all, lack of munition and spare parts. In addition, they would be targeted by airstrikes as soon as they’d pop out of their hiding places.


I would assume that within the ranks of terror there are men who served in the ranks of Soviet era satellites such as Georgia who may have the training and failing that there are the Ukranian’s who actually use these weapons . I am sure that Poroshenko would be more that happy to supply trained crews in exchange for US cash and weapons.


FlorianGeyer “… ‘ Every action has a reaction ‘….”

Which is the Syrian Military is fighting the same battles over and over.

Report is on 19 July 2017, Syrian Military is still fighting and has not captured Palmyra.

Putin’s 2017 Kosher cherry on top: The Syrian Military is stretched fighting the same battles over and over whilst trying to regain major cities, examples:

Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, etc etc.


@ More I can see that the SAA is really in need of your expert assault unit from ‘Call of Duty’. You would have won the war in a swift series of amazing attacks and have still been home in time for a pizza. Your on line military training is world renown and you are a hero who is a legend in his own mind.


lol I literally laughed at this :DDD


FlorianGeyer You obviously love Putin’s Kosher whining and dining.

It still comes down to the Syrian Military is fighting the same battles over and over.

John Whitehot

“It still comes down to the Syrian Military is fighting the same battles over and over.”

Must be this week slogan for the zionist-fundamentalist-neoconnish-CIAukropik alliance.

Wonder if it came up in some garage in Lvov with the help of some methanol-induced stupor.


John Whitehot “…Wonder if it came up in some garage in Lvov with the help of some methanol-induced stupor….”

The fact is you love Kosher whining and dining, LoL:)))

Everything you write is about you, you, you as you are a typical Hasbara troll who cannot post on the Judaic Sabbath.

John Whitehot


you’re the typical ukrop-junta troll trying to convince neonazis that “Putin is a jew” because if they get who really are the jews McCain is gonna put a boot up your ass.


John Whitehot Whichever way the cookie crumbles you still love Kosher whining, LoL:)))

Justin Ryan

I agree! But for some strange reason, I have a feeling that Russia only releases equipment to the Syrian army depending on what Syria can afford because I believe Russia is running on a strict budget! I think that at some point in time Russia has told the Syrian army that the more gas and oil reservoirs u retake, the more equipment we can supply to u (weapons for oil and gas). Lets be honest, wars cost money! If u are going to aid one side of a war, its important to know that u will be paid for ur assistance because winning is not always guaranteed! Sure Russia has its own personal interests in this war but they also have an economy to run themselves. whilst sanctions exist with low oil prices, I’m sure Russia is feeling the burn! This is just some weird thought I have but it kind of makes sense to me!

John Whitehot

you should have seen the massive amount of crap the US sent to Ukraine as aid pack before talking strict budgets.

Hummers with flat (or expended) tires, missing doors and glass, bullet holes covered with tape and god knows what kind of surprises on the insides. By your logic the US budget is even stricter.

Western propaganda bullshit where everybody’s “broke” but them, this shit’s been around for year and folks still haven’t opened their eyes. The level of endebtment of the US and all the NATO countries makes every assumption on other countries budget ridiculous.


The Syrians have had this artillery system since before the war and the particular unit shown in the photo has about 25 years of rust and faded paint so I suspect it’s Syrian equipment not Russian. Iraq, Kuwait, Ukraine and the UAE all have this MLRS system so I’m sure the USA are well acquainted with it ….. not that it’s top secret technology anyway …… besides the Russian’s have already fielded it’s replacement in the 9A52-2 Tornado.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US had used EW to block all communications in the area ask yourself why they provided apaches with jamming devices to cloak this convoy. You could say this information came from the horses mouth in the US military.

Joe Doe

Better late than not at all. I hope SAA will use the system to full potential


Me too :))


Would be awesome if they had actual terminators like from the movies lol


However, the coordination, planning and right supporting is still lacking. The Syria generals are not at all excellent.


A dozen of these Smerch heavy launchers would pulverize any enemy defenses over 700 hectares, using a variety of submunitions. Whatever ends up surviving is cleaned up by Terminators and tanks that roll through the area.


beautiful vision. Hope we will see nice films on youtube.


