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MARCH 2025

Russian Major-General Died, Two Servicemen Injured In Roadside Blast In Syria

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Russian Major-General Died, Two Servicemen Injured In Roadside Blast In Syria

Major-General Vyacheslav Gladkih

A Russian major-general was killed and two service members were injured in Syria on August 18 after vehicles they were traveling in were hit by an improvised explosive device (IED) in the province of Deir Ezzor, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported.

“As a result of the explosion, three Russian servicemen were injured. During evacuation and while receiving medical assistant, a senior Russian military advisor wit hthe rank of major-general died from the serious injuries sustained,” the military said.

The incident took place near the At-Taim oil field, about 15 km outside the city of Deir Ezzor, with the Russian convoy said to have been hit while returning from a humanitarian action.

The killed major-general was identified as Vyacheslav Gladkih. He served as Deputy Commander of the 36th Combined-Arms Army. In Syria, he was serving as an adviser to the Syrian Arab Army.

Recently, ISIS significantly increased the number of attacks on Syrian pro-government forces in the provinces of Homs and Deir Ezzor. The terrorist group is especially active near the cities of Deir Ezzor and Mayadin. It could be suggested that the group of the Russian advisers was there to discuss the current situation in the area with its Syrian counterparts.

The previous major incident involving high-ranking Russian casualties happend in Deir Ezzor province on September 23, 2017. Russian Lieutenant General Valery Asapov died as a result of ISIS shelling near Deir Ezzor city.

Russian Major-General Died, Two Servicemen Injured In Roadside Blast In Syria

FILE PHOTO: Lieutenant General Valery Asapov. Source: TASS

Asapov was at the Syrian checkpoint when it was bombarded by ISIS forces. Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation reports that Lieutenant General Asapov was helping the Syrian forces command the Deir ez-Zor liberation campaign, when he had been lethally wounded in a sudden ISIS attack.


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Jens Holm

The best long time investment for Syrians seemes to be planting trees for coffins:(

Lone Ranger

Nope. The best investement is to genocide CIAisis and mossadisis inside Syria.

Jens Holm

I wish You luck

Lone Ranger


Fog of War

This wasn’t done by ISIS. This is an obvious SF hit on a high ranking Russian. Of course Putin will not retaliate in kind.


OFC it can be a ISIS operation, how could you, me or anyone know at this point? It can be ISIS, other Jihadis, a turkish, US, or who ever operation. But this is ISIS territory, and ISIS definitly has been identified for being responsible for the surge in such incidents in the area. There are by far the most likely culprit.

Though i too am not so certain if Putin will retaliate on the high level this attack demands. We will see.

If it was ISIS, then the fault also partly lies with the SAA, Iran and Russia’s lack of attention to the ISIS in the desert region and Deir Ezzor. It has been over 2 years, and the pocket is still an easy hideout, with not enough action against it. Same as Daara is still a mess of “reconciled” “former” FSA gangs that regulary kill SAA and gov supporter.

Surely the US presence in Al Tanf helps ISIS, and the ability to hide in SDF and Iraq and cross the border fast. And yes they hide between locals, and in caves. But this is not enough to explain the even growing capabilities of ISIS in the region. Sadly it had to come to this death sooner or later. May his sacrifice force the needed attention to the ISIS problem. RIP.

Servet Köseoğlu

Turks doesnt have any connection with the area where the incident happened(deyr-ez-zor)..ı can assure that…


While i dont think it has anything to do with your country, and think ISIS is most likely, i (or you) can not 100% rule out a operation by your MIT.

Again, i dont think it is likely, but i included it to make it clear to Fog of war that anything is possible and nothing proven at this point.

In this war IMHO we know nearly nothing for sure. Such a mess of competing intelligence service operation, psy-ops, and diplomatic meddling like in Syria has not been seen since the cold war.

I think even as a head of MIT or CIA or GRU you often stay in the dark.. ;)

Servet Köseoğlu

sdf freed hundreds of isis members from prisons…ı would put my 5 coin to this assumption. Us using proxy sdf proxy using isis.. a very simple equation…Golden rule:Fighting for the people who runs the world gets you stabbed in the back. You fight the wars they start and feed .You kill the monsters they create.You die from handling depleted uranium while they get rich on oil. Syrian civil war is absolutely madness,chaos. Who will manage the chaos we’ll see…but west is a paranoid to the point of delusion and the weapons they got at their disposal..Thats a serious problem.


