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Russian Military Doctors Began Receiving Patients With Suspected Coronavirus Infection In Belgrade

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Russian Military Doctors Began Receiving Patients With Suspected Coronavirus Infection In Belgrade

IMAGE: Russian Defense Ministry

On April 7, the Russian Defense Ministry released an update on its ongoing anti-COVID-19 operation in Serbia (source):

Two teams of Russian military doctors began receiving patients suspected of having a coronavirus infection after disinfection at the medical clinical center named after Dragos Misevic in the Serbian capital Belgrade.

At the initial stage, Russian doctors studied the organization of the treatment process, got acquainted with the diagnostic equipment and the specifics of the work of their Serbian colleagues. Military specialists are conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of patients, gathering medical history, formulate and propose treatment strategies on the basis of international standards of medical care. Due to the large number of cases and the associated high burden on the hospital’s medical staff, the assistance of Russian specialists was highly appreciated by Serbian colleagues.

Five more medical and nursing teams were sent to assess the epidemiological situation in the cities of Chupria, Novi Pazar, Cacak, Leskovac and Kragujevac. They advise their Serbian colleagues on the organization of quarantine and disinfection measures, and share their experience in the treatment of highly pathogenic diseases. One medical team is on standby to respond to emergency changes in the epidemiological situation, as well as daily monitoring of the health of Russian military personnel.

NBC protection units and special military equipment carried out sanitary treatment at the Belgrade infectious diseases hospital and the “Zemun” clinical center, which are at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus infection in the capital. Most of the patients suspected of having COVID-19 disease are brought here for initial diagnosis, and then distributed according to the degree of complexity of the disease to other medical institutions.

Another group of specialists disinfected the city hospital of Valevo, which is also the leader in the number of cases in Serbia. At the end of the day, more than 45 thousand square meters of premises and 20 thousand square meters of hospital territory were processed.


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Spot the difference.

Russia sends medical teams to assist other nations medical teams. Even NATO countries.

The USA snatches medical supplies already on the way to their NATO vassals.

AM Hants

Not just the US, pillaging from their NATO partners. Also Germany, France, Poland, Turkey, Czech and the list goes on. Just love the solidarity of NATO and EU Member States.


In mant respects, the various EU statelets behave in a similar manner to the US backed terror gangs in Syria. When the good extortion times end, they end up killing eachother. :)

AM Hants

Run by same crowd and know no other script?


The US is Number One again. This time with the most virus deaths :)

Trump will be trumpeting that to all and sundry.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The USA sent one million masks, to Israel!

Not its “special relationship with the UK’ or any other NATO member. Not the neighbours of the USA, Canada or Mexico.


Israelis in masks = Highway robbers :)

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Balaclavas don’t suit them.

Leaves too much of a side profile, lol.

AM Hants

Love the way they deep clean everything before settling down to work. Even only the NHS was so thorough.


Serbia is not an EU state but an occupied territory of the west, 20 years now . Attacked, demonized and pillaged. With an installed quisling regime and complete media control by western interests – a dictatorship. Still, the overwhelming majority of the population is and always has been pro-Russian. If anything, 20 years of pro-EU propaganda campaigns have decreased support for that abomination – which was low to begin with (the only free cheese is in a mousetrap, as the saying goes) . Any support from Russia is appreciated! Regrettably, many people see Russian support to the people as support to the quisling thieving government, which it is not. Rather, it’s the least of bad options.


67 members of the medical staff (doctors, nurses, med workers) at that hospital are contaminated. Mostly, anesthesiologists and surgeons amongst the MD’s. Any assistance is gold!


Serbia has never imposed any sanctions towards Russia, however, companies who do business with Russia are under attack by western interests in Serbia.


This hospital was bombed by Nato in 1999.


Yes, I have seen this, they go under different names, but their MO is the same.