That would make a good Hollywood action war movie, except US does not have anything comparable.


Haha me too, in full HD 1080p or even better :)))


Jesus “…Terminators …”

The BMP-T72 are only for in Syria for evaluation purposes and are controlled by the Russians.

As mentioned so many times, the Syrian Military is fighting the same battles over and over.


Yes I know the Terminators will be crewed by Russians, they can do a combined arms application involving Smerchs, T-90’s and Terminators. Regarding the other matter, you sound like a broken record.


Jesus You are so Gung Ho in fantasy, the Russians will not put their BMP-T72 in harms way, it will never be used in combat.


Your logic is decrepit, how can a Terminator be evalued if not involved in actual combat? Maybe it is a possible prelude of what Smerch (or equivalent), with T72B3 and T90 and Terminators would do to NATO positions in eastern and Central Europe.

Yes, Terminators will be involved in combined arms operations.


Jesus “…how can a Terminator be evalued if not involved in actual combat?…”

The T. will be tested vigorously far from any combat.


Well theres no need for it to be in Syria then so why is it there?


Kell Syria is the show ground for selling Russian weapons all over the world.


Why bring it to Syria, could this weapon not be tested Russia using 3D virtual reality?


Jesus “…Why bring it to Syria, could this weapon not be tested Russia using 3D virtual reality?…”

1. Syria is the show ground for selling Russian weapons all over the world.

2. You need to post factual reports showing the BMP-T72 in actual combat duties.

3. The following areas remain to be retaken by the Syrian Military so you need to show the T. has been successfully tested in real battle in:

Deraa Al Tanf Deir Ez Zor Raqqa Idlib etc


You make our point for us, very good.


Lol, bringing the Terminator is Syria automatically validates combat proficiencies outlined by the manufacturer? The Terminator will be used in a combined arms scenario in the Deir Ezzor and Homs province.


Jesus Of the places you posted name the ones which are under the control of the Syrian Military.

List in number order:: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. etc.

davey price

What is your point? the US had to retake falujah, and several other cities, the difference is the syrians now free off east aleppo and its countryside, will find winning the war now much easier as the large towns have been retaken and troop numbers easier to mobilise as they secure the highways the mechanized division always regarded highly as syrias best fighting force will have a field Day killing Rats in the east of syria Idlib is fairly flat too so if the Rats aint shot each other to fcuk the mec. DIVISION and air support will have easy victories the race is on to secure poickets of rats cut of from supply lines before RAQQA falls wonder what happens to these areas when the Arabs return to there homes?



davey price “…What is your point?…” You are out of touch. The Syrian Military keeps fighting for the same areas over and over.


Thy were overstretched and could not maintain their liberated areas. However, the new ‘protected’ zones had freed 1000s of SAA and allied fighters. It’s almost over and Daesh is being redeployed to Afghanistan to take on the CIS countries, China, Russia and Iran (even Pakistan). Training in Iraq and Syria is over!


abel_kotze Thank you for your assessment.

You need to consider where the protected zones are. They are on the borders of Syria with countries who are the “Terror Axis”.

These Protected Zones will be used by the “Terror Axis” to breakout from Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and launch an all out attack on Damascus, a stab in the heart of Syria causing the Syrian Military to be overwhelmed.


oo wow what a BIG NASTY BUSTARD. Hope it will plough the ISIS scum. Burn them baby!

Kristy Rain

Shit got REAL! There won’t be anything left but carbonized remains ♡ How fitting for these Jihadi scum

John Whitehot

these weapons are known to have caused some serious casualties and shock among the west/turkish moderate rebels back in Chechnya. Wonder if some of the ragheads in Syria remember what is like to be on the receiving end of those rockets.


John Whitehot The fact remains, all of Palmyra area has still not been “liberated” after it was captured for the second time by IS.

John Whitehot

one year ago you would had said that Aleppo still was not liberated completely.

Solomon Krupacek

also today is still not liberates completely.