Yeah, the former ISIS and now SDF fighters are becoming a problem now for the Kurds, together with the Arab tribes they come from. A problem IMHO stemming largly from their arrogance towards those Arabs, and their delusional political leadership.

Madness, chaos, exactly. In 2016 i had hoped by 2020 we would see the end of it. Now i believe we will see at least half a decade more, if not several decades of further chaos and archaic violence. Lets hope i am wrong.

Fog of War

” OFC it can be a ISIS operation, how could you, me or anyone know at this point? It can be ISIS, other Jihadis, a turkish, US, or who ever operation. ” Because a high value target got hit. If this was an ISIS op it definitely occurred with Zio satellite help and planning. This has happened to many times before to the Russian and Iranians.

Harry Smith

It could be a coincidence as well.

Fog of War

The most amazing coincidences happen in favor of the ZioEmpire. Its almost like they have divine support. Or its not a coincidence, you pick.

Jens Holm

Russia and Israel are “non enemies” for many years. Its barking madness Israel and for that matter any zionist should do such thing at all.

Fog of War

Of course they are. very, very good friends .



You can say this is likely to some degree, and with that i would be fully with you. But at this point that is all we can say. We can have a hypothesis and it may be likely to some degree. But we can say nothing of certainty. Like Harry Smoth said, it could be a coincidence. Or not. We are just seeing what the players in this game want us to see. It maybe true, a lie, propaganda, or anything in between. But certainty is nothing we watchers from far away can have, without military and intelligence clearences. And even with those clearences, we can never be 100% sure. All we can do is judge all possibilities for their likelyness, with the very limited knowledge we have.

There were at least 1500 different militant groups fighting against Assad on the heigt of the war. And the scene is still a mess of actors, who change their alleigance more often than their underwear.. Without state level military and intelligence resources, best we can is judge all possibilities. And hope the information we get is correct, and our judgement as close to reality as possible.. That is sad but true, for this war even more than any other in history.. Propaganda has never been more extreme and reporting never so biased.

Fog of War

” But certainty is nothing we watchers from far away can have, without military and intelligence clearences. And even with those clearences, we can never be 100% sure. ”

No disrespect, but that is silly talk as that kind of logic can be applied to almost any topic. Of course we dont 100%, but we have logic, precendence, the Zio’s own threats, and a quick pattern of events. I think I’ll stick with my theory.

Jens Holm

Thats no silly talk. You with no hesitation as usual pin point the most unlike ones in the whole ME against Russia.

A minimum – as SteLe writes – must be information by a link or a hint of indications or at least.a reason.

You give none of that. You just copuyvat Yourself again and again as some retarded parrot, which dont like zionist.


Nothing against sticking to your theory, we all must stick to what we find most likely. Just believing in something beyond any doubt, without having any real measure of certainty is what i spoke against. Meaning to have an open mind still, even though one has a reasonable theory. This war and its media and info war sadly leaves no other realistic chance.

Bill Wilson

Don’t forget that Assad bussed ISIS fighters and their families to that desert region. Assad also has been paying ISIS protection money to leave alone the oil and gas pipelines that run thru that region. As ISIS collapsed, their best and brightest went underground with a shitload of cash that ensures their receiving continued support from the locals.


Yeah, very good points you mentioned. With the current economic crisis in Syria+Lebanon those thugs like ISIS with big $ are having even bigger power over the population. Also corrupting local conscript SAA or other pro Gov forces with this money seems to be another big advantage.


He Bussed them to Idlib so they were all concentrated in one big rats nest where they could be incinerated all at once,that incineration was stopped by a stupid ceasefire.

Jens Holm

You should tell why thats not ISIS. I would say its 90% for ISIS as well as 95% for not SDFs.


Looks like a pin point mortar attack,that takes trained Men not some retarded terrorist,this was probably a US military mortar team.

Servet Köseoğlu

Rip..handsome man…war is disgusting…


Well, it’s got to be ackowledged that unlike the global Ziocorporate terrorist centers of power in US/EU generals, Russian generals go out to the killing fields knowing that US/ISIS working mostly covertly together to keep Syria a bloody mess.

