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MARCH 2025

Russian Military Delegation Visits Venezuela Ahead Of Expected Crackdown On US-backed Regime Change Network

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Russian Military Delegation Visits Venezuela Ahead Of Expected Crackdown On US-backed Regime Change Network

The crisis in Venezuela seems to be developing in a way, which has not been expected by the US and its proxies. The Maduro government has not been overthrown. Furthermore, it’s actively working to crack down on the US-backed regime change network working in Venezuela.

Russian Military Delegation Visits Venezuela Ahead Of Expected Crackdown On US-backed Regime Change Network

Juan Guaido’s political mentor Leopoldo Lopez, photograph circa 2014. Click to see full-size image

On March 23rd, a Russian military delegation arrived in Venezuela.

According to Javier Mayorca and shown on photographs posted by Federico Black.

The IL-62M and the Antomov 124 landed at Maiquetía International Airport.

Mayorca tweeted regarding the arrival:

“This Afternoon [March 23rd] a retinue of 99 Russian soldiers arrived at the airport of Maiquetía, under the command of the chief of staff of the ground forces General Vasilly Tonkoshkurov. They were received on presidential ramp by Rear Admiral Marianny Mata, Director of International Affairs and Integration of the Venezuelan Army (1/2)

Immediately thereafter (2pm) A Russian freighter arrived at the same terminal with 35 tonnes of materials, belonging to the contingent that had just landed. In The reception entourage was also staff of the Russian Embassy and the Commander of the Operation Zone of Integral Defense 61 Delta Amacuro. Edgar Colina Reyes”

Flightradar24.com also showed that wo planes left from a Russian military airport bound for Caracas on March 22nd, and another flight-tracking site showed that one plane left Caracas on March 24th.

Sputnik cited an anonymous diplomatic source in Caracas, according to who a group of Russian military personnel have arrived in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas to take part in consultations with country’s officials on defence industry cooperation.

“[The Russian military personnel] has arrived to take part in bilateral consultations,” the source said. “Russia [and Venezuela] have a number of contracts, which are being implemented, including contracts on military and technical cooperation.”

Maduro on March 20th said Russia would send medicine “next week” to Venezuela, without describing how it would arrive, adding that Moscow in February had sent some 300 tonnes of humanitarian aid.

Meanwhile, satellite imagery showed that the Venezuelan military deployed more Russian S-300 missile defense systems at an airbase south of Caracas.

All of these come ahead of an expected crackdown on the US-backed opposition in Venezuela.

On March 23rd, Venezuelan Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez claimed the head of that supposed network was Guaidó’s political mentor, Leopoldo López. He accused the group of recruiting Central American mercenaries to carry out attacks on the political and military leaders of Maduro’s “Bolivarian revolution.”

This took place two days after the arrest of Guaido’s chief of staff Roberto Marrero and other members of a “terrorist cell” accused of organizing an assassination plot on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

Also on March 23rd, Maduro said that “in the coming days, we will certainly see more terrorists captured – whatever their names might be. There will be justice in Venezuela. We will not shy away from sending these crooks to jail – one by one – sooner rather than later … We have their names. We know their faces.”

“The Bolivarian revolution will continue to lead the government and the people will continue to lead the motherland. There will be no empire, no puppets, no clowns and no parasites who can go against the will of the people of Venezuela,” Maduro said during his address, who is also supported by China and Turkey, in addition to Russia.

A pro-Maduro outlet, the Ultimas Noticias on March 24th had a headline hinting at a possible arrest of US-Proclaimed President Juan Guaido.

“Guaidó brought in assassins to commit acts of terror,” the headline read.

The US continues to maintain that any moves against Juan Guaido would warrant a “significant” response by the White House, which could possibly be the reason of the placement of even more S-300s as well as the visit by the Russian military delegation.


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S-300 will not stop a US attack, lol. Are these VZ personnel trained on S-300 or are the S-300 just showpieces like in Syria, where Israel does whatever it wants?

I don’t think US will attack with airplanes, as they are working on a guerilla army, possibly from Colombia and/or Brazil. Like the contras in Nicaragua. That is Elliot Abram’s, that filthy neo-con, specialty: terrorists (when in opposition) and death squads (when in power).


The S300 are potent and decisive weapons against fourth generation aircraft, with some radar enhancements it can take stealth aircraft. Israel does not do what it wants, Russia has a leash on them.

I do not see the opposition mustering large number of guerillas, Venezuela has a potent Air Force unlike Columbia or what Brazil can station close to the Venezuelan border. The Venezuelans, along with Cubans and Russians can destroy any guerilla army the US can put together.


S300 are potent and decisive weapons against fourth generation aircraft

Do you have a list of aircraft (aside from a Global Hawk, which really has no defenses) the S-300 has shot down?

Air force does not necessarily beat guerillas. Colombia had guerilla war for a long time despite having aircraft; USSR lost (and US is losing) in Afghanistan and US in Vietnam; Syria is winning but it took a very long time and huge damage. Lots more examples. It’s always possible to kill some guerillas but winning a war is much more complicated.

You can call me Al

Well in Syria, a S-200 shot down an Israeli F-16 + severely damaged one of it’s F-35 (although with the latter, the Israels said they fell into a birdstrike !!.

AM Hants

Well said. Not forgetting those 59 tomahawk missiles, where 36 went AWOL and 23 ejecting, with as much effect as brewers droop, operating at a Cynthia Payne Party in the 70s. They could not even stop the Syrian Forces, taking off, despite, hitting the airfield. The US tax payer was thrilled, being billed for the failure/entertainment of Trump hosting Xi Jinping, over at the Florida Gold Club. Funny how old Xi Jinping, cancelled his meeting with Trump, in order to court the Italians, whilst signing a few deals, just recently.