John Whitehot

you are lying. The city is liberated from sharia-imposing terrorists and their homosexual fire-brigade white helmets. There are videos and pictures of kids going to Christian masses and playing in pools, and those are really encouraging signs.

As for the province, all is playing into the SA hands.


John Whitehot Why was Palmyra allowed to fall a second time?

Reason: Putin – Russia allowed it to happen as Palmyra is on the New Silk Road and the proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

Russia allowed approx 4500 terrorists fully trained, armed and equipped to drive unhindered across the desert from Mosul region into Syria in December 2016.

The 4500 convoy of terrorists would have used approx 800 vehicles, “Pickup Trucks”, 6 terrorists per truck.

Not one single truck was targeted whatsoever.by the Russian Air Group whilst the Terrorist convoy drove across approx 250+ Km of highway with no checkpoints and captured Arak, T3, Palmyra city, etc.

This indicates that the Russian Military is allowing terrorists to freely control areas and regions in Syria.

John Whitehot

lolololol, so since it’s on the “silk road” it’s logical to make it fall a second time?? Having secured it once wasn’t enough?? Omg.

So when is ISIS going to retake Palmyra once again? the Silk Road needs another recapture.

You are a born comedian, i suggest you to leave those dusty premises and start answering auditions for those jewish-made hollywood idiotic comedies. You’ll be in the money LoLs.


John Whitehot “…start answering auditions for those jewish-made hollywood idiotic comedies…”

You have an obsession with the J word and you may as well put your Kippa on to hide the bald patch on your head, LoL:)))

Plus you failed to mention Russia is trying to prevent the proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

And you are unable to challenge facts.

Facts: Russia allowed approx 4500 terrorists fully trained, armed and equipped to drive unhindered across the desert from Mosul region into Syria in December 2016.

The 4500 convoy of terrorists would have used approx 800 vehicles, “Pickup Trucks”, 6 terrorists per truck.

Not one single truck was targeted whatsoever.by the Russian Air Group whilst the Terrorist convoy drove across approx 250+ Km of highway with no checkpoints and captured Arak, T3, Palmyra city, etc.

John Whitehot

yet your facts are outdated:

Fact – Those 4500 terrorists with an X number of vehicles are now dead. They weren’t destroyed by the USAF the RAF,or even less by the Ukrainian Air Force – they were destroyed by the legitimate Syrian government with the help of the Russians.

Besides, Daesh was still strong after some tens of thousands of american bombs, one could say it was unscathed, when Russia started bombing it in 2015.

And in the end, your doing your employers a disservice in lingering in something that not only happened months ago, and has already been more than reversed as of now – you are even sound as being celebrating ISIS “victories”, because of your mission to attack Russia.

As for pipe/oillines passing through Cyprus to the EU – I’ve never heard anything about that, but one thing’s for sure: as an european I’d never prefer spending 50% more for gasoline and 25% more on other goods because EU imports its energy from the US through Poland, Lithuania or who-the-fuck-else.


John Whitehot You really are not “Brain of Europe”, that’s for sure, LoL:)))

The IS terrorists should have been dealt with by the Russian Air Force en route to Palmyra. This was not done. As a result the Syrian Military has been fighting IS in Palmyra v2 since Dec 2016.

Thus the Syrian Military has to keep fighting the same battles over and over.

Russia prevents the Iran – Iraq – Syria – Cyprus – EU pipeline which if built the consumers in the EU would pay a lot less for their energy.


John Whitehot And to add once again, the Syrian Military have to keep fighting the same battles over and over.


Oh he’s been to Neo-con meme war school lol – pitty it doesnt really work unless someone is arguing on a 9th grade level which few here are.


Hahahaha yes that is the kind of face SAA should put on their soldiers to hide their identity, its also a helpful reminder to the rats that SAA men and weaponry will be the death of them :)))


Awesome! It’s time to send DAESH to hell. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0418e04de83bd99390ddd621846affa92b31df07a7ba3caa885c69f62bfe5ab.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

nice tubes for turkish stream


Report is on 19 July 2017, Syrian Military is still fighting and has not captured Palmyra.