Meanwhile, Putin’s on the phone with Rothschild boytoy wanker banker Macron and Merkel trying to increase Russia exports to EU without losing Belarus in the process. I’ts a fucking bad joke.

AM Hants

Do you expect President Putin to be on the frontline in Syria, instead of leading an 11 time zone nation?

How many assassination attempts has President Putin personally experienced? Including when they took out MH17, when mistaking it for the Russian President’s plane?

Then you had his time working in the field as a KGB analysis.

Remind me, but, what experience, like the Major General do most politicians have?



You need to read better, because I was comparing Russian generals to Ziowestern generals, not expecting “Putin to be on the frontline in Syria”. That’s a problem with people who think they represent Putin or whoever power figure they adore more than Putin or whoever represents you or any of his fanboys, so blinded trying to justify his sympathies for Ziocorporate terrorist globalism somehow you don’t even read well and understand what you’re responding to.

If you want to celebrate that he was at the phone with Macron and Merkel, it’s your problem.

AM Hants

Putin Fanboys – you are working hard for that Shadow Gate bonus. How many times do you have to mention it in a comment to hit target?


Putin is Zionist and you just love it.

Tudor Miron

Don’t even bother replying to this stupidity (or mot likely deliberate anti Russian trolling), Anna Maria.


Great, ’cause it seems you lot are about to start calling everyone not conforming with Putin fanboyism “Hitler” and scream “Holohoax never again”. Better stay quiet.

AM Hants

Hi stranger, I hope you are well? I seriously should not feed the Shadow Gate trolls, but, sometimes habits are hard to break.

Tudor Miron

Hi Anna Maria, I am well but extremely busy with racing seasons which started late because of covid madness. Authorities are trying to squeeze same number of championship rounds into much titer schedule and we find ourselves in constant travel from one track to another.

AM Hants

Good luck, all the best and I hope the trophies make it worthwhile.

Ralph London

I hope you are ok, Anne-Marie.

AM Hants

Hi Ralph, I am fine. Hope all is well with you.

Ralph London

Not really. I got my transit visa to go to the DPR, but they won’t let me cross the border. ((( Not even Russians can cross, unless they have got residence there and/or next-of-kin.

AM Hants

Is it Ukraine that is causing the problem? Hope you get back asap and do wish the DPR well. Take care.

Ralph London

AM, no, I haven’t left London. The DPR doesn’t let in anybody now, other than next of kin and SOME Russians, even most of the latter is blocked.

AM Hants

Interesting, in many ways. Plus, curious.

Lux et Veritas

Putin has proved to be a dud, Russia needs an honest leadership.


Putin leaves in the same manner as Stalin. He stole too much. He’s assassinated too many.


Who still believe MH-17 was mistaken for Vlad’s Presidential aircraft? You and a few hundred others?

Odd, Anne.


Only a fool would think that Putler was flying over Ukraine after Russia invaded Ukraine. lol

Ralph London

You’re an ignorant shit, to put it politely.


And you are a big dummy! And calling someone sh*t is not polite. Not even for the Russians.

Ralph London

Until you stop talking shit, I’ll call you shit. And I’m not Russian.


Oh shaddup, Walphie. You’re a poow widdle Wussian. Call me s**t if it makes you feel like you’re finally a man. I’d poop on your face.


11 time zone nation? lol that’s the stupidest thing I’ve read today, and I’ve read Trump’s Twitter feed. lol


Lebanon Officials have been Payed of by ISRAEL to divert the Real cause of THE BEIRUT EXPLOSION

Jens Holm

And it hit You:)

Concrete Mike

Where is the 150 tons of diesel fuel and the 3 tons of tnt initiator charges?

You dumbasses dont know shit about explosives.

You cant even answer me. You probably never even seen anfo in your life!

Bill Wilson

Neither do you!

Concrete Mike

Right so ive never seen explosives.

4 years of shaft mining, 4 years at a quarry producing aggregates for construction, ive never seen or used explosives…

Shut the fuck up stupid gate keeper. I have actual life experience, not am arts degree like your eurotrash chum.

What have you done in your career?

