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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Base With Deployed ‘Strategic Bombers’ In Venezuela: Wild Media Speculations Reach US State Department

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Russian Military Base With Deployed 'Strategic Bombers' In Venezuela: Wild Media Speculations Reach US State Department

Tu-160 strategic bombers. IMAGE: Russian Defense Ministry

Visit of Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers to Venezuela in December has caused a series of wild rumors in media.

2 Tu-160 strategic bombers arrived in Venezuela’s Bolivar International Airport for “combined operational flights” on December 10. The bombers were accompanied by an -124 Ruslan strategic airlift jet aircraft and Il-62 long-range jet airliner. On December 15, the air group returned to Russia.

The visit was widely covered by Western and Russian mainstream media outlets, which were spreading various speculations on the goal of the deployment and a further military cooperation between Russia and Venezuela. One of the most widely-spread rumor is that Russia is going to establish an air base in the Caribbean, at Orchila island.

Russian Military Base With Deployed 'Strategic Bombers' In Venezuela: Wild Media Speculations Reach US State Department

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The source of these rumors is the December 10 report by Russian newspapaer Nezavisimaya Gazeta. The media outlet used anonymous diplomatic sources to speculate that Russia is going to set up its own air base in the country. The newspaper continued by claiming that this move will allow to “deter” the US in response to Washington’s decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty.

“Our strategic bombers will not only not have to return to Russia every time, but also won’t perform aerial refueling while on a patrol mission in the Americas,” Nezavisimaya Gazeta quoted Colonel Shamil Gareyev, formerly chief of the Uzbekistan Defense Ministry’s Operations Department, as saying. “Our Tu-160 aircraft arrive to [sic] their base in Venezuela, conduct flights, execute their missions and are then replaced on a rotating basis. This is how it should be done.”

Recently, deputy spokesperson of US state Department Robert Palladino was even asked to comment on these speculations. However, it refused to do so.

The “news” about a Russina military base in Venezuela is a clear example how various rumors can be spread and circulated without any evidence only thanks to the current media histeria over the ongoing US-Russian geopolitical standoff.

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Reality American style. :)



thats what happens to a fake nation that takes orders on behalf of others…………British Crown..always were, always will be!!! 43 presidents have direct lineage to the british crown bloodline. small example to see how deep this goes……..Brad Pitt is from the same bloodline as King Henry II…….most hollywood assholes have a bloodline connected to them……

George W Bush….King Henry III 21st grandfather, King Edward I 22nd great grandfather, samuel Colt 4th cousin,Franklin Pierce (14th president of usa) 4th cousin,John Quincy Adams(6th usa president) 5th cousin. and the list for the bush´s gos on and on.


huh? what do ‘bloodlines’ have to do with Russian strategic bombers in Venezuela?


An old saying is of course that ‘Shit breeds shit’ :)


The mathematics of gene-dispersal from generation to generation is such that we are almost all related to Henry II.

AM Hants

Hope it is true, followed by another one in Cuba and not forgetting Mexico haha. Wonder how the US would feel, being encircled by Russian military bases.

Dušan Mirić

I suppose US military will finance those Russian bases so they can say: :You see…:


Hoo boy, I’d love to see a few Russian (or Chinese, even Iranian, any of the bad boyz) base that close to the US mainland, and I love it even more if the Maskirovka doctrine is applied to them. The ensuing hysteria would be much more satisfying!

Tony B.

I would love it too and I’ve been a U.S. citizen who has never left the country in my long life. Anyone who can counter the totally insane talmudists who have stolen this country using unending Rothschild created money to bribe or murder anyone in their way is fine with me. I would feel much safer with Russian bases surrounding the country. It might even pull some of the police state cops off the streets and onto the borders.

Abramo Putra

Are you really a citizen of the United States and you do not have the nightmares for the invasion of the Russians? But do you know that without the American robbery wars in the world you would not earn $ 3,000 a month?

Tony B.

$3,000 a month????? As I wrote, I’ve lived a long life and never have I seen anything remotely close to that kind of pay. Where do you get all this disinformation about the US.? During the Eisenhower depression I picked up empty bottles along side the road to buy milk for my babies. But I NEVER stooped to the welfare dream that so many who now come into the country unlawfully think they are entitled to, apparently because their first act in this country was a criminal act. The disparity between the 1% (almost all talmudists) and the 99% is the greatest in history probably anywhere other than England, which is the pattern for this country as the U.S. is owned by the same criminal banking cabal. Millions of Americans are today living on the streets, under bridges, etc., if not jailed because they can’t buy a meal as there ARE NO JOBS. Reality is not the same as media bullshit.

