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MARCH 2025

Russian meddling in Binomo? US continues to ‘remind’ Moscow of its place, UN envoy tells pranksters

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Originally appeared at RT

A Russian comedy duo has apparently pranked US envoy to the UN Nikki Haley, who assured them the US is closely following the situation on the fictional island of Binomo and will “continue to remind” Russia “what their place is.”

Famous Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus (Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov) released the recording of yet another one of their prank calls, in which they allegedly tricked Nikki Haley into believing she was speaking with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

During the 22-minute conversation with their interlocutor, whose voice and tone strikingly resembled that of the UN envoy, the pranksters raised concerns over Russian interference in the political affairs of an imaginary South China Sea island – Binomo – which does not exist on the world map. Haley, however, seemed to be on top of things, claiming the US is watching the situation there very carefully.

“Do you know Binomo?” the impersonator asked. “They have declared independence. They had elections, and we suppose Russians had its intervention.”

“Yes, of course they did, absolutely,” Haley confidently replied.

“And now this Binomo land makes the situation in the South China Sea even more tense,” the pranksters said, posing as the Polish PM.

“And we’re aware of that. We’ve been watching that very closely. And I think we will continue to watch as we deal with the issues that keep coming up about the South China Sea,” Haley replied.

Continuing with the issue of alleged Russian interference in the world’s political affairs, the Polish PM-imposter asked Haley whether or not “Putin [will] be aggressive regarding Europe next year?”

“It is hard to know what Russia is doing right now. I think what we have seen in the Security Council and otherwise is they are trying to be relevant in every region and they are trying to have some sort of say in every region,” she replied. “In some cases, it has worked for them and in some cases, it hasn’t. So they don’t have the influence that I think they would like to have but they are certainly trying to get that.”

“I think that many of the other countries, whether it is the Security Council or otherwise, are watching it very cautiously and carefully to make sure that they don’t get too much of a foothold where they can cause chaos,” she continued.

“They are aggressive and they can be difficult to work in the Council… And they do try to cause some disruption, but we manage them and we continue to remind them what their place is,” Haley told the ‘Polish PM,’ just days before Poland begins a two-year term as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC).

The last comment seems to have struck a nerve with Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, who took to Facebook to criticize Haley’s rhetoric. “Nikki, do you really want Russia to remember all of its ‘places’ in the world?” Maria Zakharova asked, calling the remarks of the US’ UN representative “somehow short-sighted.”

While Nikki Haley has neither officially denied nor confirmed the authenticity of the conversation, she very well might have become the latest victim of the Russian pranksters, who have become famous for their unique ability to reach out to high-profile politicians and celebrities.

Vovan and Lexus have made a name for themselves in Russia for pranking high-profile politicians and celebrities. In September 2015, the pair played a prank on Sir Elton John, subsequently forcing the Kremlin to apologize and arrange a real phone call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the iconic musician. Before that, the duo successfully pranked Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, as well as Georgia’s fugitive former president, Mikhail Saakashvili.

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Hahahaha, that made my day. US trying to stay relevant even in fiction. Maybe the next prank would be about Russian colonization of Mars! Anyway, merry Christmas to everybody in our forum, even the hasbara trolls!


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Tudor Miron

Darn, those people are delusional! Indeed, global predictor is experiencing severe cadre shortage. Last one was dumb and ugly, New one is less ugly but compensates with even more dumbness. It seems they pick them from the same “witch incubator”?

Bobo Voxar

Binomo and Limpopo .. 2 famous new countries to UN … ASAP

Carol Davidek-Waller

FYI the ‘great, gray greasy Limpopo’ is a line from a Kipling poem but it is also a river and a province in South Africa.

Bobo Voxar

mainly home of dockor YAYbolee… (transcription from russian) .. btw I know ..


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I understand that General Mad Dog Mattis has ordered an attack on Binomo to ensure that American Democratic Values are gifted to that country. I also understand that the neighbouring island of Bimbobo will also be saved by the US Military.

US intelligence is using data from the 7 agencies in the US that is being collated by the CIA.

US pilots are preparing their flight plans and President Trump is concerned about all the ‘beautiful babies’ that have been denied ‘democracy’.

Nikki Haley is taking names.


Pave Way IV

WASHINGTON, Dec 24 (Reuters) – A U.S. Navy destroyer carried out a “freedom of navigation operation” on Thursday, coming within 12 nautical miles of Bimono in the South China Sea, U.S. officials told Reuters.

The operation came as President Donald Trump’s administration seeks Russia’s cooperation in dealing with Bimono’s missile and nuclear programs and could complicate efforts to secure a common stance.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the USS John S. McCain traveled close to the Binomo – Bimbobo joint defense zone among a string of islets, reefs and shoals. The U.S. has territorial disputes with locals who claim the islands as their own. Other unnamed Pentagon officials said the U.S. has long been on the que vive for Russia to gain a foothold and cause chaos. “That’s our damn job!” insisted Mathis, who preferred to remain anonymous.

It was the third “freedom of navigation operation” or “FONOP” conducted during Trump’s presidency.

Neither Bimono’s defense ministry nor its foreign ministry immediately responded to a request for comment. The islands lack phone service, but has fiber broadband internet and usually responds almost immediately to tweets.