Bill Wilson

Amazing! AN burns before it explodes! You were handling manufactured explosives at the mining operations. I was a painting contractor for 30 years where my crews took precautions to prevent the ignition of combustible aerosol mists produced by spray applications since that shit could detonate like a bomb, killing them and setting the structure on fire. Also had to train them about non-compatible cleaning chemicals we had on the trucks.. Some bad mixes produced a poisonous gas while others produced an explosive gas. Before that I was a small aircraft mechanic and millwright at a basic steel plant working on the blast furnaces and coke ovens. I had to fly in the aircraft before the owner did after major repairs were done. That gave us mechanics a very good incentive to pay attention to what we were doing. I already did that from my experience at the steel plants where a minor screw-up could cause a massive explosion.


Hey, I’m a mechanic too.

It doesn’t matter, though.

I don’t need to be an astronaut to know the Earth is a sphere, and I don’t need to be an “explosives expert” to know that ammonium nitrate has explosive potential on it’s own.

There’s a lot of commenters on this site who are some kinda self-proclaimed “explosives experts” who think AN doesn’t explode, one of them even said that Beirut got attacked by a 600 kiloton nuke… then basically said I was some kinda MSM sheeple because I didn’t believe it.,.. LOL

There’s a good chance that some of these “explosives experts” probably glow in the dark, iffn you know what I mean.

Concrete Mike

6 kiloton nuke would be a closer approximation to reality if one studies the crater.

Simply put, blasting at quarries would be really easy if all you have to do is dump ammonium nitrate in the hole.

You need alot more than that to make it work. You need diesel fuel, det cord and some blasting caps, wich is a couple grams of tnt.

Im not asking you to be a demolitions expert here, im just asking you to think, and listen to what people in the industry have to say.

MSM has lied to us daily, why the hell would they magically tell truth all of a sudden?

Bill Wilson

The explosion of AN at the West, Texas fertilizer facility in 2013 was caused by a fire, just like the one in Beirut. The fire started in a metal building holding seed and the metal building building holding 240 tons of dry AN was 60 feet away. The flames were being blown away from the AN storage building yet it still blew up, creating a mushroom cloud, a tremor of 2.7 on the Richter Scale and blew out windows 7 miles away. It killed 16 and injured 200. State arson investigators finally determined in 2016 that the fire was caused by arson.

Concrete Mike

interesting, was there AN dust in the air?

Oxidizing dust is extremely dangerous.

I dont think we can compare the texas explosion with the beirut explosion. Not yet anyways.

Bill Wilson

No dust since the AN was kept in sealed steel drums to keep dry. There’s photos of the West site after the fire was put out. It shows the trailers pulled behind pickup trucks that distribute dry AN and other dry fertilizers on the pastures and crop fields. It also shows the trailers with long pressurized tanks that hold liquid anhydrous ammonia that apply it by boom sprayers when towed across the fields. AA can be used to manufacture meth in home labs so the West facility had a problem with “cookers” tapping their AA tanks. The facility took the required measures to stop that which pissed off the cookers. The facility then experienced some vandalism to their vehicles. The state fire investigators believe the fire was set by a disgruntled local cooker who was just interested in destroying the facility’s seed stocks. I think the seeds were standard pasture grasses that are sown when distributing the dry fertilizers.


Once again, we arent talking about room temperature ammonium nitrate. With regards to Beirut, there was a raging fire there, with temperatures burning very hot. Blasting in a quarry does not use ammonium nitrate that’s being heated to hundreds of degrees F.

With regards to a nuke, maybe the crater makes sense, maybe it doesn’t. Analysis of the cratering effect is a very complex science which I wont address, but clearly there are several hallmarks unique to nuclear explosions which were absent at the Beirut blast, like thermal pulse, persistent fireball, presence of fission byproducts, and blinding light flash.

The MSM is neither here nor there, and shouldnt factor into what should be a very easy differentiation between conventional versus nuclear blast.

If MSM says it was ammonium nitrate, so what? Should we, as critical observers, reflexively promote the opposite of what MSM says? If MSM says the sky is blue, or the Earth is round, are we gonna claim the opposite?

MSM is a lie factory, but like all liars, they tell the truth sometimes. Nothing that MSM says should have any bearing on our own independent analysis.

I don’t even follow what they say anymore, dont own a TV, and rarely listen to broadcast radio or visit lamestream news sites. Nothing they say should matter to us, one way or the other.

Concrete Mike

All im asking is where is the fuel?

I hate msm because they are intellectual prostitutes, their job is to manufacture.consent.

The explosion could have been that AN, but it had some help, had to, it doesnt work otherwise.

