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MARCH 2025

Russian MSM Republishes Pro-Militant Propaganda, Says 100-400 Syrian Troops Killed In Eastern Ghouta Last Week

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On January 6, a Moscow-based online newspaper Lenta.ru published an article providing a surprising version of the battle for the Armoured Vehicles Base, which is ongoing between militants and pro-government forces in Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta.

According to Lenta.ru’s article, at least 100 Syrian army troops including few generals and colonels have been killed in the area over the last week. The article continues that according to pro-militant sources, about 400 Syrian soldiers have been killed. Lenta.ru also published a video of what it called a “mass surrender” of Syrian troops in the area of Harasta, close to the Armoured Vehicles Base.

The numbers provided by Lenta.ru are also in contrary to what pro-militant media outlets and supporters really claim. For example, according to the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 53 fighters of pro-government forces had been killed in clashes for the Armoured Vehicles Base since its start in late December.

It’s interesting to note that Lenta.ru’s article refered some Telegram channel as a source of it info. While it’s clear that the fog of war does not allow to provide a precise coverage of some events (like the ongoing army counter-attack, for example), it’s strange to see that a major Russian media outlet provides its war coverage using some Telegram channel as its only source of info about the situation on the ground.

A screenshot of the article published by Lenta.ru (source):

Russian MSM Republishes Pro-Militant Propaganda, Says 100-400 Syrian Troops Killed In Eastern Ghouta Last Week

Click to see the full-size image

Russian MSM Republishes Pro-Militant Propaganda, Says 100-400 Syrian Troops Killed In Eastern Ghouta Last Week

Click to see the full-size image

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paul ( original )

I don’t think Russian reporters are any less lazy and incompetent than western reporters. I look at RT English language website and its pretty hard going, a sort of cross between The Guardian and the BBC. So fairly abysmal.


There are many news outlets in Russia that are paid by western, generally american NGOs

Pavel Pavlovich

99% of it actually. Most of it is grey or obscure but in fact the system is anti Russian.

Tudor Miron

You’re absolutely right. Majority of media in Russia is under “ruzionic” control (as is in most of the world). They try to control public opinion as much as they can.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This one is owned by Rambler Media Group and is based in the UK on 10 upper bank street LONDON UK, its top 3 competitors are Altaba, Google LLC and MSN. So not really a Russian but a Zionist company.

Tony B.

Rothschild cabal. Gee, what a surprise!

Pavel Pavlovich

Not only the media. THE SYSTEM is still under US influence. How could it be otherwise. But next year will be a deciding struggle. The nation must rise and vote for a restoration of international law.

Tudor Miron

What exactly do you mean saying “restoration of international law”?


In which the world superpower held other superpower in violation of international law responsible. As of now RU, CN did nothing to facilitate, run, and withheld the international law. I believe all because the monetary system and uneven balance of geopolitical power. Both are currently in progress of rebalancing itself but the idea of the US and West getting into equal terms with others is a nightmare for the elite that have enjoyed themselves off the US global projection with unrestricted access to practically any kinds of profitable scheme. Well frankly speaking just the idea of average USA citizen working for in example Chinese in a tight competition with the other 3rd world people already beyond what they could tolerated.

Pavel Pavlovich

It is nothing less than the restoration of the Soviet borders, as they were delineated after the last WW. That is “restoration of international law”. Maybe my formulation was hazy…

Tudor Miron

Thanks for your reply. I can’t say that this is easily done (restoration) and I’m not 100% sure that this should be done in some “straigt and brutal” way. I would prefer that my Motherland shows the new (fair) way of development which will attract other nations rather than forcing them to join us. After all, Russian Empire was always inclusive to other nations if you know what I’m saying. For example – I am Russian of Moldavian nationality. Smaller nation being a proud part of larger inclusive entity – Russians (as they see us from abroad). This is a complicated subject and I prefer Putin’s way (very careful and calculated) of dealing with it. Level of success in development of Russia will be determined by a actual level of personal awarness of Russian people.