Bullshit, don’t do propaganda here, that airfield and planes were destroyed …


Bullshit, don’t do propaganda here

You can call me Al

You are not real, go away.


Nuclear armageddon is coming soon …

You can call me Al

About bloody time.

You can call me Al

I see there is another troll now “DO-NUT” – so many of them here as I saw on RI.

Anyway, how’s tricks ?. All good I hope.

AM Hants

DO NUT or NO NUTS? Things excellent with me. Loving being back up North. Decided to catch up on my love life, hence not spending much time on the site. Enjoying the comedy factor, which comes with it, plus perfectly unconventional, which so suits me, perfectly haha. Lips now zipped. Hope all is well with you.

You can call me Al

North – Good girl.

Love Life-Ok, but details required (lots of frustrated men on here !!)

Lips now Zipped – WOW, over the top there girl.Give em a dab of grease and they’ll be good as gold.

All good here, same same…’ish.

AM Hants

Haha. Don’t need grease on the lips, prefer other types of lubricants haha. No details on love life, but, enjoying the fun and comedy, which goes with it. Completely unexpected and seriously surreal beginning, owing to friends popping up to see me and a fairly wild weekend, that ended with what can only be described as a pure comedy sketch. Which seems to have carried on. Fortunately, he has a seriously good sense of humour. If any of us (girls), explained the story of the night we met, it would be hilarious. However, his and his mates version is even funnier. Glad things well with you.

You can call me Al

Excellent. I am envious. Enjoy whilst you can.

AM Hants



S300 are improved versions of earlier Soviet antiaircraft defenses that proved themselves in ME that shot a lot of Israeli aircraft during the 1973 war. Russia always empahasized air defenses using ground to air missiles instead of fighters and fighter bombers.

I think you get facts mixed up, US is supposedly trying to raise a guerilla army from neighboring Colombia and possibly Brazil, most likely mercenary rabble to invade Venezuela and fight a guerilla war, without any moral or ideological motivation. On the other hand, Venezuelans have a motivation to fight imperialist schemes, subsequently they will have much greater motivation to defend their country. The Vietnamese and the Afghans had significant motivation to fight invaders and protect their country. Mercenary armies always underperformed and we’re highly unreliable.


S300 are improved versions of earlier Soviet antiaircraft defenses that proved themselves

Yes,I understand that theory, I was focusing on your claim about 4th generation and 5th generation fighters. So no examples?

As to motivation, there is always some motivation that can be created. Money and propaganda – Maduro bad, kill own people, steal money, bunga bunga. Primitive but it works. They don’t have to win, they just have to increase the pain factor for Venezuelans. Sabotage, etc. Remember the CIA manual for the contras? There’s also a good number of Venezuelan who really hate Maduro.


The S300 has not been fired against any 4th or 5th generation aircraft. Their effectiveness is known by Israel, as Russia was part of G8 Israel tried to delay the contracted delivery of the missiles before the Syrian war, Russia obliged to “please” the partners, eventually as Russia was removed from the G8 because of Ukraine, Russia did not have any need to please anybody.

People in Venezuela that hate Maduro are the richer class that want to be subservient tomthe US.


So, again, you admit you fabricated the claim about S300 being “potent and decisive weapons against fourth generation aircraft”,as it is only speculation, not actual evidence you have.

As to VZ, that is your opinion I suppose, I hardly agree. There’s plenty of non-rich VZs that dislike Maduro. Even if only a small minority, it’s amazing what a guerilla army of even only 10,000 can do. You underestimate the “enemy” and overestimate your “ally” – typical of propagandist rather than analyst.


I did not fabricate anything, the S-300 was designated to engage fourth generation aircraft, if they are linked to a Nebo M2 multiband radar they van get locks on stealth aircraft.

“””it’s amazing what a guerilla army of even only 10,000 can do. You underestimate the “enemy” and overestimate your “ally” – typical of propagandist rather than analyst.””” You need to study military strategy and the effect of what mercenary armies have in campaigns. The Cuban contingent alone can take care of the mercenary rabble. Cite some facts instead of conjecture. Or better, wait until the end of the year.


You’ve probably seen this but the fabled S-300 once again failed to deter Israeli aggression – https://southfront.org/breaking-israeli-warplane-strike-several-targets-northeast-of-aleppo-video/ .


S300 are controlled by the Russians, Putin leashed Nethanyahu, and Israel has not conducted a single air attack since then. Putin resolved the matter politically instead of firing the missiles.


Dude, I just linked to a SouthFront article about an Israeli air attack against Syria yesterday and you’re muttering on about “not a single air attack” in months. Obviously debate has no point with you as you are immune to facts.


I did not read the link, I do not have much time to scan all the news, however, the pattern of events in Syria allows Russia to control the use of S300 against Israeli jets. Actually Russia is refraining from allowing Syrians to fire the S300, Putin has his agenda with Israel by constricting any moves that would lead major escalation, in case Israeli planes are shot down by the Syrians. This is not a contest between Israel and Russia As far as the veracity of the S300 and S400 can be expressed by the fact that US warplanes never tried to challange the Russian air defenses, US did not wenture west of Eufrates river. I am not immune to the facts, actually facts define my position.


“So, again, you admit you fabricated the claim about S300 being “potent and decisive weapons against fourth generation aircraft”,as it is only speculation, not actual evidence you have”

and all you’ve got is a speculation that is is not potent. you’re not very good at this are you?


Listen, annoying troll, I never claimed they aren’t effective. Did I? You really can’t seem to read simple English well. Try re-taking 4th grade and up, this time, pay attention.


you’re not very good at this are you? BS and blather. definitely overpaid. lmao


Joy, since you are such a nauseating troll and obviously will never have a valuable thought to share – you are now blocked. But carry on pestering others with your idiocy and pointless whining.