Anyways, we can argue about this for weeks lol. Cheers dude!


The ammonium nitrate itself becomes the ‘fuel’, once certain temperatures at reached.

There are two reactions that take place in ammonium nitrate above 300C:

NH4NO3 → N2O + 2H2O


2NH4NO3 → 2N2 + O2 + 4H2O

both reactions are exothermic, meaning they produce heat.

Under some conditions, the heat produced further accelerates the reactions, which in turn produces more heat, which sets up a positive feedback loop that further spreads the reaction.

This is rapid decomposition, an explosion.

A less rapid decomposition involving an oxidizer with no fuel, is being able to cut steel with an oxyacetylene torch . Once the steel melts, it becomes highly reactive with oxygen. At this point the operator can shut off the flow of acetylene and maintain the cut using only oxygen, because the steel oxidizing at it’s melting point, producing slag, emits enough heat on account of that oxidation to the point of keeping the steel hot enough to maintain the reaction (and thus cut without fuel gas). With ammonium nitrate though, this may become a runaway reaction.

Concrete Mike

yes we are talking aerosols here, i agree, i had to paint a few machines and i agree with you. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

That being said, in Beirut, we did not see AN that was in aerosol form. AN needs diesel and tnt to blow up in a big bang.

Its a receipe man, just like when you dont thin your paint and dont put hardener , it just wont look right.

Why must you insist on beleiving CNN, especially when you know damn well they have been lying to you for decades.

Iraq war was bullshit wasent it?

Bill Wilson

AN doesn’t require admixtures and detonators to explode. It’ll go off when overheated. You can start a fire by dumping Oxyclean on the floor then wetting it with motor oil. A Lowes store in California burned down when the spilled contents from a ruptured container of Oxyclean made contact with motor oil running out of a split quart bottle that was placed nearby. That caused a chemical reaction that generated enough heat to ignite the oil with the flames igniting a stack of flattened cardboard boxes sitting beneath shelving loaded with combustible products.

Concrete Mike

oxiclean= oxidizer Oil= fuel

Thanks for proving my point.

ANFO Ammonium nitrate = oxidizer

Fuel oil= fuel.

Cheers. Have a good night sir.

Jens Holm

https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-53664064 says as I already has known for many years.

EU fx mix up AmmoniumNitrate so it as old cant selfdetonate as well as hardly none can make it ignite.

I dont know everything about a lot of stuff, but its so easy to at least do some factchecking for the illiterate ones, which think they know big quatites of diesel and TNT are needed.

Concrete Mike

Well keep copy pasting all you want, until youve loaded holes and pulled the trigger, you opinion on this matter means nothing.

Ammonium nitrate burns before it exploded. Simple physics chum.


Let me guess, you are another “explosives expert” who doesn’t believe ammonium nitrate can explode…

Concrete Mike

It can explode, but you need the otther ingerdients, it wont explode by itself.

You need the TNT initiator charge, and you need fuel, AN is an oxidizer.

Im not a blaster, i will admit, but i have loaded enough holes underground to know.

You can have 10 kilos of ANFO in a hole, if you dont have enough detcord in there, it wont fire. It happened many times, our concrete pours were delayed because we were having issues with our detcords.

Anyways. AN needs alot.of help to explode!


AN *is* explosive without seperate fuel above 400 F, this fact is well-established and has been observed in many accidents and experiments.

AN is, as chemists say, an “energetic substance” As a rule, substances become more and more unstable as temperature increases, because new compounds form out of the original.

This, too, is well-established.

The stand-alone AN detonating in events like the Beirut, Grandcamp, and Tianjin explosions, is not room-temperature AN which you may have experience with.

You don’t need to be an astronaut to know the world isn’t flat, and you don’t need to be a chemist to know that ammonium nitrate inside a hot fire is highly explosive. That’s the great thing about books and peer review.

Concrete Mike

Lame rebuttal.

AN is an oxidizing agent. It NEEDS FUEL! It needs fuel to explode and it needs tnt detonators to make the shockwave needed for detonation.

Where is fuel? It needs at least 150 tonnes of diesel evenly spread out to go off. Thats 5 tanker loads.

AN thats been sitting there for 7 years will have degraded.

Im sorry dude but i dont buy it.

Ive seen unexploded holes that have a saussage or 2 of anfo in but detcord detonated. It takes some effort to get a big bang.