Pavel Pavlovich

I think Belarus and Kazakhstan would be no issue in such a case. With other nations, depending upon the circumstances, it would take some time. But since Russia would once again be a souvereign nation and not one nation could do a thing against it, such questions would no longer be unsolvable.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are not paid but owned by western NGO’s and Intelligence orgs by these NGO’s owned by them.


Lenta.ru has been posting a lot of unchecked nonsense recently. It appears have have switched to using clickbait news and titles entirely. You can safely cross them out from the list of “mass media”, it is not just an entertainment website.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are owned by Rambler Media group which also owns the Rambler search engine.

Langaniso Mhlobo

The truth some troop have been captured.Re-enforcement is 50 meters away meaning rebels are inside the base with captured soldiers.Part of reconciliation error ignored by pretty good people.


read a letter of a soldier…lost a bit in english translation but the main line was that they were butchered by fighters given amnesty ,’fought’ for SAA and when they had the chance betrayed them and ‘opened the back door’ of the army base to the fanatics. his biggest regret was that all the martyrs gave their lifes for a mistake…..so sad


Russian liberals are the worst kind of creature prowling this earth..


Neoliberal in the image of western trends basically the most mentally challenged people on earth.

Daniel Castro

Not russian liberals, liberals… liberals and cultural-marxists are two sides of the same coin.


Khazars mostly.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What do you expect of a London Media company , just more spy ops by MI6 which uses their network to print propaganda. They only expose themselves even more with these bogus psyops and their network of spies in Russia.


The common denominator of all the Neo-Liberal fanatics of course are their present and past links to Khazaria.

Solomon Krupacek

Can be. East Ghouta is very hard nut for Assad. It has reason, why is the SAA not able to take this territory for so long time. In urban fights sure die dozens. Daily.


There should be no part of this pocket that is not under fire . Like Aleppo , innocents will perish , but it exposes the whole capital to extreme danger , it must be taken .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Lenta ru. like many media sources are controlled and owned by the west intelligence organizations, truly sad when you look at as a whole.

Harry Smith

OH come on guys! Lenta.ru is NOT MSM. Was founded in 1999 by 4 Jews, one of them, Anton Nosik died this year because of overdose of drugs. Couple of years ago Roscomnadzor issued a warring for this outlet because they have published an interview with the Right Sector member. After that owners fired the chief editor. Do not forget please that we have presidential election this March and all those liberals paid by the State Department will do various attempts to influence the electorate by any means.

paul ( original )

Are there no Russia Patriots with pick axe handles?

Harry Smith

No! In the USSR, KGB neutralized most of liberals and after that got the monopoly for information. That created the situation when the Soviet MSM could publish any BS they wanted. Like in the West right now. But population can not be fooled forever and that was one of the reasons USSR collapsed. So there must be opposition outlets giving the alternative point of view. As for the lenta.ru everyone in Russia knows they are enemy paid outlet so any news issued by them are making opposite effect.

paul ( original )

Thanks. You understood my meaning.


USSR collapsed since the cost of Chernobyl was of trillions of dollars, and the oil prices a that time were law. There is not other reason for this collapse.

Tony B.

Yes there is. No people like being slaves. When the opportunity comes they break from it, one way or another. Even by just quietly letting things go to hell.

Tudor Miron

“Ruzionic” media (and this is roughly 80-90% of Russian media) is going nuts lately. Above is only one example of huge campaign they’re conducting before March 2018 presidental elections. At the same time those pedoliberal snakeheads are screaming that all media in Russia is under strict government control and freedom of speech is heavily suppressed.


At bit of fake-news coming out of Russia at the moment, first the ‘7 Russian aircraft destroyed in latakia’ claim and now ‘100-400 (note the lack of accuracy there) Syrians killed in a week’ claim.


fake or not….this video broke my heart ,i couldnt bare to see it even once….a helpless soldier spitting blood all over, terror writen in the eyes of the captured soldiers, their butchers preparing knifes laughing at them…….may God have mercy on these poor souls….whoever God they beleive in…..

Icarus Tanović



who?the Syrians?or the apes?

Icarus Tanović

How come this idiotic question? Burn fuckking apes, not humans. They’re not even monkeys. They’re Hellish monstrosities.


not my fault….there are people here saying Assad is like Adolf….imagine that…..