” I was focusing on your claim about 4th generation and 5th generation fighters. So no examples?” you are all BS. don’t you know how to use a search engine?

as for your hollywood version of VE’s future—lmao


don’t you know how to use a search engine

So you don’t have any evidence either, but want to bamboozle with low quality bull***t? lol, typical troll answer!


look numb one, you make outlandish claims w/o anything behind them except BS. question still stands are you intelligent enough to use a search engine?


Point is you are a particularly stupid troll.


question still stands are you intelligent enough to use a search engine?


The S400/300 hasn’t killed a single pilot in 30 years. Israel laughs and continues bombing Russian assets and the US killed 200 Russians in Deir Eizzor which is proven by radio communication

Tony B.

People such as yourself fail to see that the defense of these systems stops almost all of the intended destruction where they are placed. The U.S./Israel/NATO combo expected to have had totally destroyed and occupied Syria years ago and now they are all pretty much backing out, seldom attempting what used to be air raids at their whim. In fact the satanic Israhell airforce, in typically cowardly talmudic fashion, hides behind commercial airliners so it can fire a few missiles across the Syrian border from Lebanon. There have been NO Israeli jets over Syrian territory since the systems have been emplaced.


It’s been debunked by Der Speigle.

There was an attack that night by 200 Syrian tribal militias backed by a small contingent of Syrian regulars. No Russian soldiers or Mercs were involved in the fighting. 12 Russian mercs were killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time …. they weren’t involved in the combat.

“which is proven by radio communication” Russian nationalists started the rumor that up to 600 Russians were killed and Bloomberg picked up the story. It was bullshit meant to rile up the good ol boys in Russia to push Putin into attacking the Americans.



you lost. deal with it.

Momodou B. Kebbeh

Man. Is it that you do not know what was happening in Syria or you just decided not to be honest and tell lies instead. So let me tell you the fact: 1. Those 200 said to be Russians were not all Russians but a far fewer number were Russians and the were not members of the Russian armed forces. They were not under the protection or under the command of the Russian Army. They were private contracted soldiers or mercenaries. 2. Israel never bombed Russian Assets which were at Tartus and Hmeimim. 3. Israel immediately stopped bombing Syrian assets when Russia sent in the S300 and S4000. 4. The US and Europe said Bashar Assad must go but Russia said Bashar Assad Must Stay as Syria’s president. 5. Conclusion is Bashar Assad is still the President of Syria. So how come Russia weapons are not good. You are saying that but Trump and Obama stopped thinking like that a long time ago. They know Russian weapons helped Bassar to stay. You are living in the 1990s. Find and read about the the US army generals’ opinions about Russia’s army and weapons that will pull you out of the dark ages you are mentally in now.


“Israel immediately stopped bombing Syrian assets when Russia sent in the S300 and S4000” – that’s not true. Israel attacked a number of alleged IRGC sites in January, for example, https://www.jewishpress.com/news/middle-east/syria/israel-bombs-iranian-targets-in-syria-again-then-closes-mount-hermon-ski-resort-as-a-precaution/2019/01/21/ . But it seems at least the frequency has been reduced, though that does not necessarily point to the S-300s (it could also be a political question with Russia, the question is whether Israel could “take out” the S-300 systems with swam attacks, as I’ve mentioned earlier).

Momodou B. Kebbeh

They attacked using rockets to planes. They used rockets.

Momodou B. Kebbeh

Remember Bashar Assad is still the President of Syria. Without Russia you know what would have happened to Bashar. You heard of Muammar Gaddafi? What US wanted in Syria never happened. What Russia wanted happened. That is a Fact everyone is seeing. They (US and Europe leaders) were saying “Bashar must Go. Bashar has lost legitimacy to rule” All this utterances have be defeated and Assad is still there, the legitimate president of Syria and the US cannot do anything about it. So what are you arguing for now.


You are changing the topic. I know it’s likely Russia saved Assad’s ass (as did Iran and Hezbollah). But the topic here is the effectiveness of the S-300, though I guess we are beating a dead horse on that one :).

Momodou B. Kebbeh

Those S300 were effective and that is why Assad is still in power. The US and France and their gang bombed Libya and killed Maumarr Ghadafi but they could not do the same to Syria and Assad because of Russian weapons including the S300, We are within the same topic am not changing the topic.


You are again speculating. The Islamists/takfiris were losing even before Russia gave S-300s to Syria, which only happened quite recently, after Syrians shot down a Russian reconnaissance plane IL-24. You might remember that Obama had a “red line” which Assad allegedly crossed and a planned attack was aborted when British Parliament miraculously voted against it.

Again, situation is much more complicated than one missile system! FFS!


None, not a single one however it’s great great grandfather the S-75 Divina is credited with around 1100 kills in Vietnam plus many many more as US pilots had the choice of flying high and getting hit by the S-75 or hugging the ground and running into AA cannons, which in fact killed more than the SAMs. In all over 10,000 US aircraft were shot down durning the Vietnam war.

So rather than questioning the S-300’s record perhaps you should ask yourself if Russian SAMs have improved or gotten worse since the 1960’s. Obviously these systems have been demonstrated to militaries around the world as Russia tries to sell them and I would guess that the evaluators sent to test drive them are experts in the field of military aviation.

Why would India and Turkey thumb their noses at US weapons and risk US sanctions if the S-300 / 400 were useless. Turkey is a NATO member and flies US jets, they chose the S-400 over the Patriot missile system AND the F-35.

You aren’t going to convince me that they would risk $$$billions, US sanctions, relations with NATO, and the jobs building components for the F-35 as well as the F-35 itself and the deposit they’ve already paid for a missile system that doesn’t work.


a missile system that doesn’t work

Well that was the question and you have not provided any answer (not your fault, the point I have been making is, nobody really knows, so it’s silly to pretend you do).