Its fertlizer, if itnwould be so dangerous, as if farmers would use it all the time.

It doesnt add up.


I reckon AN makes its own fuel once it starts breaking down and altering it’s composition under intense heat, or else it wouldnt be explosive at that point.

AN probably forms new, explosive compounds above 400F. In that sense, AN is no longer AN, or exists in a different form than room temperature AN.

You can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that we are talking about highly heated ammonium nitrate, and not room temperature.

Instability of ammonium nitrate above 400Ftemperature has been demonstrated through repeatable experiments. That’s what science is.

Lone Ranger

RIP. Revenge is coming for CIAisis. Hope they have enough bodybags…


Looks like Russian generals do not sit at desks gorging on donuts.

Lone Ranger

Indeed. True warriors. Unlike coward chickenhawks on the other side.

Zionism = EVIL

Russians are very stoic and brave people, can’t say that for their corrupt political leadership dating back to the Czarist era. Russians, like the Afghans, Yemenis, Persians, Caucasians, Vietnamese, Berbers etc are some of the last martial races left. Even in Syria, with their hands tied behind their backs the Russian pilots and soldiers have shown incredible bravery by even sacrificing their lives, rather than be captured by CIA terrorists. Major Roman Filipov’s last moments before blowing himself up were filmed by the Turkish terrorists who shot down. In an ultimate act of bravery he had exploded his grenade to take his own life rather than be captured.

Major Roman … Major Filipov’s last moments before blowing himself up were filmed by the rebels who shot down … had exploded his grenade to take his own life rather than be captured.


Lux et Veritas

Russians, especially their officers are directly being targeted by US around the world. Being passive is not an option anymore. Russian military needs to be unleashed.

johnny rotten

Russian Generals go to the field they don’t stay in the office.

Harry Smith

Russian personnel is permanently rotated in Syria to gain real combat experience. I.E. most of Russian pilots have real combat experience, as far as I remember. Kinda cruel but it worth the price.


The death of these brave men can be directly attributed to Putin, who cowering to US has led to open season on Russian and Iranian generals. 2 Russian and 7 Iranian generals have been killed by US with impunity.


RIP. A real hero.

Zionism = EVIL

Soviet/Russian officers and even rank and file dating back to the great Patriotic War have no equals, they are brave and well led, but often let down by very poor leadership. Russians and Iranians are the only armies in the world that their generals and senior officers lead from the front and these brave men obviously suffer casualties. The Americunt and Zionist cowards sit in airconditioned offices and kill women and children by drones. It is time to turn the tables on the insidious cunts.


They had serious rank lisses in Korea and Vietnam. Most high rank casualties are in special missions not caused by IEDs. So USA is conducting special missions with drones, now.


Come on Russia. Take the gloves off. Enough is enough.


Over 100 Syrian soldiers fighting against ISIS terrorists were massmurdered by US and “Coalition” warplanes about 4 yrs ago, also in Deir Ezzor. That should’ve been enough, but business and partinership with the global Ziocorporate terrorist “new world order” designers and financiers seems to be much better.

Jens Holm

So what.

If it wasnt an accident we easy could have killed 500 and made the airport into a lake.

It was a mistake and we still dont know what happend.


Fuck off. Not everyone’s as much of a stupid cretin as you, and ISIS’ immediate ensuing attack against SAA positions in Deir Ezzor made it crystal clear what happened. Maybe you need to lay off the glue-sniffing a bit to understand the things that have happened better, the “Coalition” is way more anti-Assad and anti-Iran than “anti-ISIS” to the point they prefered to give ISIS SDF uniforms to change into that fighting them in much of Deir Ezzor.

Jens Holm

Im so sorry for those 80. The only good thing was that it was confirmed the danish F16s are dammed good airplanes.

We dont have Jesus among us to make them alive again or turn ISIS into fish.

Zionism = EVIL

Never reply to a retard.

Zionism = EVIL

Well that is the only logical solution, as I have been posting for years now that the Zionist and Americunt cowards are offering bounties to kill Russians and some of these terrorist attacks are directly committed by Americunt “special forces”. The fat ugly pig Pompeo openly boasted of killing 300 Russians. The Americunts are world class cowards and loudmouths and will not stop this campaign against Russians and the Axis of Resistance unless there is a cost. Yesterday, the cowards killed a Syrian soldier sipping tea at a checkpoint, even though there were demonstrations against that. But passive behavior will only embolden the cunts even further. It is time to fully arm the Axis of Resistance which now has global legitimacy and impose a daily cost on the occupation cunts and the headchoppers.