A U.S. Los Angeles class submarine was spotted in the area ‘cleaning the undersea fiber optic cables’ as a service to the island’s inhabitants. The U.S. Navy spokesperson declined Reuter’s requests for detailed information on the operation, citing security reasons. “We occasionally provide communication cable-cleaning at no cost to the customers and have never had any complaints,” said the spokesperson.


Wonderful. President Trump has just tweeted that the US assault to depose the Binomian regime will be ” powerful, very powerful ” and he has also ordered General Mathis to ” grab the pussy ” of Queen Haley on the neighbouring island of Bimbobo if she does not immediately surrender herself to the US marines.

It is said that US Intelligence is working throughout the Happy Holiday season ( Christmas) to combat Russian hacking of the fibre optic cables and an anonymous US Coast Guard intelligence spokes ‘ not sure if I have a vagina or a penis ‘ person has said with mild confidence that a Putin Class submarine has been seen in the area . According to an unnamed CIA dolphin, code named ‘Maxine’.

The British HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier is steaming to Binomo , despite the leaky propeller shaft and without aircraft to support the US operation.

God Bless America.


You guys are cracking me up!!! LOL……


It is Christmas + if we say it enough times Binomo will become a reality and I might get a job with CNN :)


I would go for the Ambassador job. A well paying do nothing job and the language is universal. They call the dialect….”Humor”.

Don Machiavelli

Man this was one of best comments i have ever read online, ty :)

It would be perfect addition to one debate i have currently and if you permit i would like to use it as it is with your name attached if i may?

Pave Way IV

Add away, no attribution necessary. I’m a random idiot on the internet. You may want to make clear that it’s a parody of Reuters. Otherwise, Reuter’s red-nosed lawyers from Canary Wharf will drop by to spoil all your reindeer games.

Don Machiavelli

Thanks. You’ve got skills to write good texts, there’s no doubt in that, br.


“Bimbobo”..LOL…Is that Nikki’s home country? Or is it IsraeHell?


IsraeHell is the headquarters of the cult Nikki is a senior member of. :) She will always be faithful to her Bimbobo roots and to celebrate that she is known in Israel as BimBibi.


They are picked from the Israeli Firsters cesspool.


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We are a leading Forex signal provider, Advance Education, and Personal Account Management. This is the best site we ever created, Just go through it you never be disappointed. https://foreignexchange.llc


Stop the nuclear project of Binomo. XD

Carol Davidek-Waller

Pranking Nimrata is like a shooting fish in a barrel. She wears her ignorance as a badge of honor. Her ego is boundless.


She has all the qualities of a US President :)

Tudor Miron


Don Machiavelli

Nimrata Randhawa

thanks for info, i guess that the ghost within her bones has turned dry long ago :)


Nikki’s only job is to defend Israel. The dumber only need apply.


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Love it !!! :) :) :)

Abdul Majeed

The prank call is but a small glimpse into the mindset of the corrupt, sadistic and barbaric nature of the Americans and their band of followers. Fellow humans, whose life motivation is war and the murder and suffering of other humans for no better reason than conquest, selfish desire, prejudice and petty financial gain.

It is this alinement in the history of humans where the worst of mankind has the power over all of mankind (Gods Creation) And it is this alinement where our all mighty God intervenes to remind those, who become a burden on creation, that there is none other than Allah (God) “Subhanahu wa ta’ala” that is worthy of worship and it is he alone that is worthy of praise. And that it is he alone that giveth and it is he alone that taketh away.

…Let us not only but remember the promise of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala to Pharaoh (So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign) (10: 92 )

Link: https://www.quora.com/When-was-the-Pharaohs-body-found-and-is-this-a-sign-mentioned-in-the-Quran

Luis Sidorenko

Mr.president! Nikki Haley said Russians are invading Binomo! WE ARE DOOMED!

Langaniso Mhlobo

Wither prank or not Nicky is right this time.Putin and Lavrov know their place in UN to vote for USA.Or outside agree to illegal cease-fire while the revels are advancing and regrouping to attack SAA.Call quick cease fire to allow USA and ISIS special forces to be evacuated from Alepo.

Allow USA to have own no fly zone at Al Tanaf after undisclosed meeting agenda.Agreed with Trump that there is no military solutions but turn around and tell Assad that we won the war militarily.

Tommy Jensen

Assad must go because the majority of free countries in the world wants it! This is a democracy and not some communist dictatorship who should decide it and the worlds countries support US in its leadership for freedom of our Western values and we insist on defending freedom.


Whose freedom?

Icarus Tanović

How fucking stupid she is. Island of Binomo? Are you educated more than elementary school? ?


Don’t cut down Nikki. She gave a lot of blow jobs to get that position.

Icarus Tanović

Ahhh, who wants her’s blow job? She’s fine, but no, thanks.


I have always want to know if Nikki Haley is an imbecile. I had my doubt, but no more. Merry Christmas.


Don’t cut down Nikki. She gave a lot of blow jobs to get that position.




Obviously, it is Israeli territory.

chris chuba

How did they actually get through to Nikki Haley?

I go to her twitter account and see a hundred replies to her heartless posts blaming Iran for Yemen telling her in many different ways how the Saudis are responsible for starving the Yemenis and as far as I can tell she just ignores that.


Nikki Haley is a dumb ass Israeli whore. Fire her, Donald. O, wait. That’s Donald’s Israeli whore.


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