One may surmise with relative comfort that they are effective against 4th-gen fighters (though of course the fighters have improved a lot since the 60s as well), though not proven, 5th-gen is a really open question, not just in terms of stealth, but in terms of battle strategy (i.e., operating from a distance using guided munitions rather than flying over a target using gravity bombs).


It doesn’t matter if the missiles work, as long as the Americans are too scared to challenge them. The US is terrified of taking casualties, so I imagine they will employ the tactics they use in Syria, that is keeping the aircraft in international airspace and relying on long range munitions.


as long as the Americans are too scared to challenge them.

That may not be the case with stealth drones – they are more worried about losing pilots, with all that entails, than drones (Russia seems pretty sensitive about that as well).

If I were commanding the US Air Force and testing S-300/-400/-500 systems I would probably try a swarm of Kratos XQ-58 Valkyries – or some similar stealth drone that is cheaper to make than an S-300 missile. At some point the target cannot afford to shoot down any more attackers.


If your assumptions are correct, why didn’t the US challenge Russian air defenses in Syria?

If you read up on American attacks on Syria you would know that Russia does not use the 9M83 missile to eliminate low value targets. They use the S300 long range radar to track and prep Pantsir batteries to shoot down low value targets, using 30mm cannon or short range(cheap) missiles.

You are right about the cost of war being important, the Soviet Union was crippled economically by defense spending. But now the shoe is on the other foot, it’s the US that is drowning in a sea of debt, and Russian defenses seem very cost effective. The US has spent more in Syria, than the total Russian defense budget, and the Russians won :)


The US has spent more in Syria, than the total Russian defense budget

While that’s incredibly unlikely, you’ve piqued my interest: proof please. I think the Syrian budget is rather small, there’s only a few troops there and those 70 Tomahawks or so are much cheaper than what Russia has spent just in Syria.


“try a swarm of Kratos XQ-58 Valkyries” yeah, if you had any any. lol

“The Valkyrie successfully completed its first flight on 5 March 2019 at Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona.”


History has shown that until the shooting starts no one know how any of these weapons systems will work. If we were to judge weapons on how they were predicted to work in peace time Germany would have been soundly defeated by the French in WW2. The German army SHOULD have been destroyed in front of the Maginot line.

The French were by far the strongest military force in the world in 1939 but those systems didn’t work exactly the way they were supposed to against German tactics. The Germans in 1940 had terribly inferior tanks to the French and British …. they simply out maneuvered them then once pocketed they destroyed French and British armour with infantry.

It’s been 70 years since the last war between peers. Fan boys can argue the merits of invisible aircraft vs invincible missiles til the cows come home but I believe we are going to be in for a shitload of surprises when push comes to shove

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

As I see it, your view seems to be that the “inferior races”, the untermenschen, the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, have no right, no ability, no genius to invent weapons that work to defeat the aggressive designs of the US Evil Empire. That’s right, isn’t it? Do you also believe that Russian nukes don’t work? Do you really want to find out and believe as the missiles streak towards you at hypersonic speeds? So, why was the Pompous arsehole having kittens when the 2 White Swans nuclear bombers visited Venezuela for a few days back in December? I thought RF weapons didn’t work? This warped RACIST thinking of your ilk is bringing the whole world to the brink of the nuclear furnace.


Dude, man, please seek psychiatric help. You seem quite unstable.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You don’t like the truth, do you dear? You are a Western supremacist, right? Confession is good for the soul!


You’re still in need of psychiatric help.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You still have answered by questions about why you think that RF weapons don’t work. I can understand your psychological reluctance, dear boy! I will give you 24 hours to consult your superiors and then I will have you declared unfit to command the keyboard, by Order of Starfleet Command, Sector One.


Please dial immediately 1-800-IMINSANE. They will help you.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Gotcha! You have been exposed as a Western supremacist. How do you plead? Sentence will be passed by a jury of your peers.

Momodou B. Kebbeh

I quote “So, why was the Pompous arsehole having kittens when the 2 White Swans nuclear bombers visited Venezuela for a few days back in December? I thought RF weapons didn’t work?”


Seems like you are dropping to Yerevan’s level of total incoherence and nonsense ….

Momodou B. Kebbeh

Ok. You said this “Listen, annoying troll, I never claimed they aren’t effective.” So I do not have to say anything now.


Yeah, I wrote that to “Just Passing Through”, who is, indeed, an annoying troll.


“One may surmise with relative comfort” how funny you are. you really don’t know anything do you. paid by the word, i suppose. definitely not by level of intelligent content. boring.


Says the guy who hasn’t written a single smart thing this entire thread – and entire life too? Useless troll.


“Says the guy who hasn’t written a single smart thing this entire thread” couldn’t have described your BS any better than that. lmao

AM Hants

Not forgetting the support from China and even Turkey, who have the largest army, out of the NATO member states, excluding the US, I do believe.


The only aircraft russia shot down in syria was ….. you know the answer .


Or can be outnumbered by cheaper subsonic cruise missiles launched from the sea

AM Hants

Caspian Sea, so comes to mind.

AM Hants

LOL, do you really believe the US tax payer wishes to finance yet more war, with no legal basis?


“S-300 will not stop a US attack, lol.” dumber than dirt.

John Whitehot

“Israel does whatever it wants”

Israel wanted Assad down, and he’s up.

Israel wanted Iran out and it’s in.

wtf were you talking about?


“””The crisis in Venezuela seems to be developing in a way, which has not been expected by the US and its proxies.”””

US and their proxies are mentally challenged since they live in the past and fail to realize that Russia is a major power that will withstand any western thievery and criminal conduct. Russia can draw red lines, because they are in a military/political position to do so, the red lines making an impact on the Anglo Zionist without starting a major war.