Icarus Tanović

I know. But I’m Muslim and I know what is to be a Muslim and to be a “Muslim” the way westetn media portraits. I may look like Scandinavian, but that aside I know what Wahabism really is. And Hristos since you’re proud greek, marry xmass to you, because it’s Ortodox one.


Thank you……i wish everyone a happy new year as well…..Religion is not a reason to divide people. its a big misunderstanding. its just a reason USED by evil men to pass their goals. normal people (with common sense, a bit of brains etc) respect (or criticize) others for what they are, their way of thinking their beliefs….not for a label that says ‘christian’, ‘muslim’, ‘black’, ‘white’…….personally speaking i dont care what label one carries here…as long as i agree with his thoughts i support him…….that beeing said…..lately we have witnessed the radicalisation of Muslims around the world. the consequences are well known…..i consider that those people are below standards that must be reached to being called Humans….they havent evolved in the species chain yet, they are a kind of ape still. Same goes for the people in the middle ages burning alive ‘witches’ torturing people to extract confessions of exercising witchcraft etc…….lucky for us Europe has left that behind for good…….so as i said……your acts define you….not your ‘label’…….

Icarus Tanović

Very well and wisely said, my brother. Indeed someone wants to breed new kind of “muslims”, inhumane monstrosities in fact. Someone wants to rule them and use the as Terminators all over the World. And thank you for this humanistic answer, I’m now sure there are good people on this Earth still left. Thanks again, and we shal prevail evil and evil ones.

Deo Cass

I counted 7 Syrian Army personnel. Besides this video seems outdated.

Melotte 22

A few generals killed in fighting around military base. This sounds like the times when Russian air-forces bombed at least 20 hospitals a day.


why they still dont do scorched earth in damascus? bombb all the remaining building into dust.

John Mason

Another job for Putin, close down fake news outlets that follow West propaganda, Russia surely doesn’t need this kind of BS.

Solomon Krupacek

do you think, wolodya is a job seeker? :))

John Mason

Told you before; get another translator. You waffle garbage that makes no sense at all.

Solomon Krupacek


it´s not my mistake, that you are stupid :DDD

John Mason

keep making a fool of yourself, breaks the boredom. You are stuttering again! Mental issues likely cause.


That is true but most Russians are very cynical of the childish Anti Putin propaganda of the West due to decades of such nonsensical claims about Soviet excellence and Western inferiority during the days of the USSR. Today it is the American people who are mind controlled by a similar fantasy.

It is wise I think to tolerate some of the MSM propaganda outlets that peddle such rubbish. The Russian people in the main are educated enough to think for themselves.

John Mason

Criticism is healthy provided it doesn’t venture into sedition, when that happens then it needs to be curbed.


I agree and sedition is what the Anti Russia promoters use. Mind you , just listening and viewing Nikki Haley’s pompous renditions in the UN are similar to that of a bossy school mistress and is amusing to say the least :)

I am sure that the Russian security forces are closely watching and looking for armed gangs and assassins utilised by some Western countries.


It is so disappointing to hear you all slamming Liberals – Perhaps there is confusion over the definition of what a liberal is – “progressive, accepting new ideas”, whereas CONSERVATIVE is to “stay the course, old ways, traditions”.

And now, we have the conservatives dismissing science. So disappointing.

it is 21st C and people still believe in god even though there are a dozen religions espousing “only one god” [someone is wrong, nobody is fessing up, you are all wrong – there is no god, for christs sake. ha ha


New idea sure but to reject ‘others idea’ in criticism ? http://punchng(dot)com/uk-demands-un-change-pregnant-woman-to-pregnant-people/

Let’s get this even more messed up and get all the people revoke and denounce their gender.

paul ( original )

I hesitated to respond, but felt I wanted to add that these people are not just an irritant as they hold extensive power over us all. Call them ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ it make no difference when the words insane and evil is more descriptive.


How about the term ‘Neo-Con Liberals ‘ ? Is that better Karlin :)

Tony B.

The term “liberal” came about as a description of those wanting to escape the commands of God through His Church. Has always remained basically that. Related to anarchy.

Igor Dano

lenta? owners are the same,like Communist News Network.

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