1. Russia betrayed us in the 90’s till now.

2. Therefore, we should be anti-Russian…………….a comical level of brainwashing.

First, no one equates the Gorbachev & Yeltsin years with Russia, Russia could not help itself, and as we have seen, got up from a TKO on the 30th of Sept, 2015.

Second, they like referencing western sponsored media hit pieces in Serbia as proof of something. Most people see through the “Fog of War” – because this is a matter of fact, a WAR!


I’m not complaining, rather I’m supporting your position. I’ve in no way been malicious.


Those who claim that Russia is using this to send spies expose themselves as whack jobs and unwillingly work to improve the image of Russia.

Those who bind the medics work on anti West propaganda, shamelessly damage the Russian medics efforts.


Yep, Russian bio-weapons experts checking up on their handiwork and trying to learn how to handle it better when the Pandemic soon comes home to roost big time later this month.

And where oh where is Putz Putin the Poisoner since he disappeared into hidden isolation to keep from becoming just another Pandemic stat? While his Kremlin Pravda goons claim no problems in Glorious Mother Russia. The Great and Glorious Soviet and Czarist Russian empires await the residual RF in the dustbin of history. YEH!!! Bye bye…


He is afraid that wearing a mask will show a sign of weakness for his castrated voters


Right now the coronavirus would be at the bottom of the 35 leading causes of death on this planet. If other nations besides Italy are overstating their coronavirus deaths by a factor of 10. It wouldn’t even make the list. Collapsing national and world economies for a “pandemic” that doesn’t, and even if no containment was done, wouldn’t even make the top 10 leading causes of death is the scam of the century.



The Pandemic is the fourth highest cause of death in the world today, AH. And it is increasing at about 10% a DAY even with some draconian remediations. Try to keep up.



How do you come to that conclusion?


So why are your beloved Russians staying at home?


More of your tinfoil hat idiocy. And I used your own link and data to make my point. Look at the normal daily deaths by cause and you will see that the deaths from the Pandemic make it currently forth highest in the world. Now jump up and down and stamp your little feet and wave your arms and say not so, not so. Then divert, then lie, then blame the Jews or the Martians. You truly are an arrogant ignorant high school dropout nut case.




What normal daily deaths are you referring to? I just gave you the daily deaths and the virus at it’s current peak is only 5% of them. If you average it out over the past months it’s far less than 5% per day. And it’s clear that the deaths from the virus are vastly overstated.


You posted obfuscated nonsense devoid of mathmatics that only proves that you can’t prove your points like I prove mine with rational fact based evidence. Rather than spamming the thread with bulls— like you.


True, an agenda is being pushed. We have had 3rd & 4th stage cancer patients (in Serbia) under Immunosuppressive therapy (with a terminal prognosis) who have been categorized as SARS-CoV-2 victims. Healthy people do not succumb to the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19).


12 nations account for 75365 out of 81,987 coronavirus deaths. That’s 92% of all deaths. 9 out of 12 are NATO members. Two of them, Germany and Italy have already publicly admitted to massive fraud that up to 88% of the deaths aren’t listed as being caused by the virus on the death certificates. It’s reasonable to believe that others are engaged in similar fraud.




Even using the fraudulent coronavirus death statistics, they only account for 1/2 of 1% of the deaths on this planet so far this year. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9206e97b1a6a7063e090f7cc75ab49623682429c2ceefdc3aedb0f2034e57d58.png



This is an example of NATO coronavirus fraud:

“Published : March 24, 2020; Updated : April 3, 2020

The President of the German Robert Koch Institute confirmed on March 20, 2020 that test-positive deceased people are counted as “corona deaths” regardless of the real cause of death: “We consider someone with a corona virus infection to be a corona death was, «said the RKI President when asked a journalist (see video below).

According to experts, the number of deaths is severely relativized, since the patients die in many cases from their previous illnesses and not from the virus. Data from Italy show that over 99% of the deceased had one or more chronic medical conditions, including cancer and heart problems, and only 12% mentioned the coronavirus on the death certificate as a cofactor.”

– RKI relativizes “corona deaths” –


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