A major military power but a minor economic one.


Russia’s GDP (PPP) will surpass Germany’s GDP in case of a EU economic slowdown. Currently Russian GDP (PPP) is sixth largest world wide, in spite of sanctions and economic warfare directed against it.


Yes GDP (PPP) is 6th largest but you are forgetting that US has lots of allies, who also contribute (and could contribute much more) to the defense spending. Looking at GDP (PPP), Russia has $4.2 trillion, while US has $20.4 trillion, EU has $22 trillion, Japan has $5.6 trillion, Canada has $1.9 trillion and S, Korea has $2.1 trillion… So the US Empire is closer to $52 trillion vs. Russia’s $4.2 trillion, or over 12 times as great.

So who has 1/12th the GDP of Russia, to make the inverse scale comparison? Well that is GDP (PPP) of $350 billion – Israel!

AM Hants

You ignore GDP Debt. Russia, it is around 20%. The US 108%.

Reminds me, but, the US and Russia, are nuclear triad nations, with Russia having hypersonics, in active service. US defence budget is $717 billion, whilst Russia, the defence budget is only $42 billion. Guess it makes a difference, when your President is also a Doctor of Economics, rather than a business man, with a taste for bankruptcy.


If you are going to include allies, along Russia include China close to 28 trillion PPP, India 11.5 trillion PPP, Turkey 2.5 trillion PPP….etc. Who cares about western GDP’s, they are inflated by quantatative easing policies, stock markets go up artificially making everybody wealthier, having more money to throw in the economic pot, inflating the GDP artificially.


Yes see my new post above.


If you are going to include allies, along Russia include China close to 28 trillion PPP, India 11.5 trillion PPP, Turkey 2.5 trillion PPP….etc.

That’s pretty funny, Russia should more worry about China being an enemy than an ally – Siberia and all of its resources is very tempting for China, and China would not give up trade with EU/US/Japan/S. Korea for sake of Russia. As to India, they are neutral, and not an ally (in any military sense) with Russia (or the US, so I did not count them there either). Turkey, well, they recently shot down a Russian jet – wouldn’t quite chalk them into the ally column either.

John Whitehot

“That’s pretty funny, Russia should more worry about China being an enemy than an ally – Siberia and all of its resources is very tempting for China”

You must have read quora articles too much.


You need a lesson in geopolitics, have you you heard anything about SCO and what it stands for?


Yes, SCO was started to reduce high military tensions between Russian Federation and Republic of China. It is not a military alliance. There has been talk about folding SCO into CSTO, which IS a military alliance, but that has not happened. Since you are the geopolitical “expert”, tell us why?


“””SCO was started to reduce high military tensions between Russian Federation and Republic of China.”””

That is your personal BS. SCO is a Eurasian political, economic and security alliance that was signed in the early 2000’s. Tensions between China and Russia cooled off in the early seventies, and both saw the threat of US hegemonic power that needed to be checked. SCO is an equivalent of EU/NATO, a counterpart to be exact.

CSTO was an alliance between Russia and exclusively the former republics that had gained their independence. CSTO and SCO are different alliances with different goals. China and Russia conduct naval, aerial and ground drills together, they are allies and their economic trade will surpass 100 billion this year. China buys from Russia superiority fighters, S400 missile systems, they both work together to contain the US and eventually sink it into a pile of debt through de dollarization.


was signed in the early 2000’s

Yes but it grew out of the Shanghai Five. That group in turn signed a treaty in 1997 to reduce Sino-Russian border tensions. That was the origin. After Uzbekistan was admitted in 2001, instead of “renumbering” every time (e.g. to Shanghai Six) they changed the name to remove the numbers.

SCO is an equivalent of EU/NATO, a counterpart to be exact.

It absolutely is not. Which document provides for a mutual defense pact?

As to CSTO, I know what it is, I mentioned it. Specifically I mentioned that SCO was deliberately not folded into CSTO, which has a large overlapping membership (Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistanand in CSTO vs. China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan in SCO) … and this is key … a mutual defense pact. CSTO is, indeed, more like NATO; SCO is not. The mutual presence of India and Pakistan in SCO should clue you in.

I know China buys military equipment from Russia. China will reverse-engineer it and then make its own; that’s what China does. China would also not mind owning all of Siberia, first, because Siberia is inhabited by East Asians, not Caucasians, second, because it has lots of resources, and third, because it has lots of unused land. China will squeeze Russia but don’t think this is ever going to be a “happy” partnership. It is a partnership of convenience.


Your idea that China will squeeze Russia is rather abstract, as long as US is waging economic war against them, they will be allies. Also, having oil and gas transported through safer routes inland would make China more reliant on Russia’s natural resources. The Chinese also know Russia’s nuclear capability would deter them from any land grab they might consider. Even though SCO is not penned as a military alliance, it is an economic one, and hence US uses economic warfare tactics, SCO is able to counteract effectively by similar means, especially doing away with the dollar transactions and replacing them with currency swaps, Yuan, or bartering.


So far nobody’s developed an alternative to the US global financial system. Frankly I’m stunned by that, but there it is.

As to Russia’s nukes, there are defenses against those. And as long as only largely barren land is threatened, not clear Russia would use them anyway. After all, Moscow and St. Petersburg are the only things the Russian elites give a shit about – the rest of Russia is something to be exploited to feed the ruling class. It’s clearly a caste system in Russia.


US global financial system is a parasite system, whereby it prints money and the rest to work hard to make products in order to access the dollar. Because of this ability to print money, US had buried itself in debt it does not plan to pay, a lot of countries have wised up and are circumventing the dollar. The Fed who generates money out of thin air has to finance treasury sales in order to cover deficits that are going to consistently stay over one trilion.


