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Russian Meddling In US Presidential Election To Support Trump 2.0: Fresh Reports For Senate Intelligence Committee

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Russian Meddling In US Presidential Election To Support Trump 2.0: Fresh Reports For Senate Intelligence Committee

Some of the Facebook ads allegedly linked to a Russian effort to disrupt the American political process and stir up tensions around divisive social issues. (Jon Elswick/AP)

A new report, “The IRA, Social Media and Political Polarization in the United States, 2012-2018“, prepared for the US Senate Intelligence Committee claims that “Russia’s Internet Research Agency (IRA) launched an extended attack on the United States by using computational propaganda to misinform and polarize US voters”.

The document, allegedly based on the study of the millions of posts provided by major technology firms to the Senate Intelligence Committee, claims that the Russian side used its media capabilities to help elect President Donald Trump and later to support him while in office.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifically Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservatives and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

The released summary of the report says the following:

Russian Meddling In US Presidential Election To Support Trump 2.0: Fresh Reports For Senate Intelligence Committee

Source: comprop.oii.ox.ac.uk/research/ira-political-polarization/

Russian Meddling In US Presidential Election To Support Trump 2.0: Fresh Reports For Senate Intelligence Committee

Source: comprop.oii.ox.ac.uk/research/ira-political-polarization/

Unfortunately, the report provides no details why the Russian government would contribute efforts to support the US President that orders missile strikes on its allies (Syria), imposes new sanctions against Russia itself and arms hostile actors (like Ukraine and its far-right “volunteer battalions”) near the Russian border.

“Social media have gone from being the natural infrastructure for sharing collective grievances and coordinating civic engagement to being a computational tool for social control, manipulated by canny political consultants and available to politicians in democracies and dictatorships alike,” the report further says.

Even if one takes seriously all the claims by the report and believes that the Russians “elected” Trump, an interesting issue appears in the provided picture: When the “democratic countries” like the US and its allies (Saudi Arabia, Israel etc) carry out media campaigns in the Social Media, this is a good thing developed to “defend democracy”. When similar operations are being conducted by China, Russia or any other independent state, this is a “great threat” to democracy.

There is a second report — prepared for the Senate Intelligence Committee by researchers for New Knowledge, Columbia University and Canfield Research — claims almost the same describing the IRA as a mighty entity, which “created an expansive cross-platform media mirage targeting the Black community, which shared and cross-promoted authentic Black media to create an immersive influence ecosystem.”

Russian Meddling In US Presidential Election To Support Trump 2.0: Fresh Reports For Senate Intelligence Committee

A screenshot of the slide deck of the second report

Russian Meddling In US Presidential Election To Support Trump 2.0: Fresh Reports For Senate Intelligence Committee

A screenshot of the slide deck of the second report

Russian Meddling In US Presidential Election To Support Trump 2.0: Fresh Reports For Senate Intelligence Committee

A screenshot of the slide deck of the second report

Summing up, the report claims almost the same as the first one, but uses other words.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the new accusations against Russia as unfounded.

“What I read about this report in public access can arouse nothing but misunderstanding,” Peskov said. “It voices some general claims and accusations, and some of them are absolutely unclear for us,” he explained. “They reproach us that someone criticizes the situation in the US social sector, but it does not say how this is linked to Russia.”

“We believe that these are absolutely unfounded claims,” Peskov stated. “The Russian state and the Russian government have nothing to do with any meddling [in other countries’ domestic affairs], moreover with this abstract kind of meddling.”

The abovementioned reports will likely be used by the US and its allies to increase diplomatic and economic pressure on Russia and in some cases to justify hostile actions against Moscow in cyberspace. The US-led bloc has been already using its supreme cyber and media capabilities to wage multiple propaganda and cyber operations against its geopolitical oppnents – China, Russia, Iran and others. In case of Russia, this situation may escalate even further.

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After reading all of the above nonsense , I have to conclude that the FUKUS Libtards and ISIS both consume far too much Captagon.

There is no other logical reason for their most welcome self immolation.


There is an insane amount of stuff that is going on in the US right now. There is no reason to expect much coverage of it. It is no surprise whatsoever that another harping report about Russia and their obsessive compulsive interference in the US is being released at this moment. (groan)

As I am typing this, General Micheal Flynn is in court for sentencing. (this is important) Also at 1:30 EST there is going to be a White House Press Briefing that the MSM has already labeled as “unusual”.

I consider the report in this article a distraction.


The Americans are having a death fit, pass the popcorn.


From here it looks like a double death fit. ;-)

…extra butter please.