Correct,next time they block one of those arrogant US patrols they need to burn the pigs.


Not as long as Putin the Asperger coward is mollycoddling his US and Zionist masters.


Troll – FALSE ACCOUNT (using NATO narrative to push Russia in quagmire)


I have been expecting this shit for weeks,NOW will Putin take the gloves off and play to win?

Lone Ranger

Revenge is coming.

Zionism = EVIL

It should come all across the region, starting with Afghanistan. All Russia has to do is arm Iran in a tangible manner and start supporting the Axis of Resistance. The whole region hates the Zionists and Americunts, so there is no shortage of people willing to hit them. As I have repeat every day, being passive against these cowardly cunts will only invite more aggression. This is an asymmetrical war to the finish and Russia and Iran hold all the cards due to demographics and geography.


Putin is part of the Zionist cabal and Russian lives don’t matter to him.


This is where US, ISIS, SDF and the like run rampant trying to make Syria a “quagmire for Russia”, paraphrasing the CIA’s and Pentagon’s words. Having “excellent relations” with the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine, and seeking “partnership” with Turkey and the US-led Ziocorporate terrorist globalists only buy you so much time before the weapons given to ISIS by the US and Co in al-Tanf start blowing up your soldiers.

Now’s not only the terrorist Ziojew scum, but US helicopters starting attacking Russian allies, the SAA also just lost a soldier defending against US terrorist invaders in Qamishli. Putin must be too busy pacifying Macron and Merkel to notice.


The whole Syria is quagmire.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, the first costly strategic and operational mistake the Russians were forced to make by the arsehole Putin was not to declare a NO FLY ZONE to all illegal aircraft over Syria, second mistake not to respond to Turkish and Zionist cunts killing Russians, third and the most fatal mistake was to stop the successful SAA and Iranian offensive in Idlib which gave the Turkeys and their CIA masters to retrain and rearm the headchoppers. It can all be corrected by arming Iran, supplying the Axis o Resistance with modern weaponry and expanding the zone of resistance. The Americunt arseholes are spread thin and deadbroke and daily body bags will set off a civil war in the imploding shithole of AmeriKKKa.

Lux et Veritas

Thanks to Putin and his subservience to his Jew bosses.

Assad must stay

Noooo RIP :(((


Nothing will be done again for Russia: business as usual.

Alberto Garza

syria is being taken back by goverment forces little by little that is the mission of russian forces there .


The price to pay for delaying Syria’s liberation. Politiquing is a killer. But maybe it’s the price to pay to get some concessions. Who knows?

Putin Apologist

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation.” — Ronald Reagan

Major-General Vyacheslav Gladkih fought that fight, and ultimately gave his life for freedom and sovereignty against the evils of the Zionist Empire, freedom and sovereignty for Russians and Syrians alike.

cechas vodobenikov

freedom is often used without meaning—see Isiah Berlin’s distinction positive vs negative rights

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Retribution should be on a level greater than seen in Beirut… Obliteration time.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/003814b7cd70314f38192f1edff865a03d1e7122ab2de7946764dc28c3e84e89.png Кгыышфт is when you type “Russian” in russian keyboard. Very interesting choice of keyboard dear author.

Daily Beatings

Then why did the keyboard not change the word “Russian” the other 10 times in the article? Most likely it was a cut and paste off a press release.


when you copy paste cyrillic word, it pastes same cyrilic word. copy paste this and see: “Российский”. you will see it pasted exactly the same way. Then try what I said in previous comment. Enable Russian cyrillic in your computer, and type “Russian”, you will see “Кгыышфт”


US is behind it for sure. They made it quet clear that Deir ez Zor is their interest area. But since Russian general was there means something is cooking. Russia doesn’t have only 1 general, so plans don’t change with 1 casualty. We might see something interesting soon.

Кристофер Петров

Interesting how ISIS never ever attacks the US military on the eastern side of the river since the past 3-4 years. And only target SAA and allies. Explains who provides them with intel and funds them. RIP brave general. US generals are ugly cowardly fatasses who would never step on the battlefield.