Stats….says it all doesn’t it. Like any tool it depends on how it is used not on the size!

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

You do realise that global domination (the aim of the US Evil Empire) is several times more expensive that the defence of the homeland (Russia, China, Iran)? I would seriously ask you to investigate the effect of the collapse of the USD as the world’s reserve currency. Why would Russia, China, Iran and other free nations pay for the US military to prance around their homes?


global domination (the aim of the US Evil Empire) is several times more expensive that the defence of the homeland

Well that’s what all the NATO contributions, etc. are about.

to investigate the effect of the collapse of the USD as the world’s reserve currency

Hasn’t collapsed yet, not seeing any likely replacement in the near future.

Why would Russia, China, Iran and other free nations pay for the US military to prance around their homes

Not sure why you’re asking me such a strange question ….

John Whitehot

“not seeing any likely replacement in the near future”

That’s one reason why it’s collapsing.

cechas vodobenikov

nikwod has a poor grasp of arithmetic and history


“but you are forgetting that US has lots of allies” who?

cechas vodobenikov

obviously your grasp of geopolitics is trailer park nonsense


If you don’t have anything better to say than “I’m an idiot”, please don’t bother commenting. They are down arrows for that. You are just spreading pollution.

John Whitehot

seems you are forgetting China, and debt.


The centre of economic power on earth is moving east, and the response of the west is to spend more money. Money that is created out of thin air? Sooner or later the world will realize the American Emperor has no clothes, and all the debtor economies will collapse.

Promitheas Apollonious

and you know this by listening to cnn and similar? Or you measure economy by how much in debt you are?

Tudor Miron

Largest debt in history of human kind – that’s the result of US “economical power”. People should realize that US “economy” stands on its military might (800+ mil bases around the world) allowing them to loot the globe. Currently US military influence is rapidly decreasing (at accelerating rate) and guess what happens next.


It’s all fiat debt. It can easily be made to disappear.

It is not Americans who benefit from the military bases, it’s the ruling class, and they live in Europe – and Russia – as well.


“It’s all fiat debt. It can easily be made to disappear.” lmao


Russia’s economy was effectively ruined in the 1990s and has never picked up. That is not just true of Russia, but of eastern Europe too. Privatisation resulted in attempts by various individuals to establish themselves in an environment where they could be as rich as possible. And, of course, there are in Russia various so-called oligarchs. I think it was an IMF report which pointed out that something like half of its GDP comes from outside Russia. In other words, the ‘oligarchs’, by various devious and what otherwise would be illegal means, have acquired wealth that has been exported to the west and is now in various havens. A very considerable portion of Russian GDP has been exported and continues to be exported. In fact it is easy for people to take their money out of Russia – it is a very peculiar state in that respect.


“Russia’s economy was effectively ruined in the 1990s and has never picked up.” a bit behind the curve, aren’t you? a little less opionating and a bit more reading wouldn’t hurt. or are just a wannabe troll?


Sorry should have put quotes and the author of that passage. It was from this Marxian economist and taken out of his recent article. https://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1239/a-convenient-enemy/


ok, H.H.T. is a bit behind the curve. still beating the marxist theory drum. would expect such an article from him. of course he doesn’t allow for the sanctions, seems to grinding his old ax at the age of 81. my apologies to you.

see: https://www.statista.com/statistics/263772/gross-domestic-product-gdp-in-russia/

“Hillel H. Ticktin is a Marxist theorist and economist (Trotskyite). He was born in South Africa in 1937 but had to leave to avoid arrest for political activism. He then lived and studied in the Soviet Union, where his PhD thesis, which was critical of official Communist Parties, was rejected.” -wiki

“Capitalism must be overthrown before a transitional period can be initiated. There must be a total rupture with value production. In order for this to happen the working class must capture political power and set about consciously transforming social production relations. Ticktin’s conceptions seem like those other aficionados of a seamless transition to communism, who have long lost hope in the working class being the agent of revolution.” https://libcom.org/blog/h-ticktin-decline-transition

cechas vodobenikov


Cheryl Brandon


AM Hants

Used to like Branson when he kept out of politics. Now why on earth is he now the NWOs, biggest chearleader? Wonder what they have got on him?

Brother Ma

The last remaining taboo? Kiddy raping? Can’t be homosexuality as that is mainstream now.

Wolfgang Wolf

oh, let the russians bring some “update” to the export models of S-300 (which is mainly software related) and some neat little EW systems…. there is the “medicine”…. and if they dismantle Gay-do´s network, but let him stay and look like a lonely clown, so what))

Dušan Mirić

Gay-do is much better than ‘Gvido’.


They’d be better off using slingshots than those fake S9000 systems haha

The US could crush Venezuela in under 48 hours. Iran got whooped for 8 years against Saddam, the US smacked them in under a week

Bogdan Latow

What a silly vanity ! Proud to be a butcher nation. You write like a little kid. Go play in the kindergarten.

Promitheas Apollonious

that what growing up on Prozac, Ritalin and junk food, will do to you. he is not a kid just a single cell moron.

Dušan Mirić

I got impression it is some phisherman


He is another ignorant American foolo.


. . . And then got bogged down for how many years? Sure, if the US was willing to go full direct invasion they could cream Venezuela pretty fast. But there would be a huge regional political backlash. And the resistance in Venezuela would probably be a lot tougher than the resistance in Iraq. Venezuelan terrain is much more varied than Iraq’s flat desert. More importantly, more of the population would be involved in resistance and they are better organized. Iraq’s resistance mostly came from one key minority, the Sunnis (although it’s notable that the Americans ended up moving out and allowing elections around the time the key Shia figures made it clear that if the Americans didn’t get moving the Shia population would soon be all in as well). Venezuelan resistance would be broad-based. There’s a big core of committed Bolivarians, but there’s also a strong majority of Venezuelans who aren’t even Bolivarians but hate the idea of a yankee invasion. And given US tendencies to fuck places up as soon as they set foot in them, that majority would just grow.