AM Hants

Did you hear what the Judge said, to keep the MSM sweet? Well it worked with the DM. Once the media got what they wanted, he apologised, then said ‘Sentence first, verdict in 3 months’. Just to make sure his Democratic friends will be running the committees.

Will not repeat the judges words, owing to my disgust.


I think that what is going on currently can be called “The Fog of War”. Very little is as it seems.

I am going to share a few points with you, and it will not be long before we know if they are correct or baffleing’ly wrong. What they do is give a different look at the current events from over here.

The highlighted point that came out of the Flynn hearing yesterday was…

“Representing a foreign government while working for the government of the United States is TREASON.”

So now it is out in the open. The question is….does this make Hillary Clinton and others guilty of Treason too for doing exactly the same things as Flynn? What about all of the idiots who were in the US government who were representing interests in the Ukraine for instance. It would appear that they were committing treason too? (Kerry)

A bit of background on Flynn. Since he was charged for lying to the FBI he has been a busy little boy. Since he was charged he found himself in a little bit of a legal “loophole”. While in this legal loophole, he is able to testify on things that he knows and was witness to, (he knows where bodies are buried) while being safe from the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) that would normally keep his mouth shut. While his mouth has been left free and clear his has given testimony on nine investigations that are being conducted discreetly and safe from the public eye.

So, it appears that the judge did him a favor yesterday. He got the word Treason into the public record, and by not sentencing Flynn, he kicked the can farther down the road leaving Flynn and his waggling tongue free and clear to testify some more.

In defense of the judge, he gave Flynn multiple chances to change his plea to not guilty, and Flynn politely declined them all and kept his guilty plea. I think that Flynn knows the value of being left free to testify against others.

Another little point that I would like to show you. Congress have super powers when they are in session, but an odd thing happens if the US government is shut down. They loose the super powers that protect them from charges being laid against them, meaning, that if Trump shuts down the government (which he said that he is going to do if he does not get his wall) then congress will be open to charges for silly little things…like treason.

This was posted yesterday on the White House website. Is it an early Christmas present perhaps?

Executive Order on Providing for the Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on December 24, 2018


AM Hants

Thanks. Interesting points. I did wonder why General Flynn did not complain, or change his mind, with regards pleading guilty, when offered the option. Just going to look at the Whitehouse link.


I know!!! My stomach turned into knots for a while too. :-)

Luke Hemmming

So we have Robert Mueller finding no Russian interference but this group does? Hmmm I smell BS emanating from this new report. Probably to counter what Mr Mueller said? And yes as was suggested by Snowglobe a distraction. Moving on now…NEXT!


This was a click bait scheme to generate add revenue, any MSM coverage that doesn’t mention that is fake news. Also even if this wasn’t a click bait scheme that published material on both sides of the left right divide to sell adds, this whole thing is absolute insanity. I’m a US citizen, lets say I really hated Theresa May and supported Corbyn, so I made a bunch of negative memes about her during the election. Should I be prosecuted for “interfering” in the British election? What about all the anti-Putin memes from the US during the Russian election? Should Russia indict these people for interfering? Its called free speech, and nobody is forcing anybody to follow these accounts, thats their own choice. What a bunch of liars: Washington Post, NYT, CNN, all of them. learning the facts about this lie is great place to start waking up to the Russia-gate lie.


The good side of this BS, is Russia will be able to return the favour, and arrest all those CIA guys from the National endowment for democracy and the many other destabilization organizations the US runs. Other countries, Venezuela comes to mind could also follow the American example and arrest any foreigner(American agent) who criticizes their government.

AM Hants

Russia spent $4,700 on Google ads, in 2016. In return the US spent $25 million on the Mueller investigation, to look into the $4,700 Google adverts, unrelated to the election, Russia purchased. Not forgetting how much they spent on ‘Integrity Initiative NGO’, to retaliate to the Russian interference.

How much does the UK Government, Nato and US State Department spend on financing the ‘Integrity Initiative NGO’ to counter the $4,700 Russia spent advertising on Google in 2016?

Anonymous Blows Lid Off Huge Psyop in Europe and It’s Funded by UK & US RT News… ‘… Operating on a budget of £1.9 million (US$2.4 million)… The initiative claims it is not a government body, of course, but does work with unnamed British “government agencies.”The initiative has received £168,000 in funding from HQ NATO Public Diplomacy and £250,000 from the US State Department…’ https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/11/no_author/anonymous-blows-lid-off-huge-psyop-in-europe-and-its-funded-by-uk-us/

Mass Media’s Russia Hysteria Is Openly Acknowledging The Power Of Propaganda… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-18/mass-medias-russia-hysteria-openly-acknowledging-power-propaganda

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