Concrete Mike

its obvious ISIS is usa mercenaries with beards. They get live sattelite intel , guns , supplies, straight from the US taxpayer, and some from the CIA drug money fund.

Is say flatten at tanf for starters!

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the Russian GRU and Spetsnaz have some of the best special forces skills in the world and they have excellent allies in the region, it is time for Putin to look after Russian Federation interests and not his Jew masters and Americunt “partners” and unleash Russian forces. The geriatric Soviet politburo made the same mistake in Afghanistan circa 1980’s and the CIA skinned Russian servicemen to demoralize the Red Army. The Soviets should have bombed the Paki cunts and flattened Islamabad. Now the same strategy is being applied in Syria, without any cost so far. Russia, contrary to the MSM Jew cunts and hasbara propaganda has a very strong hand in the region as it is a neighbor of Iran, its strongest ally. Russia can change the regional power balance in a day by transferring massive delivery of weapons to Iran and also bringing in more AD and SSM systems. The Americunt are deadbeat broke and hated by all in the region and simply can not afford growing attacks from Afghanistan to Syria. As the Chinese say, it is time for a death of thousand cuts.


You are right but i fear Russia will act when its almost too late,that happened in WW2,but for the total bravery of the red army and civilians they would have lost,they won but not before the Nazi filth had over run much of Russia.


Thats the solution,thats where the poison is coming from.


Thats because the US IS ISIS to all intents and purposes.

kajetán pičura

Kalibers are already flying?


Just to be clear what is in line for Syria coming from the CIA / Western Powers to impact near the Idlib Status Quo Zone:

1. Near future: there is a possibility for a major Beirut-like attack on SAA troops. If Russians and Iranians are routinely mixed with SAA, then this attack will affect them as well. Even to us here, just reading about the death count will hurt as hell too. The massive SAA casualties from this attack will be horrible, for readers here rooting for Russia + SAA it will feel as a major kick to our liver, which is painful as hell.

2. It will stun the Russian Alliance emotionally. Everybody is going to question if the current Russian stance: “Business With Turkey Über Alles” was worth it. While the US Israel block will look strong.. of course..

3. President Putin will probably remark to President Assad: – I told you so.. we simply cannot push ISIS in Idlib now.. to many vested Western political interests.. Deep State is keenly watching.. they already wanted to NUKE SYRIA couple months ago, when hey pulled their nuke-capable submarines closer..

4. Of course the attacked side will be angry…… while Turkey will be secretly laughing, as Erdo might feign “My condolences” in public.. then Turkey is going to be flushed down the toilet

It doesn’t look good for Syria:

5. In addition to above, any major progress in Idlib – while the Syrians are celebrating their recent Idlib victories – is likely to be rewarded by Missile Strikes from US Israel. . . .

unrelated misery incoming: . . .

6. ARRIVING in 2021-2022 The new Yersinia-class heavyweight virus (The Black Death) – spreading world-wide – is looking to be reaching its horrible maximum IN APRIL 2021-2022, this month will be known as the APRIL DROP DEAD DATE . For real.. [let that sink in]: a real pandemic is when the death rate from infection is about 97% and just like medieval times, dead bodies will be collected from the streets given there is anybody left to pick them up. ( last time it hit it was estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe’s population)

Here was the result in 1353

With the Black Death considered safely behind them, the people of Europe face a changed society. The combination of the massive death rate and the numbers of survivors fleeing their homes sends entrenched social and economic systems spiraling. It becomes easier to get work for better wages and the average standard of living rises.

alejandro casalegno

Die as a true russian soldier……………in the front line!!!!!!!

Icarus Tanović

Rip. Glory to hero! And peace upon his family. God bless them.


Shame on the coward Putin whose filthy hands are stained by the blood of these brave real Russians.


100% certain foreign intellegience services were involved. Giving information to ISIS about the general’s movements.


The modus operandi of this attack is CIA and exact drone and satellite intelligence. The US was tracking the Russian convoy and most likely hit it with a drone, just like the Iranian general Soleimani.

AM Hants

Can see some heavy, intense, Russian action coming. RIP to all.


Russia’s Syria policy has been amended from fighting terror to, well, observing it. Only fair that their own people get a taste of what that change means for the Syrians. Of course, it’s people in Moscow making the decisions and people in the field paying the price.

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