The Americans would end up with nothing on their side but a very thin class of rich, spoiled compradors. And we have seen from the way they run the political opposition that those guys are fucking useless. The US could invade Venezuela, they could initially occupy Venezuela, but they couldn’t hold Venezuela, and by the time they were finished blowing up Venezuela the whole region would have gone back to Pink Tide or more so as every country threw out any leadership that backed the occupation.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

So, how’s the “Assad must go” fart going???


Not that good.


18 Years and the Taliban is still going strong. The US and the NATO cronies has not been able to defeat the Taliban. Also remember Vietnam. So you can see that US is not as great as you think. They only to with coalition of other nations.. They like pick up fights with nations than can shoot back. I call this cowardice.

cechas vodobenikov

it is well known that amerikans r cowards—this is why u lose all wars, except against island nations like Grenada


Oh, come on. US defeated Iraq in a few weeks, Panama is actually a success story, WW I and WW II were “won”, …. Occupation is a whole other topic from war.

cechas vodobenikov

nicky—-the US had nearly nothing to do w either WWI or WWII; your grasp of history is pitiful


Actually, without US involvement, Allies would have lost WW I.

Not to mention, US involvement in WW II was critical (1) to stop the Red Army from capturing all of Europe, and (2) to defeat Japan (you do remember the Asian Theater, don’t you? or wasn’t that taught in your school for the intellectually disabled?).

So really it is your grasp of history, and grasp of reality, generally, this is utterly pitiful. You should sue your grammar school for abysmal failures.

Momodou B. Kebbeh

My GOD, so the Red Army had the intention to capture the whole of Europe! Waw!


Well who was going to stop them, lol?

Actually I think Red Army was intent on capturing all of Europe in 1941, and Operation Barbarossa was actually a pre-emptive strike to defend Europe from an imminent invasion. I think the evidence is quite overwhelming but it’s not the “German demonization” version the victors teach in school so I’ll leave it at that.

Still, the point remains, the Allies would never have met USSR where they did had US not participated in D-Day.

It’s interesting, Russians tend to take the view that USSR alone defeated Germany, and I think you do too, just take it to its logical conclusion. Where in your opinion would Stalin have stopped on his own, lol?

Momodou B. Kebbeh

The Red Army was fighting against Germany. The Red Army has never fought the US. The US has never declared war against the USSR. The US has never declared war against Russia. But The US has declared war against Germany in both the 1st and 2nd World wars.Th US also declared war against Japan. Germany, Italy and Japan has both attacked the US and fought a war with the US but the USSR or Russia never fought a war against the US. Do not tell me in Afghanistan or Syria. But the US wants Russia to be its enemy. The US wants to turn Russia into an enemy. The US now wants China to be an enemy. but why? A country wanting unwilling countries to become enemies. Who was the Red Army going to fight after the fall of Germany?


Actually Korean War and Vietnam War are better examples, though the Soviet-Afghan war may also count. Germany never did attack the US mainland, though they fought in wars against each other. UK however has attacked the US mainland several times. What is the point of all this, if any?

the US wants Russia to be its enemy

Well there are several levels of analysis here, the simplest one is: US wants Russia “to behave”, i.e., not to interfere with US’ governance of the planet. It does not actually want Russia as an enemy.

As to China, your argument is much weaker still. US simply is tired of China taking massive advantage of the trade relationship, par. since China’s economy is now larger than that of the US. It’s about time the rules were normalized. Personally I was always opposed to trade with China, US should never have moved production there. Instead US should have become closer allies with Russia and Eastern Europe after USSR collapsed and moved production there. But nobody cares about my opinion so :).

Who was the Red Army going to fight after the fall of Germany?

Well that’s the thing, there really wasn’t anyone to fight, since Germany occupied almost all of Western Europe (aside, say, the Iberian Peninsula). Thus USSR could have easily seized all of Europe – if the US had not gotten involved and launched D-Day

Momodou B. Kebbeh

Russia like Germany never attacked the US mainland. However Germany fought two wars again the US, WW I and WW II. So if the US wants an enemy Germany is a more suitable enemy. When a country is at war with another there is what is called the Declaration of war. I never heard of Russia and the US declaring war to each other. But Germany and the US had declared war to each other more than once. For example, the causes of the US entry into WW1 included the Sinking of the passenger ship the Lusitania which was sunk by a German U-Boat. … Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany, and the US entry into WW1 began on April 6, 1917.

cechas vodobenikov

nikywod lies—the USSR voluntarily withdrew from both Yugoslavia and Austria without any pressure from the USA

Momodou B. Kebbeh

I know these are lies. The USSR had no problems with the Europeans other than Germany which was its enemy and which first attacked her.


without any pressure from the USA

You are seriously retarded. Also worth mentioning that Tito was not allowing Stalin’s troops into Yugoslavia – that would have required another war, and most likely, the rest of the Allies would have supported Tito.

cechas vodobenikov

lies—the US did not send troops into Europe until 5 most before the armistice when WWI was effectively concluded—lie #1 the Soviets defeated Germany; don’t dare pretend differently–lie #2 China and the USSR defeated Japan—your trailer park fabrications amuse—lie #3


1) US helped a lot aside from use of troops – particularly by equipping UK. But you may remember that Germany surrendered while its troops were still in foreign lands – under the pretext of Wilson’s Fourteen Points of Light, which were, of course, completely betrayed by the Treaty of Versailles. They did this because the US had entered the war. Think what you want, I don’t care, but it’s just idiotic to call it a “lie”, lol?