Still this could be useful equipment provided it works and can target IS positions.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem is Palmyra is a mountainous terrain very difficult to use Choppers and airstrikes making CAS null in the area because of the terrain. The terrain can be filled with hidden tunnels and checking every rat hole is very integral in this type of warfare . Terrain means you need to adapt tactics each time differently. Why the going is slow and tedious and CAS is not as effective in this kind of terrain.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller There are two factors, one that you mention and the other which is that Palmyra was deliberately allowed by the Russians to be overrun by IS in Dec 2016..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Russia had no troops available there they were already conducting other ops , and that had to do with Syria Politicians playing Generals and they were playing politics with each other .


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Russia has plenty of Military resources available including troops who polish their boots daily and equipment which sits idle gathering dust or getting polished without being used.

Russian Troops were not required only the Russian Air Force and Syrian Air Force.

Everyone watching BBC TV and Sky TV news in the UK were being informed every day, many times a day that IS would be fleeing from Mosul into Syria at least 10 days before the event.

Russia allowed approx 4500 terrorists fully trained, armed and equipped to drive unhindered across the desert from Mosul region into Syria in December 2016.

The 4500 convoy of terrorists would have used approx 800 vehicles, “Pickup Trucks”, 6 terrorists per truck.

Not one single truck was targeted whatsoever.by the Russian Air Group whilst the Terrorist convoy drove across approx 250+ Km of highway with no checkpoints and captured Arak, T3, Palmyra city, etc.

This indicates that the Russian Military is allowing terrorists to freely control areas and regions in Syria.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US used EW to block all communications from Mosul to Taqba region how come you didn’t realize this was the case .


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…how come you didn’t realize this was the case…”

Have this information from 3rd / 4th hand posts but there is no proof of this and it has not been substantiated.

What about Drone surveillance ?

What about 250+ Km of Highway with no Checkpoints ?

What about Intelligence gathering ?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This information came from military sources who at times talk without thinking .


Terra Cotta Woolpuller Could you post the link ?


So what is ur solution?


Thegr8rambino “…So what is ur solution?…”

Instead of 1 million plus IRGs polishing their boots daily in Iran.

Send in 250,000 IRGs and keep hold of every city, town, village and settlement, farm, road, etc.


why arent they doing that? maybe IRGC are meant to defend the homeland. i heard quds forces are the ones who operate outside of the country


Thegr8rambino The Quds Force is just the name of unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, therefore the term IRGs is valid.

There is no need for 1 million plus Iranian Military personnel of whatever badge to sit in Iran polishing their boots. 250,000 should be sent to Syria to protect it from Terrorists.

If Syria falls, both Iran and Hezbollah will eventually fall or decline or be defeated.


No, the Quds force is an elite branch of the IRGC that exclusively operates outside the country only. They are in Syria and under the command of major general qasem soleimani


Thegr8rambino >>> Always trying to sweat little things. Bottom-line: 250,000 Iranian Military people are required in Syria to hold all the gained positions and help defeat Terrorists.


Why does it have to be Iranians why not Russians too?


Thegr8rambino “…Why does it have to be Iranians why not Russians too?…”

The Russians have shown an unwillingness to engage in active combat duties.

It is in Iran’s interest to save and protect Syria.

Geopolitically, Syria and Iraq are important to Iran for reasons such as economic cooperation for the future Iran – Iraq – Syria Oil and Gas Pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

In addition Syria – Iraq – Iran are important in the route for China’s New Silk Road economic and trade powerhouse


So why Iran is not doing this? And how do u propose to get them to?


Thegr8rambino You make out that you know about Quds, the Major General Qasem, etc. so you get in touch with them and post the answer.


I know of them, I dont know him personally, although I wish I did lol


Thegr8rambino Everyone on this Readers Forum that you are 5 Star General so you don’t need to know Major General Qasem, he should know you ! LoL:)))


Hahahdhaha yes thank you !!! :DDD

John Whitehot

so your juden friends will start WW3 and you hohols will celebrate having a part in it? lololol.


John Whitehot You love Kosher whining and dining, HaHaHa :))) Take a look in your mirror, you’ll see your Kippah has slipped, LoL:)))

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