Abramo Putra

You say those in the hands of the Talmud. Many American geneticists and the social scientist Charles Murray consider them more intelligent and genetically superior. There was a time when the Americans, from George Washington, Benjamin Franklin to Henry Ford, opposed them. To get along with them you have to consider them superiors and elected people or else they destroy you, like Germany and the USSR first, Iraq, Syria, Iran, then. Undoubtedly the black Americans who are 13.3% of the population do not have the power of 2% of Jews whose influence in the US Congress is crucial.

Tony B.

You are preaching to the choir. Been in this war for over half a century. My mentor and close friend was Pequita de Shishmareff, the “L. Fry” authoress of “Waters Flowing Eastward” the definitive tome on the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” She and her Russian military husband were close friends of the Tsar, her children and those murdered by the talmudists sometimes played together in better days. Cabala and talmudic ass kissing begins in the beginning of pre kindergarten (about three years old) in this country and it NEVER stops.

But finally, after about 50 years, there is a growing awareness of the bull shit as every day more U.S. citizens wake up. You would be wise to stop disparaging them as those who wake up universally cheer Russia and any other nation that shows up the U.S. (Rothschild) military. We live in a police state which is much tighter than even most citizens realize. Do a search on the Syrian war on Google and every last result will be about how evil Assad and Putin are and how the U.S. is putting an end to the head choppers. We are allowed only lies in “our” media. BTW, read the American Jew, Ron Unz, who has blasted the lie about how intelligent Jews are. He has also exposed even Jewish ritual murder. As I wrote, people are waking up here, including those who call themselves “Jews.”


Iranian base in Americas would be deliciously and hysterically funny!!!

Chris Chuba

Do the Russians have any shortage of RADAR scans of F35’s or F22’s?

I kind of doubt it since we have been flying them all over the place but if they do then all they have to do is to fly those bombers east / west near Cuba and wait for us to scramble our most up to date aircraft and take all of the scans they want or test whatever photonic radar system they have when that is developed. I never understood why we send F22’s when F16’s would suffice. It’s the price you pay for showing off.

art poirot

It would be nice but the few if any benefits such a base would bring are greatly outweighed by the problems it would bring. Today’s missiles ranges and Russian delivery systems are already plenty capable of reaching the US from Russia. The main challenge is defeating Sam systems but taking off closer to the US would do nothing to help. The only gamechanger would be the added ability of deploying iskander missiles within range, but again, Russians longer range icbms and other cruise missiles can be delivered on target without such a forward deployment. Meanwhile that base would be in range of most of America’s long and short range missiles. It would most certainly be under massive ew, naval and recon surveillance. Supply for the battle group would be a nightmare during peacetime and in combat situation, impossible.

As much as we would all love to see America get a healthy Latin flavored dose of its own medicine.. Such a deployment would be stupid at best. Russia has better ways of applying military pressure on America its own backyard but they don’t involve building bases.

Manuel Flores Escobar

But just 4 0r 5 TU 22M armed with KH-22/32 and Hypersonic Khinzal( 2.000km range) + the same amount of SU 35 is enough to send a messege about deploy US troops in Ukraine.

art poirot

Yeah we can send messages all day long but in an actual conflict that base would be useless and only endanger all the servicemen posted there. Russia is also not an empire nor is it trying to be, so having a post half way across the world is a waist of time and resources

Ricky Miller

Venezuela should lease or sell the island to Russia. A secret clause can cover return rights down the road. A sort of more legal Caribbean version of Diego Garcia, minus the homeless and victimized islanders. Legally, this would help Russia avoid some of the pressure about operating from the island. It’s harder to pressure either Venezuela or Russia regarding the basing or what types of weapons are there if it’s sovereign Russian territory. Basing KH102 missiles at the airfield without confirming it removes some of the hysteria resulting from the basing because it’s impossible to know from looking at them which ones are conventional armed KH101’s or nuclear armed KH102’s. Russia should wait and put this plan in motion after the U.S. does one of the following: Gives Ukraine a volume or capabilities in weapons that Russia can publicly posture as dangerous or threatening or 2) Sends F22 or strategic capable aircraft to “drill” with Ukraine or Poland’s air forces or 3) begins basing intermediate range nuclear capable missiles anywhere in Europe, including the UK.

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