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Russian Marines Took Control Of Zolotaya Niva In Ugledar Direction – Report

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Russian Marines Took Control Of Zolotaya Niva In Ugledar Direction - Report

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After the fall of the Ukrainian fortress of Ugledar, the Russian army continued advance on the southern Ukrainian frontlines. In recent days, Russian forces have gained control of a wide area west of the city along the Povlovka-Velika Novoselka road.

Earlier, the village of Prchistovka and wide areas north of the road came under Russian control. On October 7, another Russian victory was reported in the area.

Russian Marines Took Control Of Zolotaya Niva In Ugledar Direction - Report

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Russian stormtroopers from the 40th Brigade of Marines of the Pacific Fleet launched assault on the village of Zolotaya Niva located to the west of Ugledar and Prechistovka. Russian assault groups on armored vehicles broke through Ukrainian defense.

According to preliminary reports, the village of Zolotaya Niva came under Russian control. The flag of Russian Marines was filmed waving on the streets.



Local sources report that Russian forces launched the mop up operations in the village in order to secure their control in the area. The Russian Ministry of Defense is expected to officially confirm the full control of Zolotaya Niva in coming days after the end of the mop up operations.

Russian forces first attempted assault operations in Zolotaya Niva immediately after they took control of Prechistovka in early September. Then, the assault on Zolotaya Niva was suspended. The Russian command probably preferred to save forces for encirclement of Ugledar from the western direction. As a result, after Ugledar came under Russian control, Russians are developing their further offensive in different directions in the region. Zolotaya Niva is located on the road to Velija Novoselka, the town where the bloody Ukrainian counteroffensive began last year.


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mulattos took control of my anuz in gaay bar

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