2) The Russian winter defeated the German Army, but I’ll give credit to the Red Army for drawing the battle out that long. And I never claimed otherwise, so, not sure where you are pulling a lie from – your ass?

3) Stalin had made a deal with Churchill during the war about who would control what. There was a lot of talk on the US side about sweeping USSR from all of Europe that USSR had occupied – General Patton being chief among them. So it’s clear that Stalin gave up what he had to in order not to lose everything. “US was powerless and impotent” – right, you do remember the two bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, for which the USSR had absolutely no answer back then? LOL, you really are a fucking retard!!!!! Hahahaha! Super retarded, comrade, super retarded!

4) That is too idiotic to even answer, except to note one point: Stalin breached the non-aggression pact between USSR and Japan by invading Manchuria, which, obviously, is not connected to Japan. Japan was already on the verge of defeat – indeed, it would have surrendered already except US was demanding an unconditional surrender and Japan wanted to retain the Emperor. Shortly thereafter, the two bombs I mentioned, and Japan surrendered, unconditionally, to the US. You are such a fucking retard! Perhaps the biggest retard on Disqus yet!

cechas vodobenikov

you r tiresome and stupid–I care not to waste time reading your puerile nonsense…which of course I didn’t


You’re far too stupid, and too much of an ass, to understand it anyway.

cechas vodobenikov

“amerikans have always been genocidal, enjoying killing from afar” Philip Slater….defeat requires occupation….your aversion to reality amuses “amerikans live in a thicket of illusions; amerikans demand illusions about themselves”. Daniel Boorstin


LOL, some more delusional retardedness spurted by Comrade Retard! You may have noticed, but US is occupying a big part of Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan at the moment, as well as having troops in about 100 other countries.

The retard is strong in you!

Momodou B. Kebbeh

Like the US crushed Cuba in 24 hours. Like the US did to Cuba. Read about US attempts to remove the Castros. You know nothing man. Read about The Bay of pigs.


You mean when the Russians shit themselves and ran home crying to Mommy when the US called their Cuban Missile bluff?

Momodou B. Kebbeh

Man the Russian did not run home to Mommy. Who told you that? The agreement was that the US would remove the U.S. Jupiter missiles it installed in Turkey and The USSR would removed the missiles it installed in Cuba. So where did you get this “the Russians shit themselves and ran home crying to Mommy when the US called their Cuban Missile bluff? “Read it from US own sources “https://history.state.gov/milestones/1961-1968/cuban-missile-crisis “.


But the US still had Missiles in Europe afterwards LOL


Only short-range tactical ones. The Jupiters in Italy and Turkey were the only medium-range nuclear-capable missiles and they were all traded off for removal of the Cuban MRBMs.


The US nukes remained in Europe is the point, parity lost when Russia backed down

They punked


You just don’t get it – the whole point of the Cuban missiles was to counter the Jupiters (MRBMs against MBRMs), not the other weapons. Put the flag down and use your brain. Flag-waving is for idiots.


No stupid, it was to achieve parity and threaten the US. It failed when they backed down and the US still maintained nuclear weapons in Europe. You’re a retard lol


Point of fact US still has nuclear weapons in Turkey (B61 bombs) and even after the missile crisis had nuclear bombs, as well as shorter-range tactical nukes, elsewhere in Europe. But the Jupiters were removed from Turkey and Italy and those were the biggest threat.

Momodou B. Kebbeh

But at that time immediately after the missile crisis there were no B61 Bombs in Eastern Europe for Eastern Europe was all under the influence of USSR. And it is not true that there were B61 bombs in any country in Eastern Europe. Right now there are Nuclear capable bombers in Venezuela and Russia sends Nuclear armed submarines to patrol around both the East and West coast of the US. Russia does not need to station nuclear bombs in Cuba and Venezuela its bombs can easily reach the US even without sending its bomber planes. But still two Bombers are now in Venezuela and there is nothing the US can do about it. That is well known. For Europe Russia put nuclear armed missiles at Kaliningrad north of Poland next door to Germany.


it’s over – the morons in the white house thought they could re-balance the score-sheet by actually succeed in laying waste to venezuela in next door south america and try to forget about the number of snafus they have orchestrated across the world – but no, there won’t be a successful coup in venezuela and it’s only a matter of time before their man on the ground, guaido, is brought before the court to answer for his misdeeds, like selling out to the enemy, a quisling with other words. vidkun quisling was stood up against the wall of aakers fortress, oslo, norway and executed and something similar may well be in store for guaido,


Obviously it is easier for the US to project power than Russia in Venezuela. The US has a vast drug dealing network in Colombia and has been using Colombians in Yemen, so their Colombian terror army is battle hardened.

But can the US afford another war, will foreign creditors lend the US the money needed?

The US might have already achieved its objective, which is raising the price of oil. Shell and BP have announced they are selling the heavy oil that many US refineries need at a price premium. That money for BP and Shell is why the Europeans support the US attacking Venezuela.

All wars are about money.

Brother Ma

So euros support the Us adventurism in Venezuela because it would stop Venezuela selling heavy oil in the meantime? So BP and Shell’s profits soar in the short term?


Is there any defense against US cruise missiles being fired at the S-300 sites?

AM Hants

Nice one Russia. That is the way to do it.


Plenty of targets in the US for countries like Venezuela to sabotage. An eye for an eye.


It is all about the oil …


Putin should show some nuclear power … that would be very interesting to watch …


Exactly, nuke New York, show the Americans he is serious.

John Whitehot

nobody has even made the hypothesis that they could be there to protect/evacuate diplomatic and civilian personnel/assets in case the varmint decides to start doing terrorist acts.

It seems reasonable to me, although someone may have an interest in saying that “even the Russian presence could not stop the revolution against Maduro”.

Astar Roth

Great news!!!

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